■ rreif"™ of Mind. v * riar of William IV. of Eng \hat lie seemed in a mo "dilemma one day when, at f ailtMlUUa one u»v wucu, ^.h several officers, he ordered waiters to “Take away that '' there-'' pointing to an empty pointing to an empty nicstv!’’ inquired a colonel ■V°»r.-ao'you compare an empty ^to a'lnemher of our branch of the ,.„D;iod the monarch, ns if a 'te5, lhn,fLr|it had struck him, “I **■" liv it has dona its duty once, ffv to do it again." A» to . |,as been no subject concerning more lies have been told than aDted that we had degenerated in ‘ 'I'hjs is not only not the case, but matter of giants we have the ad "Tje of our predecessors. The Em \las'ininian indeed was said to tmen H . feet high, but ancient ements. especially in the case of mneror, is not to be trusted; in from its not having made him it is cert iin that there was no else nearly so tall. Orestes, it is iveare told, was 10 feet long— death, but he was not thought so „v of alien alive: we may reason iie s feet as his ultimatum. 'em"’ i vsv after a good nights sleep, there jjf4i',in and stomach disorder, which ■Atm* Fills will cure.25 cents a box. mis increase by eggs, spontane division and germination. The of growth has not been fully de ■d. Professor Agassiz indicates piwtli of reefs at Key West at rate of six inches in 100 years, and that if we doubled that amount Id require 7.000 years to form reefs in that place and hundreds iousands of years for the growth ferula. Asthma Cored . »-«nn's Asthma Cure. No waiting tfiuUmu .l(Mion tg immediate, direct , _|e trial convinces the most ittol*-, -5- *> -- --■— meat 50 cents • and 11. of drujgists •ml package free by mail. Send ^rtssToDr.'K. schidmann, at. Paul, it giants. Until it was found that i rn men could not be squeezed into ,rmor at the Tower, it was taken . future destiny o' the child is always iurk of the mother. man syrap! 99 siaply state that.I am Druggist Postmaster here and am there in a position to judge. I have i many Cough Syrups but for years past have found nothing ul to Bosehee’s German Syrup, re given it to my baby' for Croup the most satisfactory results, fry mother should have it. J. H. :bs, Druggist and Postmaster, fat, Texas. We present facts, bg facts, of to-day Boschee’s an Syrup gives strength to the Tahe no substitute. © Mothers! Wt Offer You a HemetIp vhkh Insurer Safety to Life of Mother and Child. ■OTHER'S FRIEND n Lobs Confinement of Uo tain, Horror and Bitk. 7;,f u?,it>otteof “Mother'* Friend” Butllttie i,am, and did not experience tlu ra? “"■"'"d, usual In aucli “ i woe, Lamar, ho., Jan. 15ch, lien. Et!t°I9ycsa, charges prepaid, on recel bottle. Look <» Mothersm ~ ,rr; *»»»» to Mothers mailed un wield nifcixATou co.. AIIaANTA, 6A, Bom ly all nauauisTB. sond-Hand Brevier IjTypa Sale Cheap. 15*hare c | K«! tjp.°r'-'h°usaQ” Pounds of brevier ■ smi e *? P°0<1 condition,made of extra B'irnlm,t Bros. A Spindler, l»»»r^urtT9 of lb* famous superior I Enf im ly>;e- We 11,111 -8*11 « •» lew.?.00 poun<1s or more, to be deliv I as ROOM r- - I ** price of I ♦W as room US we get on our new, at ihe [Cents a Pound. jgYour Order Now 5TER6I newspaper union, West Jackson St. CHICAGO, I R»«Im __^_ ■ TihiIv hurt, Me. 1 (UIIAOO MlLIlXi.,! 'Si11 (Thompson’s Eyo Wal X° Introduce our Eight | ape. Illustrated farm and literary piinerwe giveaway o,” Lli SUi . ■ ;‘v vhii) iTCCit, siV11 s°- «'h 8t„ - • *“• o per year. suTJ • Km. iu ';°Py and List Plipp a--8® ""'he this week, [DCC second Hand. *8 Hon*. t>e fold at a treat Bar gain. Write ,, „ H. C. AKIN. 1,1 So 12U**t., .Omaha. Nek ■ wea* kmc*or Aott ICoi^r10 ““ •'Jeo’aCurefe tu“ eared! lea,,,,/111?*? ItfeM not lojar*] I »t isthe to tie. | Sold PS*C0|*P*»*jnip. ow ‘ Vf'rr^hern. *3c. JUl-OmaJia-3. 1894. Whistles la Sword Hilt*. . Thenew tactics adopted for the army contemplates the giving1 of commands by whistles under certain circumstan ces, instead of by word of mouth. Con sequently infantry officers have received an intimation from the acting chief of ordnance that they arc expected to provide themselves with whistles at their own cost. The order says: “The major general commanding the army, having approved the introduc tion of a whistle in the cross piece of the guard of the sword for infantry offi cers, desires to inform* you that the commanding officers of Springfield armory and Rock Island arsenal have been instructed-to make this alteration as promptly as possible upon the receipt of the arms. The cost, which will be paid by the owner of the sword, will be about 93.75 each for lots of 50 or more, but the expense will necessarily be greater where work is conducted on but few swords at a time.”