THE FRONTIER. rWLItUKD STRUT THURSDAY BY Tbb Frontier Frjntiko CO. O’NEILL. •> NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. Auhvus has turned out a theatrical troupe. Tin: Modern Woodmen have organ ized ut Elgin. The News is a comparatively new patter at Ashland. Norfolk husan opportunity to secune an oatmeal mill. A nsw Presbyterian church will be erected at Monroe. An effort is being- made to organise a cornet band at llladen. Many strangers are visiting Dodge county looking for land. A camp of Sons of Veterans is to be organized at ltcnkelman. St'iucRiprtoNS are being taken in West Point for a tine bell. A series of cottage prayer meetings are being held In Fremont. Skvkkai. deaths from diphtheria aro reported from Boyd eounty. Many of the school children of Nel son are down with measles Rev. C, C. Wilson of Ord offers 8J for the return of a stolen rooster. Tub new M. E. church in South Omaha was dedicated last Sunday. David Brown has been appointed re ceiver of the Mortoa house in Nebraska City. Hastings is circulating a subscription list to pay off the Y. M. C. A. indebted ness. Ai.furd Pktersox of Stroms burg was severely injured by falling from a load of hay. Drranky, the Nance county wife murderers, is billed to hang on the 4th , of next May. Tub Norfolk sugar factory has con tracted for 2,700 acres of beets for the coming season. Burns & Rutt of Beatrice donated twenty-eight boxes of crackers to the poor of that city. Edgar Harman, a Lincoln newspa per man, died last week. His remains were buried at Auburn. Senator Mandriison has introduced the old Paddock bill relative to the sale of the Otoe and Missouri reservation. Tub dads of Franklio county pur chased the creamery building at Bloom ington and will convert it into a jail. A sneak thief succeeded in getting away With a 8150 diamond from the store of August Meyer of Grand Island. Mna StioiiAN of Broken Bow has brought suit against Daniel Bellinger, . a merchant of Callaway, for 85,000 for alander. Ed 8chackklton of Sparka brought five hogs to Valentine that tipped the beam at 454 pounds each and brought him 888.75. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cranston of Uartington was found dead in bed. The doctors pronounced it a case of heart failure. Tub ladies of Table Rock have open ed a public reading room and employed a librarian to attend to it. It will be . supplied with books, papers and maga zinea J. M. Murdock, ex-manager of the . Lincoln School Supply company, was arrested last week on the charge of em bezzling 8852.38 of the company's ; fund*. A R. Bower, the Fremont Normal atudent who plead guilty to passing forged paper, was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment and to pay a tine of 810. ' Tub little village of Pleasanton, twenty miles north of Kearney, was entirely wiped out by tire. The only building left in the busineas part was the bank Tub necessary expenses for making a preliminary survey of the canal route were raised in Fremont by popular sub scription, and the work wifi be immedi ately commenced. The Missouri Pacific railway company filed a petition in the supreme court last week as plaintiff in error asking for a reversal .3*^■' ? °p' ,to answer to their names h*4 tempted to break the quorum* al' cessfully, the roll call devri^innas',c presence of 208 members! * P ? the Mr. Wilson tried to make Aflt. fn oloen 4L. a a meni 10 close the debate J *re amendments relating to them«Pl“dl' schedule, but Mr. Cochran !v'nel and Mr. Wilson moyedtl^tV“¥'* J* closed. Mr. C^XVanfi^ terleg, but could only rallv tA® 'bt port ten New York members „*'? *u flcient to secure tellers and tlm m was carried. llle ®°t« Mr. Terry’s amendment tn ,, amendment placing agricultural • plements of all kinds on the ft? was lost, 84 to 13. the free 11 Mr. Cochran made the noint quorum, but tellers disclosed «L *1 encb of a quorum and the amend P” was lost, 85 to 105. ameQdme] Before consideration of the ta,; bill was resumed, Mr. Hopkins,/ publican of Illinois asked that hour be set aside for consideraTT " the lead schedule, but Mr objected and the house went im^‘a mittee of the whole. Co” ...