The Frontier. FCBUSnXD XVKRY TIUJR8DAY BY |f. THB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY Oivh us a gol<^ dollar’s worth •( silver In a silver dollar if it makes the latter as big as Ferris’wheel. Grover will have a good opportunity f to reduce his weight fighting with*the V financial question noxt month. Chadror has a new democratic paper called the Recorder. It is a neat 7-col umn folio, edited by Claude T. Taylor. It Is amusing to see the quarter-breed democrat of the Sun bob up, like the excrescence In the chamber vessel, to defend his ilk. Mb. Cleveland to republicans in congress: Please drop politics long enough to help me knock out the finan cial lunatics of my party. Tits bad boy who rocks the boat until he falls overboard and nearly gets drowned is typical of the democratic party and the national finances. 8ome men have humllation thrust upon them, other men bring it upon themselves. The governors of several states have lately joined the latter class. In support of the theory that great minds run in the same channel, we cite the fact that the Independent and Sun simultaneously refer to the Kids as dudes. __ _ The people are beginning to realize the true meaning of democratic '‘tariff reform,” the fear of which is largely responsible for the present condition of the country. The Wandering Jew has ever been a subject for sympathy, and the specimen we have In our midst is no exception. It is painful to see the serf sling the quill to the music of the lash. The man who walks to the world’s fair from some remote section of the country wants to get himself into the newspapers, but the fellow who has to walk home doesn’t. What a difference. Strikes us as funny that a great papsr like the Independent and a great editor like the ‘'Wandering Jew," would devote about six columns of valuable space to a couple of Insignificant dudes A and a lost cause. The Wandering Jew, now editor of the Independent, while attempting to gain a livelihood in Antelope county, by coercion, made a bold bad break to Impeach the sheriff but was sat upon by the supreme court. • It is difficult not to say “I told you so to the democrats who are feeling the squeeae consequent upon the general distrust of their party, but it should not be done. Let the facts speak for them selves and the result will be fewer demo crats and better times. By the way! Why didn’t the board I demand a decision in the Hopkins case? The fact that he has $90,000 of the county’s money and refuses to set <- tie should not be lost sight of. Some one should Inform the “Wandering Jew” that this man is an independent, good »«d pure—like a good many others. To put Harrison In a hole was the - main object of the democrats in con gress during the last administration, and now they are afraid the republicans will follow their example. It is a baseless fear; republicans have 'a higher idea of statesmanship than that and they will find them advocating ideas for the good of the people at large. Tbs tool editor of the Son grows fool-1 er and fooler every day. He now ad vieee tax payers to refuse to pay theii taxes to Scott and also requests township treasurers to refuse to make settlement. Of course no sensible man can indorse , this nonsense springing from a cess-pool of ignorance located somewhere in the skull of this man McHugh. Whih we take into consideration the ■\* fact that Holt county produces and ships almost three times as much hay as any other county in the state, the fol lowing quotation from the Fremont Tribune will be of more than passing i ,v interest to its farmers: The dispatches bring information that the hay crop of Europe is largely reduced this year by reason of an ex tended drouth, and that hay from the United States will be demanded in vast quantities. Already a large amount of It is being shipped from New York, hay that was produced in Iowa and Nebras ka, and is selling there for $30 dollars * per ton and across the water for $30. This fact promises to have an influence upon the pries of the 1898 crop in this country and the outlook is therefore encouraging to owners of hay land. V ' There is one fact in connection with this, however, that is to be lamented. Under the old freight law the hay ship pers had a special rate of $1.30 per ton to the Missouri river, while under the maximum rate law,passed by the last legislature, which was independent you know, the railroads will charge $3.50. v': This will prove a hard blow to either j producer or consumer, and in either ease the railroad will be the party bene fltted. It doesn’t look as though the legislature had the interests of the peo ple so very much at heart after all. And Mr. Kautzman says we should be clerking in a livery stable. Now we have always entertained an exceeding high regard for age and the experience it necessarily entails, and could not for n moment, in this instance, dream of questioning the wisdom of the gentle man’s advice, os a careful perusal of his