THE FRONTIER. rr«L!tNVO KTCKT TIIUI»*DAT »T Ta* Frontier Printim* Co. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. r IliTonrocK county will settle its coun ty seat fight July 81. The tax levy of Gage county hM been fixed at it) mills. James O’Donnell, an old resident of Coming county, died last week. A camp of Sons of Veterans is to be mustered in at Valentine July 23. Fred Varkcnteh, of Juniata, feU from a bicycle and broke bis leg. Wore is to be begun at once on the system of waterworks at Gordon. The Gage county independent con vention has been called to meet Aug. 1. It is yet on unsettled question who will be Mr. Cleveland's postmaster in Cook. Core in Asms county never looked more promising at this time of the year j than now. W. S. Fields of Lewiston has been1 adjudged Insane aad taken to the Lin-; coin asylum. The Baptist people of Hastings have: decided to build « large and better church edifice. Hitchcock county bos another county •eat fight on hand. The election is called far July 31. Two Fremont youths started to the World's fair on bitycies, but gave tt up after a few days out. D idge county farms .are said to still be changing hands at prime ranging from 935 to 930 per acre. • Three bouncing bqys, triplets, 'were presented to'Charles Temple of Seneca by his wife the other day. TuE'Gage county teachers’Institute, this year held . B. W. Jnnxsox, ft farmer living twenty miles from Beatrice, suicided lust week by poisoning' himself. He ' 'ns despondent over being heavily in debt, lie leaves ft wife and two chil dren. While Ed Wilson of Vests was driv ing a young team home last week they became frightened and ran away. He thinking they would run of the bridge, jumped and broke both the bones of his leg below the knee. Two Scotia citizons. both well along in years, pet into a dispute about 15 cents, and had a regular rongh-and | tumble M't-to. When separated it waa | found that oneof the belligerents had | a severe out across the forehead. A Culbertson Steers—Westerns. tO «*• Sheep—N atl ves. NEW YORK. B # Wheat-No. 2, red winter.. ^4 Corn—No. .. it f,tv Oats—Mixed western. 19 OJ »!:,« Pork—.io» .CHICAGO. M a (< Corn—Per bu. » Oats—Per bu.. 3" Pork.. 9» Lard.......... s« HoS—Packer* and tnlxed.^ 2S0 Cattle—Stockers and feeder* t attle—Com. steers to extra 11, Cattle—Cows and heifers • 3 ;a rheep— Lambs.v " ST. LOUIS- r 0 gif 0* •is Wheat-No. 2 red. cash. Corn—Per bu— » :•! ® » « Oats—Per bu.••••■.”! 6 w J*,3 Cattle—Native Steers.. 4 Oj ® Sheep—Good Natives.^..--yy ^ KANSAS Wheat-No. 2 red, cash Corn—No. 2 <3 f . . » Sis O&to—No.2.. yvoders• • ®i Cattle—Stockers and feeders } j, « ■oca—Mixed.