The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 22, 1894, Image 6

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The world la led by unseen power
Through darkness, four and light;
Mon a destiny Is not obseuro,
Kr God In man 1m rUlu.
•Hie Inner life Indeed reveals . L
The spirit’» sovereignty.
In every storm. In error, sin,
Is God’s divinity.
A deeper love than earthly lovo
Stirs in the humun soul:
It lights tho stars, it rules tho sox
3t reigns from polo to polo.
O brother, live for It alono,
Nor be deceived by fato:
For fate Is God. and God la love,
And lovo is heavon’s gate
—New York Sun.
lir H. HERMAN.
CHAPTER IV—Continued.
The result of the young lady's
solf-eomraunings was that sho
dawdled about hor toilet, that sho
took an unconscionable long time In
dressing, that sho hovered ovor her
lunch, and persisted aftorwards in
continuing an animated discussion
with Lord Gwendalo, who was pleased
to find his daughter intorestod in a
subject which interested him, and
for which sho had not shown any
previous sympathy.
Lady Kvclyne resorted, in fact, to
a dozen little schemes,' and as many
of tho recognized privileges of hor
sex, for the purpose of avoiding the
duchess garden-party, whore she
know she would meet Mr. Maclane.
Not that she had taken a sudden dis
like to the young man, or had re
solved upon a broach of their en
gagement, but hor volatile mind had
discovered a novel and pleasant at
traction, and fluttered around it
with that delightful indecision,
which is the cream of excitement in
tho lifo of a young lady of fashion.
It was nearly as enticing as the
tasting of some forbidden fruit.
Lady Evelyno knew that hor duty
bound her to Mr. Maclano, and that
no imago but his should obtrude it
self on her waking thoughts. There
was something spicily charming
about feeling a kind of stolon affoo
tion for one man, whilst, in promise,
bound to another, which pleased
Lady Evelyns, and made her fingers
tingle with a nearly voluptuous sen
The marchioness was already wait
ing in the drawing-room, dressed for
the garden party, when her daughter
was stilt in the dining-room, con
versing with her father about mat
ters for whioh, at any other time,
she would have evinced not the
slightest interest, and the details
and particulars of which she now
seemed most anxious to acquire.
Lady Gwendale was a patient lady,
and well accustomed to her daugh
ter’s foibles. When sho found that
Lady Evelyno had made no prepar
ations whatever for the function of
tho afternoon, she ordered her car
riage and drove away alone.
Kvelyne was happy when she
found that her strategy was success
ful She skipped upstairs to her
own room, and threw herself into an
armchair, whence she oould look out
upon the lawn and the green trees
beyond, and lose herself in a de
lightful revorie, whilst her maid
brushed and lcopt on brushing her
luxuriant hair. It seemed entranc
ing to her to abandon herself to this
day-dream, and a full hour or more
passed before the young lady was
aware of the effluxion of time. Even
thon it was only a message from
Lord Gwendale, which brought hor
to a senso of the everyday common
place. My lord, being for the nonce
particularly pleased with his daugh
ter. sent up to know if sho would
accompany him in a walk through
the parlu It had been so long since
the piarquis had thus honored hor
\ that she accepted tho invitation with
alacrity, and tlio balmy summer af
ternoon saw the pair among the
crowd of promonadors by the side of
tho Row.
Unlike her fathor. Lady Evelyne
boasted of a large circle oi
■ acquaintances, and though she
had hoped to find time, dur
ing the walk, to indulge in
the musings which had proved so
pleasant to her earlier in tho day,
her attention was now fully occupied
in saluting and returning salutes.
Sho stopped to exchange a few words
with my Lady This, or to ask a ques
tion or two of my Lady That or,
agaiir to talk banalities with the
young Lord So-and-So, while a con
tinuous smile played around hor
pretty lips. Under the influence of
this airy occupation, her previous
purpose vanished into thin haze, and
was momentarily forgotten, when, on
n. CIK^ilnn of. nf » _ ..
gentleman who was leaning against
the railings, Lady Lvelyno’s lace
turned pale, and her heart went pit
a-pat in an alatum, which—whether
it was painful or pleasant—the young j
lady knew not. j
It was a handsome face, bronzed !
by the sun, and two or three scars 1
gave it a peculiar charm, without !
Sv disfiguring it The bright dark •
eyes flashed in animated conversa- !
tion with a gentleman whom Lady !
