•*< v! ’ ?* ■ , r - • • , - • The Frontier. I to".-. .~ 1 , POBUanXD KTKBY TIIUK8DAY BY ta* FROSTIER PRINTINO COMPANY THE POPULISTS RESPONSIBLE. If!,' The stirring events occasioned by the Scott episode has been the universal V talk for the past week ana the general belief of the matter is this: That while Scott is subject to severe criticism, the real cause of all the trouble is directly t ; chargeable to the supervisors. Their persecution became unbearable. The responsibility rests on the populists who have blindly elected to office men who are controlled by prejudice instead of sense. The policy of the populists has been to coerce. Man is a proud being and In being forced to do things against bis will much harshness must be used, which is always resented, r Although this party feebly attempts fe:> to place the blame wholly upon Scott, and the odium on the party to which he belongs, there Is a well detined belief among the tax-payers that the calamity would never have occurred bad the board been guided by reason instead of malev olence. Hate controlled their actions and they believed their autocratic power to be illimitable. In fact they were ! tyrannical. Their administration has been shamefully prodigal, much of the expense being incurred solely to Impress contemporary officials with their superior rank. The full effect of this disastrous policy will not be felt or realised at present An empty treasury will not seriously inconvenience the otdlnary tax-payer for some time. They gleefully contemplate that the empty treasury will aid them in getting votes this fall, but its direful resulte will be fully ...Ita.J a._ A____ _1__til I. _ ..II. J upon to make up this vast shortage in the yean to come, and before casting their votes for such a party of calamity makers will ponder well whether reform, f as experience has given it, is not many times more grievous than alleged cor : ruptlon. Thia board has not for a mo ment had the interest of the county at heart. Their desire has been to hurt some one—to punish him because he is jp not a populist. They learn nothing by experience and their present policy is the same, lured on by a briefless syndic, whose astral front forces itself upon them at every turn. The most difficult road to success is the one requiring the wanton destruction of all else tradition ally sacred. We have stated that Scott’s bond had been vitiated by Jugglery of tbe board. Bnt even were this wrong, their actions for two years have so thoroughly fright ened the bondsmen that they have taken ' Individual action so that they are about all execution proof and a small portion only could be collected from them. < - And right here we want to remind this board that they were the ones to set the example of repudiation. If they have a conscience, it must admonish them that | this charge is true and that they it was who set this ignoble example. They repudiated the settlements made by this . county years sgo with D. L. Darr, O. C. Hazelet, M.D. Long and others. Set tlements made in good faith, with noth ing concealed. Now if they are treated to a large dose of the same nauseating medicine they have been prescribing for others, let them gulp it down and not whine like curs. And let the tax-payers remember that their sufferings are caused by the heedless and idiotic pas sions of a board of supervisors who are populists. On that party rests the • greater portion of responsibility. Nm fiddled, end Grover Cleveland— Ob. he went flehing. McHugh's “hard licks" are delivered • by proxies Golden end Harrington. 4 .., ,_ Coiouuhar Brbckikridok appears to be the "black sheep” of Kentucky chivalry. " Euut says his gold cure is a prevent ■ ive of insanity. Ur. Keeley is a scientist—but there’s Kautsman! ■ V It is bad taste te speak of '‘8cotty’s (•treat to Mexico." The move should be known as bis "Triumphant March." Gonauss must believe that Lieut, l' ■ Totten is right and that the end of the world is at hand, or it would get a faster move on itself. '■[ Sbhator Hill had not up to the hour of going to press telegraphed to Gray Pf Gables for information regarding the - president’s health. Thxrb seems to be some sort of affin ity between the fire, which destroyed $2,000,000 worth of property in Minneap oils, and the democratic party. Fob the man who deserts his post ii gt, the face of danger the entire civilized world feels only contempt. The pen ^ alty according to military law is death in politics, oblivion. W* are glad the responsibility for th( cholera and the yellow fever cannot b< placed upon the democratic party, whici f already carries a load that is slowly bu surely crushing its life out. . Vtfe ' * * It begins to look very much as it i . ' was not what is wanted by any man o \ - set of men, in a financial measure, bu fc what can be gotten from a majority o I’ congress that will escape a president!! |t,' veto, that must we worked for. ' i •'«. <** . y.