OFFICIAL DIRECTORY n'rV ^<>v,i! STATE. .. Lorenzo Crounse cr'nor...T._J._MaJpre . J. C. Allen jj"inr* »f Bmiey IK71 ■f!ViW«n‘_r--.. ti -■ ■ George H. Hastings .Eu -- Eugene Moore »«'island iiuVlings.Vaeoige Humphrey fta rfio instruction.A. IC. Uoudy jtjill'L 1 rrVNT!* STATE UNIVERSITY. ! , ' ficre, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham, i M Hiatt, Alma; E. P. IlolmoB, .j." jiailalou, Kearney, M. J. Hull, Ipjerct’. •» (JO yO JlESSIONAL. [ '.'rha*. r. Mandorson, of Omaha; V\\ Allfti- ‘iv,,s__\vrm.- Bryan, Lincoln? O, I BtP^SinBow: Wm. McKetRhun. Rod 1>l v* . ,ciollJ' JUDICIARY. .Samuel Maxwell jjjef justice - - judge Poet and T. L.Norval JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Hl-TEE.N j V p Klnkold, of O'NeiU judge..J. J. King of O'Neill .. A. L. Bartow of Chadron Judge.A. L. Warrlok. Of O’Neill wortor "land offices. O'NEU.1.. .W. D. Mathews. Mister..A. L. Towle. Jcolver... kelioh. 0. W. Robinson .W.B. Lambert jeeistcr." ". rr.COUNTY. i .Goo McOutcheon ^RftbeDisirtctCourt;..,.JohnM8kH^ .. J. P. Mullen Treasurer. .Sam Howard Deputy..Bill Bethea 'Clerk. Mike McCarthy Deputy. Obas Hamilton Sheriff. " Sheriff." . ..Chas O’Neill Jepaty-vv*Xig*“*...W. R. Jackson jopt.of schools.....Mra, w. R. Jackson Assistant... .Dr. Truehlood Owner-•. .M.P. Norton ...jj. R. Murphy Attorney. SUPERVISORS. .Frank Meore jtkins.on.. Wilson Brodie flevehend. Willie Calkins (Jt-ler-LV...George Eckley (jiam.iera. .Fred Schindler Be1-”1-. ..J. 8. Dennis }»S,"V;. W.B. Haigh Jaiinett. ■ .D. G. Roll . .8. Gllllson fair' lew. K. J. Hayes Drattsn• ••■■.*.R. Slaymaker Inman— . John Hodge kcClure. John Murphy tyNeill . Puddock... ... Pleasuntvlew. Bock Fulls tool Creek... butt. bra toga. Sind Creek.... tart. han. Serldan. lends. Terdigris .. .. Wyoming. Willuwdale— .George Kennedy ’ ’ Mrs John Air ...lames Gregg F. W. Phillips ...Peter Kelly .John Crawford ..L. A. Jlllison .U. O. Wine ........T. E. Doolittle .J. B. Donolioe .G. H. Pheli>9 ..J. E.Whi.e .D. Trullingc-r C11Y OF VNEILL. Supervisor, John Murphy; Justices, E. II, Benedict and B. Welton; Constables, John Uppiin and Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMAN—FIRST WARD, V For two years.—Ben DeYarman. Bor on© jear-Davia stannard. SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— B. Mullen. THIRD WARD. For two years—J. C Smoot. For one year— B.M.Wagers. ' v» , < CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, K. It. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, David Adams; City Engineer, John Uorrisky; Police Judge, N. Martin; Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, 1.11. Benedict; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. ORA TTAN TO WNSHIP. Supervisor, John Winn; Trearurer, John Dwyer; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose Campbell; Justices, M. Castelio and Chas. lagorsoll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will Stanskie; Road overseer dist. 26, Allen Brown to. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF C0MM8SI0X. Hegutor meeting first Monday in Febru L’rot each year, and at such other times as li deemed necessary. Rob a. Gallagher, Page, ftairman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; H. H. Clark, Atkinson. CT.l’ATRICK’S CATHOLICCHDBCH. p Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock, tety itev. CasBldy, Postor. Sabbath school immediately following servioes. METIIODIST CHUBtH. Services Blevcry Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, 1m ttediatel followed by Sunday school. Preach - tain the evening at8o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Epworfi league devotional meeting Sunday evening ^6:1) o’clock. F. Ellis, Pastor. IM. C. A. Bible study and consecration > meeting every Monday evening in sciure room, M.E. church. Will, Lowhik, Secretary. GL A. R. post, NO. 86. The Gen. John ,-0 Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne tasta G. A. R., will meet the first and third n ~ ^ Will IUDCIi tUU U1BI OUU “ evening of each month in Masonic ■11 O’Neill 8. J. Smiih, Com. fcrttei to attend. t-L. Bright, N. G. E. W. Adams, SeC. (Jarfield chapter, it. a. m «Meeta on first and third Thursday of each '"M in Masonic hall. ' "•Dobrs Seo. J. C. Harnish, H, F KOF P.---HELMET LODGE. U. D ■ lOnVOntlnn nTTAm, ««■ U ■r* CJCCk p, _ “■ t,°,r!™n,lon every Monday at 8 o'< «*^lly lQrtted?WS’ &al1- Vt8lUnK bretherc E. M. Grady, C. C. t. E. Evans, K. of H, and 8. 0’?'^ ENCAMPMENT NO. 30. ^.6U.£F. meets every second and fourtl each month m Odd Fellows’ Hall Scribe, 0. L. Bright, E^J^DGE NO. 41, DAUGHTER ftifoiv^KBEKAH, meets every 1st and d ““•I of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hail. Ann,_ „ Lizzie Smith, N. G, DIE Hershiser, Secretary. (j‘tSELU LODGE, NO.BB.FxfeA.M «t orh?r opramunioatlons Thursday nighti W T lore the full of the moon. Jl’l- Ev'ans, Seo. A. L. Towle, W. M. 