Evelyn did not know, whilst the
brown, nervous hand twirled a small,
dark moustache, with unconscious
Lady Evelyne looked the gentle
man straight in the face, but he gave
no sign of recognition, and continued
V* an apparently agreeable converse.
Lady EveVyne’s fingers tightened and
SV her hreath became tardy. She nerv
ously gripped her father's arm.
••Look there,” she whispered.
“Purely that is Herbert Chauneey?"
My . lord put up his double eye
glasses and stared at the young man,
who avoided the old nobleman's
Va; glance wttta well-bred ease. Lord
: Uwendale did not know what to make
of it, for surely that was the young
earl of Cleve. It was true my lord
bad forbidden the young man bis
house, but why this absolute want of
recognition P
“Really, ray dear,” stammered the
marquis, “I—I—I do not know what
to mako of It This is Herbert
Chauncoy. I am sure it is Herbert
Chauncoy. Ho seoras purposely to
avoid us; lot us walk on.”
Lady Evelyno, however, was not to
lie thus easily frustrated. She walkod
right up to the young gentleman,
and, with her face beaming with the
sweotest smile, she said:
“Surely, I cannot be mistaken.
You are Lord Clove?”
“That is my name," tho gentleman
replied affably, but his manner
showed that he believed himBelf
speaking to a total stranger.
••nut uon t you know mo:" Lady
Evolyno continued, in umazoment.
“I have not that pleasure.” Lord
Clove roplied, as pleasantly as be
Evolyno felt a ball min# to her
“You don’t know me!” she ex
claimed, In half-suffocated wonder.
“You don’t know Evelyne Wyntor?”
“I am very sorry,” the young man
answored in an oveu-tempored, com
mon-place manner, “but Ido not"
Lady Evelyne stopped back and
bowod stiffly. She looked the young
man up and down with a withering
glance, which seemed to produce no
impression but a faint and curious
“Thank you, my lord,” she ex
claimod. and rejoined her father.
Yet, she could not help turning
her head.
Lord Cleve’s face had assumed an
expression of puzzled anxiety, and
her quickened ear caught the words
—barely whispered, as they wore, to
tho young man’s companion:
“Evelyne Wynter? Evelyne Wyn
ter? Ought I to know her? Do I
know her?”
“Let us go homo, pa, dear,” she
whispered, when she was again lean
ing on Lord Gwendale’s arm. “Let
us go home. I do want to cry.”
When Lady Evelyne walked away,
a flashing picture of proud annoy
ance. Lord Cleve followed her dis
appearing figure with hungry eyes.
Ho had long ago grown accustomed
to the failing which marked his
everyday intercourse.
“I suppose I knew her once," he
Baid to himself, with a sigh. “God!
how hard it Is not to be able to re
member. ”
His companion, a member of the
firm of solicitors who had served the
house of Chauncey for generations,
had purposely avoided interrupting
the little scene which took place be
fore his eyes. Solicitors are pro
verbially cautious, and Mr. Archi
bald Quonthelm was polished cau
tiousness personified. He was fully
aware that Herbert Chauncey had
been shown the door by Lord Gwen
dalo, and he did not, at that moment,
care to solve the question whether
or not Lord Cleve’s present 'conduct
was an intentional quid pro quo for
the marquis’ abrupt termination of
the former engagement, or whether
it was simply the outcome of the
young man’s affliction. But when
Herbert turned to him, with a pallid
sadness iu his face, and asked him,
“Can you tell me, Mr. Quonthelm, if
I ought to know this young lady?”
he felt himself absolved from the
consequouces of an abrupt explana
tion, and roplied:
“Certainly, my lord. You were
once engaged to be married to her.”
“You amaze me,” Herbert an
swered. “I have no memory of the
thing at all. Most likely I oared
very mu^h for her once, and perhaps
she cared for me—perhaps she cares
for me still. She must have thought
me very rudo. What did she say her
name was—Evelyne Winter? I won
der what Lucy would say if I were
to broach the idea of marrying."
A wistful little laugh tripped in
the wake of tho words.
“Lot us follow them, Mr. Quent
helm,” Lord Cleve suggested to the
solicitor, and the two pushed iheir
way through the little knots of
pedestrians towards the point where
Lady Evelyne and her father had dis
appeared from view.
“Do you know, that was a pretty
girl,” Lord Cleve continued, “and I
admire my own taste in having once
thought well of her. Not as pretty
as Lucy, though. I have never seen
any woman half as pretty as Lucy.”
