The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 07, 1893, Image 8

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    They Will Contest.
The different sections of Holt county
' y desiring division have served tho follow
(" ing notice of contest:
To the County of Holt, State of
iy*'. Nebraska:
To W. W. Bethea, Chairman of the
Board of Supervisors of llolt County.
Nebraska, C. E. Butler, County Clcik
, of Holt County. Nebraska, and Q. C.
' 4 Hazelet, an cluctor of Holt County,
- Nebraska.
You are hereby notiilod that I, 11.
L. Putman, an elector of Holt couuty,
Nebraska, and being a resident of the
proposed new county of Cook, will con
test the election held in said Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 7th day of Novem
ber, 1893, upon the proposition for the
division of Holt county and the erection
of the new county of Cook upon the
. following grounds:
1 Because of mnl-conduct and fraud
on the part of the judges of election in
Cleveland, Dustin, Fairview, Grattan,
Inman, McClure Chambers, Deloit, Con
ley, Emmet, Francis, Groen Valley,
Iowa, Lake, Paddock, Pleasant View,
Rock Falls. Steel Creek, Scott, Saratoga,
Sand Creek, Stuart, Swan, Sheridan,
Shields, Verdigris, Wyoming, and Will
owdale townships, and the 1st, 2nd. and
8rd wards in the city of O’Neill, the
same being voting precincts in said Holt
county, Nebraska.
8 Because a sufficient number of il
legal votes were cast in said above vot
ing precincts against the proposed new
county of Cook to change the result and
defeat the erection of said new county
of Cook.
3 Because of error in the board of
canvassers in said precinct, by which
i certain votes cast for the proposed new
county of Cook were cast against the
said proposed new county of Cook, suf
ficient to change tho result.
4 Because illegal votes were received
and legal votes rejected by the said
judges in said precinct at the polls suf
ficient to change such result.
You are also notified that said contest
will be had and heard before the Judge
of the district court on tho 13th judicial
district of Nebraska, in and for Holt
*• county, within thirty days from the
date of service of summons and com
plaint herein, if said court be in session,
1? oherwise at the first day of the next
term thereof. You are also notified
: that I demand an inspection of the bal
lots and books of said above named pre
J cincts in said county.
Dated at Atkinson, Nebraska, this
97th day of November, 1898.
* H. L. Putnam, Contestant, y
1 Ml :__
•M'Jy" Council Proceeding!.
" ' O’Nrill, Neb.. Deo. 4,1898.
Oounoil met in monthly session.
Preoent, R. R. Dickson, mayor, N.
H Martin, clerk; Wagers, Pfund, DeYar
man, and Gatz, council.
Minutes of last month read and ap
Ifv proved.
Ordinance number 09, entitled an or
dinance to prevent the spread of conta
gious and infectious diseases within the
city of O’Neill, Nebraska, and providing
for a quarantine against the same and
punishing a violation of the same was
- read and discussed.
Moved by DeYarman,, seconded by
v Pfund. that the rules be suspended and
ordinance number 09 be now put upon
its passage upon third reading. Carried
all voting yeas.
Moved by DeYarman, seconded by
Pfund, that ordinance number 09, be
:f ' now read a third time and passed; car
On the question, shall ordinance num
j, her 09 now pass? A.11 membeis voted
•. aye.
Complaint having been m ade by Mr.
Wm. Fallon and Con Keyes, touching
the correctness of city scales, and the
actions of the city weigh-master the
mayor appointed councilman DeYar
:• man a special committee to investigate
the matter and report to the mayor.
" * On motion bills were allowed on the
water fund in the sum of $30, and on
; . . the general fund in the sum of 8271.71.
* There being no further business be
fore the council, council ad)ourned to
i met at the call of the mayor.
> Attest: N. Martin, Clerk.
Parties desiring to take instructions
&t on the piano or organ will do well by
calling upon G. W. Smith at the Short
g£; - Line depot. _
- Butte Gazette: Az Perry returned
: / t Saturday last, and informs us that he
‘ ‘has purchased two Concord coaches and
a number of horses, and that just, as
soon as other necessary arrangements
are made the Butte and O’Neill coach
line will be put in operation. Mr. Perry
flays the trip will be made in less than
seven hours, and with Az well known
push and enterprise we are certain that
i the line will be a success. It will be the
‘ next thing to a railroad.
We kindly ask all parties knowing
themselves indebted to the Chicago
Clothing House to call and make
sattlement of the account at once.
We intend leaving O’Neill the fore
part of December and must have all
acounta settled before that time.
J. E. SMITH, Nanager.
' Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pm Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
Bern Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
Wo have made arrange
ments whereby we can furn
ish Tub Frontier and the ,
Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean (
for the exceeding low price,
We will aend both of these papers
to all new subscribers who pay
for The Fiiontiku in advance,
and to old subscribers who pay
up arrearages and one year in ad
vance. There is no better week
ly published than the Inter Ocean.
The FuoNTiKit is the -liftding
county paper. Both for the
price of one, This offer is.good
untihtlie first of the year. £
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a doereo obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on the 7tli day of December, 1802,
In favor of tho l’lioenlx Insurance Company
as plulntllf and against Tor Torgerson.
