The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 06, 1893, Image 6

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♦ Tn» Fkontikb Piuntino Co.
'<■’5 1
Kka.bnky’« paper mill is in the
band, of c red I tom.
Tiik Methodists of Osceola are pre*
paring to build a new church.
Mahy M. Cai.kwki.i., an old resident
of Otoe county, died last week.
Ex-M a volt Sikvk.nson, of Nebraska
City Is very low from blood poisoning.
} A DISTHltrr G. A. It. reunion will bo
held at Curtis August 1 to 4 lnclusivo.
A tartv of Osceolaites left last week
for the world’s fair, to bo absent two
' is a movement on foot in
l,y , Omaha to giro workmen a half holiday
on Saturday.
, Thk banks of Nebraska are creating
some little sorrow by refusing to honor
„v; r PKH1DKNT LLARK 01 100 Union I'a
cillc is in poor health and will go-east
to recuperate.
An Odd Fellows’ lodge has been or
ganized at Urant, with a membership
% of twenty-fire.
Thk new Methodist church at Elmer,
Hayes county, has been duly dedicated.
It is free from debt.
Thk Nebraska City fathers have in
definitely postponed the ordinance tax
ing telephone poles.
Thk liveliest real estate rustler in
Hance county is Arrenius Brower, who
is past eighty years old.
Ukx. and Miis. Van YVyck will go to
£■./ Hot .Springs, Arkansas, in hope of ben
17 ofltting the former’s health.
Bruce Wilcox has started a paper at
Bedington, Cheyenne county. It has
no polities, but plenty of news
Thk total assessed valuation of Buf
falo county, as returned by the assess
ors and equalized by the board for 18U3,
Ja *3.575,-MO.
Joun, residing about seven
miles southwest of Atkinson, had his
barn destroyed by fire while absent
from home.
. Spontaneous combustion set fire to
7. the Model mills at Wilber, but the
flames were extinguished before much
damage was done.
A new agent has been appointed for
the Winnebago and Omaha Indiana It
1*, > is a Captain W. C. Beck, an army offi
cer, and an eastern man.
Businessmenof Fremont are talking
of erecting a building on the state fair
grounds at Lincoln for the use and ben
efit of Fremont exhibitors.
Thk Nebraska City starch factory
will close down next week for the first
time since the machinery was started
over eighteen months ago.
Hastings has two juvenile bands.
The members of one range in ago from
■ to 14 years and the musicians of the
ether are from 15 to 18 years old.
Twkntt-two hundred quarts of straw
berries were shipped from this point
Monday, says the North Bend Argus.
And the business is just getting started.
Lincoln police have been raiding the
bawdy houses of that city, capturing
the usual number of young men found
frequenting those questionable resorts.
A farmer living near Filley has three
children who have from one to four
more toes on each foot and fingers on
each hand than are commonly given to
Thk Modern Woodmen of Polk coun
ty have arranged for an old style pii
«ic at Stromsburg, July 1». The entire
brotherhood and sisterhood will eat at
'7 One table.
Thk elevator at Rosser, fourteen
miles northwest of Hastings, burned
test week. The elevator and contents
last were worth 95,00(1 to *3,000, and
were under insured.
/Th* sheriff of Douglas county last
took to the penitentiary M. J.
Minor and Ed Bailey, one to serve two
gears and the other three. They were
convicted of burglary.
Columbus city and township will be
caked to vote *15,000 to aid intne canal
project. If that is done the business
men stand ready to chip in *85,000 and
aee that the work is performed.
Two Boys near Beaver Crossing while
borse racing after night, collided un
fler a full head of steam, resulting in
fine death of both horses and broken
l. cones and bruised bodies for the boys.
Miss Emma, a pretty girl
•bout seventeen years of age, living in
Thornton township, Buffalo county, was
adjudged insane by the commissioners
taken to the insane asylum at Nor
For93^.50 worth of lightning-rods,
according to verbal agreement, three
Custer county farmers settled at 9425
to save court costs and judgments ag
gregating $450, as shown by written
Cbxtral City is in receipt of a p.o
poaition from an eastern party to locate
a woolen mill there to employ 200 or
•sore hands, providing the citizens will
■evote to the enterprise $25,000 in «»k
•ad eighty acres in land.
.Articles of incorporation were filed
With the secretary of state for the Ne
braska and Sonora Prospecting and De
velopment company, with a capital
rtocK of $50,000. The headquarters of
£ $ “*® company will be ajEvMcCook.
Lightning struck A. P. Kindig, who
J . cultivating in the field in Adams
county, killing him and both of his
¥ “0f8ek He was a well-to-do farmer
living four miles southwest of Juniata.
He leaves a wife and seven small chil
^Thk Gage County Agricultural asso
ciation has under contemplation the
project of abandoning the fair this
y*®r* The shortage of crops, general
hard times and the proximity of liage
county to the state fair are given as the
reason for not holding the lair.
A man of Beatrice who aspires
tor be a detective made a feint at taking
poison because his girl wasn't as re
sponsive as he thought she should be.
A stomach pump brought him around
all right, but the impression he thought
•o make on the girl doesn’t materialize.
E. C. Robb .at Benkleman sustained
Ssinful injuries in a runaway accident.
e was engaged in drafting a box
culvert through the street when his
team became unmanageable and while
exerting a desperate struggle to hold
them he was thrown violently against
* building.
• : . v i' ,
A Two month's drouth was broken in
Hox Hutto county by a copious rain, ac
companied by thunder, lightning and
heavy hail, breaking1 out all tho win
dow lights on the east and north sides
ot the business houses and residences
of llcmingford. The damage is esti
mated at 81,(00.
At Hearer City, Jefferson Crawford
attempted suicide by hanging, being
•discovered, he drank a small bottle of
sulphuric acid. Antidotes interfered
with his plans and he lingers on this
side of the grave. Ills wife recently
left him and he has since shown symp
toms of insanity.
A fixe team of colts belonging to
Mr. Luddington, near Cushing, were
chopped up in a terrible manner last
week, with a cultivator. The hired
man hud them in the Held plowing
corn, when they became frightened and
ran away, throwing the cultivator upon
their backs und literally cutting them
up. They are both dead.
The governor has appointed Judge J.
| S. West of Uenkloman, Dundy county,
; a member of the State Hoard of Educa
tion to succeed C. W. Kaley of Ked
Cloud, whose term has expired. lion.
Kobcrt W. Furnas was likewise ap
pointed delegate from Nebraska to the
World's Agricultural congress to be
held at Chicago on October 10.