Ho stopped for a moment and looked
into his companion’s eyes. “Nor a
millionth pait as good,” he added,
with serious emphasis. I’m sure I do
not know one-eighth of what she has
done for me—and never shall know,
I suppose—but thus far my first mem
vry curries me, lutu wnca i recovered
from my wounds, her face beamed
upon me like an angel's, and she has
been my untiring good angel ever
The search proved fruitless. The
marquis and his daughter had left
the park by Apsley gate, where the
great Piccadilly season traffic gaped
to engulf them.
While they were standing by the
edge of the sidewalk, consulting with
one another whither to turn their
steps, a peculiar incident attracted
their attention.
Two gentlemen were endeavoring
to shoulder their way through the
crowd, so as to be able to reach Rot
ten Row, and in their efforts they
found themselves face to face with
Lord Clove. One was an elderly man,
tall and squarely built, with long,
sparse, grey hair, and a face cleanly
shaven but for a small grey tuft at
the chin. His was not an agreeable
iseo, but scarred and. freckled. A
cruel face, with thin, whitish lips
and ugly square jaws, and with
shifty, small, cold, greyish-brown
eyes. The second man was much
younger and not so tall as the other.
His reddish-brown hair was cut shorta
anti his board of a similar color,
cropped close. He resembled the
older man, so that he might have
been taken for his son, but his
features were of a more pleasant
typo. Both wore of unmistakable
American extraction, though dressed
according to the latest London
fashion. The younger man's gaze
was the first to meet Lord Cleve’s,
and he turned a greenish pale under
the bronze of his skin. Ifd staggered
back a pace, and excitedly gripped
tho older man’s arm. The latter,
thus directed, also looked full at
Herbert, and his face became an
ashen white, while his teeth seemed
to rattle.
Lord Cleve stared at the two men
with ill-suppressed and amused inter
est. At that moment the crowd
swayed a little on one. side, and the
young nobleman was by it borne
away from the two Americans.
“Did you notice those two men?”
he asked his companion, when they
wore strolling along the less-crowded
footwalk of Piccadilly. “Something
shocked them, for they were both as
palo as sheets.”
“The younger of the two,” replied
the lawyer, “is Mr. David Maclane,
a very rich American, who, 6trange
to say, is engaged to be married to
Lady Evelyne Wynter. The elderly
gentleman is his uncle.”
“Maclane ?” was Lord Clove’s
startled exclamation. “That is Lucy’s
name. Lucy’s name is Lucy Maclane.
These men seem to know me, and to
be shocked and surprised to meet
me. I must ask Lucy about this.
You must excuse my excitement, Mr.
Quenthelm.” ho added with a frank
smile. “That poor broken head of
mine can bear so little, and at nearly
evory step in this Old World hive I
come across something that surprises
Me—something I ought to have re
membered, and which has gone from
my memory. That gentleman, you
say, is engaged to marry Lady Wyn
ter. To tell you the truth, Mr.
Quenthelm, I prefer the lady’s ap
pearance to that of her intended
husband. ”
“You most probably met Mr. David
Maclane and his uncle out on the
Western prairies,” the lawyer sug
gested. “Their wealth consists of
vast gold and other mineral deposits
in the Rocky mountains, and I have
been credibly informed that up to
some few years ago they were far
from rich."
“I never came across them that I
know of," Lord Cleve replied, “and I
don’t remember ever having been in
the Rockies. Mine was a prairie life;
at any rate, as far back as I can rec
ollect Gold was found, I know, in
large quantities, about Pike’s Peak
and elsewhere, but it never troubled
me. The hunt for gold had no en
ticement whatever for me. You see
I have not been over-strong, and the
excitement would have been more
than I could well have borne. You
smile,” he added. “I look a sort of
juvenile athlete, do I not? I am
sound enough in wind and limb, but
I can’t bear much here.” With that
he touched his forehead, and a sad
smile spread over his handsome
“Miss Lucy Maclane is staying
with you, my lord?” Mr. Quenthelm
Herbert’s face brightened, and the
smile became a coutented one.
"Lucy never leaves me,” he said.
“She is too fond of mo.”
"You lived all these years on the
prairies together?” was the fur
ther inquiry.
