f }; ;>V .'•? • ^ J*' ■ f £»;' ■ / - I. ’V--> ••1 mv;;,- . W- / ‘ - f/-V' ?Lc< m .1..,.. |y,^ * fy* ■f Wi ■v-v:V; ^.v i :. v S? fc; •'1 r" * v-/,: p* •,- * THE FRONTIER. rrBLTftiiitn r?**r mniiDAT it T«» f ftOKTIt:* pRJNTIJf® Co. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. r > * ■ &e'v The coal men of Hebron want cash •B delivu i\fun courij a Iierman ;'“v v woman named Keikart, who has within the last two years and a half given Ul:- Wrth twice to triplets. The last time •th of this month. All of the children are alive and well. Caw. Schultz, who lives a short dis jfe tance north of liagar, wasdrhring down • hill the other day with a load of straw ' when the lines broke, the team ran 't\ «way. upset the wagon, and the right arm of Schultz was broken. W:/;A twister a few rods wide passed to ‘ f , tkesouth of Table liock truring up corn 5?d tr*f* in it8 way- The residence of SU Craig was in the path and was de moralized. Mrs. Craig in badly hurt 'V*t A heavy rain caused the streets to over 1115' ■ «ow. ’J 5 " The state of Nebraska gives free ed ucation to all desiring to become teach » \t «**• The only State Normal School of •f/, lars two courses of instruction, each M«' ending in a state certificate. For cir enlars address Pres. A. W. Norton, ■;f-„ IVru, Nebraska. ’ 9*o nnrr young girls named Mat | > - tie Klein and Lena Woods were found f , eonsorting with Tong Sung and Fong Young, two Chinese laundtymen in - Omaha. The girls have hitherto been Iff! Mgarded aa respectable and they are of respectable families. , * Th* recorded mortgage indebtedness * *pr Thayer county, for the month of ** ** follows: Farm mortgages < tied, 938,314.20; released, 910,G33; city 2"* ' ■mortgages filed, 92,320; released, V4 9990.40; chattel mortgages filed, 826, fe,:« , y 907.56; released, 98,305.04. •i s Mrs. Asdhkw Olsrass, living north , .■ «* Hartiagton, met with a fatal acci ‘ dent. She had started the fire for dln ner and was nourimr oil on the flnn»« • . Wnen the fluid exploded, burning* her Sa a horrible manner. The house and contents were entirely destroyed. The attending physician says the woman cannot recover. mi mm W hc 'S . im K; K:J, 8:H §V, ftT. i\';v .u. »r fe; * v;? |:v ‘ ■ George Baldwin, a resident of the western part of David C ity, committed •uicide by shooting- himself twice through the head. He was a laboring man and had for some time been very despondent over the business outlook, although no present embarrassment threatened him. He leaves a wife and three children. Frank St. Clair, with a half dozen •liases, is said to be a bad man from Colorado with a record of a term or two la the pen. Ilia last offense was horse Stealing, for which he was arrested at Mattsmouth and lodged in jail. He was furnished tools to make his escape, which was effected by catting a whole through the floor. TeKAMAH is after the meeting of the State grange this yc»r with good pros Cicts of success. A petition was eirou ted last week and generously signed aad forwarded to the officers o’f the or der, and a favorable reply has been re ceived. The grange will number over BOO delegates, and will be in session floor or five days. ^ - Ed§HE jB tafia!, agS ixwuching (rain, stepped upon the track in front of it just in time to be run over. His left arm was badly mangled, Ids face bruised and his head cut. Hknry McKk.mibv, an employe of Swift & Co., at South Omaha, has insti tuted suit against the firm for S5.0U0, for damages received in falling down the elevator shaft at the packing house June McKendry claims that through •tlio carelessness of the roan who wae operating the elevator he was given a fall of thirty-six feet, sustaining a se vere fracture of the leg. Some .time ago William Bridwell, an old soldier of Nelson, was dropped from the pension roll by the authorities. He was drawing W per month. Mr. Hrid* well wus suffering from vertigo and impaired vision, which injuries he con tracted while in the army. When bis pension was dropped it preyed on hia mind until he was taken before the in sanity board and declared insane and taken to tho Lincoln asylum. Tine residence of Fred Schmidt, of Beatrice was broken into by sneak thieves and a quantity of clothing and a small amount of cash taken. Sneak thieves are playing their vocation with unusual vigor in Beatrice and vicinity. OMcken roosts seem to be a favorite point of attack and much poultry has disappeared in cousequence. Charles I Foiling, a farmer living north of town, I bad two hogs stolen recently, i Sri-KRINTKNriK.VT Johnson of the Ilas : tings Asylum for Incurable Insane was : at the state house. He states that the a-ylura farm has raised this year twelve acres of as line sugar beets as can be found in any county in the state. The beets will net the institution at least SSO per ucre. The superintendent states thut if he was provided with the land he could profitably cultivate UK) acres of sugar beets and make for the state from $2, .too to S3,000 per annum. I)it.txc a storm at Lincoln the resi dence