Proceedings. ,pRfvisors , T—if» FBOM LAST W««K.] I 2nd Minn Battery. 'j'Sept. 20, 1862. Died Dec. 1 Buried at Atkinson, Neb. born in Botler county, 18-0. Enlisted Feb. 22, J '; ’,r’co O, 2nd Mo. Cavalry. ^ March 31, 1865. Died May ‘ Buried at Atkinson Neb. „ slayinaker, born in Frederick Maryland, Jan. 14, 1820 En , 2") lSf>4. Privat®» Co* C» | i-VBattalion of Minn. Cavalry. ! May 21, 1866. Died June 10, ■arid at Atkinson, Neb. , s. Wilhelm, born in Buck Pennsylvania, Febuary 4, 1822. jane 27, 1863, in company J, -iment, Pennsylvania volunteer Enrolled again September 28, company E, 57th regiment Penn veterans volunteer infantry. h,(,j May 31, 1865. Died June 30, tnried at Atkinson, Neb. P Bowman, born Deoember 21, ,li3tea October 16,1862, company regiment, Pennsylvania malitia. -cdJnly 24,1863. Died June 21, turied at Farmer’s Hillcemetry. ,el Colman, born in Ireland. En , company F, 2d regiment, Wis cnvalry volunteers. Discharged ,ied May 19, 1888. Buried in a cemetery. :t Henery Woods, born.... En Sargent company H, 83d volunteer infantry. Discharged Died.... Buried in Chambers O' i Uoodham. Enlisted....,company Illinois infantry. Discharged Died.1887. Age 64 years. in Chambers cemetery, nas Keller. Enlisted-company Illinois infantry. Discharged.... anuary 12,1888. Buried in Cham imetery. committee would respectfully nend that the board instruct the o make applications to the proper ities under the general government uitnble headstone for eaoh and all (.■deceased soldiers and that they be d to the nearest point of interment, lat the supervisor of the preoint such interment is made oaase said ones to be placed at the head of toeased soldier’s grave. Wilson Bbodin, J. D. Jon is, Committee. d motion tne report was adopted immittee continued, ed by Cooper and seconded by tlmt the two bridges allowed yes be stricken from the record and tition for same be referred to the i committee. Carried, ed, seconded and carried that the across the 8outh Fork on section “tween sections 5 and 8, township u?e 1C, nest, be granted, ed, seconded and carried that the on range line betwee ranges 9 and olt and Knox connties, respectfully, as 12-29-9 and 7-29-8, be granted, ed and seconded that the petition 10-ft. bridge across the Sonth Fork en sections 8 and 9, 26-12, be fd. s and nayes being demanded resulted lows: s-Clevish, Calkins, Gilson, Cooper, . Phillips, Trullinger, White, Wil 'd Wynn. (10). es-Alfs, Bradie, Bradley, Crawford, e, Donohoe, Haigh, Hayes, Hodge Wlson, Keeley Peter, McCarthy, ? and Jones, (14). Motion was id motion the board adjourned until one P. M. fd met pursuant to adjournment II members present exoept Bryan lates of a, m. read and approved, bondsmen of A.. 3. Meals appeared 6‘he board with the objeot of effeet “mpromise *n the spit now pend Jamst A. j, Meaia> ted, seconded anl earried to lay e proposition of the bondsmen of eals nlltil 9 *• M., July 14, 1893. ,6d, seconded and earried that the and is hereby authorized to pur ‘Welve 1093 Statutes for nnnnlv ’ and purchase the same where an