j 18,1893 Special session^ pursuant iuet,i petition to the county ^5, Mid clerk August 16, JSutlcr, t'oenty Qlerk of Holt ■ Klbr?9k kmed supervisors of - 3“derly request that you “'■r' Meeting of the board of ilC1f Holt county, to be held at ^18,1^3, at 10 o’clock "l,, ntirpose of transacting the ■unfueeessTryt,a county trees “e re the office of county ™ t if necessary; to hear ” o any complaint made , Scott, county treasurer; bringing of all suits neoes ,b„ebr to^recover any money due 'and to protect the oounty I'lers from financial loss; to „Vectssary to have all fees Led into the county treasury; “tosecure a grand jury for L, of district court, and to ;„ch other business as may be j necessary to protect the ‘ m financial loss and bring to faulting officials, ftp,list 13,1893. H. M. MoCabthy. W. T. Haves. J. D. Jones. W. B. Haiqh. John Winn. John Cbawfobd. Peteb Kelly. Wm. F. Clevish. E. M. Wabino. H. Bradley. J. B. Donohob. ipon the oounty clerk upon re ke shove petition notified each jerrisors of Holt county, Neb., ;,of said meeting, and caused to hedlathe Alliance Tribune of isus, the following notice: ir special meeting of county i it may concern: is hereby given that there will :ial meeting of the board of m of Holt cunty, Neb., held at n said county, on the 18th day st, 1893, »t 10 o’clock A. M., for ose of transacting the following to-wit: point, if necessary, a oonnty ; to declare the office of county vacant, if necessary; to hear lermine any complaint made larrett Soott, County Treasurer; the bringing of all suits neces noper to recover any money dne tv, and to protect the county and ayers from finanoial loss; to tessary steps to have all fees lamed into the county treasury; taps to secure a grand jury for term of the district court and to inch other bnsjless as may be and necessary to protect the •ran financial loss and bring to sfaulting officials. is my hand and the seal of said tis Ifith day of Angnst, 1893. C. K. Bhtlkr, County Clerk. *ing called the following mem t found preseat: Alfs, Bethea odie, Bradley, Crawford, Olevish, byes, Jillson, Jones, Kelly H. B., ter, Kennedy, Mills, Moore, Mo isting, 17. No quorum. Upon be board adjourned until 1 v. M. 1 P. M. met pursuant to adjournment, ben present except Bryan, Cal Iton and Long. sof forenoon read and approved, ication received from A. J. Meals I upon motion placed npon the liming resolution was then pre id read: !ls; On the 18th day of July, 7eral thousand dollars of taxes I »»nty of Holt and collectable by wr, appear upon the reoords of 7 treasurer’s offioe as having and7 r' A‘ ThomP80n> ot Sioux • That receipts have been arrett Scott, ex-treasnrer of Ji •Nob., showing said taxes 1 paid, and f' ^ has been shown to the supervisors of Holt county, ,, D°ne 0f- 88id taxeB, except fcnnt/V u8ld int0 ttie treasury ltSmttNeb'’Rnd were “ever paid conntr treasurer of Holt te he absconded from Holt ® Angnst 4, 1893; and 8PPears that said Bar “kn.9aid receipts with him ‘ffng to Sioux City, Ia„ and tlln. aPPears from oompe s'f SRI^ T. A. Thompson Purmm?10?67 •to 8aid Barrett l o. °* 8aid taxes, he oaid ;a5 rett )3;;nd ^.on or after *,»Hofha“ b6el? decided by the •count* ^raska that any act .lA"®'6' outside of this I Sjott ®Ul *lot’and thorefore •Totsnirt'*®8 not authorized to "01 said tares in Sion* City, si theto'Ll'11 receive the 8am e peon and nsJ?eat of said T. r of gnu * 0&cially 88 county be it 0 t county» Neb., now co5t,‘tylleN^ar‘! of aoperrisors ^ of Ho, 81 R- J-Hayee. >? i. reoni* j ‘ 00nnty> be and and directed to cook* and en‘ries appearing ot Holt „ecord8 of the oounty of aTt“ry. showing the "md. ism *b,T- A- ThomP 1,W actp'aU °?P* I520’96 aB Vy • i *.or reason >fe COnntri int°the ‘reas *n'«**%£*”ot Hoit tjF.W PKjn HcCarth- t ‘PB 8nd 8eoonded CnrtS!Pt thtd*yo lo the oou i,b»BarreuR8,f residehta k" 'Vo Sr„ ,COtt' and Norther infort 'belnn‘te gener«Uy 1 t0 ce *° the coni that tome $60,000 of county money was taken by certain parties from the vaults of the treasury in February, 1893, and shipped to the oity of Omaha; now, there fore, be it Resolved, that the Hon. M. P. Kinkaid, judge of the distriot court of Holt county, Neb., be and he hereby is, requested to make an order directing the ealiing of a grand jury for the September, 1893, term of the distriot court, to investigate said matter and such other matters as may come before them. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. L. A. Jillson. Seoonded by John Crawford. Carried. Upon motion the board adjourned until 9 a. m., August 1,9,1893. Supebvisob's Offiob, O’Nbiia, Neb. ) August 19,1893. $ Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present ezoept Bryan, Cal kins, Duttor, Hodge and Long. Minutes of Aug. 18 read and approved. Moved by Hayes and seoonded by Crawford that the county oSer a stand ing reward of $2000 for the delivery of Barrett Scott to any legal authorized agent of the state of Nebraska. Carried. Moved, seconded and carried that a oopy of the above motion be sent to the associated preBS for publication. Carried. The following resolution was then read: Wbebbas Barrett Soott, as county treasurer of Holt