well-meant, though illy composed disser tation, reveals at once to us the fact that it waB in a like place that Mr. Kautzmsm received his education, tutored by a jackass. Or, if we are mistaken in this, it may be that Mr. Kautzman is still in the livery stable eating bay with the long-eared gentry while the alliance have imported the jackass to edit their paper. After hearing his bray-fu! tones one could be excused for holding to the latter opinion. A word to Mr. Kautzman: We have been in the newspaper business in O'Neill for some years, and in the course of our experience we have met several just as big chumps as you are. We have been called almost everything that could be conceived by the brain of men of your mental calibre, and we still live. We have been assailed, roasted and turned by men who possessed the faculty of slinging a more graceful quill thnn you, and these remarks of yours sound ■o stale that they inflict us with thnt tired feeling. Don’t imagino that you can hurt our feelings by directing at us all the invective contained in your vocabulary, which every body knows was obtained while resting in the gut ter among the slums. You may have all the fun you want, but don’t get too gay. In regord to tbe shortage of county officials and ex-officials we have only to say that the statements made by us are correct and tbe records will sustain the assertion. We do not propose to de vote more space to this subject. If tbe courts decide that these men are Dot entitled to the amounts allowed at their annual settlements with the board, they should refund the money. We do not believe in giving any man more than the law allows him, but until the ques tion is settled we will believe that the officers are fully as competent to con strue the law as Expert Stitt, whose findings are not going to convict any one. He was compelled to find some body short in order to hold his job. The committee that employed him offered the job to another man on the condition that he would contract to find Treasurer Scott short, which he refused to do. "But when,’’ dramatically says the Wandering Jew, "has that paper stood up and demanded the wholesale robbery of the tax payers should cease?” Con sidering that this nomad does not live long enough in one place to learn any thing he is probably excusable for ask ing for information. Tub Frontier has devoted something like twenty col umns in the last year to supervisor steals and extravagance and demands that they should cease. It has proven that they have cost the county over tQO,000 per annum more than the com missioners, and the benefits are nothing. When supervisors have stolen milage, and charged for many days that they never worked, Tub Frontier has been flist and foremost in demanding justice for the tax payers, and upon the Jew’s theory that the thief always yells "stop thief!” the loudest, this crusade against officials is explained. Reading of the prevailing hard times in Colorado on account of mines shut ting down, reminds us of the fact that the voters in that state were not satis fied last fall with the declaration of the grand old party to the effect that the American people, from tradition and interest, favor bi-metalism, and the republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legis lation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two met als so that the purchasing and debt paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times equal. The interests' of the pro ducers of the country, its farmers and its workingmen, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government, shall be as good as any other, hut on the other hand went dying up their canyons and mountain gorges chasing false gods. Nothing like experience. Duriks the past twenty years there has been a wonderful developement of the iron and steel industries of Michi gan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mis souri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, California, Washington, Utah, Oregon and Wyoming. In 1870 there were 152 such establishments in the thirteen states and the territory named; in 1890 there were 225. In 1879 the capital in' vested amounted to $25,306,408; in twenty years it had increased to $108, 969,721.^ The workmen, not including clerks, ‘salesmen or officers, in 1870 numbered 16,856; in 1890 there were 41,377 employed; in 1870 the wages paid were $9,220,481; in 1870 the wage roll amounted to $23,020,028. The capital invested increased in ten years 106 per cent. The average price of the product decreased 37 per cent., and the wages of the workingman increased 40 per cent. A protective tariff, American ingenuity, and the skill of our workingmen brought about these good results.