The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 13, 1893, Image 8

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    . TM1 ' »A»ri TIMMOU. '■ j
M Wt n» ihrtM Mfi omMM
la lls Work.
Dm Un-foot time-ball to be dropped
at tbe world'i fair will be made of
•V «iw ob eteel frame. It will be
5 Bond up each day to the height from
which It ia to fall, and it will be aet
and electrically connected in aueh n
manner that the breaking of the ctr
| cnlt at 18 noon will releaae it
The eable by which it will be con
: trolled haa been laid, connecting
: the new observatory with the en
tire Wee tern Union telegraph sys
tem, the toneh of a button at the
s Washington end of it Instantaneously
transmitting notloe of the hour over
\ 800,000 mtlea of wire.
' * When that button speaks the whole
eountry will listen and the hands of
70,000 electric clocks all over the coun
try will point to the correct minute and
second. There are 7,000 such clocks
In New York City alone. All railways,
factories and industries of every kind
: pay attention to the signal. Three
minutes before noon each day all
, Western Union lines are cleared of
business, every operator takes hia fin
ger from the key, circuits are opened
' and at the instant when the sun passes
‘ over the seventy-fifth meridian the
1 spark of intelligence is flashed to all
parts of the ooudtry. It requires leas
than one-fifth of a second to reach San
The twelve-o’clook signal sent from
Washington Indicates 11 a. m. for Chi
nagc.10 a. in. for Omaha and It a. m.
for the Pacific coast, the United States
being divided into four perpendicular
: Stripa, and eaoh strip setting its clocks
by tiie time of the meridian which bi
sects it from north to death, Thus
•oh strip is only one hour earlier than
the dent atrip to the east. 1J \
■mt Omt fmlig Friends torn |m
The other day the New York popera
contained mlist of the people la that
•tote who hod hod their nHpthupl
la thd ymtf 1803. It is e either cruel
thiap tddOk to publish such e llet, al
i aeoet Oa cruel u the Chicago papers’,
®* oil the perepna to whom marriage
Ueeaeea aMipsaafod. fn Massachu
setts neither barbarous custom nn>
*nila f jMses Snooks «n«b 'lie name
changed to Arthur St Clalr.nbd yo«n#
Mr. Bumpkin, aged 35, takfe oat a
license tpMSarry Mlea Snodgrass, aged
IS, and the great general pubtio. baa '1
no opportunity to amaae itself with
either; 'The New‘York chnngea are
amusing,' to any the least There
i aeama to hare been a great rush on
’the park! of Polish Jews to ob
tain 'lawfully names which are
less terelatory of their nation
: than their original patronymics. Thus
peter Grollnskl becomes Peter Gordon;
Wolf Cidkowsky becomes William
BaydeK Samuel Dolrooyrlskl becomes
Bemad Baris, and the Sauerslg fam
ily seise upon and carry off the hon
orable name of Seymour. Other
flhaagee are erideatly made for the
parppee of getting rid of a name that
people hare made fun of, As when Jon- <
ephine Hetty Ginger became Joaephine
HettyOrr, and Johann os Hell becomes
John Hill.; Emil Namasynowsky prob
ably wait not ashamed of his name, for
.'ha Bad ao hankerings to become a Gor
don or a Seymour; he'simply wanted a
name that somebody could pronounce,
and shortened himself up to Emil
8APC8T game.
Mass ’Who Tnnl Host Always Uhe
the Heaviest One*.
; Erery commercial traveller '**- ai
• epiaina of his own as to that poaltloi
jscWhteh makes a car the safest one it
:#itffela. Some of them hold that it li
|ihe oae next the baggage ear; thi
majority maintain that the center o:
the train is the least dangerous, whU<
there are still individuals, in tb
minority, to be snre, who favor the
I The opinions have been gained It
1 aaajr instances from practical ex
ferkmoea In rnilrcnd wrecks, whicl
; fire, of course, by no means Infreqnenl
iCla certain sections of the country. Ai
such they are entitled to consideration
. hat tjke dissimilar views really go W
I'phow that the poaitlon of n car in i
: train as regards its greater or leai
safety ta a matter of speculation only,
Upon one matter, however, all th<
traveling men agree, and that la that
• .no matter what the position of the cm
; hh the safest ones of all are the heavj
; sleeping, parlor, bnffot cars and th<
Mka They are commonly referred U
by the drummers “as better than ns
, aseidant polley.” There la every rea
Sean for the holding this favorably
aptaica of these earn Their heavlei
f frames and trucks reader their tele
. scoping n difficult matter, and they an
teas likely to leave the rails in a tim<
of n collision than other care in conac
of their greatervweight.
