The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 03, 1893, Image 8

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    * That’s what makes trade good at
the Chicago Glotkmg House iu spite
of the dry weather and dull times,
1 and that is what we mean to do, is
J; to hold the trade we have built up
by fair dealing and honest goods,
by so doing we mean to reach every
body. *You gain a profit by calling
at the Chicago Clothing House and
investing in a suit of clothes. Our
stock is complete in every respect.
Prices way down. Every body call
on us before buying your goods.
We do just what we say.
CnicAoo Clothing House,
Bltf J. E. Smith, Manager.
lands For Sole,
By the Illinois Central It. R. Co., at
low prices and on easy terms, m south
ern Illinois, the best farm country in
the world for either large or small fruits,
orchards, dairying, raising stock or
sheep. A greater variety of crops, with
a greater profit, can be grown on a less
amount of lands in this country than
can be railed in any other portion of
this state. Don’t go elsewhere to buy
lands for farms until you see Southern
Illinois. All sales made exclusively by
the land commissioner, I. C. R. R. Co.
Special Inducements and facilities
offered by the Illinois Central railroad
company to go and examine these lands.
For full description and map, and any
information, address or call upon E. P.
Skene, band Commissioner I. C. R. R.
Co., 78 Miohigan ave., Chicago, III.
>■'[r A Live Institution.
That Gates college, of Neligh, Neb.,
has steadily grown to an attendance of
over three hundred is due to the
thoroughness of the work done, the low
rate of expenses and accessibility of
location. This college has never
"boomed" itaolf, and hence has never
had any discouraging setbacks. It has
always attracted young men of push and
vigor who were willing to work hard
and lay a thorough foundation rather
than take a little smattering of several
things and then attempt to convince the
'World that they were educated.
A number of improvements are under
way this summer to make the advant
ages still greater.
Any one desiring to attend a school
where honesty and good work are the
only class distinctions, where the physi
cal system as well as the mental is cared
for, and situated in a town without
saloons, will do well to write President
H. K. Warren for further particulars.
Is the only
Went* Excluded.
18 IMri experience
| Gleet, atrietnro, erpli
I ill*, varicocele, aiwr
f nietorrhooH. lout man
— ■' noon, nignt losses,
nitrons, weak, forgetful, low spirits, nil evil
i'Iiwih of surly Vice and all disease* oftho blood,
skin, lifer, kidneys and bladder. Instant relief,
penuanant cure. Circular* free.
14th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Nib.
. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the cl 1st riot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure render
ed *“ an action pending in the district court
or Holt county, Nebraska, wherein Calvin
Hlms, trustee. Is plaintiff and Oscar Van
Spheeta, Elisabeth Van Soheetz his wife, the
Kansas City Hay Press Company, J. 8.
Austin, George W. Marshall and 0, H. Bent
ley are defendants, I will sell at public .auct
ion to the highest bidder for cash at the front
door of the court-house in O'Neill, in said
county, on the 4th day of September, 1893, at
• o’clock A. H; to sutlsfy the Judgment, de
cree and costs In said action, the following
described lands and tenements, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section seveu
, teen, and the west half of the southwest
quarter of section eight, township twenty
eeven. range ten west, in Holt county. Ne
braska. . » .
Dated this 29th day of July, 1893.
4-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of_the district oourt of Uolt county,
Ne braska, on a decree of foreclosure render
ed tn an acUon pending in the district dourt
s i» ,u win uisinui uuurti
&J?."1.*. Nebraska, wherein Jane
v; vv,r , . rf l wxierem jane
Keeler Is plaintiff and Frank L. Thompson,
George W. E.Dorsey and Emma B. Dorsey
his wife are defendants, I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash at the
front door of the court-house In O'Neill In
said county, on the 4th day of September,
. W88, at 9 o clock A. x„ to satisfy inc judg
ment, decree and mists In said action, the
following desonoed lands and tenements,
The northwest quarter of section twelve,
>*“*8 ten, west, In
Holt county/Nebraska.
Dated this tilth day of July, 1893.
4-5 U n Itf - L’vnv vf
H. 0. McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of and order oftalo sseued by the
olerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure render
ed in an action pending in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein Lizzie
A. Grimes Is plaintiff and Humphrey K.
Mills is defendant, I will sell at public auct
ion to the highest bidder for casd at the front
door of the court-house In O’Neill, in said
county, on the 4th day of September, 189a, at
• o dock a. m., to satisfy the judgment, de
cree and costs In said action, the following
described lands and tenements, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section eighteen,
ton ns hip twenty-seven, range ten, west, in
Hrilf Aril, nfo Uah.n„l,u
——• w vw vy wv , v> u, g | ^ ||.
Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated this 29th day of July, 1893.
4-5 H. C. McEVONY.
By'virtue of an order of sale Issued bv the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure render
ed In on notion pending In the dlstrlctcourt of
Holt county, Nebraska, wherein llannan N.
