The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 25, 1894, Image 7

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comfort and Improvement and
t0 personal enjoyment _ when
^Ivusw'l'- The man'y.'who Kve bet
fthan others and enjoy life more„with
“ expenditure, by more promptly
„tine the world 8 best products to
Weds of physical being, Will attest
Sue to health of the pure liquid
.live principles embraced in the
«pdv, Syrup of Figs.
^excellence is due td it« presenting
the form most acceptable and pleas
it to tlie taste, the refreshing and truly
Ucial properties of a perfect lax
effectually cleansing the system,
[line colds, headaches and fevers
. permanently curing constipation,
hilgiven satisfaction to millions and
•t with the approval of the medical
ifession, because it acts on the Kid
,ys, Liver and Bowels ^without weak
jjji, them and it is perfectly free from
»rv objectionable substance.
Svrup of Fifts i* for sale by all drnj
in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ured bv the California Fig Syrup
"only, whose name is printed on every
kaee, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
I being well informed,’you will not
,pt any substitute if offered.
ijjEE. If y°u have not
i * received one of the
' August Flower ami Ger
man Syrup Diary Al
macs for 1894, send your
me and address on a postal at
ce, asking for Almanac No. 10,
id you will receive fay return
nil, free of all expense, one
(the most complete Illustrated
loks of the kind ever issued, in
'hich you can kecpa Daily Diary
rMemoranda of any matters you
sire. Write quick,or they will
(all gone. Address;
1 Weak Digestion
itrangc as it may seem, is caused
from a lack of that which is
lever exactly digested—/«/. The
[reatest fact in connection with
Scott's Emulsion
ippears at this point—it is partly
tyatd fat—and the most
wakened digestion is quickly
trengthened by it.
The only possible help
in Consumption is the
arrest of waste and re
newal cf new, healthy
tissue. Scott's Emulsion
has done wonders in Con
sumption just this way.
»Wd hr Scott * Sown,. H. T. AlldraimMa.
Woodbury, N. J.
wha business bouses.
s Cream Balm
I?'*"*** the Nuai
Allays Pal*
• Inflammation,
th« Sense mt
■«“ and Smell.
Healfithe sores.
Jyhlnumoeatii ncstrtL ,
56 Warren 8t., NX
Send ns 7eft IHflo- er^t2.50 and wa
wl l ship to you, < eh urges paid, a
handsome aoefpound.1 wo pound
or fire pond %ox of our Beat
fri^sd s eyps JJ*000!*1** *»d dkmbou. Watrh
opeosdM *ox. WOOD*
-^^^Uouer, Council Bfedfe. ton*.
*',*?li*lmi'r lln® wrl,#
iMurm ion where
Weil. If i
* *». Bettbb
AS* l*"*H
Shoe Co
th I* S dnv fw,.] ta I n |l,e e.
. Omaha, ear. Mtb
and CaplMol Awe.,
\i blk from twCh
Cc “ '
"ouncll Bluffs A
a . . Omaha ear lines
D rA^l^3*6 ,n fh® fftate. Fire
CAseT4 Proprietors*
tej!*1 *"<* *old on margins. Write for
Klul*r- A Bswktjf Cemmlssl
__ .* No. S Sew Tork Lit*. Omsba.
!] ,!*?■ ■*!» anrf WM Give, ship
!£ R,b* Worrit. Comwtmlon Mer
ffll Hamer 8t»m, Omaha.
v-..™ EM.rn NebraMtdJTanna
Gliding, Omaha, Neb. ,
,■ W*0rt w xor our —r»ju
. **' viL'y?' 'GATE CITY*’ brand of Can
Importers and Js'h
blog G*ocers.
for our “TBA
. Mk'v,T». If*fjs t;i i f ' nrana or uan
• Co*fe. N»hJ«<
0Mau» iV17.Ef**11**guaranteed. Do rou
“A DaU.» nr cigar?«I* a wlnnaa.
vi.v.' ,:. v :
■ , • ~ »,
j briqanos in Greece.
