,:Ith :m. directory s TAT a. Mtilitor Lorenzo Crounso ....T.J. Majors _J.C. Allen J. 8. Bartley George H. Hastings .Ei ugene Moore .editor. George Humphrey .A. K. Uoudy ‘‘ cl’ATE university. •. K^T-oln: Leavitt Burnham, II■ u,;relJl.oi' A ma; E. P. Holmes, -•^P^.Seu, Kearney; M.J. Hull. mAcnw 'ot Omaha; ‘An<-".',V«-lBryan. Llnoolni O. ,r';S‘it'.V.hon i:ow: Win. McKelithan, Bod JUDICIARY. . .Samuel Maxwell hlstloe- "'judge Post andT. L.Norval ‘.a! I,. YVarrick. of O’Neill land offices. O’NKII.L. ..W. D. Mathews. .A. L. Towle. . .C. W. Eoblnson ,...W.B. Lambert COUNTY. [ the jjiistrlct Court _Wm Bowen .John Sklrvlng . .Barrett 8cott . K. L. Clapp. . C. E. Butler ..J. C. Harnlsb ...H. C. McErony . John McBride. v;,;;,;:,.. H. \V. Dudley 1 ^ll00ls.. . .. .Mrs. H. W. Dudley . W. W. Puge .. ..H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. township ADDRESS „ II rt 'V w !.■ w ii U F< ivy H (uni John -h Will ins W v 11 u 'II S l) r ii , ■hot* John I, w B ■s W T n L A »j D ■v lVter 1‘ .loll!) irilv Geo MI) in i her K ■ill irthjr M 11 iii- I'rank Ii G linger I) t-J E mi J II ing E M l John Vleusantvlew Iteloit Cleveland Verdigris Unman Hand Creek Keck Falls 'Conley IFulrvlew Dustin illreen Valley Shields Francis Emmet Sbcridan 'Stuart « jS wan Scott Lake Tnddock O'Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Steel Creek Ewing vvillowdale , Wyoming ■McClure ■ Iowa I Grattan Ewin 11 rod Page Inman Atkinson Turner Chambers Inez Dustin Atkinson lo’NctU Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson (Stuart Swan Scottville ! Deloit I .daekbird lO’NoUl ! Ch umbers j Atkinson j Saratoga Ewing •.inneola Amelia | Little Pace O’Neill ■ CUT OF O’NEILL. * pervisor, M. I). Long; Justices, B. H. ‘diet and R. Welton; Constables, John tan and Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMAN—FIR8T WARD. r two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one -David Stannard. SECOND WARD. r two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— ‘alien. THIRD WARD. r two years—Barrett Scott. For one year C. Millard. CITY OFFICERS. i-or, 0. F. Blglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; surer, David Adams; City Engineer, ner Adams; Police Judge. N. Martin; 1 of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, i. Carlon; Weigh master, Ed. M'.Bride; i*t Commissioner, O. E. Davidson. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. pervisor, John Winn; Trearurer. John ir; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose pbel!; Justices, M. Castello and Clias. >i'8oll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will >bie: Road overseer dist. 28, Allen Brown No. 4, John Enright. TIERS' RELIEF C0MNI8SI0N. (hilar meeting first Monday In Febru ■ each year, and at guoh other times as erned necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page, rmun; Wm. liowen, O'Neill, secretary; Clark, Atkinson. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:80 o'clock. V Kev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school ediately following services. ETUODIST CHURCH. Services e\ ery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, im ait'l followed by Sunday school. Preach " the evening at8o’clock. Prayer meeting mesday evening at 8 o’clock. Epwortti ;ue devotional meeting Sunday evening ■nuelocLF. Ellis,Pastor, HBBYTEMAN CHURCH Services tvery Sunday morning at 11 o'olook. % school at 10 a. m. Kev. N. S. Lowkii, Pastor. m 'vU:,1,>.08T' >’0. SO. The Gen. John iiKNehlPost, No. 86, Department of Ne will meet the first and third n'vi nVeu ng oa°h month In Masonic S. J. Smith, Com. KK VALLEY LODGE, I. o. o. u. Thompson, Treas. CHAPTER, B. A. SnSnasflon8ffl1thlr,1Thur8day 0f 1 -' Sec. J. C. Harnish, H. . M each i r p—HELMET LQDQE. U. D. toOd/p1 ?|“ eT?ry Monday at 8 o'clock p. 1'“l')'iavfted°W8 haU' VialtinF brethem of H. uud',81- GHADY’ C~ (AOLk'mE5AMPMENT NO. 80.1. J*)3 of piS!het8 eYPr7 Be°ond and fourth C month fa Odd Fellows’Hall. JWiot, 6, A. H, Corbet, C. V. 