—Washing ton Cor. Buffalo Courier. Catarrh Cannot Bo Carod .With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, m they can not reach the seat ot the diteaae. Catarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physioians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mu cous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. „ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, price 75o. A Long Jump. An Irishman tv ho was to return to his native land by a certain steamer, arrived on the pier just as she was starting—in fact she was already on the move. Taking a flying leap he covered the intervening space of six or eight feet at a bound, but tripped on alighting and hit his head, temporarily stunning him self. When he came to the vessel was a couple of hundred yards out at sea. “He jabers!” he exclaimed, not real izing what had happened, “what a moighty foine jump!”—Drake’s Maga zine. Medical writers claim that the successful remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irri tating, easy of application, and one that will reach the remote sores and ulcerated surfaces. The history of the efforts to treat catarrh is proof positive that only one remedy has completely met these condi tions, and that is Ely’s Cream Balm. This safe and pleasant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done, and both physicians and patients freely con cede this fact. Two'clocks that have been in the possession of the Webster family of Hartford, Conn., for the past century are still keeping good time,' never varying a second, it is claimed. Bishop Ash of Iracburg, Vt., ^ has taken probably the longest carriage ride of any man in America. Sixteen yearn ago he left his little Vermont home and drove to Minnesota and then to Oregon and the Pacific coast. The state of Wyoming abounds in mineral riches. Gold, tin, soda de I posits (some of these being actual lake beds of soaa), copper, lead, kaolin, fire-clay, mica, graphite, mag nesia, plumbago, sulphur, gypsum, white marble, granite, sandstone and petroleum are aniong the minerals found. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action: but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. A mistake is apt to attract more atten tion to us than a virtue. A soft answer will kill where a club would not. _ MILT.ONS OF DOL1.ABS Are annually lost because poor seed is planted. Now, when you sow you want to reap. For instance, A. M. Lanjb, Penn., made $5,800 on ten acres of vegetables; B. Bey, Cal., cropped 1.313 bushels Salzer’s onions per acre; Frank Close, Minn., 100 bushels of spring wheat from two acres; A. Hahn, Wis., 1,410 bushels potatoes per acre; Frank Winter, Montana, 216 bushels 8 pounds oats from one bushel planted. This is what Salzer calls reaping. 1IT..II W Ul ( ut ThU Outand Send It. With 10c postage to the John A. Saltier Seed Co., La Crosse, Wit, you will receive their mammoth catalogue and ten sample -pack ages of farm seeds. Catalogue alone, 5e postage. _ W. Cut off a rooster's spurs, and you take the italics all out of this crow. People who live alone never get very well acquainted with themselves. See Colchester Spading Boots adv. In other column. I With all bis practice tne aevu nas never improved on the first hypocrite. •4 to California. Tbit is our Sleeping Car Rate on the FbiUl^s-Rock Island Tourist Excursions from Chicago to Los Angeles or San Fran cisco, via the Scenic Route and Ogden. Youcan go witn Phillips, the best of all Excursion Managers, for he has each party PiACUl B1UU iunua§vi a, ava caw vmo accompanied by a special agent who goes the entire trip with patrons. These per sonally conducted Excursions leave Chica go twice a week, Tuesday and Tburaday. We have also a daily tourist car service, via our Southern Route, through the beau tiful Indian Territory and Ft. Worth to Los Angeles and San Francisco. The Tourist car rate via this route, the same. Apply at Rock Island ticket office, lot Clerk Street. JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., C.B.1&P. R’y. Chicago. Englishmen are said to have 9500,000,000 in our railroads. Go South Via the Wabash. Tourists’ tickets now on sale to all points. Homeseekers’ tickets at half fare on ex cursion dates, Dec. 12th, Jan. 9th, Feb. 18th, March 18tb, April 10th and May 8th. For rates or folders giving full description of lands, climate, cEc., call at Wabash Ticket office, No. 1502 Farnam Street, or write Geo. N. Clattox, N. W. P. Agt.. Omaha, Neb. Good fortune sometimes comes to see us in a very shabby looking carriage. T. JACOBS