* A«l!0rlU** **,,a **•»•«••• and tk«
B Coentijr I. Al.rm.rf.
,ll4Pu“lc »ttenticn in Greece hue of
ate been directed toward the marked
increase of criminality, so bold that
h.Vffie9.leC^ati0n and 11118 the in
habitants with alarm. A veritable
pauic has been created by brigands!
JLj)®** d.epr°datlon8 h»ve become so
frequent and persistent as to arouse
Xhe authorities appear powerless to
suppress these lawless knights of
the road. lie country is literally
infested with them, the rank and file
celng criminals who have been con
demned for murder or theft,and who,
by some means managing to evade
justice, betake themselves to the
'ihe most daring of these male
factor j are those less sought for or
suspected by the police. These hav
ing passed beyond brigandage, extort
from peasant or townsmen according
to opportunity. Moreover, encour
aged by the immunity they have en
joyed, they have had the hardihood
to enter villages, small towns and
even the larger cities. These or
ganized bands have long existed, but
heretofore the government has taken
no measures toward their suppres
sion, it bqlng occupied with affairs
of state and questions of finance. It
is owing to this that the notorious
Djonlis Papakiritzopouli and Tzana
kas, whose names furnish whole
chapters in the criminal records,
have flourished from year to year,
their exploits t)eing fully as remark*
able as any related in fiction. These
outlaws extort protection by threat
ening their victims with death should
the latter attempt to seek justice.
Brigands and their exploits still
possess a mysterious fascination for
the people, and especially Ihe inhab
itants of the cantons of continental
Greece, furnishing a reminiscence of
the rude wars of a history preceding
the great revolution. In many places
no opprobrium is attached to the
word brigand. On the contrary, a
brigand is regarded as a hero, a
‘•klepte.” one who, through un
toward circumstances and the rigor
of the law, is compelled to live by
his wits. A “klepte” is an example
of heroism and crude patriotism in
the estimation of these simple
minded folk. He is Oy no, means
looked upon as a lawbreaker, but
rather a knight errant, who accord
ingly is entertained right royally
prepaiatory to his starting out upon
the highway. Once arrived, he
seizes the unwary traveler at the
edge of the wood, captures him and
holds him until the ransom demanded
from his relatives is paid, the ran
som being proportionate to the
wealth and station of the victim.
Should tbe band be disturbed or an
noyed by police interference the cap
tive is put to death.
An attempt was made to suppress
brigandage in 1870, which resulted
most disastrously. Troops were or
dered te trace these .criminals to
their haunts. At that time ’the
parents .of a certain captive endeav
ored through every means to circum
vent the authorities pending negotia
tions for bis release. Failing in this,
they received from the brigands the
eyes of the unfortunate prisoner. In
other instances, a nose or an ear of
the captive, was cut off. and sent as a
warning to this family. These ex
amples proved effectual in securing
to the outlaws immunity and exorbi
tant rewards, in the- future.
Correct It_ Wow.
Men and women who went to school
thirty years.ago find .it difficult to
rid themselves of a false impression
gained through'the eye from the
maps in the school geographies those
days. The-South and West being
then of less.importance relatively 'to
the New England states than now
were represented upon maps of
smaller scale, so that despite the
story of the -statistics Southern and
Western states seemed small in area
and the states of the Northeast rela
tively large. It is hard for persons
brought up on these geographies to
realize, for example. that Richmond,
Va., is further from Charleston than
from Norfolk, further from Savannah;
Chattanooga >and Cincinnati than
from Boston, .and considerably nearer
to Pittsburg than to any of the
Southecn.cities named.
Temperutare of Foreits.
For twenty years the ''Swiss gov
r ernmeut has been making observe*
tions through its forestry stations on
the temperature of the air, of the
trees and the soil in the forests.'
These observations show that the
temperature in the forestsii^ always
below the temperature outside. The
temperature also varies aceordlng to
the trees composing the forests. A
beech forest is always cooler than a
forest of larch. As to the trunks of
the trees, they are always colder than
the surrounding air. Regarding the
temperature «f the soil, it ia .found
that in the forest the temperature is
invariably below that of the air.
