The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 07, 1893, Image 7

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    Threatening tlin Kldnays,
| |hl,y are grievous and very often
il'M“8.;.rl,,Mi'ded, may be prevented by u
" 10 that admirable safeguar
licst tter’s .-tunach Bitters. a
1 h a meter c.f activity In the renal
m|a! ij.o stt maeli and the Urer. Ere lv
rf1"5,. h0 Sidneys develop-* Inti Bright’s
't|0"° jabetes or other dangerous dlsor
l''. .rsc should oe had to the Bitter *
Pt». * .. .. I., thp hnnvlnot
is much as *199.
is followed, the haprlest
. of th.- earlier -ymp oms may be
heck a de
wit-i confidence.
I, fl i-nt of these maladies at tuc outset
the means
indicated, since at their ma
llard indeed to conquer. Dys
l,ily,l,It'c mmtlsni; In-omnia, nervousness.
malarial complain.s are erad
l-“ ■ „ medicine of corapre
"Jnil- the Hitters, a medlclr
' i/u r ami prompt effects
Collecting Coins.
L", ifliculty of making- a complete col
b, a of American specimens. The
* lit otates coinage of 1793 is very
, and a dollar of 1794 has often sold
A 1796 half-cent
rare as to sell readily for *15, and
. ,loilar of the same year is worth
“'times its original value. While
i Lif-centof 1804 is common enough,
I the other coins of that year are rare,
h» dollar of that particular dete being
JI rarest of a 11 A mcrican coins. Only
j„ht are known to exist out of the 19,
■o that were coined. The lowest price
hat one of these now changes bands
1 i. -i>00. These prices are encour
ar is 8*00.
tin? to collectors.
Btn,.liAM’s Piu s act like magic on the
nr and other vital organs. One dose Te
ns sick headache in 30 minutes.
He Has Struck Gold.
A contractor sinking a ten-inch driven
cllat Dover. Del., has hit upon the
aD of substituting a rotary motion
(the direct blow of the pile driver in
Dking his pipes. After the pipe had
rn driven more than 100 feet by the
le driver the other method was ap
ie l and the pipe was sunk three feet
twenty minutes The contractor is
ling to patent the invention if nobody
is inticipated it. - >
Watched by Angels.
A curious and beautiful superstition,
mails among the Armenians that
iben anv one is seriously ill the sick
mnn is tilled with angels who are sent
i watch over the patient. For this
eison the room is beautifully draped
ltd furnished with flowers, sweets,
dried fruits and cake, and each visitor
u entering strikes a chord on a mu
lical instrument which hangs at the
ail of the sickbed.
lie man who does most without a good
mtive will have most to regret.
Judge J. B. Hiix, of the Superior
Court, Walker county, Georgia,
thinks enough of German Syrup to
send us voluntarily a strong letter
endorsing it. When men of rank
and education thus use and recom
mend an article, what they say is
worth the attention of the public.
It is above suspicion. “I have used
your German Syrup,” he says, ‘‘for
my Coughs and Colds on the Throat
and bungs. I can recommend it for
them as a first-class medicine.”—
Take no substitute. 9
Other's Fri£md\
A remedy vhich,
if used by Wives
about to experience
the painful ordeal
Child-birth, prove*
an infallible speci
flc for, and obviate*
; the tortures of con
I flnement, lessening
the danger*thereof
to both mother and
child. Sold by all
druggists. Sentby
, express on receipt
of price, |1AI pet
bottle, charges pie
... r' puo.
2*dfield regulator co.. Atlanta. Qa
have you cot a dollar?
loarts, aro BOlng to employ 250,000
If!, men ar»d women—they have to do so.
tftn.IWaut a Job we can help you: whether
r»t'eAx.,,erie,|ced or not. Clerks, Train
ftii.r -» iwuanlcs are constantly needed.