OILpJTon^ burns, bruises, scalds, CUTS AND WOUNDS. STRUCK THE WRONG FARMER. &a Kxparlance With a Watch That Happened at a Bad Time. We were talking about human na ture in general, and the human na ture of farmers in particular, when the man w"ho was traveling for a but ton factory sagely observed: “Yes, the average farmer is a queer man. They talk about his confiding disposition, but he hasn’t got it. Co the contrary, he suspects everybody of Intent to defraud hilm in somo way.” "Well, I dunno about that,” said one of the crowd. “I think I can prove it to you In ten minutes,” replied the button man. “Now, then, look at this watch and estimate it’s value.” He handed out the watch and chain and they were passed from hand to hand. • The watch was a fine one and the chain was solid gold and the lowest estimate was $300. } “I paid |40u in good money for the outfit,” said the man. "One of you come along into the smoking car and we'll find a farmer. I'll offer him this watch and chain for |50, and he'll just think I am trying to beat .him. If I lose 1 pay for six dinners. If I win somebody pays for mine. ” He started out in company with the man who had expressed his doubts, and about the first man they came to in the smoking car was a middle-aged farmer who had been to Cleveland and had two new ax-helves in the seat beside him. The button man held oat the watch and said: “My friend, I am hard up and want to sell this stuff. Look at it" “Don’t want it,” replied the farmer. “But I must have money. Watch and chain cost me |4Q0l How much will you give me?” • ‘Don’t want to buy. ” “But take them in your hands and examine them. Even a child oould estimate their value. I ought to get at least half cost, but as I want 960 awfully bad right away this minute Mi***mm^^m mmmmrm, hadn't a confidin’ disposition, did you?” queried the toiler as he pock eted the greenbacks. “Wall, I guess you know more about buttons than you do about farmers. You jest come down my way and offer me a windmill fur $20, a planer fur $00 or a mower and reaper fur $70, and I'll confide in you so durned quick that you can’t keep your heels on the airth!” Contrasts Awarded by To as-Up. There are times when the post office department pitches pennies. It is not verv often that this sport is indulged in, but nevertheless it is a recognized part of the official' pro gram. It is in connection with the star routes. When there is a new route established,at the regular fdur yearly letting of the contracts, say, there is nearly always competition between would-be contractors. It sometimes happens tbat there are two lowest bidders. If these two men both live on the route, or live at an equal distance from it, the depart ment tosses a penny. Mr. Stone does the tossing. He is the chief clerk in the second assistant post master-general’s office and the con tracts go through him. Mr. Stone has the contractors take seats in Mb handsomely • upholstered office. He feels in his pocket for a penny. If he has nothing but large bills in his pocket, which is apt to be the case, he borrows a nickel from the young man who writes shorthand for him. Then he pitches up the nickel While it is away near the ceiling he says to his young man: “Which shall it be?” And the young man answers: “Heads for Smith.” And if heads come up Smith gets the contract If tails, Brown gets it.—Washington CapitaL Difcitlv* Apparatus of the Cow. The cow has four stomachs. When food is first swallowed it undergoes slight masceration in the first stom ach. In the second stomach it is rolled into small balls. These balls are brought up into the mouth again and chewed. That process is called "chewing the cud.”* Being again swallowed they pass into the third stomach and from that into the fourth, where final digestion takes place. When about to swallow food a second time the cow closes the en trances to the first and second stomachs, so that no miscarriage is possible. _ flight i»r Wild Geete. • j Wild geese and wild ducks show knowledge as to the resistance of the atmosphere and sagacity in overcoming it. When flocks of them have to go long distances they form a triangle to cleave the air more easily, and the most courageous bird takes position at the forwai d angle. As this is a very fatiguing post an-! other bird ere long takes the place of the exhausted leader. Thus they place their available strength at the | service of the society. Quality of Corn Foil dvr.. There are many causes for variation in the fodder made by growing corn, some of them pertaining to the way it is grown, and others to the skill, or want of