The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY fU FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY , Plant trees April 22. The tots) rote cut for president in ig 1802 was 12,186.802. Tee ngony at Lincoln is over, the legislature has adjourned. Senator Martin’s hold upon the populists will depend largely upon his hold on the post offices of Kansas, and unless all signs fail, it will be very light. New Crleans has a woman only thirty-eight years old who has Just mar ried her seventh husband. Yet some people say that southern people are Indolent. _ _ _ Henry D. Baslertsooe has been appointed by ’Gov. Crounse to fill the vacancy on the board of regents of the etate university, made by the resignation of Charles Marple. Ax exchange says in a head line that a well known prise tighter la looking for a mill. Well, why doesn’t somebody introduce the muscular man to an old fashioned tread mill? Bodtb Sioux Citv and Covington have been consolidated and taken the - name of South Sioux City. This was a very sensible move and will result in f much good to both towns. Ip the mugwumplah political renegade that edits, or attempts to edit the Butte Free Lance, receives a government v, position from the present admlnlstra lion, it is time for all true democrats to leave the party. Tun number of people that are scat tered through the state who are desirous of serving their country by filling some political position, is increasing dally. What a plonio the doctors will have treating the sore-heads. Tun newly appointed democratic postmatter at Plttsford, Vermont, may ' have to serve a term in Jail before he can qualify, as on the day of his np polntment he was convieted of illegal liquor selling. “Turn the rascals out.” ; Tun working of North Dakota’s ‘ “reconciliation courts,” recently created, will be watched with interest. The object aimed at—the lessening of the number of small law suits—la certainly f a good one, for everybody but the lawyers.___ : , President Cleveland's rule against ' , editors only applies to the anti-Cleve :\ land democratic editors, it seems. He Is taking good care of the other kind. L $o we are of the opinion that our friend Armstrong, of the Butte Oasette, will i he postmaster at Butte. When Axman Maxwell told some of y his callers that it was his intention to .' appoint only "live democrats" he must have had a suspicion that somebody was trying to run In on him some of the ' “dead democrats,” regularly voted on election day in some places. K Refkesentativb Smith is home | ; again, and we would like to ask the •gentleman how many bills that he intro duced became laws. He was loaded with bills when he went there, and j-’, many of the present laws were to be ■ } revised under his supervision. \ Although Pete O’Sullivan, of the West Point Progress, did not succeed In being elected state auditor last fall he was last week elected treasurer of - West Point after one of the hardest political battles ever fought in the city. 5f; The O’Sullivan family seem to be strictly “in it.” f If Senator Ym did not exaggerate ' when he said that if the senate under* : took to investigate all chargee made againit the character of eenatora It i' would have no time left for anything ■ elae, it ie about time to either abolish the senate, or get men with better cber ' acters, is it not? ‘ Whew B. B. Henry went to Lincoln last January we supposed that he would be occasionally heard from, as, having \ had experience in one session, he would |i be well posted. But It seems that niter ; he arrived there be buried himself, and | jraa only heard from when it eame to : voting. He has not gained a national reputation by his legislative ability. Umdeh the operations of the McKin ley law, Canadian exports to the United States have decreased $4.6000,000, while Canadian imports from the United > | States have increased $9,089,678. The $■; Wisdom of the McKinley law has been so well vindicated that the protectionist ‘ party in the Dominion purposes enact ; Inga tariff law Just like it, including ' the reciprocity clause. W. D. Mathews, register of the ' United States laad offlce at O'Neill, has i: established the rule that all notices ' must go to democratic papers. But then, all the republican papers will probably change their politics for the land offlce printing.