Page Item*. Fine, rain Wednesday. crop* looking floe, farmer* encouraged. The creamery started cheese making Monday. We bare first class facilities and a first class cheese maker. Mr. G. P. French is at home from Johnson county where he has been suc cessfully teaching the past year, lie will probably remain at home this sum mer. 1 hear many of the young teachers in this vicinity talking of attending the institute at O'Neill.' Mr. C. J. Malone, Misses Dolly and Susie lleed, and others expect to go from here. Land agent Johnson, of Emporia, was in town last week transacting business. Miss Tillle Mullen has returned home from her sobool work near Savage, where she has been teaching a very suc cessful school term. Miss Tillle is one of our most amiable young ladies be sides being an excellent teacher. Mr. James Mullen shipped two car loads of hogs last week. Hogs were brought to this market from a distance of 94 miles. Mra. W. C. Kvered and Ruth Page were at O'Neill lait Friday eve. return ing Saturday morning. Miaaea Annie and Katie Kohl were in town laat week calling on old frienda. Mra. J. Meala and Mra. D. W. Knight, of O'Neill, made a trip to our burg laat week and vialted frienda. Mr. Sam Stewart, of Ohio, ia spend ing a few days visiting hia uncle, S. B. Stewart, of this place. He haa been at the world'a fair and la now suffering from a carbuncle, or something similar, on the back of hia neck. Mr. Stewart likea it here and may conclude to buy land and stay here. Mr. W. G. Smith, an old resident, took the Short Line train Monday for Aurelia, la., to vlalt his children there. Our little burg looks quite citified sometimes. Laat Saturday the writer observed twenty-four teams on its streets at one time. Well we are very much pleased to ace so good a fruit proapect. Kverything that can bear fruit la full, pluma, apples, cherries, and we htfve seen some fine peach trees well loaded. While this ' may not be a peach country, atill it would pay evqyy farmer to put out eome peach trees; and we have eaten some grapes that grew within one-half mile of Page. Excellent mulberries in great quantities and currants and gooseberries are plenty, and good enough for any body. Mr. Sam Radley Is fitting up the Hunt building and will move bis family in the residence portion and bis store good in the store rooms. Now with the good crop prospects we don’t know why we shouldn’t have a "boom” this year, i Have aeen quite a good many new potatoes—fair sised. Mr. W. W. Page comes home about once in tup weeks to visit his family, and the rest of the time he is surveying. __X. Y. Z. Notice. To the Members or the City Council or thk City or O'Neill, Nebraska, AND TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Whereas: On the 8th day of July, A. D.. 1808, a petition was duly presented to the city council of O’Neill, Nebraska, signed by David Stannard, M. Mullen, T. J. Birmingham and E. F. Gallagher, praying that Adams street, between Seventh and Eighth streets be widened and opened to a width of 46 feet. You are therefore notified that as by ordinance in such cases made and pro vided I have set said petition down for hearing on the 14th day of July, A. D., 1898, at 8 o’clock r. M.. and have called and hereby do call a special meeting of the city council of the city of O’Neill, Neb., to be held in the council chamber f t that time for the purpose of consider ing said petition. All persons interested therein are requested to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any, why said street should not be opened. Dated this 5th day of July, A. D., 1898. R. R. Dickson, Mayor. letter List. Following la the Hat of letters remaining in the postoHoe at O’Neill, Neb., unclaimed, for the week ending Julv 5. IMS: McNeaf.!*, Mn- MelUe O. Murphy, H. In calling tor the above please say "adver *• Used.