erman !yrup” lliam MeKeekan, Druggist at Kale, Mich. ' I have had fthma badly ever since I came f the army and though I have Bn the drug business for fifteen and have tried nearly eve-ry on the market, nothing has me the slightest relief until a booths ago, when I used Bo ps German Syrup. I am now |o acknowledge the great good [doneme. I am greatly;reliev ing the day and at night go to [without the least trouble.” » ,ruv> It act* (toiitly on tk«Manw*,UT*r J.i uid i» a pleaaant !»»•««. tfcta SiJ, from berba. nod It prepared tor aae !tli called *H U*»- J*18C«l,ru _ irsHEDicm 14 a4 Itot and! tl a M«knan Tf ■lita Mil it at Me and II a package. H i mi it, and your addraaa for a tim l.aae’a Paartlr Dietician moves l.aae’a raanr nennaa aara ,l‘ 'oJurot a!WOOPWABP. LahOT. If. T A Powerful Flesh Maker. . A process that kills the te of cod-liver oil has good service—but ne e process that both kills taste and effects par digestion has done uch more. tilt’s Emulsion nds alone in the field fat-foods. It is easy of simulation because part digested before taken. ott’s Emulsion checks Con niption and all other sting diseases. ^Sl*U£2&i2iS2!2i. RAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR fafUUblo has norm aa : •peefto for all derange? rants pecallar to IU I female ah aachronle womb and orarfan die esses. Iftakrnlntlmoft retulates and promote, healthy action of all fa no tion* of the generative organs. Young ladle* at the age of puberty, and L-m. .. . older one* at tb* mean rj™"ndln Ita healing, soothing tools, r recommendations from prani ■ physlctana and those who hare tried ft If. *?oh “To Women,” mailed free. Sold rsraggate. BuDiuulMiiuntCta ™"t. Atlanta, Ga. - The Best Waterproof Coat la the WORLD! IICKER E2LS?*xd H'KER Is warranted warter 2IP!*h^tchiwc by steam. 7 iWiltDI j!™4, lc^for lllu*. OaUlea a co.. Kira. owserT F^jThompsm’s Eyt1 WlL nntv' Pro,»«*. oma U* stFro^ the Crave. A Startling Stor,. hid theI>r°*PECT’0 > Mlirch 20 fr a w»kinPPe "nd ther* not 8,,m,kiB moment ••“<* that Hb*„! ed with t«>e headache, Pletelv^Lthan t*° hottlee have "•‘wfied tUt ifYk j?ea‘Uche; and I ,r°m some 11 had not K°t eome ^zi°::zvmn unotint p°i>ld have ,®on® to my grave, lunatic B«Vi “ flt •“hject tor • id any ranlUnr,v. •••thing II t*lieve t o'be hatever cxce* ^nity KieJ. he *fr“test boon to ^-Kickapoo Indian Sagwa CKAPoo inmi'mM Fittey t, y B INDIAN SAGWA *. 6 tor t5 WA ,l#':--Tt,„P k »kaleb*. ntntdin are ^ererPeUM. - Kalla* Fleet A ronn who is over eager to pick a quarrel or resent an offense is often times called n fire-eater, who ate lire coals with apparent relish. An officer of the United States army, in a letter to the New York Times, soys: “In the summer of 1867 I was in command of a battalion and engaged in an Indian scout in the northern part of Kansas, which was then (at least this particular part) outside of the settlements. One day, while stand ing in camp at the entrance to my tent, my attention was directed to the fact that there was an unusual com motion among the men, laughter, etc. Turning to my orderly I asked him if he knew what the cause of the ex citement was. “ ‘Sir,’ he replied, there's a colored man down there who eats tire.’ “I had a company of the Tenth cav alry with me. 'What!' I exclaimed; ‘have him up immediately.’ “Assembling the officers, we had a camp fire made, and when fully under way the ‘colored man’ was called up, who then proceeded to eat the live coals with as great sang-froid as if he were disposing of so much hardtack. There was no deception; there was no ocular delusion. The man ate the fire and actually swallowed the coals. In proof of this latter statement I re member that the surgeon who accom panied the command had to forbid this performance, except in extreme mod eration, as it was affecting the man’s health. "Aitnougn i nave soon a similar per formance previously. I had always sup posed that preparation for It In the form of chemicals applied to the mouth, or something of the sort, was pre requisite. This performance, however, was gone through with in the open, and, of course, without any parapher nalia