Hypnotism. ■ „ a hypnotized person be made n crime?” was very emphat ic* answered in the affirmative by , ,in of l’aris, in a paper delivered the Hritish association. He sug. ir'i o n subject under hiB influence ‘ mit nets of incendiarism while 'Ideally asleep, and there was " n ‘ i,teach case. More than that, 11 _ was recently sentenced in "'for a succession of acts of rob S it was ascertained that she had habitually hypnotized, and upon "-titration it was discovered that 1,-id robbed under the suggestion of tile parties. How*. This! .. offer One Hundred Dollars reward for la™ of Catarrh that cannot be cured by y> Ci‘"yr j CCHE XEY A CO., Toledo, 0. v the undersigned, have known F. J. , jr for the last 15 years, and believe him ri tlv honorable In all business transac .11.(1 financially able to carry out any ob made by their firm. Lt X Tkuax, Wbolcsalo Druggist*, r, 0 • Walpino, Kiss an A Makvin, ,1,-sale Druggists, Toledo, O. I,ir# Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act directly upon the blood and mucous tur of the system. Testimonials sent free. ?ac per bottle. Bold by all Druggist*. man is fit to lead who bos not the rage to stand alone. every country consumption kills more thun any other one disease. adult perspires twenty-eight ounces in ■iitr-four hours. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and ,n ti tint to *!.•>* I..I.. .. "I Si M ttlm bllll i taituru * t» ■tin ate rase in 20 to 6t d&js. let him wr te for paiticulers and lure*-ti trate our rellab llty. Our ftnnnc \1 backing in $:00.000 When mercury. H My one doubt* t.. Jo Populist Press and People. I take pleasure In announolrtg that I have made arrangements on behalf of the National Reform Press v Association, Whereby plates and ready-prints containing Populist .;">i matter officially approved and rec- _ ommended by the National Reform Press Association and Chairman V? Taubeneck, In any quantity deslred> ' t will be furnished by The • Western * Newspaper • Union, f Write to the Western Newspaper ? Union for Samples and prices. No other house furnishes authorised | matter. W. 8. MORGAN. 8eo. Na tional Reform Press Association. Address •0 WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, I OMAHA, NEBRASKA. MEND YOlltf OWN HARNESS WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. f No tool. required. Osljr s hammer needs* to drire and clinch thus eaally and quickly; leaving the clinch abMlnlcly mnooth. Requiring Do bole to be made Is tbe leather nor burr Tor the Oh Yes! Wreta They are STRONG. TOUGH and DURRBLE. Million, now in use. AU length., uniform or amorted, pat up in boxca Aak your dealer Tor them, or Mnd 4M. Id .tamp, tor a box of 100; snorted lixea. HAKtrrAOTOKXD BT JUDSON Ls THOMSON MFC. CO., Walihum. Mbm. m DUTCITEIl’S FLY KILLER kills files Instant, ly# No danger In handling It. Every sheet will kUl a quart of flies, insuring peace while you eat and the comforts of a nop In tbe morning. la-* sist upon DutcLer*9 and secure best results. Fi{d'k Dutches Dus Co., St. Alfcaas, VL Plao’s Remedy for Catarrh Is the Beit, Easiest to Tee, and Cheapest. CATA R R H Bold by Drugg lit* or sent by malt. COc. E. T. Haxeltlae, TTiim, Ea. a^&SSfSS. BII fOK. iMtg pbvtktosV NnHartfct.eO^. ^ Tfconw.d, 4-ofwA, *#od «r In >lf«4 1 ^|J I I o. w.k. HN Yi>r«, m. i»., »i3i n^>»7j|L <** p NnflarWibf.j V. KNVnKK. M; !«., STSiCipl. I*. Icber m Theater, Chicago, I1L ' 0 a ‘: v! At ± Price sa®SM3‘ nl 4 I I IVU 1-1111400 *<4LBto, €*«•«, Ilk NtURI in the Fanners ud Mcmhato tasaraaee Comp u* of Ijncotn. Capital and fturpisa over S-'t9.> SOS. LU! losses pud to Nebraska people alUo* tsSh If afflicted with •ore eyes, us« iThompton^i Eys Water. OMAHA BOSIHKS HOUSES. F Tents, Awnings, Flats EDUCATIONAL OMAHA , mi irnu wni1 • 4 iivmi? w«f,n { tie Jii. Catalog. eddies* Kotubough Brv», Omaha, I W !J U Omaha. 30 1893 M ABRILl k CO., Maple Sugar and Syrups, JefDea, Ereserwes. Jams, Apple Butter.Etc. 1'iope Ouaka Can Mac fac cg Co., Caa* and decorated Tin wane OMAHA SLATE & RG0FIN6 GO., ffifVBg KOOE1XG. frlaie Hoofing, Mate Blackboards. JSto. WOT.r BROS. * IX)., 7US*5 16U». Tel. Cftk _ Fall Term eyensfept. 1.^ Board for S hours work. flan*