The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 11, 1894, Image 8

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i .tfcfc* Learned Oxford pr»f«iMor Had Small
Fatleaee With llraggarta.
What the late Professor Jo wot f of
Oxford wu least tolerant of was pro*
tentlousncss and shallow conceit The
reputation for extreme latitudlnarlan
' Ism that the famo of his early trial for
heresy had attached to his name some*
* times made foolish young men seek to
curry favor with him by extravagant
protestations of agnosticism. Oue self
satisfied under graduate, who had a
thin smattering of all tho heathen
philosophies, and fancied, like
many of his age, that he had
made the original discovery
that all the world's dolls were full
of sawdust, met the master in the
<aQuad" one day, and having entored
into conversation with him, continued
to pace up and down by his side.
"Master," he said after a pause, “I
have searched everywhere in the phil
osophies, ancient and modern, and no
where do I find theevldenoe of a God.”
"Mr.-replied the master after la
shorter pause than usual, "If you do
not find a God by 5 o’clock this after
noon you must leave this college,” If
* Dr. Jowett had really believod in the*
young man's profession of “phllosoph
: ic doubt" as being anything but pup
pyish brag he would have spent hours
of valuable time in kindly and reason
able talk with him.
He Saw a Sloe Example of the Wild and
Woolly Weat Drama.
"I've seen a good many funny snaps
In the way of plays and play-actors in.
my time,” said the advance agent,
"but one I struok in Milwaukee the
other day was by far the best of
anything I have ever been up against
It was in one of the mussnms there.
The museum has a stock company in
Its theater, and its great specialty is
border drama. Every week they giyo
a new drama of the wild and woolly
' “This pity that I saw was a blood
hurdler of that character, and at the
time I arrived at the theator the stage
was pitch dark and- two men were
fighting a duel. I could hear the
men stumble around the stage, but I
could but faintly distinguish the
forms of the actors. After awhile
there was a thump on the floor and
the viUiau (I knew it was* the vllllan
by his accent) hissed: "Ah ahl
Buddph Tegherington, I have you
now and no one nigh to see me do the
“Then the drummer hit the bass
drain a belt and the calelum man
turned on the light and away up on
top of a rocky pass a woman (the
heroine) was seen standing. 'Coward!*
•he shouted, *me and heaven is here!’"
Ceossuanitly They Prepared to Enjoy
the Trip to the Utmost.
U An old Missourian tells this story:—
" "We had about twenty-five miles to
go by stage-coach in Missouri, and it
was early spring, and the roads were
very bad. The stage started about
half an hour before day light, and
there were five men of us and two
*v women. These last had the back
■ neat, and talked only to each other.
W# were not over-two miles out when
the stage got stuck, and down every
mah had to get and lift and pull and
push. Three miles farther on we
.vrere stuck again, and it was the same
Performance over again. In going
about fourteen miles we were stuok
■ five times, and in going the twenty
five we lifted that old stage out of the
‘ rats and holes' and ditches almost a
dosen timea
.I* .The five of us were wet, splashed,
muddy, and hungry, when we finally,
drove up to the terminus, and you can
1 Imagine our feelings when those two
women got down, removed their
: ahawls and bonnets, and stood re
vealed as twq hearty and robust men.
' We were looking at them with open
mouths, when one of them remarked—
"Thanks tor your labor, gentlemen.
We knew the road and prepared for
. Wade Bte Own ■ tamps.
An Interesting story of the finding
of some old postage stamps which
were engraved over half a century
pgo comes from Providence. The
. postmaster at that time was Welcome
' B. Baylery, who considered, as the
United States had no postal service
then, that the idea ol a stamp for the
Providence postoffice was a good one.
He grew enthusiastic over the work,
and in a short time a copper-plate was
produced. From this eleven stamps,
ten five-centers and one ten-cent stamp
wore made. This was the proportion
{ of high and low stamps used in those
days. The Stamps were a great nov
elty when they appeared. Recently
Uyourgus Sayler, a relative of the
deoeased postmaster, pulled out of a
pigeon hole a role of the ancient
•stamps, the iheets being in good con
dition. They were purchased by a
• . Philadelphia oolleotor. •.
Argas-Kred and Hydra-lteaded.
The term “Argus-eyed" means
■ watchful. According to the Grecian
.fable Argus had 100 eyes, end Juno
set him to watch all of whom she was
- Jnaloua When Argus was slain she
transplanted his eyes Into the tail of
the peacock. “Hydra-headed" is a
- Word derived from the fable of Her
cules and the Hydra. The Hydra had
nine heads and Hercules was sent to
ldlllt. As soon as he struck off one
* of its heads, two shot up in its place.
' Then end Ho*.
