* iA". ^ y *f'^’_f- •- ^\%7 ‘ ’ *:;A.v Wmwm$m^' . * ,S vfliSf3<:-?5K:;.ii, i’s '■•¥■■' >v ■ :‘;H ■■•;,■'--f jj 1 ■ ■ \ ' . ' -Ifsv' i j;" :r: ,r;yr. bushed BY THE FRONTIER RRINTINQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION, •1.80 PER ANNUM. CLYDE RINO AND 0. H. CRONIN. EDITORS AND MANAQERS. OLUME XIV. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JULY 27, 1893. NUMBER 3. iAL HEWS ITEMIZED jocal News of O’Neill as Caught by the “Kids.” HER INTERESTING NOTES of General Interest Published While Nows Is Still News. it skule mnrms will be In town next lorney Iron, of Butte, was in the Saturday._ 8S Laura Howard, of Page, was in ,jll Wednesday. m Morris was over in Boyd county Irst of the week. j, Donohoe, of the Short Line, was c city yesterday. Ike ltiggs of Iowa, brother of lames H.,isin the city visiting. C. liflzelet went down the road lay, returning Wednesday evening. issMusser, of Atkinson, is in the this week, the guest of Miss Bowen. Dmcr Garretson returned from his to Chicago and other points Tues cvening._ L, Darr left for Lincoln and iha Sunday morning, returning lucsday. ie Hewitt, left last Saturday morn for the woild’s fair city. He will be at about a month. ie city has purchased a tank which lie located in some convenient place used for a watering trough. r. White and wife, of Hot Springs, lives of Sheriff McEvony, are visit iu the city. iss Ona Skirving returned laBt irsilay from Stuart, where she had i visiting with friends for a week. iiss Mae Skirving returned Wednes morning from Stuart where she had n visiting friends for several days. lie ladies of the Degree of Honor I have a picnic in the grove south of F. E. and M. V. depot next Thurs , August 3. ■ P. DeLance arrived in this city u Boone, Iowa, Tuesday evening I will visit his numerous friends here a few days, ■el Armstrong, of Butte, was in the i Saturday, on his way home from aha. He called at headquarters for tw moments’ chat with the kids. Hiss Gertie Forte returned Wednes f morning from Stuart, her former me, where she has been visiting with I friends for the past three weeks. hie band boys’ ball at the rink last ijiay evening was a success from a aal point of view, but not as much of mkacial success as was hoped for. •mve on hand a large stock of shot 18 of the latest improved patera, ich will be sold cheap. Call at once. . Neil Brennan. 1) rs- s. C. Sample and daughter Alice urnccl from their eastern trip Monday *D1"g and went over to Butte Wed S(l»v. They were met here by Mr. mple, of the Jl O’Connell, manager of th ir>n western Catholic Publishing Co., 15 c‘1^ *ast Saturday and Sun i call *1*a °^CQ ac^nowl®*lg»sB a pleas Major Dickson and bride returned evening from the world’s tair. > were met at the depot by the band ,1 8 '8at‘on of citizens and escorted ,be Hotel Evans. 01 the Arm of Knapp ink • H*oux City, visited ovei „'J‘a t.hucity With their traveling I to theTr TC,a Mr' Hchellenger, going tlle Hot Springs in the evening. o!t^nBennett’ a r°rmPt‘ resident ol akotaUnty’ but "ow of Wakefield, was i“ this city Wed 'hii:“ business at the land office, II call ^ be made tk'8 °®ce a pleas fcenL ^'‘“Hette returned Monday i Omaha, where she h :tn fnr „ 7 v‘"*“*a, wnere she h )urse on6 &8t three weeks taking itai lrtreatme“t at St. Joseph’s h ealth ® aff plea8eH to note that 1 much improved. la8t Frid ,e feporu « \ the northwestern coa ■oet Wi;P'ea8anttriP- While aw ' bhore allCa„u°n’ Sam Boh0n a °unty wl', a. old residents of H ’ ' be says, are doing well. >