—Fremont Herald. Bro. Smaila should not Judge every , person by himself, and we will state | 'that The Fbohtw will not change its “politics for the land offioe printing" as waarerspnblleans from principle, not for Thb Louisville Courier-Journal (rank ly admits that its attacks upon the Har rison administration regarding the treaty with Russia wore based on mis information. if the editor of the Cour ier-Journal will go back over the record he will discover that many other of his attacks upon the Harrison administra tion were of the same order. Wasoinciton churches understand the value of advertising. One of them announces that it has Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland for attendants, another Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson; and the old pew in which President Lincoln used to sit has been put back in the church from which it was removed years ago, and the fact fully advertised. The attendance at these churches is very large. There is nothing like advertising. Last week the famous Newberry bill passed the senate by a vote of 18 to 14. The measure was amended somewhat by the senate and was supported by some republicans. The amendment that was put on the bill in the senate was done by Senator Mullen and it is such that it will not effect shoit roads, or roads that will be built in the state prior to 1800. Ti|lii Is the only thing of any Importance that has been done by the legislature since the election of United States senator. Tuk freight bill adopted last week makes the following provisions: All railroads, or parts thereof, which have been built in the state since Jan uary 1, 1880, or may be built before December 81, 1890, shall be exempt from the provisions of this act until December 81, 1800. ■ This exempts from the operation of the bill the Kock Island's line in Nebraska, except the branch from Fairbury to Nelson, which was built in 1888; the Pacific Short Line, O’Neill to Sioux City; the Missouri Pacific Short Line, Omaha to Union; part of the Burlington, Culbertson branch; part of the Kearney and Black Hills line, Kearney to Calloway. They agregate about 420 miles. The bill will not go into effect until August 1. Op the three men that were in the state legislature representing Holt county, there was only one man that gained any prominence or was ever heard of while there, and that one is Hon. J. P. Mullen. While Tun Front ier does not have the same political views as Senator Mullen, still we are willing to give him credit for what he has done. At the request of bis con stituents he bad an amendment attached to the maximum rate bill which will be of great boncflt to the people of north western Nebraska. He labored earn estly for the principles of his party, and was looked upon as a leader by the members of his party. Ip the cholera should continue to spread in Europe the president should prohibit immigration from the countries where it prevails. He has the power to do this under the quarantine law enac ted by the last congress. In fact the situation In Russia is already bad enough to justify him in prohibiting immigration from that country. In view of the gravity of the situation every precaution to prevent the entrance of the plague into this country should be taken. The president ought not to hesitate to exercise In this connection all the power that congress or the con stitution has conferred upon him. Up to the present time Th* Front ier hsa not ssid much in regard to the Impeachment of the state officers. We do not believe in Judging people guilty until they are proven so, and if they are guilty they should be ousted at once. The time in politics has come when the republican party must drop their old trained lobbyists and take up good clean men; men who have principle; men who have a name to protect. Give us more such men as Treasurer Bartley nnd Auditor Moore, and if they cannot be found in the eastern part of the state, come west, we have lots of good, true, honest men in Northwestern Nebraska. Keep up the investigation and turn the light of day on the official acts and actions of the state officials. Avd now the printers are to be rob bed by a cruel trust. The following type founders of the United States have combined for the' avowed purpose of doubling their yearly profits, which always have been outrageously large; MacKellar, Smiths <& Jordon, Philadel phia; Collins & McLeester, Philadelphia; James Conner’s Sons, New York; Hem rich, P. H., New York; Lindsay, A. W., New York; Charles J. Cary & Co., Baltimore; Ryan, John, & Co., Balti more; Mengal. J. G., & Co., Baltimore; Hooper, Wilson & Co., Baltimore; Bos ton Type Foundry, Boston; Phelps, Dal ton & Co., Boston; Lyman & Son, Buf. falo; Allison & Smith, Cincinnati; Cin cinnati Type Foundry, Cincinnati; Cleveland Type Foundry, Cleveland; Marder, Luse & Co., Chicago; Union Type Foundry, Chicago; Benton, Wal do & Co., Milwaukee; Central Type Foundry, St. Louis; St. Louis Type Foundry, St. Louis; Kansas City Type Foundry, Kansas City; Palmer & Rey, San Francisco. However there is one foundry, Barhardt Bros. & Spindler, of Chicago, the largest in the country, which flatly refuses to join the alliance, and for thia they deserve the patronage of a united fraternity. In thia way the combine could be broken. O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY OLDEST FIRM And have the only complete eet of Abstract Books in the county. Always up to date. Have Experienced Men in Business BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE O'NEILL, NEB* FRED C. OATZ. - DEALER IS— Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats, Sugar-cured Bam, Breakfast Bacon, Bidea, Bploa roll baoon, all kinds of sausages O’NEILL, NEB Hotel Evans. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, Reiurnished -AND REFITTED. Only First Class lintel in City, W. T. EVANS, Prop. WEST EAST puronatt TiGKtit ana consign your Prsightvls the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTi GOINO EAST. Passenger east, ; 0:85 a. m. Freight east. • • 10:45 a. m. ooikq was*. Freight west, • • 1:45 p. is Passenger west, - 5:15 p. h Freight, • • • 0:44 p.m The Rlkhorn Line ie now running Reclining Chair Care daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, tree to holders of flrst-clasa transpor tation. Per any Information call on W- J. DOBBS, Act. O’NEILL, NEB. ************** (Tasteless— effectual.) For Sick-Headache, Impaired Digestion,: Liver Disorders andi Female Ailments, ; Renowned all over the World.! Comal «m i Tsetslm a g.|iU» Coating.! Ask for Beoehoi’o and take no others. 1 Made at St. Helens, England, druggists and dealers. Price SB cenu a! box. New York Depot, Canal St. Sight Is prioeleM and lu proper preserva tion Is a matter for the most earnest consid eration of ever person of ordinary common sense. Kemember that a lease decentered one centimeter (the one hundredth part of an Inch) produces as many prism dioptres as It possesses lenticular dioptres of refraction. Don't wear poorly made spectacles when you can ret reliables ones at the same price Tudor’s Adamantine lenses are ground from the cleraest crystal obtainable, building up the nerve power, easy and rendering natural the accomodation, they are without doubt best adapted for optical purposes and are recommended by all the most emiaeut of the medical fraternity. Including DB. BBAINYEA, ex-govenor of Zacatecas, Meg.; DB. MARIK, ex-go venor of AJuas Cal ten tea; EDWARD JENNINGS, M. D., vloe-pres Medical Ass. of Canada. —roa sails bt— DB. P. CL CORRIGAN, Druggist, O'KRILL. MSB. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference Flint National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN 0IQAR8. ETO. jQR. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSIC AN AND SURGEON. Day and night calla promptly attended to. OIBee over Blglln'a furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. JJB. C. D. B. XISAUAH. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Offloe in the Judge Roberta building, north of Barnett & Tree*' lumber yard, £ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all the courts. Special at tention given to foreclosures and collections, to also COUNTY ATTORNEY. JJR B. T. TBTJEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fittlnfl glasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 6 p. m. Omen ovait “THE EMPORIUM.” murmur bbos., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. BOYD, O'NltlLL, NEB. p H. BENEDICT LAWYER, O NEILL, NEB. BUILDERS/ ESTIMATES FURNISHED. i A. H. CORBETT ] WILL ATTEND TO YOUR 1 | DENTISTRY | IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE. I ! •PHOTOGRAPHY* j | OF ALL KINDS | j Fromptty and tatieftatorilT Esented. 1 | Office and salary on Fourth street I i east of Holt County Bank. i Deyarman Brothers, PBOHBIETOBB OP THE Checker Livery, Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts in the city. Good, care ful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Have chargee of MoCafforty’a Hearse. Ail j Son Wm reoeive oareful ftnd prompt atten. I A. J. HAMMOND ABSTRACT CQ Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required uuder the law. Correspondence Soliced. O'NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEB. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DKALKPS IN WINES^ LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. Mania's Old Stand, O’Nslll.Neb. NO. 3424. First National Bai 0*Ni„ Nebri Paid-up capital, $5o,ooo Surplus, S2o,oooo Authorized capital, $loo,ooo THAD J. BERMiNGHAM « J. P. MANN. Vioe-pres ’ n ED F. GALLAGHER, c'asu, FRED H. SWINGLEY. Asst' Money Loaned on Personal Security on the k< Terms. Issue, Time Certificates Bearing iJ* Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange' EM DIRECTORS: MOSE CAMPBELL T\ F. BIRMINGHAM j B THAD J. BIRMINGHabI ED F. GALLAGHER !. W. THOMAS, Pj«®"VHUGH; 0^^ * THE - STATE - BAI OF Authorized Capital, $100,000. Paid up Capital, $30J DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSIW h5ltT GOm^Y 'll BAI O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. u. L. DARR.CM DAVID ADAMS,wP:— ^Cu— A GEN ERAL BAN KING BUSINESS TRANSkC t American and Bed 8lu . riinard North German Lloyd, Amen &1 ^ Collections Made and BemHed on the CARLAND STOVE8AND RAHC1 I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK O* Copper & OranlteSl IN NORTH NEBRASKA. ASPMA^ | Ml ELI BARBED WIR SPECIALTY 0T IN IMPLEMENTS I CARRY The famous JOHN DEERE Plows, Culti vators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Pern City Cultivators. LISTERS and DRILLS Call aod see me before you make yonr purchases t» save you some money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’NEILL NEB THE O’NEILL ROLLER MILLS H AVE BEGUN opera* and request your paW age. All the machinery is * and the latest and best impr° ed process adopted. : : :