of D. 1*. Smith was struck by lightning. Mr. bmith was absent at the time, but his wife and her mother were both prostrated by tho deadly fluid. Mrs. Smith was comparatively uninjured, although she was rendered unconscious for some time. When she ; recovered she found her mother appar ently lifeless, and she remains so at this writing, with no hope of the re covery. Frank At.exaxdeb, a ten-year-old, boy got into a box car one day last week, expecting to go to South (Jmaha. In stead the train went to Denver and there the little wanderer landed tired and hungry, llis exploit was men tioned in the papers and a woman called at the police station to see him. She proved to be his mother, who was divorced from his father years before and wham he had never known. The woman has asked for permission to keep the boy. The other morning, as the north bound Bock Island passenger stopped at the depot in Beatrice, two fellows who had been passengers on the train a igkted and took with them Conduc tor Ca proa's valise, his hat. revolver and several minor articles which were in u seat in the car. Tho conductor did not discover his loss before reaching Fairbury, from where he wired to Be atrice. and in an hour after the thieves were locked up and all the missing ar ticles recovered. Mrs. J. \V. Johnson of Buena Vista, la., notified the police department of all western cities about six months ago thut her 15-year-old granddaughter had run away from home and requested them to look for her. The girl’s pa rents are both dead and it was believed that the girl, tiring of life in a small town, had run away to go to the stage. Mrs. Johnson was persistent in her search and she was last week rewarded by the finding of the girl in a house of prostitution in Omaha. Rev. S. D. Roberts committed sui cide at Crab Orchard by blowing his brains out with a shotgun.' For some time he has been deranged, but was supposed to be improving. He took dinner at the home of his nephew, F. H. Ellis, and seemed to be in unusual spirits. After dinner he retired to a k VMiwui, a.i vi HV iUillU V • - ----^ iui ». rest. He seated himself in a chair placed the muzzle of the gun to his forehead and discharged it with his toes. Death was instantaneous, the whole top of his head being blown off. Hekmax Weibei.uai'?, a farmer who resided north of Harrington, met with a peculiar accident. He was missing, and although his folks made a dilligent search, he was not found. The next day his wife saw a dark object lying out in the stubble field and sent the children to sec what it was. Thev re turned and notified their mother "that it was their father's body. 11 is face was entirely eaten away by the hogs. The coroner's jury returned a verdict stating that the deceased came to his death from the bursting of a blood vessel. Geoiuie Soui.e, the Omaha convict at the state penitentiary who is still ling ering between life and death, was taken from his cell the other day to Tabitha home in Lincoln, where he may die a freeman, llis is one of the most nota ble of the cases which frequently come to the attention of the prison authori ties. Sent up from Omaha as a most desperate character to serve a twenty years’ sentence for murder, he him proven one of the most tractable con victs in the state penitentiary. He has long been afflicted with consumption, and as he had but a few days to live, his sentence was commuted by Gov ernop Crounse. Five years ago Ed Campbell of Genoa, while visiting at the house of his brother in Platte county, lost a pocketbook containing JU\ After due search it was concluded that the wealth was gone for sure. The brother was building a new house at the time, and the carpenter in charge met Mr. Camp bell and asked him if he ever found his pocketbook. On being answered in the negative, he told h'm to tear off the boards and he would find it over a cer tain window, 'i he book was lost while C ampbcll was viewing the new house, and the idiotic carpenter thmight it sty and was a trap to test His honesty auu played even by nailing it np, where it was recovered after five years. v r. * tin Til* Slow Work of Con*rr*f. Wamhxotox, August 21.—-A hall month of congress has passed and the third week opens with both sides con fident, bat with many changes in the situation. The developments of the week just passed have brought surpris es to both elements and have demon strated the impossibility of partisan politics entering into the battle. The republican senators from the sliver states have reiterated with greater em phasis their loyalty to the silver cause, while Dan Voorbees, the democratic senator from Indiana, with a free coin age record of twenty years, has sur prised his former friends by declaring for the unconditional repeal of the Sherman act, and at chairman of the finance committee has cast the decid ing vote for the favorable report of such m measure to the senate, Thus, the disappointment which the repeal men experienced when Senator Vest al Miss ouri so emphatically declared for free coinage and against unconditional re pearl has been mo.