Perrigo is plaintiff and John P, Johnson and
Louise Johnson are defendants, 1 will sell at
publio auction to the highest bidder for cash
at the front door of the court-house In
O’Neill, in sold county, on the 4th day of
September, 1893, at 9 o'clock A. M., to satlBfy
the Judgment, decree and costs in said action,
the following described lands and tenements,
The northwestquarter of section twenty
four, township twenty-five, range twelve,
west, In Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated this 29th day of July, 1898. "
4*5 H.O.MoENOMY, Sheriff.
By virtue of tin onlor of mile Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on u decree of foreclosure
rendered In an action pending In the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein The
Union Trust Company In plaintiff and
William Hell, Catherine Bell, William K. ltell,
Mary Bell, .1. 11. Sharkey and Aultman
Miller and Company are defendants. 1 will
sell at nubile auotlnn, to the highest bidder
for casti, at the front door of t he court-house
In O'Neill, Is said county, on the 4th day of
September, istw at'lO o'clock A. M., to satisfy
t he Judgment, decree and costs In said action
l he following described lands and tenements,
Tho southeast quarter of section thirty, and
the northeast quarter of section thirty-one.
township twenty-live, range twelve, west, In
llolt county, Nebraska.
Dated tills 80th day of .1 uly, lsit'l.
(. C. MoF.VONY, ShorllT,
By virtue of uu order of sule Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of llolt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure
rendered in an action pending In the district
oourt of llolt county, Nebraska, wherein
Elizabeth K. Tontlchl is plaintiff and John I*.
Johnson and Louise Johnson arc defendants,
I will sell at pulille auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash, at the front door of the
court-house, In O’Neill, In said county, on
the 4tli day of September, 1HWI, at V o’clock
A. M., to satisfy the Judgment, decree and
costs In said action, the following described
lands and tenements, to-wlt;
The southeast quarter of seotlon twenty
seven, township twenty-live, range twolvo,
west, in llolt county, Nebraska.
Dated tills 80th day of July, 1HU3.
4-6 11. 0. MoEvONY, ShorllT.
By virtue of on order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure ren
dered In an action pending In the district
court of Holt county. Nebraska, wherein
William F. Mansfield Is plaintiff and Thomas
Blglln, 0. H. Toncrny, George W. E. Dorsey,
and Emum E, Dorsey, his wife, are defend
ants, I will sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, at tho front door of the
oourt house, In, O’Nelli, In said county, on
the 4th day of September, 1803, at 1) o'clock
A, m„ to satisfy the Judgement, decree and
ousts In said action, tho lnllowlng described
lands und tenements, to-wlt:
Theisoutliwest quarter of section nine, town
ship tweuty-elght, range twelve, west. In
llolt oounty, Nebraska.
Dated this 2Wth day of July. 1803.
4-5 H. 0. McKVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by tbe
clerk of the district court ol’ Holt oounty,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure rend
ered In an ucllon pending in the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein
James H. Clark Is plaintiff and David Stan
uurd, Margaret btuiinai'd, his wife, William
D. Mathews, Einlllne Mathews, his wife,
Minnie L. Jaynes, Fremont L. Jaimes, her
husband, Francis C. Uruble, and Katherine
E, Grable, are defendants, 1 will sell at public
auction to the highest blddor for cash at the
front door of the court house. In O'Neill, In
said oounty, on the 4th day of September,
18UJ, lit 0 o’clock A. M„ to satisfy the Judg
ment, decree and costs in said action, the
following described lands and tenements,
Tho northeast quarter of section thirty-three
township thirty, runge ten, west, in Holt
county. Nebraska.
Dated this 80th day of July. 18M}.
4-6 IX. 0. McKVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of un order of sale issued by the
Clerk of tho district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure ren
dered lu un uctlon pending In the district
court of Holtoounty, Nebraska, wherein the
Union Trust Company Is plaintiff und John
MoCaffery. G. W. E. Dorsey and Emma E.
Dorsey, his wife, are defendants, 1 will sell
nt public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, at tho front door of the court house In
O'Neill, lu said county, on tbe 4tliduyof
September, 18B3, at 10 o’clock A. M.. to satisfy
the Judgment, decree and costs in said action,
tho following described lauds and tenements,
to-wlt: the north liulf of the soutliwost
quarter, and north halt of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-six, township
twenty-nine, range eleven, west, lu llolt
county, Nebraska.
Dated this ‘JUthduy of July, 180.1.
4-6 If. C. McEVONY. .Sheriff.
JamesQuinn ami Abraham Shouorman,
dofenduntH, will take notice, that S, O. Still
man, plaintiff, has tiled his petition in the
district court of Holt county. Nebraska,
against said defendants, impleaded with E.
H. .Benedict; the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a mortgage, dated the 24th
day of Juno. 1887, for the sum of $000 and
interest, on the south half of the southeast
quarter and the southeast quarter ot‘ the
southwest quarter of section 11. and the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section 14, all in township 28 N., of range
18 W. of the 6th P. M., in Holt county. Neb.,
executed by James Quinn to John J. Roche,
as trustee, and duly assigned to plaintiff;
which mortgage was recorded in book 28, at
Sage 179 of mortgage records of Holt county,
ebraska, and that the same be decreed to
be a first lien and said laud sold to satisfy
the same. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 11th day of Sept.,
1898. Dated July 27,1893. 4-4
By S. D. Thokntoh, S. O. Stillman.