What K»tlwl Betoaaa WuU.
Not only waa Dr. Sharp the beat sur
‘ 1 in the state, but, beat of all, he
young and eligible. It waa then
gibt to be wondered at that he vai par
thnslarly liked by fond with
■marriageable daughters, and atill lesa
a eauae for wonder that he considered
frV aw waanaw tiv wuBtucrqu
hiamaalf aa. always on the defensive.
One afteiMMU at a tea given by Mrs.
Dicker for her eldest daughter, hia
hnataaa remarked with flattering In
ypr—t: “It Mut require great presenoa
tnf mind in your profession, doctor.
How supposing a man should fallout
■ of a balloon, what would you do flratr*
“Walt for himnto eome down,"he re
-'•••.A colored boy, called aa a witness
hate* n oourt-martial, waa asked by
jndge-adrooate if he understood
it aa oath wan The witness re
t “Yas, sab! I reckon I
waitin'at the
•lapto Devise tor Mm* or tog Chair tap
parting toreagsto
“Hare you aver noticed,” said a St
Louisan, “those nstilra iron
pillars in the basement of the
new Planters' house? Well, did
you ever stop to think of the
immense weight they will be com
pelled to support steadily for many,
many years? Oh, you have. But I
suppose you have thought the manu
facturers just made those pillars and
sold them without knowing how much
weight they would bear or how long
they would bear It. Let mo tell yon
about that.
“Those pillars are cast in the same
manner as are cast-iron stoves—by
running the liquid metal into sand
molds, but alongside of each pillar ia
cast an iron bar, from the same metaL
The bar is precisely an inch square
and five and one-half feet in length.
When cold it ia subjected to a very
simple teak Each e«d of the bar is
placed upon a table, and weights are
suspended from the center by a rone.
It must bear a tensile strength of 500
pounds to the square inch. The test
may begin with 400 pounds and be
gradually increased until the bar is
found to be perfectly supporting the
required weight If it breaks, for in
stance, at 460 or 400. pounds then the
pillar cast from the pot of metal
which cast the bar is dis
carded broken up and put into
the pot again, with more pig-iron
added. The pillars, you know, are
largely made from scrap-iron, and the
manufacturers cannot know the
strength of the oast until it is tested.
The addition of pig-iron in the event
of failure, brings the cast up to the
“Six or eight of the pillars designed
for the new Planters' house had to be
recast In thia way,
Why HI* Trade 1* Mol io Profitable (a
These Later Day*.
"No, barberlng la not a money mak-'
lng business,” said Kueffner, as he
deftly wielded his rasor. "I know of
only one man In my experience v»ho
became wealthy at it, and that was a
man who used to keep the barbershop
in the United States hotel in Fulton
street, New York. He retired with a
oomfortable fortune, but he was one
man in a thousand. , ,
“Barbaring was mueh more profita
ble fifteen years ago than it is to-day.
At that time it was the custom for
nearly every patron to bare his own
pomatum, faoe powder, hair oil and
hair restorer in the raok beside his cup.
It was generally believed at that time
that hair could be made to grow on
a bald head, and also that many of the
mixtures on .the market would prevent
hair from falling out But those ideas
are thoroughly exploded now, due
largely, I think, to the publicity given
to the subject by the newspapers.
“I have no doubt that many men
now bald would be well thatched were
it not that they used so much hair olL
It is the exception at the present time
in my shop when a man will permit
me to put oil on his head, many of
them preferring to have the hair
combed dry. When your head becomes
dirty wash it thoroughly with soap
and water, and if you wish it to take
on a luster like the raven's wing brush
it for five minutes night and morning
with a soft brush. The large income
derived from the sale of the> emoBl- |
ents referred to being now cut off,
the trade of the barber cannot now be
classed with that of the plumber and
the coal dealer as a money-making ;
It* Oeadltloa ItopatMd Ub for TIs
itora From Honolulu.
