The Frontier. PUBIJS1!KD EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER HUNTING COMPANY KING A CRONIN, Editors. WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS. There are populists with horney Hats And a lino collection of mental twists; Queer old birds ns ever flew. Hupping about with a preut to-do. Flapping blindly about like bats: Tbore arc rows and rows of various cranks. With a faucet loose In their cerebal tanks; are the lists of the Isms and Ists, Hut where are the democrat*? Protection robs, while the Star-Eyed sobs And her beautiful head with anguish bobs; Culmlnators culminate, and most atro ciously legislate. Sawdust statesmen talk throughtholr hats They pant und put? In the ocean of guff. They dazzle tlio eye with the spray of their bluff; All sorts you soo, and mostly N. G., But whore aro the democrats? The tariff tax they keep on our backs, And new oommunlstlcal burdens In packs: They load us down and they do us brown, Thoy use the constitution for mats: The platform they oat, and Insert their fcot In their mouths as a pleasing additional treat A motly lojt thoy are, God wot, But whero aro the democrats? We view with awe those materials raw. Of etatesmanshlp this political slaw: This salad of slops, with a garnish of pops, And a pungent odor of ancient cuts: This unspeakable mix of politics. This savory mess of fraud and mix. There is cold and hot Herved up In the pot, But whero are the democrats? —[Nhw York Sun. AN OPEN LETTER. The following letter, published in the Ewing Democrat, almost explaines itself. Its author, D. G. Roll, is one of the in dependent supervisors who had the temerity to vote against the tax list steal, and for so doing was roundly abused by the Ewing Advocate, which v paper, it seems, had formed a combina tion with Kautzman. This letter is written by a straight populist and is an indication of how the better element of the party is taking the rank work of their officers: To the People’s Adyocate-rl cannot see the reason for the tirade you set up against me in your issue of February 16, unless it is to cover up a low down, measly steal on the part of some of the Independents of this county. I cannot see why one or two years ago you favored letting the county printing to the lowest bidder and this year to the highest bidder, unless it is foi the little bit of pitful patronage you told certain parties in O’Neill you expected to re ceive as a rake off. If you had the bright "business qualities” you boast of you could exist without upholding any such low down stealing on the part of any party, for the pitful sum you will receive, • Now if we, as independents, cannot practice what we preached before we came into power in this county, let us step down and say that we are no better than either of the old parties, and not Justify stealing by saying they did the same. Do not stand up and eulogize a man to the sky who voted to rob Holt county of 61,200 and put in the hands of parties whom it is plain to be seen are only working for the spoils, as they say "to the victor belongs the spoils,” and by their acts say "we are going to have them if we jump over platform and everything honorable to obtain them.” Now do not praise these men too highly. You had better remind them that they were under oath as well as bonds to work for the interest of Holt county and not for the masters of any politi cal party. Do not be so foolish as to commence a howl until you have some thing to bark at. Do not try to berate a man’s "business qualities” until you possess the "business qualities” to make an honest living without working for boodle. Yours for reform but' not for boodle, D. G. Roll. Whosoever The Frontier takes occasion to criticise Kautzman takes occasion to defend. If we were to attack the devil the result would be the same. The Jew would bo compelled to hasten to the rescue as a matter of self defense. _ _ The supreme court has held the state depository law unconstitutional, in so far as It touches the permanent school fund, which the court holds cannot be deposited under the act. The court holds that a bank deposit is in fact and law nothing but a loan. Evert democratic member of the house who would consent to express an opinion has said in substance: “It is not such a tariff bill as I wanted.” It is certainly not such a bill as any republi can wanted, therefore Mr. Cleveland is the only man who really wants such a bill. It seems from investigations made by the Mexican government that some rich Americans have been heavily investing in paper titles to Mexican land, A gang of American shakers are systematically working the scheme. They don’t own a foot of land but they have sold millions of acres. Last Saturday’s World-Herald gives editorial space to a communication, signed *‘A William V. Allen Man,” advocating fusion between populists and democrats next fall. As a scheme to catch the offices it might be a success, but as the action of the demociatic party, once respected for at least prima facie patriotism, it would be an everlasting disgrace. The independents have made records in congress and different coun ties in the state and they are of such a nature as to make a statesman of every man who advocates giving them par quet seats in the theatre of oblivion where they may be appropriately enter tained by the shades of other false prophets of other false gods. • ■> ' Boyd county towns are very anxious to secure telephone connections with the ontsiile world via O'Neill. While the line would he a source of groat con venience to the citizens of Boyd, we rather doubt that with a competing daily mail it would command patronage sullieieut to prove a remunerative in vestment for stock-holders. By observing closely the language used by Mr. Boll in his open letter to the Ewing Advocate, it will be noticed that the independent papers have thus early In their glorious summer of pros perity began imitating othur wicked publishers, inasmuch ns they hnve com bined to "rob" the tax pnyers on the tax list work. Mr. Boll says it is a steal and that the purloiners are not even making an attempt to live up to the platform upon which they were elect.ed; that thev nre in it for the money and not for the good of their country, all of which verities statements heretofore made by this paper and aside from that conclus ively demonstrates that great minds will occasionally get into the same rut. Tub decision