Annie Oleson TorgcrHon. Oeorge W. E.
Dorsoy, and Mrs. (1 ,VV. E. Dorsey as defend
ants, for the sum of olglit hundred thirty
seven dollars and tweuty cents and $
taxes paid by plnlntllf to protect his Hen and
costs taxed at 840.113 and accruing costs I
have levied upon tho following premises
taken us tho property of said defendant to
sat lsfy said order of salo,to-wlt:
The southwest quartor of seettnn No. ten
(10) township No. twenty-seven (27) range No.
fourteen (14) wost of tho sixth P. M. In Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will otfer tho same for sulu to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on the lHtli
day of December, A. D. 1800, In front of tho
court-house In O'Neill, Ncu., that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held at tho hour of 1) o'cloak A, m.
of said day when and whore due attendance
will bo given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill. Nob., this 14th day of
November, A. D. 18113. H. O. MoEVONY,
10-5 Sheriff of said county.
To David Adams: You are hereby notified
that there is now on file in the office of the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, a petition of J, H. Henry, the
object and prayer of which are to
set aside three certain deeds, as follows
to-wlt: One dated August jg, 1893, executed
by yourself and purports to convey to Lenora
if the defendants, herein, the
E. Adams, one oi
following described tract of land to-wit:
Commencing at a point 234 feet east of the
southeast corner, of Block one in tho original
platt of tho city of O’Neill, formerly O’Neill
City, and running thence east 60 feet, thence
north 170 feet, thence west 60 feet, thenoe
south 170 feet to place of beginning, which
deed was filed for record in the office of the
county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on
said lath diyr of August, 1803, apd recorded in
deed record volume number 37 at page num
ber 208. Another deed executed by yourself
on the 12th day of August. 18051, and purport
ing to convey to the said Lenora E. Adams
u tract of land as follows: Commencing at a
point 60 feet east of tho southeast corner of
Block one, of the original plat of tho city of
O’Neill, Nebraska, thence running to a point
250 feet east there sot stake, for the south
west corner of the lot, thence east 90 feet to
the southeast corner of the lot, thence 170
feet north to tho northeast corner, thence
running 90 feet west to tho north-west coauer
thence running 170 feet south to the south
west corner or place of beginning, which
deed was hied for record, in the office of the
county clerk, of Holt county, Nebraska, on
said 12th day of August, 1803, and recorded
in dcod record volume 37 at page number 100;
also another deod executed by
tho defendant, Lenora E. Adams,
on tho 1st day of September, 18951, to defend
ant John Dwyer, and purporting to convey
to the said John Dwyer both tracts of land
above described, which deed was tiled for
record in tho office of tho county clerk of
said Holt county, Nebraska, on the the said
tirst day of September, 1893, and recorded in
deed record volume 38 at page 318. Also to
sot aside a certain mortgage executed by
Lenora E. Adams, on the 4tli day of August,
A. I), 18951, and tiled for record in the office of
the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska,
ou ths 21st day of August, 1893, and recorded
in mortgage records volumoOl, at page 487, to
secure the sum of $1,200.00 payable August 28,
1894. Said petition further asks that said
tracts of land be sold as your property and
to satisfy three certain judgments against
you for the following amounts respectively :
$781.25; $781.25; $1,573.15 and costs and accru
ing C08t8.
That unless you answer said petition on or
before the 22nd day of January, 1894, the
alligations of said petition will be taken as
true and decree rendered accordingly,
1 >ated this 29th day of November, A. D. 1893,
By E. H. Benedict, his Attorney.
An ordinance to prevent tho spread of
contagious and infectuous diseases within
tho city of O’Neill, Nebraska, and provid
ing for a quarantine against the same, and
imnisklnlug a violation of the same.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and city
council of tho city of O’Neill, Nebraska;
That it shall be tho duty of any and all
physicians practicing their professions
within the city limits of the city of O'Neill.
Nebraska, who shall hereafter within said
city limits have any person under his care,
charge, control or advice, who shall be
affected with any contagious or infectious
disease, to forthwith report the same in
writing signed by him, to the Mayor of said
city of O’Neill, or in case of his absence to
the president of the city council of said city
upon a blank furnished by said city, which
report shall state the person or persons so
affected, by what disease, and the street and
block where such diseased person may be
it snail oe tneauty or all physicians and
health officers who may in attending theiT
patients or in the discarge of their duty
come in contact with any person affected
with such contagious or infectious disease
or who may enter the house wherein such
person so affected may be, to use all pre
cautions and preventatlvos known to the
physicians to prevent the carrying of such
disease to other persons.
All quarantine regulations are hereby
vested in tho Mayor of said city of O’Neill
Nebraska, who shall have full power and
authority at any and all times, wnen in his
judgment it is necessary in order to prevent
the spread of any such contagious or In
fectious disease within the city limits of said
city of O’Neill, Nebraska, to close any school
house, school, churoh, hall, society, place of
amusement, opera house, hotel, inn, tavern,
place of business or dwelling house, and to
prevent public gatherings, ana to keep tho
same closed so long as in his judgment the
same may require.
