The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 06, 1893, Image 8

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Mrs. J. 8. Kollar batched off 106
ohlckens with the incubator last week,
and Mrs. Orabam 86. Those ladies
? base adopted the latest improvements
and are cosequentlv meeting with good
aueccss in the poultry business.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Hubbard,
on the morning of the 23th of June, a
son, weight 11 pounds. Our first inti
mation that anything unusual had oc
cured in the family of our esteemed
friends was on seeing Mr. llubbard ar
rive in town unusually early Monday
morning, wearing a strikingly pleased
expression on his countenance. This
is the sixth son that has come to bless
the already happy home. The next in
order is the doctor.
From tsi Atkinson OnAt-nic.
When the eagle screams next Tues
day and our star-gemmed gonfalon
flouts the mid-day sun, thank heaven
that you were not born in Borneo, and
remember that George Washington
neyer took a lesson in prevarication
under the tuition of a fish liar.
Before the fall frost has nipped the
vines, Balus and McHugh will probably
unite in issuing a bulletin declaring that
the grapes are sour.
Ur. Frod Archerd and family termi
nated a yery pleasant visit with the
former’* parents, Mr. and Mr*. Fred
Archerd of this place, last Monday
evening, and returned to their home in
York, where Fred has a lucrative posi
tion as deputy county treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sage went to
Omaha Tuesday morning where they
will visit their son Dee and from there
go to the state of New York and recre
ate with old time friends, and take in
the world’s fair on their return to Ne
braska. They will probably be absent
six weeks or two months.
Merman Gallun and Miss Carrie Bal
lawag departed last Saturday morning
for Milwaukee, Wis., the home of the
former, where they will be united in
marriage and then visit the world's fair.
After enjoying the reunion with kind
red and old time friends, Herman and
his fair bride will probably return to
Holt county. The best wishes of a host
of friends go with them.
Jerry Reigel has also disposed of his
crops to Mr. Slmar, to whom he sold his
farm a few days since, as heretofore
mentioned in the Graphic. Mr. Simar
is a gentleman of considerable means
and will immediately proceed to im
prove his fine farm by erecting more
buildings and painting the old ones, and
will have a model homestead in the
very near future.
From Tbs Stuart Lidueh.
A city building 20x33 is being erected
on the second lot north of this office.
The building, aside from its usefulness,
will add greatly to the appearance of
t Mast Main street.
Chas. Johnson and family have gone
to Illinois on a three months’ visit.
They spent the most of last winter in
California with Mr. Johnson's son. The
old gentleman has recently moved back
to Rockford, 111., where he owns a farm
and will remain there during the world’s
fair. His son and family will remain
with him and they intend to make
numerous visits to the fair.
A gentleman by the name of Hallock,
from Central City, this state, accom
panied by his father, a very aged gen
# tleman whose mental frailty almost
bordered on insanity, registered at the
Northwestern one night last week, en
route to visit a son living near Butte.
In the evening the old gentleman started
out to take a walk as had been his cus
tom to do at home. Not returning his
son soon became aware of the tact that
his father had wandered away from
town entirely. A search was instituted,
ten or a doaen citizens lending their
assistance. About 10 o’clock that night
the old gentleman was found at the resi
dence of James Morrow, three miles
east of town.
A flood Thing Tor Cough* and Cold*.
The more Chamberlain’s Cough Rem
edy ia used the better it is liked. We
know of no other remedy that always
glees satisfaction. It is good when you
first catch cold. It is good when your
cough is seated and your lungs are sore.
It is good in any kind of a cough. We
] have sold twenty-five dozen of it and
; every hottle has given satisfaction.
Stedman & Friedman, druggists, Min
nesota Lake, Minn. 50 cent bottles for
sale hy P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
Ires Aeeidaat Insurance.
The old reliable, the Daily State Journ
al, has spent more money in securing
news the past year than any other state
paper, and stands today at the head of
Nebraska newspapers, recognized for
its enterprise, truthfulness and reliabil
ity. Published at the capital, it is the
paper for the Nebraskans. It has just
completed arrangements whereby it
offers free accident insurance to every
new subscriber paying $2.60 for three
months in advance, which is only 10
cents more than the regular price for
the paper alone. This gives every
subscriber a $500 accident policy, or less,
according to occupation, free. If you
want a daily paper, the Journal is the
one you should read, as its state editions
contain much later telegrams than is
, given by the Omaha papers. Compare
them for yonr own satisfaction. The
insurance feature alone is worth the
money, as it enables every man to pro
..»! tect his family. Try it three months
■-"issd you won’t be without it. Address,
* ' ", Nebraska State Journal,
Lincoln, Nek,
Letter Lilt.
Following is lhe list of loiters reumluiu? !c
tlio poatoffloo nt O'Neill. Neb., unclaimed, for
tho week cudlnir July f>. tHTO:
M!s$ Maflglo Klainery, Wm. Hniitli.
In culling for tlio above ploaso sny ‘'adver
tised.” If not called for In tivo weeks tliey
will be lent to the dead letter office.
J. II. Krone 1*. M.
The World'! Fair.