HU Attorney Plaintiff,
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
olora of the district court of Holt county,
Nebrrska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
TheodoreO.Dockstocler is plaintiff undJumes
McWhorter, Mary E. McWIiorter, C. 11. Ton
oray. Nelson Toncray, Edward W. Moflitt, sr„
and Ann Moftitt are defendants, 1 will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
at the front door of the court* house In
O'Neill, in said couuty, ou the seventh day
of September, 1898, at 19 o'clock a. m., the
following described lands and tenements to
satisfy the judgment and costs In said action:
The southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of seutlon twenty-seven, and the
east half of the northeast quarter and the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter,
both of section twenty-eight, all In township
thirty-two, north of range ten, in Holt
county. Nebraska.
Daced 2d day of August. 1893.
H. C. MoEVON Y. 8herlff.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on a decree of foreclosure rendered
loan action pending in the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, wherein the Mo
Kti.ley-Lannlng Loan and Trust Company
was plaintiff and Cargill Graham, Mary
Graham, J. B. McKinley, trustee, W. B. Mc
Kinley, William H. Carnahan, Sol Wells.
KUminill unit VI..... if.. a. .. .. j
' " *■*•“•*• **• vaiuauttii,
Ransom Scott and McClure. Hagerty and
Gardiner were defundanu. I will sell at pub
r, ^• ' v*v oviouuuuto, m. n 111 ,"ICI1 Ml UUU*
lie auction to the highest bidder for cash at
the front door of the court-house in O’Neill,
iusaid county, on the 4th day of September,
1893, at 11 o’clock a. m., to satisfy the judg
ment, decree and costs in said action, the
following described lands and tenements,
The north half of the southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southeast
of section one, and the the northeast q uarter
of the northeast .quarter and the north half
of the southwest quarter of section twelve,
township twenty-six, range thirteen, west,
aud the west halt of the west half of section
seven, township twenty-six, range twelve,
west, and tlie northeast quarter of the north
wost quarter of section thirteen, and tho
north half of the northeast quarter, and the
north liMf of the northwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen, and the south half of the
southwest quarter of section twelve, and the
east half of the southeast quarter, and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section eleven, township twenty-six, range
thirteen, west. In Holt county, Nebraska.
Hated this »>th day of July. 189».
*-* H.C.McEVONY. Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure render
™ 1" an action pending In the district courl
of Holt county, Nebraska, wlierelu A. A
Hurrage is plaintiff and Mkrhael M. Sullivan
Ahble bulllvun, Andrew J. Millor and Mar,
Miller his wife are defendants. I will sell al
puhlie anction to the highest bidder for cast
few if, !ront door of the court-house in
'• l5,£al<1 oounty. ou th 4th day of Sep
i?.Hlt> r’ 1?9% at # o'clock a. H„ to satisfy the
;!!!:'» ifnt'.de<;Iee and costs In said action
tbejrollowlog described lands and tenements
■,X!i«hfl,u^wesf <iuartcr of section fourteen
- eleven, west
of July, m
U. JfoEVONY, Sheriff.
Jehu J. Yon me, Adeline Young, Edward E.
Sanders and Kate Sunders, non-resident de
fendant*, not lee Is hereby given that on the
7th day of .Inly. 181*1, the United States llank.
of Hartford. Conn., the plaintiff In this
action, tiled his petit Ion In the office of the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Neb., the object and praver of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
Jehu .1, Young and Adallno Young upon the
southeast quarter section 27 township 27
range 13 west 8th P. M.. In Holt countv. Neb.,
which mortgage was exoeuted and delivered
to the Iowa Mortgage Co. and tiled for record
on the 18th day of December, 1888, and re
corded In book 21 of mortgages, at page 207,
ttiat there is now due upon Bald mortgage
the sum of $701.00. You are required to
answer said petition on or before the 21st
day of August, 18911, or the same will be taken
as true and judgment entered accordingly.
1-4 11, M. UTTJjKY.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mary L. Hurl, plaintiff,
John Rollinan et al, defendants.
To John Rollnmn, Josephine llollman,
Joseplm Kollman,- Rollman, husband of
Josepha Rollman, James A. Gallagher and
Mrs. James A. Gallagher, non-resident de
fendants. You will take notice that on the
lltlt dnv of July, 18011, the above named plain
tiff tiled n petition In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against the above
numed defendants, ana euoh of them, the
object and prayer being to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage or trust deed executed by the
defendants, John Jtollmau and wife, Jose
phine ltollmun, to E. S. OrrnBby, trustee for
the American Investment Co., upon the fol
lowing described real estate situated In Holt
county, to-wlt: Lot 4, Hnd the SE‘4 NWH
and the EH SWk of section 10, township 25,
rouge 12, which was given to secure the pay
ment of a certain note or bond for the sum of
$575, dated Juno 17, 1887, and due five years
after date with Interest at 7 t er cent, payable
annually, that said note and mortgage was
duly sold and assigned to tne plaintiff, who
Is now tbo owner thereof and that thero Is
now due the plaintiff on said note and mort
gage. and for tuxes paid, the sum of $1048.02,
for which sum, with Interest from this date,
plaintiff prays for a docroe that the defend
ants be required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 21st day of August,