-e than offset by the accession to their ranks of the distin guished chairman of the committee on finance. IJut the free coinage men of the senate are still resolute and deter mined, and no one familiar with the situation can hope for a final settle ment of the question in the senate with out almost endless discussion, extend ing through many weeks, and votes upon innumerable propositions to be submitted by the silver men in case of the defeat of this leading proposition. It is not improbable that the coming week may see the bill to permit nation al banks to increase their issue of bank notes to the par value of their United States bonds on deposit, forced to a vote in the senate, and the indications are that it will receive a majority vote. Some of the silver senators are in favor of resisting all remedial legislation whatever, unless there be coupled with it a law for the free coinage of silver, while the majority apparently consid ers this policy ill-advised and does not think the silver men can afford to op pose the currency ball, which will im mediately swell the volume of national bank notes 819.000,000 or more and not tend to affect in any degree the essen tial merits of the free coinage question. , Any legislation further than this will meet with a solid phalanx of opposition from the silver men, and if they see any probability, of finding themselves in a minority they will demand prompt action on the contested cases of Sen ators Mantel and Allen, whose admis sion, it is believed, will give the silver element at least two more votes in the United States senate. The silver men at the capital are just now criticising Governor Osborne of successor to Senator Beckwith, who has recently resigned. As any man ap pointed from Wyoming would, they be lieve. be a silver senator, they hold that Governor Osborne is showing a neglect of free coinage interests by not prompt ly appointing a man to represent the Grazing state in the senate and to pro tect the silver measure when that prop osition comes up. It is announced that the delay of Governor Osborne in tilling this vacan cy is due to a desire to see the outcome of the Mantel case before making any appointment—the Mantel ease being identical to the Wyoming case in that Mantel was appointed to fill a vacancy after the legislature of the state had failed to elect. In the house last week’s discussion has brought but little to encourage the free coinage people. Congressman Bryan, one of their most eloquent lead ers, has spoken and his speech has elicited the highest praise, but it is doubted by many whether even such efforts could change many votes in the house now, so little does the situation seem to depend upon argument or past predilections. When seen by the Associated press representative Congressman Bland de clined to give any estimate of the vote on the various relative propositions, saying that he had made no canvass of the sentiments of the house. Congress man Bryan, who by common consent is accorded the place of chief lieutenant to Chairman Bland, gave the following estimate of the situation: “The can vass is not sufficiently complete to make an accurate statement us to the vote in the house. I am satisfied, however, ♦ Vtnf n vaoInnUtT _9 41___V. . ’Is ,1 -—-,,-v W. iUWIHUCiO Ul bile house favor free coinage at some ratio. Most of the advocates of free coinage are in favor of the present ratio of 10 ta 1, but others favor other ratios, run-' ning as high as 38 to 1. The proposi tions submitted to the house do not go higher than 20 to 1, but if no agree ment is reached the friends of free coin age will still oppose unconditional re peal of the Sherman law, hoping to se cure some affirmative legislation after the committees are organized, when the matter comes before congress again. ” Bank Officers Arrested. »■ Kansas Citv, Mo., Aug. 21.—E. C. Sattley, cashier of the suspended Kan sas City Safe Deposit and Savings bank, arrested in Seialia yes erday on a war rant issued here charging him with re ceiving a deposit knowing the bank to be insolvent, arrived here in the cus tody of an officer at 6:40 this morning. He was taken to the jail and booked and taken before a justice where he gave a $4,0C0 bond for his appearance tomorrow. <■ President J. C. Darragh of the same broken bank reached the union depot at 10 a. m. on his return from a trip to Michigan. He was met at the train by an officer and placed under arrest on a similar charge. He escaped a visit to the jail and was taken directly before a justice, whore he also gave a 85,000 bond for appearance. Clouds of Grasshoppers, Fort Dodge, Xa., Aug. 21.