'TAMP NO. 1710. M. W.OFA hch'mnlf.S'ith0 first and third Tuesday ii Tffonth In the Masonic hall. D n °p ■“ *n the Masonic hall. -^tronin, clerk. B. J. Ilayes, V. C. A.,?’,V' .)X„Np. 153. Meets tt,eMason?o1htaiiTuds^ay oIoaob mcmtb ii c- McHugh. ilec. G. W. Meals. M. A, POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival ofMails Ivwvh,!4,'. y. R. R.—PROM THE EAST. *ervrt,r„ o • ;• “• FROM THE EAST. may, Sunday included at.6:15 pn Lcrvrf,,., c from the west. 1 a«y, Sunday included at.9:45 a n Arrive, pacific short line. 6r£ a,ly exoept Sunday at 11:35 P n “ 9:55 an Depilr.. ,, °» EII.L AND CnELSEA. *rrivesrPn!l!l5'’ w®d. and Friday at 7:00 an iJesday,Thurs.and Sat. at..l:00pn fcparts u..°:.NK11-1- and paddock. Arrive?~*pn ew« r yonrj sen- -weekly. 62 per year; . „ - ... pur the Inter Ooeaa keeps »bi'e*«t or tuo i miMluult rospoc ». I. >.nnros noodle-i>i"ns nor expense In securlngall the nows ami vhe lK.jt of current lUerutyro. The Weekly inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on account of mall tcrvlco or nny other reason, do not take a dully liner. In Its uo unins are to tie found the week’s news of nil iho wor*d condensed and the oroum of the literary fuatu-usof the <'vlv, Am fumliv pai>er It u.ioels sU western Journals, it consists or e *;ht a supplement. Il lustrated. > a colors, of eight i.dc ton*. pa^ee, mal uc in all sixteen paaos. Tit’s supp’ unont, coutaln’ng six pages of vardlnff.matter and two full page Illustrations, Is e one worth tue prtoe of paper, The Inter Ocean I« published In Chicago, the news and oommerolal center of all west or the A'lenhcny mountains and 1s uetter ndtinted to the needs of the noo tle of that set . on than any naper .'artlier east, : t Is In ao oord with the people oi the west boti In polltlos and L teraturo. By special arrangement with the publishers of the Jnter Oaean we are able to IMIIS The Weekly Inter Oeean and The Frontier Both One Tear for the Sum of One Dollar and Fifcy CenU. Now Is the time to subscribe. UNTIL JAN. 1,1895, 25 CENTS. If you are not already a Journal subscriber that is all you will . . . have to pay us for the . . . i wwvjj i-v a SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 3 from now until January i, 1895, if you will at the same time pay a< year’s subscription in advance to The Frontier. The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west* published Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers, each week, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Remember $1.75 will pay for Tua Frontier a whole year and The Smi-Weekly Journal until January 1, 1895; but 25 cents more than the regular price of The Frontier. Send us your orders at once. Thfe Frontier, O’Neill. : Chicago Lumber Yard : Headquarters for . . *. LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. 1 O'Neill, Yardftx P*se» (All* a. 0.0. SNYDER & CO How many E’s in the first fivq ch tptrra of the Gospel of St. Mark? COUNT THEM AND SEE. YOU MAY GET $5,000. $5,000 for first correct answer. pQp HTELLINGi $3,000 tor nearest correct answer. Use ordinary blble, ve .ses only, aDd send your count, toaetbor with ONB DOL LAU.aud two2-cent s„B nos 'or your subscription to the HOTJ86UOLO CIRCLE, the best 'aw\!y monthly ' 1 Ame ca. Serd money In en /elope or by postal note, money order or refc'suered letter Pienrutpswi 1 be arared October 31. Tits w.’11 divide. Complete ! s*o* those reoe. ting premiums will be published In November number. AM premiums payab e In gVd and sent by American Express. I k n r« a V...m1# am h.ia’hOat >r\ ti. A 1 ■% C rv/1 hi. . AP . iuu mm win n ruMunc>, id ia wvnin iRiinur Address THE H0U8F.110I.D CIUCLE. Box B, Rochester, N. Y. Do You L SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. take ripans tabules RIPANS TABULES •• ’iKa®' take ripans tabules take RIPANS tabules Hi fans Tsbufcs 5 cycle to the System and Preserve (ho Health. EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. RIPANS TABULES take the plx.< c ctf A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST and rthouUI be kevtfor u$: in every family... SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. gold by DrcgjfMs or sent by mall on receipt of price. Box (6 viala), 5fi cents. Package (1 boxes), S& Free San pics address TKE h.»ANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE TREET, - • NEW YORK. , ONE ROX SENT BY MAIL OS liECS.JX OF T5 Cl?. BY II. T. CLARKE & CO., - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA