ate legislature. irFEDINCS IN THE Nebras ka senate and house. Joint Resolution ClUtal Upon I to roroolow o» tho Union Fo Tb. World-, rnlr B1U In tho Sen f, w«uur« Unwed Providing for of Stnto OUclele Tho If Bote Bill A«nln To-.por.Hl, „poo«d m th. So no to BUooUnooou. tt.« ta Both Hoaw». »bnwk» Kftotatat* siT(:_in the senate on the 80th, tor Thompson was called away by leuth of his mother, who has been luring the 8Teater Part of this ses‘ ;Jlcjliad paired with Everett on stwberry bill and several other Dale was also absent, but ud” paired with Babcock. After ’dim-of the journal the senate “ tais on third reading and „i the entire afternoon in that man I Ih following is a list of meas •at were passed: Stewarts bill, jecniiring county treasurers to if abstracts of title as to due and i-'i; in.'"s; the incidental appropria till. appropriating $55,000 to de incidental expenses of the.pres ti-vsion: McDonald’s bill. No. 103, ir to guardians of minor children powers exercised by adminis ... c{ estates; senate file No. 97,' tin nr the code of civil procedure; ltt tile No. 101, by Eggleston, to ,,L. oruelty to animals; senate file providing for the payment of Handing road warrants; senate file ■i. for the relief of the supreme ^ tmate file No. 15, requiring treas , in cities of 25,000 population to funds in state or national banks. (,;>s — In the house on the 20th the p ug bills passed: To amend sub u 4 chapter lxxix, compiled stat I,; i860, by a* vote of 68 to 1; No. ti amend sections 1, 3 and 5 of ar (: i f chapter ii, by a vote of 66 to 0; to amend section 3,069, by a i,! (ip to 3; No. 200, to protect the Ith of employes in factories and li'hops. to prevent the practice of sting the employes and the manu re of clothing and garments in f:ng and tenement houses, by a ! i f to 0; No. 123, to regulate the ios of persons in charge of steam en >s. propelled on the highways of state ;v holly or in part by steam ter, and to provide a penalty for the itl. n of the same, by a vote of 51 to io 5, to prescribe the mode of pay it of obligations to be paid in money, i rote of 55 to 4. The speaker named g of Douglas, Smith of Holt, and do- as the special committee to in lisrate the charges of boodle and so ling bribes in connection with the nance hills. The entire afternoon i devoted to routine work in the way lie reports of standing committees the advancement of bills to third ling without discussion in commit el the whole. in'/te—In the senate on the 21st fe was a lively contest on house roll the railroad bill. Senator Gray led to go into committee of the (!e for the consideration of house 3,. Senator Pope raised the point irdtr that committee of the whole ing senate file 72 under considera l nad reported progress and asked it "gain, and that the latter hill was special order. Senator Sale eon fied that the senate had a right to p up a special order at any time, president held that house roll No. i1.1"-11 m considered if the senate de *'■ Senator North moved to go into (unttee of the whole for the consid er. of senate file No. 17, another dare. The motion was defeated. I senate went into committee of the pie with house roll No. 33 under con Iration. After reading twenty pages Joe .'It there was fillibustering Past it. Senator Pope moved that '■•'’remittee arise. Mullen amended auuing, “report progress and ask '■ to sit again. ” Both amendment motion were lost. It was finally pec between the friends and oppo ,s < f the hill that the report of the roittee should be amended so it II ‘!ea(* “report progress and ask '? t‘ sit again.-’ Then the bill was ' t e, called up until Thursday and 1 t to lose its place as having "' once over other bills. Senator l',i “ ■ - on the independents to ' 1' aE>i agree to the proposition. . “: ‘stood up, Then the opponents .1.' ' 'tood up. Senator Dale then cl, susP°n‘l proceedings under the -fte committee report wasadopted •t''J,v‘ce the agreement. The ;-e adoption of the report of • ™‘>cP,e the "hole would be to ' , ,e tsil lose its advanced place on erclar. Its place then would ^ f bottom °i the general i, V , . ahead of it, and the bill “live and practically as ,l' -t hud never been introduced. 7In. tbe house on the 31st ' h°. 301, (Baffin's bill, was rV TP fW'. Passed. It is a measure "'^,for investigation of state ofll y ,;f,r ,J‘lls passed were: House a bill for an act legalizing ■'f-fcracVro so..4. “ .. • icrv, ...j0 Provide for an act for ri is cast-s ,S?lent utul collection of «i ilf-TPHi wllerc an injunction has -'si asrainst *1... i__ bills. Senator Dale moved that the sett* ate go into committee of the whole to consider the World's fair bill with the express agreement that house roll No. 33 was not to lose its place. The com mittee of the whole restored the World’s fair bill to the position it hud before the house, tacked on the amend ments setting apart stated sums for special exhibits, such as the cattle, horse and swine industries of the state. The bill was then recommended to pass. As it now stands the bill appropriates 935,000 for the exhibit instead of 825, 000, the amount fixed by the house, changes the official title of the director general to commissioner general and reduces his salary to 82,000 per annum. An executive session was then held. The appointments of 1). A. Scoville to be commandant of the soldiers' and sailors' home at Orand Island and Will iam Ebright of Beatrice to be superin tenclent of the institute for the blind at Nebraska City, were received from the governor. The appointments were re ferred to the standing committee. The senate then ■confirmed the appointment of Messrs. May, lilair and Burlingame as members of the state fish commission. House.—In the house on the 22d, Newberry's joint resolution calling upon congress to foreclose on the -Union Pa cific to satisfy outstanding bonds, was passed by a vote of 71 to 0. The fol lowing bills were passed: House roll No. 305, for the relief of Mary J. Cars callen: by a vote of 70 to 0: house roll No. 170, to amend section 1,703, chapter xv, of the consolidated statutes of Ne braska of 1891. entitled "Elections,” and tp repeal said section: defeated by a vote of 40 to 42; house roll No.' 443, chapter xliii. of statutes of Nebraska of 1891, and to regulate the duties of the chaplain of the state penitentiary; re committed for correction; house roll No. 83, to amend an act to amend sec tion 65 of article i of chapter xiv of the compiled statutes of Nebraska and to repeal said section; by a vote of 87 to 0; house roll No. 180, by Elder, making it unlawful for any raiiroad company to pass or carry free any person in the state of Nebraska, and making it un lawful for any person to accept or use a free pass on the railroads of Nebraska and fixing penalties for the violation of this act was next taken up. It passed by a majority of one. Felton, in ex plaining his vote, said that he pledged himself before being elected not to ac cept a pass or he would have probably done so. Inasmuch as railroad man agers had testified that between one fifth and one-tenth of their passenger business was deadhead, he thought the bill was all right, and he voted for it. Newberry offered in explanation of his vote that it was due to the railroads to pass the bill, to offset the maximum rate bill by cutting off the lot of dead heads whom the roads were carrying free. Soderman likewise insisted that it was doing the roads a kindness to pass the bill. House roll No. 169, by Goldsmith, to amend sections 5882 and 256 of section 34, entitled “Part II, Criminal Procedure,” relating to limita tions of criminal prosecutions, was put on its passage and carried by a vote of 71 to 11. Seeate.—In the senate on the 23d the forenoon was devoted' to routine work. The freight rate bill was set for the afternoon, when some were looking for the exciting scenes of Tuesday to be re-enacted. They were, however, doomed to 'disappointment. An infant child of Lieutenant Governor Majors has been seriously ill for several days and during the forenoon he received telegrams from his wife and from his family physician stating that the little one was very low. In spite of the dis tressing character of the news, the lieu tenant governor remained in the chair until noon. A few moments before 2 o'clock he received another telegram announcing the death of the child. He called the senate to order, but immedi ately gave way to President Pro Tem pore Correll, who before taking the chair offered the following: Whereas, we learn with deep sorrow that death has removed from the family of Lieu tenant Governor Majors a beloved child, and Whereas, A number of the mem bers of this body desire to attend the funeral tomorrow, therefore, 1 move that as an evidence of our sympathy and respect for the president of the senate in his deep affliction the senate do now adjourn until Saturday, March 25, at 10 o’clock a. m. The ayes and nays were demanded and the vote on the adoption of the motion stood 17 to 16 in its favor. Pending the announce ment of the result Senator Campbell stated that the motion had evidently carried, and he therefore asked unani mous consent thut the adjournment continue over until Monday. This could not be done, however, without a con current resolution and the senate there fore adjourned until Saturday morning. House.—In the house on the 2.3d the following resolution was introduced and adopted: Resolved that there shall be a committee of three appointed to em ploy John C. Cowin and .1 udge Wakeley, to investigate the evidence taken by the various committees of the house, and render an opinion thereon in to whether or not the members of the board of public lands and buildings are responsible for tire .misappropriation of the state funds to such an extent that they are justly liable to impeachment under the laws and constitution of the state; and if said commissioners decide the matter affirmatively, then and in that case said committee is hereby au thorized to engage Messrs. Cowin and Wakely to begin proceedings at once by preparing articled of impeachment to be presented to the legislature for its consideration. After protracted dis. cussion the resolution was adopted. Af ter the announcement of the ing the resolution hud been adopted, Keckley moved that the committee he instructed to employ Judge Wakeley. Judge Lake and ex-Attorney General Leese. The amendment was carried by a vote of 55 to 4*1, and a recess of an hour was ordered, during which the members of eaeh party were to assem ble in caucus to make its selection. Re publicans met in the supreme court room and a majority of them voted for Judge 8. B. Pound. The independents met in the railroad committee room and se lected W. L. Green. The democrats caucused in the ways and means com mittee room and were a unit for J udge Wakeley. Those votingto proceed with the impeachment matter were: Ames, Barry, Beal. Casper, Davies, Dickerson, Dimmick, Dobson, Eiehkoff, Farns worth, Felton, Ford. Fulton, Gerdes, Goes of Wayne, Grammer, Haller, Har man, Ilenry, Higgins, Horst, Irwin, Johnson of Hall, Johnson of York, Johnston, Keckley, Krick, Ledigh, Lin renfelter, Loohner, l.uikart, Lynch, McCutcheon, MoVey, Kelson, Newberry, Olson, Porter, Rhodes, Riley. Rubles, Bchelp, Schlotfeidt, Scott. Sinclair, 43ls son, Smith of Holt, Smith of Richard* son, Soderman, Stevens, Sutter, Van llousen, Wilson, Woods, Mr. Speaker —55. Those voting ip the negative were: Brockman. Brown, Burns, fain, Colton, Cooley, Cornish, Cross, Dew, Elder, Ellis, Gifford, Goldsmith, Goss of Douglas, Griffith, Hinds, James, Jen kins, Jensen, lvaup, Kessler, Keyes, Kloke, Kruse, Kyner, McKesson, Mer rick,. Nason, Oakley, Rhea, Rickets, Robinson, Scliappel, Sheridan, Smith of Johnson, Spencer, Sutton, Van Duyn, Wardlaw, Watson, Wlthnell—41. Uousk.—In the house on the S4th house roll'311, the incidental legislative appropriation bill, came back from the senate with uu amendment allowing the members to pay for newspapers and postage. The house refused to concur in the amendment. The body then re solved itself into committee of the whole to consider the miscellaneous indebted ness appropriation bill. Discussion of it was not completed when the time for the noon recess came. All the items for fuel and light for the state house were stricken out of thfc bill, as it was held by the minority of the members that the appropriations of two years ago.for those purposes were amply sufficient had not the money been paid out un necessarily. The bill was then recom mended for passage as amended. House roll No. 443, providing for an increase in the salary of the warden of the pen itentiary, was ordered engrossed for third reading in accordance with the amendments ordered when the bill was recommitted. Chairman Barry of the impeachment committee reported that Judge. Wakeley had declined to serve on the advisorj- commission because of connection with matters now pending, and Casper reported that the democrats had caucused again and agreed upon Judge Doane as their representative, and that he would accept. The choice was ratified by the house. Senate tile No. 84, providing for the appoint ment of police matrons in cities of first class was recommended for pas sage. The report of the committee on claims was submitted, from which the following is taken: “We further find that in 1891 there was appropriated the sum of $7,000 for fuel and lights for the capittol building, and that of that sum there was used for paying employes $3,038. We find in the houseroil No. 545 certain items of alleged indebted ness of the state in favor of certain firms for coal furnished for the capitol building amounting to $1,080. This amount, if deducted from the aforesaid amount paid, would leave a balance of $357.58 unexpended of the $7,000 appro priation for fuel and lights. Jt is the opinion of your committee that the board of public lands and buildings, in drawing upon the appropriation fou fuel and lights for the payment of em ployes, acted without warrant of law. We also find that there was appropri ated in 1891 for employes wages for capitol • building the sum of $10,000, which your committee believes to have been ample for the payment of all nec essary employes.” . Lynching tn Iowa* Des Moines, la., March 34.