The State Journal lias sent two special
correspondents to Chicago to remain
until the cloee of the World's Fair, and
from now on the Semi-Weekly Journal
will contain the fullest accounts and
illustrations of this greatest of world’s
exhibitions. Send us $1 for this great
twlce-a-week paper a whole year. 104
pages. Just twice as much as you get
in any other paper in a year. Our
United States history and paper, $1.40;
New York Tribune and paper, $1.25, all
three, $1.05. To all who ask for them,
until our supply is exhausted, we will
send free a box of dominoes with each
aubscription. Send for sample copy.
Nkiihasna State Jouhnal,
Lincoln, Neb.
Mom Price Cared of Bhenmatism
The many cases of rheumatism cured
by Chamberlain's Pain Ilalm during the
past few months have given the people
great confidence in its curative proper
ties, and have shown that there is one
preparation that can be depended upon
for that painful and aggravating discaee.
Honaker Bros., Lorain, Ohio, say: “Mr.
Moses Price, of this place, was troubled
with rheumatism for a long time.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has cured
him. He says that the Balm has no
equal.” For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
Switkley, l'eun.: We bad an epi
demic of cholerine, as our physicians
called it, in this place lately and I made
a great hit with Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhwa Hernedy. I sold
four dozen bottles of it in one week,
and have since sold nearly a gross.
Thisremedy did the work and was a big
advertisement for me. Several persons
who had been troubled with diarrhtea
for two or three weeks were cured by a
few doses of this medicine.
P. P. Kn.\rr, Ph. G.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P.
C. Corrigan, druggist.
NEW YORK . . .
Th* Organ of Honest Sport in America
Life in New York Graphically Illustrated.
Breezy but Respectable.
Do you want to be posted? Then send
your subscription to the
Will you work for $18 per week?
Write to me at once. JOSEPH R.
GAY, Prest. C. P. & L. Co., 56
Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL.
To the prosent owner, occupant and person
In whose name the land herein after de- 1
scribed was assessed in the year 1890: i
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 10th day of November, A. D., 1891, 1
the following described land, to-wit: The
NWVi of SEV*, section No. 18, township No. 31,
range No. 12, west 6th p. m.. Holt county, in
the state of Nebraska, taxed in the year 1890
in the name of Wilcox and Flannlgan, was
duly sold by the treasurer of Holt county,
state of Nebraska, In the manner provided
by law, for the delinquent taxes levied there
on In the year A. D., 1800, and the same was
then purcnased by Alexander Stone for said
taxes and that the certificate of sale issued
by the eouuty treasurer, has been by said
purchaser assigned to the Security Invest
ment Co„ the undersigned, aud that the time
of redemption of said land from said tax sale
will expire on the 10th day of November, A.
D., 1893, and a deed for said land will be
Issued to the Security Investment Co., the
udersigned, by the treasurer of said county,
uuless sooner redeefned.
Security Investment Co.
By II. C. Moore, trustee. 52-3
To Geo. Wolf and Mutual Loan and Trust Co.
and to whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 12th
day of November. 1881, T. A. Thompson pur
chased at public tax sale for the delinquent
taxes for the year lwo the real estate de
scribed below, situated in Holt county, Ne
braska. to-wlt:
The southwest quarter of section thirty
one. township twenty-seven, range fourteen,
taxed lninumo of Oeo. Wolf.
The tax sale certificates received on said
sale have been sold and assigned to the
undersigned, who is the present owner and
holder therof, and the time of redemption
from said sale will expire on the 12th duv of
November, tSuO. 51-3 J. U. GKOMER.
To Chas. McLeis. Charles A. McLees, Farm
er’s Loan and Trust Company. F. A. Kelly,
Fred Kelly, B. A. DeYarmau and to whom
It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of November, 1891, Emma L. Waitt purchased
at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes
tor the year 1860 the real estate described be
low, situated in Holt county, Nebraska, viz:
T^ie northeast quarter of section twenty
six, township tweuty-ttve. range thirteen,
taxed in name of Chas. McLies, and the east
half of the southeast quarter of section
thirty-four, township thirty, rauge ten, taxed
In name of F. A. Kelly, and the east half of
the northeast quurter of section three, town*
ship twenty-nine, range ten, taxed in name
of * red Kelly; and that the time of redemp
tion from said tax sale will expire on the 7th
day of November, 1893. M-3
Tit* STATit or Nebraska, Holt County, ss.
,*k County Court: Notice Is hereby given
that, petit ion having been filed in the oounty
court of Holt couty. Nebraska, for the ap
pointment of an administrator of the estate
of Henry H. ilcEvony. deceased, late of said
The same is set for hearing at 10
**;• °u Saturday, the 23d day of
a* the office of the county Judge.
Neill, in said county, at which time and
place all persons interested in said estate
appointment11**1 1,6 *‘eard e<Hiu*rnlng said
u,ld,er n'y hand and offiolal seal this
27th day of June. iso.
,, , . . JVM. liOWEN, County Judge.