skill, shown in curing it. Corn that is grown so thickly that its stalks are thin and white is as nearly worth less as such feed can be grown. It has little sweetness and not enough nutri tion to keep anything in good condi tion. For fodder alone corn must be be grown so thinly that nearly every stalk will have u nubbin on it The stalks from field corn that has borne a crop of ears have more - nutri tion than tne average of corn thickly sown grown for fodder alone. S weet coru Btalks are better than those of the ordinary field variety. This may in part be owing to the fact that roasting ears are picked early, and as the leaves continue to gather more sweetness it goes into the stalk after the green ears have been removed. Plucking green ears from ordinary field c *m makes the stalks richer, and such stalks are always preferred by cows when fed with others where the ears had been removed after being fully ripened. — American Cultivator. Depth of the Oeeen. A dispatch from Victoria, B. C., says the United States steamer Albatross reports haring made deep-sea soundings off the coast of Alaska, reaching a depth of 4,500 fathoms, which, it is added, is “the greatest depth ever reached. ” If by that is meant the deep est soundings 6ver made in any ocean there must be a mistake in the figures reported, or the claim is not correct. The depth of 87,000 feet has been ex ceeded three times. In what is called the “international deep,” near the isl and of St. Thomas, one of the West In dies, independent soundings were made by American and English officers, and a depth of 87,300 feet established. In 1874 the British ship Challenge? found a depth of 37,450 feet near the Ladrone Islands, in the Pacific ocean, and in the same year the United States ship Tus carora, under command of Captain George K Belknap, sounded to the depth of 37,030 feet near the Kurile Islands, in the North Pacific. This is the lowest point yet reached, being over fire and one-fourth miles, or nearly equal to the height oj the Himalayas. In the days before scientific deep-sea soundings there were reports of depths of 7,000 to 8,000 fathoms having been reached, but these are conceded to have been apocryphal. The Tuscarosa’s re cord of 4,501 fathoms stands without rival as yet ’ It is because persons who once try Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, always buy it again, that its sales have become so enormous. The success of this great remedy in curing cold, cough, croup and sore-throat is simply marvelous. Funny Names. . The United States postofflee depart ment has made a stand against some unfortunate tendencies of geographical nomenclature in this country by refus ing to accept certain outlandish pames for postal purposes. The result is that many towns of triple jointed names are known by some other title on the rolls of the postoffice department, to the confusion and inconvenience not only of their inhabitants but of all persons doing business with them. Look out for counterfeits! See that yoa get the genuine (Salvation Oil! Do not let the dealer sell you something “just as good,” but insist upon getting the genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark upon the wrapper. Branding Criminals In China. Finding that long terms of imprison ment and flogging do not check robbery and piracy and systematic practice of imposition on strangers in the nature of thievery in the Soochow district, the authorities have resolved to try brand ing. For the first offense the thief is to be branded on the right cheek, and for the second on the left cheek. The brand is to be the Chinese sign for the word thief. As the Chinese have a su perstitious horror of all facial disfiure ment, the belief is entertained that the new punishment will check the crim inal element.—Sacramento Record Union. Shiloh's Consumption Care Is wM on a jruarantee. It cure* Incipient Con sump* taofi. It m tbe bent Oouffh Cure. The Pullman Brothers. Albert Denton Pullman. George M. Pullman's brother, who died in Chicago recently, was the mechanical genius of the family that have made their fame in the manufacture of sleeping cara Understanding as -he did every part of the art of cabinet making, he was able to superintend all the details in the construction department of the great Pullfnan industry. There are four brothers surviving—George M. Pullman of Chicago, the Rev. B. H. Pullman of Baltimore, the Rev. James M. Pullman of Lynn, Mass., and Charles L. Pull man of Chicago. For Throat Diseases and Coughs use Brown’s Bronchial Troches. Like all really good things, they are imitated. The genuine are sold only In bores. The greatest trust between man .and man is the trust of giving counsel. •• Hanson's Single Corn Sslvs." Warrantee} to cure or money refunded. Ask your Aruggibt for it. Price 15 cenu. War destroys men, but luxury destroys mankind.