lerman ivrup 99 3a German 3yrup is ««• Sin the treatment ofCon Z ban any other rem^y 00, It has been tried under -»tv of climate. In the : "£* North, in damp New tnd ia the fickle Middle States, rl4ndbat moist South-every tthas been in demand by ’nationality- It has been em hn every stage of Consume In brief it has been used ■,16ns and its the only true and b Consumption Remedy. 1 per week; l.ta. „i_ , rem- <0C: QmiRratTU uml room Mit' ““k «*. w uuu. 91 jw wwk; ,llei electric S!,',,-5?-.apparatus and equipment* ""^knnaiioa /or 2 fi2£T» >S5A-Ls:;ls*1Y"ltat'oc AND TTPE-WRITINQ. WJefjj.jp »” AAA Ul Me*. TbM«.?«sinf88 ColIe*e >“ 'he Wait No •wm. MJta“"a*,Vf graduates and old student! l*,“« B»mona Write for catalogue. '■ F- KOoaE, Oaaka,W ^Clara’s Academy. |h^”^?t-«,LUOM,N1CAN 8I8T*Rs! ^^sS$S^&£a~*~ K •ckapoo • ■ndian • 3ACWA* The greatest Liver, 8ton,llC|,i ulom, an,{ *“ ney Reme.ly. pillule or Roou, f'®’.1'* »nk violent purgative and Its consequent drenching action, never are, because It Is Impossibly they should be,'followed by por munent good affect. No specific which weakens and convulses the orgnns for whose relief It Is .used run do good. Illue pills, culomel, pndyphyllln, salts and senna, veg etable or mineral purgative pills, are dras 4;rr • V-‘ 0-* -l fp ■' tb-fj, tic remedies generally void of benefit. A liable and effective, substitute for them is ' *>v r, i ,^>r< Hostetler's Hlomarb Hitters, will 'll effects a change both nuturnl and thorough In the bowuls when they are constipated, A sulll /ttiint a nil ..l.. l . a i.ii. i «t.. clent and^ regular secretion of bile by tlie liver and Shunt! digestion ure also promoted (sir .Wtt^“ ,n “U.It" forms,'rheujme ([sut and kidney trouble are obviated by this line reformer of disordered conditions of the system. A wlneglussful throe times a day Is about the dose. Careful Gat. } Out De Smith—Miss Esmeralda, 1 am delighted to aee you. Esmeralda—The pleasure is mutual, Mr. De Smith, I assure you. "If I were to present you with a bouquet would you ncoept It?” “Certainly, Mr. De Smith, but you have no bouquet with you.” "I am going out to buy one for you right now. You nee I didn't care to In vest any money in a bouquet until I was sure you would accept it”—Texas Sift ings. _ ’» I4'?! f ' j; TO CLKANSK THK SYSTEM Effectually yot gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy aotlvity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup of Elga. E-\ * ‘i Over 10,000 ]«rsona are employed by the telephone companies of this country. J - % ‘‘V'i He of whom many are afraid ought him self to tear many. The truth we hate Is the truth that hits 1 r ‘ '* , V * * Bkfcham'h Piu.s have been In popular nse In Europe for 50 years, and are a safe, sore cure ana gentle remedy. U5 cents a box. S Your troubles will soon run If you wlB face them one at a time. v-i' i Th* Gulf Coast of Texas Y’i * Has the l eat and cheapest land in the Uni ted Btatea and more even climate than Cal ifornia. Rain enough to mine four crofie a vear. Plenty timber and prairie. Lumber |C to 17 per tnouaamh For further informa tion, write to Gulf Coast Land and Improve ment Co., 1824 Farnain, Ht., Omaha, Neb. m One-fourth of the world'll Hilver la sap plied by the mines of this country. ■ Cere Dyirtpiln an* CnnnUpmttam. i t Dr. Hfaoop s liestoratlve Nerve Pill* sent free with ' ^ '?1 tttdlenl book Vo provo merit, for 2o ■tamp. l)Nr Dm. bboof, uox W , RmIm, Wia '4e gl«u, Me. - Paper-making ranks fifth among the In dustries of the United Htates. V .... '■,w ■■ ■■; «s riTl-All fit* stopped free by WL turn MM HKHVK KBSTORIft. No fit After first day's use, Mat. veious cure*. Treatise end M 00 trie] bottle free 10 Ntt bend to Dr. Kline,Ml Arch St,. Philadelphia, Hu ; Wi •<* ;i'Si ■'•'Ai Over 8,000 printers are employed by one concern In Parle. ir the Hnhy u Cattles Teeth. B. tart and ute that old and well-tried retnady, Mna Wimtow't gooT»i»|j Hrscr tor Children TueUitaf. It In aatd that 187,000 working women In New York support tbeir husbands. ■-o'; '■ * » .v. i THi , , ' vf ‘■.Mas *>.* < f,, *,; “llauson'a Magic Corn Halva,** Warranted tu cure. or money refunded. An) druggist furit. Pi k o '4b unit*. ■<-v ' Rat-catching is a paying London occupa tion. * 1CHQ inilJ°WN W.1TIOIIHIAL ntNSIUIV WsshlHKlon, D.c! _,- ---ureau. 3yr»liileet war, 16udj uUicaUug claims, atty sluoa* HRRRR^' ^rflProfn IfttnfS lbs np "rOLfC^ *■*»»* Hern •TyC |f t^'nss* tmtunl (by |*m tldne i>bv»lrtan). No«tervte|.^0 __Tlwemli nirge. IWnil Sc te tteeietl t „ O. W.K. HffYDKK. M. lie. Mali Dept. MoVlrher’e Theater, Chicago, WORN NIGHT AND DAY. os Holds the worst nip* noius uio wurn nip* ture with ease under all clrcuimluncee. Perfect W. ‘ S3 V M Tourist Trips. Round tripe to the Pacific coast. Bbort Trips to tbe Mountain Resorts of Colorado. t , The Great Balt Lake. Yellowstone National Park—the molt wonderful spot on this continent. Puget Bound, the Mediterranean of the Pacific Coast. All reached via the Union Pacific System. For detailed information call on your near est ticket agent or addrers E. L. LOMAX. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agent, Omaha, Neb. Zffi ■ ; %! v; i: m ij&$4 ■ £ 1 If any on# doubt* . wa can euro tbe tu »t -;». * tin ate case In 19 to €9 days, let him wr te for paiUculars and Inre ti cate onr rsliab lity. Our financial backing la 9AOO.OOO. When meicury, lo llde potassium, sanap .rilla or Hot Soring* fall, wo gut ran tee a care—and our tfia?ic typhllene lathe ony :'v-^ ■: dv Hm4, ' , : VS* ~X :W^id4 thing that will cure permanently. Post tire proof sent settled, free. Cook Remedy Co., Chicago, 111. ; •: .Adjustment. Comfort and Cure New patented improvements Ulus, t rated catalogue And rules for B4if-measure, ment sent oecursly Set led, O. V IIOC8E MfXi. 00, 7*4 Broad wag, New tori Ctty ,«SSS£ ' (: ■ * Jo Populist Press and People. I taka pleasure In announcing that I have made arrangements on behalf of the National Reform Press Association, whereby plates and ready-prints containing Populist matter officially approved and reo> ommended by the National Reform Press Association and Chairman Taubeneck, In any quantity desired, will be furnished by Tin • Western • Newspaper • Union. Write to the Western Newspaper Union for Samples and prloee, No other house .furnishes authorized matter. W. S. MORGAN, Sea. Na tional Reform Press Association,, Address * WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. MENU YUu . HARNESS V; si # :■;< « : ':vm .. W § THOMSON’S •LOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. Mo tool* required. Only a bummer needed to drive and clinch tb-m easily end quickly; leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Requiring no bole to be made in the leather nor burr for f W N U Omaha, 33 1893 m Hints. They are SI HONG, TOUGH and DUMM.E.' Million* now in use. All lengths, uniform or “K\v5l assorted, put up in boxes. A«k your ilMlrr for them, or tend 408. fal stamps for a box of 100; assorted sizes. MlNCPACrVlEZ) IT JUDSON L. THOMSON MFQ. CO«« Walt Mum. Muse. -■ » *;i ■ :: {’• ‘ £ ■ . - !«y •»...***$ t* '