** If not called for In two weeks they will be seat to the dead lotter offloe. J. H.BioasP. M. The Wsrld's Fair Train § Leaves the Fremont. Elkhorn and I Missouri Valley depot at O’Neill, Neb., at •.'45 a. m. every day. Round trip tickets on sale at 424.05, good to return i on or before November 15, ’93. One | way ticketa to Chicago 413.40. For further information apply to W. J. Dobbs, Agent. That’s what makes trade good at the Chicago Clothing House in spite of the dry weather and dull times, and that is what we mean to do, is to hold the trade we have built up by fair dealing and honest goods, by so doing we mean to reach every body. Ton gain a profit by calling at the Chicago Clothing House and investing in a suit of clothes. Our stock is complete in every respect. Prices way down. Every body call } on us before buying your goods. We do just what we say. CmoAeo Glotbuio House, Sltf J. fi. Smith, Manager* I Atkinson l>s£ of section 18, township 25, range 12, which was given to secure the pay ment of a certain note or bond for tlio sum of 1575, dated J une 17, 1887, and due five years after date with Interest at 7 per cent, payable annually, that said note and mortgage was duly sold und assigned to tne plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof and that there is now due the plaintiff on said note and mort gage, and for taxes paid, the sum of 11048.82, for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount lound due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August, 1893. Dated July 11, 1883. 1-4 R. R. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on u decree obtained before the district court of Holt county. Ne braska, on the 6th day of February, 1893 ■■■I_ _ , 1893, in favor of Robert 8. Somers as plaintiff and against Edward S. Kelley, James C. Taylor, Olive D. Kelley, George W. E.J Dorsey and Check II. Toncray os defendants for the sum of fifteen hundred forty-three dollars and fifty-seven cents and costs taxed at £17.78 and accruing oosts I have levied upon the follow ing premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section three (3), in township twenty-eight. (28), range thirteen (13). and the east half of the northeast q uart er and the northeast quarterof the southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22). and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three (23), all In township twenty-eight (28) and range thirteen (13) west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, In hand, on the 14th day of August, A. D., 1893, lu front of the court-house In O’Neill, that being the build ing wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. ii. of said day when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Datedat O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, this 12th day of July, A. D.. 1893. 1-6 H.C. McEVONY, Sheriff. LEGAL NOTICE. Jess© C. H. Kstos, Jennettlc V. Estes. his wife, Kmma'L. Hill and C, 8. Hill, her , l'and, defendants, will take notice that on the 9Qth day of June. 181*3. Fredrick .1. Bur nett. plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain, mortgage executed by dependents. Jesse C. ; II. Estes and .Jennettle V. Estes, his 1 American I., 1890, and the same was then pur chased by Alexander Stone for said taxes, and that the certificate of sale issued by the county treasurer has been by said purchaser assigned to Security investment company, the undersigned, and that the time for re demption of said land from said tax slUe will A,n the 10th day of November, A. D., 1893, and a deed for said laud will be issued to Security Investment Co„ the undersigned, by the treasurer of said county, unless soon er redeemed. „ SECURITY INVE8TNENT CO.. SS-B By V. H. UOOUE, Treasurer. NOTICE. Daniel s. Fields and Myra M. Fields, defen dants. will take notice, that J. L. Moore trustee, plaintiff, lias filed a petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska against said defendants the object and nrnvns nf ur 1, IM. n.» aa_— __ • . ... 'viimwim wc uujtirb gna prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage dated July 20. 1886. for *300.00 and Interest and tax payments, on the following described real estate, situated in Holt county. Ne braska, towit: Lots one (1) and two (2) and the east half of the northwest quarter of section seven, in township twenty-lire north of range thirteen, west of the sixth p. m. ex ecuted by Daniel 8. Fields and Myra M. k ields to tho Dakota Mortgage Loan Corpor ation and assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded in book 13 of mort gages at page 310 of the mortgage records of said county and t.o have the same decreed to be a first lien, and said land sold to satisfy the same. J You are required to answer said petition on or before the 81st day of July, 1883. Dated J unc 19.1893. - J-1- MOORE, trustee, plaintiff. By 8. D. Thornton, his attorney. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of un order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the 24th day of September. 1892 in favor of the Scottish American Mortgage Company Limited as plaintiff and against Katie O Neill, Michael O’Neill, Jr.. Daniel CVNe.ll, children aud heirs at law of Michael D Neill sr., deceased, Annie Oallagher, and Andrew Gallagher, her husband. Mary Royster, and Henry Royster, her husband, John McMchols, administrator of the estate of Michael O’Neill, sr„ deceased. Patrick Hagerty, John J. McCafferty, Riley Bros.. partners in business under the laws of the state of Nebraska, Slberllng Miller & Com pany, a copartnership under the laws of the state of Nebraska, and Peregoy and Moore, as defendants for the sum of four hundred eighty-three dollars and forty-two cents, and defendants Siberllug Miller & Company ob tained a decree for the sum of *262.79, and costs taxed at *30,73 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sue to wit! The northeast quarter of section twenty-nine (29) township thirty (30) range twelve (12) west of the 6th r. m. in Holt county. Neb. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash in hand on the 31st day of July. A, D. 1883. in front of the court house in O Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of district court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. h. of said day when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 10th day of June, 1893, H. C. McEVONY, jO-d Sheriff of said County. LEGAL NOTICE. Showalter Mortgage Company, defendant, will take notice: That Anna K. Leonard, plaintiff, baa filed a petition in the district court of Holt coun ty. Nebraska, against paid defendant and others; the object and prayer of which are to foreclose u mortgage, dated August 1,1888, for 1460, and interest and tax payments, on the NWit of section twenty-one in township twenty-flve.north, of range thirteen, west of the 6 P. M. Holt oounty, Nebraska; executed by Melville J. Drummond and Jennie Drum mond to the Showalter Mortgage Company and assigned to plaintiff which mortgage was recorded in book 41 of mortgages, at page 05, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and sail lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of July, 1883. Dated June 19,1893. 50-4 „ ANNA J. LEONARD. By S. D. Thornton, her attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Orange Nomorial Hospital of the oounty and state of New York, plaintiff, vs. Henry Rokes et al defendants. Notice. To I N. Baker and Mrs. I. N. Baker the Security Company of Sioux City. Iowa, for merly called and named tho National Secur ity Company of Sioux City, Iowa, non-rest dent defendants, will take notice that on the 33nd day of December, 1892, the above named plaintiff filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against llie above named defendants and the following other parties made defendants in said actiou to wit. Henry Rokes, tho object and prayer being to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant Henry Rokes to J. II. Keith as trustee for the benefit of George Ash and duly assigned to the plaintiffs upon the fol lowing described real estate situated In Holt oounty, Nebraska, to-wit: South half of the southwest quarter of section eighteen and north half of northwest quarter of section nineteen all in township thirty range ten west 6th p. m., to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated February 1, 1887. for the sum of 8700*611 due and payable on Febru ary 1, 1893. That there is now due upon said note and mortgage by reason of the defend ants failure to pay the same when due the sum of 81,150.00 lor which sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same: together with the sum of 838.00 taxes pajd by plaintiff to protect its security, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of August, 1893. Dated J une 38,1893. M-4 , R.R. DICKSON, Attorhey for Plaintiff. NOTIOETO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS In the district court within and for the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska. Henrietta Dorr, plaintiff, vs. Curtis Brown, Mrs. Curtis Brown and the Ballou Banking Company, defendants, Curtis Brown, Mrs. Curtis Brown and the Ballou Banking Company, non-resident de fendants, will take notice that