Compare the luxurious habits of the
present legislators with those known
- to have been in vogue not over a cen
tury ago among one of the most’aristo
cratic bodies in America. It has not
. yet been 100 years since the Pennsyl
vania legislative assembly passed this
tow: ‘That in the future no member
of. the house shall come barefoot or
hjp bjytflandcheese on the steps!"
Want Out to Operate Upon the Savages
end Wm Operated (’pen.
One of the most curious expeditious
ever planned by man was that once
undertaken by Dr. 3. G. Hunting’, ot
Portland, Maine. During all his life
he had been a close studeutof the phi
losophy of digestion, and for tho pur
pose of h!s Investigations he had that
Canadian, Alexis St. Ma'tin, in hie
care for tweuty years. In order to
cinch matters and provide facts for
some of the doubting Thomases, Dr.
Bunting east about for ro ueono else
upon whom he might continue to ex
periment lie could think of but one
plan, and that was to go into Africa,
buy two slaves, and operate upon
their stomachs. By opening the
body near the fifth rib and
perforating the stomach, a condition
could be producod similar to
that existing in the person of St.
Martin. Therefore tho doctor pur
chased his supplies and sailed across
to Tunis in the north of Africa.
There he hired a native chiof with
forty of his followers, paying them a
liberal retaining fee and promising
alluring largess when the trip should
be ended. They set forth. The doc
tor carried £1,000 in his inside pocket,
and the chiof probably lay awake
four nights thinking about the matter.
At any rate, on the fifth night ha
sneaked into the doctor's tent and de
livered a little address over the muz
zles of two pistols. When he had
concluded the doctor passed over his
ducats and the chief passed over tho
border along with his renegade band.
They helped themselves to' such sup
plies as suited their artless and unen
lightened tastes. The daotor came
back without a retinue, and with a
deal of experience that will never ap
pear in a medical work.
A 8y*t*m That l're.enta BepHtlnx And
Rellevai Candidate* of Espouse*.
There U not the same strict control
over expenditure on elections in'
France as In England. The cost of an
election varies considerably. There is
not a great deal spent in holding pub
lic meetings, but a spirited rivalry
arises sometimes over placarding.
The candidates are not saddled with
official expenses as in England. -The
amount spent depends entirely on the
strength of the opposition; usually
when the fight is keen the expenses of
each candidate will run between 10,
000 francs and 30,000 francs.
At the famous contest between
Boulanger and Jacques in 1880 over
1,000,000 franas were spent. The
French system of polling tends to In
sure purity of voting. When a person
enters the poling station he gives up
his electoral card. The number on it
is compared with the number on the
register. When the identity of the
voter is established his card is ac
cepted an<f ho is allowed to vote.
Before the card is returned to him an
official tears off a corner of it, which
renders it useless. Other precautions
are taken which render fraudulent
voting exceedingly difficult Election
offenses, which are severely punished,
are hardly possible, except through
collusion with the presiding officers.
How the Hm Took Precaution* Against
Losing HI* Good*. •
At -the military tournament in the
Madison Square garden in New York,”
said a traveler, “a man came along
with opera glasses to hire. ‘Opera,
glasses,’ he said, ‘ten cents.’ A man
who was sitting in an end seat said
he’d take one, and the man with the
glasses set his bag down on the steps
of the aisle and took out a glass.
. *1 'How are you going to make sure
of getting It back?’ said the man In
the seat playfully. ’You might miss
me in the crow A’
. “ T guess there’s ao danger of
that,” Said the man in the aisle la
like cheerful strain, and os he spoke
he wound from aronnd the operator a
chain. One end of this chain was at
tached to the glass; the other end the
man pat around the iron support un
der the seat. He secured it there
with a look, and then ha politely
handed the glass to the man who had
hired it. The man in the seat re
ceived it with equal politeness and
with a smile which he could not.
wholly restrain. The man in the aisle
smiled a little, too. Then he sna pped
the bag shnt, lifted it and stepped up
the aisle, saying as he went, gently:
’“Opera-glasses, ten cents’ ”
•'••• '.Btraligi of Washington Qaida*.
While there i* no salary attached
to the position of capitol gnlde, the
sergeants-at-arms of the two houses
are constantly importuned to grant
permits to persons who desire to act in
that capacity. These guides are under
the control of the capitol police board,
and are allowed to charge not to
exceed .fifty cents- per hour, yet they
are not prohibited from receiving all
their patrons choose to pay. so most
«f thorn make about $100 per month.
The number of guides has recently
increased up to sixteen, while twelve
is the maximum number intended to
be authorized by the board. As a re
sult six of the older guides have
been latd off and two new ones
put on, so the even dozen limit is
again in force. "
A Dull for m God.
