The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 13, 1893, Image 2

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muultn *T1KT TH0KMJAT BT
The sporting men of Ilcbron liave or
ganizcd a gun club.
A nn.vKHAt. overhauling of all th<
hooks of 1’erkins county is now in pro
JirnoE S. A. IIor.coMn, who has been
-quite sick at his home in Broken Bow,
attributes his illness partly to chewing
penholders and poisoning himself.
The manager of the South Omaha
horse market not.-s that heavy draught
ora are bringing 9H0 to western
horses and mares 920 to 980; steerers
900 to 900. Johnson and Allen Edward*
of (lago county, commenced their term
of eighteen months in penitentiary.
They were convicted of carrying bur
glar's tools.
Harvey Ei.mott, while tracking a
race horse at the fair grounds at Fair
mount, fell off, sustaining severe in
juries about the bead and internally
and is critically ill.
iiltWHUilV Uti ill^ UMUj'UU^ av
Point is making largo consignments of
brick to tlio upper country these days,
one man at Creighton alone having pur
chased over 100,000.
Joski'h ItosENHToCK, of Omaha, 63
years old, fatally shot himself on the
Fourth while in the act of loading a
pistol with which he was going to do
some celebrating, lie leaves u wife
and two daughters.
ArTKn a honeymoon lasting from Sat
urday night until Monday morning a
Curtis bride deserted the bed and board
of tier husband and fled to the home of
her parents. There is a lot of gossip
and a divorce case is in prospect.
Larok quantities of fish are being
taken from the river at Iteatrice with
Bets and seins contrary to the law, and
' the true sportsmen of lieatrico are pre
paring to bring the offenders to justice
if the practice is not stopped.
A bad wind storm passed through
Atkinson last week. A number of
barns and outbuildings were demolished
^ and trees broken down. Several barns
were smashed into kindling wood. The
storm was followed by a heavy rain
Whii.k decorating the front of the
po6toftice building at Battle Creek the
postmaster, K. D. Scott, slipped from
the top of a ladder and fell to the side
walk, breaking his right arm and sus
taining other injuries about the head
and face.
Tun $40,000 needed to save the Y. M.
C. A. building iu Lincoln from being
•old has been secured. It was a form
idable undertaking, but by a “long pull,
a strong pull and a pull altogether." the
work was accomplished and the build
ing Baved.
A novel wager wa*s made at Gering
and won by Ed Uuteh, who bet County
Treasurer Sayre that he could cat four
teen bananas in fourteen minutes, lie
not only won, but added two more to
the pile, and ate the sixteen in a little
over ten minutes. Linkman and Clide Kesler, two
farmers’ boys near Juniata, ran away
from their homes last week and have
not been seen or heard of since. Their
families are very uneasy about them.
It Is supposed they have started over
land to Californio.
A hail storm did much damage to
crops west and southwest of Juniata.
It is reported that small grain is ruined
in some places five and six miles south
west, but corn will come on yet and
probably make an average yield if the
weather is favorable.
G. T. Gbeookv, a painter, while en
gaged in painting Henry Jones’ house,
three and one-half miles west of Te
cumseh, fell twenty-five feet to the
ground, breaking his leg below the
knee, dislocating his ankle and suffer
ing internal injuries.
Mbs. Ed Anderson living three miles
from West Point, was instantly killed
by lightning the other day. The hus
band was paralyzed and crawled one
bmlf mile to his father’s place to notify
them of the catastrophe. The woman’s
body was strewn in all directions.
William Kellers met with a serious
accident. He was riding in a sulky
leading a horse, getting ready for the
laces, when the cart was overturned in
inch a manner as to dislocate his ankle
and cause the end of the bone to pro
trude through the flesh.
The people of Spencer and surround
ing country are rejoicing over the erec
tion of a thirty barrel flouring mill, to
be erected at that place and in running
order before October 1. 1893. Orders
for machinery and material were sent
oot last week, power, water and gaso
line engine combined. This is the first
Hour mill built in Boyd county.
®wan City mill, five miles south
bur belonerin)f to the De Witt
Milling company, was struck by light
ning, and totally destroyed.. Loss about
Mm thousand dollars, insured lor seven
thousand on building and machinery
and one thousand on stock. This was
tl|e oldest mill in Saline county and one
the first built west of the Blue river.
The following is the number of
amounts of mortgages filed and released
la Dodgeeounty in June: Farm mort
cafiea filed, 10; amount. 821.073; re
leased, 94; amount, $23,216.74. City
mortgages filed, 28; amount, #28,698.23
Released, 35; amount, #109,320.03. Chat
tel mortgages filed, 109; amount, $14,
157.89; released, 30; amount, #3,521.15
Captaix II. W. Beck, recently ap
pointed agent of the Omaha and Win
mebago Indian agency, accompanied bi
fids wife and two sons, arrived froii
Baltimore Jast week and at once wen
to the agency to assume charge, lli
•aid his policy as to the renewals of thi
lease of Indian lands had not yet beci
formulated, as he was unacquaintei
with conditions surrounding the tribes
Be has been in the government servio
twenty-six years, twenty-four of whicl
were spent on the frontier.
Fire started in the interior of tbi
general merchandise store of C. W
Klingbell at Alliance and the insidi
was a mass of flames when discovered
Kearly all of the stock was burned an<
the tire communicated to J. C. Wais
aer's building, occupied by Spence
/ tlriftith's second hand store, a black
smith shop, a srnalL frame building am
statable. The store building was ownei
by B. A. Weston and the insurance hai
recently expired, but the rest of thi
losers are fairly well covered.
The Y. M. C. A. of Lincoln who
started out some time ago to raise
000 to save tlicir building from being
Bold at mortgage sale, huvo raised tho
entire amount, whereat there is great
rejoicing in the Capital City.
J. E. Mrr.i'iiv, a liveryman at Utica,
1 made an assault on a man named Oli
ver, t>3 yeurs of age, living near that
place, breaking one of his legs and oth
erwise injuring him. Oneof Air. Oliver's
sons came to Seward and swore oat a
a warrant for Murphy's arrest.
Lyon post No. 11, (irand Army of the
Republic, of (irand Island, at a meeting
last week, presented (icorge E. Everett
with a fine $.‘!i gold headed cane in
scribed, ••1’resented to (icorge E. Ever
ett for heroism displayed June 30, 1803.”