Outside the forest the soil is airways
warmer than the air in tsummer and
colder in winter.
Bouts tlootc Learning. .
Lady—Have you any Turkish
New Boy—Turkish towels?
"Yes. Haven't you ever heard of
Turkish towels?" I
“I’ve read a good deal about Turks,
ma’am, but I never knew they used
Room for m Few More*
Statisticians claim that the earth
will not, support to exceed 5,994,000,
000 people. The present population
is estimated at 1,467,000,000, the in
crease being eight per cent each dec
ade. At that rate the utmost limit
gill be reached in tbe year 207it
Task Her Xsp Standing Up.
Janitor Eastman of the new school*
house in l’erryvllle, Maine, says that
while the pupils \yore at ploy in the
yard the other day he looked out of the
window and saw a number of them
(fathered around a little (firl. Their
actions indicated alarm, and he went
out to see what the troub.e was lie
found the child to be sound asleep,
while yet atandingupon her feet. Jan
itor Eastman took the girl in his arms
and carried her into one of the teach
ers’ private rooms and fixed up a bed
and pillow for her out,of shawls and
various other kind of wraps, Here
she remained for over an hour, sleeping1
as soundly and as peacefully as though,
in her more comfortable bed at home.
After her nap she appeared refreshed
and was eager to play agaiui
The Complexion of a Chinese
not'yellower than that of ah unfortunate
individual who o liver comp'alut has is*
svmed the chr nlc form, The eyo*:a!li of
th:suffc;6r&& uu*e 4 saffron hue, the.els
dull pain In the region of the organ affected,
the tongue is coated, breath sour, sljk lie ad*
aches usually but not always occur, and
there is sometimes dizziness on arising from
a sitting tosture. Constipation and tlys
pepsta are also attendants of this verv com
mun ailmAot u, ... .. ._I .. j . . _ _ . . a m
•tinwaniB ui i ms vwrvcoiu
S?«k,aym,ent' tu its uggr vated form,
liable to breed abscesses of the liver, which
ore very dangero a"''il<Mtetter‘s”8toni»ch
Bitters wholly eradicates It, us well as the
trouMes complicated with It and which It
orlKlnatea. In chills and fever, a complaint
which alwasylelds to .he Bit e.B, the liver
Is seriously Involved. This flue alterative
ton c remotes costiveness end lndlges Ion,
andTb U ntrvous ttn<J kldn°y troubles
The Locomotive Whistle.
When locomotives were first built and
bejjan to trundle their small loads up and
down the newly and rudely constructed
railways of England tho country roads
were for the most part crossed at grade,
and the engine driver had no way of
giving warning of his approach except
by blowing a tin horn. This horn, as
may be imagined, says a writer in the
Cardiff.Mail, was far from being a suf
ficient warning. One day in the year
1833 a farmer of Thornton was crossing
the railway track on one of-the country
roads with a great load of eggs and but
ter. Just as he came out upon the track
a train approached. The engine man
blew his tin horn lustly, but the farmer
did not hear it. Eighty dozen of eggs
and fifty pounds of butter were smashed
into am indistinguishable, unpleasant
muss, and mingled with tilt),- kindling
wood to which the wagon was reduced.
The railway company had to pay the
farmer the value of his fifty pounds of
butter, his 9U0 eggs, his horse and wa
gon. It was regarded as a very serious
matter and straightway a director of
the company, Ashlen llagster by name,
went to Atton Grange, where George
Stephenson lived, to see if he could not
invent something that would give a
warning more likely to be heard. Ste
phenson went to work and the next day
had a contrivance which, when attached
to the engine boiler and the steam
turned on, gave out a shrill, discordant
sound. The railway officials, greatly
delighted, ordered similar contrivances
attached to all the locomotives, and
from that day to this the voica of the
locomotive whistle has never been si
llow'a This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Bcwani for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be. cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cher, y for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
und financially' able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
West & Tiiuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
O., Ki.nna.n A Maevix, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hail’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
sui faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle,
bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Breothlng Upon Bess.