bought cheapest. '“a for a bridge on Eagle ereek on ' 4 of the NWi* of section 26, 'P 32, north range 12, near Turner, »a over. ’‘d’BtJOOnded and carried that the e ^ ^solution be adopted: tea8’ Cert»in individuals go into ens°f8 township8 *° ahoot prarie or tlle pnrpoBe of shipping and 8 ‘he same, , ‘t6d’ ^**at il is the sense of this 'hat the ted i eane laws shall be strictly 18 regard to persons who shoot LV.? 8hippin8 and selling the ls , at a11 °°nnty and township lls "ball see ltle« the W in that in their different game laws are strictly en reference to said persons. 'on met- E. M. Wabikq. ^opted00 the f0ll0wing resolutions d a The connty treasurer having t aj^fdand refused at his seen* oard tAnnaiil 86ttlements to permit ant to itCfant ca9^ on hand or his lm °r *n^ m°neTs that came icate re„n ■S and. reft,sed to show any ‘it, 0r.eipts’ 8l*P» or statements of y other evidence that any of the county money was deposited in any bank nndet the law; and thla board haa not known alnee the January settle ment, 1892, where one dollar of the money belonging to the oonnty is kept, although they have mandate used said treasurer and hare twioe removed him for official mis demeanor. Besolved, That the setAement com mittee be instructed to again demand of Treasnrer Scott that he permit them to count what oash he has on hand and that he show to them any duplicate receipts, statements or deposit slips, whioh he may. have showing in what bank or banka said oounty money is deposited in, if any, under the law. Jonn Oaswroan. Petition of T. V. Golden to reduce taxes on the NWJf sec. 24, twp. 27, r. 12; SWJi sec. 2, twp. 27, r. 18; SWjtf NW& SEJf sec. 26 and NBJf SBJtf, see. 26, twp. 27, r. 13, was apon motion re jected. Upon motion motion the following claims were allowed on general fund of 1893: H B Murphy, county attorney.. ..Mao oo U W Dudley, county superintendent. 168 oo ...... 169 00 . 67 60 . 100 00 O E Butler, county clerk.1767 36 KI.BCTION. John A. Brady.. 4 00 8Becker... 4 00 John Aeserter... 4 po FL Coleman.. 4 00 James battue..... 4 00 BLGroves.....'. 4 00 A B Smlrh. 4 00 J N Uovey.. 4 00 DM Dow... 4 00 AASiveslnd. g ix) Geo Horton..... 8 00 W N McCuen. 4 00 W W Peck. 4 00 T 8 Roche. 4 00 C W Roarak. 4 00 Samuel Riley.. . 4 00 School district No 30. 3 00 Patrick Barrett... 400 Thomas M Morris.. 4 00 Chas Davis. 400 J P Morroll.. 4 00 BUrKKVIBOK, L A Jlllson. MH McCarthy. JH Wilson.... F H Mills. H Bradley. SD Dutton_ 8 Gilson. KM Waring... John Hodge.... WT Hayes. Frank Moore.. WW Bethea... D Trullinger... FW Phillips... John E White. 8D Dutton.... 8 Gilson. W W Bethea... 6K Bryan. John Wynn.... D Trullinger!.. WF Clerlsh... JH Wilson_ D G Boll. RMacumber... F H Mills. 8 Gilson. 8 D Dutton.... John Alts. Wilson Brc^dle.. Geo B Kennedy. WBHaigh. J B Donohoe_ WFClevlsh.... Geo E Bryan.... Willie Galkins., Wilson Brodle.. F H Mills. H Bradley. Wilson Brodle.. HB Kelly. MH McCarthy., John Wynn. John Crawtord, J D Jones. W B Cooper. EM Waring.... J B Donohoe... M D Long. ASSESSORS. R H Murray. 