■Joi'.1,11 .°Jtallroad Employment elves all
Wn*W information. 't housands nave ob
«wSnu.U5U ions ,u the same way. It is
jrawk'd by a prominent railroad man. If
^u?m:scnU^ money refunded. They
totip 'ast. and only a limited number
w».» ou can make more money in a
tirTiii1*oa(li,I£ than can be made any
•T'ljfMn five. Price "
■eid „.7i' ■" "'Price ?1, postage tree;
Mk V!/lers to >'HK K ill.WAV 4C
J. 4-°- ill No. lath St.. Omaha, Neb.
Gieam Balm
rnce JoTSStTl
feSa'^lJgtoeach nostril.
Warren 8M1.Y.
■ ®°“.«»ptlTe« andpeople]
■ «no hare weak lungs or Aatb- I
■ ma. should use Plso's Cure for I
■ Consumption. It has cored I
12!?"'—*?•: It has not Injur-1
I oV.Vk u11 *•1,01 *»(* tetuke. |
■ ttis the best couth syrup.
Bold BTor’-where. Sit.
Waihlngiiin, D.C,
— u*d miiuaUug claims, attj aiuo&
i»t»R V
1 of i if? th° Fanner* A Merchants Inammw
*Habm^!!*!' Cai4ial and &urpma over KSU0A4).
wud to JS«bmska people since 188.».
highly endorsed. ,
l«try M Physiological Chem-I
nj. le College says: “ I find Atck- 3
fc-—Sagicq to be tm extract of J
Sj--jinrH aMi Herb, of Valuable lion-"
aujt mineral or other {
8v,,*'HK’ isasir
*JH* ls tlw Krand- I
f Blood^ ^Wmaeli.
I C1m7 *V,10wO.
littjf8- Purifier
wnovateg ererv
f I hi mail
, - bottle—
• for $6.
*h.7 "■ In‘«r"tl«* Record for
warli i>o0ds Done lu tlie Kast—>tr.lw
M»« Wu Thoir Favorite Little Trick
—Train Robber*.
While accounts of many exploits,
orimes, daring robberies, imprison
ments and reckloss escapes in the
West have been written of membors
of the notorious Wilson gang, prin
cipally on information furnished by
Chief of Police W. S. Seavy of Oma
ha, Neb., at which place tho family I
resided for many years, it is not gen- I
erally known, says the Syrucusd !
Standard, that the Wilsons also have
an interesting record for dark deeds
done in the East
Twenty years ago Dink and Charles
Wilson were living with their father,
mother, brothers and sisters in the
smalltown of Hollidaysburg, Penn.,
which is located in an extensive I
lumbering region just west of tho i
coal mines. The boys were quite
young at that time, but not nearly so
much as the ages given by them when
arrested would make it appear. It
is a common trick among noted
criminals to place thoir ages at tho
lowest possible point at all consist
ent with thhir looks. In this way
they are often successful in proving
that they were not connected witti
crimes happening years ago, at a
time when it would be supposed that
they were too young to answer the
descriptions given of the criminals
Charles Wilson has stated his age
at different times ut. 19 and 28 years
respectively. That he is at least
several years older no one who has
seen him doubts. And the same map
be said of his brother Dink, who
stated his ago at 24 when arrested.
Ten years more of life to a confirmed
crook like one of these means a long
record of deviltry and crime. So it
was that in 1876 at the time of tho
robbery in Hawley, Penn., the Wilson
boys, whose reputations were any
thing but good, were not beyond sus
In Wayne county, on the line of
the Delaware and Hudson canal
company’s railroad, where coal is
transferred from the coal regions to
the canal, is located the small town
of Hawley. J. Millham & Co., at
that time, kept the general merchan
dise store. One night about the
middle of the year 1876 the store
was entered by burglars, the safe
blown open and several hundred dol
lars in cash and many articles of
wearing apparel were stolen. The
burglars escaped, but one of them
was seen in the streets of the quiet
town, and being a stranger there at
tracted attention. A description of
the man was sent over the state by
the local sheriff and railroad men
were especially asked to keep a
lookout for the fleeing burglar. A
few nights afterward a brakeman on
a coal train bound for Scranton saw
a man leap upon the train when it
was moving rapidly.