Wonn has reached McCook of the
destruction of John F. Helm's barn and
contents at lied Willow. Two valuable
horses, a quantity of farming imple
ments, harness, etc., were burned, en
tailing a loss of considerable over
$1,000, upon which Mr. Helm unfortu
nately curried ' no Insurance. The
origin of the tire is unknown.
The sensational report sopt out to the
state papers that C. \\. YagCT, proprietor
of the commercial hotel at Bastings,
had attempted to commit suicide by
blowing out the gas in his sleeping
room, was untrue us to suicidal intent,
lie retired leaving tlio gas turned low
nnd a window and transom open. A
gust of wind blew out the gas.
Wn.i Yeager, proprietor of the Com
mercial hotel at llastings, a young man
about twenty-live years old, according
to reports current, blew out the gas
when he retired and was in a fair way
to complete asphyxiation when ho was
discovered und aroused. It is said to
have been a deliberate attempt to cc'V
mit suicide, caused by domestic trouble.
The first wedding in the history of
the Genoa Indian schools took place the
other day, and with imposing ceremo
nies. Charles Kcalcar, a Sioux brave,
who has learned the harness trade, and
Miss Minnie O’Neill, a daughter of the
Shoshone tribe, were the parties. They
were joined in wedlock in strict con
formity to the law, and have gone to
The German Lutheran orphans'
hotne.a charitable institution.wasform
ally dedicated in Fremont last Sunday
in the presence of a large number of
German people. A speeial train was
run over the Elkhorn road from Battle
Breek, and brought five coaches loaded
with people, and many came in from
adjoining towns on regular trains or
drove in from the country.
Ox the final day of the Beatrice Chau
tauqua the attendance w as the largest
of the assembly, nnd assures the suc
cess and continuance of the Beatrice
Chautauqua as a permanent feature.
The assembly closed with a grand
spectacular entertainment ut the Chau
tauqua grounds representing scenes in
the life of Columbus, with handsome
and appropriate costumes.
The North Bend Argus says: The
hog cholera appears to be spreading in
this county. At Rogers there were
seven or eight different yards affected
during the last week, and in Purple
Cane and other points more cases are
reported to have broken out than pre
viously heard of. At the Wheeler farm,
east of the city, quite a numbur of hogs
Nave died, and at the F. M. Wallace
farm the disease is said to be working.
Miss Veudla Johnston, aged 15, liv
ing two miles east of Gothenburg,
while fishing at the lake, fell in and
was drowned. Three young ladies
about her own age were with her, but
where she fell the water was very deep
and the girls w'ere unable to render her
any assistance. They gave the alarm
at once and John W. Bridges, who was
about half a mile distant was the first
man on the scene. The body was at
once recovered, but life was extinct.
Frank Marr, a youth with the dress
and arsenal of a cowboy and the ex
perience of a herder of town cows, was
arrested in Lincoln on the charge of
horse stealing. The police did not
know when they nabbed him that he
[ was so bad a youth, but his companion,
i a boy named W’hittington, informed
them that Marr was wanted at Thed
ford. Neb., for the theft of his uncle's
horse, which he had traded at Kearney
for another animal.
IHKitK is much excitement here, says
an Ord dispatch, over assaults commit
ted by men traveling with the Ki.-lta
poo Indian Sagwa troop, who have been
giving entertainments and advertising
the medicine. Last night a half-witted
girl was ravished by a man who goes
by the name of “Eagle Eye.” Another
named I’resley assaulted a young girl,
who screamed and fought him until
help arrived, when he was arrested. It
is claimed another rape was committed,
the victim being a mere child.
Oonmander C. E. Adams of the inter
state reunion, to be held at Superior,
•has announced the following as among
those from whom he has received af
firmative answers to his invitation to
be present and address the reunion
there in August: ..General A,' G. Weis
sart, eommander-in-chief Grand Arnly
of the Uepublic; General A. II. Clark,
department commander Grand Army
of the Republic: ex-Governor G. T.
Anthony of Kansas, General John M.
Thayer, General H. C. Russell, Lieu
tenant-Governor Thomas Majors, Sena
tor Allen and others,
Tiik Nebraska Bible school will be
held at Crete July 18-2(1, under the
auspices of the Gospel union. These
summer gatherings for Bible study in
the past have been very helpful and re
freshing. The committee in charge
have secured some of the best instruct
ors in the country, among them .Rev.
C. I. Schofield of Dallas, Tex.; Rev. F.
A. Steven, secrelary-treasurer of the
China inland mission, who lias spent
seven years in China as a missionary;
Mr. Aug. Nash, formerly state secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. of Nebraska;
Geo. S. Fisher, secretary of the World’s
Gospel union, and others.
An alarm of fire in a church at Ro
mono, Russia, created a panic in which
136 people were crushed and suffocated
to death.
Notice to Redeem* *•■•***
ro.T. L. Pit tier. Dudley I>. Sm’th, Thoe, N,
Leovltt, Fred’k K. Sparer. Pierce, Wright,
Sc Co., Bridget Lydon, J. Jeffers. Jr., Marl
urn Vanzuudt, M. N. Vanzant, Matt Mun
>c!l. Luura C. Putnam, A. M. M. Grafe,
Pierce. Wright A Co., tbas. G. Houcks, M.
O’Neill, Ella* L. James, Kate A. Turner,
J. A. Jatrtird, BenJ H. Tollan, A. B Donald
son. Kimball A Blair, Geo. Graves, Jno. T.
M. Pierre* \V. W. Robbins, Pierce. Wright
Si Co., Anna II. Ryan, W. A. Morphew. Col*
Si I’lilted States Mort’g Co., Thomas ltoss,
K. K. Brown, T. F. Reynolds. J. Lowell
Moore, Julia wharp, Ella M. Smith, Strong
and J. Lowell Moore. E. J Howard,
Henry Hear, Goo. L. Ferris, W. 11. Rayim r,
Emily C. Blum. P J. Scott, Omaha Loan j
and Trust Co., Phebo J. Scott, Omaha Loan j
and Trust Co., J. 11. Speck, B. L. T. Hour- I
land, Oliver J. Ilulley. Barbara Cole, Bar
bara Kohl. Ford & Keith, M. J. Chapman,
Clara. A. Kinger, Sullivan Drew & Co., E.
W. Adams, Mutual Loan Sc Trust Co., Wm.
Calnan. Rhoda A. Lester, Nebr. Loan A
Trust Co., P. O. La Rue, E. H. LuRue,
George It. Fules, V. Jelen, Smith Bros.