'w* IuSekFi?0, 41» daughters J- UEK *H -1st and 3d OF llEUEkfH 41» UA‘ torot «ShAHvmeeto overy 1 eaoh uionth In Odd Fefii vu,u m uuu roiiOWS’ Hall, -»^^SccrcEy™ BUTt-E», «• q sSn^lP I-OOGE, N0.85.F.& A.M. rtoiforothefun’Jjf?t?nsThursday nights k.iuw,0 I-OOGE, N0.85.F.& A.M. ... i ®Comniixyi^r>mi_ 1 _» ■ , _ Jlore the full_ Sec. A: L. Towle, W. M. bIfS{iheMLi£‘£r“^‘B4>ay^ clerk. R. J. Uayes, V. C. .;Uid foumi’Tnifii 15?’ Meets second 'Issonic iluu, uds4ay of ea®h mouth In itec. Q, w, Meals. M. A, postoffice dircetory r g AffivsTofM^i, lrj d»y, Sunrin?.M T,!K WEHT. • L “I,? included at.9:35 a i ’;iv“s evtTyUHV1?.vS.HOriToL(NK Psits *. y except Sunday at 9:35 p i Jton, Monday'\v»sND cheMba. ‘ •t)0 “1 ceTuesday,Thura ,inn’’5day at7:00ai „ o'Ny,,. and ®at. at..l:00pi *»rts Monday w£.KD paddock. C8Tuesday, Thurgnd ?rLday*at7:<» at ' o'vkit r d 8at- “»• 4:30 p i SVmom»VSi,„m10ii"1ara me8Tuesday J^-andlrt.at....7:00 a i * o'xbiuan<1 sat. at...4:00p i Mon uP *ND CPMMIWHTTT.r.. P rts Mon., Wed and1Fvfaay8 at.. .11 -j» p i a™ Friday at.1:00 p t ’ Supervisor*' Proceedings. ’ Supebvisob’s Office, O’Neill, Neb., Maroh 28, 1893. Board mat pursuant to adjoarnment and roll call showed no qaoram present. Upon motion board adjourned until 1 o'clock p. it. . . 1 p. m.—Board met pnrsaant to ad journment and roll call, showed no quorum present. Upon motion board adjourned nntil 9 A. m. 1893. Attest: O. E. Bums, Connty Clerk. Supbbvisob’s Office, O’Neill, Neb., March 29, 1893. Board met pursuant to adjoarnment. Bethea in the chair with the following members present: Alfs, Bethea, Brodie, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Clevish, Calkins, Dutton, Don ohoe, Oilson, Hnigh, Hodge, Jillson, Kelly H. B., Kelley P., Kennedy, Dong, Mills, McCarthy, Phillip^ Roll, Trellingtr, White, Wilson, Waring, Wynn. All of the forenoon was consumed in reading the journal of the February meeting. Upon motion the board adjourned until 1 p. m. 1 p. M.—Board met pursuant to adjourn ment with all members ^present except Jones, Miller and Hayes. Upon motion the chairman appointed the committee on bonds to investigate the bonds of John Hodge as supervisor of Lake township, F. H. Mills as super, visor of Green Valley township and H. B. Kelly of Fairview township, and re port to the board. Committee reported that they found the bonds approved by the county' judge and upon motion the gentlemen were seated as supervisors for their several townships. Moved and seoond that we reconsider the action had on February 16, ’98, on the claim of D. S. Butler for $6 and that the claim be allowed in foil. Carried. , I move you that- the oounty treasurer be and hereby is authorized and instructed to call in and redeem funding bonds Nos. 8 and 9. D. A. Jilt.son. Motion was seconded by Waring and carried. Upon Motion the county treasurer was ordered to refund the following taxes for the year 1831: SE>4 8WJ4' 5-27-15, N‘4 N WJ4 17-31-10, and to redeem the follow ihg lands: NE NEJ£ 24-30-11 for the year 1890; SESEJ^ 13-27-9 for the year 1889. In the matter of the petition signed by Wm. Lell et al. for an extention 20 feet long' on the bridge across the South Fork on the section line between sections 6 and township 26, range 11. It was moved, seconded and carried that the oounty fnrnished the lumber to build same. The petition for a 40-ft. bridge across the Rcdbird creek between sections 28 29, twp. 32, range 10, was upon motion granted. The petition for a 20-ft. mud sill bridge across sand creek on section line between sections 31 and 32, twp. .32, range 9, was upon motion granted. The petition for a 32-ft. bridge across Eagle creek on section line between sec tions 2 and 3, twp. 30, range 13, was upon motion granted. > The petition for a 24-ft. bridge across the Blackbird between sections 19, 20,11, and sections 24, 30,12 was upon motion granted. The petition of P. 0. Corrigan asking for a reduction af the tax on lots 25 and 26, blook 16, O’Neill, for the year 1892 was rejected. The petition of H. C. McEvony, sheriff, asking to be allowed to appoint a re quisite number of deputies to oollect the delinquent tax, was upon montion laid on the table. Mr. Chairman: I move you that each supervisor be appointed a committee of one to look over the tax list and distress warrants of his township for the years previous to 1891 and strike from the list all taxes whioh from any cause have be come uncollectable, as per section 4046 of the statutes of Nebraska.. Willik Calkins. The motion was seoonded and carried. Mr. Chairman: 1 move you that Clerk Butler be granted a leave of absence to visit his wife who is now absent and in delicate health, for as long a time aB the circumstances may require. s Gbo. E. Bbxan. Motion was seconded and carried. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Holt connty, Nebraska: Gentlemen: I hereby request an order from your honorable body that the county surveyor locate a section line road in Inman township described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the section corner be tween sections 35 and 36 on the south line of township 27 range 11 west. H. Bbadley. Upon being seconded upon motion, the request was granted. Upon motion the following ofHoial bonds were approved: W. F. Richards, constable, Inman. R. H. Murray, assessor, Iowa. R. H. Murray, overseer Mo. 24. Wm. McWhorter, overseer No. 5. Wm. Pickering, overseer No. 41. L. J. Adams, J. P., Lake. D. C. Blondin, overseer No. 36. T. B. Maring, J. P., Emmet. J. M. Brown, constable, Emmet. J. 8. Hoffman, clerk, Fairvlew. Geo. Keys, J. P., Fairview. N. L. Strong, clerk, Swan. E, B. Hnsted, constable, Conley. J. L. Sanders, J. P., Conley. The petitions of A. F. Rouse and W. D. Bradatreet to redeem their inn da in Pad dock township wuh upon motion laid over. Upon motion board adjourned until 9 a. m. March i!0,1899, O’Neill, Nib., Match 80,1893. Board mat pursuant to adjournment with all memberx present except Hayes and Miller. Minutes of March 28 and 29 were read and approved. In the matter of the guardianship of James \V. Marrale, insane coming on for hearing before the board upon the appli cation of Abbignl M. Marral, guardian of James W. Marral, insane, for permission to sell the N^ NEjtf SEJf SEW 11 and 8VV^ SWJJ 12-31-15 west 6th p. m. in Holt oounty, Nebraska, for the support and maintainanoe of her said ward. John Crawford, L. A. Jillsonand Wilson Brodie were appointed by the chair us »com mittee to investigate and report upon said application; and on the same day said committee made a report in writing of their findings in said matter and reooromended that said sale and prooed ings be approved by the board. It was moved, seoonded and carried that the report of the committee be adopted. We, your committee on printing, hav ing examined the several bids on file, do find that the Holt County Independent is the lowest and only bidder for printing the delinquent tnx list, viz: « cents for town lots and 10 cents for land. We also find the Alliance-Tribone the lowest bidder for printing bridge notices and all other notices for the year 1893. • 8. D. Dotxon, ' John Cbawtobd, R. Maoumbeb, Committee. Mr. Chairman: I move that the report of the committee be adopted and the county attorney, be and hereby is in structed to write contract of the same. J. B. Donohoh. a he ayes and nays being demanded resulted as follows: Ayes—Alfs, BtedlS, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Dosohoe, Haigh, Hodge, ■Mug Kelly, Itelley, Kennedy, Macmnber, Marl by, Bull, White, Waring, (17). Q Nays—Calkins, Dutton, Cilson, Johes J. D., Long, Milts, Phillips, Trullinger, Wilson, Wynn, (10). Carried. The protests and afliduvits of the pub lishers of The Fbontieb, Sun and Alliance Tribune in regard to the letliug of the contract for printing the delinquent tax list for the year of 1892 were read by the clerk. The bond and contract of the Omaha Printing Company were upon motion approved by the board. Upon motion the board adjourned until 1 f. m. 2 o’clock p. m.—Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members present eveept Hayes aud Miller. We, your committee appointed and given full power to settle on behalf of the oounty in the A. J. Meals cases then pending before tha courts, provided that a satisfactory adjustment could be arrive! at, beg leave to report that we met on the 17th of February with some of the bondsmen of said A. J. Meals and made them a proposition to settle, but were unable to make a satisfactory ad justment. L. A. Jillson, Chairman. Upon motion the above report was adopted. Mr. Chairman: I move that a com mittee of three be appointed, known as the legal committee; that said committee shall have power to act in demanding from any county official or ex-county official or either of them or their bonds men, any money that is due the county or not accounted for from its officials or ex-officials or the bondsmen thereof; that said committee shall have the power to settle any suit or action now pending or may be commenced hereafter against county officials or ex county officials or their bondsmen, provided they act nnder the instructions and advise of the county attorney and report said settlement to the board for their approval; that said committee shall attend court during the trial of cases in which the' county is in terested and have full power to act in all litigation in which the county is inter ested under the advice of the cotfnty attorney. D. J. Roll. Motion seconded and carried. Mr. Chairman: I move you that the expert committee be the legal committee. D. J. Roll. Motion seoonded and carried. Mr. Chairman: I move you that the county treasurer be instructed to strike from the tax list all personal taxes re ported as non-collectable by the super visors of the different townships on dis tress warrants now in the hands of the county treasurer. Seconded and carried. Mr. Chairman: i move that the county sheriff be instructed to employ special deputies for the purpose of collecting the delinquent taxes not stricken from the list. Such deputies to reoeive their salary and fees from the fees provided by law for such collections. Seconded and upon motion tabled. The chairman then appointed the fol lowing gentlemen to fill vacancies in in committees: Mills and Jillson on olaims. noage on tax. Wynn and Donohoe on settlement. H. B. Kelly on jodieiary and legal ex penses. The following resolution was npon motion adopted: Whereas, The connty of Holt having important litigation now in the hands of the county attorney, in which is involved several thousand dollars of the moneys belonging to the county and the tax payers thereof, and the connty attorney having no way or means to procure the attendance or evidence of witnesses who reside out of the oounty or state, or taking the deposition of witnesses whose testimony is essential, or to procure as sistance to look up the evidence in said litigation in order that justice may be done the county of Holt and the tax payers thereof in procuring evidence and assistance for the countr attorney en said litigation. Resolved, That the county clerk be authorized and hereby is instructed to draw a warrant on July 12, 1893, on the general fund of 1893 in favor of the chairman of the legal oommittee for the sum of $300, the same to be used, or as much thereof as may be necessary, to delray any and all expenses that may be incured by tee county in srid litigation. M. H. McCabtht. Moved, seconded and carried that the ohairmon of the bridge committee be instructed to procure the county rope or the price thereof from the W. C. Town send. Upon motion the board adjourned sine die. O'NEILL ABSTRACT £ COMPANY if58! OLDEST Kj FIRM • ■ And have the only complete set of Abstract Books in the county, Always up to date. Have Experienced Men in Business BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE O’MEILrl., NEB* Majestic Ranges^; Cook quickest and best. They nro a kitchen necessity, lighten labor and improve the flavor ofthe food Don't let your dealer sell you another kind. Send So. stamp for a 100page COOK ' BOOK t rncc. — J. J. MoeAPPMTV, Agent], O'lUlTiTtir IWalestlo Mfg. Co., St. Louis I ^jsssfmAxssmAssHi*! Science ^MEDICAL [J SCIENCE ^ has achieved a great triumph in i the production of J BEECHAM’Si I'QII ■ e which .will cure