whatever. Moreover, the troops had been out for weehs, and it is scarcely to be presumed that a soldier would be able to carry anything in his clothing bag besides his clothing, a lit tle tobacco, and a few other requisites. “As-well as I could understand the man—for he spoke very imperfect En glish, like a ‘Guinea nigger,’ in fact— his explanation of the way the trick was done was that it was in the man agement of the breath. He gave a curious account of himself. “ ‘Do you remember,' said he, ‘the nigger that used to ride the trick mule In Dan Rice’s circus V’ “I suppose, in his ignorance, for he was densely ignorant, he Imagined there never was but one ‘nigger’ that rode, or tried to ride, these mules. ‘I do,’ I replied. “ ‘Well, I’m him. You see, sir, there used to be a Frenchman belonging to the circus that ate red-hot coals. By an’-by'I burnt the trick from,him,, but only by watching him closely. ’ The Frenchman got drunk one night, drawed the lire down his throat, and it killed him. I couldn’t take his place among the white folks, but they made a side-show of me.’ ’’ For Mother’s Sake. Little Bessie was no “goody-goody” child, but one who would no doubt have done her share in scrambling for the front rank be interfered with. A Quint Epitaph. A collector of curious epitaphs—and there seems to be as many such as there are collectors of coins and stamps j and Insects and ferns—elalras to have | found this singular inscription upon a i gravestone in a New- Hampshire bury- ] ing ground: “To all my friends I bid adieu, A more sudden death you never knew— i As I was leading the old mare to drink i She kicked, and killed me qulcker'n ! wink.” I Don't call your cows poor ones until | yon have given them the kind of care ; the very best cows should have. Grain may be thrown Into a Utter of ! dean straw or hay for the fowls to I scratch for it. but no food, hard or I soft, should be put where the ground | or litter is dirty. It is not wholesome j for the hens, and may prove detri- j mental to human bdags who may par-*; ta’ir of their flesh. Mm ud oArtn of the police fort*, win **•* exposed day and night to all aorta of *bouM keep Salvation Oil, the iu fallible cure fore rheuinatiam and neuralgia, at their hornet. They cannot alford to be without it, as ct*. Culture la Chicago. Mrs. Haunt-Ton de Nordscide, at the bookstore—1 understand that pastels in prose are quite the thing notv. Have you any? The Clerk—Yes, indeed, Mrs. Haunt-Ton, etc.—Well, hare a half dozen picked out and nicely framed and sent to my address. The pastels I ve got now don't match the paper on the wall.—Chicago News Record. Men of all professions and trades, minis ters, lawyers, merchants and mechanics unite in indorsing Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup, the old reliable cure for all bronchial and pulmonary troubles as the best household remedy in the market. Automatic Machine*. In addition to the numerous necessa ries and luxuries already obtainable through the medium of automatic ma chines it is likely that Londoners will soon be able to procure through the aid of the penny-in-the slot system articles of food, drink, and even dress. A com pany known as the Self-Help Supply as sociation has recently exhibited at its show rooms in London a variety of new machines which are to be placed in the streets of the metropolis. There were shown how freshly made beverages, such as tea, coffee, and aerated waters, are to be supplied .as well as malt and spiritous liquors, the tea and coffee be ing delivered hot. Some of the ma 1 chines are for dispensing to the public various articles of food, including fruit, while others are adapted for supplying handkerchiefs and (oilers and the like. The quality of the article is to be the best, pnd the profits to be derived from advertisements which are to be placed on the wrappers of some of the articles as well as on the machines themselves. Pleasures of Louisiana Life. “I went to a big sugar ’bilin’ in North Louisiana the other night,” said Sam B. Webb, a St. Louis shoe drummer. "There I saw the prettiest pair of black eyes I had ever seen in my life, and they belonged to a splendid specimen of Lou isiana loveliness. She had a singularly sweet, silvery voice that she used mer rily on the soft air of that moonlight night. I helped her stir the sugar, but she waesweeter than all the sugar in the district. 