The Mayor shall upon being notified of the
fpresence of any sucu contagious or infect
ous disease within said city limits, and of
the person so affected, and the place where
they may be found, forthwith cause to be
placed upon the outside of all outside doors
of such house in which such diseased per
son may be found, ids notice of quarantine,
which notice among other thluge shall con
tain the name of the disease so quarantined
rrinted in letters large and clear enough to
be read at a distance of 100 feet.
It shall be unlawful for any person other
than peace officers, and health officers, or
physicians while iu the discharge of their
duty, to enter or come out
of such while so quarantined
without tho written authority from
the Mayor.
It shall also be the duty of any person
having any person under their care or within
their house, or knowing of any person being
affected with such contagious or infectious
disease not under the cure of any physician
to forthwith report the same to the Mayor.
Any person violating any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall be, upon conviction
thereof, liupd in any sum not less than $25.00
no more than 1100.00
This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage.
22-1 It. R. DICKSON, Mayor,
[seal] N. Martin, Clerk.
*. $ / -V*
;,a . :
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the cleric of the district court of
Holt county, Neb., on a decree'obtained be-,
fore the district court of llolt county. Ne
braska, on the Kid day of September, 1892, In
favor of II. Lombard Jr.. Janies L. Lombard
and H, W. Bussell, trustee as plaintiff, and
iigalnst Herman I'. Kendall, 11. A. Allen and
Mrs. II. A. Allen, Ills wilt', as defendants, for
the sum of two hundred si* dollars and
thirty cents, and costs taxed at $70.28 and ac
cruing costs, 1 have lcvlod upon the follow
ing promises taken as t he property of said
defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to
The northwest quarter of section 28, town
ship <10. north of rango lit west of the (1th I*.
M., In Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the sume for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the 30th
day of December, A. I). lHtlli, In front of the
court house ill O’Neill, Neb., that being t he
building wherein the iast term of district
court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.
in. of said day, when and where duo atteml
unco will he given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this With day
of November, A. J). 1893.
21-0 11. C. McEvonv,
Sheriff of Said County,
By virtue of an order of sale, d2rected te me
from the clerk of the district court of licit
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before
the district court of llolt coutily, Nebraska, on
the tilth day of September, A. D. 1893, In favor
of the Scottish American Mortgage Company,
Limited, as plalntlgs and against Ratio O’Neill,
Michael O'Neill. Jr., Daniel O’Neill., children
and of Michael O’Neill, Sr.
deceased, Annie Gallagher and Andrew Gal
lagher, her husband, Mary ltoysrer and Honry
ttoyster, lior husband, John McNIcliols. admin
istrator of the estate of Michael O’Neill Sr.,
deceased, Patrick liag.irty, John J. McOaffertv.
Itiley Bros,, partners IJ business miilej the laws
of Jilio state of Nebraska Stberling, Miller
ami Gompaoy a co-partnersliip under the laws
of the state of Nebraska, and I’eregoy and
Moore as defendants, for the sum of four
Imudred elgety-threo dollars and forty-two
cents and Slborling Miller and Company
oktasned a decree far the stint of S202.70 and
costs taxed at $30.73 and accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises taken as
the propnrty of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section 29, town
ship 30, range 12 west of the 8th P. M. in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the 30th
day of December, A. D. 1893, In front of the
court house In O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
whs held, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. m, of
said day when and where duo attendance
will ho givon by tho undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nob., this 29th day qf No
vember, 1893,
21-6 H. 0. McEvonv,
Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale. Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a aooreo of foreclosure rend
ered In un action pending1 In the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein
Yale University, Is plaintiff and Mary Mc
Nlchols, Check II. Toncray, George W. E.
Dorsey, Emma E. Dorsev his wife, Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company and
Charles If. Collins, receiver of Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company, are de
fendants, I will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the front door of
the court-house in O’Neill, in said county, on
the 20th day of December, 1803 at 10 o’clock a.
m„ tu satisfy the judgment, decree and costs
in said action, the following described lands
and tenements, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section five,
township twenty-seven, range twelve, west
In Holt county. Nebraska.
Duted this 10th day of November, 1893.
20-0 II. O McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale direoted to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
beforo the district court of Holt countv, Ne
braska, on tho 7th day of September. 1803. in
favor of James N. Brown, trustee, as plaintiff
and against Harry W. Mathews, Ella M.
Mathews, Burnham, Tulleys & Co.,G. W. E.
