The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 20, 1893, Image 5

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    loervisors’ Proceeding*.
, offick, O’Nwi*, Nib., {
,isobs t)rFIC ’jnl, 11. 1893. 5
in regnlar session and roll
‘L, ,he following members pres
* Urths Ch'm., Brodie, Bradley,
Vlevisb, Calkins, Cooper, Dnt
•lhoe Gilson, Haigh, Hayes,
kelly P-. Kennedy, Mills,
M0ore, Phillips, Trnllinger.
killson, Waring, 26. Absent:
Kelly H. B., Roll, Wynn,
, of March 30, J one 21 and 22
,1 and npprovod.
iul6( petitions, etc., were referred
veral commit*®68,
,notion the board at 12 m. ad
•> r. M.
2 p. M.
met pursuant to adjournment
irmau in the chair and all mem
Wnt except Bryan, Jones, Kelly
]J Roll.
rS of forenoon read and Bp
motion the following official
ere approved:
Hibbard, overseer district No. 3.
Wright, overseer district No. 11.
eo McDermott, overseer distriot
Blondin, overseer distriot No. 36.
Witherwax, overseer distriot
Steinhnuser, overseer distriot No.
Peterson, justice of the peace,
Tnssler, justice of the peace,
Sanders, justice of the peace,
lliner, constable, Green Valley.
Hasted, constable, Conley,
motion the following tax peti
ere then granted:
on of R. E. Moore to refund the
mi the southwest quarter section
iship 34, range 16, amount $13.11.
tst quarter section 33, township
|615, amount $17.65. West half
st quarter 17, east half southeast
section 18, township 33, range 16,
$i).71. East half southeast quar
south half northeast quarter sec
township 33, range 16, amount
Total, $59.49.
ion of Michael Keefe - to refund
tool tax erroneously assessed was
otion granted.
ion of Timothy Cross to refund
ichool tax to the amount of $7.36
ion of Farmer’s Loan <k Trust Co.
he county treasurer redeem the
est quarter of seotion 21, town
1, range 14 from erroneous sale
on motion granted.
ion of Mary Schmakeke to refund
a pole tax, erroneously assessed,
on motion granted.
ion of A. F. Rouse to redeem the
ist quarter of section 4, township
ge 11, was granted.
ion of H. M. Bradstreet to refund
10 southwest quarter of seotion 3,
ip 31, range 11, was upon motion
lion of Barrett Scott, connty treas
> redeem from erroneous tax sale
rth half of the northwest quarter
ion 17, township 31, range 10, was
notion granted.
Hon of Willard Slocum to redeem
al sale of 1891 and strike for the
-®- hie northwest quarter of section
'ship 30, range 12, was granted,
tion of T. V. Golden asking that
lnnty treasurer be instructed to
the amount of $13.85 erroneously
n the southwest quarter of section
rnship 27, range 12, on the redemp
f the tax of the northwest quarter
same land for the year 1891, was
notion granted.
tion of J. F. McGrew asking for a
■on of taxes on the southwest quar
section 13, township 30, range 16,
ie 8001,1 half of section 14, town
range 16, was upon motion
■ion of Peter McGrane asking
that his name be plaoed on
■neat rolls of Inman township
St 1883 fur the value of two ho
?on motion granted,
tion of Thomas McGrane asl
ard that his name be placed on
Bent rolls of Inman township
*' 1883 for the value of two hoi
motion granted.
I'100 of John p. McGrane asl
1 at his name be placed on
J!'1011* ot Inman township
893 f01, the value of five ci
motion granted.
00 ot I’homas Connolly askin
I JT, °n 4,16 northeast quarte
lest a I.6881 f*nartor ot section
il northwest southwest no
;MUtha?Hnred be,ote th® board
lclw, , a* the “onnty attorney be
st Dun°h!anCel the mortKaK® tak8n
. m et “l*tor breaking the
ded L, .°.f °’Neiu- Moved and
res am re<lQB8t be granted,
was a a0**8 being deiD®*ded the
Bradlel °W8: AU ™ted ®*~
leV and Phillips.
:i t w 0tTion 1,18 board adjonrnfed
■ *•, Joly l3i 1893i
■' *•»*■> July 12, 1893.
pursuant to adjournment
vAili _ ■
UTrir*Bryan’ h- B
Minotesof July 11 read andapproved.
It was moved, seconded and carried,
that the following requisition of the
sheriff be taken from the table and read
by the clerk:
O’Neill, Neb., March 29,1898.
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors
of Holt County, Nebraska.
Gentlemen—I wonld most respectfully
ask yonr honorable body to be allowed to
appoint the requisite number of deputies
for the purpose of collecting the delin
quent taxes; and said deputies to receive
for auch services salaries at the rate of
$700 per annum for the time actually
employed. I wonld further ask your
honorable body to be authorised to throw
off the collection fee, which may materi
ally assist ns in collecting such taxes.