The floor ot Kllauea ia at certain
periods subject tooverflow by floods of
fresh lava from Halemaumau, which
will probably destroy large sections of
the aforesaid trail, necessitating much
labor in renewing it This can hardly
occur under two years from now, as it
will probably take that length of time
for the level of the molten lake to
work up the 200 feet or more necessary
to enable it to discharge itself on the
main floor. During the last period of
overflow, in 1880-90, many thousands
ot acres of the main floor of Kllauea •
received fresh coatings of lava. In
the immediate vicinity of -Haiemau
man pit the lava coatings were piled
to a thickness of from twenty*to fifty
Meantime, the lake, 800 feet in di
ameter, is overflowing every few days
upon the lava floor around It, which is,
perhaps, 250 feet lower than the brink
of the circular pit, which is 2,400 feet
in diameter. The American minister,
who was there recently, counted
twelve fire fountains playing in the
lake at one time. In April last we
measured the largest fountain with an
instrument. The bellow, pulsating
thrice a minute, was fifty feet in
diameter, and thirty feet high. Its
action was steady and incessant dur
ing the week we were there. Other,
fountains were move furious, but in
termittent. On the whole, the present
aspect of the volcano ia unusually sat
isfactory for observation by visitors
Uo Animals Uraam?
I have two animals at home that
dream and talk In their sloep very
much as do human beings One is a
bloodhound and the other a canary.
Late the other night, when I got home
from work, I heard a peculiar muffled
sound coming from the bird's cage.
Stepping up to it I found it was the
bird singing. He had his head neatly
tacked under his wing, but was sing
ing away on one of his favorite songs
just as if the sun was shining and he
was overjoyed to see it Frequently
during the night or day the dog I men
tioned will begin to growl or bark ia
hie sleep. Then again he will wag his
tall and show every sign of pleasure at
•oeae thought passing through hie
Ivin, nil the time being sound aalee*
: , ■ ■■ ;»u, 'v, ,..... ■ ' ^
Town Topics, that brilliant, epicy,
though sometimes. slightly naughty
society Journal, published in New York,
makes the following announcement:
With the first issue in March Town
Topics will be permanently enlarged to
thirty-two pages. Although it is gener
ally conceded that already this journal
bad become the most complete, varied
and entertaining to men and women of
culture of any weekly ever published,
yet the publisher, grateful for the
extraordinary favor with which the
higher class of readers, not alone in
America, bnt wherever English is read,
has received Town Topics, will be con
tent only with renewed and greater
efforts to produce a Journal unap
proached in breadth of scope and excel
lence of literature. Arrangements are
now completed with twenty-five of the
most distinguished writers of fiction to
contribute short stories and serials to its
columns. Among them are such world
famed authors as Amelie Rives, Mary J.
Hawker ('Lanoe Falconer’), F. Marion
Crawford, Fdgar Fawcett, Julian Haw
thorne, Ambrose Bierce, Hamlin Gar
land, Paul Undau, Catulle Mendes,
Francois Coppee, Anatole France, etc.
Hereafter each number of Town
Topics will contain a short story, nnd a
serial by one or the other of these enter
taining litteratures. There will be no
curtailment of the varied and interest
i ng matter that has heretofore gained
for the Journal the unique and exalted
position It now holds in current litera
There Is no weekly journal publisher
which covers so wide a field of matters
interesting to people of Intelligence and
culture as does Town Topics. This new
departure, giving to Its readers ibe fur
ther benefit of the very highest order of
fiction, will prove another element of
popularity. For the amount of reading
matter that it gives weekly, It is the
cheapest publication (94 per year) In the
world. Clubbed with the great quar
terly magasine, “Tales from Town
Topics," each number containing an
otlglnal prise novelette, the two are sent
for 95 per year. Town Topics, 91 West
98 Street, New York.
' A XlnbtsT’s Wifi Much Pleased.
Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAllisterville,
Juniatta county, Pa., says bis wife is
subject to cramp lu the stomach. Last
summer she tried Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for It,
and was much pleased with the speedy
relief it afforded. She bas since used it
whenever necessary and found that it
never falls. For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
Mothers’ Xsoommendation.
We are acquainted with many mothers
in Centerville who would not be with
out Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in
the house, for a good many times its
cost, and are recommending it every
day. From personal evperience we ean
say that It has broken up bad colds for
our children.—Centervill, South Dakota,
Citlaen. 5ft cent‘bottles for sale by P;
U. Corrigttlii, druggist. f§ Am ®
m 3-TZ, » 41 «>• % #s; t*
A Oeod Thing far Coagha sad Col dr.