—Peoria (111.) Journal. Hood’s Cures MIsa Edna Kyis Chamberlain, South Dakota. Works Like Magic Rheumatism-Internal Pains and Aches—Perfectly Cured MI must say that Ilood’s Sarsaparilla works nice magic. I have for two years been very seriously troubled with rheumatism, suffering Intense pains and aches. I tried all the reme dies I could get, but all failed, until, having heard so much about nood’s Sarsaparilla, I thought I would try it The very first bottle did me a great deal of good, and I thought I must continue. I have been using Hood’s Sarsaparilla regularly, and am now as well as anyone.” Miss Kdna Kyle, Chamberlain, South Dakota. Hood’s Pills cure liver Ills, constipation biliousness, Jaundice, slok headache, indigestion. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY R. It. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8, ETO. pit. J. 1*. GILLIGAN, PIIYSICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. g H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. £ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the eourts. Special at> tention given to foreclosures and collections. jjn. b. t. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of •?he Eye and Ear and fittlnll glasses a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. in, Office first door west of Holnerikson's ftfUDLEN BROS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. THE FRONTIER FOR LEGAL BLANKS AyjyjORB|TT .will attend to your DENTISTRY in flrst-claaa shape. PHOTOGRAPHY promptly and satisfactorly executed. •. •. % •. East of Holt County Bank, Fourth Street. iDeYarman Bros ! _ CHECKER WIWITPIB1 Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaffert’s hearse. O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY OLDEST \JJ FIRM .. And have the only complete set of Abstract Books in the county. Always up to date. Have Experienced Men in Business BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE O’NEILL, NEB* FRED C. GATZ 1f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. HOTEL ---]h VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. w h Of 0 z •p 0 0) Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS. C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOINO BAST. Passenger cast, - ; 9:3S A. m. Freight east, - - • 10:45 a. m. going WEST* Freight west, • . 1:45 p. u Passenger west, • 5:15 p.m Freight, - - - C :44 p.m. The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any information call on Wa J. DOBBS, Act*. O'NEILL, NEB. A SALOON *' Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Xlways be Had —iLE-GLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. juqpR’s, .ADAMANTINE/ •i£r?rt'is Pricelc88 and its proper preserva 8 a *?Htter for the most earnest consiu eratlou or ever person of ordinary common sense. Item ember that a louse decentered one centimeter (the one hundredth part of Pro,duc©s as many prism dioptres as It possesses lenticular dioptres of refraction. "°.u ;J^ear P°orly made spectacles when you ones at t he same price Auaor s Adamantine lenses are ground from tnecloraest crystal obtainable, building up the nerve power, easy and rendering natural the accomodation, they are without doubt best adapted for optical purposes and are recommended by all the most eminent of the medical fraternity, including DR. BRAINYEA, ex-goveuor of Zacatecas, Mex.; DR. MARIN. ex-govenor of Ajuas Oalientes; EDWARD JENNINGS, M. D., vioe-pres Medical Ass. of Canada. -FOH SALE BY—* DB. P. 0. CORRIGAN, Druggist, O’NEILL, NEB. THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL ~ I Has recently been remodeled and every r furnished with a new suit of furniture, one of the most complete and camM. in the northwest. A good sample nection. First door west of Neil Bren > hardware store. NO. 3424. First National Bai Paid-up capital, $5o,ooo O’Ne Surplus, $2o,oooo Uebn Authorized capital, $loo,ooo THAD J. BERMINGHAM, PrJ J. P. MANN, Vice-pres. i ED F. GALLAGHER, Cashier. FRED H. SWINGLEY, Asst.cI Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Fn, Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Inters Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: MOSE CAMPBELL T. F. BIRMINGHAM J.p.l ED F. GALLAGHER THAD J. BIRMINGHAM! G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL,v| JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE ■ BAI OB’ O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collecti DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES HARDWARI I carry the largest stock of Hardware, Tinware, Copper and Graniteware In north Nebraska and make a specialty of Eli Barbed Wire. In Implements I carry the T T QTp 1 Famous John Deere Plows, Jj£)l O 1 Cultivators, Flying Dutchman AND Sulky Plows, XT^TI T ( Peru City Cultivators. T J |l1 Call and see me. I can save you money. NEIL BRENNAN, O'HJ EMIL SNI6GS, PRACTICAL HORSESHOl And general blacksmithing carried on in connection riage work in either iron or wood executed in the mo- ^ style possible. First-class plow and machine W01^.^BC] be relied upon. No new experience used in an) r‘ work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, han^ cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaraU beat the best. o’nkill, nE ‘ f