Very Respectfully Yours,
n. u, mcMoat,
Sheriff of Holt County, Neb.
Moved, seoonded and earried that the
prayer of the sheriff's petition be re
jected and that he be requested and
instructed to collect the taxes according
to law.
Petition of T. A. Thompson to redeem
from an erroneous tax sale for the year
1891, the lots 4 and 5 and the north half
southwest quarter of section 19, town
ship 84, range 16 west, was upon motion
Quarterly report of Sheriff H. C. Mo
Evony was read and upon motion placed
on file.
Petition of County Superintendent H.
W. Dudley to be allowed an appropri
ation of f 26 for institute purposes, was
upon motion granted.
The treasurer’s semi-annual statement
and the committee's report on same were
read and it was moved, seconded and
oarried that they be placed on file.
In pursuance with section 668 Code of
Civil Procedure, the Board proceeded to
draw the jury for September A. D., 1898,
term of the distriot oourt in and for Holt
oounty, Nebraska.
Atkinson township; B. N. Hart, W. H.
Hendrix, C. J. Brook, H. A. Allen.
Cleveland township; John Hunt, John
Conley township; John L. Sanders,
John Haake.
Chambers township; Doherty,
(1. W. Eokley.
Dustin township; J. T. .Greene.
Deloit township; Ferdinand Schindler,
Fred Boiler.
Emmet township; Frank Tenborg.
Ewing township; Samuel Brion, Dar
win Cole, George Butler.
Franoes township; Raymond Ballon.
Fairview township; Warren Gilman.
Grattan township; T. N. J. Hynes, J. P.
O’Donnell, Joe Davis, Patriok Hugos, D.
P. O’Sullivan, John Mnllen, Tom Camp
Green Valley township; Frank Mlinar,
John Slamaher Sr.
Iowa township; George Cherry.
Inman township; D. C. Beeves, S. L.
Conger, Peter Ryan.
Lake township; Wm. B. Lambert. ,
, McClure township; A. Booth.
Pleasant View township; John Wis
Paddock township; David Moler, A. F.
Rook Falls township; Wm. Haynes.
Steel Creek township; G. W. Graham,
J. N. Menzie.
Soott township; M, T. Elliott, Johu
Saratoga township,; J. W. Felton, John
Sand Creek township; Gilbert L. Wiard,
Wm. Long.
Stuart township; C. F. Johnson, John
Flannery, E. W. Tuttle, D. J. Clevenger.
Swan township; H. C. Wine.
Sheridan township; Gilbert Davis, B.
F. Davis.
Shields township; James Armstrong,
Christian Kennel Sr.
Verdigris township; C. P. Tracy, R. P.
Wyoming township; Thomas Higgins.
Willowdale township; D. C. Powell, H.
R. Henry.
Upon motion the board adjourned
until 1 p. m.
Board met pnrsnant to adjournment
with all members present except Bryan,
Roll and Long. Chairman presiding.
Minutes of forenoon read and ap
To fill a vacancy on the printing
committee the chairman appointed W. B.
Cooper to fill said vaoaney.
Petition of David Stannard for redno- ,
tion pf the valuation on lot 6, block H,
'McCafferty’s add. to O’Neill, to the same
basis as other vacant lots in same block, I
for the years 1891, 1892 and 1898, the
same being a vacant lot, was upon motion
Upon motion the following road was
established, the law having been com
plied with in all respects:
Commencing at the southwest corner
of section 31, township 28 north, of range
11 west, and thenoe running east on the
south line of said township, variation 11
degrees and 60 minntes, east 8% miles to
the west side of the right of way of the
F. E. Jfc M. V. R. R., and terminating be
tween sections 33 and 34, township 28
north, range 10 west.
Also commencing at the northwest cor
ner of section 31, townahip 28 north,
range 11 west, and running thence east,
variation 11 degrees and 60 minutes, on
section lines between sections 30 and 31,
seven miles and terminating at section
oorner. between sections 28, 30, 31 and 32,
of township 28, range 10.
Also commencing at northeast corner
of section 30, township 2^, north, range 11
west, and running thenoe east on section
line, variation 11 degrees and 60 minutes,
between sections 19 and 30, twelve miles,
terminating at the section corner bittm
sections 34 and 85 on rang* line between
ranges • and 10 west.
Also commencing at the northwest cor
ner of section 19, township 28 north,
range 11 west, and running thenoe east
on seotion liue between sections 18 and
19, variation 11 degreea and 50 minntes,
six miles, to the seotion oorner between
sections 18 and 24, on range line between
ranges 10 and 11 west, township 28 north.