of the secretary of the interior in regard to the Boyd county school lands may be good law but it docs not contain a particle of justice. It means simply that hundreds of inno cent purchasers will lose their improve ments, purchase price and homes. Tub Frontier is of the opinion that Mr. Humphey was in very poor business when he contested this matter in the first place. The state could afford to lose this land, especially after it had been indemnified, but these settlers are mostly poor men struggling to build a home for their families on those fertile prairies and can illy afford, to have their two years of hard and faithful labor confiscated b/ the government. The department is to blame for all this, too. It has allowed them to file, heard and determined contests and in some cases accepted proof. This decision should be tested in the courts anyway. It is a rank injustice. We are told that a very knowing ped agogue and a male grandmother, much disturbed on account of the great hue and cry that is being raised over the last tax list steal, are assiduously circu lating the statement among the unin formed that the work has never been done at a less rate than for which the contract was let this year. We desire to contradict this statement and call the promulgators of the falsehood to a showdown. It has invariably been let to the lowest bidder, and furthermore printed or written notice has always been given the publishers and none were denied the right to bid. The Ledger published it one year for 2 and 3, the Graphic for something like the same amount, and Tub Frontier also pub lished it once or twice for figures as low or lower. Two years ago the Sun did the work and got the best rate that has ever been paid, but the contract was let by the independents and to the lowest bidder. The total amount for the work, however, was less than was received by the Jew last year; and was less than he will receive this year. The Frontier’s criticism of the action of the independent board in re gard to county printing has set the pop ulist organs' tongues to wagging like bell clappers, and while they make as much noise, the vibrations lack the charming sweetness of chiming hells, but at the same time are endowed with fully as much reason. The burden of their song is that the law does not authorize the board to advertise for bids or to let the contract for less than legal rates. ■ In this we agree fully with our inconsistent brethren and refer our readers to the flies of The Frontier to prove that in times agone we have taken and maintained the same position; and we also refer our readers to the populist organs to prove that at those times they accused us of being thieves and boodlers and the independents used that argu ment against Joe Hunter in the last sen atorial tight and promised if they might be elected the work would be more cheaply performed and the county would save thousands of dollars. But now that these reformers are in the saddle they repudiate those promises and display a proficiency in dishonesty that was never approached by republi cans. The Jew seeks to excuse himself by charging that The Frontier, Graphic and Ledger combined have in a series of years taken from the county in over charges about $700. We are neither censor nor guardian for the Graphic and Ledger and have nothing whatsoever to say in regard to their bills, or ours for that matter, but are willing to admit the truthfulness of the charge for the sake of argument; and in that connection we will ask how the Jew finds any defense in proving that three papers stole $700 in a number of years when he himself has taken $2,700 in two years? It will be remembered that last year he got $1,500 for the tax list when it could have been done for $300. We have not commented upon this matter in attempt to prove that he has received too much money for his services but to show the inconsistency of his party. We claim that they should live up to their promises and if we did wrong in charging a fair price for our work, now that they have the opportun ity they should set a good example, keep their campaign pledges and save to the tax payer every cent that is possible. They may quote law fiorn Dan to liersheba but they will find it a difficult task to convince the public that when they pay $2,000 for workthat McArthur oilered to do for $300 they have not in reality for partisan purposes stolen the difference. While the law does not ex pressly state that they may advertise for bids for this work, it has been the custom and custom eventually and in variably makes a law of its own. The supreme court lias held that when once the board does advertise it is bound to accept and consider bids submitted. This printing business and similar methods practiced by republicans furn ished the independent party with pseudo cause for existence and with the promise to control these seemlng'y exorbitant charges a plurality of voters have en trusted the county’s business to their incompetent [hands, and now we find them doing the same identical things, on a larger scale, for which they censured others and attempting to justify them selves in the eyes ot their fellows by declaring that the other fellows set the example. But time employed in discussing this question further is utterly wasted. There is but one point to it: A reform board has paid a reform editor $2,000 for work that could have been done for $300. INDEPENDENT STEALS. At every meeting of. the board of supervisors they steal from the county $180, by charging for the day before the board meets and the day after it adjourns. By awarding the printing of the tax list to the Independent they have stolen over $1,500 from the people of the county. By employing more help in the treas urer’s office than is necessary and more than was employed under a republican administration, they are wrongfully spending the people’s money. By employing more help in the clerk’s office than is necessary and more thnn was employed under a republican administration, they are robbing the tax payers. By allowing the sheriff two deputies when he should do all of the work him self, they are heaping additional burdens upon the public. By recklessly plunging'the county into ill-advised and losing litigation that are increasing taxes. Employing John Morrow for a year at $2.50 per day as assistant expert, which was clearly a violation of our statute. By calling a grand jury