Calling a couple of trainmen to his
assistance he made known his sus
picions that the man looked like the
burglar wanted at Hawley, and to
gether the railroad men overpowered
the athletic young man, who fought
desperately. He was taken to Haw
ley and given into the charge of the
constable. Next day he was brought
before the local justice of the peace,
where he gave an assumed name.
He was recognized as one of the no
torious Wilson family, and seeing
that the evidence of his identity was
positive, he admitted his name was
Wilson. He said that his full name
was William W. Wilson, but the of
ficials found there was no such mem
ber of the family, and made up their
minds that they bad captured Lucius
R. Wilson. He had on a pair of new
shoes, which Millham, the store
keeper, identified from the costmark
on them, as being property stolen
from him.
Wilson was held for the grand
jury, which would soon sit at the
court-house at Iionesdale. where Wil
son was taken and lodged in one of
the strongest cells, equipped with
steel doors, walls and ceiling. A few
days afterward he ' escaped and was
never since seen in that locality. It
was found that he obtained posses
sion of the key to his cell for a short
time and made an impression of it
in soap. This he managed in some
way to send to a friend outside the
jaii, who furnished him with a deli
cate skeleton key, which he used to
secure his freedom. The next morn
ing the key was found in the road a
mile east of the village.
It was afterward learned that Wil
son went to Hollistorville, a noted
retreat for crooks. As Hollisterville
is toward Scranton in a direct line
west, his trick in placing the key
east of the village, to throw the of
ficers off his track of escape, was a
nlftvp.r onp.
The history of Lueius B. and
Charles F. Wilson in tho West has
been published in the local presa
Even when the boys were in school
in Omaha they took delight in lead
ing gangs of boys into mischief of
more or less serious nature. They
were known, to keep bad, company
and tfceir start In crime is not'to be
w'dndered at.
Their first prominent arrest was in
Leavenworth, Kan., where a search
revealod that they were possessed of
burglars’ and safe-cracking tools of
an advanced type. On this occasion
their sister Nettie secured ball for
them and they escaped, forfeiting
the money advanced for them. Chief
Seavy of Omaha, soon located them
in that city, and they were captured
only after a desperate struggle. Ho
then secured the photographs of
them which were of so much service
■ .-v ’
in the jrecsnt capture and idonttflea
tion in this city. After their release
they went to St. Joseph, Ma, where
they mot Hedspeth and Sly, the no
torious train robbers, and organized
the famous Hedspeth gang.
It was this gong that planned and
carried out the daring Glendale trulu
robbery, whero $18,000 in booty was
secured. Sly and Hedspeth were
captured in California, where they
were spending their ill-gotten gains,
and are now serving twenty years
sentences in the penitentiary at Je f
ferson City.
In Its Infancy.
With all the progress that has
been made, sanguine men of science
are.of the opinion that the world is
yet on the threshold of electrical ex
periment, and that with the aid of
this magical power of nature results
will be' produced surpassing what is
now deemed impossible. Every pat
ent, that is issued represents a now
idea, a new application of electricity
or a new method for its production.
For every patent that is granted a,
dozen are rejected; and eaoh applica
tion is the result of numerous ex
periments. Thousands are busied in
wresting the innermost secrets of
this power, and in finding new ways
of turning them to the uses of man
kind. The age of steam propulsion,
which was ushered in 100 years ago,
has been followed by the age of elec
tricity, which in loss than twenty
years has already accomplished mar
vels. Achievement is so rapid and
so continuous in this domain of hu
man efforts thut imagination can
scarcely keep pace with it.
saccharins'* Klral.
Saccharine has a rival. A new
substance called valzin is now being
manufactured in Berlin, under a
patent, and it is claimed to be 200
times sweeter than sugar and free
from the objectionable properties of
A hungry cow in Doylestown, Pa.,
devoured twenty-four pounds of pntty
belonging to painters working upon
I. M. James’ residence.
The best trotting record for twenty
miles is fifty-seven minutes and
twenty-five seconds. The best twenty
mile record for a bicycle is forty-sis
minutes and seven seconds.