—Crown. Hefensn’i Camphor lee with Oljreerlne. Cures Chapped Hands and Face, Tender or Sore Feet, Chilblains, HWs.Se. C.O. Clark Co.. New Haven. Cl, The recording angel never seeks informa tion from s gravestone. ABOVE ALL OTHEIS, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, ia every discern caused by torpid liver or im pure blood. For Dyspepsia, Liver and Bowel derangements, and kindred ailments, noth ing approaches it as a remedy. PIERCER-CURE or MOnet returned. Mr*. Aurelia Vaw nu, of Hamilton, 7nd„ write*: "My friend* a said I would never bo t any better, for I had £ ulceration of the bow jfe: el*. By the time I had % ' taken a bottle and a %: half of Doctor Pierce'* K Golden Medical Dlacov a: cry, the bleeding bad gfc almost itopped. My ap petite waa rood, noth t'. Ini seemed to hurt me that I ate. My Improve ioinuvAinui. Several jeara have and my rare la permanent ** Thing* Told by Others. The Farm Journal says: Bring the horse up to the hitching post with his head from the wind. Ho will not get so cold as if his head is toward the wind, and he will stand better. The horse will stand more quietly while you are hitching him if his head is from the wind Bore a small hole in the pump below the floor or. bind it around with straw to keep H from freezing. It is foolishness to giro the cow loo cold water, squeeze warm milk out of her and expect her to keep warm. To trap muskrats use the common steel rattrap set at the hole of the rat or in its trail along the stream. Bate it with flsh or carrot. When the icehouse is filled, do not put any sa#dust on top of the ice until you have thrown the house open some stinging cold evening and poured water over the ice until the crevices are filled. Leave the house open three or four very cold nights and the ice will freeze into one solid mass and keep better. Life appears to be too short to be spent n nursing animosities. The absence of temptation is the absence of virtue. I Aa Unseen Bneaf ' I* more toll* dreaded ti.nn i.n open ami visible one. T. at subtle and Itirklua foo, which under tie generic name of tmilurl* manifests Itself w, en .t clutches us In It* tenacious grasp, In Ihn various form* of chills and fjv. r, bilious remittent, dumb ague or nine calnKl«n, U.«. P Successfully Prosecutes, Claims. Late Principal Bxamtncr UTS. Pension Bureau. 3 y n> 1 u laat war, 15 ad) udlcatiug cleiiue, atty aiuo* nrNC^iB ANO HEAD NOISES CURED lipDP|<> rrik ftmv ml|k r>i diafiuiue. Winppri » m W0 fcs^a ■ Pm-ossfiil wtirii all rsniei REft iiimmmcfefciWHia BUT THI8 OUT and send It with 6c postage and get a ■ampie of our “Get There Ell” Modish, fit forusainlfl *,and our Mammoth Farm Seed Catalogue; or 10c for cats lie and 10 Farm Oraln Samples: or 13c for catalogue and 13 avs and clorer «ainpies. Wa are the largest growers of Farm I BeeiU. Potatoes Qraaw and Clover Heels, etc., in Amerleo.W John A 5alzerSeed(§ LaCr°S3e Wi5 Costs N0THIN6 TO TRY YOUR 8KILL. Simply write outwhat, after careful study, you believe are the aaawera required to win a full reward; nud dan't nn>i that if «mi* «ihm ■■■ — - --.*«« - ■ - ® . ■ .. . vu " “ ■ ■■ ^D ■ •■■ ■ IWW BIV A i H 11,■ " I ftr«f„t55‘ ,f/”Sr *“»*" H? “"'r P"tl»lly right you will rail win t juet proportion of luch reward. ’ri— — "uniiKimun ui bu your name and addreas underneath tta— *-— *"* - Thenwrlt^ ■BALED report to yon-«r« pay that. Send all auwera to The American Rub. Co.. MT«Y Din 187 . - . JERSEY CITY* N. J Big 4 BRAIN-BURNISHERS: . ..NT What many politicians, po litical orators, and otters would like to be. • R ••S That for which women fond of showy attire often ggetKHojymictMi^jne^^^ •EA*TY Desirable for all women, and especially for those with plain faces. • I *HT Desired in their “ bush Iness" by pugilists Corbett, Mitchell, Dixon nod others. EXPLANATION.—Ta seeking winning answer*, try to think of words which when fully and correctly spelled will dt our definitions and contain as many letters as you find tmth circle* and letters In the Studies. • ARE the BEST • ■ Especiallv for Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands and othere. Double solo ex-. 1 tending down to the heel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY* 1 Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is the best they ever had. ^ Atk yOlf dMltr for tkMI and don’t be persuaded into an inferior article. V