last fall they heaped thousands of dollars of addi tional debt upon the county, and the benefits derived were absolutely nothing. Being the plurality party they are re sponsible for the continuance of the supervisor system, which costs the county over $50,000 more every year than that of the commissioner. Before election Joss Mullen promised that all the help he would ask would be one deputy and one clerk. Therefore, all the help he employs above that num ber is a steal, according to the words of his own mouth. Awarding the contract for publishing the proceedings to both the Sun and the Independent is a steal that will amount to considerable. Core for Headache As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to its influence. AVe urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bittere cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use uf this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50c at Corrigan’s drug store. WAYNE’S I lOINTMENTj ijwtthoot any infernal I 1 medicine, cures tet- a ■ ter.ecMOMk,itch, all" ?eruptions on the faoe.d needs, nose, Ac., tearing _ . l akin clear, white and healthy . _ ttoM hr druggist*. »r sent by mail for SO cla. Add rasa Dr. fcwavaa 4 boa, Philadelphia. Pa. Ask your druggist torii DR. McCREW la the only SPECIALIST WHO TREATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 18 years experience Gleet. stricture, syph ilis, varicocele, sper matorrhoea. lost inan krwwi ninkt 1/ibbod nervous, weak, formtfol. low spirits, all evil effects of early vice ami all disease* of the blood, skin, liver, kidneys and bladder. Instant relief, permanent core. Circulars free. 14th and Famam ate.. Omaha, Nkb. a SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always be Had -L"EGLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop, O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8, ETO. JJH. J. P. GILL1GAN, rnYSICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O’NEILL, NEB. £| H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judfee Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. E. W, ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praotloe in all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections J^B. B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases offthe Eye and Ear and fitting {lasses a specialty. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m, Offioe first door west of Helnerikson's J|ULLEE BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material" furnished, fobbing promptly attended to. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GEORGE A, McCUTCHEON, PROPRIETOR OP |- CENTRAL -| Livery Barn O'NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES HTdNEW TEAMS. Everything Firgt-Clagp. Barn Opposite Campbell’s Implement House A. J HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON 4. CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL -E VANS Enlarged Refurnished ' Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prbp. for sale by the Illinois Central It. R Co., at low prices and on easy terms. In southeastern Illinois, the best farm country in the world for either large or small fruits, orchards, dairying, raising stock or sheep. A greater va riety of crops with a greater profit can he grown on a less amount of land In this couutry than can be raised in any other portion of tills state. Don’t go elsewhere to buy lands for farms un til you see southeastern Illinois. All sales made exclusively by the land commissioner 1. O. It. it. Co. Special Inducements and facilities offered by the I. C. tt. K. Co, to go and see these lands. For full description, map and any Information, adre«s or call on C. p. 8KENE, Land Commissioner I. C. R. R. Co 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago. THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL~VPI JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. ’ 1 THE ■ STATE - BAN OP O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections! DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PI0NEER GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES HARDWARE. I carry the largest stock of Hardware, Tinware, Copper and Graniteware In north Nebraska and make a specialty of Eli Barbed Wire. In Implements I carry the Famous John Deere Plows, Cultivators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru City Cultivators. LdISTERS AND D RlfefeS Call and see me. I can save you money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’Neill. EMIL SNI66S, ■ PRACTICAL -HORSESHOER And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Car riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skillful style possible. First-class plow and machine work that can be relied upon. No new experience used in any branch of work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS. ■— Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows and cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranteed to beat the best. o’neill, neb. Inter Ocean Is tho most popular Republican Newspaper of the west ajjJ!£? largest.circulation. Terms by mail: Dally (withoutSunday)w>p. year; dally (with Sunday) 18 per year; semi-weekly, 8~ P^r J t weekly, 81 per year. As a newspaper the Inter Ocean keepsa _ of the tiroes in all respects. It spares neither pains nor ©xpt securing all tlie news and the best of current literature. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on account of mail service any other reason, do not take a daily paper. In its columns < be found the week’s news ot' all the world condensed and in© *■■. au of the literary features of the daily. As a family paper it ext western journals. It consists of eight pages with a supple*1*• n lustrated, in colors, of eight additional pages, making n» 1Bn;..#ter pages. This supplement, containing six pages of reL\“* “JffVnper. and two full page illustrations, is alone worth tho price or I The Inter Ocean Is published in Chicago, tlie news and commercial center1 f , of the Allegheny mountains and le net tor adapted to thi > ,1( the people of that section than any paper farther east. “ cord witli the people of the west both in politics and Liter.uu'1 ..oiler. »! t vgj vs; j|i 1 By special arrangement with the publishers of the Inter Ocean we are able to The Weekly Inter Ocean and The Frontier ,g; Both One Year for the Sum of One Dollar and. Fifty Cents, jj: Now Is the time to subscribe. .j