The more Chabiberlafn's Cough Rem
edy is used the inter $ is liked. \Ve
know of no other remedy that alwkys
gives satisfaction. ^If is good when you
first catch cold. It is good when your
cough is seated and your lungs are sore.
It is good in any kind of a cough. We
have sold twenty-five dozen of it and
every bottle has given satisfaction.
Stedmah & Friedman, druggists, Min
nesota Lake, Minn. 60 cent bottles for
sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
Mesas Pries Oared efRhsamatlsai.
The many cases of rheumatism cured
by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm during the
past few months have given the people
great confidence in its curative proper
ties, and have shown that there is one
preparation that can be depended upon
for that painful and aggravating disease.
Honaker Bros., Lorain, Ohio, say: “Mr.
Moses Price, of this place, was troubled
with rheumatism for a long time.
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has cured
him. He says that the Balm has no
equal." For sale by P. C. Corrlfian.
Hr virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
llolt oounty, Nebraka. on a decree obtained
before the dlatrlot court of Holt county.
Nebraska on the 10th day of October, 1IM.
In favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company
of Hartford Conn., as plaintiff and against
»e P. Huston, L. E. Huston, John Hue
hurman Huston, Annie Lovehart, Mary
Hemphill, Annor Johnson. Bertha Johnson
and-Johnson, husband of Mantle John
son, deceased, as defendants, for the sum
of fourteen hundred seventy-three dollars
and forty oents. and costs taxed at RU8 and
accruing costs 1 have levied upon the follow
ing premises, taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order
The southwest quarter of section eighteen
(18), township thirty (Mb, range fourteen (it),
-— -- - - ,Ne
west of the 6th p. m. In Bolt oounty,
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on thel&th
day of May. A. p.. MB. In front of the
court bouse In O’Neil!. Neb., that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held, at the hour of to o’clock a. s.
of said day. when and1 where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 28th day of
March. 1888. _H. O, MeBVQNY.
‘ said ooun
Sheriff of saidoounty.
sipnunm bale.
By virtue of ass older, of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district oourt of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the Sid day of September, 1802, In
favor of the Pbeonlx Insurauoe Company, of
Hartford, Conn., as plaintiff, and against
Charles A. Thomas, Mrs. Charles A, Thomas,
whose christain name Is to plaintiff unknown,
N. L NeweU and Mrs. B. Tj. Newell, whose
ehrlstain name Is to plaintiff unknown, as
defendants, for the sum of nine hundred
fifty dollars and costa taxed at tu.M and
accruing costs I have 1-vted upon the follow
ing premises taken as tbs property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
tow It: The north half of southwest quarter.
_ . . quarter,
southeast quarter of northwest quarter and
oounty Nebraska. And will offer the tame
tor safe to the highest bidder fer cash In hand.
an the Mth day of May, A. D., INKS, in front
of the court house In O'Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term of district
oourt was held, at tap hour of in o’clock A.
M. of said day, when and where due attend
' March,1MB. _H.O.MeKVpMYr
said cons
By virtue of an order of mile, directed to
Be from the clerk of the dlatrlct court of
olt county. Nebraska. on i decree ob
tained before the dlatrlct oonrt of Holt
county, Nebraaka, on the 23d day of Septem
ber. 1MB, In favor of the Phoenix Insurance
Company, of Hartford, Conn., aa plaintiff,
and against Henry Mlsslnger. Alblne Mlssln
ger, his wife, Scott T. Jonoa, Samuel Bcbles
eluger, Mrs. Samuel Sohleselnger, his wire,
Isodor—" ‘ ' “ *
ore Sohleselnger and Mrs. Isadora Sch
leselnger, his wife, and the Clttxens Bank, of
Atkinson. defendants, for the sum of
thirteen hundred and aeventy-Sve dollars
and costa taxed at IM.U8 and accruing costs,
1 have levied upon the following premises,
taken as the property of said defendants, to
satisfy said order of sale, to wit: The south
east quarter of section twenty-seven (27)
township thirty-one (81 > range fifteen (IS)
west of the 8th P. M.. In Holt county, Nob.,
and will offer the same tor sale to the highest
bidder for cash In band on the 15th day of May
A.D.1MB, In frontof the court house In O'Neill,
that being the building wherein the last
term of district court was held, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. u. of said day .when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’NelU. Neb., this »th day of1
March. 1808. H. 0. MoEVONY.