Loan A Trust Co.* R. Richardson, Powell
Brothers L. C. Lent, Harriett E. Town
send, Neb. Loan Sc Trust Co., L. Bright, R.
J. Angus. Dakota, Mortg. Sc Loan Corp.. M.
J. Chapman. Alma Ringer. W. P. Smith.
Nhowalter Mtg. Co., J. E. Young, A. T.
Smith, Clarence A. Parks, James'Woodslde,
Chas. A. Mitchell, Canadian A American
Trust. Co.. Ezra Knamer, Mrs. J. E. Benja
min, C. S. Vance, Mutual Loan A Trust Co.,
A. J. Miller, J. II. Anderson, C. H. Tou
cray, D. M Benner, Henry Hartford, M. A.
Ingersoll, Lew E. Harrow, I). O’Donnell,
Holt County Bank, Kimball A Blair, F. E.
A M. V. R. it. Co., A. Haines, Geo. W. Bow
den. Iowa Mtg. Co., M. O'Donnell, Blair A
Allison, Jane Asher, John Benson, O. C.
Baruum, Ella A. McCIcery, S. H. Wilson,
Thos. Hughes, W. W. Page, Neb. A West
ern R. R. Co., Pacific Town Site Co., Sioux
City. O’Neill A Western R. R. Co., T. M.
Ackenbaek, J. Lowell Moore, C. Grosl>eck,
Arthur Melrose, Western Farm Mtg. Trust
Mary Thompson, J. M. Stafford. Isreal
II. Johnson, Krotter A Penny, J. S. McCoy,
11. J. Searl, Nebr. Mtg. A Investment Co.,
C. Collins, J. Lowell Moore, Clinton Moore,
G. W. E. Dorsey. S. H. Wilson. I). F. Raw
lins, Globe Investment Co., Jno. W. Lock
hart. Wm. L. Bid well, H. Bitters, British
Savings Bank, Nebr. Loan A Trust Co.,
< • Allen, James 11. Clark, Farmers Loan &
Trust Co»J. T. M. Pierce, Pierce, Wright
& Co.. O. T. Smith, J. Howards, J. 11. Point
er, United Trust i'o. Limited, Amos Sar
geant, Union Trust Co., Jno. A. Brown,
»• Taylor, Andrew Gallagher, John
Colder, Farmers Loan & Trust Co., John
Herbert, M. V. Pointer, William E. Utter,
Rebecca A. Hustler, Janies K. Hustler, 11.
B. Scott, J. W. Bishop, Globe Investment
Co. Evan Trumiell, Union Trust Co., H.
t . Morman, Joseph A. Brigel, Globe In
vestment Co., Jno. Groff, Western Farm
Mtg. Trust Co., I). F. Bawling*, Globe In
vestment Co., O. Mosher. 1). Parish and J.
B. Pinter, Jos. 11. Pratt, H. M. Henley,
Janc E. Hudson, G. Brutt, J. Lowell Moore,
Max J. Burhm, Mttclagan & Pierce, Max J.
Haehr, A. J. Miller, F. P. Moore, Mary E.
McWhorter, James Brady, Maclagau &
Pierce, Showalter Mtg. Co., Ffed'k II.
Briggs, Alford J. Smith, Mutual Loan &
rrust Co., II. W. McClure, David E. Sams,
iJol* * L lilted States Mtg. Co., Jeremiah II.
Wilson, Montague J. Chapman, Paul Hoff
man, Iowa Mtg. Co.. P. S. Simmonds, Hho
wftlter Mtg. Co., J. W. MeIvlttrick, A. P.
Charles, Nebr. Mtg. & Investment Co., C.
11. loiicruy, Allen Peese, Showalter Mtg.
Co.. H. W. Coates, D. M. Sill, Mrs. Elanor
Drake, Eugene Knapp, German Savings
Bank, Hannah Byrd, Mantle “
4 ‘V* r • *1' ' rum, r. n. iiopKins, i»er
man Savings Bunk, Wm. Benjamin. Ben
nett Martin, E. F. Kobe its, Donald McClel
lan, Lombard Investment Co., Oscar Car
ter, David A. Coulter, A. J. Miller, Wm.
Mebster, Nelson Toneray, Neb. Mtg. & In
vestment Co., Kuth Webster, C. F. Bllvln
“Trustee," Milton Smith, John M. Carpen
ter, O’Neill State Bank, Wm. Nollcamper,
Susan J. Berry, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co.,
Jas. W. Morrow, A. H. Powell, Nebr. Loan
& Trust Co., Harriet A. Atkinson, A. Z.
Mason, John Herbert, Willie Calkins,
United Trust “Limited," Globe Invest
ment Co., J. G. Stauffer, J. Lowell Moore,
Dukota Mtg. & Loan Corporation, Thomas
Johnson, Juntas S. McGowen, S. N. Stauffer,
J. Lowell Moore, Dakota Mtg. & Loan
t orp., C. Braddus, J. Lowell Moore.Dukota
Mtg. £ Loan Corporation, A. C. Hubbard,
Wm. H. Pierson, Andrew Russell, Nebr.
J/oan & Mtg. Co., J. M. Hubbard, H. B.
Scott, G. E. Hubbard, Iowa Mtg. Co., Wm.
H. Pearson, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co., Jas.
J. Harrington, Helen Gibbs, Nebr. Loan
& Trust Co., Peter Harvey, Nebr.
Loan & Trust Co., Jas. May, Julia
M. Brim, Western Farm Mtg. Trust
( o., A. J. Miller, F. J. Porter “Trustee",
Thomas M. Morris,Sarah II Hallister,Sam
uel J. Calhoun, Elmore W. Heerst, H.
,, * u ”■ riKt'rhi, rt.
Bwwn, Nonle Murphy, Smith Bros. Loan
A Trust Co.. W. I). Murphy, Bridget Oar
— * miuKciiV/ur
noy, McKinley Lansing Loan & Trust Co.,
Hugh Gallagher. George Eastman, Ne
braska Loan * Trust. Oo., W. D. Mathews.
^,U1 ^ 9/ O’Neill. G. C. Ilazelct, Mary
E. Gibbons, M. E. Smith, James Cahill,An
drew Nofzieger, Rhhard Angus, Dakota
Mtg. _A Loan Oorp , Jane Marsu, H. s. Bal
lr.ll It I '/> Un..u.. 11.._ X*..l _ . ni
11 nil K ' iUdlSIJ, II. rt. Dili
hJU*t°., Henry Brown, Nelson Toneray,
r.J. Forier. trustee, Jennie E. Stewart,
American Investment Co., H. J. Newton.