There is a difference between blow
ing and breathing on the bees. To
breathe on them in the way you would
on a light of glass you were polishing
would instantly result in yonr getting
one of the most sudden and smarting
lessons yon could think of, but if you
form your lips as though you wanted to
concentrate yonr breath on the smallest
possible point, and blow with vigor, as
though you were trying to cool a cup of
tea or coffee, you will find it to have
quite a different effect, and to e.iert a
subduing influence over the few bees
you direct-the stream of air against.
A writer in Gleanings in Beekeeping
says: In examining comps of brood
with my two hands occupied this is
often very useful to me in getting the
bees to move off particular eells that I
may want to have a look at. The air
directed upon them causes them to
wince and witheraw to one side.
Five famous Etching;*
The Passenger Department of the We v
fork Central has just issued aserieaof five
beautiful etchings, which artistically out
rank anything of the kind ever issued by a
railroad company, while the ab enoe of
any advertising feature renders them suit
able for hanging in your office, library or
a oner description oteacn, witn « glance
rat their titles, i< all that is necessary to ob
. tain a lair idea of the pictures.
No. 1 is ‘‘Washington Bridge,” which
■ spans the Harlem Riser at 181st Street—
iSBt of the finest bridges in the world, and
a marvel of engineering. In the distance
ils H ghbri lge, the Croton Viaduct. In the
foreground a characteristic river acere,
that will be recognized by any one at all
familiar with the locality.
No. 2 “Rock of Ages, Niagara Falls,’*
ifrom. a photo bv William H. Jackson ft
Co.,iDenver. A view that has bean ad
imlsed by every one who has seen it. The
soft tones in which it is printed add greatly
to the effect of the falling waters and
No. 3—“Old Spring at West Point,” also
Atom a photo by William H. Jackson ft
Go.,tDenver. A romantic scene, recalling
iwrtnnr sa of summer days at the <■»»»■»
military academy.
No. 4 - tW and the DeWitt Clinton.”
The demons,Empire State Express Engine
“MJ9’’<which occasioned such widespread
oomasant at the World’s Fair, occupies the
top helt of tbe.card, and below appears the
old “DeWitt UUnton. ” affording a truly re
markableaxample of the progress of rail
road science in the past fltty years.
No. 5—“Rounding the Nose, Mohawk
Valley.” One of (the handsomest rnilroad
pictures ever made. The scene is just
below Little Falls.
Tbass etchings are all printed on One
piste paper, ‘.4x38 inches, suitable for
framing Copies of either of them can be
Secured at the office of W. B. Jerome, 97
ark street. Chicago, for SO cents each, or
will be mailed in stiff tabs, secure from in
jury, to any address, post paid, for 75
cents, in currency, stamps, express or
postal money order, upon application to
George H. Daniels, general passenger
agent. Grand Central station. New York.
The University of Michigan has enrolled
two Chinese women as students.
“I don't cars an sec," is the cent of a
pack of fools.
A Mnlcn KUtkta.
A Mexican kitchen contains no cook*
tog stove nor even a fireplace. Instead,
on one side of the room a shelf is built
into the wall about breast high, on the
center of which a small fire burns built
of gnarled ami knotty sticks, whioh
'thrifty American housewives would
consider unfit for use. Occasionally
this method is varied,by making a char
coal fire in a large oarthern pot and Bet
ting smaller cooking utensils upon the I
coals. So little baking is done that
many households dispense with an oven
entirely, but whqn one is used it is
built of mud, either out of doors or at
one end of the flreshclf.
Tortillas are the Btaff of life in Mex
ico, and consist simply of crushed corn
which hss been previously boiled in n
weak lye, rolled into balls Dishwash
ing in a--Mexican kitchen is conducted
on a novel plan. There is no soap, no
dishcloth and no wiping towel, much
less a table provided with a dishpan
and draining rack. The dishwasher
seats herself comfortably on the floor
with a pail of water beside her and
some sliced amole root, which makes
excellent suds, and in place of a dish
cloth she uses a tiny, stiff whisk broom.
