The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 25, 1894, Image 8

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A Tomb Portuene«e Man Won and
Kept Ilia rretty Urlda.
At one time if a Japanese girl mar
ried a foreigner she was instantly
decapitated. A Portuguese gentle
man whom we mot in Yokohama
related his experience in this direc
tion. Be wont there thirty years ago
and fell in love with a Japanese girl.
Her parents warned her of the fatal
consequences of marrying him. He
was young and ardent and she
‘‘If you agree to marry me 1 will
die with you,” he snid.
“Then I will marry you, die or
live,” the pretty maiden said.
He was a Catholic, and he had
promised his parents not to marry
out of his religion.
, "Will you join the church?” he asked.
"Join anything,” said she; "we die
. They eloped and visited the nearest
priest, who advised them against their
fatal marrldge, but to no purpose.
"She cannot bo baptized, confirmed
and married all in the same day,"
said the priest
"She must” said the lover.
“I must,” said she, "for we both die
to-morrow morning.”
The priest waived a few customary
rules to fit the occasion and performed
all three ceremonies at once, and then
interceded for the bride's life. The
mikado decided that he would not be
head the Portuguese, but the girl
should die. The priest warned him,
saying; "She is row a Portuguese,
too, and you would better postpone
the decapitation until you confer with
the Portuguese government"
Time was granted. The priest per.
suaded. The husband pleaded. The
Portuguese government demanded.
After a correspondence which lasted
five years, and in which the British,
American and other consuls or repre
sentatives took much interest the
young woman was permitted to live.
Mr. La Rosa, the happy husband, is
now in business with a family sur
rounding him.
He, it is said, is the first European
who dared to marry a Japanese.
The Jury Could Not Afroo With Them
selves or With tho Judge.
lt'* ' Dhtinj t recent sitting of the assise
utan np-eountry town In Australia
the lut case hod been reached in dne
course, and the Judge hoped to finish,
it in time to leave the town by the
usual dally coach which started at
S o’clock. Happily, the case came to
1 • an end about half-past 3, and after his
hsnor had delivered a rberge dead
against the prisoner, the jury retired
to consider their verdict. After about
half an hour or so they returned, and
the foreman imparted the informa
tion that there was no chanee of an
!);; agreement
The judge took it by no means mild
ly. "The case is as clear a one as
v aw went to a jury." Then he re
charged them violently against the
prisoner They again retired, and
y1 after some twenty minutes they re
turned. They could not agree. His
honor fumed.x What was the difficul
ty? They had heard the evidence.
Was not the ease as clear as could
be?" An evidently large majority of
the good men and true chorused a
V; "Tea yer honor." “We’re eleven to
oee,’’ said the foreman. "Why, it
h-V..- »P«eks for itself. There must be a
very obstinate man among you. What
' ]t is the difficulty?” asked the judge.
• Eleven pairs of reproachful eyes
?, centered themselves on a very uncom
fortable juryman. "May I explain,
yer honor?" said he. at last, in a
■ • deprecating tone of confidence. "Yes,
oertalnly—of course explain. It’s as
i£V clear a ease as ever I tried." "Well,
the faot is, yer honor, them other
eleven wants to find him ‘Hot guilty,’
and I’m the only one that agrees with
yer honor." Complete collapse of
learned judge.
oius IN MM m WHM,
,!, • A man with a thin coat and a verv
red noaa loitered on the atreet and
atrnek every passer*by lor a few cents
with which to get a night’s lodging.
A tall yonng man came bustling down
the street. The red-nosed man stood
directly in his path, and-began: “My
^ friend, I’m a molder by trade and I
got sick last summer and I’m hungry
and I want to get a few cents to get
something to eat and a night’s lodg
' ing. I’ve got seven cents—” “Ah!”
' * said the tall young fellow, grasping
- his outstretched hand and shaking it
oordially, “you’re just the man I want
to see. Give me a nickel, will you?'’
v "f And the red-nosed man was so sur
prised that he almost did it
$ vy ' ■ - ---
Hu Anlits Baoeeufol Bankrupt*
There is an Individual in New York
who makes a good living by dealing
in securities which have a purely
speculative value, and which in many
eases are known to be worthless. He
buys these cheap for cash and sells,
them to men who go into fraudulent
bankruptcies and want to make a
£ - showing of assets to their creditors.