1898. Dated July 11.1898. 1-4
R. R. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff.
William H. Flanghor, Mary Jane Flangher,
J. M. Iloseberry and Mary Roseberry, his
wife, defendants, will take notice that on
the 21st day of July, 1803, J. W. Goodell
plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object and prayer of
which ure to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by defendants William H. Flangher
and Mary Jane Flangher to H. S. Ballou and
Company upon the west half of the southwest
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter and the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of section thirteen
township twenty-six. range eleven, west In
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of one prommissory note dated August
18, 1888, for the sum of $800 and Interest at
the rate of 7'per cent per annum payable
semi-annually and ten per cent after matur
ity ; that there Is now duo upou said note and
mortgage according to the terme thereof tho
sum of $900 and Interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from February 1.1803, and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be
decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1893. 3-4A
Dated July 21,1893.
J. W. GOODELL. Plaintiff.
To M. J. N. Haskins, Nebraska Mortgage and
Investment Company and Nelson Tonoray,
You and each of you are hereby notltied
that on the tenth day of November. 1891, ono
Concordia Loan and Trust Company bought
at ptibllu tax sale at the office of the county
treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, at
O’Neill, In said county, the following
described real estate, viz: the south half of
the northeast quartor of section twonty-flvo
township thirty-two. range sixteen, west in
Holt county, Nebraska, taxed In tbo name of
M. .1. N. llaskins.
You are hereby further notified that the
time of redemption of said real estate from
said sale will expire on the tenth day of
November, 1893. and that the tax sale certifi
cates Issued to said Concordia Loan and
Trust Company by said county treasurer,
have been by the said Concordia Loan and
Trust Company, for a valuable consideration
sold, assigned aod delivered to the under
signed and that the undersigned is now the
legal owner of said tax sale certificates 3-3 A
To 0. H. Tonci'iy and A. J. Miller:
You and each of you ure hereby notified
that on the 12th day of Novembe”, 1891, Wales
and Cooper bought at public tax sale at tho
office of the county treasurer of Holt county,
Nebraska, at O’Neill, in said county, the
following described real eastate, viz: the
southwest quarter of section ten township
thirty, range fifteen, west In Holt county,
Nebraska, taxed In the namo of A. J. Miller.
You are hereby further notified that the
time of redemption of said real estate from
said sale will expire on the 12th day of
November. 18m. and that the tax sale certifi
cates Issued to said Wales and Cooper by the
said county treasurer have been, by the said
Wales and Cooper, for a valuable consider
ation. sold, assigned and delivered to the
undersigned and the undersigned Is now the
legal owner of said tax sale certificates. 3-3*.
To G. D. Sebrlng, W. A. Eastman, G. W. E.
Dorsey and W. N. Mason and to all whom It
may concern: You are hereby severally
notified that the undersigned purchased at
public sale at the county treasurer’s office of
Holt county. Neb., on Nov. 10, 1891, the fol
lowing described real estate, the same being
sold for tho taxes of 1890, then delinquent,
towit: The west half of the east half of sec
tion 12, In township 20, range 11. taxed In the
name of G. D. Sebrlng. The northeast quar
ter of section 25, In township 21. range 14,
taxed In the name o' W. A. Eastman. The
northwest quarter of section 11, in township
29, range 111. taxed in the name of G. W. E.
Dorsey. The north half of the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
23, In township 32, range 13, taxed In the
name of W. N. Mason. All of said land being
In Holt county. Nebraska.
You are further notified that the time of
redemption from said sales will expire with
the loth day of November, ism, and unless
redeemed tbe subscriber will apply for a
deed to said lands. 8-3
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure rend
ered in an action pending in the district
oourt of Holt county. Nebraska, wherein
Beniamin M. Page is plaintiff and Stephen
Washburn, Peter J- Lansworth and Anna
Lansworth, his wife, are defendants. I will
sell at nubile auction to tlie highest bidder
for cash. &t the front door of the court house,
in O'Neill, in said county, on the 4tl> dav of
September, 1893. at 0 o’clock A. m.. to satisfy
the judgment, decree and costs in said
action the following described lands and
tenements, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section thirty-four,
township thirty-one. range eleven, west in
Holt oounty, Nebraska.
Bated this 20th day of July. 1893.
4-8 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
George W. Knee. Lance Stickle, Mary
Stickle his wife, Henry Stickle, Emma J.
Stickle his wife and Montague .1. Chapman,
defendants, will take notice that on the 28tli
day of July. 1893, A. C. Colledge, plaintiff
herein filed his petition in the district court
of llolt county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by defendants George W. Race to Montague
J. Chapman upon the southwest quarter of
sectlou eight, township twenty-five, range
ten, west, in Holt county, Nohraska, to se
cure the payment of one promissory note
dated April 23,1888, for the sum of 8400 and in
terest at the rate of six per cent, per annum
payable semi-annually and ten per cent,
after maturity; that there Is now due upon
said note and mortgage according to the
terms thereof the sum of $524.80 and interest
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum front
May 1, 1803, and plaintiff prays that said
premises may he decreed to bo sold to satisfy
the amouut due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 4th day of Septem
ber. 1898.