Dorsey and L. W. Tulleys, trustee, us de
fendants, for the sum of seven hundred sev
enty-nine dollars and ninty.two cents and
costs taxed at $31.73 and accruing costs 1
have levied upon the following premises,
taken as the property of said defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of seotion eleven (Ilk
township twenty-eight (28). range thirteen
(13), west of tho 6th P. M. in Holt county.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cish, in hand, on the 26th
day of December, A. T>., 1893, In front of the
court-houso in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. m. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 2!st day of
November, 1893. II. C. McEVONY;
20-5 Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a docreo obtained bo
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 7th day of December, 1892,
in favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
as plaintiff and against Helnrlck Jurgens,
Christina Jurgens, George W. E. Dorsey and
Mrs. George W. E. Dorsey us defendants for
tho sum of eight hundred thirty-seven dol
lars and twenty cents and — taxes paid
to protect his lien and costs taxed at $39.48
and uccruing costs I have levied upon tho
following promises taken as the property of
said dclendauts to satisfy said order of sale
The northwest quarter of section twenty
ono (21), township twenty-seven (27). north of
range fourteen (U), west of the 6th p. m. In
Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the ]8th
day of December, A. D.. 1893, in front of the
court-houso in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district odurt
was hold, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m, of said
day when and where due attendance will
be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 14th day of
November, A. D.,'1893. H. C. McEVONY,
19-5 Sheriff of said oounty.
By virtue of an order of sale direoted to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore _tne district court of Ilolt cduyty, Ne
braska, on the 8th day of September, 1803,
in favor of Ella McMaster as plaintiff and
against James MoAdams, Mary Alice Mc
Adams, A. Latham and Mrs. A. Latliam as
defendants, tor the sum of two thousand
thirty-live dollars and costs taxed at 824.58
and accruing costs I have levied upon the
following premises, taken as the property of
said defendants, to satlfy said order of sale,
The southeast quarter of section twenty
one (21), township thirty (30), range ten (10),
west of the 0th P. M. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in band, on the 26th
day of December, 1803, in front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at tho hour of 9 o'clock A. m of said
day, when and where due attendance will
be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
November, 1898. H. O. MoEVONY,
20-5 Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of ilolt
county, Nebraska, on a docree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska. on the 28th day of September, 1893, In
favor of the Nebraska Loan and Trust
Company as plaintiff and against Smith
Stanton. Laura A. Stanton and MargettO.
Summers as defendants, for the sum of six
hundred thirty-one dollars and thirty-five
cents and costs taxed at #47.08 and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the property of said de
fendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt •
The southwest quarter of section two (2),
township thirty (30), range eleven (11), west of
tho 6th P. M. In ilolt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 26th
day of December, A. D., 1893, in front of the
court-house in O’Neill, that being the hand
ing wherein the last term of district court
was the hour of 11 o'clock a. in. of said
day when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 21st day of No
▼ember, 1893, H, C. McEVONY
Sheriff of Said County.
pi ;r- **• - :
By virtue of an order of ealo, Issued by the
clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a docree of foreclosure,
rendered In an action pe/idlng in tlio d (strict
court of Holt county. Nebraska, wherein
Commercial Investment Company Is plaint ill
and Ellen Keyes. The Nebraska Mortgage
and Investment Company, Addle M. Hci
shlser, Edwin Hershiser, her husband, and
Charles K. Collins, receiver of the eNbruska
Mortgage and Investment Company, are
defendants, 1 will soil at public auction to
tho highest bidder for cash, at tho front door
of the court house In O'Neill, in said county,
on the noth day of December, 1803, at it)
o’clock a. m„ to satisfy the judgment, decree
and costs In said action, the following des
cribed lands and tenainents, to-wlt: ' The
south half of the northeast quarter of section
twenty-four, townsh'p twenty-nine, range
twelve, west. In Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated this 10th day of November, 1803.
20-5 _ H. (J. McEVONY, Sheriff.
Kate M. Loftus, Thomas Loftus. Jacob
Klein and Mrs. Klein his wife, first and real
name unknown, defendants, will take notice
that J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff, filed a
petition In tho district court of llolt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a
mortgage, dated May 8, 1888, for *800 and in
terest thereon, on the southeast quarter of
section thirty-two, in township twenty-six,
north of range thirteen, west of the 6th P. M.
In Holt oounty, Nebraska, executed by the
said Kate M. Loftus and Thomas Loftns to
the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation and
assigned to plaintiff; which mortgage was
rccordott in book 36 at page 629 of mortgage
records of said county, and have the same
decreed to be u first lien and said land sold
to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or bofore the 1st day of January, 1894,
Dated November 20, 1893 . 20-4
J. L. MOORE, Trustee, Plaintiff.
By S. D. THORNTON, His Attorney.
Reuben C. Derby, Ellon B. Derby, Seott T.
Jones, the unknown heirs of Lorenzo V.
Ludwig, deceased, Alexander Searl, adminis
trator of the estate of Lorenzo V. Ludw ig,
doceased. Avery Planter Company and K. II.
Avery, trustee for Avery Planter Company,
defendants, will take notice that on the 5th
day of October, 1893, Janies Porter, plaiutl If
heroin, filed his petition In the district court
of llolt county. Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants Reuben C. Derby and Ellen 11.
Durby to Seott T. Jones upon the west half
of tho northwest quurter and the northwest,
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
twenty-nine, and the northeast quarter of
the southeast quarter of section thirty, in
township thirty-three, range fifteen, west, in
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of one promissory note dated June 20,
1888, for the sum of *000 and Interest at the
rate of 8 per cent, per annum payable semi
annually and ten percent, after maturity;
that there is now due upon said note and
mortgage according to tho terms thereof the
sum of *850 and Interest at tho rate of ton
per cent, per annum from July 1,1800, and
plaintiff prays that said premises may he
decreed to be sold to satisfy tho amount due
You are required to answer said petition on
(mheforoMonday,the 1st day or January,
Dated November 17,1893,
20-4A JAMES PORTER, Plaintiff.