<0-6 Sheriff of Said County,
To A. Both:
You are hereby notified that on the 10th
day of April. 1MB, L. A. Both filed in the
office of the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, her petition against
you, olatming that she Is your wife and
charging you with extreme cruelty, habitual
drunkenness and desertion. The objeot and
prayer of said petition la to obtain a dlvoroe
and the custody of one child. And that un
less you answer said petition on or before
the aid day of May, 1893, the alligations of
said petition will be taken as true and de
cree rendered acordlngly.
~ .. ‘ ib., /
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., April 11,1803.
By E. H. Benedict, L. A. Both,
4-<0 ller Attorney. Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska on the 23d day of September, istfe.
in favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company,
Hartford. Conn., as plaintiffs and against
Joseph Peters and Jane Peters, his
wife, Scott T. Jones, Richard K. Welch Mrs.
Richard E. Welcu, his wife, John M. Welch
and Mrs. John M. Welch, his wife. Citizens*
Bank of Atkinson, Neb., as defendants, for
the sum of six hundred eighty-seven dollars ;
and fifty cents, and costs taxed at #46.98 and
accruing costs I have levied upon the follow
ing premises, taken as the property of said ;
defendant, to satisfy said order of sale, i
to-wlt: i
The west half of southeast quarter and I
east half southwest quarter, section six (6), !
township thirty-two (82), range sixteen (IB;. I
west of the 6th p. m. in Holt county, Ne- I
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest Mdder for cash. In hand, on the Utli
day of May, A. D.. 1883, In front of the
court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. m. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O Neill, Neb., this 28th day of
Maren, 18IM. H. C. MoEVONY,
Sheriff of Said County,
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt County, Ne
braska. on the28d day of September. 1892. In
favor of the fhoenlx Insurance Company.
Hartford, Conn., as plaintiff and against
Thomas C. Cullen and Charlotte Cullen, his
wife, Soott T. Jones, John K. Harding and
——.Harding, his wire, and Citizens' Bank
of Atkinson, Neb;, as defendants, for the sum
of nine hundred eighty dollars and costs
taxed at (16.03 and accruing costs I have
levied upon the following premises, taken as
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale to-wlt:
The south half of southeast quarter and
south half of the southwest quarter of section
number two (2)# township number twdnty
seven (27). north of range number sixteen
(18). west of the 0th p, m. in Holt county. Ne
And will offer the same, for sale to the
highest bidder for eash. In band, on the 15th
day of May, A. D.. 1893, In front of the
court bouse In O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’eloch. A. M., of
said dav, when and where due attendance
will be given bv the undersigned.
• Dated at O’Neill this 28tli day of March.
1893. H. C. MchiVONY.
48-5 Sheriff of said county.
To Tsador Gluok and-— Gluck his wife.
E. J. Edwards and- Edwards his wife,
John P. Finley, Walter L. Selley and Mrs.
Walter L. Selley, defendants:
You will take notice that on the 28th day of
January 1988. A. E. Quffckenboss, plaintiff
herein, filed a petition In the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and
each of you, the object and prayer being to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
the defendant John P. Finley to Showalter
Mortgage Company, upon the following de
scribed real estate situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, to-wlt:
Southeast quarter or section twenty-six,
township thirty-one. range sixteen, which
was given to secure the payment of a oertaln
promissory note dated May 1. 1889. for the
sum et (580 and due and payable on the 1st
day of May. 1804. Also to secure the Interest
to mature thereon as evidenced by ten In
terest notes thereto attached. One for the
sum of (17.50 and nine for the sum of (17.50
each. The first one maturing on the 1st day
of November 1880 and one every six months
thereafter, the last one falling due on the
same day that the prinolpal note matured.
And plaintiff alleges that he la now the
owner and bolder of said mortgage, and the
notes thereby. Plaintiff alleges that there Is
now due and payable on said note and mortg
age the sum of (1000 by reason of the faot
that the defendants have failed to pay the
Interest notes which matured on the first
days of Nov., 1800 Nov., 1801, Nov., 1892.
May, 1891, May, 1892, for the sum of (17.50
Plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
or that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due; also that the lieu of
the above mentioned defendants and each of
them be decreed to be subject to that of tbe
You are required to answer said petition
onor before the 15th day of May, 1803.
Dated this 6th day of April, lt&i.