Bated July 28.1898. 3-4a
A. O. COLLEDGE, Plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss.
In the mutter of the estate of Henry H.
McEvony, deceased- Tills cause cnme on for
hearing upon the petition of Ilyron 0. Parker
duly verified jor the appointment of an ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry II. Mc
Evony, deceased, and It satlsfactorlaly
appearing to the court from the testimony
that an administrator should bn appointed;
It Is therefore ordered that Eiigah II. Tompb
son bo and he Is hereby appointed adminis
trator of said estate and upon his giving
bonds and taking the outli required by law,
that letters of administration be Issued ac
cordingly. And it Is further ordered that
said administrator be allowed until the Sind
day of July, 1894. for disposing- of said estate
and paying the debts of said deceased. And
It is further ordered that Andrew T. Potter
and Henry lioxle, disinterested persons of
Holt county, Nebraska, be appointed apprais
ers of the estate or said deceased. And It. is
further ordered that notice be given to the
eredltorsof said estate to appear beforeme at
the county court room In said county on the
l'Jtli day of August, 1893, on the 19th dav of
October, 1893. and on the 19th day of Decem
ber, 1803, at 10 o'clook A. M. of each day. by
publication In Tub Fhontier, a newspaper
printed in said county, four weeks consecu
tively prior to the 19th day of August. 1893,
for tho purpose of presenting their claims
for adjustment and allowance. Six months
arc allowed for creditors to present their
claims. Wm. Bowen, County Judge.
Witness my hand and seal of office this 22d
To M. J. N. Haskins, Nebraska Mortgage and
Investment Company, Nelson Toneray, H.
N. McKee, I’ltt L. Purdy and F. J. Porter
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 12th day of November, 1891, one
T. A. Thompson bought at-publlc tax sale at
tho office of the county treasurer of Holt
county, Nebraska, at O’Neill In said county,
tho following described real estate, viz; the
north half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-five township thirty-two,
range sixteen west In Holt county, Nebraska
taxed In the name of M. J. N. llaskins, and
tho south half of the north half of section
thirty, township twenty-seven, range
thirteen, west In Holt county. Nebraska,
taxed In the name of H. N. McKee, and the
north half of the northeast quarter and the
cast half of the northwest quarter of section
thlrth-flve. township twenty-six. range
fifteen, west In Holt county, Nebraska, taxed
In the name of Pitt L. Purdy.
You are hereby further notified that the
time of redemption of said real estate from
said sale will expire on the 12th day of No
vember, 1893, and that the tax sale certifi
cates issued to said T. A. Thompson, by said
county treasurer, have been, by tho said T.
A. Thompson for a valuable consideration,
sold, assigned and delivered to tho under
signed and the undersigned is now tho legal
owner cj said tax sale certificates. 3-3a
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
chattel mortgage dated the 13tli day of July,
1893, and duly filed in the office of the county
clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on- the 14th
day of July, 1893, and executed by Pfund &
Wagers to Adelia Wagers to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note for the
sum of 8850 and upon which there is now due
the sum of $852, default having been mode in
the payment of said sum and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been Instituted to
recover said debtor any part thereof. There
fore I will sell the property therein described,
Allot a certain stock of dry goods, grocer
ies, boots, shoes, hats, caps, glassware,
queensware. stoneware, clothing and gents’
furnishing goods and all other goods of every
kind and description contained in the build
ing occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated
and located on lot 28. In block 22, In the city
of O’Neill. Neb., except a lot of gents' furn
ishing goods, hats, caps and clothing.
At public auction In tho store-building
formerly oocupied by Pfund & Wagers and
situated on lot 28, in blook 22, in the city of
O’Neill. Neb., and In Holt county, on the 11th
day of August, 1893, at 1 o’clock p. m. of said
day of July, 1893.
Wm. Bowen,
County Judge.
By U. R. DICKSON, Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a deeree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
Iraska. on the 12th day of October, 1892, in
favor of the American Investment Company
as plulntltr and against Thomas N. J. Hynes,
Ann Hynes, Patrick Hughs, Holt County
Hank and John Fallon as defendants lor tba
sum of nine hundred sixty-one dollars and
sixty cents and costs taxed at $42.08 and ac
cruing costs I have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the property of said de
fendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to
Lot number twenty-two (22). In block num
ber H f teen (15), in the original town of O’Neill,
And will offer the same for* sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st
day of August, A. 1). 1893. at the frontdoor of
the court-house in O’Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term of district
cou rt was held, at hour of 11 o’clock a, m, of
said day, when aud where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 17th day of
July, 1893, H. C. McEVONY.
Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the distrlot court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the 30th uay of September, 1892, in
favor of the American Investment Company
of Emmottsburg, Iowa, as plaintiff and
»?»inst John Bates, Caroline Bates, George
W. E. Dorsey. Emma Dorsey, his wile, as de
fendants for the.sum of one hundred fifty
two dollars aud sixty-eight cents and costs
taxed at $21.18 and accruing costs I have
levied upon the sollowing premises, taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said orderof sale, to-wit:
Tlie northwest quarter of section twenty
four (24). township thirty-two (32), range
eleven (11). west of the 6th p. m.' In Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st
day of August, A. It., 1893, in front of the
court-house in O’Neill, Neb., that oelng the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock AMof
said day when and where due atteddanoe
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 17th day of
July, A, D„ 1893. _ H. O. McEVONY,
SheViff of said county.