The great oaks in Waverly, Mass.,
are survivors of an oak forest that
must have existed in that region, ac
cording to the geologists, as far back
as the tenth century. They bear every
evidence of great age.
An apple tree known to be 143 years
old, on the property of Mrs. Delia
Hotchkiss, in Cheshire, Conn., was
destroyed by a recent storm. It bore
fruit every fall, but only on one side
each year. The side that bore one
year would be barren the next. The
tree yielded about 140 bushels an
Forest fires in the region about
Puget Sound have driven the bears
and cougars out of their mountain
haunts' into the valleys and among
the farm lands and settlements. They
have been seen in considerable num
bers near some well-settled districts,
and the inhabitants are afraid that
the scarcity of food occasioned by the
fires may cause the fierce beasts to
give them serious trouble.
Observers say that carp are destroy
ing duck feeding grounds along the
shores of Lake Erie and around the
[ bay. Carp do not confine themselves
to eating bulbs from the wild rice,
thus destroying it, but also eat the
small crnstacea that collect in such
numbers ia a species of water cress
that grows on the bottom of the lake.
This cress flourishes in the water as
far out from the shore as to a depth
of eight or ten feet. The carp eats
the cress as well as the Crustacea.
Wisdom jests as well as preaches.
It costs more to satisfy a vice than
to feed a family.
I Ugliness has its advantages over
j beauty—it never fades,
i Kind hearts are more than coronets,
and simple faith than Norman blood.
People who blow their own horns
seldom furnish good music for other
f ol ks.
Men are like wheat—f)he'riper their
wisdom-the lower they hang their
Too many of us expect others to be
better than we are willing to be our
Men are never so likely to settle a
question rightly as when they discuss
it freely.
Life may be a stage, but it is more
like a court-house, from the fact that
it is full of trials.
Real good breeding is independent
of the forms and refinement of wbat
has assumed to itself the name of
We always have known everything
when it serves no purpose, and when
the seal of the irreparable has been
set upon events.
The people who always practice
! what they preach, seem somehow not
| to preach such disagreeable things as
j other people da
j A good character, good habits and
! iron industry are impregnable to the
| assaults of all the ill-luck that fools
ever dreamed of.
If people nursed their health as ten
derly as they nursed their griefs
doctors would have to work like other
people for a living.
Our minds are like certain vehicles—
when they have little to carry they
make much noise about it, but when
heavily loaded they run quietly.
There is no more striking instance
of the silent and imperceptible
changes brought about by what is call
ed “time," than that of a language
becoming dead.
Royal Baking Powder ku all tho Honor*
—In Strength and Valoe £0 p*r rent, above
It* Nearest Competitor.
The Royal Raking Powdor has tho
enviable record of having received the
highest award for articles of its class —
greatest strength, purest ingredients,
mast perfectly oombnod—wherever
exhibited in competition with othors.
The result at the Chicago World’s Fair
is no exception. In the exhibitions of
former. years, at the Centennial, at
Paris, Vienna and at the vat* ous State
and Industrial fairs, where it has been
exhibited, judges have invariably
awarded the Royal Raking Powder tho
highest honors.
At the recent World’s Fair the exam
inations for the baking powder awards
were directed by the chief clienti*tv of
the Agricultural Department at Wash
ington. The chief chemist's official re
port of the test of the baking powders,
which was made for the specific pur
pose of -ascertaining which was the
best, shows the leavening strength of
the Royal to be 100 cubic inches of car
bonic gas per ounce of powder. Of the
cream of tartar baking powders exhib
ited, the next highest in strength test
ed contained but 133 cubic inches of
leavening gas. The other powders
gave an average of 111. The Royal,
therefore, was found of 30 per cent
greater leavening strength than its
nearest competitor, and 44 per cent
above the average of all the other tests.
