gelgrave Mystery. ,jy A. CURTIS lOttKE. CHAPTER Vill—Continuer • Well. Scott—any news?" said Spnnard. looking up sharply. • ■Well ye* sir, I have," said the • .'hough I don’t say it’s alto "liber 'wliat you would call good he added. Kennard changed coloh somewhat .■Do you mean that you have fur ther proof against Sir Keith?" ho abruptly ,v0 Mr. Kennard." Scott an ,*ered. shaking his head. "What I k£1.e discovered quite clears* Sir .(Meatsliim?’ he exclaimed. "Then *tiat do you mean by looking at mo in that lugubrious way? Speak out What have you discovered?" iho detective looked at him for a lew seconds in silence; then he said, with slow, deliberate emphasis: ,,j9 there any one else you can think #< besides Sir Keith himself, who bid reason to desire the death of frlpir Verschoyle?" , • >'o one in the world. Except tsdy llenham; and she of course is" ••Ah. yes. except Lady Denham"— put in the detective speaking in the wrae significant kind of way and tap ping the back of one hand with the pngei-; of the other—"except Lady .Denham!” • n t disarrange your coiffure on my ■ count-’ The lady then said in a nnspmg kind of voice: -Ah—I was •*wt quick enough—but you shall not me the next time.' Here “•c .words became unintelligi 8 and after that she •waled so hysterical. and Mr. ersuboyie spoke in such a low B*rnes oouj(j pot males fthtsig further that waa said. t>01* B quarter of an hoar later the came out. The black veil ich had conaealed her face was | r , y raised .and he aaw her ; ■ ucesdiatinctiwply. He recognized j ho i89 Denham. He says I . _r°H?ht Lady Denham’s photo- 1 Up/8 *°me timB 1“ B 8hep in Se>ut street., and would know her asjrwhere. ” nere closed his' note-book went on: .There can bo little doubt that the upon Edgar Vers Th„y 6 "’at night was Lady Denham, m-, Worowu. .And yet—’’ * CHAPTER IX. .A Terrible Alternative. iBy 'the next day Simon Scott rfound itihat, in spite of his shrewd injunction .to Barnes matters ihad precipitated ,themselves.a good deal, for the lat ter. in a fever of excitement at hold ing such important evidence in such .an important ffsmp. The Dismal swamp in Virginia, one of the largest of the swampy tracts in America is also ooe of the mo3t prom ising areas for reclamation. It.con tains fully 1,500 square miles and is ;Ht present of little value, except for a supply of timber. It is an old sea bottom, and the western boundary of .the swamp is a sea cliff and beach. The chief animal population of th9 ihigber classes consists of water birds ;and snakes Of the larger animals, bears are abundant, and there is a pe culiar.and very ferocious species of wild -horned cattle. The lights of the ibears are said to bo very exciting. DM One Good Deed. .One of ithe most successful misers ion record .died recently at Charlotten -burg. Germany, haring accumulated more than 250,001) marks The old man lived in the meanest part of the town in a miserable room, and during long periods of illness he was nursed by a .poor family living on the top floor,of the bouse. He left all his money to this family, giving a cler gyman his will for safe keeping. Kleptomania and Theft. Shoplifting by women is said to be alarmingly on the increase in Paris so much oo that the justices (hire been instructed to be less lenient in future witlf rich women, and to punish so called kleptomania as simple thefb Of eighteen arrests made recently in a single day seventeen were women; four were wealthy, and all were in comfortable circumstances More Than Ksceaaary. Young Minister—I've boon praying for you a long time. Miss Dora Miss Dora (astonished)—Wh/ didn't you let me know it? I’d hare been yours after the first prayer. i A Skelaton a* Tltla Dead. In America skelaton* are neither legal tender nor monuments of title, but It Is different at the antipodes—in that ns in many other things In New Zealand, for instance, a European can not acquire title to a new piece of land till the individual Maori title is extin guished, and that has to bo done before a native land court. In this court the ••thuongas" or judges of local law de clare that there is no valid title unless the last preceding owner’s thoracic skeleton be produced. It appears that among the Maoris, when the land of a descendant becomes the property of another man the new-comeir hangs np the skeleton of the descendant's body fashioued into a cage, with a parrot in side the ribs. This is fact before the eyes of all and no one would dare to dispute the claims of the holder of such paramount evidence. A Tonic That mulcts the Nerves. Not all tlia sedatives and Nerve foo .