To Manus O’Donnell, C. H. Tonoray. Joseph
Gstettner, Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
ment Company, B. F. liarto, tt. N; McKee,
llelena Fisher, Ellen Thorsen, Mary A.
Miller, John L. Kighter. Mrs. F. E. Banning
Delbert M. Benner, D. M. Crouse and Bhow
alter Mortgage Company,
You and each of you are hereby notified
£!uv Sl?ath012111 ?a>’ November, 1891, one
A; A. ahompson bought at public tar sale at
the office of the county treasurer at O’Neill
in the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska,
fnLe fo“owi,ig described real estate, namely:
rhe northeast quarter of seotlon twelve,
township thirty-one, range sixteen west in
Ilolt county, Nebraska, for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1890, and taxed in the
name of John L. Kighter. and the south half
of the southwest quarter and the south half
u. 0 southeast quarter of section two, town
ship thirty-one, range nine, west In Holt
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes
9* y,ea*' 189U» and ^ed in the name of
Delbert M. Benner and the southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter and the north half
or the southwest quarter and the northwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
three,-township twenty-seven, rauge ten,
\\LSt. In Holt county, Nebraska, for the dc
linqnent taxes of the year 1890 and taxed in
the name of Manus O’Donnell, and the north
null of the northwest quarter and the south
west quarter of the northwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section six, township thirty-two
range fourteen west in Holt county. Ne
nSS8-*for *}*? delinquent taxes of the year
1890 and taxed in the name of Joseph Gstett
ner, and the southeast quarter of southwest
quarter and tne south half of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-seven, and the
*vUwtC|*-1,10 northeast quarter
, rty-to.-.r, township thirty-two,
range fourteen, west iu Holt county Nebras
^S’Hft0.rvtia0idC] nqi,iJllt taxes of the year 1890,
and taxed in the pame of B. F. Barto.
♦iiOU#ar^ her?hv ^urtber notified that the
of re<Jempt^Hu of said real estate from
said sales will expire on the 12th day of
j * ’ V.‘d that the tax sale certl
h^ued to saltl T. A. Thompson by said
county tre*wurer have been by the said T. A.
h* naH aiUai)lc consideration. sold.
to th0 undersigned
a°d lliat; llie undersigned is now the legal
owner of said tax sale ccmflmtnE o q .
' V~ sheriff’s sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 2d day of March, 1803,
in favor of: James N. Brown as plaint
iff and against John Kaoe et al. as defend
ants, for the sum of live hundred thirty-one
dollars and seventy-one cents and oosts
taxed at $25.08 and aocruinff costa I have
levied upon the following premises, taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit:
Southeast quarter of section eight (8), town
ship twenty-five (25), range ten (10). west of
the 6th p. in. In Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st
day of August, A. D.. 1803, in front of the
court-house in O’Neill, Neb., that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held,at the hour of 11 o’clock A.u.of
said day when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 15th day of
July, A. D.. 1803. H. O. MeEVONY,
2-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to ine
from the clerk of the district; couit of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county.^Ne
braska, on tho loth day of - June, 1893,
in favor of Richard F. Ranklne as
plaintiff and against Irvin ltTwtaralneer.
Charles A. Benton, May Benton, Harvey M,
Smith, Lutherln Methodist church of Holt
county, Nebraska, Mrs. Harvey M. Smith,
Walter A. Wood Mowing and Heaping Ma
chine Company as defendants for the sum of
soven hundred thirty-seven dollars and oosts
tuxed at $30.08 and ■ accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises, taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit: i
Northwest quarter of seotion twenty-five
(25). township twenty-six (26). north of range
twelve (12), west of the 6th p. m. In Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st
day of August. A. D„ 1893, in front of the
court-houso in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein tho last term of district court
was held, at tho hour of 11 o'clock a. m, of said
day when and where due attendance will
be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 17th day of
July, A. D., 1893. H. C MeEVONY,*
--•>_ Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an ordpr of sale directed to
me from the olsrk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebrasku.-on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt oounty.
Nebraska, on the 16th day of June, 1893, fn
favor of C. B. White, executor of the estate
of Charlotte F. White, deceased, as plaintiff
and against Maria A. Meals, George W. Meals,
Gilbert M. Cleveland. Jessie F. Cleveland,
George Graves, State Bank of O’Neill, Neb.,
a corporation, and H. A. Berry as defend
ants for the sum of seven hundred seventy
nine dollars and costs taxed at $18.08 and ac
cruing costs I have levied upon the follow
ing premises, taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
Lot nineteen (19),'and the south half of lot
eighteen (18), in block thirty-seven (37) in
Riggs’ addition to the city of O’Neill.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 2lst
day of August, A. D., 1893, in front of the
court-house in O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of II o’clock A. M. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 17th day of
July, A. D., 1893. H. O. MeEVONY.