Its superiority in other respects, how
ever, in the quality of the makes
as to fineness, delicacy and wholesome
ness, could not be measured by figures.
It is these high qualities, known and
appreciated by the women of tho
country for So many years, that have
caused the sales of the Royal Raking
Powder, as shown by statistics, to ex
ceed the sale of all other baking pow
ders combined.
Stand* to Reason.
Mrs. Hayseed (noticing the tire es
capes at a city hotel)—I wonder what
them outside stairs are ter?
Mr. Hayseed—Use yer brains, Mi
randa, it you’re got any. This is a
hotel, ain't it?
“Of course.”
“Weil, a hotel has all sorts o’ people
in it, and tain’t likely they all git up at
the same time is it?”
“I s’pose not.”
“’Course not Some goes to work
earlier than others, and some has to
catch trains I s’pose them outside
stairs is so the early risers can git down
to the pump without making any
noise."—Hew York Weekly.
Deafness Cannot lie Cored
By local applications, as tticy cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There It only
one way to cure Deafness, and that Is by con
stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by
an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Euslachinn Tube. When this tube gets
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect bearing, and when it is entirely olosed
Deafness is the result, and unless the lnflamo
tion can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will be do*
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send
for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
pay-Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Shifting the Responsibility.
“But 1 don’t see how you ever col
lected that $5,000 insurance on his life
when you had previously managed to
get him on the pension list for injuries
received during the war,” observed the
the friend of the family.
“The hand of 'Providence was in it,”
said the widow, with a gentle sigh of
Asthma Sufferers
Who have in vuin trie.I every o'her means
of re.iefshould fry “ chlffmnnn’s Asthma
< rre co waiting for results Iisactiin
Is immediate, uirect tin f certain as a sing e
irial pioves. Sen I iol)r. K. 8c. llfmanu, -t.
Paul, Mini, for a free trial package, but oak
yuurdrugitisi first. .
Fatal Olft of Beauty.
‘‘That is an awfully pretty girl that
Timmins is engaged to just now.”
“Yes. Too pretty, in fact. Timmins
tells me that he is so fascinated with
her that he has never had the courage
to turn down the gae when he was
calling on her for fear of losing sight
of her pretty face.”—Indianapolis
Coughing Leads to Ce»aMp>
flea. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough
at once. Go to your druggist today and get
a sample bottle free. large bottles fiO cants
and 11.00. _
Money matters can always be settled, but
feelings are pitiless.
Hegomaa’a Camphor lee with Glycerine.
The original and only genuine. Cures Chapped Handi
and Face, Cold Sores, £c. v. a. Clark Ca,N.Haven,C'
There are men who go to a gymnasium
for exercise while their wives are sawing
the wood.
People without faults have no friends.
No matter what he claims to be, the man
who does nothing is nothing.
* roo Mach Thrashing. .
Country boy* who are Inclined to
think that life in tho city is easy and
comfortable compared with their daily
toll in the country, are apt to find
themselves mistaken when they come
to town and subject themselves to the
high-pressure system of business estab
lishments. An amusing example of
this sort is related by a country ex
A farmer's boy went to the city, find
ing the work at homo rather tiresome,
and obtained a situation in a large
“family supply” store, where a “rushing
business'’ was carried on. He “took
hold” very well, and his employers
liked him.
They were surprised however, when
ho came to them, before he had been
two months in the store, and said:
“Well, Mr. A-, I guess I'll have to
get through here next Saturday night.”
“tlet through?" said his employer.
Why, what's going wrong?”
“Oh. nothing particular."
“Aren’t you treated woll?”
“First rate, but I’ll toll yon just how
it strikes me. Up on the farm we used
to have the threshing machine come
once a year, and then we threshed for
three days, and you’d better believe we
worked hard; but I tell—I've been
here seven weeks and you've threshed
every day. I guess I've got enough
lie wont back to the farm, convinced
that a farmer’s life has its compensa
The llurro.