« and narcotics In which this age of medic il dis covery is so prolific, cun restore quiet to the nerves permanently, so long us tlie tran quility of those sen-iilve organs sre dis turbed by Irregular dtgeaMi.n. When t e food Is not adequately digested and a-slml lutod, a tonic i;r Invlg. rating effect id not exerted upon' them, they remain weak and unstrunv. and nightly repo e is disturbed and fitful. Beginning at t efountain head. I'Ostetter s H'omach litter, ret um u dlx ordeied eondltl n of the sioniach and pro motes geueral vigor. In which the nerve < share in common with the-rest of tile sys tem. A regular action of tlio bowels and liver, resulting from the use of the mod cine, iiWoconduce t > tills good effoc. Mil iaria, rheumatism and kidney complaint all nerve disturbing complaluts-are re moved by tlie Bitters. ' Willing to Work. The people of Manitou were enter tained the other day by the spectacle of a man carrying a stone around a triangular track, letting it drop and shouldering it again at every turn. The performer was a man who has a reputation for a disinclination to labor, and the incident was the outcome of a wail he was making about the hard times and his inability to get work. A citizen told him he would not work if he got the chance and offered him SO cents an hour as long as he would carry the stone. To the surprise of all he ac cepted the offer and held out for five hours. A large crowd gathered to watch the performance.—Denver Re publican. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doc tors pronounced It a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constantly fail ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. 8cience has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure, manufftetnred by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. ft acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for cir culars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, t3TSold by Druggists, 75c. Ail Interesting Derision. An interesting ease was tried before Justice Payne of Charleston a few days it go. The suit was brought by James King against John liryant for the re covery of 83:25 paid by King to liryant for worthless blank paper. King hav ing bargained for 81,003 worth of coun terfeit money. The justice gave a ver dict in favor of the plaintiff for the full amount.'—Wheeling Dispatch. Lane's Medicine Moves the Itoirels Knell Day. In order to be healthy this Is neces sary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney and Itver troubles and regulates the stom ach and bowels. Want Immigrant Wives. A New Jersey capitalist, in search of a wife to share his wealth, applied by letter to the barge office employment bnreau the.other day. His name is Ud-. ward Hogan of Dover, N. J. The letter said: “Can you send me a wife to leave my money to? 1 have two houses (she must be under 35),also a pig and two horses, but no chickens, for the neighbors would steal them. ” Mrs. Boyle, the matron in charge, ia now looking for a young woman who aspires to be an heiress and a wife. A letter was also received from John J. Jones of Jackson, O., who wants a Welsh wife.' The only qualification he mentioned was that the woman who chooses him should be able to wash a “oiled” shirt.