on the 30th day of June, 1893. Henrietta Dorr, the plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Holt county, state of Nebraska, against the said defendants, the object and prayer of which petition are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed;by the defendant. Curtis Brown to H. S. Ballou and Company, and by the said II. S. Ballou and Company assigned to this plaintiff, upon the following described real estate lying and situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section eighteen (18) in township twenty-seven (27) north of range ten (10) west of tne sixth principal meredian, to secure the payment of one certain prom issory note, dated June 5,1888. and due on the first day of June, i893. for the sum of six hundred dollars. That there Is now due on said note and mortguge thp sum of six hundred twenty-one and no 100 dollars, for which sum, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of December, 1890, the plaintiff asks for a decree that the said defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount so found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of August, 1893 Dated June 37, 1893. 51-4 HENRIETTA DORR, Plaintiff By R. B. Dickson and Slonecker Wheeler & Switzer, attorneys for plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA. Catherine O’Herron. plaintiff, vs. Michael M. Sullivan, Abble Sullivan, Andrew J. Mil ler and - Miller, his wife, whoso first name is unknown, defendants. Notice to Non-resident Defendants. Andrew J. Miller and-Miller, Ills wife, whose first name is unknown to the plaintiff, will take notice that on the 30th day of June, 1801. the plaintiff herein, CatherineO’Herron, filed her petition in the district court of Holt county, state of Nebraska, against the defen dants above named, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by the defendants, Michael M. Sulli van and Abbie Sullivan to the Showalter Mortgage Company, and by the Showalter Mortgage Company assigned to plaintiff, upon the following described real estate lying and situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section three s3) In township twenty-nine (29) north of range eleven (11) west of the fith principal meredian to secure the payment of a certain promis sory note, dated July 2,1888, for the sum of eight hundred dollars, and due and payable In five years from the date thereof; that there is now duo upon said note and mort gage the sum of eight hundred twenty-eight and no 100 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of January, 1893, and for the further sum of $19.04. on account of the payment of taxes, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 13th day of April. 1803. and. the plaintiff prays for a decree that the said defendants may be re quired to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. , ou are required to uuswor said petition on oi before the 7th day of August. 18U3, Dated June '.T. lwtl. 51-* CATHERINE O’HEUKON. Plaintiff, Dickson and Slonockcr Wheeler A Switzer, her attorneys. Nannie M ' Slnl’mo, ft SS5|“f pgSg^ the loth day Sf*}!1'* and flu. Is now due,!,- 8 ilt Dae* femionono^S^1! , Jefferson P r^L his wife non-rJvf,if5r' “id Hau {■“tlee p0/^?*** executed*!^ It'!"'* P. Bailey and ilattl* !■ d^ftl>d Mortgage and Invest, "llll'» northeast auartonf1 P"1 c«» •hip thirty"S,?lhi. county. Nebraska,/'''1™' a Promissory the sum of 9700 «5n ^ seven pep cent 1,u«res annuuUy an mortgage according mis''Po' eluding taxes on s£Vn‘„»7e' tiff to protect his Ki>,-„ * aud Interest at H'1 !k PyTthlfsVfe* ws.“Sr“’ 11 or befnrp *Kl«*J[rr,10 1 ou are i cnUired , V.7 utuore tti Tinted June 1 SO-lA W. H. / LEGAL N0TIC1 rsuvj'iis'Bfet herein, filed Its petition Hi Of Holt county, fendants. the object nifrtn™1,1 to foreclose a certain nfortSl defendants Frederick W Ahf611 Almhls wife to plaintiff, uponJj “uar^rT^rL^Cr of section tw^ty-tl^ra lvci, west. In Holtcouaw the navmpnt a* range twelve, west, in uolteouni to secure the payment of J note dated October 30 *400 and Interest at theratede? per annum payable seml-2 per cent after maturity; tbits due upon said note and momm to the terms thereof the sumofil terest at the rate of ten perctmt d.UDe, 17’ and plaints suid tn-emiscs may be decreed* satisfy the amount due thereon!” You aro required to answen on or before the 81st day of July Dated June 17, 