Donkey is In Spanish burro. In
Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and in
Arisons, where the donkey is as well
known as the horse, ho is always called
by Ills Spanish name, on account of tho
fact that that this section of the United
States so recently belonged to the
Mexicans, who as everybody knows,
speak that language. Tho Spanish and
Mexicans also apply the term “borro”
to a stupid or ignorant person, just as
English speaking races use the word
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant laxative,
Syrup of Figs, when in need of the lax
ative effect of a gentle remedy than by
any other, and that it is more accepta
ble to them. Children enjoy it and it
benefits them. Tho true remedy, Hyrup
of Figs, is manufactured by the Cali-'
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only.
Didn't Mean It.
Little Dick—Dot isn’t going to give
me any candy; I know it.
Mother—Didn't she say she would?
Little Dick—Y-e-s, but she said it
just the way Sister Clara says ‘ -Don’t"
when some follow is going to kiss her.
■tftltoh’a Consumption Coro
I- on a guanuite*. Kt ntnt InilJil.Mit I un-mtiT*
Ism. U is ttw best Uuigk Cura. 3Suu.(G0uU. * S1UJIX
When Aleck Hart the tingle.
“You are awfully slow,” said a Phil
adelphia father to his lazy son, a young
man of thirty or more. "Why don't
you do something? At your age Alex
ander tho (Jreat had conquered the
“l’ossibly,” wsb the languid reply;
“but, father, you forget that Alexan
der was not born and reared in Phila
delphia.” _
Dee Brown’s Bronchial Troches for
Coughs, Colds and other Throat Troubles.
“Pre-ein'nontly the best.”—Rea Henry
Ward Beecher.
Tempting a cbi d to do wrong is as much
a sin as shooting at a man with a gun.
The richest people are those whose treas
ures cannot be burned up or stolen.
No man can live any higher than he looks.
Be sure end line that old and well-tried remedy, Xu
WlNBLov’ft SooTHina Amur for Children Teething.
The mistake of a moment may be the sor
row of a lifetime.
“ Heeawi'a Meglfl t arn Halva.”
Wermnted to cum or money refunded. Aek your
drufglel fur It. Vruo? 15 »-«n le.
Finding fault with others is only a round
about way of bragging on yoursalf.
See Colchester Spading Hoots adv. in other column.
More people fail from dlscouragemenl
than from real misfortune.
10 World's Fair Photos for One Dime.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Rail
way has made an arrangement with a first
class publishing house to furnish a series ol
beautiful World's Fair pictures, of a large
size, at the nominal cost to the purchasei
of only ten cents for a portfolio of sixteen
illustrations. Nothing so handsome in ref
erence to the World’s Fair has before been
{mblished. The series would be worth al
east twelve dollars if the pictures were not
published in such large quantities, and w<
are therefore able to furnish these works ol
art for only ten cents.
Remit your money to George H. Heafford
General Passenger Agent^ Chicago, Mil
waukee & 8t. Paul Railway, at Chicago
111., and the pictures will be sent promptly
to any specified address. They will make <
handsome holiday gift.
The truth a bad man hates is the trutl
that hits him in the face.
For over a quarter of a century, Dr. Pierce's ,
Golden Hod leal Discovery box Iteen effecting
cures of Bronchial, Throat and Dung affec
tions The muheni have such confidence in
the " Discovery ” for curing Asthma, Bron
chi tin, and incipient Consumption, that they
can afford to guarantee it.
Mrs. Isaac Lotman, of ThurUnc, Delaware
Oo., Pan writes ss follows s
ftln, N. V.: " IkMV Stir—
1 with to write yon of
my brother. Harry C. •
Troup, who hat Docn :
•Ick for ton yearn with
attlima. Ilo hat boon
treated by ten different
phytlclnnt, who hare
•ala ho coiilil not bo
cured. Ho had to dt
up nt nloht, ho not ao
•hart of breath: no iuf.
