y THK FHONTIEK. . rvuiiuu itmT mniuT it Tm Frohtikr I’iustiho Co. •O’NEII.L. •:* NEBRASKA. T^nrTmmrrrrmrs OVER THE STATE. A militia company is to be organized At Kuvcnna. Soni! Omaha's fire 1 oases in 1893 foot up 311.775. New buildings erected in Wymore in 1893 cost 333,075. The t!rand Island land office has been' moved to Lincoln. The mother of lion. John M. Thurs ton died in Omaha last week. Pawnee City's new college was opened on the 1st of January. Thk building done In Ksirbury the past year amounts to 3100,000. .Col. Makvix has received his com mission as postmaster at lieatrice. The Morton house at Nebraska City has closed for want of patronage. Omaha - tax payers arc moving in the matter of municipal retrenchment Mr and Mas. B. F. Brim of Lincoln last week celebrated their golden wed ding. Cattle and horses on the western range have done remarkably well this winter. Mrs J. D. Rmith of Kenesaw, who was accidentally shot by her son, will recover. An order comes from Chicago to ad vance insurance rates 90 per cent in Lincoln. Rev. R. H. Fulton has accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Valentine. According to the Courier the holiday trade at Blair was better this year than ever before. Ciutrhcks of Grand Island are tak ing an active part in providing for the poor of the eity. Thk teachers of York county gave their retiring superintendent a* hand some present on Christmas. Dick Nyk, near Gresham, canght his hand in the gearing of a cornsheller And sustained severe injuries. The Morse-Coe Shoo Co. at Omaha are turning out double the quantity of shoes manufactured last year. Thk general store of J. H. Derby & Co., at Bellwood, was burglarized. A quantity of jewelry was taken. \Vm. Gibbon of Grand Island was last week taken to the penitentiary to serve out one year for grand larceny. Two bodies were stolen from Forest Lawn cemetery at Omaha last week. The ghonls have not been arrested. Many counties in the state are thor oughly sick of township organization. It is too cumbersome and expensive. James btambaugh of Saunders coun ty, who died last week, is said to have been the first white settler in that county. For carrying cowboy manners into church three flve-cent novel boys of Lodi were taken in custody and fined $3 each. A young Swede who had both hands frozen while husking corn near Lincoln has been sent to St. Joe, where lie has relatives. The Methodist church at Waverly has been holding a revival and a con siderable number fit conversions have been made. A number of Hastings sports will {dace $1 000 of their surplus funds on /'Gentleman Jim” for the Corbeett Mitchell fight. While fixing-hls windmill Edward Ohnesarge, a farmer living near lien kelman, had a finger almost torn out by the roots. . North Platte's electric light scheme has gone gliratnering for this season because the bond election was not Strictly according to law. The residence of Frank Hull, at To bias, caught fire. The citizens turned cut and the fire was extinguished be fore it did much damage. Louis Atkinson, of Lincoln, who ac cidentally shot himself about Christmas 'time, died last week from the effects of bis wound. He was 16 years old. Mrs. Irvine, whose husband killed E. Montgomery in Lincoln some months ago. has been granted a divorce And possession of the child Flossie. Hunger is given us the cause of loss «f reason by Mrs. W. E. McCune, wife cf a Lincoln county farmer. She has been taken to the Norfolk asylum. While skating near Fort Omaha on Mow Year’s day, Robert Nelson, a boy of ten years, broke through the lee and uvas drowned. The body was secured. «ix weeks after the death of his wife from typhoid fever L. tirimm of Nor folk succumbed to the same disease. Me (lacked one day of being 50 years old Valrntixk has a man who is so mean *• ids wife and child that the citizens are talking of dressing him in tar and toathers as a slight testimonial of the way they feel toward the brute. ltosns to the amount of Stt.500 have toea anted in Hemingford for the pur pose of building and maintaining a system .of waterworks. They were carried by* majority of nine vote* Mrs. H^xnaii K. Maxam of Syracuse has seed-her husband for Sooo she loaned turn before their marriage in ,*•*>, and she also asks for 10 per cent lAtercat which he agreed to pay her when efce aodc the loan. Cutoxit Cadt came in from New York Saturday might, in which city he has been for about two weeks cn busi ness perUiming to his show, which will exhibit on fe&aiem Island the coming «easont sajs the North Platte Tribune. The colonel is a bigger man in New York than many multi-millionaires who fleece tarn is om Wall street, and t- -* — —— ov» ov w, nut -interviewed by several dozen re porters on aa many different subjects. When the wife of a laboring man or farmer buys Nebraska goods site in creases tM demaad for labor, makes it easier to obtain profitable imployinVnt, and makes a better market for the pro ducts of the farm. Nebraska made goods are the best in the market today. Farrel & Co.'s brand of syrups, jellies, preserves and mincemeat: Morse-Coe boots and shoes for men, women and children ;Consolidated Coffee Co. 