Also commencing at the seotion corner
on the sonth line of township 28 north,
range 10 west between seotions 81 and 82,
and rnnning thence north on seotion line
between seotions 81 and 82, variation 11
degrees and 60 minutes, two miles, and
terminating at section oorner between
sections 19, 20,29 and 80,.of said town
Alio oommenoing at the section oor
ner on the sonth lihe of township 28,
between ranges 10 and 11 west, and Tan
ning thence north on range line, vari
ation 11 degrees and 60 minutes, between
seasons 81 and 36, three miles to the sec
tion oorner between 'sections 18, 18,19
and 24.
Also commencing at the section oorner
between section* 34 and 86 on sonth line
of township 28 north, range 11 west, and
running thence north on section line
between sections 84 and 86, variation 11
degrees and 60 minutes, four miles and
twelve chains, intersecting road No. 8 on
the soath side of the right of way of the
F. E. A M. V. R. R. between seotions 10
and 11, township 28 north, range 11 west,
there to terminate.
Also commencing at the north end of
Main street in the town of Inman, section
19, township 28 north, range 10 west,
thenoe running north, variation 11 de
grees 60 minutes, east 17.70 chains to the
quarter seotion line on seotion 19.
Also commencing at the oenter of seo
tion 19 thence running west, variation 11
degrees 60 minutes, on the quarter seo
tion line .33 chains to the right of way of
the F. E. A M. V. R. R. thence in a north
west-course along the north side or said
right of way .7 chains to the section line
between seotions 11 and 14 of said town
ship, there to terminate.
Isaao Baldwin was allowed damages to
the amount of $66, and 1. O. Sylvanus to
the amount of $26. Rejected claim of
Sylvanus of $68.
Oommenoing at the crossing of the F.
E. A M. V. R. R. track between sections
17 and 20, township 29, range 13 west,
thenoe running west on the northeast
quarter of section 20 along the south side
of the row of cottonwoods near the north
line of northeast _ quarter of seotion 20,
and terminating at the quarter seotion
corner between seotions 17 and 20, being
a consent road.
Petition to vacate the rpad commenc
ing at the north east oorner of the south
east quarter of seotion 32, township 82,
range eleven west, and running thence
north to the seotion oorner between sec
tions 8,9, 16 and 17 of said township,
being a portion of road No. 70 as shown
on the road plat book was rejeoted.
Commencing at the southwest corner
of seotion 86, thenoe east to the south
east oorner of section 84, then north
between seotions 86 and 86, and between
seotions 26 and 27 to the northeast cor
ner of seotion 23 and 26, township 82,
range 12.
Commencing at the southwest corner
of section 16, township 28 north, range 11
west, and running thenoe north on the
section line between seotions 16 and 17,
variation 11 degrees and 46 minutes, two
miles to the section oorner between sec
tions 4, 6, 8 and 9, thenoe west on section
line between seotions 6 and 8 .2 chains,
thence north on section 5, variation 11
degrees 66 minutes, 8.60 ehains, thenoe
north 26 degrees and 80 minutes, east
2.46 chains and intersecting the section
line between sections 4 and 6 86.10
ohains to the quarter section oorner
between seotions 4 and 6 thence west,
variation 12 degrees and 16 minutes, on
section 6. 10.60 ohains, thenoe south 2
chains, thence west on the quarter section
line 7.09 ehains, thence north, variation
12 degrees and 16 minutes, 84.49 ohains,
thence west along the 7th 8. P. N., vari
ation 12 degrees, 6.87 ohains to the sec
tion oorner between sections 82 and 88,
township 29 north, range 11 west, thence
north between seotions 82 and 38, vari
ation 11 degrees and 40 minutes, east 9.60
chains, thence on section 32 N. 42 degrees
and 46 minutes N. 9 chains, thence north
2 degrees 16 minutes east 9.60 ohains,
thence north 89 degrees east 86 chains,
intersecting the section line between sec
tions 82 and 83, thenoe north on section
line between seotions 82 and 88, 17.26
ohains, terminating at the quarter sec
tion corner between seotions 32 and 83,
township 29 north, range 11 west, has
reported in favor of the establishment
Dan Cronin was allowed $11.26
Byron Parker was allowed $1.26.
Another olaim of the same was rejected
to the amount of $40.
Commencing at the section oorner
between sections 14,16, 22 and 23, town
ship 26, range 11 west, and running
thence south on section line between sec
tions 22 and 23 nine miles, terminating
at section oorner between seotions 34 and
86 on the south line of township 26.
Also commencing at the section oorner
between sections 16, 17, 21 and 22 of said
township and running thence south on
section line between sections 27 and 22,
nine miles, terminating at section corner
between seotions 83 and 34 on the south
line of township 26.