\r i -\ If V ’", >■*.t; ■ • ' Administration democrats in con gress are displaying a wonderful amount of confidence in banking upon tbe assist ance of republicans, to save them from a majority of their own party. Did Congressman Raynerof Maryland speak for tbe administration when be said of tbe Chicago platform: "lam not blinded nor intimidated by tbe glit tering words of a convention declara tion ?” _ What uso has the democratic major ity of the house for such cumbersome things as rules and committees, anway? It will be much ensier to keep the re publican minority out of its rights without them. Tiik president should try to control bis temper, just as everyone else should. Fretting and fuming is no more becom ing to the president than to a child, find it is more calculated to make him ene mies than friends. Tuk Sun intimates that it has been giving The Frontier some “hard licks.” We had not thought of it in that light, Charles, as our wind is still good and no evidence of grogginess having yet appeared. - -w «#>»*« .1 It would not be surprising should the democratic party find itself in the hands of a receiver beforo the close of the Fifty-third congress. Every promissory note it has out will, before then, be pro tested by the public bank. Tns county division scheme, rather than being one of republican origin, as 1 the Independent would have peoplo believe, seemes to be of Independent birth. We draw our conclusions from the complexion of the rural agitators. Tub letter published in last week's Sun, purporting to have come from Barrett Scott, is a vile slander on the intelligence of that gentleman. Bar rett is a fine letter writer. The imi tation in question is a piece of carpen ter work. The delay in announcing the com mittees of the house may be intentional. There are democrats who wish the tariff let alone for the present, and Speaker Crisp may be one of them. Without the ways and means committee no tariff bill can easily get before the house. __ Scotty’s bond with an assessed valu ation of 950,000 was deemed insufficient for the amount of money on hand and he was peremptorily ousted from office and a1>ond accepted from Hayes with an assessed valuation of only $14, 000. Some people call this consistency, and then wonder at crime. When McHugh referred to C. H. Toncray as "another of the fallen re publican angels” he opened his mouth only to put his foot in it as usual. Toncray, when a citizen of the United States, was a rock-ribbed democrat. At one time he was interested in Fremont’s democratic daily, the Herald. Kautzman’s system is full of Kceley gold. If hie party is sincere in its de mand for an increase of circulating medium they should take him to Craw ford and have him coined. Buffalo chips in this case should be the standard and let the coarser substance come in on a ratio of SO to 1, The Independent says that The Frontier has been paid for lying for Scott. Tns Frontier has never lied for Rcott: neither hah it been nnid hv Scott, nor has Scott ever offered it pay, and the man who asserts to the contrary is a liar of the first water. Put this in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Eantzman. Tub Sun attempts to answer our charge of supervisor extravagance by asserting that it is because Scott has skipped with the county’s cash. This sophistry will not satisfy the people Charles. They know full well that no levy has yet been made to meet the de ficiency caused by Scott’s trip to Mexico. Thb Frontier is not the champion of the state banking board, in whose hands the Bolt County Bank now is, neither does it know the cause of this delay in settling up the affairs of the bank, which we have been asked by the Independent to explain. We think it is time that at least a statement should be published. Lbt us think! Ah, yes; now we re member. It was a certain gentleman who is now interested in “bringing tc justice defaulting officials” that not many years ago signed a name (not his own) to a mortgage, and then sojourned for awhile in Canada, but finally came back and “squared” the deal by the liberal use of money. This will no' come before the grand jury. The board of supervisors will mee again on the 30th inst. At that meeting it is said that Treasurer Hayes will be , required to give additional bond. The j he should be required to do so there ii ; no question. The assessors’ books shov that his bond at present is only wortl $14,000. It will be remembered tha t this bond was accepted by the boar< r when Scotty's bond with an assesset t valuation of over $50,000 was rejected t And the assessors’ books are the bes I evidence as Mr. Harrington and Judgi Marahall have both so said. . ■ :5 y\? K. ' ■* • J.*- * ' Jr’ v . 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