By virtue of an ordor of sale, directed to
mo from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 7th day of September, 1893, in
favor of James N.JJrown, trustee, as plaintiff
and against Levi Clark, Edna M. Clark, L. W.
Tulleys, trustee, and Burnham Tulleys and
Co., defendants, for the sum of four hundred
seventy-eight dollars, uud costs taxed at
#36.23 and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendant, to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wlt:
The east half of southwest quarter, and
northwest quarter of of southeast quarter of
section twenty-nine (29) township twenty
seven (27) range tiino (9) west of the 6th p. m„
in Holt county. Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 26th
day of December. A. D. 1893, in front of the
court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of
said day. when and where duo attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
„ Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2tst day of
November, 1893. H. C. McEVONY,
30-6 Sheriff of said county.
By ■ virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt-county, Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, on the 7th day of
September, 1893, in favor of James N. Brown,
trustee, as plaintiff and against John C.
McWilliams, oMarion L. McWilliams, L. W.
Tulleys, trustee, Burnham Tulleys and Co.,
Joseph Wilson, Edwin 8. Norton, and the
Scottish American Mortgage Company
limited hh defendants, for the sum of seven
hundred forty-seven dollars, and sixty-six
cents, and costs taxed at *28.08 and accruing
hnutu T linvrn luviad nnon «l,n -T.n i i „t __
. satisfy ...........
The southwest quarter of section one (1)
township twenty-nine (29 range nine (9) west
of the 6tli p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska.
• And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 26th day
of December. A. D. 1893, in front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 9 o’clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 21st day
of November, 1803. H. O. McEVONY,
30-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue oi an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on u decroo of foreclosure, rend
ered in an action pending in the district
court of Holt county. Nebraska, wherin
Herman Russell, trusteo, is plaintiff, and
Ellen Keyes, William D. Mathews. Emeline
Mathews, h(s wife, John McHugh and Mamie
E. McHugh, his wife are defendants, I will
sell at public auction to the highest bidder,
for cash, at the front door of the court-house
ni O’Neill, in said county, on the 26th day of
December, 1893, at 10 o’clock a. m., to satisfy
the judgment, decree and costs in said
notion, the following described lands and
tenaments, to-wit: The north half of the
northeast quarter of section twenty-four,
township twenty- nine, ruuge twelve, west,in
Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated this 16th day of November, 1893.
20-5 H. O. MCEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district oourt of Holt county
Nebraska, on adeeree of foreclosure rendered
in an action pending In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, wherein the Union
Trust Company Is plaintiff and Henry It
Hamilton, William H. Sullivan, Mary Sulli
van his wife, Oliver Maggard, Erostus E
Brown, James A. Harris and
Mary Harris, his wife are defendants,
1 will sell at public auction, to the highest
bldder.for cash, at the front door of the court
house,In O’ said county,on the 26th da v
of December, 1803, at 10 o’clock A. m„ to sat
isfy the judgment, decree 'and
costs in said action the follow
ing described lands and tenements to-wit:
Ihe south half of the north-west quarter
and the south half of the north-east quarter
of section eight, township thirty, range
twelve, west in Holt oountv, Nebraska,
Dated this 16th day of, November, 1MI3.
20-5 11. 0. MoEvONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt oouuty,
Nebrrska. on a decree of foreclosure rend
ered in an action pending in the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, whorein F.
W. Boyer is plaintiff and Reuben A. Honnoll,
William Whitcomb. Henry Blown, Josephs,
Damrow. George Loan, sr., Sarah Loan his
wife and Charles F. Metli are defendants, I
will sell at public unction to the highest
bidder for cash at the front door of the
court-house, in O’Neill, in said couutv, on
the 2Gtb day of December, lnfkt, at 10 o’clock
A. M., to satisfy the judgment, decree and
costs In said action, the following described
luuds and tenements, to-wit:
The north half of the southwest quurter
and the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section thlrtv-tbree,
township twenty-seven, raugo eleven, west
In Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated this 16th day of November, 1883.
30-5 H. C. JfcEVON Y, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of llolt oounty,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure rend
ered in an action pending In thedlstrlot
court of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein the
Me K In ley-Limning Loan and Trust Com
pany was plaintitr and Cargill Graham, Mary
Graham,J. B. McKinley, trustee, W. B,
McKinley, William H. Carnahan, Sol Wells,
Ransom Scott and McClure Hagerty and
Gardiner were defendants, I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
at the front door of the court-house in
O’Neill, in said county, on the 86th day of
December, 1803, at 10 o’olock a. m., to satisfy
tire judgment, decree and costs in said
action, the following described lands and
tenernonts, to-wit:'
The north half of the southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section one, and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
north half of the southwest quarter of
seotion twelve, township twenty-six. range
thirteen wost. and the west half of the west
half of section seven, township twenty-six,
range twelve west, and the nort heast quarter
of the northwest quarter of section thirteen,
and the north half of the northeast quarter
and the north half of the northwest quarter
of section fourteen, and the south hall of the
southwest quarter of section twelve, and the
cast half of the southeast quarter, and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of sectisn eleven, township twenty-six, range
thirteen wost, in Holt countv, Nebraska.
