Pushed by the frontier printing co. olume XIV. •UBSORIRTION, BI.BO MB ANNUM. CLYDE KINO AND D. H. CRONIN. EDITORS AND MANAOENS. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, JULY 13, 1893. NUMBER 1. ^ocal News of O’Neill as Caught by the “Kids.” hEE INTERESTING NOTES of General Interest Pnbliahad Whila Hews Is Still N»w*. jl giignburn and sister visited Sioux lost week^_ itor Evered, of the Page Eye,was in ily Saturday. irry Weekes, of Page, was in the He first of the week. tney Kyan returned Sunday from ;8it to the world’s fair, lie Daly >s home from Park City, _ 0n a visit to his parents. B, Dickson went down to Omaha ,y, returning Sunday evening. srlie Millard is enjoying a visit his lather and mother of Cherokee, tend the grand ball to be given by band boys on Friday evening, 21. __ irshal Hall is building an addition s bouse in the southeastern part of :ity. _ ■ and Mrs. F. C. Cole left last week hicago to attend the world's fair a weeks. r. and Mrs. Corbett and Mr. and Kmch took in the sights at Long Sunday. p. Roy came in from the farm day and went up to the Pine on the ing train. urn, to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. DeYar , on Sunday, July 9, 1893, a girl of usual weight. iss Ona Skirving went up to Stuart rday evening whqje she will visit ids for a week. euiember the band boys’ ball at the ahouse Friday evening, July 31, A il time is assured. J. Ualloran wua up from Inman sday and reports crops in good con on in his locality. aivy Bentley returned Tuesday ing from Omaha, where he has been loyed as a stenographer. iss Nellie Daly has resigned her tion in Pfund & Wagers’ store, and take a vacation for a few weeks. iss Virge Boehme returned to her e in Atkinson, Tuesday evening, r a week’s visit with friends here. ndy Gallagher, Dug Jones and Steve ichols went up to Long Pine Mon evening, returning Tuesday mora le fishing party that went out on Niobrara last week returned home tsday evening. They report a splen time. •rs. Ed Hershiser and children left day for Onawa, Io., where -they will it with Mrs. Hershiser's mother for a (months. h. Kvle, veterinary surgeon, removed headquarters to Butte last week. e doc gave good satisfaction in this ■amunity, t gentleman with a steam merry-go md has been lurnishing amusement °ys and girls both young and old ! Past few days. J Shtdhart"Tnd family have m llle Tavern and into the ence he has just completed in "theastern part of the city. [,0R RENI—The Tavern. Has I Pered and refurnished througl is one of the best equipped h ,hPC1,V- 1 tf JoHN^NE!! «en» u ®“ Bfya" WBS an F- E »0e P Mond#y evening, en route for esktt,1?6’ wbere l*e wag billed to tnPanieH eJenin^- John Harmon ac P led hlm from O’Neill. !ic0,gor cts to K * 0skttlooaa, Iowa. He be Konc about a month. ex Gornet Band wm 'i'lay evf-n- * ,ln ,he °Pera bouse on be furn'8!8’ .Ju'y 21‘ Good “uaic KtoTv and gibing will be* %i:^e.t,lebal,aaccess. Every *dially invited to attend. Io"iiayhev1 b°8rd held a meetinKlai lwi«g oftw!Dln* and elected the fo tof; q prSTi-B,1 ®,despie, model director; Davl Wi,/' Biglin , •• •reasurer bo»fd will L U04rlet ennergiata in der vorld’a vnir ahonlt pe builtet. g Stenographer—Hooray! Altgeld—Iff der det men haf dro der tieymite bump unt klllut der bolltzman vat divverenz maken dot? I vould like to eak vat der Amerigana tlnk laa delr brlverlech by der gundry. Iaa'nt dey know yet alretty dot der Chermana haf ' aomeding to aay? Unt iaa’nt der Cher mana got der brlverlech to dro der bump yen dey yarn! to? I thing me yat Vould ; you take ayay from der ennerglat hiea peer? Hod py damaidel Veil, hla bump laa ahuat aaa precioua, unt nod vile Altgelt la guffnor ahall aoch grroaa in* abuatiaa be berbedrated. ' ,v Stenographer (waving a email red flag) : —Hoorray! Altgeld takes another nop, after which frankfurters and beer were again served to him. Stenographer—Vile you haf alee pan bin deae tellecrame haf arrifed. Her la one from Herr Moat in Neul Yorrigg. Altgeld— A aplendit chentleman. Rent yet he hat aalt. Stenographer—To Altgeld, guffnor of Illanolce, Greentink. In antlxibaahnn off der releaae of der badrlota from Chollyedde ye are trinken doo hundred kega of laker peer. Hoch for Ennergy! Hock for Altgeld! Porn! Blllagel Rob I Kill der bolltzmen! Amerriga for der Chermana! Your brother, Johann Moat. Altgeld—Daa laa goot. Sent back vort to trink awelf kega laker peer at my ezbenzea. Haf all der tellecrama' framed unt ve hank dem py der vail here. Say, deae aaucheaaea iaa’nt foot aaa doae vat yeaderday I baffen. Dell Fritz dot he vaa ncaden a new imbord* aabun. To lunch I go now, unt ven I kom peck ve vaniah dot broglamaahun, Altgeld puts on his shoes, but as it is- • warm day he does not don his collar again, and adjourns to Fritz’ beer cellar. He eats heartily, and this tints sauerkraut adorns his frankfurters. With these and some picketed eels with pumpernickel, accom panied by one dozen glasses of Munehner, < he gains the necessary inspiration for fin- ’> ishing the document that sets free the im prisoned bomb-throwers, and encourages the fiendish lawlessness that precipitated the 1 terrible tragedy of four years ago. Altgeld wiil be entertained by nerr Most when he , visits New York in the fall. [special ~ SALE... !> Monday, ■5 July 17. I j| LADIE8’ j; Shirt Waists ; PARASOL8 11| Fans ! || Cut prices ! || One day only ^ J. P. Mann