Dishwiping is unknown. The dishes
are simply turned up against the wall
to dry, and somehow or other they
always come to the table clean and
shining. The spoons and knives of
brass and steel are as bright as the
traditional dollar, though no brick dust
or patent silver polish is applied to
them, nothing but common Mexican
dirt, dug up in the dooryurd.— New
York Commercial Advertiser.
Can't be beaten I Mr. J. G. Wittlg, Blue
Mound, Ills., writes: “1 have used Salva
tion Oil with wonderful success for inflam
matory rheumatism in my foot. It cannot
be beat.'.
A Scotch preacher who found his,
congregation going to sleep one Sun*
day before he had fairly begun, sud
denly stopped and exclaimed: “Breth
ren, it is nae fair. Wait till I get a
start, and then if I am nae worth
listening to gang to sleep; but dinna
nod your powa before 1 get commenced,
iii’e a mon a chance.”
Every one give* it the highest praise.' H.
Grsdel, Druggist, Walnut and Alitson Sts.,
Cincinnati, O., says this of his trade: “1
sell lbv share of Dy. Bull's Cough Syrup and
my customers that have used this prepara
tion speak of it in the highest terms.”
Buckingham Pnlaca Uninhabitable.
So serious have been the discoveries
in connection with the sanitary condi
tion of Buckingham palace that the
question is now being discussed as to
whether it can ever again be used as a
-royal residence. Not only is the drain
age in a shocking condition, which will
necessitate the expenditure of a fabu
lous sum to set aright, but it has also
been found that one of the largest of
the main sewers of the metropolis pass
es immediately under the palace, and
that the gases arising therefrom per
meate tiie foundations of the royal
abode. The proposal to alter the course
of the sewer in question is declared im
Don’t Polish Your Nalls.
If you want to be quite up to date don't
polish your finger nails any more. It
isn't considered good style to have them
shine as though they had just been
dipped in the butter. And leave it to
nature to tint them; which she will do
quite sufficiently if you have any good,
healthy blood in your veins. The pink
slaves and powder and the polishing are
meretrious and in bad taste, and were
invented by the manicures to make peo
ple believe they were gettingsomething
for their money when they sat for an
hour letting a yopng woman fuss oyer
their hands and do what they could
just as well have done for themselves
in half the time and'at no expense.
1 Facts Worth Knowing.
In all diseases of the nasal mucuous mem
brane the remedy used must be non-irri
tating. Nothing satisfactory can be ac
complished with douches, snuffs or powders,
because they are all irritating, do not reach
the affected surfaces and should be aban
doned as failures. A multitude of persons
who bad for years borne all the worry and
pain that catarrh can inflict testify to rad
ical and permanent cures wrought by Ely’s
Cream Balm.
Aerial Trolley Ballrood Scheme.
Am eleetre aerial railroad, to carry
mail and perishable freight at the rate
of over 250 miles an hour, is projected
to be constructed between Detroit and
Cleveland, a distance of^.70jnUes. Al
bert L. YVddis is the inventor of the
scheme for the road, and he believes he
has amply demonstrated its practica
bility. An experimental line was in
operation at the Chicago fair and made
sarprising speed. A car fifteen feet
long and four feet square is suspended
by four wheels on an elevated rail, and
operated by motors deriving power from
a trolley wire. The euds of the car are
cone-shaped to reduce the atmospheric
resistance. Mr. Widdis does not pro
pose to carry passenger on his railroad,
but says that with it perishable freight,
mails and such matter could be carried
across theeontinent in & day. The plan
seems fehsible when the prodigious
speed attained by dynamos is consid
CWs Ualk Balm
1» Uw sUaatand but It will break up a Csld snick
er thaa anything else. It Is always reliafels. Try U.
