f l. ; . ' That's what makes trade good at the Chicago Clothing House in spite of the dry weather and dull times, and that is what we mean to do, is to hold the trade we have bnilt np by fair dealing and honest goods, by so doing we mean to reach every body. Yon gain a profit by calling at the Chicago Clothing Honse and investing in a suit of clothes. Onr stock is complete in every respect Prices way down. Every body call on ns before baying yoar goods. We do jast what we say. Chicago Clothing House, >:.(■ 51tf J. E. Smith, Manager. y mm tlfi.00 round trip rate to Chicago via the P. E. and M. V. Ry. Tickets on sale July 34, good to return July 28 or Aug. 4. Tickets on sale July 81, good to return Aug. 4 or 11. Tickets on sale Aug. 7, good to return Aug. 11 or 18. These tickets will not be honored on any other days. W. J. Dobbs, Agent. For Sale. Stock cattle of all ages, in numbers to suit purchasers. Time given on bankable paper. Frank Anderson & Co. - 43-tfO'Neill. Neb. ARE YOU UNEMPLOYEDP Will you work for $j8 per week? Write to me at once. JOSEPH R. . GAY, Prest. C. P. & L. Co., 56 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTOAGR. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgage dated the tilth day of July. WU, and duly Sled In the office of the oouuty olerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the lttli day of July. I MU, and executed by Ptund A Wagent to Adolia Wagers to secure the pay ment of a certain promissory note for the sum of IHBO and upon which there is now due the aum of MSS, default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been Instituted to reooversuid debtor any part thereof. There fore I will sell the property therein desorlbed, Vlx: All of a certain stock of dry goods, grocer ies, hoots, shoes, hats, oaps, glassware, queensware, stoneware, clothing and gents’ furnishing goods and all other goods of every kind and description contained In the build ing occupied by Pfund A Wagers and situated ana located on lot 28, In block S3. In the city of O'Neill, Neb., exoept a lot of gents' furn ishing goods, hate, cape and clothing. _ At public auction in the store-building formerly oooupled by Pfund A Wagers und situated on lot 28, In block 28, In the city of O'Neill, Neb., and In Holt county, on the 11th day of August, line, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said “ftted July IT, IMS. By; 2-4 _ ADELIA WAGERS. By B. R. DIOK8QN, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. ■kue of an order of aale directed to I the clerk of the district court of nty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt oounty, Ne trasku, ou the 12th day of October. 1892, In ntvor of the American Investment Company . Os plaintiff and against Thomas N. J. Hynes. Ann Hynes, Patrick Hughs, llolt County Bank and John Fallon as defendants for the Mm of nine hundred slxty-one dollars and sixty oente and costa taxed at 143.08 and sc orning costa I have levied upon the following premises, taken as the property of said de fendants, to satisfy Mid order of sale, to ,i*>tnurabfer twenty-two (28). In block num ber 9 fteen (U), In theortglnnl town of O'Neill, Nebraska. .And will offer the same for sole to the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 21st day of August. A. D. 18M, at the frontdoor of fheeoart-bouseln O'Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at hour of 11 o'oloek a. m. of ■•Id day, when aud where due attendance wlU be given by the undersigned. .Dated at O'Neill. Neb;, this ITth day of July, UBS. H.C. HcEVONY. «•»Bberlff of said county. > SHERIFF’S SALE. Bv virtue of an ordor of sale directed to me Foa the elerk of the district court of Holt SP«««ty. Nebraska, on n decree obtained be PM« the district court of Holt countv. Ne braska. on the aoth day of September, IMS, In ** fnypr of the American Investment Company fNnunMtaburg. Iowa, as plaintiff and suivi VI me nuiui •(■MeUabimt. Iowa, as Dla.ui.iu u. against John Bales. Caroline Bates, Oeon W. E. Dorsey. Emma Dorsey, bis wife, Ss d< fendsnU for the sum of one hundred Oft two dollars and sixty-eight cents and cos taxed at Rfl.18 and accruing costs I ha. levied upon the eollowlng premises, taken 1 the property of said defendants, to Mtlsl said order of sale, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section twent four (24). township thirty-two (32), rani eleven (11). west of the Oth p. m. In Ho county, Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to tl highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21 day of August, A. Dtf 188B, in front of tl court-house in O'Neill, Neb., that being tl building wherein the last term of dlatrl court was held, at the hour of II o'clock am day when and where due atteddan will be given by the undersigned. ■_ Doted at O'Neill, Neb., this ITth day July, A. D„ 1810. n, C. McRVONY » Sheriff of said county REDEMPTION NOTICE. ToMmumO'DODnell,C. A. Tonoray. Joseph Ostettner, Nebraska Mor*-* Ostettner, Nebraska Mortgage and Invest ment Company, B F Uarto/H. N. McKee. Helena Fisher. Ellen Thorsen, Mary A. ■ucu luurevu. nary a. Milter, John L. Ulgbter. Mrs. F. fe. Banning Delbert M. Benner, D. M. Crouse and Show niter Mortgage Company. Ton and eaoh of you are hereby notified that on the Uth day of November, 1881, one T. A. Thompson bought at public tax sale at tMoBee of the oounty treasurer at O'Neill In the county of Uolt. and state of Nebraska, the following described real estate, namely: The northeast quarter of section twelve, township thirty-one. range sixteen west In Bolt county. Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes for the year 1880. and taxed In the name of John L. Klghter. and the south half or the southwest quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter of section two, town ship thirty-one, range nine, west In Holt county, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes of the year 18S0. and taxed In the name of Delbert M. Benner and the southwest quarter Of the north west quarter and the north half Of the southwest quarter and the northwest Suarter of the southeast quarter of section tree, township twenty-seven, range ten, west. In Holt county, Nebraska, for the de linquent taxes of the year 1880 and taxed In the name of Manus O' Donnell, and the north half of the northwest quarter and the south west querter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section six, township thirty-two, range fourteen west In Holt county, Ne braska. for the delinquent taxes of the year MM and taxed In the name of Joseph Ostett ner, and the southeast quarter of southwest quarter and the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-two, range fourteen, west in Holt oounty Nebras ka, for the delinquent taxes of the year 1880, and taxed In the name of B. F. Barto. You are hereby further notified that the time of redemption of said real estate from said sales will expire on the 12th day of November, 1888, and that the tax sale certi ficates Issued to said T. A. Thompson by said county treasurer have been by tne said T. A. Thom peon,for a valuable consideration, sold, am£gned sod delivered to the undersigned that the undersigned is now the legal SoMMKKCIi _2JU IAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. SHERIFF'S SALR. By virtue of an order of salt* directed to me from the clerk of 'the district ootirt of llolt ooutity. Nebraska. on a decree obtained be fore the district court of llolt county, Ne braska. on the 2d day of March. lidtl. In favor of! James N. Brown us plaint Iff and against John ltace et ul. as defend ants, for the sum of Bve hundred thirty-one dollars and seventy-one cents and costs tax-d at RB.es and accruing costs 1 have levied upon the following premises, taken as the properly of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wll: Southeast ouarter of section eight (SI. town ship twenty-live iS5>. rungo ten (10), west of the fitli p. m. In Holt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for snle to the highest bidder for cuali, lu hand, on the 21st day of August. A. 1).. IMtl. In front of the court-house In O'Neill, Net)., that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held,at the hourof 11 o’clock A.M.of said day when and where due attendance will be given by Dated at tl'N July. A. D.. lftfi 2-S will be given by the undersigned. sNt HUB liHII tiuy l II. C. McKYONY, Sheriff of said county. HHSHIFT'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from tlie clerk of the district; court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county. Ne braska. on the lutli day of June, Ism, in favor of Richard F. line kino ns plaintiff and against Iryin R. Gaudlncvr. ('buries A. Renton, May Benton. Harvey M. Smith, Lutherlu Methodist church of Holt county, Nebraska, Mrs. Harvey M. Smith, Walter A. Wood Mowing and neaping Ma chine Company as defendants for the sum of seven hundred thirty-seven dollars and costs taxed at (30.98 and accruing costs I have levlod upon tho following premises, taken as t ho property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: Northwest quarter of section twenty-live (2ft). township twenty-six I'M), north of range twelve (121, west of the 6th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska. And will otfer the same for sale to the h Igliest bidder for cash. In band, on the 21st day of August. A. 1).. 1693, in front of the court-house In O'Neill, that being the build ing wherein the last term of district court | was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M, of said | day when and where due attendance will bo given by the undersigned. Dated ut O’Neill, Neb., this 17th day of July, A. D., 1803. H. C McEVONY, 2-8 Sheriff of said county. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of an order of sale direoted to mo from the dark of the district court of Holtoounty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, ou the 10th day of June, ism, in favor of C B. White, executor of the estate of Charlotte F. White, deceased, us plaintiff and against Maria A. Meals. Georgo W, Meals, Gilbert M. Cleveland, Jessie F. Cleveland, George Graves, State Bunk of O'Neill, Neb., a corporation, nud H. A. Berry as defend ants for the sura of seven hundred seveuty nlne dollars and costs taxed at 116.06 and ac cruing costs I have levied upon the follow ing premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: Lot nluetoen (10)'and the south half of lot eighteen (18). In block thirty-seven (37) In Riggs' addition to the city of O'Neill. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 2lst day of August, A. D„ 1893, In front of the court-houso in O'Neill, that being the build ing wherein the last term of district court was held, ut the hour of 11 o’clock A. m. of •aid day. when and whero due uttendunce will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, Neb., tills 17th day of July, A. D„ 18m. H. C. McEVONY, 2-fi Sheriff of said county. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To John P. Baker, J. F. Kimball, Geo. H. Champ, and to whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of November, 1691, John McHugii pur chased at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes for the year 1890, the land described below, situated in Holt county, Nebraska, vis" The north half of the north half of section four, township twenty-five, range eleven, taxed In name of John P. Buker. The tax sale certificates received on said sale have been sold and assigned to the un. derslgncd who Is the present owner and holder thereof, and the time of redemption from said sale will expire on the 7th day of November, 18m. 2-3 A. McCANDLKBs. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Eber Leek, G. W. Albee. Ford A Keith. Edmund Lynn, K. Shellhouse, Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.. E. L. Galey, Mattie Ellis, Eunice Park, II. I. Guy, E. A. Huotluton, W. I. Dexter, Nebraska Mortgage & Iuvest ment Co., J. H Bellows, Nebraska Loan & Trust Co.. Marla Giffen, Jas. Sears, J. H. Bellows, Nebraska Loan & Trust Co.. 8, E. Meiiviu, trustee, Nancy G. Hart, H. Hazard Gage, Nebraska Loan & Trust Co., B. D. _ ** A rUBL V^W., 1). 