1 The ancient Egyptians believed
that the spirit of their greatest god,
Osiris, dwelt among them in the form
of a pure white bull marked by a cer
tain sign. Herodotus mentions two
of these signs—a black eagle on the
back, and a black forehead with a
square of white in the ceut?r. These
creatures, when found, were wor
shiped during life and mummified
after death. The New york histori
cal society has one of these “bull
gods;” a fine mammy from the temple
Popular Everwhers.
Beginning with a email local sale in a
retail drug store, the business of Hood’s
sarsaparilla has steadily increased until
there is scarcely n village or hamlet id
the United States where It is unknown.
Today Hood’s sarsaparilla stands at
the head in the medicine world, admired
in proSperty and envied In merit by
thousands or would-be [competitors. It
has a larger sale than any other medicine
before the American public, and prob
ably greater than all other sarsaparillas
and blood purifiers combined.
Such success proves merit.
If your are sick, is it not the medicine !
for you to try? Hood’s sarsaparilla
It pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
him Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
By virtue of an ordor of sale directed to me
from th ' e'erk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, ou a decree obtained ho
foro the district court, of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the lath day of March, 189a, ink
favor of J. L. Moore, trustee, as platntllf and
against Martin F. Winter and Ella Winter
us defendants for the sum of eighteen
hundred seventy-one dollnrs and thirty-five
cents and costs taxed at $27.48 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the prouerty of said de
fendants, to satisfy said or, er of sale, to-wit:
The north lia'f of the southwest quarter
and the west half of the southeast quarter of
section seventeen 1.171, township thirty-one
1311, north of range ten 110], west of the 0th
P. M.Jn Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highestbldddrforcash.ln hand, on the 5th
day of February, A. D., 1804. in front of the
court-house in O’NoiU, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’clook a. m. of
said duy, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Hated at U’Neltl, Neb., this 80th day of De
cember, 1800. H. C. MulSVONY,
20-5 Sheriff of Said County.
John F. Lewie, F. F. Beck. Ernest R. ICruck
and Iowa State National Bank, of Sioux City,
lowa, defendants, will take notice that United
Trust Co., Limited, a corporation organised
and existing under and by virtue of the laws
of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Ireland, plaintlllhas Hied a petition in the
district court of Holt countv, Nebraska,
against said defendants Impleaded with T. R,
Heck, the object and prayer of which aro to
foreclose a mortgage dated the 23rd day of
December 1SK9, for the sum of $550 nnd Inter
est, on the sV4 of tl 3 se U of section ;'.)
and the eV4 of the neJ4 of soctlou 32, In
Twp.25 n. of r 14 wof the fltli I’. M.. in Holt
county, Nebraska, executed by said defend
ant John F. Lewlsto the Globe Investment
Company and duly assignod to plaintiff by
said Globe Investment Comruny. Which
mortgage was recorded In hook 41) at page '~2
of mortgage records of said Holt county, Ne
braska, cm tho 26th day of September 1880.
Plaintiff asks to have said mortguge decreed
to bo a first lien ou said real estate and said
real cstuto sold to sutlsfy tho amount due
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 5th day of February 1694.
Duted December 23rd. 1893.
8, D. Thornton.
25-4 Attorney for Plaintiff
Isaac E. Angle and Mrs. Angle, wife of
Isaac E. Angle, defendants, will take notice
that Susan H. Bertram, plaintiff, has filed a
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, im
pleaded with James Illnckmore. Lnvlnia
Blackmore, James II. Fuller and M. B.
Slooum, defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a mortgage dated
March 12.1888, for $530.00 and Interest on the
north half of the southeast quarter and
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and lot three in section nineteen, township
thlrty-lhree.rango twelve, In said county,
given hy James Blackmore and Lavinla
Blackmore to Western Trust and Security
Company and assigned to plaintiff, which
mortgage was reoorded In hook [4, page 485,
of tho mortgage records of said county, and
to have the same decreed to be a first lien
and said lands sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to auswer said petition on
or before the 19th day of February, 1894.
Dated January 5, 1894.
27-4 Susan H. Bertram, Plaintiff.
By Munger & Courtright, attorneys.
Ellen Crogan defendant, will take notice:
That.1, L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, filed a
Setitlon in the district court ol Holt county,
obruska, against said defendant, impleaded
with John Grady, Daniel Grady, heirs at law
of Patrick Grady, deoeusod, and O. O. Snyder,
administrator of the estate of Patrick Grady
deceased, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a mortgage dated August 8, 1887,
for *3,D.':J.OO and interest thereon, on the
east halt of the southwest quarter and the
south half of tho southeast quarter of section
seven; and the north uaL of the northeast
quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and tho noitheast quarter
of the southeast quarter of section eighteen,
and tho west half of the northwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section seventeen, all In township
twenty-seven, north of range nine-, west of
the 6tn r. M.. Holt oounty, Nebraska,executed
iby Patrick Grady and Kose Aim Grady now
deceased, to tho Dakota Mortgage Loan Cor
poration and ossignod to plaintiff. Which
mortgage was recorded In book 29, at page
48t oftke mortgage records of said ooosity.