2-5 Sheriff of said county.
To John P. Baker, .1. F. Kimball, Geo. H,
Champ, and to whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th
day of November, 1891, John McHugh pur
chased at public tax sale for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1890, the land described
below, situated in Holt county, Nebraska,
The north half of the north half of section
four, township twenty-five, range eleven,
taxed In name of John P. Baker.
The tax sale certificates received on said
sale have been sold and assigned to the un
dersigned who is tho present owner and
holder thereof, and the time of redemption
from said sale will expire on the 7th dav of
November, 1893. 2-3 A. McCANDLKSk.
To Eber Leek, G. W. Albee. Ford & Keith
Edmund Lynn, K. Shelihouse. Farmers
Loan & Trust Co.. E. L. Galey, Mattie Ellis,
Eunice Park, H. I. Guy. E. A. H untin ton,
W. I. Dexter, Nebraska Mortgage & Invest
ment Co., J, H Bellows, Nebraska Loan &
Trust Co., Maria Giffen, Jas. Sears, J. H.
Bellows, Nebraska Loan & Trust Co., S, E.
Monvin, trustee, Nancy G.Hart, H. Hazard
Gage, Nebraska Loan & Trust Co., B. D.
Sherwood, Mary T. Post, Nebraska Loan &
Trust Co., Ida Olmstead, Nebraska Loan &
IrustOo., A. Alworth.T. J. Jonas, Ana Jonas
S. J. Bartley and to whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 12th
day of November, 1891, Wales & Cooper pur
chased at public tax sale for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1890 the land described be
low, situated in Holt county, Nebraska, viz:
The southeast quarter of sectiou twenty-one
township tweuty-nine, range fourteen, taxed
in name of Eber Leek; and
The northeast quarter of section thirty,
township twenty-nine, range fourteen, taxed
in name of G. Yv. Albee; and
The northwest-quarter of section thirty
three, township twenty-nine, iauge fourteen,
taxed in name of Edmund A.ynn; and
The northeast quarter of section four,
township thirty, range fourteen, taxed in
name of R. Shelihouse; and ♦
The northwest quarter of section eight,
township thirty, range fourteen, taxed in
name of E. L. Galey; and
The east half of the southwest quarter of
section thirteen, township thirty, range
fourteen, taxed in name of H. 1. Gay; and
The northwest quarter of section twenty
nine, township thirty, range fourteen, taxed
In name of W. I. Dexter; and
The northwest quarter of section twenty
seven, township thirty-one, range fourteen,
taxed in name of J, II. Bellows; and
The northwest quarter of section thirty,
township thirty-one range fourteen, taxed in
name or Jas, Sears; and
The sonthwest quarter of section thirty
four, township tnirty-one. range fourteen,
taxed in name of Nancy G. Hart; and
The northeast quarter of sectiou one. town
™RtJ?,lrty»range fifteen, taxed In name of
B. D. Sherwood; and
The northeast quarter of section fourteen,
township thirty, range fifteen, taxed in name
of Ida Olmstead; and
The southwest quarter of section twenty
seven. township thirty, range fifteen,- taxed
in name of A. Alworth; and
The southwest quarter of section thirty
four, township thirty, range fifteen, taxed
in name ol T. J. Jonas.
The time of redemption from each of said
tax sales will expire on the 12th day of No
vember, 1893. ,
Y‘rtuP °f ttl> order of Buie directed to me
fiom the clerk of the district court of Holt
comity, Nebraska. on a decree obtulued 'be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
t)rftRklL. (Ill Kill Heir nf .. inisi 1 — r_
n. 1 »uu tufitmat jhobcs j.
'i;,l lVy „ilul1 Mrs, Moses J. Bailey, his wife,
Sir ,i,ir,,l,r£un} Edwln Barnum, his
wife. New England Mortgage and Investment
Company and Carrie E. Jennings as defeod
ants for the sum of nine hundred nlnety
nino dollars and costs taxed at t».lW and
accruing costs I have levied upon the fol
lowing premises taken as the property of
jn‘d oefendants to satisfy said order of sale, i
The northwest quarter of the northwest
i1,uifr,t,?r.i,nt ae.S.tloH thirty-one Ctl) the west
hair of the southwest quarter and the south-,
east quarter of the southwest quarter of !
section number thirty (HOI all in townshlD
”'!“, :er ‘l:Irty;?I‘° ('ID north of range
u WOi|t of the nth p. m. in
Holt county, Nebraska,
11,0 J»"ie for sale to the
hlghestibidderlorcash mhand.on the 21st
tl.iy ot August, A. J). !&»;{ iu front of the
1?“ wteeTn111.? N?Ulthat the bulld
was held atthe hour'of So’eioek^ MoV^i*
g!venbynthetndbe«1sduUed,ltt0n‘lttnCe'WUJl **"'
of'juYyfiMW0 Nel“' 1*ebraska’ thu 15th day
2-5 II. C, McEVONY. j
Sheriff of salU County I
All/1 bea- viz- tb
ware, stoncwS „?te’c#PirfJ
orKrt5°0<i|S’ *»S Ml otSSH^S!