He has been making money in it for
years, and has had a share in tilling
ont the schedules of a great many
. , bankrupts who have taken advantage
of h{s sagacity in supplying them with
Some Difference
The street urchin left the baker’s
with a flve-cent loaf of bread under
his arm and half an hour later he re
turned with it “Here,” he said, lay
ing the loaf on the counter, “me
I tnudder’s got ^cales, she has—see?
And she says, me mudder does, dat
ahe wants yer to know datw’enshe
wants a loaf of light bread she don’t
want a light loaf of bread, and you
pi . «ot ter give de money’s worth er
’f nhe’ll pounce down on yer, and w*en
v «ne mudder pounces down dor’s wool
v’ ■' *cr Ay—see?" and the baker threw la
. four buna
Irrigation Convention.
For the irrigation convention at
O’Neill, January 80, tickets will be on
sale January 20 at all Pacific Short Line
stntlons, good to return February 1, at
fnre and one-third for the round trip.
W. B. McNiueu.
General Passenger Agent.
Bneklen’s Arnica Salvo.
The best salve in the worl4 for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded, Ptfice 25c.
per box. For sale by P. C. Cor
rlgan. , 28-28
Bound Trip Ttokets to Pnciflo Coa»t.
The Sioux City and Northern railroad
have on sale round trip tickets to all
Paclflo coast points via. the Great
Northern railway line, good returning
variable routes at lowest prices. For
full information address,
W. B. McNideb,
20-8 General Passenger Agent,
Sioux City, Io.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King’s new-discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. If you have never
used this great cough medicine, one
trial will convince you that it has wond
erful curative powers in all diseases of.
throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed or
money will be refunded. Trial bottles
free at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store.
Large bottles 50c. and $1. 28-4
Brook Trout.
South Bend, Jan. 22,1893.
Editobs Fbontieb:
Deab Bibs—The State Fish Commis
sion has on hand at fhe state hatchery
about 800,000 young brook trout which
will be ready for distribution about
March 1. Persons desiring a supply will
send in their names at once. The brook
trout are only suitable for stocking
spring fed streams and will not be given
to applicants for any other purpose.
Applicants will please give the name and
location of the waters they desire to
stock. Yours truly,
M. E. O’Bbien.
"Anthony Kent" is the title of a story
by Charles Stokes Wayne, which is]
published complete in the December
number of Tales From Town Topics. It
is a highly interesting story of a strange
love episode in .the life of a young
American in Europe, who, by becoming
enchanted with an adventuress, brings
endless misery upon himself. The de
scriptive scenes of Venice, Monte Carlo
and Paris are exceptionally graphic, and
as the characters are well drawn and the
action of the story is very brisk, this
new novel is one that cannot fall to hold
the attention to the end. Town Topics
Publishing Company, 21 West28d street,
New York City.
Four Big Successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
make good all the advertising claimed
for them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale: Dr.
King’s New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds—each bottle guar
anteed; Electric Bitters, the great rem
edy for liver, stomach and kidneys;
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the
world, and Dr. King’s New Life pills,
which are a perfect pill. All these
remedies are guaranteed to do just what
is claimed for them and the dealer
whose name is attached herewith will be
glad to tell you more of them. Sold at
P. C. Corrigan’s drug ntore. 28-4
A Present to Everybody.
All our readers should send to the
publishers of the Home, 141 Milk street,
Boston, Mass., and get a set of their
beautiful stamping patterns. They can
be used for embroidery outlining or
painting. All desirable and good size;
some 8>10, others 5x8 inches. There
are nlntey-one different patterns and
two alphabets, one a large forget-me-not
pattern. With this outfit the publishers
I send the Home, a 16-page paper contain
ing stories, fashions, fancy work, etc.,
and only ask for 10 cents to cover post
age on patterns and paper. Our il
lustrated premium list of 200 premiums
sent free to any address. Take .advant
age of this offer now. . .
An Old Timer.
.. Barrqtt Scott left with this office yes
terday quite an old relic in the shape of
a newspaper, the Holt County Becord,
date of October 30, 1880, T. J. Smith
editor and proprietor. The paper bears
on its margin the address of Scott &
Darr, Redbird, and makes numerous
mention of old residents, some of which
will no doubt interest our readers:
Frank' Campbell, of Niobrara, is the
democratic nominee for state senator.
Fred Everton; of Steel Creek, is the
democratic nominee for representative.
Walt Townsend is running for com
missioner from the Ford district.
Dave Darr announces himself an in
dependent candidate for representative.
Just as we are going to press the news
comes of the finding of the body of the
son of I. R. Smith, of Leonia, who was
frozen to death during the great storm
of two weeks ago.