Filed the 27th day of June, 1893.
livr.i ^SL,,y> Attorney. Wx. Bowen,
a!-4 County Judge
|l. Kst«*n. .lonm-tth* V’. Este*. Ills
wife. Emrna L. IIHI and C. 8. Hill, her hus
band, defendants, will take notice that on
the .’JOth day of June, 1NU3. Fredrick J. Bur-j
net I, plainlifT herein. Hied It In petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
avralnst said defendant*, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain'
mortgage executed by (lefendents, Jesse 0.
II. Estes ami Jennettfe V. Estes, his wife, to
American Loan and Trust Com puny upon
the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine,
township thirty-one, range sixteen west in
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay-!
ment of one promissory note dated January I
20. LSs« for the sum of $1 000 and interest at
the rate of 7 tier cent, per anuutu payable]
semi-annually and 10 per cent, alter matur
ity; that there is now due plaintiff upon suit!
note and mortgage neeording to t he terms
thereof the sum of #250 and interest at the
rate of JO per cent, per annum from Decem
ber 1, 1802, mid plaintiff prays that said
promises may he decreed -to i>e sold to satisfy
the amount due him thereon.
Von are reunited to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 14th day of August.
1 luted July ft, 1803. 52-4a
FREllIUOK J. BlIHNETT, Plaintiff.
Charles E. Loney, Annie Loney. John K.
Clark. Henry Brown, widower, Joseph s.
Damron, the estate of John K. Clark, de
ceased, Mrs. John R. Clark, administrator,
non-resident defendants, notice Is hereby
&lven. that on tlio 7th day of February, isttl.
ellle S. Brown, the plaintiff In this action,
filed her petition In the office of the clerk of
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which is to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by Charles
K. Roney and Annie Loney upon the NW\
ofNWVt Sec. 3 and NE^of NE1* of See. 4,
township ail, and the east !4 SE!. See. an,
township 27, north range 13 westtlth p. in.. In
Holt county, Nebraska, which mortgage was
executed and delivered to the Guaranty In
vestment Co. and filed for record on the loth
day of September. 1S88, and recorded In hook
41 of mortgages at page 234: that there is
now due upon said mortgage the sum of *53.,.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 14th day of August. 18113. or the
same will bo taken as true and judgment
entered accordingly. 11. M. UTTLEY.
• 53-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Alberti. Smith, Ida L. Smith, Check II.
Toncray, Emma It. Toncruy, Joseph 8. Faw
cett and Mary I'aweett Ills wifo, defendants,
will take notice that on the noth day of June,
1893, Yale University, plaintiff herein, filed
Its petition In the district court of llolt
county. Nebraska, against said defendants
the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed by defendants
Albert 1. Smith and Ida L. Smith to C. 11.
Toucray upon the southeast quarter of sec
tion seven, township twenty-eight, range
twelve, west, in Holt county. Nebraska, to
secure the payment of a promissory note
dated November 23,1887, for the sum of *900
aud Interest at the rate of VVi per cent, per
annum payable semi-annually and ten per
cent, after maturity; that there is now due
upon said note and mortgage according to the
terms thereof the sum of *12 ifl and interest
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from
January JO. 1892. and plaintiff prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount due tlioreon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day of August, 189)1.
Dated June Jo. 189)). 52-4a
Yale University, Plaintiff.
The Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, a
corporation, plaintiff,
Abraham Metcalf and wife Martha Metcalf,
Hay W. McClure. Patrick Haggerty and
Charles H. Gardiner, co-partners doing
business under the firm name and style of
McClure. Hagerty & Gardiner. M, L. Clarke
(first name unknown to plaintiff) and wife,
Dora A. Clarke, defendants;
Abraham Metcalf and wifo Martha Metcalf.
M. L. Clarke (first name unknown to plaint
iff) and wife Dora A. Clarke, will take notice
that on the 30 day of June. 1893. the Fidelity
Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff herein,
filed its petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against all of the above
minimi defendants, the object and prayer ot
whicit are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by the defendant Abraham Metcalf
and wife Martha Metcalf to the plaintitV,
upon the northeast quarter ; k,) of section
No. twenty-eight (28), township No. thirty
one (31). north of range No. nino (9). west of
the sixtli principal meridian, to secure the
payment of one certain promissory note
dated July 25,1887, for the sum of nine hun
dred (900) dollars, and due and payable July
25,1892; that there is now due upon said note
aqd mortgage the sum of one thousand and
twenty-eight and forty-five one hundredths
(1028.45) dollars, with interest thereon at ton
(10) per cent, from the first day of July, 1893.
for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the same
or that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14tli day of August, 1893.
Fidelity Loan and TrcoT Co., Pltff.
By S. E. Hostetter, Its Attorney, 52-4
Nellie It. Pearl and Charles C. Pearl, im
pleaded with Frank Pacha, et al, defendants,
will take notice that 011 the 30th day of June,
1893. Frederick J. Burnette, plaintiff herein,
filed Ills petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and praver of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by de
fendants Frank Pacha and Jozl Pacha to
American Loan and Trust company, 11 pen
the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine
township twenty-nine range fifteen, west, in
Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of a promissory note dated January 39.