Plaintiff prays that the samelbe decreed to be
a first lieu on said land and that said land be
sold to satisfy tho amount due tliereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 19th day of February, 1891.
Dated February 8, 1894.
27-4 J. L. Moors, trustee. Plaintiff.
By S. D, Thornton, his attorney.
Ballou State Banking Company non-resi
dent defendants. Notice H hereby given
that on the 6th day of January, 1884. B. A.
Ballou & Company, the plaintiff In this
action, filed a petition in the office of the
olerk of the dfstrlo court of Holt county, Ne
oraska, the object and prayor of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed bv
John DcLoss Wilson and wife upon the south
east quarter section twenty-seven, township
twenty-eight, north range eleven, west 6th
p. m.. In Holt county, Nebraska, which mort
gage was oxeouted and delivered to H. S.
Bailou & Company and filed for record on the
6th day of July, 1888, and recorded in book 14
of mortgages at page 151,' that there Is now
duo upon said mortgage the sum of 81,809.67.
You are required to auswersaid petition
a or before the 49th day of February, 1894,
or tho same will tie taken as true and judg
ment entered accordingly.
S*-4 , H. U. Ilnur,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
- ■ iK t; ;■ .
Lucret! a D. Burton will take notice that on
the 15th flay of December, 1893, Ilenjaintn 8.
Kills, plaintiff herein. Hied Ills petition In the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against-sald defendant and Richard Barrett,
tho object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage, executed by de
fendant Richard Barrett to the plaintiff upon
the south half of northwestquartor of section
live, township twenty-nine, north of range
eleven west, Holt county, Nebraska, to se
cure tho payment, of a certain promissory
note, dated the 20th day of August, 1888, for
tho surn of K150, and duo and payable ou the
1st day of July, 1861, together with Interest
thereon at tho rate of 8 percent, as evidenced
by coupon notes ; ttachod to said original
note, and Interest at *0 per cent, after ma
turity, rind to recover certain taxes paid on
raid premises under and by virtue of said
mortgage, and amounting ou the lllth day of
December, 1H93, to tho sum of >5* 1.05, together
with interest thereon at 10 percent, from said
date and asking that said defendant Lucrctla
I). Burton be foreclosed of any interest in
and to said premises. Plaintiff prays for de
cree that defendant be required to pay said
amount or that said premises be sold to sat
isfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition on
or bofore the 29th day ol' January, 1864.
Dated December 15th 186.'!.
21*4 Batin ns & Eames,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 18th day of December, 1893.
In favor ofElIaBeckwlthSmlth as plalntllTund
against Ferdinand C. Ralleweg, Josehpine
Ba'loweg and the Farmers Loan & Trust defendants,for the sum of eleven
hundred slpty-elghtdollarsandflvecents and
costs taxed at $32.08 uud accruing costs
I have levied upon the following premises,
taken as the property of said defendants,
to satisfy saidorder of sale to-wlt:
The east half of northwest quarter and east
half of southwest quarter or section thiry
four 1341. township twenty-nine 1291, range
sixteen 116], west of the 6th P. M., In Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 29th day
of January, A. D. 1804, In front of the court
house In O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held.’ut the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 28th day of
December, A. D, 1803.
„ H. O. McEVONY,
25-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of’ sale
directed to mo from the clerk
of the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska’ on a decree obtained defore the
district court of Holt county Nebraska, on
the 7th day of December, 1803, in favor of the
Phoenix Insurance Company as plaintiff and
against Niles Jorgensen, Hanne Jorgensen,
Georgo W. E. Dorsey and Mrs George W. E.
Dorsey, as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundrod thirty-seven dollars, und twenty
cents, togother with *— taxes paid by plain
tiff on said premises to protect his lien, and
costs taxed at $76.78 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale to wit:
The north half of the northwest quarter of
section fourteen (14) and the east half of
northeast quarter section fifteen (15) town
ship twenty-seven (27) north range fourteen
114) west of the sixth P, M. in Holt county,
And will offer tho same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the r :d
day of January, A. D. 1894, in front of, the
court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at tho hour of 9 oclock A. M. of
said day, when and where duo attendance
will be given by the. undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 20th day
of December, It'D,
24-5 II. 0. McEVONY,
Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an or.! <.r of sale.. directed to
me from the clerk o. he dtstrtot court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the 26th day of September, 1893, in
favor of Union National bank, ofOmah:#
Nebraska, as plaintiff, and against Barrett
Sc >tt, Dell Akin, VV. D. Mathews, Samuel O.