The idea of Mr. Darr running as an
independent candidate gives some of the
“ring outfit” the stomach ache.
It would appear from the tone of the
last extract that Holt county was pos
sessed of a “ring’* even in those pioneer
i days,but Mr. Darr was not in it then.
Awarded Highest Honors at World Fair
K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
* Popular Everwhere.
Beginning' with a email local sale in a
retail drug store, the busineea of Hood’s
sarsaparilla has steadily increased until
there is scarcely a village or hamlet in
Ihe United States where it is unknown.
Today Hood’s sarsnparilla stands at
the bead in the medicine world, admired
in prosperty and envied in merit by
thousands of would-be competitors., It
has a larger sale than any other medicine
before the American public, and prob-.
ably greater than all other sarsaparil'as
and blood purifiers combined.
Such success proves merit.
If your are sick, is it not the medicine
for you to try? Hood’s sarsaparilla
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
coOnty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 13th day of March, 1303, in
favor of J. L. Moore, trustee, as plaintiff and
against Martin F. Wliner and Ella Wimer
as defendants for the Bum of eighteen
hundred Beventy-ono dollars and thirty-five
centB and cdsts taxed at $27.48 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the property. of said de
fendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The north half of the southwest quarter
and the west half of the southeast quarter of
section seventeen LIT], township thirty-one
LSI], north of range ten410], west of the 8th
P. M. in Holt county. Nenrui'
Holt county. Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the fith
day of February, A, D., 1894, In front of the
court-house in O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. m. of
said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 80th day of De
cember, 1808. H. C. MoEVONY.
Sheriff of Said County.
0. F. Patteroill, Plaintiff.
John .Stoddard, Laura O. Stoddard, Scott
T. Jones, Auden Marshal!,, Eva M, Prucih
and James O. Winbtanlev, Defendants.
To John Stoddard. Laura O. Stoddard, Scott
T. Jones, Alien Marshall, Eva M. Prugh
and James O. Wlnstunley, non-resident
You are hereby notified that on the 11th
day of July, 1803, C. F. Pattengil], plaintiff
herein, tiled his petition iu the above entitled
cause, in the district court or Holt county,
Nebraska, against John Stoddard. Laura O.
Stoddard. Scott T. Jones, Allen Marshall,
Eva M. Prugh and James G. Winstanley, de
fendants. and on January 20, 1884, by leave
of court amended said petition, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain real estate mortgage executed on the 7th
dhy of May. 18*7, by* John Stoddard and
Laura O. Stoddard to Scott T. Jones upon the
property described as follows:
The northwest quarter of section twenty
six. in township thirty-two, north of range
sixteen, west of the sixth P. M., in Holt
county, Nebraska.
Said mortgage was given to secure the
the sum of six hundred dollars and Interest
which said note and mortgage were sold,
assigned and delivered to the plaintiff for
value before the commencement of this
action and before said note became due;
that there is now duo and payable on said
note and mortgage and for taxes on the
above described premises paid by plaintiff
the sum of eight hundred tbirty-threo dollars
and thirty-three cents,, with Interest at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 15th
day of May, 1888, for which sum with interest
from May 15,1883, plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants pay the same and In
default of such payment said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 5th day of March, 1894.
Dated at O’Neill. Neb., January 20. 1894.
w t *’• PATTENGJLL, Plaintiff.
By Loomis & Abbott and r. it. Dickson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 29-4
Ellen Grogan defendant, will take notice:
That J.L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, filed
petition in the district court of Holt count'
Nebraska, against said defendant, lmplende
With John Grady, Darnel Grady, heirs at la
of Patrick Grady, deceased, andO. O. Snyde
administrator of the estate of Patrick Grad'
deceased, the object and prayer of which ai
to foreclose a mortgugo dated August 8. 188
fur $2,900.0° and interest thereon, on tb
east half of the southwest quarter and tb
south half of the southeast quarter of Beetle
seven; and the north hull of the northea'
quarter and the southeast quarter of tli
northeast quarter and the noitheast quart!
of the southeast quarter of section elghteei
and the west half of the northwest quarti
«nd the northwest quarter of the soutliwe
quarter of section seventeen, all In townslil
twenty-seven, north of range nine, west <
the bth v. M„ Holt county, Nebraska,execute
by Patrick Grady and Hose Aim Grady no
deceased, to the Dakota Mortghge Loan Ooi
porutlon and assigned to plaintiff. Wkic
mortgage was recorded in book 29. at nag
I?.1 mortgage records of ..said count!