fciwl with fearful head
ache! and had n bad
uouirh. After taking ; ;
H. 0. Troup.
Med leal Discovery and
. PJennutt Pellets, f»e did
not vat short of breath, and can sleep all night.'*
Sl Cun Cell;.. Oaufk. Bt.o Throat, Great, IcflttUk
Waoopisr Caaih. firoBohilli nl aittai- a e mtoeii*
for Coanaptios la flnt itirii. end a wan rtiitf Is ad
vanoai itapa. at mm Tot till in tta ucolM
inftl Ini. tlW.B lli 4mI iftlk _ a.__
van I.. w,k, if, ,4f VMVaNB
»#*ot liitr tifcif tt, flnt del, toll to doiicrt imp*.
•ton. tui* tattii 80 eoati ul 11.00. P
No tools required. Only u hammer needed
to drive and clinch them easily and quickly;
leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Requirtnir
no hole to be made in the leather nor burr lor the
Hlvets. They are 8TR0N0. TOUCH and IJUMBIK.
Millions now in use. All length- uniform or
assorted, put up in boxes.
Ask year dealer for I Item, or send 40c.
In stamps for a box of 100; assorted Rises.
Wullhui, IUh.
Illtiatrnted CHttilofroo ulmwlna WKLLi
Hcnt Earn. Uava bwn lasted and
all warranted.
Mloux City, Iowa
IB B. Canal St„ Chicago.
® ® ulnmlritt,. most ACtii
stern. Ughicst, stroiireat*
cable*! - working, safest,
simplest, moat accurate, moat compact, bwI
most modern.
Model 1H»t In 82 cal. tine* short and long rim and cob
ter-flre earl rid gen In the Mine vide. Hu\ ea W per cent,
on coat of nmiiiuiillion over any other 82 cal. repeats?
made. Model 1898 now ready in U2-4Q and 88-53. i
mailed Free.
1898 now ready in ib*4o ami oo-oa.
Oldest and Boet Business College la Ilia Went. H* ,
vacation. Thousands of srsdusies and old sladenls
it any on« douUi* •., §
we run t’Uro the tn at i-1>
stinate ('uho In HO to tyt
days. let hint wr is for
paiUculars and invent*
gate our rellatrtlty. Our
financial backing i»
$..00,000. When morcary,
lollde potassium, semaptrill*or UofeBprlng* fail, wo
p u i ran toe a cure—ami our kla'Hc t yphilenu la the on’y
thing that will cure permanently. 1*. sltive proof aent
sealed, free. Cook RKIKPT Co., Chicago, 111.
positively Cured with Vegetable Remedies
Hare cured thousands of eaten. Cure casus pro*
oounced hopeless by beat phyale Ian*. From brat doss
•f upturns disappear; In ten day a at least two-third*
ill symptom* removed. Bend for free book testimo
nial* or miraculous curea. Ten days* treatment
free by mall. If you order trial send 10c In atempe
opny postage. I)B.II.H.Urbkx & Bovs.Atlanta,Ua.
♦ vou order trial return this ud verttwunenfc tun*
fluids the worst rup*
ture with ease under alt
rircu instances. Perfect
| Adjustment. Comfort
land Cura New Patented
I Improvement* lllut
t rated catalogue and
rules for self-measure,
ment sent cecunly
ssued. o. v nou&k
MFC. CO.t If* Broad
way. New York City.
I et'K s*l»v stl.b- i-^r CuhIuhii*. Wiii«|<n<
Hurrrpiifwl wl»»i» all remi'dir* f«|f, fw.Id
b> V.Hincus.MtS li’wnjf.N.V. Writs i.l
At i Price
Watebes. tiias, Itoffftira, Um__
flrwia* ■■rhino*. Urn ft*, Kfe/tlss,
fire Tods. haf**, *r, 14*4 FkKB.
«?w2ih I Thompson's Eys Water.
W. HI. U. Omaha-49. 18§3.
Especially fop Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands and others. Double sole ex
tending down to the heel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY.
Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is the best they ever bad.
MR ytif 0MWT far tlMM and don’t be persuaded into an inferior article.