1. Sherwood. Mary T. Post, Nebraska Loan ( o., Ida Olmstead, Nebraska Loan I Trust Co., iua uunneau, neorasica Goan 1 Trust Co., A. Alworth.T. J. Jouas.Ana Joust 8. J. Bartley and to whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 12tl day of November. 1091. Wales A Cooper pur chased at public tax sale for the dellnquen taxes for the year 1800 the land described be low, situated In Holt county, Nebraska, viz The southeastquarter of section twenty-oni township twenty-nine, range fourteen, taxed In name of Eber Leek; and The northeast quarter of section thirty township twenty-nlue, range fourteen. taxe< in name of O. W. Albee; and The northwest-quarter of section thirty three, township twenty-nine, range fourteen taxed in name of Edmund Gynn; and * ”*,e. northeast quarter of section four township thirty, range fourteen, taxed ir name of R. Shellhouse; and The northwest quarter of section eight xwnuliln tlitsln ___ s_a_ . . f* . township'thirty,' range fourteen,”uLxedfM name of E. L. Galey; -—•* ; and The east half of the southwest quarter - Motion thirteen, township thirty, rani fourteen, taxed in name of H. 1. Gay; a»d The northwest quarter of section twent nine, township thirty, range fourteen, tax in namo of W. I. Dexter; and The northwest quarter of section twent Mven, township thirty-one, range fourtee taxed in name of J. H. Bellows; and The northwest quarter of section thirt township thirty-one range fourteen, taxed name of Jus, Sears: and Tho sonthwest quarter of section thtrti four, township thirty-one. range fourtut taxed in name of Nancy G. Hart; and Ime northeast quarter of section one. tow ship thirty, range fifteen, taxed In name B. D. Sherwood; and The northeast quarter of section fourtee township th'rty, range fifteen, taxed In nai of Ida Olmstead; ana The southwest quarter of seotlon twent seven, township thirty, range fifteen, tax in name of A. Alworth; and Tlie southwest quarter of seotlon thir* four, township thirty, range fifteen, tax in name ot T. J. Jonas. The time of redemption from each of sn tax sales will expire on the 12th day of I vember, 1803. s-3 WALES A OOOPEli TUB FRONTIER FOR JOB WORK SHERIFF'S SALE. Iby virtue of an order of sale directed to mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne hMalru <1.., A.... U.. .. iu i. » .... uiBMitnuurv ui nun euuniy ._ braska, on the 6th day of May* l«e Plioenlx Insurance Company of Hart ford. Conn.. »« plaintiff and against Moses J. Bailey and Mrs. Moses J. Bailey, his wife, Edwin Barnum and Mrs. Edwin Barnum, his wife. New England Mortgage and Investmest Company and Carrie E. Jennings as defend ants for the sum of nine hundred ninety nine dollars and costs taxed at »38.8a and accruing costs I have levied upon the fol 1*. Premises taken as the property of sold defendants to satisfy said order of sale. The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one (31) the west half of the southwest quarter and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter of section number thirty (30) all in township “timber thirty-one (31) north of range number fifteen (13) west of the fith p. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, .And will offer the same for sale to the blghespbtdder for cash. In hand, on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1MB, In front of the court house in O'Neill that being the build ing wherein tlie Inst term of district court was held at the hour of 9 o’clock A. M. of said day when and where due attendance wiU be given by the undersigned. o^atO'Neil*. Nebraska, this 15th day *-» H. O. McEVONT. Sheriff of said County NOTICE OF HALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of chattel mortgage dated the 13th day of July, lHttl. and duly tiled in the office of the county clerk of Holt county. Nebraska, on the 14th day of July, 1893, and executed by Pfund A Wagers to Mrs. L. 1’fund to secure the pay* incut of a certain promissory note for the sum of $735 and upon which there Is now due the sum of FHW, default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been Jiisti t uteri to recover said debt or any part there of. Therefore I will sell the property there in described, viz: All of a certain stock of dry goods, grocer ies, boots, shoes, hats, caps.glassware.queeus ware, stoneware, clothing and gents’ furnish ing goods, and all other goods of every kind | or description contained in the building oc ! cupled by I’fund A Wagers and situated on lot 28, in block 22, in the city of O’Neill. Neb., except a lot of gents’ furnishing good, hats and caps and clothing. At public auction in the store-building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated on lot 28. in block 22. in the city of O’Nelli. Neb., and in Holt county, on the 11th day of August, JNXJ, at 1 o’clock p. m. of said day. Duted July 17,1893. 2-4 By K. R. DICKSON, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE ' L'NDEK CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby given tlint by virtue of cluittel mortgage dated on the 13th day of July, 1893, and duly died In the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 14th day of July, 18UU, and executed bv I’fund & Wagers to R. K. Dickson, to secure the payment of a certain promissory not* for the sum of $717.50 and upon which there Is now due the sum of $779. default having been made In the paymeut of said sum, ana no suit or other proceeding at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. Therefore I will sell the prop erty therein described, viz: All dry goods contained and situated In the store-bulldlng occupied by I’fund & Wagers situated on lot 28. In block 22, in the city of O'Neill, Neb.; also all store furniture of every kind and description contained In said building, consisting of show-cases, scules, cash-drawor, desk, safe, settee, cheese safe, coffee mill, cheese knife and all cutlery con tained In said building. At public auctlfin In the store-building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated on lot 28, in block 22, in the city of O Neill, Neb., and In Holt county, on the 11th day of August, 1890, at 1 o’clock P. m. of said day. Dated July 17.18911. 