Plaintiff prays that the same;be decreed to h
a first lien on said land and that said land b
sold to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition o
or before the loth day of February, 1891.
Dated February 0,. 1804.
2T-4„ J.L.MQORE, trustee, Plaintiff.
By 8. D. Thornton, bis attorney.
Ballou State Banktuft Company non-resi
dent defendant*. Notice Is hereby irlven
that on the 6th day of January, 1604 B A
Uu.1.lou & Company, the plaintiff In 'this
uctlon, filed a petition in the office of the
cierk of the dlstrie court of Holt county. Ne
oraskn, the object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
John DeLose Wilson and wile upon the south
east quarter section twenty-seven, township
twenty-eight, north range eleven, west 6th
P. M., in Holt county, Nebraska, which mort
gage was executed and delivered to H 8
Bwlou * Company anil filed for record on the
uth day of July, 1866, and recorded in book 14
of mortgage*; at page Jol, that there is now
one It non Utl/i limptirfirm (Im ... a* ,vuv
— - rr-x* UV UOl, tuat VI11* rr IS DOW
dim upon said mortgage the sum of *l,aoii 67
Yon are required u> answersald petition
on or before the ISth day of februarE MM
or theeame will be taken as true and judir^
merit entered accordingly. J
*’* H. M. Dnur,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lucretla D. Burton will take notice that on
tlio 15th day of December. 188a, Benjamin 8.
Kills, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendant and Richard Barrett,
the object and prayer of which aro to fore
close a certain mortgage, executed by de
fendant Richard Barrett to the plaintiff upon
the south half of northwcstquarterof section
live, township twenty-nine, north of range
eleven west. Holt county, Nebraska, to se
cure the payment of a certain promissory
note, dated the 20th day of August, 1880, for
tho sura of #350, and due and payable on the
1st day of July, 1891, together with Interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, as evidenced
by coupon notes attached to said original
note, and Interest at 10 per cent, after ma
turity, and to recover certain taxes paid on
said premises under and by virtue of said
mortgage, and amounting on tho 13th day of
December, 1893, to the sum of *504.05, together
with interest thereon at 10 per cent, from said
date and asking that said defendant Lucretla
I). Burton be foreclosed of any interest In
and to said premises. Plaintiif prays for de
cree that defendant be required to pay said
amount or that said premises be sold to sat
isfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 29th day of January, 1894.
Dated December 15th 1893.
24-1 Barnes &E ames,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 18th dtiy of December, 1893
in favor ofEUaBeckwlthSmlth as plalntlffand
against berdinund C. Hallewcg, Joseliptne
Halleweg and the Furmers Loan & Trust defendants,for the sum of eleven
hundred slxty-elglit dollars and five cents and
costs taxed at *22.08 and accruing costs
I have levied upon the following premises,
taken os the property of said defendants,
to satisfy saidorder of sale to-wit:
The east half of northwest quarter and east
half of southwest quarter of section thlry
four L34J. township twenty-nine 1291, range
sixteen 118], west of the Otli P.M., in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In hand, on the 29th day
of January, A. D. 1894, In front of the court
house In O'Neill, that being tho building
wherein the last term of district oourt was
held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said
day when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 28th day of
December. A. D, 1893.
„ . H. O. McEVONY,
26-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale
directed to mo from the clerk
of the district court of Holt county.
N ebrnska’ ou a decree obtained dcfore the
district court of Holt oounty Nebraska, on
the 7th day of December, 1X03, in favor of the
Phoenix Insurance Company as plaintiff and
against Niles Jorgensen, Hanne Jorgensen,
Goorge W. B. Dorsey and Mrs George W. E.
Dorsey, as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundred thirty-seven dollars, and twenty
cents, together with $— taxes paid by plaln
tiff on said premises to protect his lien, and
costs taxed at $76.78 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale to wit:
The north half of the northwest quarter of
section fourteen- (H) and the east half of
northeast quarter section fifteen (15) town
sliip twenty-seven (27) north range fourteen
(14) west of tho sixth P, M. In Holt county.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 22d
—m v uu mu mu
day of January, A. D. 1804, In front of the
court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 0 oclock A. M. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will bo given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 20th day
Of December, 1893,
24-5 H. 0. McEVONY,
_ Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the distriot court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 26th day of September, 1893, in
favor of Union National bank, of Omaha,
Nebraska, as plaintiff, and against Barrett
fecott, Dell Akin, W. D. Mathews, 8umuel O.
Sample, and Holt Cattle Company, as de
fendants, for the sum of twenty-fivehundred
dollars and costs taxed at $44.63 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following
premises taken as the property of "said de
fendants to satisfy said order of
--——— -....... uxuo, of sale,' to-wit:
Lots one (1), two (2), three (3),and four (4),
Blockfourteen (14), Uuzelet's addition to
O Neill. Lots three (il) and four (4) Block C.
South half of Block three (3), McCafferty’s
annex to O'Neill, northwest quarter section
four (4), township thirty-one (31), range ten
(10) southwest quarter of southwest quarter
and southwest quarter of northwestquarter,
and northwest quarter of southwest quarter
of section thirty-two (32), township thirty-two
(32), range ten (10), and southeast quarter
of northeast quarter and northeast quarter
of southeast quarter, of section thirty-one
(31), township thirty-two (32), range ten (10).
west of the 6th P. M, In Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand on the 15th day
of January, A. D. 1804, in front of tho court
house In O’Neill, that being tho building
mlintttvln #1. n 11, nS 4 mm-. -.O J1.— ~picJ "
i» v/ vunu uciiil IUU UU1IU1I11
wherein the lust term of district court wa>
held, at the hour of lOo’clock a. m. of sale
day when and where dne attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 14th day ol
December,A. D. 1803. H. O. McEVONY;
23-5 Sheriff of Said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed te
me from the clerk of the district court of Holi
county. Nebraska, upon a decree obtaincc
before tho district court of Holt county
Nebraska, on the 21st day of Ootober, 1893, in
favor of Mrs. F. W. Thomas as plaintiff anc
against Hiram Hetfield, Sarah Ilotfleld, H
W Sylvester. Mrs. II. W. Sylvester, his wife
Julia E. Sylvester, - Sylvester, husbam
of Julia E. Sylvester, C. K. Collins, receive:
of the Nebraska Mortguge & Investment Co.
as defendants, for the sum of seven hundred
nlno dollars and twenty-five cents and costs
taxed at $36 93 and accrulnmcosts I have lev
ied upon the following premises taken as tin
property of said defendants to satisfy sale
order of sale, to-wit:
The west half of the northeast- quarter, tin
northeast quarter of the northwest quartei
of section 14, and the southeast quarter ol
the southwest quarter of section 11, townshlr
81, north of range 16 west of the 6th p. m. in
Holt oounty Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder lor cash in hand on the istli
day of January. A. D. 1894. In front of the
•court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the bout of 10 o'clock a. m. ol
said day, when and where dne attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 14th day oi
Deoernber, 1893.
IL C. McEVONY', Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 7th day of December, 1892,
In favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
at plaintiff and against Hetnrluk Jurgens,
Christina Jurgens, George \V. E. Dorsey and
Mrs. George W. K. Dorsey us defendants for
the sum of eight hundred thirty-seven dol
lars and twenty cents and S:-taxes paid
to protect hts lien and costs taxed at tS0.28
and accruing costs I havp levied upon the
following premises taken as the property of
said defendants to satisfy suld order of sale
The northwest quarter of Bection twenty
one (21), township twenty-seven (27), north of
range fourteen (14). west of the 6th p.m. In
Holt county, Nebraska. ^
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 22d
day of January. A. 1).. le(4, In front of the
court-house In O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
Jaa held, at the hour of 9 o’clock A, it, of satd
ay when and where dus attendance will
De given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill. Ned)., this 20th day of
December, A. D„ 1803. H.C McEVONY,
24-6 Sheriff of said county.
Know nil men by these presents: That we.
George C. Hazelet, Robert R. Dickson, John
\ jV. .;' ‘w'wwiv ». i/icKBun, juun
McHugh aiid Nell Brennan, do hereby as
sociate ourselves tog-ether, a body corno
rntn nnri fne ....__ _ » . r
~-j ^ u uuuj ouri
rate and for the purpose of organizing a
onunnwntlnM ..«.— — — ..
~ .- yvoc ui uigouwiiiir u
corporation, we agree to the following
The name of the Corporation shall be: The
German Chicory Company.
