The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY tat FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY OlT is to Van Alcn's credit that be did • not deny having mude that big campaign r Contribution. Tbbrb is one place in America Where the Cleveland tariff bill meets with general approval—in Canada. Secretary Hoke Smith in his an nual report made an unsuccessful attempt to defend his treatment of the , old soldiers. There Is one thing that Mr. Cleveland forgot to make free in his tariff bill rations for the thousands it will deprive of employment. Cleveland’s annual message is con demned by nearly all the leading dem ocratic papers. Surely Grover’s path is getting very thorny. The Independent still insists that tbg president should be hung, and denies that such ideas emanate from a brain inclined to red flag waving. The Roth well Bros., who were ar rested on the charge of stealing cattle near Creighton, had their trial in Neli«h last Saturday and were acquitted. ms ieuow who uh nui mvesieu nig lut dollar in a Christmas present for some loved one has a new pleasure ahead of him, If he will try it once. Mr. Cbbvbland’s team of wild horses Is again in harness, and he will attempt to repeat his recent shccess of driving them his way against their inclinations. Av last something hus been found that will shock a New York policeman. It is the "danse du ventre," which all visitors to the Midway Plaisance will remember. I-. ' ... ■ » t - - Arran careful perusal of the consti tution of the United States and the state of Nebraska we fail to find wherein they . my a man should be hung on account of his political views. Comptroller Eckels has discovered that this has been a bad year for banks. If he wishes to pose as a modern Columbus he should discover something ; that it hasn't been a bad year for. How can cigar manufactureres in the United States profit under the neW tariff when it reduces the tariff on the raw material only tl and reduces the tariff on the manufactured article fl.50? If the Jew were publishing his sheet in France, instead of free America, the ' police would have him on the list of suspected anarchists within 15 minutes, i They seldom err in their prognostica tions. _ _ _ If the democrats in congress dare to pass the Cleveland tariff bill as it now stands they will make their party de tested by seven-tenths of the people of the United States and sound its death knell as a national organisation. Thb Chadron Signal, an independent i paper, severely criticises Congressman McKelghan for jumping a board bill at Lincoln, but says not a word about Congressman Kern who is misrepresent . lag this district in the lower house. Titan is little doubt about the Cleve land tariff bill resulting in the death of ,the democratic party if it be passed in Its present shape. The country could very well stand that, but It is the killing of others by slow starvation that is £ objected to. Representative Springer, of Ill inois, must be ambitious of becoming known as the meekest man in congress. Although he has been snubbed and sat upon in every conceivable way by the administration, he has rushed into print < with the defense of the Hawaiian ■■ policy. _[ ^ ^_ Tnnnn is not the slightest danger of any republican every voting to impeach f Orover as long as Adlia Stevenson stands ready and in position to fill the vacancy. They must certainly know that a known evil is preferable to anoth er known to be as great, but not known how much greater. ,r Mr. Cutblabd succeeded in persuad ing Van Alen to help him try to blot out one ugly spot by declining his . highly paid for honor, but he has not yet persuaded Secretary Gresham to feelp help him out of a worse predica psent by resigning and shouldering {responsibility for the Hawaiian mess. i . »»•»» O. A. Mahvillk, formerly superin Undent of this oounty, is now a full fledged editor. Last week C, A. as sumed control of the Dodge Adyertiser, and the first issue under his management cornea out with nineteen columns of advertising. Charlie is a rustler and will make the Advertiser a winner. We !' wish him success. Uhlxss republicans in congress can p defeat the obnoxious Cleveland tariff bill by so doing, there is nothing to be gained by their adopting dilatory tactics if to prevent a vote on it. It the demo : - mats insist upon cramming it down the throat of the country in spite of the f protests made against It, it had just as well be done in February or March as In July or August. Tins free trader cannot convince the man whose wages have been reduced or himself laid off, because of the fear of the effects of free trade, that free trade will bring the country great blessings in the future. And even if he could, future blessings, although pleasant to anticipate, would not pay the landlord and the grocer for present shelter and food. Kautzman Jumps onto his brother, of the Edgar Times, and calls him u "brazen faced hireling republican ma chine editor." That the editor of the Times is a brother of the editor of the Independent certainly will militate against him, but in that be is a republican we will over look that and extend the heartfelt sympathy due any man afflicted with such irresponsible relatives. _ Tested by the first principles of political rectitude aud party honor, the protections! tariff proposed to congress by Mr. Wilson and the democratic ma jority of the committee on ways and means is a fraud, an infamy and an Insult. As the years go by, wonder will increase that democrats could be found willing to sign their names to the confession of imposture and false pre tenses, the acceptance of the tokens of a degrading humiliation.