2-4 R. R. DICKSON, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF PALE UNDER CHATTEL „ MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgages dated on the 13th and 14th days of July. 1893, and duly Hied In the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 14th day of July. 1893, and executed by Pfund & Wagers to II. A. Jandt to secure the payment of certain promissory notes for the sum of $365 and upon which there is due the sum of $306. default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law haring been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, I will sell the property therein described, viz: Ail ofa certain stock of notions situated and located In the building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers In the city of O'Neill, Neb., and located and situated on lot 28, block 22, in said city; also all of a certain stock of goods in said building consisting of dry goods, groceries, boots ana shoes, hats and caps; also all store furniture except a cer tain lot of gents’ furnishing goods, hats and caps and clothing situated therein. At public auction In the store-bulldlng formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated on lot 28. in block 22, in the city of O’Neill, Neb., und in Holt county, on the 11th day of August, 1893. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated July 17,1893. 2-4 By R. R. DICKSON, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE, ■Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgage dated the 13th day of July, 1893, and duly filed in the office of tne couuty clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 14tli day of July, 1808, and executed by Pfund * Wagers to Ayers, Weatherwax & Reed Co. to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of $375 and upon which there Is now due the sum of $.170, default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding, at law having been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. Therefore we will sell the property therein described, viz: All the boots and shoes and rubber goods being and containing in the building oc cupied by Pfund A Wagers and located on lot 28. block 22, in the city of O’Neill. Nob., also all carpets, gloves and mittens in said store. At public auction in the store-building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situuted on lot 28. in blook 22. in the city of O Nelli, Neb., and In Holt county, on the 11th day of August. 1803, at 1 o’clock p. M. of said day. Dated July 17,1893. AYERS, WEATHERWAX & REED CO. By R, R. DICKSON, Attorney. 2-4 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgage dated on the 13th day of July, 1893, and duly Died In the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on tho 14th day of July, 1KM, and executed by Pfund & Wagers to the Des Moines Shoe Manufacturing Co. to secure tho payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of $350 and upon which there is now due the sum of $351, default having been made in the pay ment of said sum, and no suit or other pro ceeding at law having been instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof. There fore we will sell the property therein described, viz: All boots and shoes being and contained in the building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers in the city of O’Neill, Neb., located on lot 28, block 22. In said city. »«'»>**» At public auction In Btlie store-bulldlng formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated on lot 28. in block 22. In the city of O’Neill, Neb., and In Holt county, on the 11th day of August, 1893, at 1 o’clock p. m. of said day. Dated July 17,1893. 2-4 „ „ „ Tux Des Moines Shoe Mro. Co. By R. R. Dickson, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MOKTGAUE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgage dated on the 13th day of July, 1893, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 14th day of July, 1M93, and executed by Pfund & Wagers to Tolerton & Stetson Co. to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of *090, and upon which there is now due the sum of *992. defnult hav ing been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law hav ing been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. Therefore we will sell the property therein described, viz: All the groceries contained in the building occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated in block 2*. lot 28, in the city of O'Neill, Neb, Said groceries including tea, sugar, coffee, tobocco, can and dry fruits and all other groceries contalued in said building, also all salt. At public anotion in the store-building formerly occupied by Pfund & Wagers and situated on lot 28 in block 22, In the city of O'Neill, Neb., and Holt countv. on the 11th day of August, 1893, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated July 17.1893. jpa TOLERTON A STETSON OO. l*y R. R, DICK80N, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALK UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of chattel mortgages dated on the 13th and 15th days of July, IMIS, and duly filed in tlio office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebras ka. on the 14th and 15th days of July lgtw, and executed by Pfund & Wagers to M. B. Smith & Co., to secure the payment of cer tain promissory notes for the sum of *857 and upon which there is now due the sum of *858 default having been made in the payment of said sums and no suit or other proceedings at law havlug been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. Therefore we will sell the property therclu described, viz: All the gents' furnishing goods, clothing hats and caps, situated and located in the store-building formerly occupied by Pfund A Wagers, and located on lot 2s, in block 22 in the cltv of O'Neill, Neb. At public auction In the store-building formerly occupied ov Pfund A Wagers, and situated on lot 2S. in block 22, in the city of ''Neill. Neb., and in Holt county, on the 11th day of August, 1803, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated July 17,1893. 2-1 By B. B. DICKSON, Attorney?1™ * C°’ 15W8 notice to redeem. To the present owner, occupant and person In whose name the land herein after de scribed was assessed Ir. the year 1890: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 10th day of November, A. D., 1891, the following described land, to-wit: The N\Vl4 of SEU, section No. 18, township No. 31, range No. 12, west 6th p. m.. Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, taxed in the year 1890 In the name of Wilcox and Flannigan, was duly sold by the treasurer of Holt county, state of Nebraska, in the manner provided by law, tor the delinquent taxes levied there on in the year A. D., 1890, and the same wa9 thou purchased by Alexander Stone for said taxes and that the certificate of sale issued by the county treasurer, has been by said purchaser assigned to the Security Invest ment Co., the undersigned, and that the time of redemption of said land from said tax sale will expire on the lOt-li day of November, A. D.. 1893, and a deed for said land w ill be issued to the Security Investment Co., the udersigned, by the treasurer of said county, unless sooner redeemed. Security Investment Co. By C. H. Moore, Treasurer. 52-3 NOTICE. . The State of Nebraska, Holt County, ss. In Countv Court: Notice Is hereby Riven that, petition having been filed in the county court of Holt couty. Nebraska, for the ap pointment of an administrator of the estate of Henry H. McEvony, deceased, late of said county. The same Is set for hearing at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, the 22d day of July. 1800, at the office of the county judge, in O’Neill, In said county, at which time and place all persons interested In said estate may appear and be heard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and official seal this 27th day of June. 1800. WM. 1IOWEN, County Judge. Filed the 27th day of June, 1893. II. M. Uttley, Attorney. Wm. Bowen, [seal] 61-4 County Judge NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Jehu J. Young, Adeline Young, Edward E. Sanders and Kate Sunders, non-resident de fendants. notice Is hereby given that on the 7th day of July, 1893, the United States Bank, of Hartford, Conn., the plaintiff In this action, filed his petition in the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Neb., the object and praver of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Jehu J, Young and Adallne Young upon the southeast quarter section 27 township 27 range 13 west 6th P. M., In Holt county. Neb., which mortgage was executed and delivered to the Iowa Mortgage Co. and filed for record on the 18th day of December, 1886, and re corded in book 21 of mortgages, at page 297, that there Is now due upon said mortgage the sum of 8791.90. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August, 1893, or the same will be taken us true and judgment entered accordingly. 1-4 11, M. UTTLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Augusta Hoffman, widow of Paul Hoffman deceased, Rebekah Messer, Josephus Messer, Lyler Hoffman, Thomas J. Hoffman, Louisa Hoffman, Paul Hoffman, Mary Ann Hoffman, Alice Hoffman, Rachel Norton, John Norton, Simeon Fitch, Thomas Dunne, Mary Dunne, and the unknown heirs of Margret Fitch, deceased, and Martha Buffington, non-resi dent defendants, notice Is hereby given, that on the 7th day of July. 1893, The Iowa Mort gage Co., plaintiff In this action, filed his petition In the office of the clerk of the dis trict court of Holt county, Neb., the object and prayer of which is to foreclose two cer tain mortgages executed by Thomas Dunue and Mary Dunne upon the southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 6 and the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter seotlon seven township 27 range 11 west 8 P. M. In Holt county. Neb., which mortgages was executed and delivered to plaintiff and filed for record on the 22d diiy of April and the 27th day of May. 1887, and recorded in books 25 and 27 of mortgages ut pages 59 and 517, that there is now due upon said mortgages the sum of '$1177.26. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August,1893. or the same will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. H. M. UTTLEY, 1-4. Attorney for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTR.CT COURT OP HOLT COUNTY, NEB. Mary L. Burl, plaintiff, vs John Rollman et al, defendants. NOTICE. To John Rollman, Josephine Rollman, Josepha Rollman, —- Rollman, husband of Joseplia Rollman, James A. Gallagher and Mrs. James A. Gallagher, non-resident de fendants. You will take notice that on the Uth dav of July, 1893, the above named plain tiff filed a petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, and each of them, the object and prayer being to foreclose a cer tain mortgage or trust deed executed by the defendants, John Rollman and wife, Jose phine Rollman, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for tlie American Investment Co., upon the fol lowing described real estate situated in Holt county, to-wit: Lot 4, and the SES4 NWJ4 and the E'/j SWJ4 of section 19, township 25, rauge 12, which was given to secure the pay ment of a certain note or bond for the sum of $575, dated June 17, 1887, and due five years after date with Interest at 7 rer cent, payable annually, that said note and mortgage was duly sold and assigned to the plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof and that there la now due the plaintiff on said note and mort gage. and for taxes paid, the sum of $1U48.92, tor which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August, 1893. Dated July 11.1893. 1-4 R. It. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S HALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county. Ne braska, on the 6tli day of February. 1898, in favor of Robert 3. Somers as plaintiff and against Edward S. Kelley, James C. Taylor, Olive D. Kelley, George IV. E. Dorsey and Check H. Toncray as defendants for the sum of fifteen hundred forty-three dollars and tiftv-seven cents and costs taxed at $37.78 and accruing costs I have levied upon the follow ing premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The southeast quarter of seotlon three (3), in township twenty-eight. (28), range thirteen (13). and the east half of the northeast quart er and the northeast quarterof the southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22). and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three (23). all in township twenty-eight (28) and rauge thirteen (13) west of the 6th p. m. in Holt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on tlio Uth day of August, A. D., 1893, In front of the court-house in O’Neill, that being tho build ing wherein the lost term of district court was held, at tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, this 12th day of July, A. D., 1893. 1-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP HOLT „ COUNTY. NEUKASKA. Orange Noiuorial Hospital of the county and state of New York, plaintiff, vs. Henry Hokes et al defendants. _ „ Notice, To I N. Baker and Mrs. I. N. Baker the Security Company of Sioux City. Iowa, for merly called and named the Natloual Secur ity Company of Sioux City, Iowa, non-resi uent defendants, will take notice that on the Und day of December, 1892, the above uamed petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants and the following other parties made defendants in said action to wit. lieurv Hokes, the object and prayer being to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant llenry Hokes to J. H. Keith as trustee for the benefit of George Ash and duly asslgued to the plaintiffs upon the fol lowing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: ^outh half of the southwest quarter of section eighteen and north half of iforthwest quarter of section nineteen all in township thirty range ten west eth p. si., to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated February 1, 1x87. for the sum of $700.00 due and payable on Febru ary 1,1892. That there is now due upon said note uud mortgage by reason of the defend ants failure to pay the same when due the sum of $l,l.i0.G0 lor which sum with interest this date plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants lie required to pay the *ame .together with the sum of $38.00 taxes paid by plaintiff to protect its security, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the ainount found due. You are required to answer said petition OItw k?f,ore day of August, 1803. Dated June 28,1803. *1-4 R. R. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Jesse C, H. Estes, Jennettle V. Estes, his wife. Emma L. Hill and 0, 8. Hill, herhu" !\li"^ef.enda?t?>w111 tnke ““tlce that on the doth day of June. 1893. Fredrick J. Bur nett, plaintiff herein, (lied his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, aitainst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendents, Jesse C. H. Estes and Jennettle V. Estes, his wife, to American Loan and Trust Company unon the southwestquarter of section twenty-nine, township thirty-one, runite sixteen west in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated January 26,1886 forthe sum of 81.000 and interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and 10 per cent, after matur ity; that there is now due plaintiff upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 8250 and interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from Decem ber 1. 1802, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due hint thereon. You are required to answer said petition onor before Monday, the 14th day of August, Dated July 5,1808. 524a FREDRICK J. BUHNETT, Plaintiff. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDEN8. Charles E. Loncy, Annie Loney, John B. Clark. Henry Brown, widower, Joseph 8. Damron, the estute of John It. Clark, de ceased, Mrs. John R. Clark, administrator, non-resident defendants, notice is hereby &VSP> *hat on the ’*th d,iy of February, 1893, Nellie S. Brown, the plaintiff In this action. Hied her petition In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to fore close a certain mortgage executed by Charles r., Honey nnd Annie Honey upon the NW54 of NW!t Sec. 3 and NE>4 ofNE>4 of Sec. 4, township 26, and the east H 8EH Sec. 30, township 27, north range 13 west 6th p. m„ in Holt county, Nebraska, which mortgage was executed and delivered to the Guaranty In vestment Co. and filed for record on the 10th day of September. 1888, and recorded in book 41 of mortgages at page 234: that there is now due upon said mortgage the sum of *535. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of August, 1893, or the same will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. H. M. UTTLEY, 52-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Alberti. Smith, Ida L. Smith, Check H. Toncray, Emma R. Toncray, Joseph 8. Faw cett and Mary Fawcett his wife, defendants, will take notice that on tho 30th day of June, 1893, Yule University, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants the ob ject and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Albert I. Smith and Ida L. Smith to C. H. Toncray upon the southeast quarter of sec tion seven, township twenty-eight, range twelve, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promissory note dated November 23,1887, for the sum of *900 and interest at the rate of 754 per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due u pon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of *1200 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from January 30.1892, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of August, 1893. Dated June 30. 