Jolin Dunlin, E. I*. Wilcox, Jam** Meagh
er- L. Patlee, McKinley Lansing Loan A
Trust Co., Henry Hartland, Jacob Hunt,
Western Trust and Security Co., H. A.
Allen, D. E. Offutt, H. H. Saunders, Wm. F.
Ohlttick, Scott T. Jones, O. G. Norton, J. P.
Weekes J W. Tibbits, Fidelity Loan A
Trust Co., Iowa Invt. Co., C. F. Steinmetz,
Harrison National hank, Jasper W. Tlb
bots, McKinley Lansing Loan & Trust Co.,
Bridget Loftus, Showalter Mtg. Co., Fred
erick H. Briggs. J. Q. Clark, T. A. Gehe
i Br ■ — • ” ~ — -
man. Smith Bros. Loan & Trust Co.,’ W. D*
Mathews, manager, Jo Murphy,'' Smith
Bros. Loan_A Trust Co,. W. D. Mathews,
manager, P. Mullin, Minnie McNlchols
Mutual Loan A Trust Co., c. H. Toncrav
Edward A. Smith, Nebr. & Iowa L. A T
r: • **• ' ■ i iit-ui. tviuwuD, a r
Co., Bridget Murphy, Nelson Toneray
Thos K ely, Nebr. Mtg. & Investment Co.
V V m t, I ll.otl. 11 w.. I > w mm .
j ■ ... .... .-I,.. ,v iu > im'iu V o.
Mm. I. Olson, Mary B. Styker, Iowa Mtg
Co., Amelia Conway, Iowa Mtg. Co., R. D
waters, h. C. Norfolk, Showalter Mtg. Co.
waters, r. i. .xorxotk, Miowalter Mtg. Co.
Tootle Hosea A Co., G. W. E. Dorsey, J. H
Keith, lord* Keith, Gusta Elwood, J. M
Brown, J. H. Keith, F. T. Cooper, M. Lyons
I. J. Burnett, A. J. Miller, David A. Coul
tet% S. D Jullen. McKinley Lansing Loar
ATrust Co., Walter N. Parker, Judson A
Thorp, Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., c. E. Lud
vlgsln. Smith Bros. Loan A Trust Co., W
D. Mathews. R. Bigelon, Della M. Stewart
xhtlw,mI'.ordon’.?i?br- *'«“•» * Trust Co.
Eda Wilkinson, Union Trust Co., J. T M
Pierce, trustee, Chas. G. Houck, 1>. J. Pur
rlsh, J. B.:Potter, J. F. Brighton, C. C. Mil
Aand’ VbDi»M?tiierWsi/,|urt‘t,c<‘ A- l*arks
Albert R. Hill, J. L. Moore, Dakota Mtg. «X
Loan Corn., A. J. Miller, M. B. Abell, Man
J. Evans, Gibson Keeder Co., M. M. Sullf
»±J. r. flUMuuemiuur, *i«xmeetpcbulein
Mer. Co., M. P. Harrington, Henry A. New
ton, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co., Henry Brown
Geo. W. Bowden, A. J. Mason, John Her
bert, A. J. Miller, Janies Merrthew, A. L.
\ batcher, V. 1*. Jacobson, Guarantee Trust
• xii'iv, ♦ KJ nvuauu, iicurasKii .Mortjraee
fc Investment Co., Robert E. K. Mellor P
I; M«rri«» J. Bartley, Union Trust. 60.!
H. M. Jaslin, K. O. Sjoiand, Eva W. Dorr.
Howard Miller, Lothum Davis, William L.
Thompson. Bristol Savings Bank, Nebr!
ft0?*1 2iSru?t Loxorwell. Thomas
Retd, Mto. Loan WfTriist Oo.. W. C. Nof
slnxerpM. C. Oftion/Chas. II, Huke, Ne$Jr.
Ltain A Trust Co., N. Mathtea, Gusta Mar
tin, Western Farm Mtjr. Trust Co., Lvman
Roy. Jas. Keernan, Nelson Toncrav,‘Elias
A. Doten, E. P. Berjrner, Win. M. Brouson,
Nebr. Mtg A Investment Co., II. O. Stramr
land, Harriet A. Spaford, Nebr. Loan &
Trust Co., A. W. Sexton, L. O. Parrish F
Jacoby, J. Lowell Moore, J. H. Taylor’d!
Parrish & J. B. Poter, Maclagan A Pierce.
S. E. Smith, Jennie M. Smith, Nebr. Mtir. &
Investment Co., National Bank of Middle
bury, Anna and Adam Wenzel. M. P. Kln
kaiu, James Cole, Mary L. McKinzio.James
W. Stewart, Western Farm Mtjc. Trust
Co., Geo. \V. Hotchkiss, Clarence A. Parks,
Emma Dutcher, A. W. Mentzer, Walter
Brommont. Nebr. Mte. & Invt. t'o., Oliver
T. >olic, E. E. Brown,Prank Sharp. Martha
M. Butterfield, Khoda M. Sterling, West
ern Farm Mtg. ‘I rust Co., W. M. Bashaw.
Mutual Loan & Trust Co., Philomena cal
lahan. Chas. J. Norred, Slmwalter Mtcr. Co.,
Daniel C. Downnlne, I. Millspuugh, Harry
Richards. Roper & Baxter Cixar t'o., j. j,.
Keith. Ford & Keith, Annie Humpal.
George II. Green, W. M. Forbes, J. H. Keith,
Tlios. Nelson, Nebr. Loan & Trust Co.!
Lewis Radcliff, Emma Huggins, Nebr.
I.oan & Trust Co.. A. Gallagher, Commer
cial Investment Co.. W. M. O’Conner, C. E.
Rhines, J. H. Keith, Jno, Cherry. Smith
Bros. Loan A Trust t’o., G. J. Monroe,
Dwight M. Snow, I>. Parrish A J. B. Potter,
Muclagan A Pierce, Jno. Crawford, Hol
land Trust Co. Adm., M. Nlsseuger, Oscar
Wheelook Milton H. Vole, J. K. Brown,
Mary J. Holden, B. A. Mylir, chrvs
! tie "Trustee", Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., i
Elizabeth L. Morris, John Yates, S. \J. i
Twlng. Mary E. Alien, Margaret Boies, I
Nebr. Loan A TrftstCo.. J. M. Crawford, J. ;
II. Keith. Jos. Jetiinghoff, li. llrown, K. E. !
Brown, Frank Sharp, \V. F. Kelley, Scott, j
• T. Jones. Ida E. Kimball. Then. Wheeler,!
