knowledge Brines comfort and improvement and • ereonal enjoyment when . <. to personal enjoyment when ltiv uscdT The many, who lien bet* 2 than others and enjoy life more, with w, expenditure, by more promptly Noting the world’s best products to fteels of Phy«Pdfb““S’ wUl «««* T: yaiUe to health of the pure liquid JJltive principles embnoed in the _medy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence Is due to its presenting iothe form most acceptable and pleas int to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial propertiea of a perfect lax Itjvc • effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and teyers md permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and „et with the- approval eiste in 50c and $1 bottles, but it k man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, whose name k printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Miss C. G. MCClayb, School* teacher, 753 Park Place, Elmira, Hi. Y. “This Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with; that human agony called dyspepsia. After Fanjlf Hedld» nOTM UalwnclaoMh.Ajr. Addrom f ORATOR a. WOODWARD X s wifts specific • • For renoTutlng tho entire system, eliminating All Foisans from the _ ,- Blood, whether of scrofulous of ■“anal origin, this preparatiombas no egual. "For eighteen months I had an 1 eating sore on my tongue. I was i_, | . treated by best local physicians, mi obtained no relief; the sore gradually grew I Anally took 8. 8.8., and was entirely *"euch sound flesh. Loss of flesh usually indicates poor as similation, which causes the loss of the best that's in food, the fat-forming element. \ Scott’s Emulsion ofpure cod liver oil withhypo Phosphites contains the very essence of all foods. In -Booth *r form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated. Its range of usefulness has no Imita tion where weakness exists. 2?*,*0°u * Bows*. Okmlato. 4k IHsssi JCKAPOO ! _ INDIAN l' • sacwa! The greatest Lirer, Z • — laiulj Stomach, Blood f Kidney Bemetly- m Made of Boole,2 Berko anil Herbs, Z and Is Absolutely Z Free I ron Z (VV All Minerals ' ' f\ or OtberZ . 1 \ Harmful In-ss lAureillents.Z S GwSffirVf jj** ■ omuuny at Pittsburgh, and will be printed • n tbrlrgiresses In English, Uerman. i leuch, Welsh, Norwegian. swed Ism, Holland, H hemtan and Spanish All druggist* and couutry ueulert furnish It without cost. A Burled Perfume., A box was recently found amidst the ruins of Tompeil. The box was of marble or alabaster, about two inches square, and closely sealed. When opened it was found to be full of a sort of pomatum or grease, hard, but very fragrant The smell resembled that of roses, but was much more fragrant What the perfume was made of cannot be conjectured now, but it is singular that men of the nintoenth century should be able to regale their noses • witji perfumes prepared in the.flrst Tbs rscAi, treatment of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, ha thousands can testify. Proper local treatment is positively neces sary to success, but many, if not most, of the remedies iu general use afford but tem porary beneBt. A cure certainly cannot be expected from snuffs, powders, douches and washes. Ely's Cream Balm, which is so highly commended, is a remedy which com bines the important requisites of quick ac tion. specific curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness tp the patient. Europeans every year eat 0,470,000 tons of beef, mutton and pork. The world's sugar plantations produce every year 6,000,000 tons of sugar. s How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. West A Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Wai.dino, KinnaM A Uarvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price 75e. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists, He Was Disappointed. A tenant went to see his landlord about a house he had just rented, and about which be had some fault tp find. He'mentioned several drawbacks, and then said: • “And furthermore Mr. Oppenhelmer, the cellar is full of water." Mr. Oppenhelmer, the landlord, eyed him with reproach, and then exclaimed: “Vull of v alter?1 Veil, vat you ex pect? Vull of champagne?"