1888, for tbo sum of *550 and Interest at the
rate of seven per cent, per unn urn, payable
semi-annually, and ten per cent, after matu
rity; that there Is now due upon said note
and mortgage, according to the terms thereof
the sum of *300 and interest at the rate of
ten per cent, per annum from January 1,1893,
aud plaintiff prays that said premises may
be decreed to he sold to satisfy the amount
due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 14th day of August,1893.
Dated June 30.1893.
James M. Parkins, Laura M. Parkins his
wife, George W. E. Dorsey. Emma K. Dorsey
his wife. George West and Mary West his
wife, J. S. Laurauce and L. T. I.uni. doing
business as Lawrence & Hurd, defendants,
will take notice that on the 30th day of June,
1803, James H. Clark, plaintiff herein, tiled
his petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortsaze executed by de
fendents, James M. Parkins and Laura M
Parkins, to plaintiff upon the southeast
quarter of section six. township twenty
eight, range twelve, west, in Holt county,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a prom
issory note dated August ltt,1880, for the sum
of $700 and interest at the rate of seven per
cent, per annum, payable 6cmi-annually,
and ten per cent, after maturity; that there
is now due upon said note and mortgage,
according to the terms thereof, the sum of
$000 and interest at the rate of ten per cent,
per annum from September 1.1891, and plain
tiff prays that said premises may be decreed
to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 14th day of August,
Dated June 30,1893.
52-4a JAMES H. CLARK, Plaintiff.
To the present owner, occupant, and per
son in whose name the land hereinafter de
scribed was assessed in the year 1890.
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1891,
the following described land, towit: The NE
** of SEl4 of section No, 1«, township Mo. 31,
range No. 12. west C P. M.* llolt county, in
the state of Nebraska, taxed in the year 1890
in the name of Wilcox A Flucnigun. was duly
sold by the treasurer of Holt county, state of
Nebraska, in the manner provided by law for
the delinquent taxes levied thereon in the
year A. D., 1S90, and the same was then pur
chased by Alexander Stone for said tuxes,
and that the certificate of sale issued by the
countv treasurer has been by said purchaser
assigned to Security investment company,
the undersigned, and that the time l’or re
demption of said land from said tax sale will
expire on the 10th day of November, A. D.*
1893, and a deed for said land will be issued
to Security Investment Co., the undersigned,
by the treasurer of said county, unless soon
er redeemed.
SECURITY investnentco..
52* By C. H. MOORE, Trustee.
To whom it may concern and to J. T. M.
Pierce. Canadian & American Mortgage
company. Maclaughlln Pierce pco. Plun
der. George and John Christie, M. Slattery,
William 8. Glttcne. Nebraska Loan & Trust
company, H. 8. Callender. C. H. Toncray, J.
R. Hall. Herman Bussells. A. E. and Fannie
Akin. C. J. Parker, M. D. Long, Richard Bar
rett, Betsy Ballard, Edward and Henry Sta
ples, Ann Hynes, and Holt County Bank:
You and each of you are hereby notified,
that on the 10th. day of November. 1891, K.
11. Atkinson purchased at public sale for the
delinquent taxes for the year I8fl0. the land
described below situated in llolt county,
Nebraska, viz:
The SWKi of section ten, township twenty
eight. range twelve, taxed in name of J. T.
M. Pierce, and theNE^of section twenty
one, township twenty-eight, range twelve,
taxed in name of Geo. Pfunder, and the NEH
of section twenty-three, township twenty
eight. range twelve, taxed in name of M.
Slattery and the NWh of section twenty-six.
township twenty-eight, range twelve, taxed
In the name of II. S. Callender, and the 8E*4
of section one, township twenty-nine, range
eleven, taxed in name of A. E. Akin, and the
east half of the SEKi of section four, town
ship twenty-nine, range eleven, taxed In
name of M. D. Long, and the north half of
NW|4 section five, township twenty-nine,
range eleven, taxed in name of Richard Bar
rett, and the SE^% of section seven, township
twenty-nine, range eleven, taxed in name of
Edw’cf Staples, and the SW& of section eight,
township twenty-nine, range eleven, taxed
in name of Henry Staples, and part of the
west half of SEM of section nineteen, town
ship twenty-nine, range eleven, taxed in
name of Ann Hynes.
The tax sale certificates covering all of
above described land have been sold and as
signed to the undersigned who is the present
owner and holder thereof, and the time of
redemption from said sale will expire on the
10th. day of November, 1803.
50-3 John McHugh.
To whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th. ;
day of November, 1891, each of the following’
described tracts of real estate in Holt county 1
in the state of Nebraska was sold at public
tax sale by the treasurer of said county for j
the delinquent taxes due on each of said ■
tracts for the year 1890 to Edward DeLand of
Storm Lake, Iowa, who received a certificate |
of tax sale for each of said tracts and who is j
the present owner and holder thereof. Said
real estate being described and assessed as
fnl 1 awc f n_nr 1 f •
The biEV, of the SWH and the NW>4 of the
BWIt and the SWK of the SWK and the SEK
of the SWK each of section thirty, township
twenty-nine, range nine, and each assessed
in the year 1890 and 1892 in the name of Nel
son Moore.
AIbo the NEK of the NWK and the SEK of
the NWK of section six. township thirty-one,
range twelve, each assessed in the years
1890 and 1892, in the name of Leander Potter.