“Quite so,” Lord Cleve replied,and
noticing an expression of cynical in
credulity and satirical bonhomie on
his companion's face, he shook his
head, and added: “We lived together
as a brother and sister might, neither
more nor less. Ah! you find it hard
to beliove this, but it is so. I would
have married Lucy a hundred times
if she had consented,but now I would
no more dare to ask her than I would
a seraph or a fairy. ■’
Part of the Recital.
Tennyson’s wonderful poem, “The
Revenge,” was first published in the
Nineteenth Century in 1878 or 1879.
On the eve of its publication, Tenny
son invited between thirty and forty
of his most intimate friends to his
house in Eaton Square, in order that
ho might recite this patriotic piece
to them. As the poet proceeded in
his rich and sonorous tones, the
favored fow hung upon his words.
When ho reached the last lines—
“And the whole sea plunged and fell on the
shot shattered navy of Spain,
And the little Revenge herself went down by
the island crags.
To be lost evermore In the main-”
the feelings of all present were
strung up into excitement and en
thusiasm, when, to the amaze
ment of all, the laureate added, with
out the slightest pause and without
the least change of tone in his voice,
“and the beggars only gave me three
hundred pounds for it, when it wan
worth at least five hundred pounds
or more.”--Argonaut.
Bills* of Various Lengths.
English speaking countries have
four different miles, the ordinary
mile of 5,280 feet, and the geograph
ical or nautical mile of 6,085 feet,
making a difference of about one
seventh between the two Then
there is the Scotch mile of 5,928
feet, and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet
In fact, almost every country has its
own standard mile.
On* Blotter Explained,
Mrs. Wickwire—I don’t believe a
man’s love is as steady as a woman's
Mr. Wickwire—Of course it isn’t
When a man is really in love he can’t
think of anything else. But a woman
can hold her attention to keeping her
hat on straight even when her lover
is kissing her for the first time.
In all countries more marriages
take plaoe in June than in any other
May Become ■ Necessity for Old Or*
charcla in the Fight Against Disease
and Insects—Soar Slop—Farm Notes
and Home Hints.
Fruit Rotation.
Crop rotation has become quite
essential to agriculture in order to
keep up the fertility of the soil, but
very few seem to consider it neces
sary to extend this same plan to the
fruit trees, .vines and shrubs. Never
theless, it is pretty well known now
that the continuous growing of any
one crop of fruits in one place tends
to concentrate all of the blights,
diseases and fungi that injure our
plants. Often the only way to
destroy these diseases is to kill off
all of the plants and trees, and to
burn root and branch. By trans
ferring the orchard to another part
of the farm we can often obtain better
results than if we devoted all our
time to spraying and picking off in
fected leaves.
We generally select the best soil
for potatoes and wish to grow them
there continually, but in time blight
and rot make it impossible, and w'e
have to move the potato field. The
same is true with onions, sweet pota
toes, cabbages and other vegetables.
Now the same holds exactly true
with raspberries, blackberries, cur
rants and other plants. We can in
some instances keep down the dis
eases by continuous spraying, but in
time the diseases become so general
that an extra wet season is sure to
make the fungi get the better of us.
Our strawberry beds should* be
changed every few years and placed
in new localities where diseases will
not make their life precarious, says
the American Cultivator. Raspberry
vines, currants and gooseberry
bushes cannot be moved so easily,
but new orchards have to be planted
every year or so, and these new ones
should be planted as far from the old
ones as possible. Even in the apple
and pear orchard something in this
line can be done. Old orchards as a
rule suffer more from blight than
young ones, and grubs and insects
increase rapidly in numbers. If the
new orchards are planted right along
side of them they are infested with
the insects and diseases early in their
life. Grape vines require a change
probably more than any other fruit,
and every new vineyard planted
should be separated from the old ones.
If the land is planted with other
crops for a couple of seasons the
germs of diseases will get out of the
We can ward off disease fairly well
with spraying, and it is right that
this should be kept up persistently,
but with the present increase of in
sects and diseases in old orchards
the future must bring about such
changes that it will be absolutely
necessary to adopt a system of rota
tion in our ffait crops the same as
now practised with other crops. It
is also a question to be considered
whether such a change would make
a vast difference in the soil product
iveness. We know the rotation for
field crops makes the soil richer, and
improves it so that the crops are
larger and better. Do not all fruit
trees, plants and vines draw from
the soil certain elements which
must be supplied in the cheapest
way by a rotation?
Soar Slop.