1893. 53-4A Yai.e University, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF NEBRASKA IN AND TOR HOLT COUNTY. The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs Abraham Metcalf and wife Martha Metcalf, Hay W. McClure, Patrick Haggerty and Charles H. Gardiner, co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of McClure, Hagerty & Gardiner, M, L. Clarke (iirst name unknown to plaintiff) and wife, Dora A. Clarke, defendants: Abraham Metcalf and wife Martha Metcalf. M. L. Clarke (first name unknown to plaint iff) and wife Dora A. Clarke, will take notice that on the 30 day of June. 189;), the Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against all of the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by the defendant Abraham Metqalf and wife Martha Metcalf to the plaintiff, upon the northeast quarter (54) of section No. twenty-eight (28), township No. thirty one (31), north of range No. nine (9), west of the sixth principal meridian, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note dated July 25,1887, for the sum of nine liun d-ed (900) dollars, and due and payable July 25,1892; that there is now duo upon said note and mortgage the sum of one thousand and twenty-eight and forty five one hundredths (1028.45) dollars, with interest thereon at ten (10) per cent, from the first day of July, 1893, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may he sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of August, 1893. Fidelity Loan and Trust Co., Pltff. By S. E. Hostetter, Its Attorney. S3-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Nellie R. Pearl and Charles C. Pearl, im pleaded with Frank Pacha, et al, defendants, will take notice that on the SOth day of June, 1893. Frederick J. Burnette, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, Mie object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by' de lendants Frank Pacha and Jozl Pacha to American Loan and Trust company, upon the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine township twenty-nine range fifttgm, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of a promissoiy note dated January 39, 1888, for the sum of *550 and Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per anuum, payable semi-annually, and ten per cent, after matu rity; that there is now due upon said uoto and mortgage, according to the terms thereof the sum of *300 and interest at the rate of teD per cent, per annum from January 1,1803, and plHlntlff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amouut due thereon. You are required to answer said petition, on or before Monday the 14th day of August,1893. Dated June 30,1803. FREDERICK J. BURNETT, Plaintiff, 52-iA , LEGAL NOTICE. .lames M, Parkins, Laura M. Parkins liis wife, George W. E. Dorsey, Emma E. Dorsey his wife. George West and Mary West his wife, J. S. Laurance and L. T. Hurd, doing business as Lawrence & Burd, defendants, will take notice that on the 30th day of June, 1893, James II. Clark, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendant's, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by de fendants, Janies M. Parkins and Laura M Parkins, to plaintiff upon the southeast quarter of section six, township twenty eight, range twelve, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a prom issorV note dated August 10.1880, for the sum of $700 and interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due udou said note and mortgage, according to the terms thereof, the sum of $900 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from September 1,1891, and plain tiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said potltlon on cmbefore Monday, the 14th day of August, Dated June 30,1803. o2-4a JAMES H. CLARK, Plaintiff. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To the present owner, occupant, and per son in whose name the land hereinafter de scribed was assessed in the year 1890. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1891, the following described land, towit: The NE ! H of SEV4 of section No. 18, township Mo. 31, range No. 12. west 0 P. M., Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, taxed In the year 1890 In the name of Wilcox & Plannigan, was dulv sold by the treasurer of Holt county, state o'f Ncbruska. in the manner provided by law for the delinquent taxes levied thereon in the year A. D„ 1890, and the same was then pur chased by Alexander Stone for said tuxes, and that the certificate of sale issued by the county treasurer has been by said purchaser assigned to Security investment company, the undersigned, and that tHe time lor re demption of said laud from said tax sale will expire on the 10th day of November, A. D., 1893, and a deed for said laud will be issued to Security Investment Co., the undersigned, by the treasurer of said county, unless soon er redeemed. O SECURITY INVE8TNENT CO„ l 52-3 By C. B. MOOKE, Treasurer. Katie O’Neill vrf •tv* Plalnti** Andrew Gallagh^1’ ft?®1' tJjL ?/ M|chael Uagerty, John r Vr;- deceiift partners In bustnoj'^alfcrtt state of Nebraska* sitil'lr WbS partners In bustnoo l'a®Mty «L state of Nebraska ^isS^Mhea! Pany, a copartn«~s^ berllnl! JHiS tf"'7 of jfiSSSff satisfy said order ufsaien?11?*wl The northeast uuariifIf#10 wtt= CiO) township tSrtJr ?ifectloat a esit °'V‘,e ««> P M. [n Honr“"8e And will offer th« »UM "i-si, or tne bth p. m. In Bni* ge And will offer the silt Wait est bidder for cashtah aSSlle te tuly. A, D. 1H93 |„ , , -dor for cash In hsnrtsale *• hour^„“SH‘P^ JuUno!emr'Nem'Neb^,,ui WATInffTAWn In the district court wlth^ '* county of Holt, and state nfV?1 Henrietta Dorr Nebi^ M ra. 0..rtU nLV-R!a!?tJff! 