—New York Sud, dem. The State Journal’s Washington cor respondent in his Sunday communica tion had the following to say in regard to Nebraska land offices: *' There is no reason to believe that there will be any changes in the land office consolidations directed by the ex ecutive order of September 11. All tic kicks nnd protests will count for noth ing. Chadron will lose an office and Alliance will gaiu by the consolidation. Orand Island's records will go. to Lincoln, those of Bloomington to Mc Cook and Neligh to O’Neill, as stated months ago in these despatches. This will knock out John O. Maher, who was booked for the Chadron office, but who has recently applied for the register ship at Alliance. That, I learn, has al ready been promised elsewhere and is likely to go to a gentlemen named Wehn to the exclusion of Mr. Maher’s aspi rations. Mb. Cablok last week submitted to be interviewed by the Jew, and in the course of his rambling remarks took occasion to cast a few underhanded flings in the direction of The 4)’bon tibb, at the same time deftly placing a chip on his shoulder with an implied invitation for us to knock it off.- We have no particular war to make upon Mr. Carlon, nor do wo deem it proper at this time to comment upon his personal allusions to the editors of this paper, but if occasion should require it we would certainly criticise him as quickly and as severely as we would anyone else. His stated willingness and evident de sire to meet us half way would not deter us in the least. It strikes us that Mr. Carlon is not so immaculately invulnera ble that he could find any particular pleasure in defying the lightning of newspaper criticism. Before the new free trade tariff bill was published the sugar growers of Lou isiana were beginning to feel troubled. An instance of the growth of the protec tion sentimfent is noted at the home of Senator Don Caffery. The Attakapas Vindicator, published at Fianklin, La., which is the county seat of St. Mary’s county, the "banner” parish in the point of sugar production, -speaking of the different articles that it was believed would be placed on the free list, said: “If this is what is termed nineteenth century democracy, this country made a serious mistake when it failed to kill the principles of that party deader than damnation at the ballot box last election. If our own people are to be reduced to beggary and their enterprises slaughtered by the hand that should protect them, for the benefit of the people of any foreign nation, then America has no more use for such things. Thy question is no longer one of party principle, but involves the welfare qf -our country in its onward march to destruction.” ---►-+#» .. While County Attorney Murphy is making such giant strides and herculean efforts to bring “boodlers” to the bar of justice and is in consequence of those strides and efforts wrapping about him a mantle of populist glory, we beg leave to ask why he does not proceed to col lect that $15,000 due the county from inen who signed Scott’s first appearance bond? The bond was forfeited, because Murphy has said so and sworn to it, and he should lose no time in collecting the amount. If he has not time to look after this personally the county board should be requested to employ an assist ant. At the present time there are only four county attorneys and no one will contend that this number is sufficient under the circumstances. By all means let these stray thousands be collected. Mr. Murphy’s procrastination is inex cusable as every day he delays gives additional opportunites for the bonds men to escape liability by transferring their property. Do something, Murphy, Harrington, Carlon, Golden, or admit by your inactivity that this forfeiture howl is only a boomerang that has not yet completed its gyrations. Mrs, S, A. Morrow Doud’s, Iowa* Hives Like All Other Blood Disease*, Are Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 111 have been s sufferer for several yean with hives, and have tried everything I cenld henv tf, from friends, or ordered by physicians, bat nothing cured. In fact, I Seemed to be Getting Worse Finally I read about hives being cored by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and decided to try this aedlolno. Before half a bottle was gonei was most cured, and now, being on the second bob Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures be, 1 nns entirely eared and take great pleas ure in recommending Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all who suffer from this distressing affliction. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has also helped me in many other ways. It Is a good medicine.” Mbs. 8. A. Mobbow, Doud’s, Iowa. Hood’9 Pills euro all Liver Ills, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headaoho. DeYarmaniBros CHECKER ffffffJWW Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaffert’s hearse. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IF YOU WANT TO GET T YOUR (HUSBAND WIFE SON DAUGHTER MOTHER-IN-LAW SWEETHEART NEIGHBOR FRIEND THE HANDSOMEST PRETTIEST ISWEETEST (DAINTIEST LOVELIEST BEST Cr?pi^tma^ ppe^ect f°p> cl^e Ls°v/e^t p|®iee, THEN GO TO MORRIS & CQMPAHY’S DRUG STORE DR. McGREW Is the only SPECIALIST l WHO TREATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 18 years experience * Oloet. Btrictnro, syph I ills, varicocele, aper r matorrhcca. lost man nervou*, weak, forgetful, low spirits, all evil effects c?fonrly vice ami all diseases of tho blood, skin, liver, kidneys and bladder. Instant relief, permanent core. Circulars free. 14th and Farnam bts., Omaha, Neb. O’NEl LL B US1N ESS DI RECTORY R. B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferenoe First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, . FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8. ETO. J)B. J. P. OILRIG AN, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. E. H. BENEDICT,’ LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, O NEILL, north NEB. E. \V. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the courts. Special at tention given to foreclosures and collections pa B. T. TBUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Diseases of 'the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6p. in, Office first door west of Heinerlkson’s 1 J^ULIEir BB08.f CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, Estimates taken and material! furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTWATES FURNISHED. Aj_Hj_CORBETT .will attend to -your DENTISTRY in first-class shape.< PHOTOGRAPHY promptly and satisfactorly executed. •. •. •. •. East of Holt County Bank, Fourth Street. The O’Neill Milling Coippagtj Solicits your business. Patronize home industry. Buy O’Neill flour. A.J HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ao curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a, $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. for sale by the Illinois Central R. B CoM at low prices and on easy terms. In southeastern Illinois, the best farm country in the world for either large or small fruits, orchards, dairying, raising stock or sheep. A greater va riety of crops with a greater profit can bo grown on a less amount of land In this country than can be raised in any other portion of this state. .Don’t go elsewhere to buy lands for farms un til you see southeastern Illinois. All sales madp exclusively by the land commissioner l. C. K. it. (;0. Special Inducements and facilities offered by the 1. c. tt. K. Co; to go and see these lands. For full description, map and any information, adre*s or call on c. p skenc, Land Commissioner I. C. R. R. Co T8 Michigan Ave., Cbloago. THE COLUMBIMI HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and everv ^ n • v. j ^ ro,om furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable i^tr1r| in the northwest. A good sample room in^I nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. NO. 3424. # First National Bank Paid-up capital, $5o,ooo O’Neill Surplus, $2o,oooo NebraskJ Authorized capital, $loo,ooo 1 THAD d. BERMINGHAM, Pres J. P. MANN, Vioe-pres. ED F. GALLAGHER, Cashier i FRED H. SWINGLE Y, Asst, ok J Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most FavoraH 'Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Interest " Buy and Sell Foreign &, Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: MOSE CAMPBELL T. F. BIRMINGHAM J. p. ED F. GALLAGHER THAD J. BIRMINGHAM G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL V-Pri JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE-STATE - BANI OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collection] DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PIONEER GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES I carry the largest HARDWARE. stock of Hardware, Tinware, Copper and Graniteware In north Nebraska and make a specialty of Eli Barbed Wire. In Implements I carry the Famous John Deete Plows, Cultivators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru City Cultivators. IsISTEK AND DRILabS Call and see me. I can save you money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’Neill EMIL SNI66S, practical horseshoeR And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skil style possible. First-class plow and machine work that ca be relied upon. No new experience used in any branc work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALbO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS, . Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows an* cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guarantee beat the best. o’neill, neb.