t\. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Lorenzo Crounsc ...T. J. Majors r"° .J.C. Allen ,ie •'111 .'".[nil iiiillings..George Humphrey ►vu'SiVinst ruction.A. K. lloudy VU ' vTS ^i'ATE UNIVERSITY. r.incoln; Leavitt Burnham, -,^11 .'tt. Aimas E. P. Holmes, /n’^Mallaieu, Kearney i M. J. Hull, prct': fir no $V, R KSSIONAL. -a_ciins. !’■ Manderson, of Omaha; K^kei. Bow; Wm tryan. Lincoln: u. . McKelghan, Red »"• JUDICIARY. , 0 .Samuel Maxwell Itf Justice.j^jgg pOBt and T. L. Norval JUDICIAL DISTRICT. flKTEEN 1H J UM p Klnkald, of O'Neill ... ... J. J. King of O'Neill .. a T D.iatnur A# PKoHsnn ... Bartow of Chadron ..... A. L- Warrick, of O’Neill porter._ - —v« » « "land offices. O’NEIIX. _ „ . ..W. D. Mathews. .A. L. Towle. liter-■ . td«r. nelioh. _ ..,.,C. W. Robinson liter...W.B. Lambert **.COUNTY. .Wm Rowen If of tub' District Court .John Sklrvlng ...Kbodv Hayes. .. Jas.Sulllvan. put)’. .C.E.Butler (It. J.C.Harnlsh putf.. ’.... H. C. McEvony sift. .John McBride. C of Schools.• & W. Dudley , ,cuom“.'.‘..'....Mrs. H.W.Dudley Ultaut. .Dr. h. A. Skelton roner.. rteyor.. lorncy. _W. W. Page .H. E. Murphy j SUPERVISORS. hcaW W dieV inG E Jlej 11. . Kfurd John risj Win tins W »HB IlOU !■ 1 > iin F H mhoe John ““s. „ j2li IV B fesWT 80 h A «JD Iky Peter Ige John iiedy Geo i/M D cumber It toll Carthv M II llips I rauk IDG illin;er D lie J E ton J II I’leasantview Delolt Cleveland Verdigris Inman Sand Creek Rook Falls Conley Fiilrvlew Dustin Green V alley Shields Francis Emmet Sheridan Stuart Swan Scott Lake Piiddook’ O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Steel Creek Ewing Willowdale Wyoming McClure Iowa Grattan Uay Ewing Brodie Page Inman Atkinson Turner Chambers Inez Dustin Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Swan Scottville Delolt olaekblrd O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Star Ewing uinneola Amelia t Little Pave O’Neill Cll 7 OF Of NEILL. bnerviBor, M. D, Long; Justloes, E.':H. ■diet and 11. Welton; Constables, John ppan and Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMEN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one B-David Stannard. SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— Mullen. TFIIRD WARD. For two years—J. C Smoot. For one year— 1. Wagers. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, R. R. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; Kwurer, David AdamB; City Engineer, bn Horrisky; Police Judge, N. Martin; ief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, M. Benedict; Weigh master, Joe Miller. ORATTAN TO WN8WP. bpervisoy, John Winn; Trearurer. John ijer; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, *Mose lapbell; Justices, M. Costello and Chas. forsoll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will aside; Hoad overseer dlst. iJtt, Allen Brown IL No. 4, John Enright. mERS' RELIEF G0MNI8SI0N. tegular meeting first Monday in Febru rof each year, and at such other times as ieemed necessary. Iiobt. Gallagher, Page, •innan; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; fH. Clark, Atkinson. ^PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. I Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o'clock. Kev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school ■^lately following services. pTHODIST CHURCH. Services I ■every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, lm aiaiel followed by Sunday school. Preach- i |in the evening atSo’clock. Prayer meeting Mnesday evening at 8 o’clock. Epworth i Jeue devotional meeting Sunday evening p)o clock. F. Ellis, Pastor. f M. 0. A. Bible study and oonseoratlon “ meeting every Monday evening In pre room, M.K. church. Will Lowbie, Secretary. i A. B- POST, NO. 86. The Qen. John ■'0 Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne A. K., will meet the first and third evening of each month In Masonic *0!ielU 8. J. Smiih, Com. VALLEY DODGE, I. O. O. H every Wednesday evening In attend' brothers cordially ^ liWQHi, n. o. b. W. Adams, Sec. CHAPTER, R. A. M on drat and third Thursday of each K1" Masonic hall. Hours Sec. J. C. Harhish, H. P tr E.M.Gbadt,C.C. pt- a\ass, K. of R. and S. ’oEiI)LJ‘ EJiCAMPMENT NO. SO.I. .- (■ meets every second and fourth ‘ ,a ot eacl' month fn Odd“FellowavHaIF. Scribe, O. L. Bright, feuffii&F3?°- 41, DAUGHTERS ■Hot »nBFKAH* nieets every 1st and 3d month In Odd Fellows’ Hall, taut no-.. Lizzie Smith, N. G. [^Hershiser, Secretary. }&}EEp LODGE, N0.95.F.& A.M. 'w before “fmHnl°tttion» Thursday nights *T.SvA«eafu110*th0 moon. See. A. L. Towns, W. M. '*eetaonV.HI1oNO* UIO.M.W.OFA. fSoritMn ih and third Tuesday In D-H Crn, inlh;' Masonic hall. cler';. K. J. Hayes, V. 0. i 0,1J Maud *' vanil f0,reX-_NO. 153, Meets second t^ntc h,mTudsday ot each m0“th ln •SicHugb.Ueo, G. W. Meals. M. A POSTOFFICB DIRCETORY \ r.r Arriv«l of Mails R-B.