Mme. Xu&ye, whispsriny to her
father from the country, who to dining
with ber at> a party of city quests—
Father! Yon mustn't tuck your nap
kin under your chin. Her Father, in
robust tonea—I know it, Em’ly, but I
ain’t got no safety pin fer to fix ib
Sea CoictaeaMr Spading finotsndv. in ether column.
The United States to the richest country
on the globe.
Os laatk Via ths Wabash.
Tourists’ tickets now on sale to all points.
Homsseeksrs’ tickets at half fare on ex
cursion dates, Dec. 12th, Jan. 9th, Feb. 18th,
March 18th, ■ April 10th and May 8th. For
nates or folders giving full description of
toads, climate, sc., call at Wabash Ticket
office, No. 1508 Farnain Street, or write
Gbo. N. Clayton, N. W. P. Agt.,
Omaha, Nab.
The world now uses 18,000 kinds of post
age stamps.
I 'vi
IN all V receipts for cooking
requiring a leavening agent
J POWDER, because it is an ;£fj
absolutely pure cream of tartar
v powder and of 33 per cent n
.greater leavening strength than
other powders, will give the
best results. It will make the.
food lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor and more wholesome. 1
* • . •' '•<
* . t ' • ; •
Weed Put of tho Northwest.
The worst weed ever introdueed Into'
tho wheatflelds of America is reported
from the northwest. The thistle re
sembles the tumbleweed in appearance,
but may be readily distinguished from
it by the sharp spines in clusters of
three each, the absence of flat leaves,
tledser growth, dark color, and by the
red color in tho fall. The plant must
be cut out by the roots before its seeds
ripen, and if permitted to spread far
ther will, it is believed, cause the soil
to become barren and fruitless. Sena
tor Hansbrough proposes to ask the
general government for an appropria
tion of 91,000,000 to destroy this weed.
Compared to it, he says, the ravages of
pleuro-pneumonfh become insignificant.
The pest was brought here fifteen years
ago in some flaxseed and has spread
until it now infests an area of 83,000
square miles. This district is in the
most fertile sections of North and South
Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wiscon
sin and Wyoming. '
This remarkable, almost unheard-of,
yield was reported to the John A. Sal
zer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., by Frank
Winter, of Montana, who planted one
bushel of Ureat Northern oats, care
fully tilled and irrigated same, and be
lieves that in 1804 he can grow from
one bus. of Ureat Northern Oats three
hundred bushels It's a wonderful oat.
11 You Will cut '1 III* (Jut and -end It
With 8c postage to the above firm you
will receive sample package of above
oats and their farm seed catalogue, w
Maud—Charlie db Ssftleigh is an
awful bore. He is always in logo.
Marie—I should think that would
make him interesting. ' Maud—It
would, if it wasn't always with some
other girl.
The human system needs continuous and
careful attention to rid itself of its impuri
ties. Beecham's Fills act like magic. 80
■cts. a box. _
The principal nations of the world have
8,281 warships, mounting 8,383 guns.
■4 to California.
This is our Bleeping Car Rate on tbs
Phillips-Rock Island Tourist Excursions
from Chicago to Los Angeles or Ban Fran
cisco, via the Boenic Route and Ogden.
You can go with Phillips, tbs best of all
Excursion Managers, for he hat each party
accompanied by a special agent who goes
the entire trip with patrons. These per
sonally conducted Excursions leave Chica
go twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, j
We have also a dally tourist car service,
via our Southern Route, through the beau
tiful Indian Territory and Ft. Worth to
Los Angeles and Ban Francisco. The
Tourist car rate via this route, the same.
Apply et Rock Island ticket offloe, 104
Clark Street JNO. SEBASTIAN, Q. P. A.,
CB.18P. R’y,Chicago.
A good appetite is no proof of a clear con
Is Ret. V. J. Walker's Prato.
p*or mr—1 wish to
Inform you of the
benefit my wife baa
received from the uae
of your medicines. I
moat aay that your
“Favorite Prescrip
tion" la the beat to
mato regulator on
earth; my wife has
been cured by the
timely uae of it.
g. I have been using
ssthe Golden Medical
r Discovery” and
“Pleasant Pellots,”
and I am fully aat
W.J. film dal™ “«*“ *0'be; so.