Also the NWK of the 8WK of section six,
township thirty-one, range twelve, assessed
in the years 1890 and 1892 in the name of Far
mer’s Loan & Trust company.
Also the NEK of the SwK and the SEK of
the SWK and the SWK of the SEK and the
SEK of the SEK, each of section seventeen,
township thirty-one, range twelve, and each
assessed in the years 1S90 and 1892, in the
name of A. Wiley.
Also the SEK of the SWK of section thirty
one, township thirty-two, range twelve, as
sessed in the years 1890 and 1892 in the name
of L. Potter.
Also the NEK of the NEK and the SEK of
the NEK of section thirty-one, township
thirty-three, range twelve, each assessed in
the year 1890 in the name of Earnest Slein
and in the year 1892 they were not assessed.
Also the NEK of the SEK and the NWK of
the SEK and the SWK of the SEK each of
section five, township thirty-two, range thir
teen. and each assessed in the year 1890 in
the name of A. L. Nickerson and in the year
1892 in tbo name of Farmer’s Loan & Trust
Also the NWK of the SEK and the SWK of
the SEK and the NEK of the SWK and the
NWK of the SWK each of section twenty
seven. township thirty-two. range thirteen,
and each assessed in the year 189o in the
name of II. A. Allen and in the year 1892 in
the name of A. A. Law.
Also the NEK of the SWK and the NWK of
the SWK and the SWK of the SWK and the
SEK of the SWK each of sectiou six, town
ship twenty-six, range fourteen, and each
assessed in the year 1890 in the name of Alva
Beecher and in the year 1892 in the name of
Farmer’s Loan & Trust company.
Also the NWK of the SEK and the SWK ol
the SEK each of soction twenty and the
NWK of tlie SEK and the SWK of the NEK
each of section twenty-nine, township twen
ty-eight, range sixteen, and each assessed in
the year 1890 in the name of C. S. Phelps and
in the year 1892 in the name A. A. Law.
Also the NEK of the NWK and the NWK
of the NWK and the SWK of the NWK and
the SEK of the NWK each of section eight,
township thirty-two, range fourteen, and
each assessed in the year 1890 in the name of
Dudley Brewer and in the year 1892 in the
name D. K. Brewer.
Also the SEK of the NWK and the NEK of
the NEK and the SWK of the NEK and the
SEK of the NEK each of section eight, town
ship thirty-two, range thirteen, and each as
sessed in the years 1890 and 1892 in the name
of O. H. Nickerson. I
Also the NWK of the NEK of section eight, i
township thirty-two, range thirteen, as- i
sessed in tho years 1890 and 1893 in the name
of A. L. Nickerson. j
The time of redemption from each of said
tax sales will expire on the 8th. day of No- j
vember, 1893. Edward DkLand. 50-3 ;
Catherine O’ Herron, plaintiff, vs. Michael!
M. Sullivan, Abbie Sullivan, Andrew J. Mil
ler and - Miller, his wife, whose lirst
name is unknown, defendants. j
Notice to Non-resident Defendants. !
Andrew J. Miller and-— Miller, his wife, I
whose first name is unknown to the plaintiff,
will take notice that on the 20th day of June, ;
1893. the plaintiff herein, Catherine O’Herron, i
filed her petition in the district court of Holt
county, state of Nebraska, against the defen- i
dants above named, the object and prayer of |
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex- I
ecuted by the defendants, Michael M. Sulli- j
van and Abbie Sullivan to the Showalter !
Mortgage Company, and by tlie Showalter I
Mortgage Company assigned to plaintiff, I
upon the following described real estate
lying and situated In the county of Holt and
state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south half
of the northwest quarter and the north half
of the southwest quarter of section three (3)
in township twenty-nine (29) north of range
eleven (11) west of the 6tli principal meredian
to secure the payment of a certain promis
sory note, dated July 2,1888, for the sum of
eight hundred dollars, and due and payable
in five years from the date thereof; that
there is now due upoti said note and mort- !
gage the sum of eight hundred twenty-eight j
i and no 100 dollars, with interest thereon at !
the rate of ten per cent per annum from the !
first day of January, 1893, and for tho further !
sum of 819.04. on account of the payment of !
taxes, with interest thereon at the rate of ten i
per cent per annum from the 13th day of 1
April. 1893. and the plaintiff prays for a
decree that the said defendants may be re
quired to pay the same, or that said premises ,
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 7th day of August, 1893,
Dated June 27,1893.
51-4 CATHERINE O’HERRON, Plaintiff,
By R. R. Dickson and Slonecker Wheeler &
Switzer, her attorneys.
In the district court within and for the
county of llo!t, and state of Nebraska.
Henrietta Dorr, plaintiff, vs. Curtis Brown,
Mrs. Curtis Brown and the Ballou Banking
i Company, defendants,
Curtis Brown, Mrs. Curtis Brown and the
Ballou Banking Company, non-resident de
J fendants, will take notice that on the 30th
day of June, Irtttt. Henrietta Dorr, the plaintiff
herein, filed her petition in the district court
of Holt county, state of Nebraska, against
the said defendants, the object and prayer of
I which petition are to foreclose a certain
I mortgage executed;by the defendant, Curtis
Brown to H. S. Ballou and Company, and by
thesaid H. S. Ballou and Company assigned
to this plaintiff, upon the following described
real estate lying and situated in the county
of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: The
northwest quarter of section eighteen < 18) in
township twenty-seven (27) north of range
ten (10) west of the sixth principal mercdiau,
to secure the payment of one certain prom
issory note, dated June 5,1888, and due on the
first day of June, 1893. for the sum of six
hundred dollars. That there Is now due on
said note and mortgage the sum of six
hundred twenty-one and no 100 dollars, for
which sum, with interest fit the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the first day of
December. 1890, the plaintiff asks for a decree
that the said defendants be required to pay
the same, or that said premises be sola to
satisfy the amount so found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 7th day of August, 1893
!>ated June 27,1893.
51-4 HENRIETTA DORR, Plaintiff
By K.'B. Dickson-and Sionecker Wheeler &
Switzer, attorneys for plaintiff.
Joseph Shoemaker, Mary c. Shoemaker,
h s wife, John J. Casey and Hannah Casey
his wife defendants, will take notice that cm
i he 17th day of June, 1893. The German
Savinas Bank of Davenport, Iowa, plaintiff
herein, filed Its petition in the district court
of Holt county,Nebraska,against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
! defendants Joseph Shoemaker and Marv C
Shoemaker, ills wife, to Clement L. Boon
upon the southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section six, township thirty-two
range fifteen, west, in Holtcounty. Nebraska!
to secure the payment of one promisory note
(lilted October 15.1888. for the sum of #200 and
interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum
payable semi-annually and ten per cent
after maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortgage according to the
terms thereof the sum of #200 and interest
at the rate of ten por cent per annum from
October 15,1891, and plaintiff prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 31st day of July, 1893.
Dated June 17,1803.
Daniel S. Fields and Myra M. Fields, defen
dants, will take notice, that J. L. Moore
trustee, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage
dated July 20, 18s6. for $300.00 and Interest
and tax payments, on the following described
real estate, situated in Holt county, Ne
braska, towlt: Lots one (1) and two (2) and
the east half of the northwest quarter of
section seven, in township twenty-five north
of range thirteen, west of the sixth p. m. ex
ecuted by Daniel 8. Fields and Myra M
1' lelds to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corpor
ation and assigned to plaintiff, which
mortgage was recorded in book 13 of mort
gages at page 310 of the mortgage records of
said county and to have the same decreed to
be a first lien, and said land sold to satisfy
the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 31st day of July, 1803.
Dated June 19.1893.
50-4 J. L. MOOBE, trustee, plaintiff.
By S. D. Thor nton, his attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 24th day of September, 1892, In
favor of the Scottish American Mortgage
Company Limited as plaintiff and against
Katie O’Neill. Michael O'Neill, jr„ Daniel
O’Neill, children and heirs at law of Michael
O’Neill sr., deceased. Annie Gallagher, and
Andrew Gallagher, her husband. Mary
Royster, and Henry Royster, her husband,
John McNIchols, administrator of the estate
of Michael O’Neill, sr„ deceased. Patrick
Hagerty, John ,1. McCafferty, Riley Bros.,
partners in business under the laws o' thu
state of Nebraska, Siborling Miller & Com
pany, a copartnership under the laws of the
state of Nebraska, and Peregoy and Moore,
as defendants for the sum of four hundred
eighty-three dollars and forty-two cents, and
defendants 8iberling Miller & Company ob
tained a decree for the sum of *202.79, and
costs taxed at *30,73 and accruing costs I
have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said order of sale to wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(29) township thirty CIO) range twelve (12)
west of the 6th p. M. in Hols county. Neb.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est biddepfor cash in hand on the 31st day of
July, A, 1>. 1693. in front of the court house in
O’Neill, that being the buildiug wherein the
last term of district court was held, at the
hour of 10 o’clock A. .M. of said day when and
where duo attendance will be given by the
Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 19th day of
June, 1893,
50-5 Sheriff of said County.
Showalter Mortgage Company, defendant,
will take notice:
That Anna R, Leonard, plaintiff, has filed
a petition in the district court of Holt coun
ty. Nebraska, against said defendant and
others; the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a mortgage, dated August 1,1888.
for 8460. and interest and tax payments, on
the NWS, of section twenty-one in township
twenty-flve.uorth, of range thirteen, west of
the 6 P. M. Holt county, Nebraska; executed
by Melville J. Drummond and Jennie Drum
mond to the Showalter Mortgage Company
and assigned to plaintiff which mortgage
was recorded in book 41 of mortgages, at
page 65, and to have the same decreed to bo
a first lien and sail lands sold to satisfy the
You are required to answor said petition
on or before the 31st day of July, 1893.
Dated June 19,1893.
By 8. D. Thornton, her attornoy.
ToC.C. McNish:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of November, 1891, each of the following de
scribed tracts of real estate situated in Holt
county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit:
The SE!4 of the NE14. Also the NK!4 of
the NE)4. Also the NWy of the-NEIi and
also the 8W54 of the NE‘a of section two,
township twenty-six, range twelve.
Was sold at public tax sale by the treasur
er of said county for the delinquent taxes
due on each of said traets for the vear 1890
to the Farmer's Loan & Trust company, of
Storm Lake, Iowa, whioh received a certifi
cate of tax sale for each of said tracts and
which is the present owner and holder
In the years 1890 and 1892 the said land
was taxed and specially assessed in the
name of C. C. McNish.
The time of redemption from said tax sale
will expire on the 8th day of November. 1893.
Farmer’s Loan & Trust Company.
By Edward DeLand, A66t. Sec. 50-3
Aanen Stromme, John Nicolls, Maria Nich
olls. his wife, Lewis S. Jones, Nellie F. Jones,
his wife. Eugene Whitham, Elizabeth G.
Whithorn, ids wife. Albert L. Moore,*Michael
L. Gardiner. Cinderella Gardiner, his wife,
and George A. Binford, defendants, will take
notice that on the 20th. day of June, 1893,
Dillwyn Parrish, and James Brown Potter,
trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition
in the district court of Hplt. county, Nebras
ka, against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendant Aanen
Stromme, to plaintiffs upon the north
west quarter of section twenty-five, in
township twenty-five, range eleven, west
in Holt county. Nebraska, to secure
the payment of one promissory note dated
August 6, 1887, for the sum of *300 and
interest at the rate of 9 per cent, per an
num payable semi-annually and ten per cent
after maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortgage according to the
terms thereof the sum of *567.50 and interest
on *500 at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num from May 1 1892. and plaintiffs pray
that said premises may be decreed to be sold
to satisfy the amount due thereon,
You are required to answer said petition
on^or before Monday the 31st. day of July,
Dated June 20. 1893.
Dili.wyn Parrish & Jambs Brown Potter,
trustees plaintiffs, 50-4A
Orange Nonmrial Hospital of the county
and state of New York, plaintiff, vs. Henry
ItoUes ot al defendants.
_ Notice.
To I N. Baker and Mrs. I. N. Baker the
Security Company of Sioux Cltv. Iowa, for
merly called and named the Na'tloual Secur
ity Company of Sioux City, Iowa, non-resi
dent defendants, will take notice that on the
Knd day of December, 18kJ, the above named
plaintiff filed its petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, aifainst the above
named defendants and the following other
parties made defendants in said action to wit.
Henry Rokes. the object and prayer being to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendant Henry Rokes to J. II. Keith as
trustee for the benefit of George Ash and
duly assigned to the plaintiffs upon the fol
lowing described real estate situuted in Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wit: South half of the
southwest quarter of section eighteen and
north half ot northwest quarter of section
niueteen all in township thirty range ten wt,s*t
6th p. m.. to secure the payment of n certain
promissory note dated February J, 1*^7. for
the sum of *7UO.OO due and payable on Febru
ary 1, 16W. 1 hat there is now due upon said
note and mortgage by reason of the defend
ants failure to pay the same when due the
sum of fl.loO.OO for which sum with interest
front this date plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants he required to pay the
»“'“e ^together with the sum of Sas.OU taxes
paid by plaintiff to protect its security, or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
°“°r before the 7th day of August. 1893.
Dated June gt>, 1893.
61*4 R. H. DICKSON.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
plaintiff in thhf tM'IS
the office of the cttn’.,le<1 luS
Holt county, nJk* /d'JLol
Prayer of which !5?!k* ttfS
Jefferson P ' ^ l
his wife non-restdlni “.i"1 Haiti, ,
notice that on'to ;&“<"
“•Allen plaintiff herein#?!*
the district court of & #lcii hlT
against Bald defendant* C0Un'T
prayer of which *•» i
mortgage executed b? TJWT^i
Mo^rtgigo S Vu veitl;?^AU|
Xpht hlrty^ra^'f8“Ho0°!;iSa
the sum of »:oo and in^umll
seven pp cent Interest u J
annuuUy and dinner"?™ »fJ
that there Is re>w
Mortgage according to thp?"1Hlf
eluding taxes on said n. ,ten®»
tiff to protect hiS ccuPmvmi:r J
aud interest at th«£;y’ !hf <«
Ezra A. Benizer aud Mary iw.
impleaded with Frederic! Well
fendants, will take notice thitJ
J“,ne. 1893, Hoit County H
hereU., filed its petition in the dS
of Hult county, Nebraska
fendants, the object and praXS
to foreclose a certain mort»ayP
defendants Frederick W Aim ™?!
Almhis wife to plaintiff, upollffi
of the northeast quarter and ti*J
quarter of the northe^t
northwest quarter of the soffil
of section twenty-three tOwnsKF
range twelve, west, in HoltcomYS
to secure the payment o[ oats!
2Sne October 30. ls«i,f“S
»400 and Interest at the rate ol (5,1
per annum payable semi-ami?*1
per cent after maturity; thatUn
due upon said note and mort"a.TJ
to the terms thereof the sum of Ml
terest at the rate of ten per cent ml
from June 17, 1893, and pluinti/SI
said premises may be decrccdtoT
satisfy the amount due thereon \
You are required to answer said
on or before the 31st day of July i *
Dated June 17, 1893.
Frances A. Borner, defendant, i
notice that J. L. Moore, trustee phi
filed his petition in the district coo.
county, Nebraska,against said delta
object and prayer of which are u> t
a mortgage dated the Kith dayotsi
for the sum of *«U0 and interestandi
mont on the SVVJa of the N1V, amid
of the SW;4 of section 7, in township*
of range !1 west of the utb p.
EH of the SE?a, section 1'-'. ia turn 1
of range 12, west of the 6th p. m„
by Frances A. Horner to the Dakota
Loan corporation, and dulv»ssig*_
mortgage was recorded in hook 1m
322 of mortgage records of llolt cos
to have the same decreed to be a I
and sa3d lands sold to satisfy the ssl
You are required to answer said!
on or before the 7th day of August If
Dated June 24,1893.
By S. D, Tiiounton, J. L. Moorlo
51-1 Ills Attorney.
By virtue of an order of saledird
me from the clerk of tlie districts
Holt couutv, Nebraska, on a deciwif
before tlie district court of Holt rood
braeka. on the litii day of February!
favor of Henry Farnant as plaintf
against Charles Huff, Ida B. Huf. (1
Toncray and Stephen H. Elwood ail
ants for the sum of nine hundred rJ
dollars and forty cents and nsis <a
120,53 and accruing costs I have leriff
the following premises, taken as therf
of said defendants, to satisfy said 1
sale, to-wit: J
Southeast quarter of the south-»*g
ter of section eleven (11), and their
?uarter of the northeast quarter o
ourteen (14), and the north tall
northwest quarter of section II
(14) township thirty-two to f
range twelve (12) west of the Oth p. m l
eounty. Nebraska. , , I
And will offer the same for sale*
highest bidder for cash, in hand. o»|
day of July, A. D..1893, in front of taj"
house in O’Neill, that being the 6
wherein the last term of district a*
held, at the hour of 11 o’clock a. L
day when and where due attendance*
given by the undersigned. 4 ..T
Dated at O'Neill. Holt county. M
this 22d day of May, 18BL „ .
47-5 H. C. McEVOM.®
By virtue of an order of saMto
me from the clerk of the district o
Holt county, Nebraska, on adeewe
before the district court of holt
braska, on the 2d day of March, 1 to,
of the Investors Company, a,e°Kl
plaintiff and against Alexander
A. Bisel, F. F. Cold, — Cold, hi,
Sturgeon. B. Lombard Jr. et »h "I
ants for the sum of two hundred M
lars and eighty cents and u»»
$50.53 aud aecruing costs I kaw [
tlie following premises, taken ■w j
of said defendants to satislf511 1
sale, to-wit: *1
West half of northwest quarts •*•*
west quarter of southwest W’l
twenty-one, township thlrty-t*11 "I
twelve (12) west of the 6tn p I
eounty, Nebraska. „
And will offer the same for ^
highest bidder for cash, in han't
day of July, A. D., 1803, in front
house In O’Neill, that being
wherein the last term of “Mr
held, at the hour of X o clock. r.
day when and where hue at
Vs18®3' SheriffofSat^
Hu let E. lngersoll. single. J- fc
non-resident defendants.®?;1 ju|j
.given. that on the 5th day ‘ t|ljJ
Ilenry Farman, tbe P.laini",the o'
tiled his petition lu.tJ‘e18®„eunty. W
the district court of ilolt eon v
the object and prayer of whi , g
the object and prayer ui " - , [)V
a certain mortgage exeeunut
lngersoll. single, upon the soot ‘ p
section thirty-two, township_t*„ ,
section thirty-two, J0imty.
range thirteen west in Holt ^
ka, which mortgage SI!(i i
delivered to 0. U- T“,ri!Tne
record on the 20thday.of wii.
corded in book 40 of niott^J cl0rt|
cornea in uou* w *—- - ,t
that there is now due upon
sum of *1,002.10. ..nawer sati
You are required to ans \u,rU4,
on or before tie 14th dayot
the same will be taken as t»
entered accordingly. ^ t’TT|
Attorney *°r 1
Edward E. Sanders, and K»,f ^
James L. Jolly, non-rcs “ ,bP ,,it
James lj. jouy, ♦h«itnntB“
notice is hereby given. “Lf! the V1*1
July, 1003, George h. {,, the
this notion. Hied his pen**°jrt of Hi’!t
tbe clerk of the district co _er of
Nebraska, tbe ob.iect e
to foreclose two certain nan ^ . :;i .
to foreclose two certain
by James L. Jolly, single-.UP™
Iiuarter section tweny vt~.
twen ty-se ven. range ‘F* ,,,()rtgagt
Bounty. Nebraska. which u low# *,
■t pages 1M "and 1(«. that .tjl.*
ipon said mortgage tJ? ““isvier ?!
you aro required to an- AU!rUs.
»or“ before'tfie'uthday
n or oerore tue trUl» i
he same will be take*1 a «
ntered accordingly. H. 1 pi^ii
334 Attorney fur ^