J. T. M. Fierce, I). Parrish A J. B. Potter,
Muelagan A Fierce, Lewi* Dodge,' Geo. 11.
Bowrlug, Lombard lnvt. Co., Clias. Spuuld- ;
lug, Jeuett B. Herbage. John Colder, Wm. j
Graham. Smith Bros. Loan A Trust Co., J.
T. M. Pierce. D. Parrish A J. B. Potter. Em- ,
ma A. Cleveland, 1). Parrish & J. B, Potte 4, ,
J. B. Green, Nehr. Mtg. A Investment Co.,
W. E. Morrow. I). Parrish A J. B. Potter. J.
P. Piekell, Xebr. Loan A Trust Co., Nebr.
Mtg. A lnvt. Co., J. B. Bonner, Nelson Ton
cruy, Clarence A. Parks, Holt Co. Bank,
Waldou Allison. Geo. W. Better, H. If.
Saunders, A. B. Brown, E. Doolittle, W. X.
Ecklt*s, M. J. Doolittle, A. D. Brown, L. G.
Brown, T. E. Doolittle, Lillie G. Brown,
Adam C. Goodwin, Scott T. Jones, Anna M.
Smith, Caroline Bulleweg Nebr. Mtg. A
lnvt. Co., State Bunk of O’Neill, Jens H.
Sorrenson, li. N. Mc*\ee, Nebr. Mtg. A In
vestment Co. I*. Proutv, J. E. Montrose,
Charles D. Clark. Scott T. Jones,—Hallock,
T. J. Brown, W. N. Farlow, H. Sinnett, Sa
rah Lux son, Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., S. Bell,
Mutual Loan A Trust Co„ H. Schrader,
Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., J. T. M. Pierce, B.
Parrish A J. B. Potter, B. F. Knowles, S. It.
Campbell, M. Kuhn, J. L. Wilson, li. M.
Kim ball, J. G. Monroe, Bela Baldwin,
Lnlon Trust Co., Aultrnan Miller A Co.,
Geo. Matts, Nebr, Mtg. A Investment Co.,
A. Huddleston Etui.. F. W. Thomas, F. B.
Adams, J. ti. Keith, Ford A Keith, E. Camp,
W.K. Johnson, I>. Parrish A J. B. Potter,
H. M. Munvllle, J. B. Mead, Sarah J. Nich
ols, J. 11. Keith, Lucy Johnson, Showulter
Mtg. Co., S. E. Sehreck, Albert Barnett, T.
W. Hartley, I). Parrish A J. B. Potter. Til
lie May, Lionell C. Hurd, C. H. Spaulding,
Jenett II. Herbage, J. W. Jillson, Bertha M.
Young, Robert Wormald, J. W. Roberts,
Lombard Investment < o.. Holt Co. Bank,
Harvey Redrards, Maclagan A Pierce, Ban
Hall, Nebr. Loan A Trust. Co., J. A. A W.
M. Calvert, B. Parrish A J.iB. Potter, Lu
ther Frost, Edward G. Butcher, J. A. Par
lett, Nebr. Loan A Trust Co., Tolly Lurson,
John Cuuhle, Mury A. Clark, C. G. W
t lark, Colonial A United States Mortgage
Co., J. M. Carpenter. White t-ewing Machine
Co., J. II. Pattlson, J. H Keith, 0.11. Mc
vls, Wm. H. Raymer, Emily C. Blum, A. H.
Harris, Lombard Investment Co., A. J.
Miller, J. H. Keith, C. H. To no ray, Wm.
McWhorter, E. K. Stone, Chas. llutf, S. II.
Klwood, C. If. Toncray, Jennie Stewart,
Christie J. Hough, Miner Thompson, Nebr.
Mtg. A lnvt. Co., Commercial investment
Co., and to all others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the litli
day of November, 1891, T. A. Thompson
bought at Public Sale for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1890, the following des
cribed real estate situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, namely;
The west half of the northwest quarter
section three, and east half of northeast
auarter section four, all In township twenty
ve, range nine, taxed in the name of J. L.
Pitner. and.
me west hair oi west naif section thirteen,
township twenty-five, range nine, taxed In
name of Fred’k K. Hpirer, and.
The northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section seventeen, and the north
naif of the northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the northwest quarter of
section eighteen, all in township twenty
five, range nine, taxed in name of Bridget
Lydon, and
The west half of the southeast quarter
and tiie east half of the southwest quarter
section twenty, township twenty-five,
range nine, taxed In the name of J. JefTers,
Jr., and
The north half of the north half of sec
tion twenty-one, township twenty-five,
range nine, taxed In name or Pierce, Wright
& Co., and.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
nine, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed in name of M. O’Neill, and;
The northwest quarter of section seven,
township twenty-six, range nine, taxed in
name of J. A. Jarrard. and,
The southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen, town
ship twenty-six, range nine, taxed in name
of A. B. Donaldson, and,
The west half of the northeast quarter and
the southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty-six, range nine, taxed In
name of Geo. Graves, and.
The west half of the northwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of lie northwest
quarter of section twenty-three, township
twenty-six, range nine, taxed in name of
W. W. Robbins, and.
The northwest quarter of section six, town
ship twenty-e ght, range eleven, taxed In
name of Anna B. Ryan, and,
The southwest quarter of section three,
township twenty-seven, range nine, taxed in
name of W. A. Morphew.anu,
The north half oi the southeast quarter of
section eight, and the west half of the south
west quarter of section nine, all in township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed in name of
Thomas Ross, and.
The south half of the northwest quarter
and the north half of the southwest quarter
of section thirteen, township twenty-seven,
range nine, taxed in name of T. F. Reynolds,
The northwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty-seven, range nine, taxed
in name of Julia Sharp, and.
The northeast quarter of section fifteen,
township twenty-seven, range nine, taxed
In name of Strong &. Dewolf, and,
The west half of the west half of section
nineteen, township twenty-eight, range
eleven, taxed In name of E. J. Howard, and,
The southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-one, township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed In name of
Henry Bear, and.