Dated this 21st day of November, 1893.
20-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the olerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on u decree ob
tained before the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on the 7th day of Decem
ber, 1892, in favor of PhOenix Insurance
Company as plaintiff and against Charles C.
Pearl, Nellie It. Pearl, H. H. Dorsey, Geqrge
W. E. Dorsey and Mrs. George W. E. Dorsey
as defendants for the sum of seven hundred
thirty dollars and costs taxed at 840.78 and
accruing costs I have levied upoiffthe fol
lowing premises, taken as the property of
said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
The south half of the southwest quarter
and the west half of the southeast quarter
of section No. live (5), township No. twenty
eight (28), north of range No. thirteen (13),
west of the Oth p. m., in Holt county, Ne
A nd will offer the same for sale to the
highqst bidder for cash in hand on the 18th
day of Deoembor, A. D,, 1893, in front of the
court-house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district eour
was held, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M. of
said day, when aud where due attendance
will be glvon be the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nob., this 14th day of
November, 1893. li. C. McEVONY,
19-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale
directed to me from the cleric
of the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska’on a decree obtained defore the
district court of Holt county Nebraska, on
the 7th day of December, 1803, In favor of the
Phoenix Insurance Company as plaintiff aud
against Niles .lorgensen, lianne Jorgensen,
George W. E. Dorsey and Mrs George W. E.
Dorsey, as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundred thirty-*seven dollars, and twenty
cents, together with S-taxes paid by plain
tiff on said premises to protect his lion, and
costs taxed at 138.18 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants, jo
satisfy said order of sale to wit:
The north half of the northwest quarter of
section fourteen (I4)‘and the east half of
northeast quarter section fifteen (15) town
ship twenty-seven (27) north range fourteen
(14) west or the sixth P, M. In Holt county,
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, Iu hand, on the 18th
day of December. A, D. 18(13, in front of the
courthouse in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court,
was held, at the hour oft) oclock A. M. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at'O’Neill, Nebraska, this 14th day
of November, 1893.
19-5 H. C. McEVONY,
Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on-a decreo obtained be
foro the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the 7th day of December, 1892. in
favor of the Phoenix Insurance Co as plt’ff.
& against Lorens Nissen, Cathrine Nlssen his
wife, George \V. E. Dorsey and Mrs. George
W. E. Dorsey as defendants, for tiie sum of
eight hundred thirty-seven dollars and
twenty cents and costs taxed at *32.58 and
accruing costs I have levied upon the follow
ing premises, taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
The south half of the southwest quarter
and the south half of the southeast quarter
of section No. twenty-two (22), township No.
tweuty-seven (27). north ol’ range No, four
teen (14), west of the 6th p. m., in Holt
oounty, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the 18th
day of December, A. D., 1893, in front of the
court-house In O’Neill,that beiug the building
wherein the last term of district court was
hgjd, at the hour of 9 o’clock A. M. of said
day when and where due atteudanc will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 14th day of
November, 1893. |H. C. McEVONY.
19-5 # Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt, countv,
Nebraska, on the 7th day of December, I8(i2.
In favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
as plaintiff and against Charles S. Wiles.Scott
? • i*°°es’ George W. E. Dorsey, Mrs. George
W. E. Dorsey and citizens hank of Atkinson.
Nebraska, as defendants, for the sum of eight
hundred thirty seven dollars and
twenty cents and costs taxed
at 852 and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale to-wit j
The south half of southwest quarter, and
the south half of southeast quarter section
number seven (7) township number twenty
eight (28) north of range number thirteen (13)
west of the 6th p. m. in Ilolt county.Nebraska.
v roffer the same for sale to the high
est bidder tor cash, in hand, on the 18th dav
of December, A. D. 1803, in front of the court
house in O Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of district court was
held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said
day when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neil], Nebraska, this 15th day of
November, A. D, 1803.
m H:°- McEVONY,
Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Tlolt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 26th day of September. 1892.
In favor of Arthur Young, as plaintiff and
?»?'» 'lst Thomas A. Malloy, Mary C, Malloy,
r»v J iP.■ Hoops, Alexander Merring. School
Histrlet No. go. Sylvia Carver, Michael
Dnders, Wilcox Lumbor Company. John F.
Groghan, Michael E, Tierney, M. M. Sullivan,
T. L. Owings, Michael Lyons and Alice Lyons
as defendants, for thosumof eleven hundred
seventy-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.
Interest lu per cent., and cost taxed at S12318
and accruing costs X have levied upon the
*° lowing premises, taken as the property of
salddefendants, to satisfy said order of sale.