Everett, by a daring jump at a runaway
horse's bridle, kept tho frightened ani
mal from running into about 500 school
children and no doubt saved a loss of
life. After the banquet the post ad
journed to the city hall and treated the
members of the reunion committee in
session to coffee and sandwiches.
—If there is any one man who is
wanted more than another in Omaha
that man is M. S. Lindsay, who for a
time flew high as a real estute agent
who had money to loan. llut the
places that knew Lindsay once know
him no more, hence the wave of sad
ness that has swept over the hearts of
some of the eastern people with whom
I he formerly did business. One thing is
certain, anu that is that Umdsay nos
gone unci it is charged that a large num
ber of men have been left holding tho
The Chadron Citizen Teports an at
tempted suicide in the Crow liutte
neighborhood, Dawes county, a week
ago. A young fellow named .tones had
become infatuated with a girl by the
nutne of Smith, who lived near by, but
it seems one of the older Jones boys
had already married into the Smith
family and the girl’s folks thought that
was enough. They objected so strongly
that Jones imagined life had no further
charms and he attempted to end his
grief by a dose of arsenic A Crawford
doctor was summoned in time to save
him. #
Oi’XF.hai. J. D. Gage was at Superior
last week consulting with the Inter
state association reunion committee as
| to the propriety of holding a National
j guard encampment in that city during
i the interstate reunion, which convenes
| July 31 to August 5, and it was decided
to order the Nebraska National guards
into encampment at Superior on the
above date. The companies participat
j ing arc the Wymore battery. Fuirbury,
Geneva, licatrice and Nelson, with
General Colby and Colonel Bratt in
command. Several companies of Kan
sas National guards are expected.
QriTB a fire occured in Herman last
week and the following sustained loss:
J. Ij. Consint, brick building, $4,500;
frame, $1,000; physicians’ supples,
$1,000; total, $0,500, covered with only
$4,000 insurance; Gammcll & Kirk,
nlxrnt $1,300 on drug stock and SI,000
on Hoar and feed, with 83,000 insur
ance: Knights of Pythias lodge, $350
worth of paraphernalia nnd supplies,
no insurance; Masonic order, $.00, no
Insurance; VV, A. Bliss, jeweler, $300,
no insurance; Edward K. Pulasky, pro
prietor City hotel and bakery, $-’,500, insurance; Henry Warner, dwell
ing, about $1,500.
At Courtland Beach, near Omaha, on
the evening of July 3d, Itay Kiser, a
j young aeronaut, lost his life while
! making an ascension. 11c descended
iifto the Missouri and being somewhat
j tangled in the parachute was drowned.
I His body has not been recovered at this
| writing. Ray Kiser, the victim of the
i fatality, was but £3 years of age.
He came to Omaha from a farm in tho
interior of Nebraska some time ago.
Recently he signed a contract with
Gould and Gribble to make ascensions,
after acquiring a brief knowledge of
the parachute profession. This was his
seventh ascension.
Cuhiositt and excitement are at fever
heat over the "antedcluvian monster"
found on the cliff north of Spencer,
and which is being excavated and re
moved. About forty feet or one-half
of this leviathan of the deep, has been
removed and is viewed daily by hun
dreds of people from all directions. The
weight of the petrifaction already ex
cavated is 15,003 pounds. Total weight
as estimated is 40,00) pounds. Until
the state geologist throws some light
upon this hidden mystery it can be en
titled to no other place in the animal
or fish kingdom than the wonderful
"what was it?”
Governor Crounsk signed two Fourth
of July pardons on the 4th. One is
for George Hart, sent up from Hall
county in March, 18S2. Hart was sen
tenced to be hanged for murder und
had his sentence commuted by Gover
nor Dawes J une 22,1884. Ho is aged
35 years. The other is for Joseph ller
aldsky, convicted of murder in the sec
ond degree in Colfax county in October,
1881, and sentenced for life. lie is 24
years old. lleraldsky’s crime was the
killing of his wife nnd mother-in-law.
He has been in the hospital for the
past two years and is dying of consump
tion. Hart is the policeman who killed
two men in Grand Island in 1881.
A 'Washington dispatch says: State
Senator Mattes of Nebraska City has
been appointed a special agent for the
department of agriculture to visit Eu
rope for the purpose of introducing
American corn to the German brewers.
Mr. Mattes succeeds C. Frank Dawey,
who was removed some time ago. Mat
tes is a practical brewer, president of
■ the Mattes Brewing company and he
holds a diploma from a regular college
of brewers in Europe. Ho will try to
. convince the brewers of the German
. i empire that corn grist or brewers’ meal,
■; as it is technically known, is an infinite
11 ly better substitute for malt than those
i' which are now in use.
! I Prisoners in the penitentiary get
11 good wholesome fare every day, but on
[ ■ the Fourth they received a little extra.
, Each man and woman was given one
i half of a plump spring chicken, a boun
1 tiful supply of potatoes, lots of gravy,
a pint of coffee with sugar and for sure
• | cream, and the whole was topped oil
j with a quarter of a pie and a generous
! I slice of cake. ‘-The prisoners,” said
^ Warden Beemer, “are men and women.
. They know when they are well treated.
. They will think about today’s recrea
tion for the next three months and will
I work all the harder and behave all the
, j better for having had the holiday and
[ j then they will look forward for the
| | next three months to tho Christmas en
’ tertainment and will act well in order
not to miss it”
v.. ■ ' sW: u i ' .Mi
Notice to lie deem.
I*o J. L. Pltner, Dudley D. Fm’th, Thos. N«
Leovitt, Fred'k K. Splrer. Pierce, Wright,
& Co., Bridget Lydnn, J. Jeffers. Jr., Murl
nrn Vanzandt, M. N. Vanzant, Matt Mun
sell, Laura O Put nam, A. M. M. Grufe,
Pierce, Wright & Co., clias. G. Houcks, M.
O'Neill, KHum L. James, Kate A. Turner,
J. A. Jairard, BenJ S. Tollau. A. B Donald
son, Kimball A Blair, Geo. Graves, Jno. T.