_ . R. B. DICKSON.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jacob Feldenheimer, James J. Drown,
Chase and Sanborn. William J. Price,
Northrop, Breslau & Goodman Company,
Robert S, Russell and George 8. Prophy.
partners, doing business under the firm
name or Russell and Company, defendants.
Pleaded, with Thomas N. ,1. Hynes and
ru * I *uuium «. iiyut'B am
otbera. will take notice that on the 18th day
of March, 1888. J. K. Hayward filed his petl
t, 7 .T ,, . **• uicu uis |WU
tlop in the district court of Holt county, Ne
pr&ska. the object and prayer of which
wujcvji/ mm prayer oi wmcn are
to foreclose amortgage given by defendants
Thpmgs N. J. Hypes and Ann Hynes his wife
totbo plaintiff on the 12th day of October,
uc°P. thJ? n°rthffest quarter of section
SSL. ulVnuliln ,, 1.. n..u _...
£7-7 r r, ".Ir quarter 01 section
g, township 27, rapge pi west In Holt county.
Nebraska, which mortgage was given to se
cure tOO nnvmant <»r >. m_
— "»b Kfwu 111 bu
rr--—1 PSyjnent or a promissory note for
J&LSi!11 dHP on the lst dRy of
October. lkUD with Interest at the rate of 8 per
cent, per annum from date thereof until
IKiS*?* J*14* *0 per cent, per annum there
k**» plaintiff claims that no part of
said debt has been paid except the interest
from date of payment up to maturity of said
R,,d i’t®*® J* now due upon said note
*53 ■ecuml by said mertgaure the sum of *800
the rate of 10 per cent, per
7ZZ . m * "r ram iu ueroeni.
ttnnumf rom the 1st day of October. 18W), and
the further sum of |6«a.ift and interest at the
Mtfl nf 111 nAM Ann * _. _ m .ft ..
nte of 111 per cent, per annum from the 16th
day of lebruary. MW, being the taxes paid
By plaintiff upon said promise* to protect his
security .and as It Is provided In thecon
dltHins of his mortgage deed he might do.
.......... ula iuuri,.,u ueeu ue mignt no.
And plaintiff prays that said real estate
"H he sold to saltlsfy the amount due upon
laid promissory note and mortgage deed
tua,-- „
•aid promissory note ana mortgage oeea
together with taxes so puld by plaintiff to
protect his security, and that all the defend
ants may be foroelosed of all equity of re
demption or other lntereat In said mortgage
' You are required to aaawer said petition on
or before
U. 8. IiUt OificL O'Rtav N**.,
_ , . . , March a. IMS. -
Complaint having bean entered at this
office by Jos-pb M, ltnnter against the heirs
and legal representatives of Charles Alex
Radish, deceased for failure to comply with
law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 3845,
dated October U, 1882, upon the NK!4 section
20, township 30, range H wont. In Holt county,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that said
Charles Alex Kadlsh and his heirs, executors
administrators hsve failed to break or cause
to be broken or plowed ten acres of land on
said tract since the date of entry, also failed
to cultivate or cause to be cultivated the
trees growing on said tract during the fourth
sixth, seventh and eight years since the date
of said entry and that there la not now grow
ing on said t'act more thun fovr aores of
trees and that said failure exist at the
present time. The said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 10th
day of April 1888, at 0 o’clock A. M., to res
pond and furnish tlstimony concerning said
alleged failure. -
Jaojb Feldenhelmer, James J. Brown,
Chase and Sanborn, William J. Price. North*
rop. Breslau and Goodman Company, Robert
S. Russell and George 8, Propuy. partners,
doing business under the Arm name ot Rus
sell and Company, defendants, impleaded
with Thomas N. J. Hynes and others, will
take notice that on the 18th day of March,
1893. the plaintiff herein, Anna A. McCleery,
filed her petition In the district court of Holt
county .Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a mortgage given by
defendants Thomas N. J. Hynes and Ann
Hynes his wife to the plaintiff, on the 6th
day of May, 1885, upon the southwest quarter
of section 31. township 80. range 18 west in
Holt county. Nebraska, which mortgage was
given to secure the payment of a promissory
note for the sum of 8300, falling due on the
1st day of May, 1880, with Interest at the rate
of 8 per oent. per annum from date thereof
until maturity of said note, and 10 per cent,
per annum after maturity; that there Is now
due upon s»!d note and secured by said
mortgage the sum of 1800 and Interest at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 1st
da^ of May1 1890; and^ plaintiff prays that
said real estate may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due upon said promissory
note and mortgage deed, and that all the
defendants may be foreclosed of all equity
of redemption or other Interest in sold
mortgaged premises. You are requited to
answer said petition on or before Monday,
the 8th day of May, 1803.