8 A Richardson. G A Moor. Pat’k. Geo Horton... R H Shelter. Dan Binkerd. James W Baker,. E Dyke. Henry Holtz. B P Neher, claim 898.80,allowed less 81.02, taxes for 1889. W 8 Miller.. A W Sexton.. 1 John Meier. ’ W B Cooper.. W Barnett. D A Cole. Barney Jones. Moses Campbell. N C Joqnton. WB James.. TheoHusted. John J Kelly.. J A Robertson.. . 34 80 . 80 00 • 28 W . 21 80 . 080 .13 80 . 9 .49* ,.33 00 . 33 10 . 29 80 . 61 00, . 40 00 . 60(0 . 36 801 . 26 60 . 26 90 ,. 27 10 . 900 . 18 00 . 13 00 . 9 00 .. 3 00 • <8W . 900 . 900 . 1600 .. 16 00 . 16 90 . 13 00 . 26 60 . 900 .. 34 60 . 33 30 .. 29 00 . 13 (4 . 36 60 . 19 36 . 900 . 21 70 19 00 . 8 60 . 97 10 . 34 00 /ll? 40. . 79 00 . 96 10 . 18 40 . 18 80 . 09 00 . 41(00 . 47 00 . 73 60 . 80 60 . 33 00 . 71 00 . 68 00 .. 97 00 . 44 00 . 64 00 . 70 20 . 89 80 . 92 00 ,. 63 00 ,. 79 00 . 68 30 . 68 20 .148 20 . 61 00 . 66 00 . 36 00 .134 00 . 63 70 ..166 80 . 67 40 unas rotts.152 00 B J Jennings. 102 00 Geo W Kendall. 00 00 DISTRICT COURT CKRT’ra. Jobn Uorrlskey. 4 10 E J Hershloer. 2 00 Geo W Trigg.10 00 .'.32 M ..10 00 N B Cover:. 10 00 H Bradley.,.38 to CC Jones. 41 TO BHArchard. 6 00 John Ashton. 2 00 Levi Van Valkenburg. 6 oo JT Thorn. 6 00 J W Tulk.41 40 A Morgan...flfc. 4 00 Will Wlsgarver. 8 oo Frank Weber.. 6 OO John Wynnn. 4 10 Barney Stuart.'.. 6 oo William Schroer .'.. 4 00 John Spicer. 40 40 Barrett Scott. 4 10 Clias Primus. 42 20 Otto Mlltz.36 10 Pat Morris. 3 40 Geo Lamphler. 43 40 Jacob Hershlser.....38 10 H Gerard.41 00 James Enright. 36 00 Jacob Ernst.41 00 H P Emery. 29 80 ..10 00 EFFlsher.. . 4 00 O E Davidson. 4 00 DavidCoughlin..... 38 10 NB Coover.. WOO J A Brady.... 40 00 Patrick Barrett. ...w 40 FSButler. woo JOMcOowan............... so oo John Mullen. 400 Wm McWhorter.. 2 00 JCIngling. \.. 400 Frank Judd... 4 00 AO Judd.4 00 Michael Lynch.....„ 340 J Koyendall.... 0 00 Joel all Tliayer... 0 80 James Sullivan. .. a 10 LeviVanMalkenhurg......... 200 FA Read..... 2 oo Lewis Bell. 1500 . 30 00 Charles Wrede...«.... 31 80 James H Parker... 43 so boamd fob junr. C Hemstreet. 22 75 RBMaglrl. . 4 so couwr* count. Wm Bowen. 10 oo .. 8 10 ..000 .. aoe .. 200 ..0 80 II Evans. 1 10 Dan Boyle. 4 00 FA Rood. 200 Levi Van Valkenburg. 2 00 N Martin. 2 00 F A Reed. 2 10 SFMcNIchols. 110 Wm Bowen. 000 .10 48 Geo Brown. 320 IJ Burleson, justice. 0 70 John McBride, dupty sheriff.go oo . 62 20 John Lappan constable. 7 30 . 4 00 . 17 40 U W Wertz, deputy sheriff.. so 40 Dennis Hunt, deputy sheriff. s '40 CORONER’S INQUEST. ,A A Skelton.... 11 v, . 22 40 ECandee....i. 1 70 . R H Murray. 1 70 John D Haynes....... 170 EE Keller... 170 WmMerldeth. . 170 (ico B Hunter. 4 go DA Doyle. 3 10 M Cavanaugh.. 310 C L Hturdevant. io oo MM Sullivan.. 3 10 B 8 Gillespie. s 10 W 8 Stewart. 170 J x Armstrong, lnsttt. of feeble minded... 6 67 1XIAXI, C D B Btsaman. s oo TheoHusted. . BOO Robert Johnson. b bo B W Adams. s oo JFGilllgan. 8 00 THU BOUNTY. C E Farrier. 4 99 WTHayes. 3 33 GL Crawford. 4 16 KXPBBT ACCOUNT. VR Stitt. 148 00 .108 00 .1B0 00 . 114 00 . 114 00 ....'