M. Pierce, W. W. Bobbins, Pierce. Wright
A Co., Anna B. Hyan, W. A. Morphew, Col*
A United States MorCgCo., Thoruus Boss,
K. E. Brown, T. F. Reynolds. *J. i/owell
Moore, Julia ‘‘harp, Ella M. Smith. Strong
und Dewolf, J. Lowell Mwire. E. J. Howard,
Henry Bear, Geo. L. Ferris, W. II. Kaymer,
Emily C. Blum, P. J. Scott, Omaha Loan
and Trust Co., Phebe J. Scott, Omaha Loan
and Trust Co., J. II. Speck, B. L. T. Botir
land, Oliver J. Bailey, Barbara Cole, Bar
bara Kohl, Ford A Keith, M. J. Chapman,
Clara. A. Ringer, Sullivan Drew A Co.. E,
W. Adams, Mutual Loan A Trust Co., Wm.
Cnlnun. Iihoda A. Lester, Nehr. Loan A
Trust Co.. P. O. LaRue, E. H. La Rue,
George II. Kales, V. Jelen, Smith Bros.
Loan A Trust Co., It. Richardson, Powell
Brothers, L. C. Lent, Harriett FL Town
send, Neb. Loun A Trust Co., L. Bright, R.
J. Angus, Dakota, Mortg. A Loun Corp.. M.
J. Chapman. Alma Ulnger\ W. P. Smith,
Miowalter Mtg. Co., J. E. Young, A. T.
Smith, Clarence A. Parks, JamesWoodside,
Chaa. A. Mitchell, Canadian A America*
Trust. Co., Ezra Kaamer, Mrs. J. E. Benja
min, C. 8. Vutico. Mutual Loan A Trust Co.,
A. J. Miller, J. I). Anderson, C. 11. Ton
cray, 1>. M. Benner, Henry Hartford, M. A.
Ingersoll, Lew E. Harrow, I). O’Donnell,
Holt County Bank, Kimball A Blair, F. E.
A M. V. It. It. Co., A. Haines, Geo. W. Ilow
den, Iowa Mtg. Co., M. O’Donnell, Blair A
Allison, Jane Asher, John Benson, C. C.
Barnum, Ella A. McCleery, S. H. Wilson,
Thos. Hughes, W. W. Page, Neb. A West
ern It. R. Co., Pacific Town Site Co., Sioux
City, O’Neill A Western B R. Co., T. M.
Ackenhack, J. Lowell Moore, C. Grosbeck,
ti. j. r**»ari, nenr. m/. & investment go.,
{'• ( oil!ns, J. Lowell Moore, Clinton Moore,
J . W. E. Dorsey, 8. H. Wilson. D. F. Raw
lins. Globe Investment Co., Jno. W. Lock
hart, Wm. L. Bid well, II. Bitters, British
Havings Bank, Nebr. Loan Sc Trust Co.,
rttiinle Sell ram, Chloe I). Li vermore.Emma
C. Allen, Janies If. Cliu*k, Farmers Loan Sc
Trust Co.. J. T. M. Pierce, Pierce, Wright
& Co., C. T. Smith, J. Howards, J. R. Point
er, United Trust Co. Limited, Amos Sar
geant, Union Trust Co., Jno. A. Brown,
K. H. Taylor, Andrew Gallagher, John
Colder, Farmers Loan & Trust Co., John
Herbert, M. Y. Pointer, Will*am E. Utter,
Rebecca A. Rustler, James K. Rustler, H.
B. Scott, J. W. Bishop. Globe Investment
Co.. Evan Trunnell, Union Trust Co., H.
C . Morman, Joseph A. Brigel, Globe In
vestment Co., Jno. Groff, Western Farm
m. A'.' IMHI. UI UII, M CSll'l H l ttl Ul
Mtg. trust Co., 1>. F. Rawlings, Globe In
vestment Co., O. Mosher, I). Parish and J.
B. Potter, Jos. II. Pratt. H. M. Henley,
Jane E. Hudson. G. Brutt, J. Lowell Moore,
Mux J. Hurhm, Maclagan & Pierce, Max J.
Baehr. A. J. Miller. F. P. Moore, MaryE.
McWhorter, James Rrady, Maclagun Sc
Pierce, Showulter Mtg. Co., Fred’k 11.
Briggs, Alford J. Smith, Mutual Loan Sc
Trust Co., H. W. McClure, David E. Sams,
& United States Mtg. Co., Jeremiah II.
Wilson, Montague J. Chapman, Paul Hoff
man, Iowa Mtg. Co., P. 8. Slmmonds, Sho
walter Mtg. Co., J. W. Mclvittrick, A. P.
Charles, Nebr. Mtg. Sc Investment Co., C.
II. lone ray, Allen Peese. Sliowalter Mtg.
Co., K. W. Coates. D. M. Sill, Mrs. Elanor
Drako, Eugene Knapp, German Savings
Bank, Hannah Byrtl, Niantie Savings
Bank, G. W. Morris, Dakota Mtg. & Loan
Corp., Jac. Mnynold, Jacob Nelson, Nick
Ohm, Nebr. M»g. Sc Investment Co., Lewis
Bradford, F. H. Crum, F. li. Hopkins, Ger
«■. ■ i. v i mu, r. ii. li up hi ns, Her
man Savings Hunk, Wm. Benjamin. Ben
nett Martin, E. F. Roberts, Donald McClel
lan, Lombard Investment Co., Oscar Car
ter, David A Coulter, A. J. Miller, Wm.
Webster, Nelson Toncruy, Neb. Mtg. & In
vestment Co., Ruth Webster, C. F. Bllvin
‘‘Trustee,” Milton Smith, John M. Carpen
ter, O’Neill State Bank. Wm. Nollcamper,
Susan J. Berry, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co.,
Jas. W. Morrow, A. 11. Powell, Nebr. Loan
& Trust Co., Harriet A. Atkinson. A. Z.
Mason, John Herbert, Willie Calkins,
United Trust “Limited,” Globe Invest
ment Co., J. U. Stauffer, J. Lowell Moore,
Dakota Mtg. & Loan Corporation, Thomas
Johnson. Janes S. McGowen, 8. N, Stauffer,
J. Lowell Moore, Dakota Mtg. A Loan
t orp.. C. Braddus, J. Lowell Moore.Dakota
JyK-& Loan Corporation, A. C. Hubbard,
W m. It. Pierson, Andrew Russell, Nebr.
Loan & Mtg. Co., J. M. Hubbard, H. 1L
Scott, G. E. Hubbard, Iowa Mtg. Co., Wm.
II. Pearson, Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., Jas.
J. Harrington, Helen Gibbs, Nebr. Loan
& Trust Co., Peter Harvey, Nebr.
Loan & Tiust, Co., Jas. May, Julia
M. Brim, Western Farm Mtg. Trust
Co., A. J. Miller, I. J. Porter “Trustee”,
Thomas M. Morris,Saruh II ilulllster.Sam
liel J. Calhoun, Elmore W. Heerst, II.