—New York Herald. Most people prefer to love rather than to belovedT _ There are some men who are always po lite—they have gloved souls. When the devil fishes for men he does not let them see him bate the hook. Don’t trust the man who can’t ask a loan before witnesses._ A hobby is the medium between a passion and a monomania. | Take no Substitute for | Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia* Spent Four Dollar* for * stamp. The expenses and eccentricities of the stamp collector's hobby were Ulna- . trated at the Portland (Me.,) postoffice the other day. In the receipt of a regis tered letter bearing a postage stamp of j the W denomination, Tlie fees due on . the letter only called for 10 cents post- | age, and the reason for using so costly a stomp was that cancelled, it is of ihuch greater value to the collector than an uncanceled one. and he took this method of obtaining his end. It 1b not an uncommon thing for a collector thus to use a rare and costly stamp on an ordinary letter, registering the let letter as a safeguard against it going ' astray. ._ ! A Funeral Tax In Part*. Paris- is threatened with a deficit in 1 her budget, and the municipal council 1 proposes to provide for it by an in creased tax on funerals. Undertakers are public officers in Prance, and fees are fixed by law. The lowest price of a grave of two square meters is #70. An additional meter costs 9300. The council proposes to make the minimum charge 9100 for two meters. Hnvs Ton Asthma? Dr. R. Schlirmunn.Si. Paul. Minn., will mail a trial package or "Schlffmann'* Asthma Cure" free to any sufferer. He advertise* uy giving It away. Never fulls to give Instant relief m worn ease* and vuree where others fall. Name this paper and send address for a free trial pahxoge. There are but tew moral wounds that soli tude does not cure. To have to look in the face of truth al ways kills a lie dead. _ Coughs and Colds. Those who are suf fering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc., should try Bhown'6 Bronchial Troches. .Sold onli; In boxes. There is nothing like the exercise of power for teaching you politic*. A man is strong when he admits io him self his own weakness._ Coe’s Cough Halsam * Is the oldest and best, it will break up a Cold quick er than anything else. It l» always reliable. Try lb In the medical profession a carriage is often more essential than skill. If Use Iluby Is Collins Teeth, Be sure and uso that eld and well-tried remedy, Mss. Wisstow's SooTDisQ Srnor for children Teething. Love, after giving more than it has? ends by giving less than it receives. 14II a neon's Jliagiu tern Salve.44 Warranted to t-nre or money tvruuded. Ask your druggist for It. Vl'lee ISrellth. The old critic is always kind and consid erate; the young critic is implacable. See Colchester Spading Hoots udv. in ether column. There are five Chinese medical students in the university of Michigan. The Western Trail Is published by the Great Mock Island Houle, and Is Issued quarterly. It will be sent free for one year by addressing Editor Western Trail. Chicago. Jxo. Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago. Women are apt to see chiefly the defects of a man of talent and the merits of a fool. Suffered for Twelve Team. Orside, (formerly Enterprise,) Taylor I _ County, W. Vet. f World’s Dibpbnbakt Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y.t Gentiemsn—A heart overflowing with grati tude prompt# me, to write you. Twelve long suffered neat ly, from Uter ine Derange ment and at laat waa itrea v up by my phy l\ alelan to die, W bealdea spend V\ing almost all ■Wwe had. After Utlve months' rt. treatment with your Dootor Pierce's Favor ite- Prosorlp MM. W.LBON Ain. CHILD. oellent health. I would, to dor, have been In mv grave, and my little children mother lea* had It not been tor you and your medi cine. I will recommend your imiHiiIuk aa long aa I live. ” addrOTn.y 006 ®*ls, Bdve my name ■»* ' Yours alncerely, Mbs. MALVINA WILSON. ALL ACHES OF JOINTS, NERVES AND MUSCLES ST. JACOBS OIL WILL CURE AND PROMPTLY HUSTLES. T [hay-fever &cold¥hem1 F'.,—<2a*AJC BAUf—Oleanaae the Haaal PtaaaceaT^ r W« and Inflammation, Haals tha avwj »«■ teraa lute and Smell, The BALM la applied into tha »o#^4J k gP». I» qoloMy abaorbod, la aereeable to oae. Give# relief at onoaT^t 1 PragliU or by mall, ill BROTHERS, M Warren It, Mow Zork7 S ouvemr Coin for Eighty Cents NEVER OFFERED BEFORE FOR LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR. Father or Mother; S, Slater or Brother; ’ V •* I Sweetheart or bover j Jl Would b« pleased to 1 f receive as a ' Christmas or New Year's Present Something they could always keep as a reminder of the Co lumbian year. What more appropriate than a WORLD’S t FAIR ♦ SOUVENIR ? HALF ? DOLLAR? Sent Post-Paid to any address for 80 cents in f or 2-cent stamps. 