Sample, and Holt Cattle Company, as de
lendunts, for tho sum of twenty-five hundred
dollars and costs taxed at $44.63 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the . following
premises taken as the property of said de
fendants to satiety said order of sale, to-wit:
Lots one (1), t\vo (2), three (3),and four (4),
Block fourteen (14), Ilazelet’s addition to
O’Noitl. Lots three (3) and four (4) Block C.
Milllara’sadditiontoO’Nelll blocksixlG),O’Neill
South half of Block three (3), McCafferty's
annex to O’Neill, northwest quarter section
four (4), township thirty-one (31), range ten
(10) southwest quarter of southwest quarter
and southwest quarter of northweStquarter,
and northwest quarter of southwest quarter
of section thirty-two (32), township thirty-two
(32), range ten (10), and southeast quarter
of northeast quarter and northeast quarter
of southeast quarter, of soctlon thirty-one
(31), township thirty-two (32), range ten (10),
west of the 6th P. M, In Holt county, Ne
braska. '
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash,'In hand on the 15th day
of January. A. D. 1894, In front of the court
house In O'Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of lOo’clock a. m. of said
day when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
_Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 14th day of
December,A. D. 1893. H. C. McEVONY,
23-5 Sheriff of Said county.
By virtuo of an order of sale directed to
mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, upon a doeree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on the 21st day of October, 1893, in
favor of Mrs. F. W. Thomas us plaintiff and
against Hiram Hetfleld, Sarah Hetfield, H.
W. Sylvester. Mrs. H. W. Sylvester, his wife,
Julia E. Sylvester, - Sylvester, husband
of Julia E. Sylvester, C. K. Collins, receiver
of the Nebraska Mortgage & Investment Oo.,
as defendants, for the sum of seven hundred
nine dollars and twenty-five cents and costs
taxed at *3ti 93 and accruing costs I have lev
ied upon the following premises taken as the
proporty of paid defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wlt:
The west half of the northeast quarter, the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section 14, and the southeast quarter of
the southwest quarter of section 11, township
8t, north of range 10 west of the 6th p. in. in
Holt county Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on tho 15th
day of January. A. 0. 1894, in front of the
•court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day, when afid whore due attendance
will bo given by the undersigned.
Hated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 14th day of
December, 1893. », , ,
H.^O. MoEVONY, Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to ine
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 7th day of December, 1892,
in favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
as plaintiff and against Helnrluk Jurgens,
Christina JurirenH, Gtx)rge W. E. Dorsey and
Mrs. George W. K. Dorsey as defendants for
tho sum of eight hundred thirty-seven d i
lars and twenty cents and 6-taxes paid
to protect his lien and costs taxed at *80.38
and acorulng costs I have levied upon the
following premises taken as tho property of
sold defendants to satisfy said order of sale
The northwest quarter of section twenty
one (21), township twenty-seven (27). north' of
range fourteen (14), west of the Uth p. m. In
Dolt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for salotothe
highest bidder for ensb, In hand, on the • .’d
day of January. A. 1). 1894, in front of the
court-house In O’Ne . that being the build
ing wherein the last >rm of district court
was held, at the hour o. 9 o’clock A. h, of said
day when and where due attendance will
be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb.. this°0th day of
Dcoember; A. D., 1893. H.C McEVONY.
24-5 _ Sheriff of said county.
Know alt men by these presents: That we.
George C. Hazofet, Robert R. Dickson, John
McHugh and Nell Urennan, do hereby as
sociate ourselves together, a body corpo
rate and for the purpose of organizing a
corporation, wo agree to the following
The name of the corporation shall be: The
Gorman Chicory Company.
^us'nces of the corporation
shall be ht O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska.
The general nature *of the business to be
transacted by this corporation shall be to
own, operate and maintain a chicory manu
facturing plant at O’Neill. Nebraska, and
any other point or points In the United
States. Also, to plant, raise and cultivate
chicory from seed, and for these purposes:
This corporation shall have power to buy,
lease and own such real estate as may he
necessary or convenient for their use, to luty
own and Bell chicory in crude or manufact
ured form, to buy and sell all kinds of ma
chinery necessary or Incidental to the man
ufacture of chicory or the operating of a
chicory manufactory. and to lease, sell,
mortgage or otherwise convey any or all of
the real estate, personal property or fran
chises It may own. Also to buy, own, hold
and dispose ol', such other real estate as In
the judgment ot the officers of this corpora
tion, shall be for Its benefit and Interest.