Brown, Nonie Murphy, Smith Bros. Loan
& TrustCo., W. 1). Murphy, Bridget Car
ney, McKinley Lansing Loan & Trust Co.,
Hugh Gallagher, George Eastman, Ne
braska Loan & Trust Co., W. D. Mathews,
t^tUo?K?unk ?/ Q^Nelll, G. C. Hazelet. Mary
E. Gibbon-, M. E. 8mlih, James Cahill,An
il.rew Nofzleger, Richard Angus, Dakota
Mtg. & Loan Corp . Jane Msrsu, II. s. Bal
lou&.Co., Henry Brown, Nelson Tone ray.
h. J. Porter, trustee, Jennie E. Stewart,
American Investment Co., II. J. Newton.
John Doitiln, E. P. Wilcox, Jamas Meagn
ler, L. Pattee, McKinley Lansing Lonu Sc
Trust Co., Henry Hartland, Jacob Hunt.
Western Trust and Security Co., H. A.
Allen, D. E Uffutt, H. H. Saunders, Wm. F.
Chit tick, Scott T. Jones, O. G. Norton, J. P.
Weekes, J. W. Tlbbits, Fidelity Loau Sc
Trust Co., Iowa Invt. Co., C. F. Stelnmetz,
Harrison National bank, Jasper W. Tib
bets, McKinley Lansing Loan & Trust Co.,
Bridget Loft us, Showulter Mtg. Co., Fred
V iuix. Vsu., r rec
erlck H. Briggs, J. Q. Clark, T. A. Gebi
man. Smith Bros. Loan ft Trust Co., W. *
Mathews manager, Jo Murphy,’’ Spilt
“ T --‘ " W. D. Mathew
... .'i uiia.tUACI, MU .11
Brt>s. Loan Sc Trust Co.. W. m»iu«w
manager, P. Mullln, Minnie McNlchol
Mutual Loan & Trust Co., C. H. Toncra
Edward A. Smith, Nebr. & Iowa L. ft ‘
Co., Amelia Conway,. Iowa Mtg. Co., B
Waters, F. C. Norfolk, Showalter Mtg. C<
Tootle Hosea ft Co.. U. W. E. Dorsey J ]
Keith, Ford ft Keith. Gusta Klwoo'd, J.:
Brown, J. H. Keith, F. T. Cooper, M. Lyor
> • J. Burnett, A. J. Miller, David A. Cot
s- B. Julie...' McKinley Lansing Lo!
ft Trust Co., Waller N. Parker, Judson
1 horp, Nebr. Loan ft Trust Co., C. E. Lu
ylgsln, Smith Bros. Loan ft Trust Co., ’
D. Mathews, It. Blgelon, Della M. Stewa
Loan ft Trust C
Ivin Wilkinson, 1 nion Trust. Co., ,T. T.
Pierce, trustee. Chits. G. Houck. D. J. P*
rlsl, J B.Potter. J. F Brighton, C. 0. M
'VbDu1!iUi>eiV8l.t lu,e'1<'e A- Pari
Albert R. Hill, J, L. Moore, Dakota Mtg
Loan Corn.. A. J. Miller, M. B. A hell, Ma
J. Evans, Gibson Reeder Co., M. M Sul
van, L. F. MoulUenhour. Siegfried ScbuU
Mor. Co., M. F. Harrington, Henry A. Ne
ton, Nebr. Loan ft Trust Co., Henry ltrov
Geo. W. Rowden. A. J. Mason. John Hi
bort* A. J. Miller, James Merrihow, A.
Fletcher, C. P. Jacobson, Guarantee Tri
X- fi-.fn IlnnocU t Vs \\I f ! toll.V
Fltzgibbons, C. A. Register, ,1. sitigleton!
Barab E. Wormald. W. P. Laswell. Holt Co.
Hank, Ncls O’Neilson, Nebraska Mortgage
& Investment Co.. Hubert K. K. Mellor, F.
3; Morris. J. 8. Bartley, Union Trust Co..
II. M. Juslln, K. O. Hjoland, Eva W. Dorr
Howard Miller, Lotham Davis, William L.
& Security Co., Alice Gilbert,' Charles A^
Thompson, Bristol Savings Bank, Nebr.
tin, Western Farm Mtg. Trust Co., Lyman
Roy, .las. Keernan, Nelsoti Toncray, Ellas
A. poteu. E. P. Bergner, Win. M. Brouson,
Nebr. Mtg A Investment Co.. II. O. Strang
land, Harriet A. Spaford, Nebi'. Loan A
Trust Co., A. W. Sexton, L. O. Currish F.
Jacoby, J. Lowell Moore. J. H. Taylor,’ I)!
Turrlsh & J. B. Poter, Marlagau A Pierce
8. E. Smith, Jennie M. Smith, Nebr Mtg A
Investment Co., National Bank of Midilie
bury, Anna and Adam Wenzel. M. P. Kin
kaia. James Cole, Mary L. McKlnzle,.lames
W. Stewart, Western Farm Mtg. Trust
Co., Geo. W. Hotchkiss, Clarence A. Parks
Emma Butcher, A. W. Mentzer, Walter
Bronimont, Nebr. Mtg. A Invt. Co., Oliver
T. rolic, E. E. Brown, Frank Sharp, Martha
M. Butterfield, Klioda M. Sterling. West
ern Farm Mtg. Trustee., vv. M. Bashaw
Mutual Loan A Trust Co., Philomel a Cal
lahan, Chas. J. Norred, Showalter Mtg. Co.
Daniel C. Downnlng, I. Millsnaugh, Harry
Richards. Koper A Baxter Cigar Co., J. H,
Keith. Ford A Keith. Annie Humpal,
George H. Green, W. M. Forbes, J. II. Keith,
Thus. Nelson, Nebr. Loan A Trust, Co.,
Lewis Kndclifr, Emma Huggins, Nebr,
Loan A Trust Co.. A. Gallagher, Commer
cial Investment Co., W. M. O’Conner, C. E.
Khines, J. H. Keith, Jno, Cherry. Smitli
Bros. Loan A Trust Co.. G. J. Monroe,
Dwight M. Snow, D. Parrish A J. B. Potter,
Maclagan A Pierce, Jno. Crawford. Hol
land Trust Co. Adm., M. Nlssenger, Oscat
W heelock Milton H. Yale, J. R. Brown
Mary J. Bolden, B. A. Myhr, V.’ilt-r Chrva
tie “Trustee", Ncbr. Loan Sc Trust Co.,
Elizabeth t. Morris, John Yates, S. >J.