oounty, Nebraska, is a defaulter to the amount of $6000, and he and his bondsmen during hie first term of office are justly indebted to the county of Holt in the sum of $6000; now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the board of supervisors of Holt county, that the oounty attorney be, and he hereby is, instructed to bring suit for said sum against said Scott ani his bondsmen, and he is further directed to sue out writs of attachment and gar nishment in Baid suit and that the Haid oounty attorney and the chairman of this board be, and they hereby are, directed and empowered td' ezeoute a proper undertaking in attachment in said suit. I move the adoption of the foregoing Seconded by Bradley, and carried. Whebeas: Barrett Scott, ex-oonnty treasurer of Holt county, Neb., ia a de faulter to the amount of $90,000, and he and hie bondsmen during his second term of office are justly indebted to the County Of Holt in the sum of $90,000; now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the board of supervisors of Holt oounty that the county attorney be, and he hereby is, instructed to bring suit for said sum against said Soott and and his bondsmen, and he is further direoted to sue out writs of attachment and garnishment in said suit, and that the said countv attorney and the chair man of this board be, and they hereby are, directed and empowered to exeoute a proper undertaking in attachment in said suit. - I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Jobs Cbawfobd. Seconded by Bradley, and carried. Whebbas: Barrett Scott, ex-county treasurer of Holt county, absoonded Aug. 4,1893, and that a week after that, on Aug. 11, 1893. he oaused tax certificates and reoeipts to he issued to T. A. Thomp son for whioh no money was paid into the treasury of this oounty; now, there fore, be it Resolved, by the board of supervisors of Holt county, that R. J. Hayes, county treasurer, be, and he hereby is, direoted ,to make all said certificates and receipts cancelled upon the treasurer’s books Hnd records of this oounty, and said R. J. Hayes is further direoted to notify said T. A. Thompson of the notion of thi3 board. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. W. T. Haves. Seconded by Waring and oarried. Whebeas: John Hopkins, ex-treasurer of Paddock township, has refused since last Ootober to make settlement with Barrett Soott,treasurer, giving as a rea son therefor that said Scott was not the lawful treasurer of Holt county, and Waebea8: Said Hopkins offered to deposit the money he had collected in the First National Bank of O’Neill, subject to the order of whatever person the oourt should decide was the lawful treasurer, and Whebeas: It has sinoe been decided by Judge Marshall that Barrett Scott was not, on October 1, 1892, rightfully treas urer of thiB oounty, and Whebeas: A suit was brought against Mr. Hopkins, although he had offered to so deposit the money, now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the olerk and treasurer in making settlement with Mr. Hopkins be, and they hereby are, directed to charge Mr. Hopkins no interest on the money while he has withheld it and Upon his paying the money to the trearurer of this county, the county attorney shall dismiss said suit. muveu uy xx. x>. iveuojr turn bcuuuuou by M. H. McCarthy to adopt the fore going resolution. Carried. ' It was moved by W. T. Hayes and sec onded by Waring that a committee of throe be appointed to assist in securing the levy of writs in attachment in the suits to be brought against Barrett Scott and his bondsmen. Carried. The chair appointed the following committee: Hayef, Bradley and Mc Carthy. The following petitions were then read: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Neb. Beoognizing the fact that oertain suri ties on my offioial bond heretofore approved by your body, were also sureties on the bond of ex-Treasurer Scott, and have transferred and disposed of their property with the evident purpose of avoiding liability on the bond of said Scott, I therefore ask that I be allowed to give new and additional security on my said bond within ten days, and that you appoint a committee to investigate the sufficiency thereof. R. J. Hates, County Treasurer. Moved by Waring and seconded by Brodie to grant prayer of petitioner. Carried. Chair appointed bond com mittee as such commettee. I hereby ask that I be allowed to em ploy the following help in mv office during the present term, namely: One deputy treasurer and two assistant clerks. R. J. Hates, County Treasurer. Moved by Phillips and seconded by Crawford to grant prayer of petitioner. Carried. Upon motion board adjourned until 2 p. M. 8 r. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present except Calkins, Dutton, Hodge and Long. Minnies of forenoon read and approved. I move that B. J. Hayes, treasurer, be required to give a bond signed by some good, reliable bond company, in addition to his bond or bonds signed by the free holders of the oounty, and that the county pay all premiums neoessary to secure such bond. John E. White. Seconded by Frank Moore. Carried, Moved and seoonded that the bond of the treasurer be fixed at $76,000. Moved and seoonded as an'amendment that the amount be doubled, vis.