1 will remember her as long as the yellow moons come and go, or the swimming stars float over the surg ing seas. 'The faint beams of the young moon trembled on her sun-kissed face while she gnawed at the end of a big yam tater. In turn she handed it to me and I gnawed, too. Then we began gnawing it together, one end in my mouth the other in hers. We kept gnawing away on it until our. lips were only a little ways apart, and then the climax came, and I— Olt, say, I am yearning to go back there again.” Peter Savanoe, Swedish and Norwe gian consul at Chicago, died of pneu monia. The annual meeting of the Gulf, Col orado & Santa Fe stockholders was held at Galveston and officers elected. _Tu fee Plume. Hear usd Htreus r*e Jobs- C. IIakkr a Co.’s Pur* Norwegian CodllwUll. loiiatou Baker’s. Bold by druggists. Capability runs a poor race with influ ence. _ The Throat.—“Brown’s Bronchial Troches” act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of the throat. Some of the most deadly serpents have the brightest skin. J. M. Wolfe & Co., Otnaba, publishers of the Nebraska State Directory, are now pub lishing Omaha City Directory, Council Bluffs City Directory, Nebraska City City: Directory. Fremont City Directory. Also issue Nebraska state maps. Mailed to any address for 25c. Omaha city maps, 25c; Council Bluffs maps, 25c; 510 Paxton Block, Omaha. _ Bottled beer is much stronger in alcohol than beer on draught. FITB-All St* Mapped f>*« u M. lun* HUT nuVslUHHUUB. No at after dm day . a**. Mu ▼elou* cur**. Trc*ti*e and W OO trial bottle free to Kit ease*. Send to Dr. Kline, 031 Arch St., Philadelphia, fa. Goodness is contagious when it comes close enough to touch. We eat too much and take too little out door exercise. This is the fault of our mod ern civilization. It is claimed that Garfield Tea. a simple herb remedy, help* Nature to overcome these abuses. The nickel plating does not give any power to the engine. Lew Kales to Texas. Special low rate excursion to Galveston, {Texas every Saturday evening. For par ticulars and tickets apply to F. F. Wil liams, First National Bank Building, Omaha. Temperance is a bride who makes her bus band rich. If the Baby I* CiUla* Teeth, Be sure aad use that old and well-tried remedy, Hu. Winslow’* Soot.isc St.or for Children Teething. Some of the stars move with a velocity of nearly fifty miles a second. Laae’s Medicine Movea the newels Each Day. In order to be healthy this Is neces sary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney and liver trouhies and regulates the stom ach ahd bowels. Portugal is the moat illiterate country in Europe. _ The nee of Ely's Cream Balm, a aure cart for Catarrh and'Cold in Head, la attended with no pain, inconvenience or dread, which can be said of no other remedy. I fteel It ray duty to lay a few words In re gard to Ely’s Cream Balm, and I do ao entirely without solicitation. 1 have used It half a Jear, and have found It to be most admirable. have suffered from catarrh of the wont kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used It with excellent results.—OscarOstrum, 46 War ren Avc., Chicago, 111. Apply Balm Into each nostril. It it Quickly Absorbed. Girts Relief at once. Price 60-cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St., New York. The socialist is generally a man you would not like to have on your soriallist. Cossglslag Mads to Coasamp. tlom. Kemp s Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and get n sample bottle tree. Large bottles 30 cents and ffl.OO._ There are forty one log school houses in the state of New York. "Hanson's Mania Corn Halve.” Wnrm»if«1 tj **u»«*. or money ltfuiidfd. A*-k your *Jru(fgiht lurit. Price 23 cent*. Nature needs little; opinion exacts much. DUQUETTE* CO’8 POMONA COUGH Tablets. "Absolutely the best made." Two ounce package for 5 rents, at