The place of business of the corporation
shall be at O Neill, Holt county, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to he
transacted by this corporation shall be to
own, operate and maintain a olilcorv manu
facturing plant at O’Neill. Nebraska, and
any other point or points In the United
Stares. Also, to plant, raise and cultivate
chicory from seed, and for these purposes:
This corporation shall have power to buy,
lease and own suoh real estate as may he
necessary or convenient for their use, to buy
own and sell chicory In ernde or manufact
ured form, to buy and sell all kinds of ma
chinery necessary or incidental to the man
ufacture of chicory or the operating of a
chicory manufactory, and to lease, sell,
mortgage or otherwise convey any or all of
the real estate, personal property or fran
chises It may own. Also to buy, own, hold
and dispose of, such other real estate as in
the judgment of theoffloersof this corpora
tion, shall be for Its benefit and Interest;
The capital stock of thlsxorporatlon shall
be one hundred thousand (100.000) ^dollars,
divided into shares of one hundred (100) dol
lars each. At least one half of the capital
stock shall be paid up at the commencement
of business ana the balance at suoh time or
times as the board of directors may direct.
This corporation shall commence business
on the 2d day of January, 1884, and contin
ue for a period of ninety-nine years unless
sooner terminated by voluntary liquidation
or due process of law.
The indebtedness of this corporation shall
at no time exceed the sum- of fifty thousand
(50,000) dollars.
The business of this corporation shall be
conducted by a board of not less than three
nor more than five directors. The directors
shall choose from their numbers a president,
secretary and treasurer.
The direotors shall be elected annually by
the stock holders at their annual meeting,
which shall be held on the first Tuesday In
January, each year, at the office of the cor
poration. at O’Neill. Nebraska. At all meet
ings of the stock holders, each stock holder
shall be entitled to one vote for each share
of stock he represents.
All contracts and conveyances shall he or
dered by the board of directors and signed
by the president and secretary.
The board of directors may adopt such by
laws not Inconsistent with these articles, as
they may deem proper for the conducting of
the business of this corporation.
These articles may be amended at any
meeting of the stock holders, by a vote of
two-thirds of all the stock of this corpora
tion. \
in witness whereof, the undersigned have
hereunto set their hands and seals this 80th
day of December, 1800.
In presence of:
A. J. Hammond. George C. Hazelet.
L. G. Gallagher. Robert R. Dickson,
1. A. Hazelet. John McHugh.
E. S. Kinch. Neil Brennan.
3tate of Nebraska, Holt County, ss.
Be It remembered, that on this 20th day of
December, 1803, before me, Arthur J. Ham
mond, a notary public In and for said county
at Holt and state of Nebraska, personally
ippoared George C. Hazelet, Robert R. Dick
son, John McHugh and Nell Brennan, to me
[>ersonally known to be the Identical persons
whose names are attaohed to the foregoing
instrument, and severally acknowledge the
same to be their voluntary act and deed for
the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Witness my hand and notorial seal the date
last above written. Arthur J. Hammond,
TSeal.] Notary Public.
My commission expires Nov. 18.1808. 25-4
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
ine from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a'decree ob
tained before'the district oourt of Holt
county. Nebraska, on the 18th day of
December, 1898, In favor of Dwight W. Tryon
as plaintiff and against John Sisley. Julia
Ann Sisley, Nelson C. Clark, Mrs. Nelson O
Clark, whose first and full name Is unknown
Alfred Frost and Farmers Loan and Trust
Company as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundred twenty-threedollarsandnlnety-seven
cents, and costs taxed at *22.18 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following prem
ises taken as the property of said defendant,
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The east half of the southwest quarter
and northwest quarter of southwest quarter
of section twenty-seven [271 and northeast
quarter of southeast quarter of section
twenty-eight [281. township thirty-two,range
sixteen [16], west at the 6th l“. M., in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in band, on the 29th tfuy
of Januury, A. D. 1894, In front of the court
house In O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 28th day
of December. 1898. H. O. McEVONY, J
25-5 . Sheriff of said couuty.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of llolt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure rend