except a lot of ™?,*!1'5 «iy rh
and caps and clothi™
At publlo uuctirtt?*i
formerly occupfinL “ lbe n.
sltuatea °n lotsg Pfuna in
O Neill. Neb., and in u0!*4 It
day or August, H*81aut0.g*J
dated July 17,1883. \
J uly, 1893, and duly (fwi ?u %|
county clerk of tfnlt „ lntl»f
the uth day ot July im?1"1** I
Pfund & Waiters % TbS 1
Is now due the sum l^rTiS
erty therem described, vu- *“1«
9 Neill, Neb., and in Holt coir
day of August,*, at 1„““
Dated July 17.1893,
Notice Is hereli Jiye„CL j
chattel mortgages dated on th# at
days of July, 1893, and dulJrSfl
by Pfund & Wagers to 11. A Ju
the payment of certain prouM
the sum of |3(»and upon vhnl
the sum of *306. default havlorS
th* pay ment of said sum and am
proceeding at law haying bmj
recover talil debt or any partta
seli tho property therein d«rQ
All ofa certain stock of notloui
located In the building forme,],,
Pfund & Wagers in the city or M
and located and situated on loll
in said city; also all of a rerutil
goods In said building cone [sal
goods, groceries, boots nnn iIkmI
caps; also all store furniture e«l
tain lot of gents’ furnishinggoodal
caps and clothing situated tlimSI
At public auction in die u»*
formerly occupied by Pfund 11
situated on lot 28. In block a Ini
O’Neill, Neb., and in Holt counlj,*
day of August, 1863, at 1 o’clockV?
day. "
Dated July 17,1393.
By E. R. DICKSON, Attorney1
Notice is hereby given that by
chattel mortgage dated the Kith di
and duly filed in the officeo!
clerk of Holt county, Nebraska. 0
day of July, 1893. and executed'
Wagers to Ayers. Weatherwwi 1
secure the payment of a certain
note for the sum of $375 anduponi
is now duo the sum of $376, defii
been made in the payment of sah
no suit or other proceedin': at ‘
been instituted to recover said i
part thereof. Therefore we till
property therein described, viz:
All the boots and shoes and r
being and containin'.: in the
eupied by Pfund & Wagers and
lot 23. block 22, in the citv of O'
also all carpets, gloves ana mill
At public auction in the sti
formerly occupied by Pfund 4 w
situutea on lot 28, in block 22. in
O’Neill, Neb., and in Holt county,
day of August, 1893, at 1 o’clock p.
By R, B. DICKSON, Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that ^
chattel mortgage dated on t»
.Inly, 1893, and duly Died in the o
county clerk of Holt county, it
the 14th day of July, 1B9M. '
Pfund & Wagers to the Dei*
Manufacturing Co. to secure the r
a certain promissory note fort*
and upon which there is nowdue
$351, default having been niw. i
ment of said sum, und no sui.«
ceeding at law having been insti
cover said dci)t or any psrt the
fore we will sell the
described, viz: ,
All boots and shoes being
the building formerly on up<y
Wagers in the city of Ob ill, x
on lot 38, block 23. n saldt «■
At public auction inWbe ^
formerly occupied by Pfund *
situated on lot 28, Jn uljfj'.itr,
O'Neill, Neb., and in Holt corn1,
day of August, 1891, at 1 o do
Dated July 1", l*®- gH0,
- The Des Moines sow
By It. R. Dickson, Attorney
Notice is hereby Riven tW
chattel mortgage dated o»
.—Jl mortgage u. tjie tip
July, 1* and duly “‘od^ '
county cleric of I wit .'ndf(|
county cleric or ,sl[t :!Ddo
t tie 14th day of /"■/vLoni W
I*fund & Wagers to Tolertoii*^,
Bruno cc wagers «, *y- ccrt«inl
secure the payment of a u ap
note for the sum of
there is now due thei sum m ^
lng been made in the P^Lnajingi*
ana no suit or other pKa«J™s
been Instituted to record
SttAt public nu]eti0"ylnpSa’*J
formerly occupied by r &
situated on lot 5,, muni
situated on lot STIn j0untv. <*
J-Neill, Neb., and HoU “ kI
lay of August, 1M«. at
^Hatcd July l;-,(gHToN it Si*"
By K. B. DICKSON, Attor^
notice of
Notice is hereby tM®
battel mortgages duteu ^jii
ay s of July. 1/eP;jf ofdHo^t court
f the county clerk o t
a. on the 14th and DW &
id executed by km ay«i(*
nlth & Co., t.. secu^t,, ^
. liitd
irnltl. & Co.. to Ss fortla't,
atu promissory m **’,,* due tW
which there is no» thn
‘poV’Xch there is no*
efault having bet“”*alierpn»
Id sums and up sod >uted ,e-^
-ling .KSloul®,*
Wagers, and lot- Nl.b. ^
the city of O tNt u* tb£ . \r*i
Lt public uUA10Sv PfuoJ \ iW
•merly occupiedf^iock *• j! ue
uated on lot - Holtcou^ *
ty of August,
Seated July IT. «*
By B. B. DICKSOU. a.““