Twing, Mary E, Allen, Margaret Boles,
Nchr. Loan A: Trust Co., J. M. Crawford, .1.
If. Keith. Jos. JettinghofL li. Brown, E. E.
Brown. Frank Sharp, W. F. Kellev. Scott
1’. Jones. Ida E. Kimball, Theo. Wheeler,
J. T. M. Bierce, D. Parrish & J. B. Potter,
Madagan Sc Pierce. Lewis Dodge, Geo. H.
Bow ring, Lombard I nvt. Co., Chas. Spauld
ing. Jenett. B. Herbage, John Colder, Win.
Graham, Smith Bros. Loan & Trust Co., J.
T. M. Pierce, I). Parrish Sc J. B. Potter, Em
ma A. Cleveland, IK 1’nrrish & J. B. Potte-,
J. B. Green, Nebr. Mtg. Sc investment Co.,
W. E. Morrow, IK Parrish Sc J. B. Potter. J.
P. Picket 1, Nebr. Loan Sc Trust Co., Nebr.
Mtg. Sc I nvt. Co., J. B. Donner, Nelson Ton
cray. Clarence A. Parks. Holt Co. Bunk,
Waldou Allison, Geo. W. Getter, 11. H.
Saunders, A. 1). Brown, E. Doolittle, W. N.
Eckles, M. J. Doolittle, A. D. Brown, L. G.
Brown, T. E. Doolittle, Lillie G. Brown,
Adam C. Goodwin, Scott T. Jones, Anna M.
Smith, Caroline Halleweg Nebr. Mtg. Sc
Invt. Co., State Rank of O’Neill, Jens H.
Sorrenson, H. N. Me nee, Nebr. Mtg. Sc In
vestment Co. P. Frouty, J. E. Montrose,
Charles D. Clark. Scott T. Jones,—Hallock,
T. J. Brown, W. N. Farlow, H. Sinnett, Sa
rah Laxson, Nebr. Loan Sc Trust Co., S. Beil,
Mutual Loan Sc Trust Co,. 11. Schrader,
Nebr. Loan Sc Trust Co., J. T. M. Pierce, IK
Parrish Sc J. B. Potter, IK F. Knowles, S. H.
Campbell, M. Kuhn, J. L. Wilson, H. M.
Kim balk J. G. Monroe, Bela Baldwin,
Union Trust Co., Aultman Miller & Co.,
Geo. Matts, Nebr. Mtg. & Investment Co.,
A. Huddleston Etui., F. W. Thomas, F. IK
Adams, J. H. Keith, Ford Sc Keith, E. Camp,
}V. K. Johnson, I). Parrish & J. B. Potter,
H. M. ManviUe, J. B. Mead, Sarah J. Nich
ols, J. H. Keith, Lucy Johnson, Showalter
Mtg. Co., 8. E. Schreck, Albert Barnett, T.
}V. Bartley, D. Parrish & J. B. Potter, Til
lie May, Lionel! C. Kurd, C. H. Spaulding,
Jenett B. Herbage, J. W. Jillson, Berlha M.
Young, Robert Wormald, J. W. Roberts,
Lombard Investment ♦ o.. Holt Co. Bank,
Harvey Recrards, Maclagan Sc Pierce, Dan
Hall, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co., J. A. & W.
M. Calvert, I). Parrish & J.*B. Potter, Lu
i iiini, riimaiuu. muuiLi, a • ■.«**
left, Nebr. Loan Ac Trust Co., Tolly Larson,
John Cauble, Mary A. (’lark, C. G. W.
i lark. Colonial & United States Mortgage
Co., J. M. Carpenter, White sewing Machine
Co., J. U. Pattlson, J. 11 Keith, O. H. Me
vls, Wm. H. Raymer, Emily i . ilium, A. H.
Harris, Lombard Investment Co., A. J.
Miller, J. H. Keith, 0. II. Toncray, Wm,
McWhorter, E. Iv. Stone, Chas. Hu If, S. H.
Ehvood, C. Hr Toncray, Jennie Stewart,
Christie J. Hough, Miner Thompson, Nebr.
Mtg. Ac Jnvt. Co.. Commercial Investment
Co., and to all others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the lJth
day of Novemoer, 1891, T. A. Thompson
bought at Public Sale for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1890, the following des
cribed real estate situated in Holt county,
Nebraska, namely;
The west half of the northwest quarter
section three, and east half of northeast
quarter section four, all In township twenty
flve, range nine, taxed in the name of J. L.
Pltncr, and.
The west naif of west half section thirteen,
township twenty-five, range nine, taxed in
name of Fred’k K. Sulrer, and,
The northwest quarter of the northwest 1
quarter of section seventeen, and the north
half of the northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the northwest quarter of
section eighteen, all In township twenty- I
five, range nine, taxed In name of Bridget
Lvdon, and
The west half of the southeast quarter
and the east half of the southwest quarter
section twenty, township twenty-five, I
range nine, taxed in the name of J. Jeffers, j
Jr., and
The north half of the north half of sec- I
tion twenty-one, township twenty-five,
range nine, taxed in name of Pierce, Wright j
& Co., and,
The southwest quarter of section twcnty
I nine, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed in name of M. O’Neill, and.
The northwest quarter of section seven,
township twenty-six, range nine, taxed in
name of J. A. Jarrard. and.
The southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the j
northeast quarter of section thirteen, town- 1
ship twenty-six, range nine, taxed in name
of A. B. Donaldson, and,
The west hall of the northeast quarter and
the southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty-six, range nine, taxed in
name of Geo. Graves, and,
The west half of the northwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of he northwest
quarter of section twenty-three, towmship
twenty-six, range nine, taxed In name of
W. W. Robbins, and,
The northwest quarter of section six,town
sldp twenty-e glit, range eleven, taxed in
name of Anna B. Ryan, and,
The southwest quarter of section three,
township t weuty-seven, range nine, taxed in
name of W. A. Morphew.and,
The north half oi the southeast quarter of
section eight, and the west half of the south
west quarter of section nine, all in township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed in name of
Thomas Ross, and,
The south half of the northwest quarter
and the north half of the southwest quarter
of section thirteen, township twenty-seven,
range nine, taxed in name of T. F. Reynolds,
The northwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty-seven, range nine, taxed
In name of Julia Sharp, and.