The west half of the northwest quarter and
the northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-three (22 >, In town
ship twenty-nine 129) range thirteen (fill west
of tho 6th p. m„ except 111 teen acres In a
square form In nortqeast corner of northeast
twenty-three [2f')Wt‘J’t,|Uarter°f “alU sectlou
.And t*10 same for solo to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 20th
Docembor. A. D. 1893, at the front door of
the court-house in TNelll, that belrie tho
building whlrein tho last term <>fdistrict
court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. m.
of said day when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
lit V,N;-. U’ Nobt this 29th dav of No
uembor. A. It., 1893. H. C. McEVONY,
*1"6 Sheriff of Said County. .
lUy ttocfc.0^" of
me by
**«moui an ordPi* ,•
Company aTplafiSPES
tnwfi; «rf lmid hSJj “"gainst the,
described us defer, ,1roeniii„,l;
described us defc^a al'c1'
tracts of land rS^-and sjffi*
immediately folUwini <;\v for theaH 1
not cpa» follows, the ««n e ?n®*
The southwest , “
uniter of section
ango 13 weBt 8 p. jj, township j»
west 0 P. M — "»*auip jg
i-he northeast quarta* «
quarter of section 14 in L0f the
range 13 west 6 PJ M 14 ln townshlp
The northeast quarter of .1.
quarter of section l"toL" so
range 13 west 6 P. M “ “Wnshlp 25
Thfl nnwfKon.ih *
The northeast quarter w
quarter of section 33 tntownLthe north]
range 15 west 6 P. M. lOWnahlP 32 i *
, north!
noau u r, ill. *
The southwest quarter of
quarter of section 33 In town.J^nwtiJ
range 15 west 6 P. M “"“ship 33 „ ’J
32 nortl
rni?„ m, ** w
quarterof section^Tntowi hi'C
range 15 west 6 P. U. “Wnshlp
The northeast quarter nf i
quarter of section fe lntowLm e»soutl>
range H west 6 P. M l0WMSlllP 33 son
The northwest
The northwest quarter of tn„ '
quarter of seetlon 25 In tnwr,Yk. L^thi
range 14 west 6 P M. tOW,13blP ® non!
The southwest quarter of «,„ t
quarter of section 25 lruownsh^.S,utl>
range 14 west 8 P. M. lurownshlp £ non
The southeast quarter of .t, '
quarter of section 25 In townsl to •??
range 14 west 8 P.M. K)wnshlP
Tflft tlhetlinnui -_ .
*w om u r, m, »■ “•
xho northeast quarter n# *1,_
uarter rtf 01 the nortbj
quarter of section 34In township "
range 9 west 6 P. M. rownship j.
The northwest quarter of «...
quarterof section 34 In townshtn• “
range 9 west 6 P.M. TOWnshlp 27 0(n
The southwest quarter of
quarter of section 34 ™townshinV0*
range 9 west 6 P. M. 18mP-• n
The southeast quarter of «|.» „
quarter of section 34 in to wnshln V*
range 9 west 6 P. M. n p 27 »
The northeast quarter of - s
quarter of section 10 In townshlu ■fi0,tlll
range 10 west 6 P. M. nlP 33 nortl
The southwest quarter of «... 1
quarter of seotlon IT In townshiu 7i°uthl
range 12 west 6 P. M. "comp 31 nurtj
The southeast quarter of tr,. .
quarter of section 17 In township in,” b,3
range 12 west 6 P. M. usmp ■« non!
The northeast quarter of the sn,
quarter of sectlon'17 In townshin ii J
range 12 west6 P.M. 5 31 H
The southeast quartor of the«nnn3
quarter of seotlon 17 ln townshlnii,1
range 12 west 6 P. M. n8bp 31 ““«S
The northeast quarter of the nortU
quarter of section 31 In townshm tn l
range 12 west 6 P. M. mp 33 rm!;l
The southeast quarter of the nortii
quarter of section hi. In township 33Z 5
range 12 west 6 P. M. p nor.’ [
With cost and accruing costs, I hare w
said order upon said tracts »f land rei™
lvely to satisfy said amounts adjudge?,
due from the respective tracts. I S’
caused said tracts to be appraised senarati
“”d for sale separate!
‘he highest bidder for cash in hand „„
11th dav of T)fift«mhpi* a n iun*> ... a. .
iiVi uiuuer ror cash in hand on
11th day of Deoember, A. D. 1803, at the ?
door of the court-house in O’Neill ;
AAiintv at. t.Kn Kmiw m _i. .
mwv* va t-uc Luuii-uuuse in u wem n<
county at the hour of 10 o’clock In the (I
S12n.,?L8?Jd day, at which time and pi
due ^attention will be given by the urn
?>uted at O’Netll, Neb., Octobers!!, l-l'i'
H. O. McEVONY, Sheriff ot said Count
E. H. BENEDICT, Attorney tor Plato!
By virtue of order of sale directed to
from the clerk of the district court of H
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained I
fore the district court of Holt county '
braska, on the 25th day of September it
In favor of Marv L. Buell,
plaintiffs, and against John Rollmi
Josephine Hollman, Josephs Rollmun,—
Rollman, husband of Josepha Rollmi
James A. Gallagher and Mrs. James A, (1
lagher as defendants, for the sum of cia
hundred eleven dollars and ninety-live ora
and.costs taxed at *28.28 and accruing m
I have levied upon the following premb
taken as the property of said defendants,
satisfy said order of sale, to: wit :
Lot four (4) and southeast quarter of nut
west quarter and oast half of the souths
quarter of section nineteen (19), townsl
twenty-five (25), range twelve (12),west
the Gtn P. M. In Holt eounty, Nebraska,
And will offer the same for sale to t
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the i:
day of December, A. D„ 1893, in from of t
court-house in O'Neill, that being the bull
ing wherein, the last term of district: :
was held, at the hour of 11 o’clock a. si.
said day, when and where due attcndau
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at U'Nelll, Neb., this 21st day of X
vember, 1893. H. 0. MoEVONT.