¥p: Hire’s amendment to the stitute, imposing a 35 per cent , °n ‘ITricultural ,1, e*cept as against countries ac mitting similar articles free, inWhi,' alw l^Ttf 8haU g° °“the ,re® «*, •«•« FOUND WITH HIS THROAT CUT A Former Nebraskan, Now In Cnllform, Tell* a Peculiar Story. Hastings, Neb., Jan. 20.— Advice' received from Pasadena, Cal., tell „ the finding1 of Captain A D. Yocum the streets there with his throat nr one night last week. He was taken t( his home, medical assistance sum moned. and there is some chance t. his recovery. Yocum claimed he \va the victim of footpads, but as it wai his own knife that was used, thu theory is not believed. Captain Yocum was a few years a in Mayor of Hastings, wealthy, a lawvei of pronounced ability and a politioiai whose influence extended over tin state. Two years ago on the stm t of this city he shot and killed Myrn Van Fleet, a young man who * lia defamed Yocum’s daughter, a beaut; ful young girl, by claiming that .sh was unduly intimate with the negr coachman. At the trial he was convicted 0 manslaughter and sentenced to ou year in the penitentiary, but was iit mediately pardoned by Govorin Boyd. _ He than left with his famil for California. There was some Jour as to Van Fleet's trnt'* Senate Procedlnge Washington, Jan. 25.—In the sanat to-day, Mr. Squire of Washiugto presented resolutions of the chaaibe of commerce of Seattle, Wash., prc testing against placing coal an lumber on the free list. He state that 20,000 men in his state were dt pendent on the coal industry for eir ployment and that lumbering was on of the greatest industries of the state In presenting a petition of Kansa citizens against the Wilson bill, Mt Peffer said that he was not favorabl to that measure. The resolution of Senator Alin Populist of Nebraska, declaring tlia the contemplated issue of bonds b the secretary of the treasury was ur authorized by law and that such bone were illegal, was then taken up an Mr. Allen addressed the senate in fa vor of the resolution. BOTH MEN ARRESTED. Corbett and Mitchell Under Bondi h Breach of the Peace. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. S5---’ Mitchell and Corbett left the groum they were both arrested, charged wit breach of the peace. Both gave bai LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARK El 15 Quotations from New York, Chicago. Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAHA. Butter—Creamery print. JJ* ® Butter—Fair to good country.. ' Kggs—Fresh . ” Honey—1 er lb. J? Chickens—Dis ssed, per®. 1 S Geese-Per lb. 5 S Uysters . JJ ft Apples—Per box. Ji? j; ‘.i Potatoes 65 (!? 1 uiaivua.. ......— 1 Beans—Navy.■■■;’*! a,, Cranberries—Cape Cod,per bbl bw Hay—Per ton . . • weet Pot atoes—J Beeves—Stockers.. a,;! Steers—Fair to good.21. a;i-; Steers—Westerns.. . j Sheep—Lambs .; ,2 j; Sheep—Natives. 2 ,J 65K« 4t ® 11 Ci n 1 Wheat-No. 2, red winter . Corn—No. . „ „ Data—Mixed western.f! gr, ... Lard.“ CHICAGO. Wheat—No. 2 spring. Corn—Per bu. oj 59y® a> t‘ '!J3 13 8 i2«® ? 58 S) Oats—Per bu. I’ork. Hogs—Packers and mixed. •• ^ i: Cattle—Oom. steers to extra. • Jy« g; Sheep—Lambs. ST. LOUIS. Wheat-No. 2 red. cash. Corn—Per bu. 2» Oats—Per bu. ,!• 44 5 Hogs—Mixed packing. i «« a 4 Cattle—Native stoers."••• ,w KANSAS CITY. 0 Wheat—No. 2 red. cash. al m Corn—vo. 2. 2H @ Oats—No. 2.005 0 I'uttle—-Stockers and feeders •• - • ^ 3 Hogs—Mixed packers.3 fifteen People Cremated by 5*p Berlin, Jan. 2fl.—A disp“rain Orenburg says a passenger ^ lided with a freight train near ara, Russia. Five naphtha trues set on fire and fifteen people lost Uves Furchased a Gold Mlnr* A syn't'f Df.xvkr, Col., Jan. 2*5- - ■ , .f Engiisli capitalists, headed r .ondon bouse of Mountain " invc purchased the I iear Black Hawk, for *•>, • ’ „ >ast twenty years ‘he air Luced from *30,000 to *200,ouo »