The east half of the southwest quarter of
section twenty-six, township twenty-seven,
range nine, taxed in name of W. H. Itaymer,
me soutnwest quarter or tne southwest
quarter of section twenty-six. and the
southeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section twenty-seven, all in township
twenty-seven, range nine, taxed In name of
P. J. Scott, and.
The north half of the northwest quarter
of section thirty-five, township twenty
seven, range nine, taxed in name of Phebe
J. Scott, and.
The northeast quarter of section
ship twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in
name of J. fl. Sueck, and,
The north half of the southwest quar'er
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-eight, township
twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in name of
Barbara Cole, and.
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-nine, township
twenty-eight, range nine, taxed in name of
Barbara Kohl, and.
The. northwest quarter of section one,
township twenty-nine, range nine, taxed in
name of M. J. Chapman, and,
The southwest quarter of section e?ght,
township t wenty-nine, range nine, taxed In
name of E. W. Adams, and,
The northwest nuarter of section eight,
township t wenty-nine, range nine, taxed In
name of Wm .Gnlnan, and,
The southeast quarter of section nine,
township t wenty-nine, range nine, taxed in
name of 1*. O. La Hue, and.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
nine, township twenty-nine, range nine,
taxed in name of E. H. La Hue, and,
The southeast quarter of section seven
teen, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
-- * ’ilr ~ J
name of V. Jelen, and.
The southwest quarter of section thirty
two, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
name of K. Kicliurdson, and.
The southeast quarter of section thirty
four, township thirty, range nine, taxed in
name of L. C. Lent, and.
The northwest quarter ot section thirty
three, township thirty-one* range nine,taxed
oS. h bright, and,;
The southeast quarter of the northeast,
quarter of section eight, and the south haW
of the noithwest quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
nine, all in township thirty-two, range nine,
taxed in mime of M. J. Chapman, ana,
The northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter, ami the north half and the south
west qitaiter of the northwest quarter of
section eighteen, township thirty-two.rauge
nine, taxed in name of W. P. Smith, and.
The southeast quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-two, range nine, taxed in
name of A. T. Smith, and,
I The wesi half, and the southeast quarter
of the southwest quarter and the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
i twenty-two, township thirty-two, range
nine, taxed in name of James Woodside, and,
1 he northeast: quarter of section twenty
five, township thirty-two, range nine, taxed
in name of Ezra kaamer, and.
The east half of the northwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southwest
j quarter of section twenty-six. township
liirty-two, range nine, taxed in name of
C. S. V ance, and.
The north half of the southwest quarter
ection thirty, township thirty-two, range
; nine taxed in name of A. J. Miller, and.
The north half of the northeast quarter of
l section thirty-three, and the north half of
| the northwest quarter of section thirty
I four, township thirty-two, range nine, taxed
in name of 1>. M., and.
The northwest quarter of section thirty
! one, township twenty-live, range ten, taxed
■ ' >'■ :
In name of M. A. Ingersoll, and.
The southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, and the east half of the northeast
quarter ana the Southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter, and the northeast quar
ter of the southeast quarter of section three,
and the northeast quarter of the uortheast
quarter of section four, all In township
twenty-seven, range ten. taxed In name of
D. O Donnell, and.
The northwest quarter of section five,
township twenty-seven, range ten, taxed in
name of A. Haines, avid,
The northwest quarter of section ten,
township twenty-seven, range ten, taxed in
name of M. O'Donnell, and,
The southeast quarter of section nlne
teen, township twenty-seven, range ten,
n name of Jane Asher, and.
The north west quarter of section thirty
two, township twenty-seven, range ten,
taxed in name of Ella A. MeCleery, and,
I he northwest quarter of section six.
township twenty-eight, range ten, taxed In
naroe Thos. Hughes, and.
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section thirteen, township,
twenty-eight, range ten, taxed in name of
W. W. Page, and,
The northeast quarter of section twenty
pne, township twenty-eight, range ten.taxed
*. ^
in name of F. M. Ackenback, and,
I he south west quarter of section twenty
four, township twenty-eight, range ten, tax
°d in name of C. Grosbeck, and.
The north half of the southeast quarter
and the southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section seven, and the northwest
the southwest quarter of section
eight, all in township twenty-nine, range
taxed in name of J. M. Stafford, and,
Ine southwest quarter of section
shlD twenty-nine, ruuge ten, taxed in name
of J. S. McCoy, and.
The southeast quarter of section fifteen,
township twenty-nine, range ten, taxed in
name of H. J. Searl, and,
The west halt of the northeast quarter of
s-ctlon twenty-four, township twenty-nine,
range ten, taxed in name of C. Collins, and,
I lie northeast quarter of section twenty
five, township twenty-nine, range ten, taxed
iuparae of Clinton Moore, and,
.The west half of the west half of section
tlilrty-four, township twenty-nine, range
D u. taxed in name of G. W. E. Dorsey, and,
The north half of the northeast quarter of
section four, township thirty, range ten, ;
taxed in name of D. F. Kawlings, and,
The northeast quarter of section ten, ;
township thirty, range ten, taxed in name
of Jno. W. Lockhart, and.
The southeast quarter of section thirteen,
township thirty, range ten, taxed in name i
of H. Bitters, and, j
nomiMU-Sl UUUlltr Ul WL'UUII |
teen, township thirty, range ten, taxed iu
name of Fannie Schram, and,
The south half of the northwest quarter of
section nineteen, township thirty, range ten,
tflxed in name of Emma <J. Allen, and,
1 he southeast quarter of section twenty
three, township thirty, range ten, taxed In
name of * armers L. & T. Co., and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
seven, township thirty, range ten, taxed in
n#me of J. Howards, and,
Tim north half of the northeast quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section two, township
thirty-one, range ten, taxed in name of J. It.
Pointer, and.
The south half of the northwest quarter,
and the east half of the southwest quarter
of section live, township thirtyone, range
ten, taxed in name of Amos Sargent, and,
The southeast quarter of section ten, town
snip tlilrty-onet range ten, taxed in name of
It. H. Taylor, and.
The southwest quarter of section eleven,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed In
name of Farmer’s Loan & T Co.* and.
The southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twelve, township thirty
one, range ten, taxed In name of M. Y. Poin
ter and,
The east half of the west half, and the west
half of the east half of section eighteen,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed in
name of Rebecca A. Rusler, and.
The north half of the southwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section twenty, town
ship thirty-one, range ten, taxed in name of
J. W. Bishop, and,
The southeast quarter of section twenty
eight, township thirty-one, range ten, taxed
in name of Evan Trunnell, and
The northeast quarter of section twenty
nine, township thirty-one, range ten, taxed
in name of II. C. Morman, and,
The southeast quarter of section thirty,
township thirty-one, range ten, taxed in
name of Jno. Groff, and,
Tlie south half of the southeast quarter of
section thirty-three, township •thirty-one,
range ten, taxed in name of I). F. Rawlings,
The south half of the northeast quarter
and the north half of the southeast quarter
of sectiou fifteen, township thirty-two, range
ten. taxed in name of O. Mosher, and.