$l60,000. Moved and seoonded as an amendment to an amendment that the bond be fixed at $100,000. Amendment to the amendment wos lost. Amendment, oarried. Original motion as amended, carried. Moved, seconded and oarried that the additional bond to be given by the oonnty treasurer and signed by a reliable bond company be plaosd at $60,000. I move that the county treasurer bo instructed to redeem from tax sale all lands in Paddock township shown by the records of his office sold for taxes of 1891, and which said taxes were prior to said sale paid to John Hopkins, treasurer of said Paddook township, and now paid into the offloe of the oounty treasurer. L. A. Jillson. Seoonded by MoOarthy and oarried. Mr. Chairman: I move that the oounty clerk be, and is hereby, instructed to draw a warrant or warrants on the gen eral fund of 1898, of Holt county, in favor of the legal oommittee, said war rant or warrants not to exoeed $2600. Said money to be used by said oommittee upon the deliver; of said Soott to the proper officer, also to pa; an; and all expense in extraditing said Soott, or said money to be need b; said committee to defra; any and all expense inonrred b; the count; in an; and all litigation the oonnt; is interested in. M. H. MoGabxhv. Seconded b; W. T. Hayes and carried. I move ;on that the legal committee nnder the instructions of the count; attorney be authorized, Bnd they are hereby authorized, to commence an; aotion the; may deem neoessar; to pro tect the financial intersets of the county. W. B. Haiqh, Seconded by Moore and carried. Upon motion the board adjourned until the 30th of August, 1883, at 10 a. m. 0. E. Buxxlex, Count; Clerk. We Mean Business. The public is quick to apreciate an article of merit, and when the publishers of the State Journal began offering their semi-weekly at only 81 per year, the same price that others ask for their weeklies which only give half as many papers, tho subscription list doubled in a few months, and has since been grow ing with wonderful rapidity, leaving the oldtashion weeklies away behind. People don’t see any use in waiting a whole week for the news when they can get it fresh twice a week for the same money. Readers of the Semi-Weekly Journal get 104 papers a year for their 81, which is less than one cent per copy, and they find the paper almost as good as a daily. If you have not yet tried this great paper, do so at once. It gives you the markets twice each week, which alone is worth the price. Some of our special offers are: 'The Journal and either the Standard History of the United States, Stanley’s Adventures in Africa, Life of Spurgeon, or Life of Harrison, handsomely bound books, postage all paid, for 81.40. The Journal and Weekly New York Tribune, both one year, $ 1.85. For 82 we will send the Journal two years and one of the above books free; for two new subscrib ers (your own name can.be one of them) we will send you any one of the aboye books tree; for 81.65 we will send you the Journal and Tribune, and any one of the books. We mean business and uui unci a aiu n^ui uuwu iu uaiu* lime prices. Send for a free sample at once. Address, Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln. Neb. ' Town Topics, that brilliant, spicy, though sometimes slightly naughty society journal, published in New York, makes the following announcement: With the first issue in March Town Topics will be permanently enlarged to thirty-two pages. Although it is gener ally conceded that already this journal had become the most complete, varied and entertaining to men and women of culture of any weekly ever published, yet the publisher, grateful for the extraordinary favor with which the higher class of readers, not alone in America, but wherever English is read, has received Town Topics, will be con tent only with renewed and greater efforts to produce a journal unap proached in breadth of scope and excel lence of literature. Arrangements are now completed with twenty-five of the most distinguished writers of fiction to contribute short stories and serials to its ! columns. Among them are such world famed authors as Amelie Rives, Mary J. Hawker (‘Lanoe Falconer”), F. 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A J. F. MULLEN. PROPIUITOBg OP THH GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS , Prices Reasonable. Bast of MoCafforto’s. O’NEILL, NEB, Successors to R. R. DICKSON £, CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Sollced. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEB. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN WINES LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. GEORGE A. McCUTCHEON. PROPRIETOR OP | - CENTRAL- | I .Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES «tf3 W NEW TEAMS. Eyerything First-CJagp. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House NEW YORK .. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS Tha Organ of Honest Sport In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? 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