I have never yet been able to get
any of the sour slop advocates to tell
me why the sour, fermented, rotten
stuff they recommend as the food
for swine is better than pure and
sweet food. It is just an old-fash
ioned idea handed down from father
to son from time immemorial, and
has no more foundation than the jail
out of which the prisoners used to
dig- with the ace of spades.
The principal elements of nutrition
in corn is contained in the sugar and
starch found, and when we soak this
corn until it sours we change these
two elements into a new one (acetic
acid) and losd the greater part of the
feeding value of the corn by the
change, for certainly no one will at
tempt to maintain that acetic acid
(vinegar) has any value as a food.
Soaked corn, if fed before souring, is
preferable as a food to dry, hard
corn. It softens it and the juices of
digestion act upon it more readily,
digestion is hastened and at the
same time more perfect. But let it
remain in soak until it sours and we
ruin all the good we have done had
we fed it at the proper time.
A brood sow requires a specially
arranged pen for the safety of the
young pigs. It should be at least
eight feet square, and have safe
guards around the sides so that the
little pigs may escape under them
when the old sow lies down, and
escape being crushed, as many are,
for want of this guard. It consists
of a board fitted to the side of the
pen at right angles thereto, and eight
inches from the floor, supported by
upright pieces at distances of two or
three feet.
The feed trough should be built
close to the floor so that no spaces
may be left for the pigs to crawl in
and get fast. The trough should be
shallow, so that the pigs may not get
in and be drowned. A second apart
ment should be provided, so that one
of them may be kept clean, which
the sow will be careful to observe,
for a pig is a .cleanly animal when
the facilities for cleanliness are af
Wind Breaks Sometimes In|nrlo««.
A tree circulation ol air, especially
on low ground, is often a better
guarantee against injury from freez
ing than is a wind break. It is in
cold still weather, rather than when
winds are blowing, the frost set*
ties down into valleys, and there
does great damage to vegetation,
while that on higher land exposed
to wind escapes. Animals feel
cold most in the wind. They are
giving off warmth from consumption
of air and food, and the wind brings
cold air to the surface of the skin as
fast as that in contact with it can be
heated. The most intense cold very
rarely is carried by winds along the
earth's surface. It comes from the
upper regions of the atmosphere in
times when the air is still except
for cold air setting down and the
warmer air rising. Hence it often
happens that tender fruits like
peaches often escape winter killing
when planted on side hills, while
their buds will be blasted when the
trees grow in the sheltering lower
lands in the valley. Yet for a resi
dence the valley might well be the
warmest—American Cultivator.
Keeping Up the »tandt»r<L
If every farmer would head his
poultry each year by birds not re
lated to the fowls on his place he
could make enough out of 103 hens
to supply hid family with all the
groceries needed and still have
enough left to pay for the feed.
This is probably true even when all
the eggs and chickens used on the
place are counted in if the flock is
given good care. The purchase of
cockerels from a known breeder each
year is best as long as one is using
graded stock, but the .proper way to
do on the farm is to run a good yard
of pure breeds and buy or exchange
for a good hen or pullet, and keep
her eggs separate, mark her chicks
with a pinch in their feet and keep
only cockerels from these and pullets
from your own stock. The half
blood outcross is enough each year,
but this needs care and judgment
to keep the breeding distinot.
Farm Motes.
Don’t neglect salting the cows.
Clover should be cut very fine
when fed to the hens.
The dairyman must not begrudge
the cow all she will eat
Rye furnishes good pasture and is
a good green manure crop.
In England considerable attention
is paid to raising pheasants.
Turkeys picked dry command bet
ter prices than when scalded.
The ducks intended for spring lay
ing should not be made too fat
Common stock on the markets al
ways have to stand back till the bet
ter classes are sold.
The temperature of the cream has
more to do with the butter coming
than most people think.
If you have never tried dehorning,
or preventing the growth of horns,
try it We prefer prevention.
It takes an active man to succeed
at dairying. The lazy man better
look somewhere else for a soft snap.
The mare is more profitable on the
farm than the gelding, because she
will do about a3 much work and
raise a colt each year.
If an animal is once allowed to be
come very poor, it will require so
much feed to bring it back that it
will not be very profitable.
The American Sheep Breeder says
that exercise makes wool; quiet and
sleep make fat. Sheep in prime
stock order yield the strongest
staple; but the fiber of a fat sheep is
stronger than that of a poor one.
There is no reason why a man or
woman who has been milking cows
and making butter for years, with
plenty of dairy literature at hand,
should not be as competent as any
man employed in the creamery is.