The northeast quarter* 6f section fifteen,
township twenty-seven, range nine, taxed
in name of Strong Ac Dewolf, and,
The west half of the west half of section
nineteen, township twenty-eight, range
eleven, taxed In name of E. J. Howard, and.
The southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-one, township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed in name of
Henry Bear, and,
The cast half of the southwest quarter of
section twenty-six, township twenty-seven,
range nine, taxed In name of W. H. Raymer,
The southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-six, and the
southeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section twenty-seven, all in township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed In name of
P. J. Scott, and,
The north half of the northwest quarter
of section thirty-five, township twenty
seven, range nine, taxed in name of Phebe
J. Scott, and,
The northeast quarter of section six,town
ship twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in
name of J. H. Sueck, and,
The north half of the southwest quar 'er
and t lie southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-eight, township
twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in name of
Barbara Cole, and, I
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-nine, township !
twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in name of
Barbara Kohl, and,
The northwest quarter of section one,
township twenty-nine, range nine, taxed In
name of M. J. Chapman, and.
The southwest quarter of section e'ght,
township twenty-nine, range nine, taxed in
name of E. W. Adams, and,
The northwest quarter of section eight,
township twenty-nine, range nine, taxed in
namo of Wm .Caluan, and, j
township twenty-nine, range nine, taxed in
name of I*, t). LaRue, and,
The southwest quarter of section twenty- i
nine, township twenty-nine, range nine,
taxed in name of E. H. LaRue, and.
The southeast quarter of section seven- !
teen, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
name of V. Jelen, and,
The southwest quarter of section thirty
two, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
name of R. Richardson, and.
The southeast quarter of section thirty
four, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
name of L. I’. Lent, and, ,
The northwest quarter of section thirty- I
three, township thirty-one, range nine,taxed
in name of L. Bright, and,
Thte southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section eight, and the south half
of the noithwest quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
nine, all in township thirty-two, range nine*
taxed in name of M. J. Chapman, anu,
The northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter, and the north half and the south
west qualter of the northwest quarter of
section eighteen, township thirty-two,range
nine, taxed in name of W. P. Smith, and,
The southeast quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-two, range nine, taxed in
nume of A. T. Smith, and.
The wesi half, and the southeast quarter
of tho southwest quarter and the southwest
niiartnv t Ita . .. m __
n vok i|uari«r mm ino suimiwt'Si
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
WP’. t°wnship_ tnirty-two, _ range
miny-vwo, range
nine, taxed in name or James Vvoodside, and,
The northeast quarter of section twenty
five, township thfrty-two, range nine, taxed
In name of Ezra Kaamer, and.
The east half of the northwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarterof section twenty-six. township
2v» * 1 lownsuip
fPlMrtwo* nine, taxed In name of
C. ». > a nee. and,
The north half of the southwest quarter
section thirty, township thirtv-two, range
nine taxed in name of A. J. Miller, and.
The north half of the northeast quarter of
section thirty-throe, and the north half of
the northwest quarter of section thirty
four. township thirty-two, range nine, taxed
in name of I>. M. Renner, and.
The northwest quarter of section thirty
one, township twenty-five, range ten, taxed
1** J*ame of M. A. Ingersoll, And,
Lhe southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, and the east half of the northeast
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter, and the northeast quar
tcr.°/»l ie southeast quarter of section three,
and the northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section four, all in township
raP®e ten» taxed In name of
D. O’Donnell, and,
The northwest quarter of section five.
- ■••'“■■"vow i|uaiivr ui ni-cuuii u ▼e,
township twenty-seven, range ten, taxed In
name of A. Haines, and.
rhe northwest quarter of section ten,
township twenty-seven, range teu, taxtd In
name of M. O Donnell, and,
The southeast quarter of section nine
teen, township twenty-seven, range ten,
n liamw of Jane Asher, and,
The northwest quarter of section thirty
two, township twenty-seven, range ten,
f^xed in name of Ella A. McCleery, and.
The northwest quarter of section six,
IWnvh n ~ ._*-*_j
* -ui I oi section six,
township twenty-eight, rango ten, taxed In
numo nf Th.^a ]<p-l>e- _>
—-• ■i' it* hi
Thos. Hughes, and.
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section thirteen, townshlr
ranSe ten. taxed in name ol
W. \V. Page, and,
The northeast quarter of section twenty
one, township twenty-eight, range ten.taxeci
in name of t. M. Ackenback, ana.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
four, township twenty-eight, range ten, tax
edin name of C. Grosbeck, and,
The north half of the southeast quartet
and the southwest quarter of the southeasl
quarter of section seven, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
eight, all in township twenty-nine, range
ten, taxed in name of J. M. Stafford, and,
lue south west quarter of section
snip twenty-nine, range ten, taxed in name
of J. S. McCoy, and,
The southeast quarter of section fifteen,
township twenty-nine, range ton, taxed in
name of H. J. Soarl, and.
The west half of the northeast quarter ol
section twenty-four, township twenty-nine
rarm?e ten* iuxed in name of C. Collins, and,
lne northeast quarter of section twenty
wn.i.Muii iwuiiiy-nmy, rung© icn, taxed
• ^nr”ame Clinton Moore, anti,
.The went half of the west half of section
thirty-four, township twenty-nine, range
t*»n. taxed in name of G. W. E. Dorsey, and.
The north hulf of the northeast quarter of
section four, township thirty, range ten,
tttxed in name of D. F. Rawlings, and,
. T*16, northeast quarter of section ton,
township thirty, range ten, taxed in name
of Jno. W. Lockhart, and.
The southeast quarter of section thirteen,
township thirty, range ten, taxed In name
of H. Bitters, and.
The southwest quarter of section seven
teen, township thirty, range ten, taxed in
name of r unnlc Hchram, and,
The south half of the northwest quarter of
section nineteen, township thirty, ranee ten,
taxed lu name of Emma if. Allen, and.
The southeast quarter of section twenty
three, township thirty, range ten, taxed In
name of Farmers L. & T. Co., and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
seven, township thirty, range ten, taxed In
nt; me of J. Howards, and,
rhe north half of tho northeast quarter
and the southwest quurterof tho northeast
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section two, township
thirty-one, range ten, taxed In name of J. R.