The southwest quarter of section eighteen,
township thirty-two, range ten, taxed in
name of Jos. H. Pratt, and.
The southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of south
west quarter and the northwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section twenty
four, township thirty-two, range ten, taxed
In name of Jane Hudson, and,
The north half of the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter of northwest
quarter ajid the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirteen, town
ship thirty-two, range ten, taxed In name of
G. Brutt, and,
The south half of the south half of section
twenty-four, townsiiip thirty-two, range
ten. taxed In name of Max J. Burhm, and.
The northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of .section twenty-five, township
thirty-two, range ten, taxed in name of A. J.
Miller, and,
The west half of the west half of section
twenty-six, township thirty-two, range ten,
taxed in name of F. P. Moore, and,
The southwest quarter of section eight,
township twenty-five, range eleven, taxed
in name of fhowalter Mtg. Go. and.
The south half of the southwest quarter
and the west half of the southeast quarter
of section nine, township twenty-six, range
eleven, taxed in name of Alford J. Smith,
me nortneast quarter or the southwest
quarter of section twenty-one, township
twenty-six, range eleven, taxed in name of
H. W. McClure, and,
The northeast quarter of section twenty
two, township twenty-six. range eleven,
taxed in name of David E. Sams, and,
The north half of the northwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section thirty-four,
township twenty-six, range eleven, taxed in
name of Jeremiah H. Wilson, and,
The southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section six, and the north half of
tlie northwest quarter and the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
seven, all In township twenty-seven, range
eleven, taxed in name of Paul Hoffman,and,
The northwest quarter of section fourteen,
township twenty-seven, range eleven, taxed
In the name of P. S. Simmons, and.
The northwest quarter of section seven
teen, township twenty-seven, range eleven,
taxed in name of J. w. McKlttriek, and.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
live, township twenty-seven, range eleven,
taxed in name of Allen Peese. and.
The south half of the north half of section
thirty-two, township twenty-seven, range
eleven, taxed In name of tt. W. Coates, and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
three, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
tuxed in name of Eugene Knapp, and,
The northeast quarter of section twenty
seven, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed In name of Hannah Byrd, and,
The northwest quarter of section twenty
eight, township twenty-eight, range eleven,
taxed ill name of G. W. Morris, and,
The south half of the northeast quarter
and the nprth half of the southeast quuvier
oil section thirty-one, township twenty
eight, raugo eleven, *axed ili name of Jits.
Maynold, and, t* • « *
The south half of the southeast quarter of
section fifteen, and the north half of the i
northeast quarter of section twenty-two, •
all in township thirty, range eleven, taxed
In name of Jacob Nelson, and.
The northeast quarter of the northeast !
quarter of section twenty-four, town-hip j
thirty, range eleven, taxed in name of F. If.
Crum, and.
The southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section six, township thirty-one,
range eleven, taxed in name of Win. Ben
The north half of the southeast quarter of !
section twenty, township thirty-one, range !
eleven, taxed in name or E. F. Roberts, and, I
The north half of the northwest quarter j
and the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the !
southwest quarter of section twenty-four \
township thirty-one, range eleven, taxed ill
name of Oscar Carter, and, !
The southeast quarter of the southwest I
quarter and the southwest quarter of the i
southeast quarter of soction fifteen, tow n
ship thirty-two, range eleven, taxed in name
of Win. Webster, and, I
The north half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-two, township thirty-two
range eleven, taxed in name of Ruth Web.
ster, and.
The southeast quarter of the southeast i
quarter and lot one in section thirty, towri
btevon, taxed in
name of Milton Smith, and,
southeast quartos."?".681 qn«»!?*l
section thfftf'g^.Ww^&g
eleven, taxeiC^Pthlny-^J
■rv,„_. ,
The c
»»«. V
eaat half nf <a_
"'«■»» ttre, townsMnn?rth*»tt
northwest auart«.9^utJ1*lu't nuiJ”^
In ctlon7ve“rtw?»nhd,
twe vo. taxed’
Tka • .. W.
ana, or JM.w u
The south half of th. '
section seven, andhth!oath6>*tqo«.^
and, “«uituij Q b,jji
Th© northeast qnnv»t a-_a
?LXXVd<innSh,P t,J
ta*5u ,n na*ne of Thos inhU r4u»e t*53
*h.e n?rth ha» onhe north?11'
section twenty-seven tl?*ast quart*
a.‘a?-'“;a “~l7S
«SwSSursssis »*>.
taxed in name tat c s.Li ' tange tM
The south half of fcjln<1
north half of the lv,?,,! rthca’t lt!lj
township twenty-slx^anve**. T:tll» >
Tho°f A.kC- Hul)ba’rd?S5V lve'u»
.The southeast nuartoV
»me of J. M. Hubbard sSd elvc’,«
tolnshtot wentySTriu0/ Ttlon «ta
“ W® ^G.A » Uhburdafd ,ai
section twenty-three'tcmnlbTn 1 <1"1:
section four, township twentr^v"1'"
The southwestquarter T PM
township twenty-seven, ran°e .""V
in name of James May, and"'’ Welu''l‘
The east half of the south
alffn Umn2l“nventy-s^M If™-”
taThe hni® ?/ •>; JA“®anTe"
The south half of the north,",.,
.“J"1 ^e nortli half of the soJthewS
*“,vnsliSp ti
cd iu na
taxed J*’*,"nihlptwentyisevenfran™
taxed in name of Sam i .T. r„ii
SasMrrM: *“* ia”»»
The northeast quarter of
ixed In name of Sam i J. Calhom, 7
The southeast quarter of section its
one, township twenty-eiKht, ranio ,7
11 °t 11 ■ Brown, ami "
The northeast quarter of section t»i
township twenty-nine, range twelve a
^nmLamo °t Bridget Carney, and
The southeast quarter of section tin
two, township twenty-nine, rants iS
taxed in name of Hush Gallayher and
The northwest quarter of the south,
quarter of section twenty-Bve, tons,
W.D.^l’allmW^®WelVC' ,:‘X,:d in
The southwest quarter of the north*
quarter and the northwest quarter of
southwest quarter of section thim-t
township twenty-nine, range twelve 't*
in name of Mary E. Gibbons, and,
The east half of the southeast quarter
section thirty-two. township twentj-n
range twelve, taxed in name of M. E. &
The north half of the south half of sec
twenty, township thirty, range twelve,
ed in name of Andrew Nofzieger, and.