—Harper’s Bazar, ST. JACOBS OIL CURES MOICALLY SPRAINS. Chronic Cases of Many Years Cured Easily. F.B.C. IS^Cm till, out, last insertion. Finest, Best and Cheapest BUSINGS* COLLEOE In the West. Short Method. and Business Principles a Speci alty, Actual Business Department unenualed. Tuition. Seventeen (IT) weeks, - •1(100. _ . “ Thlrty-slx i continually, and this irrigation is the* most difficult and laborious part of the ; work, the water having to be drawn by . means of primitive water wheels from ,wells dug in the garden, ninety feet • and even 100 feet deep. ■ , - q If ths Hohy I, Cstllse TvslS, ’ • sure and iim that aid and wtlUrlrd ronkady, Mas. ViMtWi Saaniaa Rrnor for Children Tutting. i , In 1801 830,580 tons of iron ore were lm-* y ported into the United States. A fPAlK FAOW > Dome* from poor blood. Tour Hood nimbi to he enriched. and vitatlibd. Vor' '■ tbii t horo'o nothing in the world w taor- • ougbljr effeotiio a* Dr. Herce’o Guided Medical Diacoverjr. Cblldren who ara weak, thin, pale, and . puny ara node; strung, |iiumu, ns;, " It's I and robust by the " Discovery.” dally adapted to them, too, from its pleas ant taste. It's an appetising, restorative ton ic which build* up needed flesh and strength. In every blood-taint or disorder, If it doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your money back. Dr. R. V. Pi men: Dear Sir-I wilt ssy that I used the "Medical Discovery" tor my little girl, and she la entirely well, I cannot, nr*i«« your medlclnee too highly. You may lured that you will always have my support. Postmaster of Aldon, Fany CO* Itmv FARMERS! RWFCT POTATOES;: U WW Lb ■ be sprouted «a tka that w m Nn pmorlAnon ranuln THE JUDGES .S'. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITIIMr Have made the NIGHE8T AWARD8 (Medals and Diplomas) to WALTER BAKER k CO. On each of the following named article** * M ■"-'yi: $t ■;sv If ft New Wau to Sell Your Grain* Writ* sv fur full Information aliout how to amr*. moromenoT fory ,ur era's lh*n hy thsold war. am* a ire the ml Idlouion'o profit. Theie In “millions Is it'*’ w the farmers of the northwest. Aildrsm, . M HCAlWd CO.. 04 Hoard of Trade, CHICAGO. •m dent Kt to ran. No rznerlence required.. Directions for sprouitog tree. Address, T. J.» KIN HER, Columbus. Kfinf* PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. | Send at once to Johx BuuanAX, Q« T. A. C» R, I. A P. It. Rs, Chicago, and receive, portaMkpald. tba slick** t dock of card* you aver hROdM/TlS^bin yw pock, pontage stamps, for one or many. ;sS. m. -m ■WM BREAKFAST COCOA, . f‘ki. Premium No. 1, Chocolate, . * Vanilla Chocolate, German Sweet Chocolate, ■ ■: ’<■:> Pi ■ >• >■* : ‘tKi 'll Cocoa Batter. For "purity of material,” “excellent flavor,* and "uniform even composition." ?! WALTER BAKER A CO.. DORCHESTER. HARR. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS y WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tool* required. Only a hammer needed to drive and clinch them easily and onlckly; leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Requirfaur no hole to he made In the leather nor berr lor tha ttlreU. They are SIRONQ. TOUGH and OURmC. Millions now in use. All lengths, anifons w assorted, pat np In boxes. Ask nsr Sralrr for them, or send 4k aa stamps tor n box of 100; snorted sixes, _ asxDrscTiiasD sr JUMOp L. THOMSON MFC.OO.. Wsllkssi, Moss. Map of the United States. A Urge, handsome map ol the United States mounted, and suited for home use. is issued by thw Burlington Route. Copies will be mailed to any address, on receipt of fifteen cents in postage, be P. S. KUSTIS, Gen’l Pass. Agent, £7 B. A t£ R. R., Chicago, Ul. an. — Patents. Trade-Marks. At -4- Price MARRIABE PAPER ODhReU' MONTHLY, TOLE1H). tmiOb 'XU'KE In Ute timen A Mt'Ctianii Imannfn Co. of Lincoln. Capital and burp in* over 663 Iomm paid to Nebnuka people If afflicted with j ■or* eyM, bn I Thaapiaa's Eye Examination and Advice aa to Patentability ot Invention. Bend for " Inventor*' Cnidr. or How tatiefc aPateut " PitSZCX 0TA&&ZI.L, WAfiUJfWW, D. 0. I tun At»o utiu