—FROM THE MAST. LSunday included at.6:151 !*Jdav- s„/,ROM TH« WEST. I, Runduy included at.9:45 i J'tS eye™*,?IFIC SHORT LIMB. ttrts V. ““>■ except Sunday at 11:351 “ 9:651 S?n»Moudov IV A,ND CHEI.SEA. Ticsdilv’ 'm?d' and Friday at7:00i ■ fburs.and Sat. at.. 1:00] - . -*aai*o. aim out. til IfRt Mondu'J’NIOBRARA. WTf‘T" w • SLed-and Fri. at... .7:00 “auj.Thurs. and Sat. at...4.00 0. ~ ana eat. at...tas Eres Moif1Vv;.iND S'J“1'™SVII.L1. "hi 'Ved. and Fridays atT.. 11 :JK . °n- W«d. and Friday at.....1.-01 /NOT SPOKEN AS SPELLED. 8«m« English Karnes Which a Stranger *• 1 *» Mispronounce* A certain English magazine has been printing a series of articles on etiquetV*. and, after disposing of the treacherous knife, fork and spoon, elevating and lowering the hats of mankind for all possible occasions, and providing rules for every possible emergency, from tipping over your neighbor s coffee to coming to life at your own funeral, this accommodating journal gives one really interesting paragraph on the proper pronunciation of English names. Of course every one knows the old catch names of Cholmondely (Chumley), Beauchamp (Beecham), Derby (Darby) and Majonbanks (Marchbanks). But lu, ”?ay not have occurred to tjjls benighted people to call Lord Buthven “Lord Riven," or to speak of the St Maurs as the “Semurs.” Berkeley must also be called Barklay; Drogheda drops the hard »g” sound; the Seymours are like the St Maurs, Semurs;” De Moleyns is DemOlins: Reauolerc is Anglicized; the letter “t" in Johnstone might better have never been born for all the attention it receives; ,Cowpor might be written “Cooper” and be less delusive; Mont gomery is called Mungumry; Blount, of course, is Blunt; equally, of course, Brougham is Broome; Trafalgar has the accent on the last syllable; Villiers is called Villers by all but the un initiated; St. John and St Clair are pronounced Singin and Sinclair; the two surnames Knollys and Knowles are alike; Dalziel is Deel; Glamls is Glarms, and Leveson Gower (the Sutherland name), is called Lewson Gor. THE WORLD OF CHANCE. What It Did for Young Hlgger, Who Read a Charming Novel. If young1 Higger had not been Tread ing “Lady Fitz-Maudlin’a Dark Se cret” until 2 o’clock in the morning, he would not have arrived at the dry goods store with his head full of Chesterfieldian and elegant phrases with which to regale the girls at the glove counter. If he had not had those phrases in his head he would not have made an impression of elegance and education upon the wife of the proprietor who happened to call in and pause near the bargain counter to ask a question. If he had not made such an im pression the wife of the proprietor would not have expatiated about him to her husband for about ten consecu tive breakfasts. If she had not thus expatiated her husband would not have been led to place young Higgins in a position where be could look important and do no particular harm, from which posi tion he was successively pushed up to higher places, and at last to a partner - ship in the firm. If young Higgins hadn’t been read ing “Lady Fitz-Maudlin’s Dark Secret” he would still be salesman in the silk department But the world sayS'that he is a man of wonderful enterprise and a Napoleon of finance. (Bravo, Yon Moltke. Von Moltke once went to Lindau, as be thought incognito. He ordered a room on the ground floor in the “Bayerische Hof” and went to bed early, but forgot to draw bis blinds down. When he was just going to sleep he heard music drawing near. He had been reoognized, after all, and was going to be serenaded again. The difficulty was how to get dressed with out being seen. He dared not strike a light But presently the glare of torches lit up his room and the curi ous crowd stood close to the windows, their noses pressed against the panes. In spite of that he felt that be must rise, so he got up and dressed. But as he put on each piece of his apparel, the feat was greeted with loud and prolonged applause. ‘Much Men nine In a Hall Chain Departing1 from a friend's flat the other day I almost fell over a chair that stood against the banisters. The friend explained: “That’s an awkward place for a chair, I know, but I find it necessary.” “How so?” I queried. “Well, you know there are people who will bid you an affection ate farewell at the reception-room door, and then when you accompany them into the hall, they will stand fifteen or twenty minutes on the top stair continuing their chat. “So as I grew tired of hanging over the banis ters, X had the chair placed here, and when I see the symptoms I drop into it “You were saying—” “I was saying nothing,” replied I, as I made for the