1893. " 504 HOLT COUNTY BAN!,! NOTICE, Frances A. Berner, defondut notice that J. L. Moore, trustee, 1 filed his petition in the districts county, Nebraslca.against said den object and prayer of which are a a mortgage dated the loth day 0! for the sum of *000 and interestia mcnt on the SW& of the NWh aad of the SW!i of section 7, In townsaii of range 11 west of the «tb p 1 F,!4 of the SE!a, section 12. in ten of range 12, west of the 6th p. m, by Frances A. Berner to the Dalton Loan corporation, and duly assii mortgage was recorded In hook 522 of mortgage records of Holt to have the same decreed to I*, and sa3d lands sold to satisfy the You are required to answer -i on or before the 7th day of August Dated June 24,1898. By S. D. Thornton, J. L. Moom 51-4 His Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-HESIDEt Hulet E. Ingersoll, single. J. non-resident defendants, notice given, that on the 5th day of I Henry Farman, the plaintiff in tkl filed his petition in the office of tt* the district court of Holt eountr, ‘ the object and prayer of which Is! a certain mortgage executed by Ingersoll. single, upon the southed section thirty-two, towuship ties range thirteen west in Holt county, ka. which mortgage was end delivered to C. H. Toncray and record on the 20th day of June, 1* corded in book 40 of mortgaged that there is now duo upon said nor sum of *1,002.70. You are required to answer sw on or before the 14tli day of Ansel the same will be taken as trues™) entered accordingly. 53-4 Attorney for! LEGAL NOTICE. Aancn Stromme,JohnNicoUjJ - * - -- ' is 8. Jones, Ne w oils. Ills wife, Lewis his wife, Eugene Whitham, EUJ Whithaiu, his wife, AlbertL.Mooft L. Gardiner. Cinderella G*r(^n*r'1 and George A. Binford, defendant, notice that on tlie 20th. day oi Dillwyn Parrish, and James®"* trustees, plaintiffs herein, tiedi tin in the district court of Holt ujudh ka, against said defendants, tue « prayer of which are toforejj” mortgage executed by ^ Stromme, to plaintiffs upon » west quarter of section ti township twenty-five. rani* in Holt county, Nebraska* the uayment of one promissory " August #, 1887, for the d interest at the rate of 9 !*[ num payable semi-annually ■“ j after maturity; that there is n said note and mortgage aceot^ terms thereof the sum of on *500 at the rate o. ten per "jj, num from May 1 H®., ■ that said premises may he detra* to satisfy the amount due therw^ You are required to a“?*‘1Jst. d, on or before Monday 1803. Dated June 20,1803. Bb0„ Dim,win Pakbish A JA«S trustees plaintiffs. •*>-*& hegal notice g Joseph Shoemaker, Mar; ^ its wife, John J. Oaseyan . ^ lis wife defendants, will ta ^ he 17th day of Jnu".e'loo lavlngs Bank of DaienP?" diFW ivings Bank of ,1“™.“^ dW ereln. Bled ltsfieilti°S.!IlMiiists*j if Holt county,Ncbraska-Ma ^ .uts. the object and ptayer ■uts, the object aim pw" eI. oreclose a certaiu mortga|rl|J|j lefendants Joseph piemen1 erenuaniss - lioemaker, his w>fe- *ter 0f the ipon tlie southeast quartern^ ( pon tlie southeast quar -;bip , uarter of section six. to*"^ ange fifteen, w®st. „ne pros mge fifteen, wcs,’„„, .rfonepw*1 ) seeuro the Pa/Vi^forthesniii11 ated October 15, 1886. for to tterest at tho rate of ten tfI1 ayable semi-annually is no* fter maturity i that there ‘ ^ lid note and mortga^pjiud jrms thereof the suiii^fui t tlie rate oftenparwn ctober 15,1891, S,be soM' remises may bo Incited te amount due tliereon. saj,i j You are required to ans«' ^ r before the 31 st day * before tne mss uoj-• ^A JTHErGEUMANSAVlN^ NOTICE TO -ni Edward E. Sanders, and K L. Jolly, non-res J Hjciwara r*. - - iitir ■L; July this av.uuui the clerk of the .ies L. Jolly, non-*gJtont*S notice Is hereby klV'the - r, 1SU3, oeoree ln_ rire r • Jcv\ ~ in tn* thhf actionTflle^his petition,1^jjolt the clerk of the dWrittt |1yrt O,'I Nebraska, the object . “dP^, iicuiiv^o. ‘V "Tw.rtflin iiienf'" to foreclose two ct, upt)U by James h. Jolly, gjVj quarter section tj {hirteen twenty-seven. fang* h ®ortl*f*i| Bounty .Nebraska, whic h^ 1“**, (j Bounty, NebrasKa, lo«* cuted and del'end V)rd,,,i^f6 Company and med' of j*c«c jf November and ■ C'di7,ndil end recorded In boo t ;that tWJin it pages 11U ““‘ ‘ . “if1'1! ipon said mortgage the 1 „.er Ifou arc required m « f A„,ur .before the l«htrueWa n or oerore iu« tree 8 he same will be take „ utered accordingly Attorney,or ^ 5S-4