..ISO 00 ASSISTANT KXPBBT. JC Morrow. 20 bo .!.118 78 .. 0 00 . 41 90 . 67 60 ..68 18 SURVEYING. W W Page.63 oo . 107 90 . 49 90 .197 00 .1.128 40 SXBVICB AS CHA1NNKN. O C Primus. 1 75 Thomas Hanehan. 6 oo V V Rosenkrans. 3 oo AlUe Walmer.62 oo Glarenee Beeman. 10 oo Ferris Manny. 4 oo J J Stratton.. 2 oo JW Holden. 0 60 Thos H Berry. 6 oo James Blnkerd... o oo Phillip Bchafer. 4 oo OttoNelson... ooo HA Emerson.’.20 oo APPRAISING BOAD. Frank Coleman,. 2 60 J J Halloran. 2 60 AEWlkel... 3 00 J J Halloran. 3 oo Frank Coleman....'. 3 oo J S Smith. 2 bo J M Jones.12 30 W H Beeman... 12 bo PCCorrigan,dynamite....,'.395 75 Mullen Bros, repairs.240 40 Storm and Lockhart, painting.7 35 Shan born and Thompson, painting.60 00 Nell Brennan, supplies.160 so E M Grady, supplies.20 00 Electric Light Co, lights.112 60 Galena Lumber Co, supplies. ..146 30 E M Ward, supplies. 4 25 P J McManus, supplies. 14 53 F B Cole, supplies... 100 City of O’Neill, waterworks, etc.130 66 RS Ashmore, supplies.154 40 J B Berry, supplies.46 00 RS Ashmore. 87 26 Holt County Agricultural Society approp riation.362 70 Frontier Printing Co, printing. 16 31 Ed F Gallagher, interest. 48 46 Upon motion the following claims were allowed from bridge fand of 1893: BRIDGE. H. Bradley.18 00 Galena Lumber Co.216 78 L Ross. 2 60 S 1> Dutton. 6 00 Upon motion the board adjourned nntil 9 a. v. July 14,1898. Bdputimm' Onioi, O’Neill, Neb.,) July 14,1893. $ Board met pennant to adjournment. Chairman Bethea in the ehair. All mem bers present exeept Bryan, Boll and Brodie. Moved, seconded and carried that the oonnty treasurer be added to the com mittee to meet with the state board of equalization. Moved, seconded and earrled that the following petition be granted: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: I would most reepeotfully request your honorable body to order the oounty treas urer to refund to me the following taxes, the same having been paid in the wrong school distriet: Taxes of $8.32, school; taxes of $3M, bond, for 1890. Taxse of $3.89, judg.; taxes of $8.09, bonds taxes Of $8.89, school, for 1891. Being the exoese of the tax of the proper aehool dietriot, No. 70, and all on the SWfc, 18-80-16. John F. MoObbw. By It, A. Jillson. Moved, eeoonded and oarrled that W, O. Townsend be allowed $6 per foot for building the Dry Creek bridge. Moved, seconded and eatried that W. C. Townsend be allowed |6 per foot for the approaches on the Haynes’ bridge. In the matter of rope belonging to Holt oOnnty, supposed to be in the hands of W. O. Townsend, the matter was laid over until the neat meeting of the board, on motion. The following motion was then brought before the board: Mr. Chairman, I move yon that we ac cept the proposition of the bondsmen of A. J. Meals and instruot the county at torney to take judgment in the amount of $8,000 as a settlement In full of all olaims of Holt county, Nebraska, against A. J. Meals and his said bonesmen. F. W. Phillips. The ayee and nayes being demanded, the result was a follows: Ayes—Alfa, Brodie, Olavlsh, Calkins, Dutton, Gilson, Haigh, Hayes, Jomis, Long, Mills, Cooper, Moore, Phillips, Trullinger, White, Wilson and Wynn. (18) Nays—Bethea, Crawford, Donohoe, Hodge, Jillson, Kelly H. B., Kelly Peter, Kennedy, McCarthy and Waring. (10). Motion was carried. Upon motion the following claims allowed from general fund of 1898: were W B Haigh supervisor f Geo G Kennedy H Bradley F W Phillips F H Mills W B Cooper E M Warihg P Kelly 8 Gilson P Kelly Frank Moore John E White P Kelly J H Wilson John D Alfs W F Olevieh W F Hayes John Wynn J B Donohoe John Hodge 8 D Dutton L A Jillson W W Bethea WiUie Calkins . Omaha Printing Co, printing 91 89 12 8 24 17 16 18 22 82 14 18 24 14 84 16 14 29 8 8 16 22 84 8? 17 16 20 60 70 ! 70 90 60 26 60 20 70 20 80 60 00 00 00 80 20 60 86 20 60 00 48 26 » 21 75 82 75 Frontier Printing Co 48 18 10 12 6 O 0 McHugh 15 • ' 1510 232 Holt County Independent 88 Aloe Penfold Go, enpplies 18 229 Moses Campbell 16 John J MoCafferty 8 Thomas Tierney, drayage 5 Upon motion the following claims allowed from bridge fond of 1898: Van Zandt Bros bridge $ 6 41 Galena Lumber Co, 11 L Seymore 69 S D Dntton 6 0 M Walrath 19 Geo W Blake 805 61 85 128 “ 860 Horaee Bradley 80 8 P 0 Corrigan 2 Johh Wynn 18 Geo G Kennedy 6 John Boehart 7 W Beek 1 W 0 Townsend 467 186 180 Wagers Bros 1 L S Butler 11 Lewis Steubner 101 27 W W Wright 3 Uriah Fillers 7 H M Bradstreet 15 G A Buffington 4 Fred Buoker 9 J N Kay 8 Dan Binkerd 95 W H Jeffers 2 8858§8S88SgSS£gSS88gSS8S8288gS8Sg 3888558888888 upon notioe sue board adjourned until 1p.m. ONI P. M. , Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present except Bryan, Boll and Brodie. Mr. Stitt then read the report of his findings on oflloials and ex-officials. Mr. Chairman, I more yon that the ex pert’s report as read be acoepted and filed with the county clerk and that the legal commute be instructed to proceed to collect the shortgage from the several officials and ex-officials in the several amounts as shown by the report. J. Cbawpobd. Seconded and carried. Mr. Chairman, it appearing that in 1889 there was some $1,200 school money collected that was not credited to the several districts to which it belonged and several other errors appearing in posting school ledgers, and as it will be necessary to have the oorrect amount due the [ooncnunan nxx win.] THE lO’NEILL : ‘W‘ MILLS. IJAVE BEGUN operation and request your patron age. All the machinery is new and the latest and best improv ed process adopted. : : : : ^444444 pi Ill) III III III I ii 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 iii 111 in ni II! Ill 111 111 III III Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, | —— COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Chicago Lumber Yard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (O'Neill, Yards'? Page, j Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. Y°^wm~sr6~n— 'Vor/d . *>>£ • <-i s&m W SATURDAY poOxoTrrr^^ SI £*'«H^av ^urnal I ™ZHEWS IRS?1 ,o,._ ftf m,fiGE paG£S ^™L“UNS ™* Cre*m tfct lf«wa r» /t«e best As