' The capital stock of this corporation shall
be one hundred thousaud (lOO.CO) -dollars,
divided Into shares of one hundred (100) dol
lars each. At least one half of the capital
stock shall be paid up at the commencement
of business ana the balance at gush time or
times as the hoard of directors may direct.
This corporation shall commence business
on the 2d day of January, 1884, and contin
ue for a period of ninety-nine years unless
sooner terminated by voluntary liquidation
or due process of law.
The indebtedness of this corporation shall
at no time exceed the sum of fifty thousaud
(50,000) dollars.
The business of this corporation shall be
conducted by a board of not less than three
nor more than five directors. The directors
shall choose from their nhmbers a president,
secretary and treasurer.
The directors shall he elected annually by
the stock holders at their annual meeting,
which shall be held on the first Tuesday in
Jauuary, each year, at the office of the cor
poration, at O’Neill. Nebraska. At all meet
ings of the stock holders, each stock holder
shall bo entitled to one vote for each share
of stock he represents.
All contracts and conveyances shall be or
dered by the hoard of directors and signed
by the president and secretary.
The board of directors may adopt such by
laws not Inconsistent with these articles, as
they may deem proper for the conducting of
the business of this corporation.
These articles may be amended at any
meeting of the stock holders, by a vote of
two-thirds of all the stock of this corpora
in witness whereof, the undersigned have
hereunto set their hands and seals this 20th
lay of December, 1893.
In presence of: * \
\. J. Hammond. Geo roe C. Hazelet.
L G. Gallagher. Robert R. Dickson.
I. A. Hazelet. John McHugh.
B. S. Kinch. Neil Brennan.
State of Nebraska, Holt County, ss. ’
Be It remembered, that on this 20th day of
December, 1893, before me, Arthur J. Ham
mond, a notary public in and for said county
jf Holt nnd state of Nebraska, personally
tppeared Georgo C. Hazelet, Robert R. Dick
son, John McHugh and Nell Brennan, to me
personally known to be the identical persons
whose names are attached to the foregoing
nstrument, and severally acknowledge the
same to bo their voluntary act and deed for
;he uses and purposes therein sot forth.
Witness my hand and notorial seal the date
;ast above written. Arthur .1. Hammond,
[Seal.] • Notary Public.
My commission expires Nov. 13.1898. 25-4
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
ne from the clerk of tho district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before the district court of Holt
iounty, Nebraska, on the 18th' day of
L>eoeir.ber, 1893, in favor of Dwight W. Try on
is plaintiff and against John Sisley. Julia
5nn Sisley, Nelson C. Clark, Mrs. Ne'son U.
Hark, wtiose first and full name is unknown,
Alfred Frost and Farmers Loan and Trust
Jompany as defendants, for tho sum'of eight
nmdred twenty-tlireedollarsandninety-sevon
jents, and costs taxed at 822.18 and accruing
josts I have levied upon tho following prem
ses taken as tho property of said defendant,
;o satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The east half of the southwest quarter
tnd northwest quarter of southwest quarter
jf section twenty-seven [271 and northeast
juarter of southeast quarter of section
iwenty-eight [281. township thirtv-two,range
sixteen [16], west of the 8th P. A., irr Holt
;ounty, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
ist bidder for cash, tn hand, on the 20th day
>f January. A. D. 1804, in i rout of the court
louse in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last lertn of district court was
teld, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said
Jay, when and where due attendance will be
;iven by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 28th day
if December, 18031 H. O, McEVONY,
Sheriff of said county.
by virtue of an order of sale issued by the
ilerk of the distriot court of Holt oounty,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure rend
sred in an action pending in tho district
iourt of Holt county. Nebraska, wherein the
dchinley-banning Loan and Trust Com
>any was plaintiff and Cargill Graham, Mary
jrahanqJ. B. McKinley, trustee, W. B.
jublic auction to the highest bidder for cask
he judgment, decree and costs in said
tetlou, the following described lands and
enemonts, to-wit:
The north half of the southeast quarter
mi the Southeast quarter of the southeast
l uarter of section one, and the northeast
[uarterof the northeast quarter and the
lorth half or the southwest quarter of
potion twelve, township twenty-six. range
hlrteen west, und the west half of the west
ialf pf section seven, township twenty-six,
■ange twelve west, and the northeast quarter
>f the northwest quarter of section thirteen,
ind the north halt of the northeast quarter
ind the north half of the northwest quarter
>f section fourteen, and the south half of the
iou tbwcstr quarter of section twelve, and the
fast half of the southeast quarter, and the
iprthwost quarter of the southeast quarter
>f section eleven, township twenty-six, range
thirteen west, in Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated this 28th day of December, 1803.