front door, "except good-by." He Had Him There. The late Sultan Burghash had a very savage, chained lion, and as a happy thought, offered it to Sir John' Birk. then British consul-general to Constantinople, reminding him that the lion formed one of the supporters of the royal arms above the gate of the British consulate, and that the presence of the real brute would, therefore, be highly appropriate. “I am sure that your highness would never make an incomplete present,” he replied, “and when you are able to accompany the lion with a unicorn I shall be delighted to receive your munificent offer." _ Strange Cats. Three «ftts of a species said' to be unknown were discovered recently, in the spire of a church at Brighton, Mass. The cats are covered with a coat of long, shaggy fur; their teeth are long and almost like tusks. On the nose of each is a long tuft of hair resembling a tusk. The/ are very agile and spring from rafter to rafter with the ease of a squirrel. It is not known how they got into the spire or how long they have baen there, but it is believed that they haio been con fined in their aerial abode for many l years. -. ^ A *wnJ-Slded Knight. ^ Few people have had a more varied career than Sir Henry Loch, who ia now In supreme control of all the Brit ish forces and British territory in South Africa. Ho has been in turn a midshipman, a cavalry offloer in the . British army and in the Turkish army, a member of Lord Elgin’s spe cial embassy to China, the tortured inmate of a Chinese prison, a private secretary to an English cabinet min ister, a governor of the Isle of Man, a commissioner of land revenue, and a governor of the Australian eolony of Victoria, before becoming the queen’s high commissioner at the cape. - It’s Hurd to Kill a Student. A Pennsylvania girl drank one por tion of a Seldlitz powder; then she drank the other. A coroner’s inquest was deemed unnecessary. Evidently not all people are built on the same plan, for a college student who per formed this feat over twenty years ago has not only escaped the coroner so far, but has preserved a digestive Power'' that has enabled nim to hold many dignified positions, including that of United StateB district attorney for one of the New England states JuHim Craig r Cleveland, Ohio, Hood’s Prom Its Merit Severe Case of Blood Poisoning— A Perfect Cure "I will tell how valuable we have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My brother Julius was Blood Poisoned and, although we had medical attendance, ha failed to get any better. He was stek for nine weary months, suffering with numerous sores, which appeared first like water blisters, and when their burst, wherever the water spreads new sore formed. The Pain Was Terrible The trouble was principally upon his legs, and we were afraid they would have to be ampo tated. My grandmother urged us to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, but we thought It was of no use, as we had spent hundreds et dollars which had proven useless: but father said, ‘ We will try a bottle.’ Soon after Julius began taking Hood’s Hood’s x Cures Sarsaparilla the sores all disappeared: and In a short time he was perfectly cured/’ Emma Cbaio, 01 Park St, 27th Ward, Cleveland, O. Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists. 20a, O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY OLDEST FIRM And have the only complete set of Abstract Books in the county. Always up to date. Have Experienced Men in Business BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE O'NEILL, NEB. T FRED C. GATZ ■ww-^wwr we f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. GEORGE A. McCUTCHEON. PROPRUTOE OW | - CENTRAL- ~ Livery Barn O'NEILL, NEB. - ;J NEW BUGGIES JR tyaNEW TEAMS. Everything Firpt-Cla??. Barn Opposite OsmpbeU'slImplemeat House P. J>. A J. Fi MllLLBN, ' ' paonuMOM or Tin RED-FROM GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. Boat of MoCufferto’a. O'NEILL, NEB. y-: Vft* v v , ' ’ - ■: :SV- ::y< VA a. “ V ■ . .‘■-'ivy iv,1. * 1 O’CON NOR & GALLAGHER FINE CIGARS., It you want a drink of Rood liquor i do not fall to call on u». I p Purchdae Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E & M.V.andS.C.&P. , RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART! GOING BAST. Passenger east, - 7 0:35 A. m. Freight east, • - 10:45 A. K. oona was*. Freight west, * 1:45 P. x Passenger west, • 5:15 p. u Freight, • • 6:44 r. m. The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any information call on W„ J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Snort In Amerloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY FICTUNED BV TNC FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable.. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription, to the m nu ousiuiEi lews, 3 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for modem atc Fees. $Ouft Orrtcc ia Opposite U. S. patent Orvict and we can secure patent in leas time loan those remote from Washington. „ Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of change. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. , A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. r<-s\mp >•?; The Inter Ocean iW:.i U the most popular Republican Newspaper of the west and baa the largest circulation. Terms by matt: Dally (without Sunday)*) per years dally (with Sunday) (* per years sera'.-weekly, fa por your I weekly, II per year. As a nowspaper the Inter Ocean keeps abreast of the times In all respects. It ■ pares neither pains nor expense In . securing all the news and the best of current literature, THE Weekly inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on uoconut of mall service or any other reason, do not toko a dolly papor. In Its columns are to be found the week's news or all the world condensed and the orcam of the literary features of t he dally. As u faintly paper It excels all western Journals. It consists of olght paxes with a supplement, Il lustrated. In oolors, of eight additional pages, making in all sixteen pages. This supplement, containing six pages of reading matter aud two full page Illustrations, Is alone worth the price of paper. The Inter Ocean .r' 1" published In Chicago, the new* and commercial center of all west of the Allegheny mountain* aud la oetter adapted to tho needs of the people of that section than any paper farther east. It la In ac cord with the people of the west both In politic* and Literatures* (D <§> By special arrangement with the publishers of the Inter Ooean we are able to ..offer. The Weakly Inter Ocean and The Frontier Both One Tear for the Sum of One Dollar, and Fifty Conte. Now Is the time to subscribe. UNTIL JAN. 1,1895, 25 CENTS. £ you are not already a Journal subscriber that is all you will . . . have to pay us for the . . . E ' \Jbf m- w w * SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL rom now until January i, 1895, if you will at .the same time pay a V rear’s subscription in advance to The Frontier. ^ ! The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west* • mblished Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each ! veek, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Remember $1.75 will pay for The Frontier a whole year and - ruE Smi-Weekly Journal until January 1, 1895; but 25 cents ' nore than the regular price of The Frontier. V \ ’ % Send us your orders at once. The Frontier, O’Neill. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL! The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. 6= (O'Neill, Yards < Page, g- (Allen, 0.0. SNYDER & 0.| How many E’a in the first five chapters of the Gospel of St. MitW COUNT THEM AND SEE. YOU MAY GET $5,000. $5,000 for fint correct answer. $3,000 tor nearest correct answer. $2,000 for nest nearest correct answer. $20 each to 100 next nearest correct. $10 each to aoo next nearest correct. $5 each to 200 next nearest correct. FOR TELLING. $14,000 Will be paid to subscribers to the HOUSEHOLD CIRCLE . . , Use ordinary blble. verses only, and send your count, together with ONB DOL LAR. and two 2-cent stamps for your suoscrlptton to the HOUSEHOLD CIRCLE, the beBt family monthly In America. Send money In envelope or by postal note, money order or registered letter Premiums will be awared October 31. Ties will divide. Complete list of those reoelvlng premiums will be published la November number. All premiums payable In gold and sent by American Express. Reference, any bank or business house In Itoohester. IP YOU CAN COUNT, YOU MAY WIN A FORTUNE. IS IT WORTH TRYING? Mention this paper. Address THE HOUSEHOLD CHICLE, Box B. Rochester, M. Y. FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when rieglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. ''TJtt'SSUSSr*™ RIPANS tabules ’’Bssrrr t«ke ripans tabules tf yo ER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, T*KEKlrAIlD lAbULtd For OFFtUSfcl SHEATH and ALL DISOR CL8S OF THE STOMACH, . take RIPANS TABULES ftipar.3 Tcbulcs Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. t RIPANS TABULES Ink,- the phtre of A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST ets or lent by mall on receipt of price. A cents. Package (4 boxes!, EL and ehonld be kept for net in every family... Sold by Drum Box (0 viola). Tor Free Sample, odlropo THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, • - NEW YORK. • ONE BOX SENT BY HAIL ON BECEIPT OF 75 CT8. BY II. T. CLARKE & CO., - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ...