The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER I'RINTINO COMPANY ;.. ■ ■■ ■ -- That Chicago platform iin’t in any ' danger from iti friends, because It has none to speak of. Senator Vest exactly described the condition of the democratic party when he said: “We are in a fog.” * For a man who at one time pretended not to care what was done Claus Spreckles Is having a good deal to say about Hawaii. •-*■•>* Governor Boies can read the signs of the times; hence the announcement that he will retire from politics at the end of his present term. Republican land officials will have their heads cut off in a few days, so says Tobe Caster. We wonder if Willy Mathews will hold his job. ' The western railroads have adopted administration ideas of how members of the G, A. R. ought to be treated. A bad example always has followers. For Exohanoe—Cne financial strin gency, in robust condition, for a restored public confidence. Will add large bonus. x Address U. 8., Washlnton, O. C. Those gentlemen, not members of congress, who propose going to Wash ington to help congress legislate, might easily find more profitable employment. —.. ■ The Independent says The Frontier Is responsible for Rhody Hayes’ failure to secure the office of treasurer after he was appointed by the board. Thanks. Taxes are as high today with a valu - ation of $8,144,580 as they were in 1884 with a valuation of only 81,507,008. Oh, the supervisor system is ft great if , thing) _ _ “Stop the panic!” is heard on all aides,but the custodian of that “stopper," who must be as stubborn as a Kentucky mule, refuses to come out of his place of concealment. With Tammany running the postofflee and anti-Tammany running the custom house, New York city politics will be near kin to the Kilkenny cats for some time to come. Emperor William would not object to seeing France attempt to puncture , the inflated bladder which he recently declared England's boasted supremacy of the sea to be. Thk financial situation isn’t worrying Bscretary Herbert to any appreciable extent. He, with bis daughter, is “doing” the Allantio coast summer re aorta in great style, and Uncle Sam—he pays the bills. Tna co-operative housekeeping scheme which was tried at Decatur, 111., has collapsed, and (or the same reason that ^ so many husbands and wives fail in co-operative house keeping—failure to humor each one’s whims. ,/Taxes were lower in Holt county un dor the commissioner system with an as sessed valuation of 91,507,008 than they are today under the supervisor system with an assessed valuation of over 93, 148, 680. Pulverize the system. What are we paying nearly six per cent, taxes for?—Sun The Frontier respectfully cites the eclipsed luminary to the comparison of the supervisor and commissioner systems published elsewhere in this issue. There read the answer. Volume 1 number 1 of the Quimby Quill, published at Quimby, Cherokee K county, la., by George A Comstock, formerly editor of the Page Eye, came to our table this week marked X. We gladly place the Quill on our list, and ■ wish you success in your new home George, as the first copy of the Quill 1b f"f; a daisy. — Ih 1865 our national debt, less cash in H the treasury, was 98,074,815,856. After almost thirty years of republican pro tective administration this was reduced down to 9841,586,464, in 1888. This was a decrease from 9T7 per capita of our ,'y population to only 918.87 last year. Does this look as if protection had been , , hurtful to the American nation and to the American people? The number of idle working men, v: awaiting congressional action, increases every day. Even a democratic congress ought to be able to see and avoid the danger of adding to the existing distress by tinkering with the tariff. Governor Flower hit the bull’s-eye of common sense when he said: “Let the .tariff alone; this is no time for experiments.” Administering, or attempting to ad , minister, a castigation to Scott and Thi ; Frontier, the Sun says: And The Frontier upholds Scot) and his methods of doing business in > this manner. In another place in the same issue ii pours forth many vials of partisan wrath and says: Read The Frontier, and what do . tense does it make for Scott? None. The Frontier is somewhat at a losi ij; ?° understand how these strange thingi can be. How can we uphold Scot i;h without making a defense for him? V;- •:• v-\ Tonn Caster is after the republican postmasters throughout the state aud their heads are falling fast. A change Is expected in the O’Neill office iu about a week, and consequently the applicants are on the anxious seat. Three of the land offices in tho state are to be abol ished and consolidated with the office uearest them. The Ncligh office is to be discontinued and the work being done at that office will be done here. Comparing our exports for tlie tirst | half of this year with the corresponding period in the three proceeding years, wo find that they were $10,000,000 less tlmn in 1800, $01,000,000 less than in 1891, and nearly $91,000,000 less than during the first half of 1892. Our imports, on the other band, wore $65,000,000 more this year than during the first half of 1892, making an aggregate trade of $106,000,000 less in our favor this year than last. Tnn remark of Tub Fhontikii two weeks ago to the effect that the settle ment committee attempted to "fix” an expert, called forth three affidavits in the two alliance organs, the Sun and Independent, tending to prove that wc were mistaken. Bethea and Smith made oath to their innocence, and Ex pert Stitt also testifies that he is honor able and acting in good faith. A great many people will be glad to learn that this is the case. Next week we will drive another nail in Tits Fhontikii lie mill coffin on its fool statement that the supervisor sys tem was $50,000 more expensive than was the commissioner system.—Inde pendent. We think it will be so nice when the Independent is able to make good the foregoing promise. If Mr. Kautzman will prudently turn to his files he will find where The Fhontiek has twice run his journal to earth on this propo sition and over-whelmed it with a pre ponderance of the testimony. But while he is preparing to "nail the lie” we will again produce those familiar figures and hold our breath for his dis proval. We take for our comparison the laBt four years of commissioner rule and the succeeding four years of supervisor rule: TAA liKVIKII INI XKAKH U N UK II COMM I S BIONKB 8Y8TEM, 1884 .188,779 89 1885 . 07,987 86 1888 . 77,282 97 1887.184,678 88 total.1349,677 39 TAX LEVIED IN 4 YEARS UNDER SUPERVIS ED! sxsitn. 1888.*148,208 70 1880. 140,370 20 1890 . 130,489 45 1891 . 145,029 17 Total *570,137 52 According to tnese figures, wnicu me absolutely correct, it will be seen that we have been yearly paying in taxes over $50,000 more than we did under the commissioners. ’Phis poor old bald-headed Newberry bill has floundered around until it has finally hung itself in its own stall. Judge Dundy is now being admonished by the Chicago $ Northwestern; Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy; Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific to declare it a dead duck—unconstitutional and im material. They set up the following in substance as a cause of action: That it was very materially altered from the original, and after being passed by the body it wan engrossed in such a manner that the engrossed bill was radically different from the one that passed the house. It went to the senate where it was again changed, and put upon its passage without having been read at large three times. After passing that body in altogether different form from what it had passed the house, it was enrolled, and in the enrolling room another series of changes were brought about. It went to the governor and was signed, but the bill signed was not the one that had passed either house. If this child of the demo-pop marriage should be held unconstutional it will be their own fault, as some of them could read and the bill should have been read three times by all means.—Custer Leader. ---- Comptroller Eckels in North Amer ican Review: “The present financial depression differs materially from any that has heretofore occurred in our history. The strain has been of unpre cedented length and great severity, but there has been nothing approaching a panic, such as characterized other years under similar circumstances. More significant is the fact that throughout it all there has been manifest no unusal excitement, despite the general distrust in the stability of our moneyed institu tions evidenced in every portion of the country; the daily failure of banks, national, state and private; of great com mercial enterprises, trust companies and corporations and manufacturing estab lishments. No stronger proof than this could be had of the vast resourses of the country aad the available wealth of the people. It demonstrates that no matter how bad the outlook there can be no general bankruptcy and distress as that of 1837, 1857 and 1873. In all the cir cumstances surrounding the present situation it is equally at variance with other periods of liquidation. It has de veloped at a time when there is ai> abundance of agricultural products and manufactured products on every hand. Ordinary business in mercantile lines is up to, and in some trades above, the standard of the same months in times of marked prosperity, while the actual amount of money in circulation per capita is as great as that of recent years. Not less worthy of note is it that, in a majority of the failures that have oo cured in legitimate lines thus far, the assets reported of ths failed concerns have _ been largely in excess of their liabilities and of such a character as to cause comment that institutions holding them should have been forced to sus pend." Mrs. S. A. Morrow Dond’s, Iowa> Hives f Like All Other Blood Diseases, Are Cured by Hood’e Sarsaparilla. “I have been a sufferer for several years with hives, and have tried everything I erald hear •(.from friends, or ordered by physicians, but nothing cured. In fact, I Seemed to be Cettlng Worse Finally I read about hives being cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and decided to try this medicine. Before half a bottle was gone I was almost cured, and now, being on the second hot Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures tie, K was entirely eared and take great pleas, ure in recommending Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all who suffer from this distressing affliction. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has also helped me In many other ways. It is a good medicine.’’ Mbs. B. A. Morrow, Doud’s, Iowa. Hood's Pills euro all Liver Ills, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. O’NEl LL B USI NESS DI RECTORY B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank . O’NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARS, ETO. J)B. J. P. GILLIGAN, physican and sukgeon. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. E. H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. g W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praotloe in all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections JJR B. T. TRUJCHLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases or rhe Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Ofitce hours 0 to-12 a. m. and 2 to6p. m, Office first door west of Bolnerlkson's j^PLUIS BROS., CARPENTERS * BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material! furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. A.BOYD* • BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. A. He CORBETT . . . . . . will attend to \rour / DENTISTRY in first-class shape. PHOTOGRAPHY promptly and satisfactorly executed. •. •. •. •. East of Holt County Bank, Fourth Street. DeYarman Bros ft CHECKER mffJFfirm Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaifert’s hearse. O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY ~7T) oldest kJJ firm And have the only complete set of Abstract Books in the county. Always up to date. Have Experienced Men in Business BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE O’NEIUL, NEB. FRED C. GATZ f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. HOTEL —VANS Enlarged Refurnished . Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. A SALOON 'Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always be Had —1LHL.GLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. Sight Is priceless and Its proper preserva tlon Is a matter for the most earnest consid eration of ever person of ordinary common sense. Remember that a lense decentered one centimeter (the one hundredth part of an Inch) produces as many prism dioptres as it possesses lenticular dioptres of refraction. Don’t wear poorly made spectacles when you can tret reliables ones at the same price Tudor’s Adamantine lenses are ground from the cleraest crystal obtainable, building up the nerve power, easy and rendering natural the accomodation, they are without doubt best adapted for optical purposes and are recommended by all the most eminent of the medical fraternity. Including DR. BRAIN YE A, ex-govenor of Zacatecas, Mex.; DR. MARIN, e'x-govenor of Ajuas Calientes; EDWARD JENNINGS, M. D., vice-pros Medical Ass. of Canada. -FOR 8APE BT DR. P. c. CORRIGAN, Druggist, O’NEILL. NEB. H H of . o 55 X b 0 ifi Purchase Tickets and Consign youi Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. • RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING EAST. Passenger east, • ; 9:35 a. m. Freight east. - - * 10:45 a. m. going WEST. Freight west, - 1 -.45 p. x Passenger west, • 5:15 p. x Freight, - - . 6:44 p.m. The Elk horn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Per any information call on Wi J. DOBBS, Act.) O’NEILL, NEB. THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every furnished with a new suit of furniture, one Of the most complete and in the northwest. A good sample nection. First door west of Neil Bren hardware store. NO. 3424. First National Bai Paid-up capital, $6o,ooo 0’N< Surplus, $2o,oooo Nebr Authorized capital, $loo,ooo THAD J. BERMINGHAM. P» d. P. MANN. VlCE-PRES. 1 ED F. GALLAGHER. Cashier! FRED H. SWINGLEY. Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Fan Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Intend Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange.! DIRECTORS: MOSE CAMPBELL T. F. BIRMINGHAM J.p.i ED F. GALLAGHER THAD J. BIRMINGHAM] G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL,Vl JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE ■ BAI OF OWEILIi. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collect! DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES MARDWARI I carry the largest stock of Hardware, Tinware, Copper and Graniteware In north Nebraska and make a specialty of Eli Barbed Wire. In Implements I carry the - T T Q^T p If Famous John Deere Plows, IQ1.0 1 ljl'1 Cultivators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, * TMDTT Ta Peru City Cultivators. T ) 1C1 Call and see me. I can save you money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’N EJ1IL SNI66S, PRACTICAI HORSESHO And general blacksmithing carried on in connection riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most5 style possible. First-class plow and machine woih t be relied upon. No new experience used in any work. All my men are skilled workmen ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS— ^ Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, h»rr0^ cultivators of all descriptions. Everything &uaraB „ beat the best. o’Nxn-L, *