ered In an action pending In the district
of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein the
Men lnley-Lannlug Loan and Trust Com
pany was plalutlffand Cargill Graham, Mary
B. McKinley, trustee, W. B.
McKinley, William H, Carnahan, Sol Wells,
Ransom boott and McClure Hagerty and
Gardiner were defendants, I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
ft* “e front door of the court-house In
O Nelli, in Said county, on the 29th day of
January, 1894, at 10 o’clook a. m., to satisfy
the judgment, decree and costs In bald
action, the following described lands and
tenemonts, to-wit:
The north half of the southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section one, and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
ot the southwest quarter of
section twelve, township twenty-six. range
thirteen west, and the west half of the west
half of section seven, township twenty-six,
range twelve west, and the northeast quarter
ih/L3“opthwest quarter of section thirteen,
and the north hair of the northeast quarter
and the north half of the northwest quarter
of section fourteen, and the south half of the
southwest quarter of section twelve, and the
east half of the southeast quarter, and the
northwest Quarter of the southeast quarter
of section eleven, township twenty-six, range
thirteen west, In Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated this a8th day of December, 18U3. -
26‘5 H. C. McEVONtf, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from tho clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt County, Ne
braska, oil the 7th day of December, 1892. in
in ravor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
as plaintiff and against Charles S. Wiles.Scott
T. Jones, George W. E. Dorsey, Mrs. George
W. E. Dorsey and citizens bank of Atkinson,
Nebraska, as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundred thirty-seven dollars, and twenty
cents and costs taxed at $92.13 and
accruing- costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of snid defendant, to satisfy suid order of
saie, to-wit:
.Kohe sV1uU,1 southwest quarter. and
the south half of southeast quarter section
(,7) townsll|P number twenty
eight (28) north of range number thirteen mi
west of the 6th p. m .lull ol t county,Nebraska!
*^e same tor sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the iSd
day of January, A. D. ism. In front of the
court house In O’Neill, that being the bulld
vSL Tinoi6 «» ,tile <ust ter,“ of district court
®t t|,e hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of
Suho*?' when a|jd where due attendance
undersigned. P ■
rw.1 ?«1 °£eUl,Nebraska, this 28th day pf
December, lgffl. 11. c. McEVON y; f
•’***'“ k Sheriff of suid couuty,
- . “OTICK.
r dtetf&l' p,alntlff £w01'fiIedGreat R«t |‘
district court of Hni. u petitin.
againstsuld defendant i,ool,‘wLN
Beck, the object and Dr\lupll;aow » i
SSt3Slni?^^J*«Stoibr ST*
Company and dnw Jie, OIo& Inv,
said Globe Investment to Piai*
mortgage was recorded in h!ra,ranI
of mortgago record™of anfh'uk,4,)»tp
WnfnHir0*1 ,the 2«th day *ofH«"U.c°»>!
roalestatesow to satfe^1,,?8^
°r betorethe^hday^f Feb 84,(1 f
Dated December 23r<f 1893. bruary «
25-/ ' 8<I^ Thornton,
Attorney for j
twenty cents and costs
accruing costs I have levied «*'
Ing premises/ taken asthen£ntl"
de^ndanu, \o satls^d"®
andhthe8south half of* the^muh We,t
of section No. twonty-two!* >th^ast
county, Nebraska. th p’ ra '
day of January, A n 1894 in4”/1 m
court-house in O’Neill that b
wherein the last term ofdttnrf*
held, at the hpur of o o'cIockTi?
day when and where due atre/sM'
K'ven by the undersigned! Uen<ia'11
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., thlasntvi
December, 1803. H.
Sheriff of said c<
Breeder and wife Mrs. MniUrdF
Millard F. Breeden and wife Mi
F. Breeden, defendants: 1
Yon will take notice that on thei
January, 1894, Henry O'Halloran
u're flled PHtition in the dist
of Holt countv, Nebraska, aga n<
each of you, and also against Midi
and Wife, Alice E. Lyons, who are
fendants with you; the object and]
tog to foreclose a certain mortgag
hy the defendants, Michael Lyon
Alice E. Lyons, to the plaintiff m
lowing described real estate, sltuat
county, Nebraska, to-wit;
The south half of section twem
northeast quarter of section thi
»6t^aty-elffht- *
Which mortgage was given to s
payment of throe promissory noi
September 28,1892, for the ;sum of
due and payable in one, two and tl
from date thereof; that there
due upon said notes and
by reason of the defendants'failu
the first noto when due and to paj
terest due on the other two notes V
the sum of *2000, for which sum. wl
est from this date, plaintiff prays I
cree that the defendants be reuuir
the same or that said premises ma
to satisfy the amount found due.
: further asks that the interest of ea
! defendants may be required to he i
the lien of plaintiff’s said mortgage.
I You are required to answer said p
or before the 2oth day of February,
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this if
January, 1894. R. It. Did
28-4 Attorney for P
Isaac E. Angle and Mrs. Angle. wl
Isaac E. Angle, defendants, will take i
that Susan H. Bertram, plaintiff, has ti
Setition In the district court of Holt co
ebraska, against said defendants,
B leaded with James Blackmore. Lh
lackmore, James II. Fuller and
Slocum, defendants, the object and pra
which are to foreclose a mortgage
March 12.1888, for $500.00 and Interest oi
north half .of the southeast quarter
northeast quarter of the southwest qii
and lot three in section nineteen, tow
thlrty-abree, range twelve, in said co
given by James Blackmore and L«
Blackmore to Western ^Trust and Sec
Company and assigned to plaintiff,
mortgage was recorded in book 34, pag
of the mortgage records of said county
to have the same decreed to be a firs
and said lands sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petiti
or before the 19th day of February, 1894.