Slek ] i r I bkW HndMha and all liar- j I 1 van Disorder* arising (ram Impaired '< { Dlcestlon, Constipation and Dlsar-1 II derad Liter i and they will quickly re- , | ' store women to complete health. J | Covered with a Taeteless & Soluble Coaling,; i > Of all druggiata. Price SB cents a boa. i '! New York Depot, 365 Canal St. 1 I meeteuassissssssssssssesssat tie Piychaso Tlckota and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: OOINQ BAST, Passenger east, - ■> 0:85 a. m. Freight east. - • 10:45 A. x. OOINQ WIST, Freight west, • • 1:45 p. m Passenger west, • 5:15 p. m Freight, - - - 6:44 P. if The Glkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class- transpor tation. Per any Information call on Wd J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. FRED C. GATZ. • DEALER IH— Fresh, Dried and Sail Meals. Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Bides, Spioe roll bacon, al i kinds of sausages O’NEILL, NEB Hotel Evans.; FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarg ed, Reiumished -AND REFITTED. Only First Class Hotel in City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. EMIL SNIGGS. m Mi Ill PRACTICAL xm* ; ,:'J J And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Car* riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skillful style possible. First-class plow and machine work that can be relied upon. No new experience used in any branch of work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS. wm, Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows and cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranteed to beat the best. o’itjcili., neb. Do You FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. 11FROM HEADACHE, DYS- _ —_ ninaue T>RIII PERSIA or INDI0E8TI0N, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES II you in BILIOUS,CONSTIPATED, or hiv* _rn_ m n« uo _.nll, liver complaint. . . . take RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you Trri_ ninAii^ mih pi|% SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATINo” T*i5E RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL OISOR- DIDAMC TADIII I?® DERS OF THE STOMACH, . , TAKE KItANO TABULES /ti/Miis Tabulae Regulate the S/etem and Preserve the Health. easy to take, quick to act. RIPANS TABULES take tHe place of A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST and should be kept for ’amity.. • w« in every family. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. _ . boxea), |S. F«r In. ■*■»!•* iHwii THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW YORK. * .J ■ ■M -tbM "SM . ‘j’t '■ '-'V; - ■ ' ‘fg gfj SIOUX CITY • • • WEEKLY JOURNAL m THE BRIGHTEST THE NEWSIEST THE BEST 12 LARGE PAGES 84 COLUMNS ' Contain* the Cream of the He we ■ :{* ; Ij Full Telegraphic ■./r'fitfK I Associated Press Reports Valuable and practical Farm Department, conducted by an experienced Iowa Farm Editor. Special Norwegain, Scandinavian and DanUh News. ,• .• ,• SERIAL STORIES SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY ILLUSTRATED FASHIONS, ETC ma MSsf MSifti Reliable Market Reports from the Leading Trade Centers of the World ■■Vjsr! IT GIVES ALL THE NEWS. f 1 per year 50 cents for six months Sample copies free 4,' ■> YOU WANT IT BUY IT .TRY IT Address, PERKINS BROS. CO., Sioux City, Io. .Cl?. V::; PUBLISHERS OF ' , 1 The Sioux City Weekly Journal The Sioux City Sunday Journal The Sioux City Daily Journal The Sioux City Daily Evening Times f i per year "4; 2 M ' 4 8 5 « U ■m JONES & APCU7CHEOA PROPRIETORS OF | - CENTRAL Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. xox NEW BUGGIES IT NEW TEAMS. Everything Firpt^CIa??. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House FRED ALIM, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, poitom work and repairing—Doc. Shore’s old office. O'NEILL, NEB. THE FRONTIER ■■W >, >1V FOR Vj JOB WOBK A SALOON Where the beet 7 ^ * • 7*U WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS . Can Always be Had GLOBE, - "x'(ri fiViM V ■'-#51 /A riii 77 .5 fl-, ^ .: m IS iHE 7..# PAT GIBBONS, Prep.