384a ANNA A. McCLEERY, Plaintiff.
Goorge P. Bump. Nellie M. Bump his wife,
Ellas L. James and Mbit James his wife. Im
pleaded with Charles Wrede et al. defend
ants, will take notice that on the 29th day of
March, 1803, Adams and Darr. plaintiffs here
in, filed their petition in the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer ot which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants Charles Wrede and Mary Wrede
his wlfo to plaintiff, upon the northwest
quarter of section thirty, township thirty
one. range ten west in Holt county. Nebras
ka. to secure the payment of three interest
promissory notes dated J«ly 7. ISM, for the
sum of 947.50 and Interest at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum after matrrlty; that
there Is now due upon said notes and mortg
age according to the terras thereof the sum
of 960 and interest at the rate of ten per cent.
per annum from January 1,1803, and plaintiff
prays that said premises may be decreed to
be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 8tli day of May, 1893.
Gated March 20.1893 -
38-4A ADAMS AND DABR. Plaintiff.
Frank Bowden, Kittle Bowden and C. H.
Lane defendants, will take notice that on the
20th day of March, 1803. J. L. Moore, trustee,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against
said defendents, the object and pfaver of
which are to forclose a certain mortgage
executed by defendants, Frank Bowden and
Hattie Bowden, to the Dakota Mortgage
Loan Corporation.upon the following describ
ed real estate situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, towlt:
The southwest quarter of section 14,
township 26. north of range 11 west of the «tb
P. M., to secure the payment of one promis
sory note dated January 8.1886, for the sum
of 95(10 and Interest at thq rate of 7 per cent,
per annum, payable semi-annually, and ten
per cent, after maturity; that there Is now
d ue upon said note and mortgage, according
to the terms thereof, the sum of 9020 and
Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num from March 29,1803. and plaintlfi prays
that said premises may he decreed to be sold
to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 8th day or May, 1893.
Dated March 20,1883.
■ ' J. L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff.
38-4 By S. D. Thornton, his attorney.
To Rochester Loan and Banking Company
non-resident defendants: You will take
notice that on the 16th day of Maroh, 1883,
Emetine Mathews and William D. Mathews
plaintiffs herein filed there petition in the
district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska,
against you and the following other defend
ants. to-wlt: The State Bank of O’Neill, a
corporation. John H. McHugh, and G W.
Wattles, the object and prayer being to can
cel and set aside a certain mortgage executed
by the plaintiffs to the Rochester Loan and
Ranking Company, defendants herein, upon
the following described real estate situated
In Mathews' addition to the city of O'Neill
Holt county. Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots one,
two. three and four and lots fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen and eighteen all In block one In
said addition In said county and state. Said
mortgage purporting to have been given to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
note for 94,51X1 due May 1.1893; said mortgage
being dated February 10,1892, and duly re
corded in the office of the county clerk of
Holt county. Nebraska, on the ]3th day of
February, 1892 In Book 67, Page 225. Plain
tiffs ask that said mortgage and the note
secured thereby may be cancelled and sur
rendered up and the mortgage released of
record for the reason that the same was
made and delivered by the plaintiffs to the
defendants the Rochester Loan and Banking
Company and G. W. Wattles without or for
any consideration, and with the agreement
that the same should be released and can
celled upon the request of these plaintiffs,
which the defendants have failed to do
although requested so to do. Plaintiffs fur
ther pray In said petition that all of said de
fendants herein may be decreed to have no
Interest In the real estate covered by said
mortgage and that said mortgage be decreed
to bo a cloud upon plaintiffs title to said real
estate and that the defendants be enjoined
from selling or transferring said note and
mortgage and from claiming or asserting any
Interest In the property covered thereby by
the reason of the making of said note ana
mortgage and for other.equitable relief'
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of May, 1893.
- - -March,—
Dated this 20th day of .™.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
In the district court of Holt county, Ne
Loan and Guarantee Company of Connect
icut, Plaintiff.