's. CurtSl Mrs. Curtis BrSVTnTndVeBS!"1 Company, defendants, t“eB“1l« Curtla Drown, Mrs. " Curtis Ballou " fondants, will takeZlcl' the? herein filed herpS5tto?fiRAj thesai1 dXStnSXSSSS which petition are ta fo S"" SSSSt? Sx|c»by*>* oeSta fcnidHHS8Ba?loraSda&P^ to this plaintiff, upon the followinJiu real estate lying and situated in tS? of Holt and state of Nebraska, A northwest quarter of section eijkJf township tweuty-seven iS I? ten (W_) west of the sixthpriUcSf n one ccr to secure the paymentoCe Is^ry note, dated June 5.1888,-Sr1 first day of June, 1893. for the™, hundreef dollars. That there kS said note and mortgage the m wh?J?n0d tw°nty-ono aud no lOOdod whloh sum, with Interest at the rsta HPP pant nan _ iuieresi. at the rite er cent per annum from th* 'ecember, 1890, the plaintiff asks to,, mat. the oata defendants be require! that the said ucoiiuauw oe required the same, or that said prentasbe satisfy the amount bo found due You are required to answer said m or before the 7th day of August,i£ Dated June 27,1893. 51-4_HENRIETTA DOER, PI By B. B. Dickson and Slonecker VI Switzer, attorneys for plaintiff. IN THE DISTBICT COURT Of I _ , COUNTY NEBRASKA, Catherine O Herron, plaintiff, « L M. Sullivan, Abbie Sullivan, Andres, ler and - Miller, his wile, »h«r name is unknown, defendants. Notice to Non-resident Defendiw Andrew J. .Miller and-Miller, to whose first name Is unknown to the dil will take notice that on th6 ffltli dav el, 1893. the plaintiff herein,CatherineOH filed her petition in the district courtd county, state of Nebraska againsttbei dants above named, the object and pni which are to foreclose a certain mortn ecuted by the defendants, Michael 3 van and Abhie Sullivan to the Shot Mortgage Company, and by thcSboi Mortgago Company assigned to ph upon the following described real lying and situated in the county of Uok state of Nebraska, to-wlt: The south of the northwest quarter and the north of the southwest quarter of section tbn In township twontv-nine (29) north of eleven (11) west of the (ith principal n» to secure the payment of a certain \ sory note, dated July 2,1888, for the i eigfrr hundred dollars, and due and pq In fire years from the date thereol; there Is now due upon said note and gage the sum of eight hundred twenty and no ISO dollars, with Interest then the rate of ten per cent per annum Ires first day of January, Is®, and for the l« sum of $19.01. on account of the payn» taxes, with interest thereon at the raw per cent per annum from the 13th April. 1893, and the plaintiff prays decree that the said defendants may quired to pay the same, or that said pn may bo sold to satisfy the amountfoni You are required to answer saidinetlto or before the 7th day of August, 18®, Dated June 27,1893. _ 51-4 CATHERINE O'HERHON, PM By B. B. Dickson and Slonecker Ulna Switzer, her attorneys. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS, George W. Graham. Darsey Mi'Dai annie M. McDanntals and ' ergln east, non-resident defendants. »o rreby given, that on the 27thi day of) 93, Rochester Loan and Baura laintiff in this action, filed its petit ic office of the clerk of the district * olt county, Nebraska, the oiyn rayerof whicli are to forecloses ortgago executed by George "-"i nglo upon the north !4, southeast orth Vi southwest H, section 10. tow* inge 9 west (ith p. m. In Holt coup raska. which mortgage was esecuw slivered to plaintiff and filed to w le 10th day of June, 1890, *nd reco jok 53 of mortgages at page now due upon said iu°rtSa”® 1.50. You are required to -in**" rtitlon on or before the ith day » 03, or the same will hs taken as idgment entered accordingly. 51-4 H. M. UTTLEY, Attorney"^ NOTICE. , ances A. Berner, de(e“£a"L„ti|| ce that J. L. Moore, trustee, P his petition in the district ity, Nebraska,against said det ^ ct and prayer of wWabi are to irtgage dated tlie lhth day' ■ die sum of 3000 and Interest t on the SWRi of the NWh »»““J, ■e SWH of section 7, In towmsh P inge 11 west of the Mh P of the SEJ4, section U in tow« mge 12, west of the t6,^nPakotaM« 'ranees A. Berner to the a corporation, anu are required to answer ^ . h^nn th« Cth dav Of Augass ltd are required to ansvv. - before the 7th day of Au0usl ;d June 24,1893. Moons-9*! D. Thobnton, J-1>- Moons- ^ His Attorney. J NOTICE TO NON-B*SIDp^ Hulet E. Ingersoll, " « ipn-rosldent defendants, n j„iy Slven. that on the 6th day ‘ ^ g lenry Farman, tbo plaiutiff “ be C,B llled Ills petition in theefficeot ^ the district court of HeitJJSS'htoW* th© district court or i.icii {stow** the object and prayer of wn 11 b„ jjul a certain mortgage ewcuteu q, Ingersoll, single, upon the “ t„.entT-> section thirty-two, township iilv section thirty-two, “'f.u^unty- 5 Tange thirteen west in Holt execllied ka. which mortgage '* aI1j delivered to C. H- ist*. ■‘f noiivereu w» ., * * ■ -riimie Is'' record on the SOth day of Jn^' corded in book 40 ofnior'f’* that there is now due upon sal sum of *1,002.70. ...iswer said You are required to answe u t, g or before thoUtb day of ^ anll judp »n or ueiuru uiu a-**-** ™ mie the same will be taken as tru entered accordingly. ^ jj UTW 52_l Attorney NOTICE TO NON-KESli*^, w* a_/lore ana K*»lt noiiun * .. tc Edward E. Sanders, and ha defend [anies L. .lolly, mm-”',8’ on tin'5’^ lotiee is hereby gi ven, that o lal»t, inly, 1H»1. George I. Jeaeti; X * ^/l^TinSShtapeti^rt'Sffe ,he clerk of the district epur^ ()f lie clerk of the disuu ^ urayiT _ Nebraska, the object an J^gges ^ o foreclose two certain worn, , iy James L. Jolly, « #5*. uarter section twenty n wonty-seven. range thiit ^* ounty, Nebraska, wh Ui wor* uted and delivered to ‘ xW»* :ut©d and delivertu^^, 0I,, Company and Biwl Dec VmKur •inn illl tldj n if November and *tl‘ d->^yand -10,-"fSf' tnd recorded in books * tWre e1 it pages 101 and -1. he sum of t1'"?!' id ipon said mortgage thewer e#i“ You are requiredI to ,m{ Auguit- L in or before the i4tb day "rue aud ]» he same will be taken a -.**£(■ utered accordingly, jj jj, l y. ;Di Attorney «*