The farmer who centers his hopes
in grass and cattle, says an ex
change, will have a much more even
and satisfactory course before him
than the one who depends mainly on
grain. For one thing, he does not
find it so difficult to keep his land
up. _
Home Hints.
Cream boiled makes the coffee
richer and does not chill-it.
in beating whites of eggs for
meringue or frosting do not add the
sugar until the egg is stiff.
Flatirons should be kept as far re
moved from the steam of cooking as
possible, as this is what causes them
to rust.
Canned tomatoes are nice stewed
and baked m alternate layers of rice
or macaroni, seasoning the layers
with butter, pepper, and salt.
In making coflee reryember that
the broader the bottom and the
smaller the top of the vessel in which
you prepare it the better the coffee
will De.
If tea be ground like coffee or
crushed immediately before hot
water is poured upon it, it will yield
nearly double the amount of its ex
hilarating qualities.
To cut fresh bread so that it may
be presentable when served, heat the
blade of the breadknife by laying
first one si.le and then the other
across the hot stove.
Always keep a jar of cracker dust
on hand for breading, or else save up
all pieces of broad and once a month
dry them in an open oven, then place
them in a bag and pound until fine.
Mix fine sawdust with glue to a
stiff paste for filling nail holes or
cracks, and the patch will hardly be
discernable, especially if the sawdust
is of the same wood that is mended.
Almost anything made with bak
ing powder can be raised quito as
well with sour milk or buttermilk
and soda, allowing one even tea
spoonful of soda to each pint of milk.
In preparing frogs for the -tabic use;
only the hind quarters. Wash in
warm water, then soak in vinegar
and salt for an hour. Scald them and
then remove the skin, wipe dry and
fry in butter.
Headache and
Ringing Noises
Hood’s Sarsaparlla Taken for On*
Benefits the Other.
“C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass •
"Ever since a child I had been v, ,
with roy ears. When I was n. t deaf th
were ringing noises in them that
l'®lnf id®af‘ } would cry?or &
account of the rain. Then Ywartiibn*11*,0?
headache both day and night*8!1 mw1Ui
fS&‘*A*®* “°fe HtSflli nl/h“UWI Z
2, \ uiuro Revere at niiri.t T
t ticed an advertisement of Hood's w“°“
ilia and decided 1 would get a<l^ntYi«rsa.Par'
f t would heir, i^fSl?J:?™eanasee
if it would help uiy head, never thinking
Hood ssa Cures
that It would help my ear. After tnlrin*
few doses I perceived that It was hclnhj^mi
head so I continued with It for some
when to my surprise and Joy I reaffidte
it was not only helping my head but tha{h *
My Ear Was Better.
£°w \ nnt troubled with either and I ows
!‘ ?!J £ ? bntsaparllla. I could praUe
IZ “i? ^ ® i could Draisn
It all day and then not say enoughtlS
Mias ALTA Wbstow, Lake City, Colmsrie U'
Hood’s Pllls_are the bc'stfamllycatlisr.
tic, gentle and effective. Try a boxf25 cents.
Aooiupletaiet otoar 1* •dirertiwmenlsToTdiich thisSSo l
Tie Mb w«rlb *ii, ud «• .III ullow ,,, ib,!SZjJti
“ In “'•'ollowiu, ».y: If „ „I, l,
•bFlMrSds;aptr immediately aft,,-tl.ehutomSr
peart, together mtk the name and address of both nWL
WORTH 940. Only one Feed Cutter to any one i-son. ™
Thie makes the cash payment only $15 for thi» Feed Cutter
which will be found as superior to any now in use as the
Aerni°tor wwto anything in existence when it first appeared,
ana will drivo from the field all competitors and take *nd hold
the trade in Feed Cotters as the Aermotor, the Aermotor Steel
Fixed sndSte<,l Tilting Tower have in Windmills MidTowers.
The talent which the Aermotor Company has shown in revi*
lng, revolutionizing, getting and holding the windmill buiinew
of the world, can be turned to many fields in .he agricultural
implement line and it proposes toahow what it can do by taking
«p a numlier of articles, making them of steel ami putting them
in their final shape at a single strike as was done in the cue
of the Windmill and Steel Tower, and it proposes tofursuh
m**b» at a greatly reduced price.