'a brand of coffee, extracts nud yeast: Page Soap Ca's Silver Leaf and Uorax Soap; Ainer can liiscuit & Manufacturing Co., Omaha crackers; Omaha Silicorn Ca’s Hard Wall Plaster, Union* Life Insur •nee Ca of Omaha. , Top. Farmers' Shipping association of Nuckolls and Jewell counties shipped j out sixty-one cars of stock during the past year, 1,100 hogs and 355 head of cattle. Henry Nankkr, a prominent citizen of Kim Creek, died suddenly of neural* ! gin of the heart, aged 45 years. Ile was a leading candidate for the post* mastership. Douglas Windkll of York county has demonstrated that the case of a land tenant is not hopeless. Me has saved enough in a few years to buy a farm of his own. Rf.v. J. II. Brooker, commonly called "Tho Cowboy Preacher,” has been holding a revival meetting for the last two weeks at Kearney and is meet ing with great success. Over sixty con versions arc reported, with the Interest on the increase. J. J. Hunt was arrested at Hastings on complaint of his son, M. M. Hunt, charged with being insane. After an examination by the committee, it was decided that he was dangerous to the safety of the community and so he was sent to the asylum. John Bryson, living five miles north* westof Adams, had flvo horses poisened, three of which died inless than half an hour. No clue to the perpetrator^ but It is supposed to be the same man who poisoned seven horses for T. O. Ellis, living in the same vicinity. Sheriff Bennett of Douglas county went to Lincoln last week, taking with him Mickey Koel and Frank Wilbert, both of whom will do time in the peni tentiary, the former getting three years for having committed larceny from the person and the latter one year for grand larceny. A doctor at Oconto was attacked by two viol ant females, armed with raw hide and mop, and in self-defense he knocked them down. The husband of one of the females appeared on the scene and the doctor was felled by a swinging lefthander. The matter has gone to the courts. Mrs. W. E. MoCunk, wife of a farmer living nine miles south of Wallace, lost her mind and was taken to Norfolk. It seems she has been troubled for some time with a weak mind, but never completely lost it until last week. Mer condition is said to- be caused by lack of the necessaries of life. Articles of incorporation of the Hinman Improved Can company were filed in the state secretary’s office last week. The business of the company is to be the manufactureot the Hinman improved milk can. The location of the plant is to be at Omaha, and the capital stock is fixed at 9300,000. Following is the report of farm and city mortgages filed and released in Cage county for the month of Decem ber, 1803: Farm mortgages filed, forty one, value 35.868; farm mortgages re leased, thirty-five, value $27,812; city mortgages filed, eleven, value $5,030; city mortgages released, fifteen, value $8,000. JSKAKr.M AN tilDKON MALI* Head mOO on train 27, in charge of Jame Wortz, lost his footing1 while passing over the train a short distance from Shelton and fell on the drawhead, a distance of .six feet, bounding off on the ground. The wheels passed over one foot cut ting off several toes. He is also injured about the shoulders. For several weeks past revival meet ings have been in progress at the Evangelical church in Kearney and the other night the excitement grew so great that Lydia Marti, a young woman about 18 years of age, went insane. Her cries could be heard for a mile away and it has taken three and four per sons to hold her ever since. . Last week the corpse of a man, then unknown, was found in a cornfield on the farm of L. Leavitt, near the Mis souri l*aciftc tracks about one mile south of Bethany Heights, Lincoln. The throat of the unfortunate man was cut and a small knife, bloody and cov ered with dirt, was found under the body. His identity was not established. Whii.k returning home from church with her husbancL in a wagon, Mrs. John Mcinernoy legislature early injantL°Ur 31 legislature is not PopulUi ? J branch, although we