—Great clouds of grasshoppers are passing east of here daily on their way from the north to the south. They fly very high, and show no inclination to alight. This vicinity has already been visited bv more grasshoppers than for many sea sons, but not enough to do any 'appre ciable damage. SEtTS NOTES. The assessors estimate that Boston's population today about is 560,000. The census of 1S90 gave the city a popula tion of only 449,500. . •: : '■ * '' i - 3$. . ■ AIRING OF FINANCES. THB ALL IMPORTANT SUBJECT IN CONGRESS. The Hhn Qnevtlnn Under Dnbntn la the Houe Frees Day te D.J—Many Con* |wwee. Han Spoken aad Many Oth er. Contemplating Doing So Before the Matter Cornea to a Tote—The Senate Doing bat Little. Apparently Waiting Upoa Action of the Lower Branch—For and Against Repeal of the Shcnaaa ■mrebaelag Ctaaea. IX EXTRA 6ESSIOH. £exatc.—In the senate on the 14th Mr. Vest, democrat, of Missouri, introduced a bill for the coinage of the silver bullion in the United States treasury, saying it had been sent to him from New York, and that It met his partial approval. It provides that after setting aside In coin and bullion as a reserve such amount of the silver bullion purchased under the act of July, 1890, as shull equal at the coinage value the aggre f'ate sum of the treasury notes authorized >y that act. ail the remainder of such bul lion shall be deemed available for the issue of silver certificates; such remainder, or surplus bullion, shall be coined into stand ard silver dollars and such dollars shall be used for the redemption of silver certifi cates as now required by law; provided, that this shall not be deemed to alter or amend any provision of the act of July. 1‘W. The second section provides that national bunking associations shall be entitled to re ceive circulating notes to the value at par of United States bonds on deposit, not, how ever, to exceed the amount of capital stock actually paid in. The bill was read and referred to the nnance^committee. Mr. Vest, democrat, of Missouri, called up the resolution offered by him last Tuesday, favoring biraetallsm and the free and un limited coinage of both gold and silver, without discrimination against either metal but maintaining their parity. Before beginning his speech in support of the* resolution Mr. Vest had read the declar ations in the republican and democratic platforms on the subject of silver In order to show that both parties weTe practically agreed upon that question. He said that ft was time for the people of the United states to know whether politics were a juggle and a fraud or whether the solemn declaration of parties was worthy the confidence of a free people, At the close of his speech, Mr. Hoar, re publican, of Massachusetts, obtained the floor and after a short executive session on the reference t© committees of the nomina tions received yesterday, the senate ad journed. House.—In the house on the Mth there was a slim attendance. The speaker an nounced the following committee appoint ments: Enrolled Bills—Messers. Pearson, chair man.; Russel] of Georgia, Latimer, Hines, Haugen, Adams and Gillet of'New York. Accounts—Messrs. Rusk, chairman; Payn ter, Tate, Mutchler, Iklrt, Wells, Post, Wright of Massachusetts and Marvin. Mileage—Messrs. Lynch, chairman; Strait, Pendleton of Texas and Mahon. Mr. Holman, democrat, of Indiana, intro duced a joint resolution making immedi ately available the appropriation of the mileage of senators and representatives. Agreed to. The silver debate was then resumed. Mr. tioatner, democrat, of Louisiana, was Bcwrutu lue uour. ne spoae irom me sil ver standpoint and charged that the advo cates of the Wilson bill—the gold men of the democratic party and of the republican party—were responsible for the excitement, which had created the destruction of put die confidence and which had caused the runs upon banking institutions. Mr. Patterson, democrat, of Tennessee, ad vocated the repeal of the purchasing clause and criticised the amendments proposed to the pending measure. If the government agreed to the free coinage of silver, at the ratio of 16 to 1 It would at once and abruptly bring the country to a single silver stand ard. The silver dollar coined at the ratio of 20 to 1 would be worth exactly fc»l cents. Mr. Bailey, democrat, of Texas, followed Mr. Patterson in a speech, advocating the Bland free coinage suostitute for the Wilson repeal bill. He was in favor of paying the government bondholders in the corn of the country, but the law said they might be paid in 4HV* grains of silver; and by the eternal God he was in favor of giving tn^rn no more. [Applause.] Place gold and silver on the same basis in regard to coinage, and gold and silver would have the same intrinsic value. He would rather retire from public life than to vote to allow gold and silver to be coined into dollars of unequal value. SENATE. In the senate on the 15th the finance com mittee defieitely decided to hold daily sessions, beginning Thursday next, during which time they will endeavor to reach some conclusion on the silver question. Senator Voorhces subsequently notified the senate of this action and asked for the authority to sit during the session of the same. Mr. Lodge's (rep. Mass.) resolution, direct ing the committee on finance to report a bill at once to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, and that a vote be taken on sueh repeal on Tuesday, the 22d, was taken up ana Mr. Lodge spoke in its support. He argued in support of prompt action. If the country was to have free coinage let the country know it; if it was to have a limited coinage let the country know it, and if there was to be an unconditional repeal of the sliver act let the country know it. Mr. Wolcott (rep., Colo.,> who followed Mr. Lodge agreed with him that this was not a party question. He made humorous allu sions to the harmony that existed between the democratic executive and the Massachu .