Reading Asher. Jane Asher. J. S. Lawrence
and L. T. Hurd, composing the Arm of Law
rence and Bard, John H. Eversole, defend
The above named defendants will take
notice that ou the 18th day of March. 1888,
the Loan and Guarantee Company of Con
necticut, plaintiff herein, filed Its petlt|ou In
the district cburt of llolt oounty, Nebraska,
against the said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendants Heading
Asher and Jane Asher to the plulutlif upon
the northwest quarter of section number
twenty-five (US) township number twentv
seven (27) range number eleven (11) west of the
sixth principal meridian, containing mu acres
according to government survey, to secure
the payment of a pertain proinmtssory noto
dated September!), 1888, for the sumof KtUO.fXk
due and payable on the first day or September
Ml. That therp Is uow due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of *71)5.00 for which
smith iiiAPHlit fritm »Klc ‘ , .“'V!?
aunt with Interest from this dale, plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendunm be re
quired to nay the same, or that said premlwS
d‘flS answer said S?„due’
* “«peUUon °°
By L- T. Burn, Attorney.
favor of the Ssr*.
Hartford. Conn * «, ISStefiS
wire, Enos Sayers *‘I? Wles *
®noB Sayers - -
R. A, Wmkerino *na ~rH«r
defendants, for**tha *^ker?i
seventy dollar* and *?**“ *J
accruing costs t hJvS0?1* taiSl
SSidefendant* to
and Utelmuthwestquarts '"••Ni
quarter and the«SSS2»VC
quarter ISSttTdSStSr.^
northwest quarter of »S«* 1»a
township thlrty^wo iSf .
eleven ft» west of fh .0| m
county, Nebr^kV1 “* •* T
»..4^ *!H offer th« .
highest bldderfor cate ’‘uh* ,01
day of May. a.d i*ih1»»4
courthouse In O’Neill OS',1? h
In* wherein the last
w««Meid. att™ Cr M ,?'!
2Sn 5?Z; wh"“ and whims 01
March, 188B. U’ Neb- thl.
me rfromt'the°olerk °of "th0'
Holt county. Nebrnki o?! S1"*
before the dlstrloteourt M nlS*"
braska. on the23d dav 0f J
favor of the Phoenix »nsn«S?m‘
Hartford. Conn as ft
Hwaln Yo™£ Emm.P j'T *
William Young. Eugene
F.ugene F Long. bK w'ff JfM
Jin!he *ao> <>f seven hundreds
and coals taxed atmi 1
Ing costs I have levied nnona.11
premises, taken as the proS*^
Fendants.. to satisfy ZTSL«
The northwest quarter of
twenty-three (29), In towurtlo^kS
north of range sixteen (l«)TwLt,51
m. In Holt county. Nebraska *'
And will offer the same M J
highest bidder fur cash. inbuoi?
day of May, h, n isn („ i2
courthouse In O'Neill. thatbcM
wherein the last term of
held, at the hour of II) o'clock?i
Sheriff of uS
By virtue of an order of sale: din
from the clerk of the district"
coupty. Nebraska), on « decree <
Ut M Hdt
4-7* da* of ),
Insurance c
plaintiff and against Catherine 1
et ul as defendants for the sum of i
dred seventy-two dollars and«n
cents and cqpta taxed at Ksc.a ui
costg I have levied upon the fyllor
ises t*k]p*.**
- ——. quarter of rci
township thirty (Mi. ,
The _
six (20), ...,,',,11 IT ,w, aa
twelve (12). westof the 0th a. T
county, Nebraska? " ' *
Am? , '»>»_ «<f*r the tame (a
the highest bidder forcssh.ln hind
of May. A.-D.lm In Trout d
house In O’Neill, that being th
wherein ttm last tetm of district!
held, at the hour of 11 o’Olock t
day, wheb hnd Vhere due nttendv
given by tbe undersigned. ' r
Hated at O'Neill, Neb., this a
March, 1893. H. C. McEYl
4(h& - iww .wsw. Sheriff of mM
Tha 8cMtut on
Sm and Land -
for • ' •»
100 page
Sales J
Majestic Mfg. Co.
Will Vote
as usual at the next school*
but for many candidates, w
a unanimous vote—every aj
week—in favor of
because t^ey know it hasnoeg
labor and temper saver on*»
The “White Russian” is a great!
use in hard or alkali watoj*
roughen or injure the han®n
ferny safe to use on the fin»a
Iptj Haul Tar Swa*1^
proprietors or w»
Prices Reasonable- s
*»M ot MeOufferto's. CNfl0**
iS'v . • - -.;i