20-5 ' Sheriff of Said County
By virtuo of an order of sale directed to
from the clerk of the district court of 1!
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtain
before the district court of Holt conn
Nebraska, on the 7th day of December It
In favor of the Phoenix Insurance Compiu
as plaintiff and against Ole Torgerson. L
Hus Torgerson, Scott T. Jones, George W.
Dorsey, Mrs. George W. E. Dorsey, a
Citizens Bank, of Atkinson, Nebraska,
defendants, for tho sum of eight bundi
thirty-seven dollars and twenty cents, a
*— taxes paid by plaintiff to protect
claim, and costs taxed at #46.98 and aicruj
costs I have levied upon the follow!
premises taken as the property of sam
fondants to satisfy said order of sale, to.w
The northeast quarter of section seventi
(17) township twwnty-seven <27) nortli
range fourteen (14) west of the 6th p. m.
Holt county. Nebraska. , .
And will offer the same for sale to the ul.
est bidder for cash. In hand, on the lath (i
ot December. A. D. 1BD3. in front of the coi
house tn O’Neill, that being the builu
wherein the last term of district court
held, at the hour of!) o,clock A. M. oi s<
day when and where due attendance »m
given by the undersigned. .
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this i4tu oy
November, 1893. H. C. McEVOhL
19-5 Sheriff of said county
By virtue of an order of sale directed to n
from the clerk of the district court or
county, Nebraska, on a decree^oMaln'
before the district court
Nebraska, on the llth day of Septe
D. 1893, in favor of A. A. Ego as plainun
against Charles Hlckbarn, D. M. Sell
Mrs. D. M. Sell his wife, as defendants tor ,
sum of eight "hundred eighty-five dollar* ““
eighty-five cents and oosts taxed a _ ,
anil accruing oosts I have levied upon
following premises taken as the proper.!^
said defendants to satisfy said order
The south half of northeast qnarte' aj
south half of northwest quarts
section thirty-two (32) township twenr) s
(27) range eleven (11) west of the six
In Holt county, Nebraska. , „ Mil
And will offerthe same for sale to JJ J ri
est bidder for cash In hand on
the 18th dW
December,~A. 571893, tojront,o{JJewhSJ
ilVUUHIUCli *%• lObO) *■ * „luno VT 16“
house In O’Neill that being thephie , ^ (l|
the last term of district court was hew a3
hour of 9 o’clock A. M. of said dnywn ^
where due atteudauce will bo give
l,»ante<1d'Nelll, Nebraska, thU !$*
•f November, A.' D.
By virtue of an order of sale
from the clerk of the ?1®trl®‘ec()btained h
. - ir .if ,-nmiiy. '
ounty, Nebrarka, on a - Q ,ltv<
ore tho district court pf Holt “ ^
■ - ' .Vplniutiff;
,y\ Mrs.
ore tne district ooun
iruska, on tboTtb day of bepton-ut ■
favor of J. 11. Keith trustee as nlai
avor or .1. 11. tveim mi
gainst Michael Lyons, C. y* ,lS
.lay, A. L. May and Mrs. A. ^iundrt
endants, for the sum of tiling*. u. ,.,>u
enaants, tor tne sum tv_sjX
ilnety-seven dollars ana^wAuccrlll
miuty-Bcvou uuiupn ”
md costs taxed at. $32.48 et'n;-.' pr>‘
:osts I have levied upon the * jjeteudan1'
scs taken as the property „»•
o satisfy said order of Ba,e’J°h„1f 0f seen1’.
The east half of the east haR “llie
___.:llf or me o»» . tv_one ;■
wenty-tlxroo (23) township t ‘ry is,|, 1
Orth of range eleven ill) west eltia
orin m niuBfciovu ,*-. •
I. in Holt county, Nebraska
And ■ ■ - *u~ ..
. Ill uoit eouniy, om,,...,.—■... 8ille tvW
And will offer the sumo r t|,i
1 will offer tne sunm - ■.
:st bidder (or cash in 1|J. rront »f !,'r
ly of December, A- D. J1’-* ; ,),e bund;
purt-house In O Neill, that , .n^trlct
g wherein the last tirm k A. a. of p -1
us held at the hour of ll <> eh. wln 1
ly when and where due attend
ven by the undersigned. . , p,), da)
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska. ‘J£voNy.
November, A. D. !*»• ,,ajd count) •