™4* ^ CatteL wifi only he famished on
the anove terms. THESE TERRS GITE TO THIS 80118 Of
** AOviiRTMrBrjrre A caeh Turn or ns. wiu,™oto
other articles for which wa will accept these advertisements or
single eopies of them. In part payment. One will be s Steel
Hand Track, in whieh we feel a special pride in showing out
Bull as revisers and improvers of staple articles. The eub
requirement with this will he ridiculously small.
The third advertisement in this series will show a Steel Cir
culer Saw and Frame, for farm and sawyers' use. It ii i
“• and rune with very much lets power than ordinary him
“ and has a heller saw. THIS $40 SAW A.1D
RENT No. 9,
localities where W3 can we are going to make
beral offers to accept copies of these ndver*
tisements in part payment for Windmills.
have any thought of using a wind
this year write us at oner, stating
what you think you will need.wliethei
‘ Pumping or Reared, and if possible
we will make you a liberal offer.
The past year, though one of
unparalleled nnanciai an*
turhaoce and business de
pression was one of |reat
prosperity to tlie Aer
motor Co. Tin fact
that the Aeriuotor
Co m the part
six years has
Lessened the
Celt ef
te the
to Ooe-felxib
of (la foranr
Price has re
dounded greatly to
its benefit and hai
brought to its factory
an enormous volump of
business. Even et the very
low prices at which we fell
Steel Windmills and Steel
Towers, in ado in the most perfect
manner, of the most perfect ma
terial, and GALVAN I ZED-AFTER*
THR METAL, it is possible to save a few
cents on each outfit, and these few cents
n the enormous number of outfits are wholly
derived more pleasure from tlio service it lias ren
dered a great number ot people end from the pride
*t takes in doing well whatever it put* its bands to,
than from the money it make* from its enterprise.
Thia year, beoauie it buys its material more cheaply ana ex
pects an enormous increase in its ever growing business, B
offer* It* patrea* a mi Increase la the quantity aad qnellly af
material employed la the eoaslrnctloa of 1U Steel Toner*, The
accompanying diagram, 21*2x2 1-2 shows ihe *maliest aiiRie
that will be used by it in the comer post* of Towers, even tor
the 8-ft. wheel. For the ltift. we use 4x4. Thousand* of low
of Angle* for Tower*, eold-rolled and very itrslghtand perieel
aro now belay delivered at onr work*. Utheis who have a
few tons, and therefore a year's supply, of 2x2 angle wlucii
they are using for 8-ft., 10-ft., and even for 12 ft wheels, wm
read this paragraph with surprise and sorrow, siuce we hive not
previously given them any information concerning what we
will use for 94. _ ...n ,«
The Aermotor Co. proposes to distribute F600 l« Ci-B M
PRIZES for the best essays written by the wife, son or
of a farmer or mer of a windmill, answering the ■
“WHY SHOULD 1USE All AERBOTOR »” For cone, it ions or
competition and amounts and numbers of prizes send *«' I
ticuUrs to the Aerinotor Co., Chicago, or to its branched •
Francisco, Kansas City, Lincoln, Neb., Sioux City, low**
neapolis, Buffalo, or 05 Park Place, New York City. 4eni■ *»
Pumping and Geared same price, All Steel, all galvanized-.
Completion, delivered free on cars at Chicago and slurp*
any one, anywhere, at the follow ing price*- ~ . ns
8-ft. $2S. 12-ft. C50. l6-ft.SI2»
Ooon this Can.
flog Cholera this Lp
r „
e> soiteninff 1
io equal.
i Housewife’s Best
TREES anti PA»*^dealer f«f
MOLINE “g5S.&<
Mfrt.of FlneiDf*”
don't n&ndle our line write u»,
end we will Inform you whera
to buy them. Ask for our 12.30.
f8.l0 and $4.00 Shoes. Bktteu
Than any other Make. - „n
FABMS.ntiproperty, mercha"^<M
Sale or Exchange. I Kt' ,reo
sale or mciw'f. -
KINOES. 3il SO. lot*1 SI”
hiohmt CAsn prw p««ul»r
FOR SALE,^m&»^
Fwh'llntler. M<1 o’moba.
E brick »*
TRADE O' JiJ?A?£w5SC*o«a
Tll.K i’l.ANT, Dsiason. . ,
Bonght and Ml* on
Circular. Hnwltey*
C*» No. S Nam Fork m* ua__
l aad CapUo'^th
Hotel Dellone^s
_ o^iffSSS.