Dated January 5,1894.
. 27-4 Susan 11. Bertram, Plain
By Munger & Courtright, attorneys.
By virtue of an order of sale directed
from the clerk of the district court of
county, Nebrarka, on a decree obtains
fore the district court of Holt county
braska, on the 15th day of March. M
favor of Annie Patten as plaintiff
against Benjamin A. DeYurman, Lyu
DeYarman, John H. PeYarman. Mar;
Yarman, James A. PeYarman and Mu
DeYarman as defendants for the sum t
hundred ninty eight dollars andniuty-six
and costs taxed at #20.18 and ace
costs I have levied upon the following i
ises taken as the property of said delew
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
Lots six [61, seven [7] and eight [81, in
twenty-three [23]. in the city of 0 Neill,
county, Nebraska. . ,
And will offer the same for sale
highest bidder for cash in band on tu
day of January, A. P. 1894, in front »
court-house In O’Neill, that being the 1
ing wherein the last term of district
was held at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. o
day when and where due attendance wi
given by the undersigned. ,
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, tbhj» M
of December, A. D. 1803. H. (. McEV ONl
24-fr Sheriff of said eou*
By virtue of an order of sale directed1
from the clerk of the district court o
county, Nebraska, on a decree 0
before the district court of Holt
Nebraska, on the 7th day of December,
in favor of the Phoenix Insurant tom.
as plaintiff and against Ole Toj*®!^'
Hens Torgersen, Scott T.-/oiies, Geor,
Dorsey. Mrs. George W. E. DorsjL
Citizens Bank, of Atkinson. New"*
defendants, for the sum of ei-M m“
thirty-seven dollars and twenty t e
- taxes’ paid by Plaintiff to pro*’,
claim, and costs taxed at (87. '8,all<1 ,“n.
costs I have levied upon the fojLl!
premises. token as_ the property J • (<
premises raaen as mo
fondants to satisfy said order of»v(|
The northeast quarter o-- ori
(17) township twwnty-sevon ^
range fourteen (Hi west
Holt county, Nebraska. . ,
And will offer the same for sale t t
eat bidder tor cash, in hand. on(tn°o-c
_ forcasn. iu i,“.,he c
of January. A. D. 1894. in front of ti
bouse in O'Neill, that bo ng tn.r
wherein the last term of district cost
held, ut the hour of 0 o.clock AjM ,
day when and where due atttndan
given by the undersigned. „th ,i
Dated at O’Neill. Nebrask a, Ih
December, 1898. H. C. Me a,
84 5
Sheriff of sutdwm
David Lower. Hennan Moyer. ,
vife of Herman Moyer. Jn .'11"1
Peter Thompson, and Mrs. limn 1 q-hom
Peter Thompson.
ind Mrs. Jacob Thompson- (*k
lucob Thompson, defendants. . i
iucoo xnompsoii. uc,«.■ . |j|
Ice that Marv Chase, plaintiff. ■ •.
itlon in the district court of " ,
iebraska, against said der< n< • ■' p„
cot und prayer of which an ' ^
bci ana prayer ui wnn,*» , ft r ^
lortgago dated August 4th 1* . . J |jort
iiux iMttKU uatewnue-'* —- ' .
erbst and tax payments, on » „ tliirty
luarter of soctlon eight, towns'! I NVll,
ange fourteen, In Molt cv(,V \v\^trr!i '
Invlr T.nwnr til lilt »* *'• , ,
ange tourteen, in nw<- rr’u’,.
lven by Davie Lower to the V' ne,| to i>
nd Security Coinpnny. and iv- >k
mu oouuui/ irdod 111
Iff, which mortgugo was ru *ort
orty-one, page twelve of the slUI
rds or said county, and to ha'
t/A hfi U a pat. lien, and saia iau»
ntisfy the same.
iu«y me oauiD. pH
You are required to •ni*.?f1uary, 1«W
h.rnn the 20th dav of Janu.ii j
iuu -r
n or before the 20th dav
i ur oBioro me -
MART V/HAnrs, *