fairi® Clt; the state. We were sdentifi" counted out by defects in ouP a8'5 llan ballot law. The chief Iv’sl calling a special session is* to nrCt ways and means to famish ?v the unemployed, to repeal ^ famous bonding system whiM. • . burdening our* municip^mt13' debts and permit the ststa „ w cities and school district, to”™ public improvements on their credit, with their own serin sLa •erjo receivable for taxes P’ d 1 . With a hostile mnWit. . nouses it .a perhaps too much to pect an indorsement of the i —„ toy that I would recommend7? will force those ideas to the front”* compel their discussion. Si* mom from now or one year at least”?” be generally acknowledged that relief can be obtained from congt The attempt to procure the feee co age of silver within the lines of t] two old parties has beenacompl failure for fifteen years. It can”* ZCauld tb*CaU8e £ iaPlle* that w” finally to win by the aid of \\t street, which is an impossibili What concord hath light with da ness or Christ with Belial? Mhe late bimetallic convention Washington seems to me at present have been a failure. Here are ,l„ great national parties, two of tin opposed to the free coinage of silt and one of them for it So far can see this convention puts alt tin parties on a par. It makes the is< local and the practical effect must to eliminate the Populist partv. have not the full proceeding^ a perhaps have only a one-sided vie Yours truly, David H, Watte, Governor CIRCULATIONS OF NAT10I Comparative Figure* of the Amount Money X*er Capita la the World. Washington, Jan. 8.—'The treasu department presents a table sliowi the monetary systems and appro: mate stocks of money in the aggrega and per capita in the principal coi tries of the world. This shows tl: France with a population of 38,300,u has the highest per capita circulati of any of the countries named, $36! ‘•The Straits” with a population 3.800.000 have a per capita circulati! of- 338.04. Others are: lielgii 936.70, Australia $36.03, the Unit States $2.6.55, the Netherlands S'-’4, China, with a population of 402,000,0! 31.80. ail in ailver; Roumania $41 Servia 34.37, Sweden $3.71, Turk 32.30, with a population of 39,300,01 Central American states $3.78, Jap 34, India 33.44 with a population 2»7,300,000, Hayti 84.90, the Unit Kingdom 830.34, Germany SIS.i Portugal with a population of 4,70 000, 912.06, Egypt 319.85, the Sou American states 819.67, Canada S Cuba 912.31, Italy 39.59, Switzerla: 814.48, Greece 812 2?. Spain $17. Austro-Hungary 89.59, Norway $6.< Denmark 811.73, Russia 88.17, wit! population of 134,000,009, and Mexi 95. The table 'puts the stock of gc money at 83,901.900,000, silver $3,in 100.000 add uncovered paper monev 92,700,000,Oi»0. NEW ARTICLES SIGNED. Thl {iorbett-Mitchell Fight M»y B« Fly-by-Jflght Attain St. Augustine, Fla., Jaa 5.—Mite ell has signed the amended articles fight Corbett II the governor int< feres with the original plan the battl ground will be changed, the exi location being unknown until ti morning of the fight The Du* club people are jubilant and deela that nothing on earth can now st the contest The Hotel Throop Involved. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 5.—The Dost Safe Deposit company this ihoruii filed a suit in the district court ajrain H. P. Throop to foreclose a mortpi of 930,000 on the Hotel Throop The are other creditors and the petitii asked for the appointment oI a i ceiver pending the litigation. Ju Chickens—Spring, per S> Geeae—Per _ Turkeys—Por N. : Ducks—Per B> . 1 15 ® 5 ft 7 ® py»t€Ps... 4 Apples—Per .ajO Oranges—Florida.3 m ft : Potatoes . Beans—Nary... Cranberries—Cepe Cod,per bbl n ot g . I;..*.| @1 Navy-.. IS Su: ^ranoernes—oape m, h Hay—Per ton .....km 5 1 3 r weet Potatoes—Jer.-ey per bbl 3 ™ Onions—Per ..K ,*■ Hogs—Mixed packing.« rntA* Hogs-Heavy weights.3 gTi^S =* Ran voo—Food am . * *' - -> 5i ft. Beeves—Feeders. ; ft ;l Beeves—Stockers.... ®4 Steers—Fair to good.2™ St KtAApa—-Wnstorna.. * !? X : Steers—Westerns. — * ^ Sheep—Lambs. Sheep—Natives. . • 73 NEW YOBK. Wheat-Na 2, red winter... Corn—No. 2. M 63 ^ 34 Oats—Mixed western.. CHICAGO. Wheat—No. 2 spring. Corn—Per bu.-.. Oats—Per bu. Pork. Lard. Hoga—Packers and mixed. Cattle—Com. steers to extra. Sheep—Lambs. ST. LOUIS. Wheat—No. 2 red. cash. 2 ~ f'nrti Pap hit .. • • !... SSS® « 2H'?@ i 7 HI & i *. ait. ' 3 15 3 00 ® ■’ 3 Corn—Per bu. Oats—Per bu. Hogs—Mixed packing Cattle—Native steers. KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 red, cash. Corn— 5o. .. Oats—No. 2... Cattle—Stockers and feet,ws Hogs—Mixed packers. :«> «*. 4 m a 2B Ol & ■' 4 it) W 5