vour Drug gists or Confectioners. Ask for them and 8TOP THAT COUGH. BIIMIlii a Shark. K successful diver must potwis great courage Hnd nerve* of steel. Such a man, connected with u large wrecking company, was visiting the pearl fish eriea in the Unli of California. On one of hta trips in quest of the pearl oyster he had a narrow escape from a fearful death. He had been instructed never to stir from the bottom until he had looked up and around. Fortunately he heeded the advice. Having filled liis bag. he glanced about and caught sight of a huge shovel-nosed shark watching him. In an emergency men think fast. Near the diver was a large rock. He moved quickly to the other side of the rock, hoping to dodge the ferocious monster. But the maneuver did not work: the shark watched every movement, chang ing his position by a slight motion of his powerful tail. Time was precious, and the diver conceived the idea of blinding the shark by stirring up the mud. Under cover of that he might escape. He worked for dear life, and had the water thick with mud in less than half a minute. Slipping around the rock again he arose to the surface, having barely strength enough to reach the side of the boat, and was hauled on board just as the voracions man-eater made a rush for him.—Frank Leslie's Magazine. The yeast cake and the negro’s favorite weapon are both raisers. ■Ml ll ■•Hl|« ■etween this aad the other «Me et the broad Ailaailc. In the shape of tourists. commercial travelers und msrleerc, ugenls "on ilieroad," steamboat captain*, shin's surgeon* and "nU aorta and condition*" of travelers, rm If rant and netraeillera nppveclatn nud testify to the preventive and remedial properties of It on let* ter’a stomach Hlltcra in eon sickness. nauaea, malarial and rheumatic trouble and all dlsor dera »f the atomach. liter and bowels. Against the prejudicial Influence* of climate, crudely cooked or unaccustomed dlctand Impure water, It la a aoverelf n safeguard and ha* been *o re aardtd by the traveling public ter ever a third of a century. No form of malarial fever, from the calenture of the Pacific and the broken bone fever of the Miealaalppl. to It* milder typea, can reaiat the curative action of thl* benignant preaerver and reilerer of health, a veritable boon to peraona la feeble health or liable to Incur disease. Time 1* always too short to people who Improve it. Rxperieure tcache* slowly, and at the cost of mistaken. THU EVOLUTION Of medicinal hRents la gradually reie Rating1 the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into general use the pleaaant and effective liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that it Is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. Order and system are nobler things than power. If the heart is wrong the life cannot be I right. J^oyal Baking: Powder Is Absolutely Pure WHILE there are so many alum baking pow ders in the market, the use ©f which all -v^V physicians decide render the food unwholesome and liable to produce dyspepsia and other ailments, housekeepers shouljl exercise the ut most care to prevent any powder but the Royal from being brought into their kitchens. In the use of Royal there is an absolute certainty of pure and wholesome food. The official State Chemists report: The , Royal Baking Powder does not contain am monia, alum, lime, nor any injurious ingre dients. It is absolutely pure and wholesome. The Government reports show all other baking powders to contain impurities. In the use of any baking powder but Royal there is uncertainty if not actual danger. It is unwise to take chances in matters of life and health. ■■■ ;■ WORTH READING. Mt. Sterling, Ky., Feb. 13, 1889. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Gentlemen :—I desire to make a brief statement for the benefit of the suffering. I had been afflicted with catarrh of the head, .throat and nose, and perhaps the bladder for fully twenty-five years. Having tried other remedies without success, I was led by an advertisement in the Sentinel-Demo crat to try Hall’s Catarrh Cure. I have just „ . , -r; finished my fourth bottle, and I believe I am right when 1 say 1 am thoroughly re stored. I don’t believe there is a trace of * the disease left. Respectfully, , - - • fit rt • < . . - < ; ‘ WM. BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 75 cents. - * f-’Y'. i' DO YOU COUCH don't delay TAke M - v KEMPS BALSAM u ^nMu. StuhL t«.t Brat. Cm*, am, *•—*kl*** —1* •—•-■ • milira brOnMawteatalntiticM. rat • tm iaWfe t4 raat iuni On »t Tit wU m tkt nmoS •BfUkagtkilnlim. HttaMa L U* Mb* 50 mta ut U.M. Af t Price :.C '• 1 V , .. * (•SPRAY. iSsrsTSft.,^ I of AtioUa, iWi, It'brrrto*. u4 Pio* ■prevented. *l*o Ov laud PoOtelol-l. f apra/inc with st alips poobtoAotioc Kictewor Bprayia* 0«t&ls BmI in ih* mark**. Thnn—n rta in um. Ctukifw. dMcrib* foe *11 in**ct« in janom t P WM.STAHL.Qtf iiSni7 * sssanssae f'Ii**h«l yfcn . hMK kMfctuSentil— a*. |MU»I la tk* rum ■■< irnkM linnm IOowp-Bj of LlneoJa. CuWial Sorploo ooorKM. •M. l.MI low wM to WtlMta QOipli ilaoo 1MI TOttil MEN ■000 •ituotltm. WriH rf. O. BROWN, IMoU^KT I/“r* Tolomoplur ud Kotlrood AKraU’Jlttxln»M icr« uid 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY * SAMPLE PAIR OP K1BKSNDALL. JODIS & C0. 8 OWN MAKE They are warranted and mad* by Skilled Workmen, of thebeat Selected Stock, ASK ¥•■« IIKAIAB FOR goods manufactured by ue and take no others. It will pay you to investigate by a trial. IlRKENDiLL, JONES&OO., OMAHA. NKHRAHKA. iliilki Mi Dutch Proctss No Alkalies — OR— Other Chemicals e are mad in tha preparation of W. BIKER & CO.’S IreakfastCocoa irhith i> atnlHMp part and aolntln. 111 baa lurtMna thr&e Han I tkm itrMfltJk of ('nrnk. mlitS Starcb, Arrowroot or ^■^n!«l»r, Hi to far non eco nomical. coiling I*u Mon dm eml a cup. It la dclk-ioua, nourishing, and wanly 9IOUTID. Hold bjr Arc-era crorywharo. BAQR * 00., DuvfcMtar, Mua. MEND YOUR OWN iHr V WITH THOMSON'S1 •LOTTED OLINCH RIVET8. Ho tool* n^iM Oalr a drl— —■ -- to drivo ood clinch them' «uilr ood uatcVlTi ‘“S5* *••»«<* ot-olololy raiooth. RmaJHaf »o h«l« tjgbc BM4l« In tto taatbar aor bwrVbr Iho & r smtSTSSS ItUlooi •Monad, »olor to bosaa. M»r dMl*r Ur than, or acad 40a la alonvi Ibr a boa of )■>; aaoiildaa ___oaaoaaoTooao it JUDCON L. THOMSON MI'G.OO., Walihaa. Mataa. 'V; COLUMBIA MtrMt SkNtir> World* Fair Boavaatr for boy*. Cm^ fltuip, roll up, lag. «b< or oa*T. far or aaar an daaired ana with practica knock**® out ar*ry tin*. Apant* wan tad j, ovary whom. Boy*, bora* your ruiNCi. Blf cornu I ** Ion. Mall 10c for •aoipla; or 16c la cat# with 8 fine taw*, AddraM The Patent Hpecl ally Co., Wa*iam A fancy Lincoln, Nab., Boa 47. If aay om 4mM* that «• flu CUP* lha m ft t.K ■Maata c«m ii N mh W hi*, ^ntd/ar particular* ud 4am(i file oar rallab litjr. Out financial backing It •MO.Mk. Whu narevry, ioJida po tamtam, aanaptrillaor Hot ■print* mu, - • “ ‘ ' ikllane la tka oaltlaa proof UUT Vo,, ChlaafO, III. r>nruUe * cvra—and our Mflwic typhil thing that will aura parmaaantly. Fuat aaalad, freo. Cook tka only Cupm C^uriipat lonTncwtoraa CoMblidonTkVflflDoottir Milt. ttampiafraa. OAAnau>TkaCo.,tl»WTltUfit.,*.T. Cu res Sick Headache flCTifKBijSil * mmkk Ham * |f unuum (by ym> pimteka). NottorVlaf.^ -5 -L TkduMifwnL R#n4 fte is tflaatMl .. _ O. W l . WmB. M. Um MaHDtptT lI. lekor’a Thoator, OhloaMgfi*, 111. HARD RUBBER rupture. Sa B» Mi g ms. nth iK..ntiia. Early.risers tte Famous Lrttlo Pills for ConaH a*Unn.9tck Rssl* Wo Mssmjlo FulkTary 9<—II . Djflpsisia.] 950 |BOOK! I?«;iaiaialm . •maWiito«ltt>T n A It R too *J“‘- '■ ». WOUUWOETE ■inunLuu *i-o„ isi* r>nu,a(.oiiii>A 6UNS Base Ball. Bicycle and Oearrat •partial Woods. Catalogue PREB. IfPEStPun Co., till Douglas «... Omaha liRMUan, ■sola Sagas oar iirm. f **»*• »Sar. la K55 ssn 1 Caa MaasISsMag. Co-Osoa uj DecsrsladTiswsr*. WAG0MS.CABRIA&1S 5 T. SHAM AM Cmaha* Lsta •at Variety SOUTH OHARA BOOSES. WOOD BROS.uUva MWHttlM JOHN Lt. tiADKv ■•raaa April 6U1 and ftb at tha I’iImbwm Tasds Baror Mark**. South iJtaahaTctT ■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ f *»> (vut« 'JOWL Hab. Sli j*.*?* Etoatoa^iale of UiahliKI seer hold la raaarre. Sat inti for aatalofltva. W N U Omaha. 13 1893 iMl y \X *: vVihSi-v.