The northeast quarter of section twen
five, township thirty, range twelve, taxe
name of .Jane Marsh, and,
The southeast quarter of section twe?
nine, township thirty-one, range twe
taxed in name of Henry Brown, and,
The northwest quarter of the south!
quarter of section twenty-three, ttmu
thirty-two, range twelve, taxed in namt
Jennie M. Stewart, and,
The east half of the southwest quarie
section twenty-three, township thirty-t
range twelve, taxed in name of 11. J. X
ton, and.
The southwest quarter of the son
quarter of section thirty-one. townd
thirty-two, range twelve, taxed in name
L. Pattee, and,
Lots one and two in section nineteen,
lots three and four in section twenty,al
township thirty-three, range twelve, la
in name of Henry Hartland, and.
The southeast quarter of section th!
township thirty-three, range twelve, \v
in name of H. A. Allen, and.
The southwest quarter of section tni
three, township thirty-three, range tw
taxed in name of Win. F. Chlttick. and,
The north half of t lie north half of sect
twenty-nine, township twenty-five, ra
thirteen, taxed in name of O.G. Norton.!
The west half of the northeast quarter
the east half of the northwest quarteroi
•six, range
_. Weekes. anu
Thoeast half of the cast half of,*;
tion two. township twenty-si:
teen, taxed in name of J. P. W
'Tlin'oiiat huir nf flip (>fl.*st hi
eight, township twenty-six, range thirt
taxed in name of V. F. Stetnmetz. and
The northwest quarter of section
three, township twenty-six, range twit
taxed in name of Jasper \V. Tibbets. ana
The southwest quarter of section ini
township twenty-six, range thirteen, i.
in name of Hriget Loftus, and
Ilf Ul DI l^cl JVVi i t,ix.->. »•*>*• ...
The southwest quarter of set tion ifi'
four, township twenty-six, rangi tu
taxed in name of Showalter»
The northeast quarter of setthn
township twenty-seven, range 1
taxed in name.of J. Q. (’lark. and.
axeu in name.oiv-' im ,
The southeast quarter of section
twenty-seven, range tm
township iweiiiy-sf»fHi
taxed in name of Jo Murphy, ana.
The southwest quarter of^wntw
township twenty-seven.
taxed In name of P. Mullen, and. ,
• 8ntv2srr
taxed In' name of'Minnie McSlchoJ** nil
The northwest .
township twenty-seven, ran,
ixed In name of Minnie McMo-- a
The northeast quarter of
township twenty-seven, rang*
taxed In name of C. H- Toncray.u •
The northwest quarter of '
township twenty-seven, ran.* .
taxed in name of (■■ H. Tonctay. ■' J ^
The north half of the soul hi:
eleven, township twenty-*' ,
teen, taxed in name of Hri(.-(!!. ■'u ■„
f he soutii half of t lie soutiovMW»'f,
section thirteen, and the north i n .
northwest quarter of
all In township twenty
ffeen, taxed In name of Titos.
The south half of the noiWjt»M„
and the southeast quarter of the
quarter and the northeast jP**",a,„
uutiru'i uitu iiiv . f.vtirtrrn
southwest quarter of sertionunirn ^
ship twenty-seven. -
name of Mary B. Htyker, ana
The southwest quarter of so > ^
•ent.y-sevoii, nw
two, township twenty ; - ,,
taxed In name of Dora Maui'•..,L twrt
The southeast quarter of
nine, township twenty-sc'-cn*
teen, taxed in name of It. *'• ],# ()j
The east half of the cart IwK «B_
thirty-four, township tAU C.
thirteen, taxed iu name or - •
The south half of thosout!i*«'|^,1,f
section seventeen, aiia t " .,, |„|fn |
northeast quarter and 1lie > ' , |,alf “t,
northwest <|uarter ami )1 . tffen y»
southeast quarter of, m • t10** „c tin'
township twenty-eislm. ■ y ,sn(i.
taxed in name of ti. W. E. «
The southwest riusirtei oi' h;rlceu, a
township twenty-nine, taue0
in name of .1. M. Hro« n. m , SPrtion *
The southeast ‘l11111'' V,r-o thirteen-1»
township t wenty-nlne. t. . lu
in name of l?i f. t ooper, .in, ’., i r -,*•
.of B. T. Cooper, aim. inn „
The suutli east quar er ol sr^ e.
elKht, towiuhip twenty-!|t"^a.
elKht,town.;lilptrent}-■ ;(nd
taxed in name of M. sortinn
Tile northeast quartet «» • ^ tin;
one, township tweny-»y iiurnett. ai.»
vuvi «.v»»*. • -^y., t Harnett
taxi'd in the name of 1* f cti()n
The southwest niiarter ot*'hlrWCE, ■
eisht, township tli i'tv- .i - *]d
in the name of • ■' ■ • 1 r v„-t 10 .
Tile northwest quar.1 « t|lirtee:i, •*
township tliirjy-one, rioi.-e ti,
iowiisiiiii • mid,
in name of.WaUei I’lii Keh^jion *
The 1
mil' ot nauei 1 cion
e southwest quaifti 01 pi,,
three, township t .lrty-om ^,
taxed in name off. h. hu“'^ s0.-ii. n.
The soutlieast quaitei
* .iv- __ -. rli'irteen.
township thirty-two, reuse
ill name of it. Bieelon. 11 u«
le of IS. lliKelon. iiiiu. ,h(.a5:
north half of t* , ,1^. 11 "■,
I Ilf mum •*«»* til*
and the southeast qu*t niia?ly.
quarter and the noit:hJ J- ti,irte> ■■
i|Udi u i unu
northwest quarter or se
ship thirtv-twp raujre tm
name of Ella ilkinsen. • •
kinson. an«» hlKst <1‘:2
The south half of .^‘‘‘J^iiip tii^'t
of section twenty-six^ ,t |n n.i3ic
•anjje thirteen, taxed
fierce, “Trustee,’ and, . sCction
The northeast uuitrti r oi rJ|n*|. tfc»
'our, township tuirt>-t un«.
—..-up /V r JKr ‘;i<ton. .
taxed in name of .1. y.”1
The south half of tin the
i nr atftrni tilt1
tnd the northeast qua ■
imirtor and the south we-1 i
lOUtlieast quarter of ms tion ...