. . . wishing you abund
ant suooeas, and hoping that the Almighty
Ood will oootiniie His bleating* toward you
(■roar nobis wort, lam,
MAVB ' A JKT- m=*j bC7JJL bn
Wrfta m fall dawrlptlaa with my lowaat price.
LLOYD tBERHflRT,^,«oU"ilK-'
' I still haws a few High Grade
At ■ir Price
“•“^"'“■iTNmpsss’s Era Water.
Cases o
- . . . • ’ .
’ ■ 1 . t-'. ■- i . .• V . . .* ' ■ ••
•Jeweler— 1 here ehown you ell the
rings I've got for glrle of twelve year*
old. Lady Customer—I here changed
my mind. I believe I’ll wait until
my daughter is fifteen years old.
Jeweler—All right, madam. Win you
have a chair?
■kltoti's OoauampMon Care
t«»efcl on a s uarantM., It rum Inrlplrnt Conm,
lUMi. liisItMkMt Ornish Cura. &cta.,00uu.*ei.
«•Hrown's llrunchlal Troehes’ ere ei>
oellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Bore
Throat. .They are exceedingly effective."
—ChrUUan Iforld, jLondou, ting.
“ lleasaa’s Slagle corn Salve.*1
Warranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your
Srufglst lor It. prico IS rents.
Spading Boot
You know e man when you know the
company he keeps._
never dodges, no matter who
In Norway men have to be vaccinated be
fore they can vote._
The Western Trail
Is published by the Creel Hock IsMnd
Route, end Is Issued quarterly. I*, will be
sent free for one year by addressing Editor
Western Trail. Chicago.
Jso. Bbbastian, 0. P. A., Chicago.
!1 V %
Anybody can be good and yet good for
For 1> armors,Mtners,R.R.ila«Kls and |
others. The outer or tap sole >‘xt«tid*l
the whole length of the sole down toi
the heel, protecting the thank Ini
ditching, digging, Ac. Boot quality throughout.
Hava made the
(Medela and Diplomas) to
On each of the following named articles:
Prenfitim Ho. 1, Ckocolate, .
Vanilla Chocolate, . . . .
German Sweet Chocolate, . .
Cocoa Butter.
For "purity of material,’’ "excellent flavor,*
and “uniform even composition.'’
ToOoen this Can.
Ia a care *ure If a ted In time.
For inching soap, cleaning
house, softening water, It
has no equal.
Tha Hou«awffe*t Best
A valuable washing receipt
in each can, For sals hj all
grocers. It will surprise you.
Thnthen and Hon* Pbmn:
•ratorn, large or nU)l. for Mint on mntfin In
a toe ka. grain*, or provlalona. Order* reeoltod on I
per coat morglot. Onrbook. ‘'Speculation, or Ho*
to Trade,” with Friday edition or Cklcago Mail con
talnlne oar market letter, aent free on reqneet. C. K.
VAN WINKLEg CO.. Broken, tM LaSalle Sr..Chicago.
VW I b* sprouted am the i
^ No fZDtricnce rea
oat to
- -r-- -« «k»W.
J No rzpcricnce required.
Direction* for sprouting free.,
T» J.SKINNER,Columbus. Kansas*
Patents. Trade-Marks.
Examination and Advice as to Patentability of
OtfOtiOD. Send for " IliVatifAri' IliiMi' d>r lime ta ft*>
r Send at once to Jons hnunu. O. T. A, C., *. 1
R- R.. Chicago, and receive. pontage paki. tbo
dthkeei; deck of carde you ever handled. TkScEXTB
per pack, pontage atamp*. for one or many.
W. H. 0. 0maha--4. 1894. |
> tor IUmcratadChUlogne, mailed Pise. .
Inventors’ tinjdf. or How to Got *■
. f ( ,'j
, ••.. . ■ • - , :