0*2jr • limited number left. Order quick from K. O. BROWN, 88-93. Wnt Jackses Street, Chicago, III. yfln • . .. ' .. An Unkind Nrotlmr. Small Boy—Mamma, Isn't it all right o throw rice after a bride and gram? Mamma—Certainly; why do yon attic? Small Boy—'Cause my new brother n-law salt! he was going to llek me vhon he came homo from the honey noon 'cause I soaked him in the ear -vith a hunk of soft boiled rioe.—New fork Journal. a * \ef Shiloh's CsanapUsk Cam ««*lm nffuantnliw. II nm Inrlplrat Osumm. ton. It MlIwUMUouah Cum lltita.Wisit.aiOh ■ ',5 A Heady Kopiy. It was at the world'a fair that aoms iVushlngton young women met If red imlth quite unexpectedly. "Dear met” said one of them; “how, 11 you are looking. You are getting hln," "Yes," was the reply. “I belie*# i am." \ "How much have you lomt?" "Ninety dollars." • Who would be free from earthly His must juy a box of Beecham’s PlUa. YS coats a mx. Worth a guinea. fS 11 Curious Clubs, ;j There Is a elub In Berlin called "The [Hants,” every member of whleh la six feet tall. Vienna has a "Lasy Club," no member of which does anything for i living, and London a "Hald-headed -lub," where nothing bat polished, tkdlls are seen. if# “COLCHESTER” Spading Boot I 1 o ■ ■ Mm : b or * unuensMiiiHi'Ml. U.»1 ami* aimI olhei-H. Tin* outer or lapHolooxtoiuksf t he whole lengt hof the nolo down toL the ht'ol, |iniu*i'tlng liw shank luff ditching, digging, Ac. Best tjhallty UtrvucbNt, m THE JUDGES & WORLD'S COLUMBIAH EHFOSmON Huve made the HIGHE8T AWARD8 (Medals and Diplomas) ta WALTER BAKER ft CO. On each of the following named articles: >&'• ■ BREAKFAST COCOA, m 1% Premium So. 1, Chocolate. . ^ —— ;m • ■ » ?>j • # **:■ Vanilla Chocolate, tierman Sweet Chocolate, Cocoa Butter. For “purity of material," “excellent Oaror,* * uml‘‘uniform even coinpoettkm." WSSl WALTER BAKER A CO., DORCHESTER, m TM MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED - I CLINCH RIVET3. Mo tool! required. Only a hen__ to drive and clinch them eerily and quickly: leaving the clinch absolutely a mouth. Requiring no hole to be made in the leather nor bairnr tS Ulveta. They are STRONG. TOUGH and BUMBLE. Milliona now in use. All lengtha, unlMw or escorted, put np In boxen , Asia yomr dealer for then*, or send Ha In etampe for a box of 100; assorted abas. . UAXUVACTUKKU XT JUDSON L. THOMSON MFC. OO., Waltham, Mass. 3p5 m ftj MARLIN ® • ■ Blirinlftst- most accu I styles « !iTrWH5S5B Made In nil i sizes. I sighted*, ■ easiest - vorkiif, simplest, moat accurate, taunt < moat modern. Model 189! In 82 cal. uses abort and km* rtm and wa* ter-lire cartridge* In the aamo rlftc. fcaven •» per emit, on cost of ammunition over any other UcatfgpaaW ,1| -11| iyot Model 1828 now ready In 82-48 bm «k*. mW. REPEATERS I HE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., (nrton^to* ' : V Map of the United States. A large, handsome map of the Ui mounted, and auited for home me, is * Burlington Route. Copies will of fifteen address, on rsceipt c P. S. KUSTIS, Gen'l Paaa. K. R.. Chicago, III. cents 2a by Us tossy §8 Patents. Trade-Marks. ■ Bxsminstian and Advtcs as to ruaMoMHty of Invrmion. kfend tor •* lovelitors* Gold*. or How to Got s fotout" TlXBSt OTAMU.. VASOWCH. & 8. • ft# At+Price i IMHitO Hiil THE NA8BY LETTERS All the Nash; Letters ever written, now hrMnttlaa published In book form, ('loth bound over sss pafM, with portrait of the author. O It. 1» MJK.K, a raw mailed free to every permit who *eut« SI for a jaaste subscription to the Weekly lllade. Hunt far apactmea «ypy of the p^ner and get 'it| i tuik-wiam. ft ttna TUB BLiABB. T»Mt»R. tMU* ; m per pack, postage stamps, for oue or Jfaffllcttd with 3? f Thompson’* Eys Watv. W* N. U. Omaha—50. 1890.' ■C&;* ■ft I 'C^i •\ Aft ''’ftUftL-i. ' ’ -M/I#•*&>