*-6. H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
* all bKKl Firs SALE,
Ur virtue of an order of K»le.dlrected to
wfrM) the clerk of the district court of
Solt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
jefore the district court of Holt dountyTlkS
iraska, on the Ttn day of December, ft#*. In
n favor of the l'hoenix Insurance Company
is plaintiff and against Chhrles 8. Wiles.S.-m t
1 Jones- George W. E. Dorsey. Mrs. George
-V. E. Dorsey and citizens bank of Atkinson
Nebraska, as defendants. for the sum of eight
Kindred thirty-seven dollars, and twenty
sents and costs taxed at *012.13 and
iccrulng costs I have levied uuou
;he following premises taken as the property
^defendant, to satisfy said order of
The south half of southwest quarter, and
.he south half of southeast quarter seotlou
'ooibor seven U) township number twenty
sight (-8) north of range number thirteen (13)
vest ot the btli ip. llolt county,Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
lighest bidder for cash, in hand, on the !£id
lay of January, A. D. 1SM4, In front of the
sourt house lu o Neill, thut being the build
'*“> Jo*"*- term of (ils(riot court
».is held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of
said day. when and where duo attendance
'dl Le given by the undersigned.
Dated at O Neill,Nebraska, this 28th day of
Oocemher, 1893. - II. o. McEVONrf
Sheriff of said couuty.
want*, NebruskaT Z|, .,lrlct conr
the object, And priyer d de
oIobc a certain nin»i,„„whl°1' are
3n!r?*°/*ai,<* ^®nni0 L.^aylffp**60?10^ h
and afterwards sold »mi.UlC;' H.
HadeejL before 5“ . tra'i8(('rr,.,
twenty (20) and thelSrth’W* of
cure the payment of S,VNebrasw
bond, with interest c“taiu
bond dated J imo 20, 188SU$)°r'1f,1
due and payable July T 1sLt e •‘'»m
provided that in ease saw »?' 8l,lUI m
aro not puid when n.?. bul,d or ,
thereafter, the whole^oC s thln k
may be declared to he a,a CU,,'»'
there is now doe on said i,,\. „anci l>
mortgage the sum of toto- W’UP<
with interest fro™ *°,r »>*
gent,, plaintiff prays foi.b ‘ J'M(<-a
jenuants do required to nav »>,„ '■
said premises may bePHoi,ib?8a''1
amount found due: 06 80 “ t0 sa
Ymi !ipi>
5M. •"—u**y o
Dated December 8,18ft3
. By virtue of an order of sains•
from the clerk of the distrwlrected
oountv, Nebraska, oi a decra^."'
fore the district court of obtil
breska, onthefthdav nt c°uut
favor of the Phoenlx^nsuran™Ipt>er'
Lore?J Nlssen, OathrlnaV'
ft aj' dEe&„V“S'"
el«ht hundred thirty-seven f?K,nU'
twenty cents and costs tawd^t."?
defendants, ’to saW^'scRS
The south half of the smitw.
and the south half of the soMhS
of section No. twenty-two (22) tnwn ?!
twenty-seven (27). north of ran«Wvsl'*
teen (M), west ofthe flth u"*m N?'
county, Nebraska. p* m” in
And will offer the same fn- c«,
highest bidder for cnshin hand othI
^ay of January, A. D„ IBM, In from ,
court-house In O'Nelll.thatVinJo, A
wherein the last term of dtstrln, „
held, at the hour of 9 o'clock a V"/f
day when and where due attenda™,
gl von by the undersigned. c'
Decomber^ this 20th d
December,lm H. o.McEvox
24-5 Sheriff of said cou
By virtue of an order of sale directed
horn the clerk of the district court 0|
Bounty, Nebraska, on a decree obtain,
lore the district court of Uolt Sr
Nebraska, on the Tth day of Docembe
In favor of the Phoenix Insurance Con
as plaintiff and against Too Tom
Annie Oleson Torgersen. George
Dorsey, and Mrs. G flV. E. Dorses as d,
ants, for the sum of eight hundred t
seven dollars and twenty cents and
taxes paid by plaintiff to protect his ii.
posts taxed at S81.43 and accruing r
have levied upon the following pro
taken as the property of said defend
satisfy said order of sale,to-wit:
, Tho southwest quarter of section N<
10) township No. twenty-seven (27) ran;
fourteen (14) west of the sixth P. M i.
Bounty, Nebraska,
i ,A,nd J?*?] offer the same for sale
highest bidder for cash in hand on tb
lay of January. A. D. IBM, in front
:ourt-house in O'Neill, Ne'u., that bein
building wherein the last term of dt
Jourt was held at the hour of 9 o'clock
Jfsald day when and where due atton,
irill be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 20th d
December, A. D. 1893. II. C. McEVOX
24-5 Sheriff of said cou
By virtue of anorder of sale direct
no from the clerk of the district co
Holt county, Nebraska, on a deerc
..'lined before the district court of
Jdunty, Nebraska, on the 7th day of P
Aer, 3802, In favor of Phoenix Itisu
Company as plalntllT and against Char
L’earl, Nellie K. Pearl, H. H. Dorsey, (i
iV. E. Dorsey and Mrs. George W. E. I)
is defendants for the sum of seven lim
hirty dollars and costs taxed at 1*0.
iccruing costs 1 have levied upun tl
owing premises, taken as the prope
laid defendants, to satisfy said order of
The south Half of the southwest qi
tnd the west half of the southeast /;
>f section No. live (5), township No.
light (28), north of range No. thirteei
vest of the 8th p. in., In Holt count)
And will offer the same for said
ilghest bidder for cash In hand on tti
lay of January, A. D., 1894. In front o
lourt-hoiise In O’Neill, that being the
ug wherein the last term of district
vas held, at the hour of 9 o'clock a.
mid day. when and where due attest
*111 be given be the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 20tii i
Jecember, 1893. • tl. C. McEVON
24-3 Sheriff of said coui
By virtue of an order of sale directed
ronl the clerk of the district court of
Aunty, Nebrarka, on a decree obtains
)re the district court of Holt county
raska, on the 15th day of March, tr
ivor of Annie Patten as plaintiff
gainst Benjamin A. DeYarmau, Lyu
loYarman, John H. DeYarmau. Mar
annah, James A. DeYarmta and 'i■
'eYarman ah defendants for the sura i
and red nlnty eight dollars andnlnty-six
nd costs taxed at 120.18 and acc
:>sts I have levied upon the following
os taken as the property of said deten
satisfy said order of salo, to-wlt'
' BttViSIy OdlU UrUGi Ul oniVJf w
Lots six 16], seven 1.71 and eight [81, in
vonty-three 1231- In the city of 0 N
rnnty, Nebraska. . , ,
And will offer the same for sale t
ghest bidder for cash in hand on tn
tyot January, A. D. 1801, In front i
lurt-house In O'Neill, that being the1
g wherein the last term of district
as held at the hour of 10 o clock A. M."
ly when and where due attendance w
ven by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this - 'tb|
December. A. D. 1803. H.C. MoBVON
Sheriff of said cou
By virtue of an order of sale directed
Am the clerk of the district court
unty, Nebraska, on a decree i
fore the district court of Ho «
Jbraska. on the 7th day of Decern
favor of the Phoenix InsuranceiW
plaintiff and against Ole
sns Torgersen, Soott T. Jones, Gee k
wrsey. Mrs. George W. B. »
tizeng Bank, of Atkinson, Nobr..
fendajits, for the suni of elebtl'*"
Irty-seven dollars and twentye
- taxes paid -by plaiutlff to Pr«t<|
tlm, and costs taxed at 131..8 and
sts I have levied upon thei ion.
emlses taken as the property ]’[ • M
ndants to satisfy said order of sat .
rhe northeast quarter of section e
) township twwnty-seveni *)
nge fourteen 04) West of the 6
)lt oounty, Nebraska. „lo(,,t]ic
And will offer the same for sale to w
t bidder forcash, lnhand.ontne
.ranuary. A. D. 1894. In front'of tM (
use In O’Neill, that be.nfftj* ur
leroln tho last term of ^'strict «? 0
Id, at the hour of wi
y when and where duo attendance
member, 1898.
notice. m
'avid Lower. Horman Moyer. J ^
e of Herman Moyer. J uflus Ls
or Thompson, and Mrs. Thump
Thompson. J'-eob A"
i jura. jauuu Thompson
ob Thompson, defendants. "
Mrs. Jaoob
ou iuumpnuu, uciou------ . 1
i that Marv Chase, plaintiff, h;
on in the district court of «■11
>raska, against said defendunb’ ,
........ arc to 1 ,
it Ci tv CL | .
: and prayer of which areto -- j,)
■tgage dated August 4th 18t s ' II0]I
ist and tax payments, on in
ist and tax payments, on. ■■■ .liirtv
rter of section eight, townsh F N-i:,
ge fourteen, _in licit emodj ' -.
rourtoen, in nua „
n by Davie Lower to the ,,
Security Company, and assIM*^
which mortgage was ru,» ,or,
’-one, page twelve of the , ?ara
of said county, and to ““. j, f,,,
3 to be a Hrst Hop, and said la»« :
fy the same. ..m poll
•ed December »t.,l^ ,„( ^
By Musacu & covin*110111'
■'* 1 I