Also commencing at section corner
between Motions 17,18,19 and 90 of Mid
township 86, and running thence sooth
on seotfon lino between seetions 19 and
90, three miles, terminating at section
eornar between seotions 81 and 82 on
sooth line of township 26, range 11 west.
Commencing at the section corner be
tween sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, township
82 north,, range 11 west, and running
thence sooth on seotlon line between
seotions 27 and 28, eight miles, to the
section corner between seotions 83 and 34
on the sooth line of township 31, range
11 west.
Also oommeaoing at the section eorner
between sections 1 and 5 on the north
line of township 81, range 11, and run
ning thence aonth on section line between
sections 4 and 8, six miles to the section
oorner between seotions 32 and 88 on the
south line of said township, there to
The following petition of Ant. Won
draeek et el was upon motion, ao far as
relating to the road, granted, bat In re
gard to the bridge, rejeoted.
To ohange the location of road on sec
tion line between sections 11 and 1'2,
township 29, range lfi, starting at a point
68 rods north of southwest corner of sec
tion 12 making a jog of 8 rods east,
thenoe running north 72 rods thence jog
ging back said 8 rods to said seotion line.
We also petition for a 40 foot bridge
across Dry Creek at said point. Said
petition for a bridge was rejeoted.
Petition of supervisor H. B. Kelly to
instruot the oounty surveyor to ley out
the seotion line below described, was
upon motion granted.
Commencing at the seotion corner be
tween sections 81 and 82 on south of
township 27 north, range 14 west, run
ning thence north on section line between
scotions 81 and 82, fire miles, terminating
at corner to sections 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Also commencing at corner to sections
82 88 on the south line of said township,
thence running north on section line
three miles, terminating at oorner to
sSotions 16,17, 20 and 21, all ia township
27, range 14 west. •
Remonstrance from Steel Creek town
ship against the location of a road on the
section line between the northeast quar
ter of seotion 10 and the northwest quar
ter of seotion 11, all in township 81,
range 9, was upon motion laid ever.
Petition for a 24 foot bridge across
South Fork on the line between seotions
5 and 8, township 80, range 16 west, in
Holt county, Neb., was upon motion
Petition for a bridge 80 by 16 feet%
across the Verdigris with necessary
approaches, on county line between seo
tion 12, township 29, range 9, in Holt
oounty, and seotion 7, township 29 range
8, in Knox county, was granted, provided
Knox oounty will pay half of the expense.
Petition for the removal of the bridge
on the quarter seotion line of seotion 82,
township 80, range 14, between the sooth
east quarter and southwest quarter to n
point between the northwest quarter and
southwest quarter of same seotion was
laid over.
Petition for a 20 foot bridge across the
Big Sandy on the seotion line between
seotions 26 and 28, township 31, range 15,
was laid over.
Also petition for a 24 foot bridge across
the same stream on section line between
seotions 14 and 23, township 81, range 15,
was laid over.
Fetition across the Sooth Fork between
sections 8 and 9, Chambers township,
was laid over.
Also petition for a bridge across the
Sooth Fork near the corner of sections
14,15, 22 and 23, township 26, range 13
west, was laid over.
Fetition for a bridge on the section
line between sections 7 and 10, township
26, range 14, was laid over.
Fetition for a bridge across the Elk
horn on the line between sections 16 and
17, township 80, range 15 west, was laid
Petition for a 20 foot bridge across
Steel Creek at a point on the northwost
quarter ot section 1, township 81, range
9, was laid over.
Petition for a bridge on section line
between seotions 17 and 20, township 28
range 10 west, in Inman township was
laid over.
Petition for a bridge across a slough
on section line between sections 18 and
19, township 28, range 10 west, in Inman
township, was laid over.
Remonstrance against the oonstruotion
of a bridge on the section line between
seotions 28 nnd 29, township 82, range 10,
was laid over.
Upon motion the board adjourned
until 9 a. m., July 13, 1893.
SuPBBviaoBs’ otnoi, O’Kiiu, Nbb., )
Board met pursuant to adjournment
with all members present except Bryan,
Long and Roll.
Minutes of July 12 read and approved.
Moved, seconded and earned that the
county treasurer transfer all exoess bond
money of school district No. 191, to the
general fund of said distriot.
The following report of the oommittee
on the death and burial of the veterans of
Holt oounty. as far as handed in to said
oommittee, was then read.
J. O. Smith, born in Gursney oounty,
Ohio, Sept. 13, 1837. Enlisted October
30, 1862. Private, Co. G, 8th Minn. Vol.
Infantry, Discharged July 11, 1865.
Died Feb. 18,1892. Buried at Atkinson,
J. C. Van Fleet, born Aug. 22, 1820, in
Cayega oounty, New York. Enlisted
ooHTUtuan next wxxx.
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