-WW...V uuioinuii mm uuwuiu, nuu iuuu^ll now that the president might frame some election laws which would meet the views of theMassachusetts senators. In order, he said, that the repeal of an existing law might bring relief, it would be necessary that it J11 hinted Injury, and he had not heard one intelligent man say that he believed that the Sherman law wrought the Injury under which the country suffers. The Lodge resolution was laid aside with out action and Mr. Hoar addressed the sen ate on Mr. Vest’s resolution as to bimetal lism. He said the representative stood ready to hold up the hands of the president and restore that prosperity which the coun try enjoyed down to March 4,189a. If Mr. Cleveland in his inaugural had said that he would use all the power of the executive to have no Inter erence with the tariff, this calamity would not have come. HOITS2 In the house after prayer and the reading and approval of the journal, before a small attendance of members, Mr. Burrows, . Mich.) offered a resolution giving Charles Belknap the right to contest the R.?at George F. Richardson of the Fifth let of Michigan. Mr. Richardson, the u.i wituinau, uir. meuitrusun, mjc sitting member, asked that the resolution be laid over and it was ro ordered.. The sil u.v, niiuit wus mu uruert'u. a no sil ver debate was then resumed. Mr. Hutch inson idem. Tex.) concluded his remarks be gun yesterday In favor of free coinage of silver. Mr. Hutchinson was followed by Mr. Blanchard idem. La.) who spoke in favor of free coinage. Mr. Urosvenor, (rep., O.), said that if the P^Hding debate should develop into a parti san discussion its instigation would be found «* ---tf,, . «—I» • . “ iiiauKauuii wuum uc iuuuu In the declaration of the president himself. The president had declared that the repub licans had been responsible for the present condition of affairs and this declaration would be the origin of a political discussion if political discussion there should be. He then referred to tlie message, of President Buchanan to congress in 1857* and he inti “a,t®d 1 iat. ^resiuent Cleveland had been guilty of plagarism in his recent message to congress. Referring to the sixteenth chap ter of Leviticus, he called attention to tne selection of a scapegoat and said that the democratic party could not select the Mc Kinley act us a scapegoat and so it had de voted the lamb of tne Lord and sent the sll bJlLlMt.° tJ10 wilderness. [Laughter.] The difficulty in which the country now round itself was attributable to the fact that the people feared the tinkering with the tariff by the democratic party. Mr. Hall (dem. Mo.) spoke in favor of a greater volume of currency and of the free coinage of silver. J; Sn«S3. lO W excess of liabilities. The Lemars tional is the oldest bank in the All hare a large surplus of mco and had been ranked among the institutions in the state. All • good condition for ordinary times, withdrawals of cash have been s. and collaterals could not be rea The action of the banks was.acomj surprise and caused a panic ' The officers of the banks say tnej pay every dollar when the) can date advantageously. CHAIR PUSHERS STRIKE. Jackson Park’s 75-C«nt-»n-n°«’ cles Are Left Motorlcs Chicago, Aug. 1.’.—‘The large, wheels of those willow c“&ir, . are Jackson park's only Fccer ,.m of transportation by land are morning. The only wheels « all that turn are those apperts'W the chairs propelled by fi"e pushers, most colored. V All the other pushers have ”' There were 40u chair-pushers ‘“i The company offered the®V u day and 10 per cent of r® P r c pushers demanded $1 and P £his morning they • ™‘ Melobary, chairman of their s committee, waited on.buperwtt McGinnis of the chair comp» > effected no settlement. Says Senator Martin Wss*«*., Topeka, Kan., Au?'A'd!er« prepared liy Senator chaft„e'LD mating the republicans ifcommii States senate elections c was .eceivedyesterday otthe^ J District Attorney Ady wr Cl Martin contest case. t s ller’s opinion in brief the Supreme court » „ had decided that the u h house was not » „_pntion * ,nd since the joint conre^ ^ Ilected John Martin _^“^"uted >een a legal body as jbert he constitution, therefore __ i«„«i .lection of i “* ne coDSbiiu.» ieen no legal election er enator in Kansas las*_ ror collector of **,*”,*I„B jj, I Washington, Aug. „ filed his »P ard of Chicago to-day !■«> ent ation at tiie treasury dP, jBtf ppointment as collector evenue.