Pointer, and,
The south half of the northwest quarter,
and the east half of the southwest quarter
of section live, township tliirtyone, range
ten, taxed in name of Amos Sargent, and.
The southeast quarter of section ten, town
ship thirty-one, range ten, taxed In name of
It. H. Taylor, and,
The southwest quarter of section eleven,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed in
name of Farmer's Loan & T Co., and.
The southeast quarter of tho southeast
quarter of section twelve, township thirty
one, range ten, taxed in name of M. Y. Poin
ter and,
, The east half of the west half, and the west
half of the east half of section eighteen,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed in
name of Rebecca A. Rusler, and.
The north half of the southwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section twenty, town
ship thirty-one, range ten, taxed in name of
J. tv. Bishop, and,
Tho southeast quarter of section twenty
eight, township thirty-one, range ten, taxed
in name of Evan Trunnell. and
The northeast quarter of section twenty
nine, township tlilrty-one, range ten, taxed
in name of II. C. Morman, and.
The southeast quarter of section thirty,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed In
name of Jno. Groff, and,
Tho south half of the southeast quarter of
section thirty-three, township .tfiirty-one,
range ten, taxed in name of L). F. Rawlings,
The south half of the northeast quarter
and the north half of the southeast quarter
of section iifteen, township thirty-two, range
ten, taxed in name of O. Mosher, and.
Tho southwestquartor of section eighteen,
township thirty-two, range ten, taxed In
name of Jos. H. Pratt, and,
Tho southwest quarter of tho northeast
quarter and tho northeast quarter of south
west quarter and the northwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section twenty
four, township thirty-two, range ten, taxed
In name of Jane Hudson, and,
The north half of the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirteen, town
ship thirty-two, range ton, taxed in name of
G. llrutt, and,
The south half of the south half of section
twenty-four, township thirty-two, range
ten, taxed in name of Max J. Burhm, and.
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-five, township
thirty-two, range ten, taxed in name of A. J.
Miller, and,
Tho west half of tho west half of section
twenty-six, township thirty-two, range ten,
taxed in name of F. P. Moore, and.
The southwest quarter of section eight,
township twenty-five, range eleven, taxed
in name of rhowalter Mtg. Co. and.
The south half of the southwest quarter
and the west half of tho southeast quarter
of section nine, township twenty-six, range
eleven, taxed lu name of Alford J. Smith,
and, •
The northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-one, township
twenty-six, range eleven, taxed In name of
H. W. McClure, and.
The northeast quarter of section twenty
two, township twenty-six, range eleven,
taxed in name of David E. Sams, und,
The north half of tho northwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section thirty-four,
township twenty-six, range eleven, taxed in
name of Jeremiah II. Wilson, und,
Tiie soutliwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of soction six, and the north half of
the northwest quarter and the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
seven, all in township t wenty-seven, range
eleven, taxed in name of Paul Hoffman,and,
Tiie northwest quarter of soction fourteen,
township twenty-seven, range eleven, taxed
in the name of P. S. Simmons, and.
The northwest quarter of section seven
teen. township twenty-seven, range eleven,
taxed in name of J. W. McKlttrlek, and.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
five, township twenty-seven, range eleven,
taxed in name of Allen Peese, ami,
Tl.r. l.nlf _-.1. l. ia .j * •
thirty-two, township twenty-seven, range
eleven, taxed in name of R. W. Coates, and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
three, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed in name of Eugene Knapp, and.
The northeast quarter of section twenty
seven, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed in name of Hannah Byrd, and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
elght, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed in name of G. W. Morris, and.
The south half of the northeast quarter
and the north half of the southeast quarter
of section thirty-one, township twenty
eight, range eleven, taxed in name of Jas.
Maynold, and,
The south half of the southeast quarter of
section fifteen, and the north half of the
northeast quarter of section twenty-two,
all in township thirty, range eleven, taxed
in name of Jacob Nelson, and, ,
The northeast quarter of the northeast
Illll’tOf rtf uin'tlAti
m.wimaii nuauci ul me iiurineasL
quarter of section twenty-four, town-hip
thirty, range eleven, taxed in name of F. H.
i V-nm urtrl
Crum, and.
The southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section six, township thirty-one,
range eleven, taxed in name of Wm. Ben
jamin, and.
The north half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty, township thirtv-onc. range
eleven, taxed in name of E. F. Huberts, and
The north half of the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-four
township thirty-one, range eleven, taxed iii
name of Oscar Carter, and,
The southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter und the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section fifteen, town
I • . | , “ k ' - it'll U 1 It t It, lUtVll*
ship thlrty-t wo, range eleven, taxed in name
of W m. Webster, and,
The north half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-two, township thirty-two,
range eleven, taxed in name of iiuth Web.
ster, and.
Ihe southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter ano lot one In section thirty, town
ship thirty-three, range eleven, taxed in
name of lliltou Smith, and,
section thirty, towns ji
jectlon^Vef'ufwnlh! northe««
in section Hve Vlf_an,'l lots i?**
twelve, taxed' 1
K2,tJi?rP*t. qua’rte?^!! "4th la
ter.? s'ffiSJa-ss,
section twCntv-;eVO„ejorth^<«
range twelve,''taxed in*'l*nshlHt5
Moore, and, u ln “woe »i”
of ^
nari1^ Of V HrurtV6’
The south half of th«^?Us’ 4>C
north half of the vm?ith0rthc^ i
township twenty-stx^i^ w*#
, The southeast quarteVlIf*'
township twenty-six„ “f SC|,»<»<
township twenfy'llii""''''.
name of O. E HuhlViVJ?n?<'itWelv«,l
■* Th»e,.tax.?d ln nameof P™yr'E
* . **®« southwest quarter nf col?
township twenty-seven m E?
In name of Janus Mayunj*
The east half of the 8n„tU„.
section twenty, and tEW!
northwest quarter of sort i! r ^
all in towns'ld ™venty8-sev” 2*
taxed ln name of A. J Miller ■■S*’
The south half of the
and the north half of the sou iS,
siveneCtlrTn^tl,i.r,y-,0,,e’ “S?
seven, r&n£o twelve tnruii tif
Thomas M. Morris, anil * d “
The northeast quarter of sertlm
three, township twenty-seven”!!
taxed In name of Sam'l J. cilhouS®
Th® southeast quarter of seclim
one, township twenty-eight ran-!
taxed ln name of H. llroSn a!?'
"or!heust quarter of swiion
township twenty-nine, range twe!
innameof Hrid^etCarney,and
The southeast quarter of seat’ll
VTO tnnmdiln *.......4.. ...
two township twenty-nine, rale
--Hugh Gallagher
*n name of nugn uanaglir
rite northwest quarter of ih
quarter of section twenty-live
twenty-nine, range twelve, taxe
W. D. Mathews, and,
The southwest quarter ol thi
quarter and the northwest qui
southwest quarter of section
township twenty-nine, range tv
•n name of Mary E. Gibbons, am
The east half of the southeast
section thirty-two, township t
range twelve, taxed ln name ol:
Iimui Him 111 IIIV sum II null nil
twenty, township thirty, rangy tuflw
ed in name of Andrew Nofziegcr, and,
The northeast ouartcr of sect ion ti
five, township thirty, range twelve,tv
name of Jane Marsh, and,
The southeast quarter of section tt
nine, township thirty-one, range tt
taxed In name of Henry Brown.and,
The northwest quarter of the soul
quarter of section twenty-three, toi
thirty-two, range twelve, taxed in m
Jennie M. Stewart, and,
The east half of the southwest quar
section twenty-three, township thirt;
range t welve, taxed in name of 11.1
ton, and.
The southwest quarter of the m
^quarter of section thirty-one. toi
thirty-two. range twelve, taxed in m
L. Pattce, and.
Lots one and two in section ninetwi
lots three and four in section twenty,
township thirty-three, range twelve,
in name of Henry Hart-land, and,
The southeast quarter of section
township thirty-three, range twelve,
in name of H. A. Alien, and.
The southwest quarter of section
three, township thirty-three, range
taxed in name of Wm. F. Ciiittii'k.ftnl
The north half of the north half of r
twenty-nine, township twenty-five,
thirteen, taxed in name of 0.0. V>no#
The west half of the northeast qua?
the cast half of the northwest quarter
tion two. township twenty-six. range
teen, taxed in name of J. 1. weekw.*
The east half of the east half on
eight, township twenty-six. range u
taxed in name of 0. F. StcimnetMM
The northwest quarter of section v
three, township twenty-six, range ta
taxed in name of Jasper W. Tibbtts. a
The southwest quarter of stcJOB*
township twenty-six, range thirteen,
in name of Briget Loft us, and
ino SOUinwusi quariri .ki
four, township twenty-six, range
taxed in name of Showalter Mortg.
The northeast quarter of se«tion
township twenty-seven, WM®
taxed in name of J. Q. Clark, and.
The southeast quarter of sccw«
township twenty-seven, ranjt
taxed in name of Jo Murphy, and.
a.ifu in name ui uu *■*t—-*: ■
The southwest quarter of non
*nrnM»V.^AVPn. rOuXC *“
township twenty-seven, range
taxed in name of P. Mullen,and.
The northwest quarter of sei#
township twenty-seven, ran-f
t.. v...1 In name of Minnie M( Nl1
taxed In name of'Minnie.... -
The northeast quarter of *' "fJ]
townahlp twenty-seven, raM ,
taxed in name oft. H. rout ray,
The. northwest quarter ofsf'1^
township twenty-seven
taxed in name of li. Tone'3'. (
The north half of the sout li | a»
eleven, township twenty-st”11^ ,
teen, taxed in name of hiuly - .
CTII. IrtAUU II* ... --- .. .
The sout it half of the souths t|(f
section thirteen, and ,llc " ' „nii
liortliwest quarter of stl’[!„),’rM;t
ail in township twontj,-^'1^,,,,
teen, taxed in nameof thw.
The south half of the noi ' « ■ ■;
1C SOUlIl Hall * ...fill*1 lit'rt
and the southeast quariC. «■ >" ,
quarter and the in at tie.M .
q uarter of sect ion
y-seven. l' .nx'e
ship twenty-see..... ■—-- ,
name of Mary B. Mylter. ' |inn
The soutliwest quartet or«. h
lit? wuui *• rMlifft •"
, township twenty-stvin -ti^i
...ed in name of Bora >lafl^(il,a n
The southeast quarter of r
nine, township twent VjJau.^
teen, taxed in name of «•1 • ..jf
The east half of the ca*t
on t
Kill "■ -
thirteen,taxed In name
Tlie south halt of
section seventeen, a^'.V.p n„rili Mg*
quarter »u«l’J'jJ hJf
: Quarter and y.
northwest quarti. -----
southeast quarter of s;
..ittartero. " , ' niliSf v»
township twenty-eiLlit. .)ors<,y, a®1
taxed in name of O. 'V. h. I ,!
The southwest quartet of,
.. ,tliir!«»
townsliip twenty-nine- rai-se
in mime of ,1, M. lireu n- --
__II. Brown- ana 5(Vli.,r,
The southeast 'lu;l 1 !.‘.!111„ethii"-‘l'n
township twenty-nine, is
in imme’o'f.K. T.scrti-wi£
The southwest tuarter 'i.'rtc®
eljfht, township thii>1 ■ j j,[j£ ;„ul,
inthe name of t>. 1». Juu u
lion >’
nthenameof r. !'• Jul' j ^viion -
The northwest quar t-;; tlljrtrei;
ownsbiu thiriy-one. t> - ' l(i
township tl'i.r*5-'l"u'.;,ru'.'1''aml
in name of Walter l at A •»
in name or waiter i - y stH?iioc
The southwest guatn <« r#Ilp. tb
rue souinwesi -jy--; ,, nuuw -
three, township » h]'L' " |Vi;;sn>.i'
taxed in name of l • I1-"1, „f «'i»; „
XWU ill lidUIC v»a ' • ()f
The southeast qua[
township thlrtv-two. I'l'1-1
Inname’I.f-iilKlael.u, -
The north liaif oftlaj;,, ^
and the southeast q*i«- , st
quarter and the not5.,-tio„ thirtl‘t,1‘j
northwest quarter ot > thirteen
tuivm »*■«» »» :V*
The south half of tJ.'.i-viishiP ’^
of section twenty-six. t<>*
range thirteen, taxed in
Pierce, "Trust co. an* ; nf ,
The northeast Qunru ran?'; ;,
four, township ^V r'iqid.ton
taxed in name of J
ixvu in juwiii wa
The so tit li half of V'* rof tin*
and the nor
quarter and
southeast qu.
twenty-live, range
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id the soul! ' ; 1WU_.
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twutheasf quarter °^'r,ceu, ta^