—The first lynching1 in Iowa for ten years avenged a brutal murder at Hiteman yesterday.' Lewis Frazier was a miner living at Carbondale. He abused his wife and she left him, going to live with her sis ter, Mrs. George Smith, at Hiteman, a mining town on the Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy railroad near Albia. Yesterday morning Frazier went to Hiteman for the purpose of inducing his v/ife to lire with him. She refused and he stabbed her repeatedly and then stabbed Mrs. Smith and her baby in arms. Mrs. Smith died immediately and the others are not expected to live. Frazier fled. An excited mob soon gathered and followed him. He was arrested at Cummings, a mining town some miles away, by Deputy Sheriff Ford. The mob found Ford and took his prisoner from him. Then they took Frazier to the scene of his crime at Hiteman and hung him to a tree near the scene of Mb awful crime. The body was left hanging to the tree. A terrible crime had been terri bly avenged, and the infuriated mob became calm, dispersing one by one to their homes. Deputy Sheriff Lewis took charge of the remains and the cor | oner was sent for. It was one of the1 j most monstrous cold-blooded murders j ever committed in Iowa and the anger of the people of Hiteman knew no bounds. Business was entirely sus pended and work was stopped for the day. __ Revoked the Appointment. Washington, March SO.—'The secre tary of state hus revoked the appoint ment of Mr. Dean K. Curry of Albion, N. Y., as commercial agent at Yar mouth, X. S. The reasons for this ac tion are said to be political, but this is i denied at the state department. The appointment was the result of a misunderstanding. Mr. Curry had ap plied for the office and went to see Pri vate Secretary Tliurber about it. The letter told him to go and see Assistant Secretary Quincy. He gave him a short note of introduction. When his simple and insignificant message was delivered to Mr. Quincy it had assumed the formal proportions of an order from the presi dent and the appointment was made out accordingly. The mistake was not discovered until the president read of the appointment in the papers, and on making inquiry was surprised to learn it was based on a mythical order sup posed to have been made by him. The appointment was then revoked. Win Confer A coin. Washington', March 26.—Senator Tel ler has had an interview with Secretary Carlisle in regard to the international monetary conference and was told by the secretary that it had been definitely settled that the United States would send delegates to the conference which will meet May 30. All of the old dele gates have sent their resignations to the president. It is likely that one or more of them will be requested to con tinue to serve. Senator Allison, how ever, has said that it will be impossible for him to return, and Representative McCreary of Kentucky has said that he could not continue on the commission. The silver men here are especially anx ious to have Senator Jones returned, and will strongly urge upon the presi dent the expediency of naming him aaa member of the commission. PROF. itfDGE IS OUT. PR BE PROM A \.ONO AND BX ACTING 8Bt?v,CE •acrotary Bfortoa A4wK> «M Kjllfaa* tton with Bait WldwtaMij City Clmlai Up for tha tMm— kee strip it inserted therein a clausa which paovides that the compensation J tor the land is to be made in time pay ments, in place of the requirement that the government pay cash, as was. con templated in the agreement originally drawn up with the Indians. This mod ification of tiie treaty has not been ac cepted by the Indians, but will be con sidered by their legislative body—the Cherokee council—at a meeting to be held at the capital of the nation next Monday. The early opening of the strip will be entirely dependent upon the action of f the council, for should It reject the modification of the treaty made by the senate then it will be necessary for the. matter to be again brought before con- r gress, which would, of coarse, indefi- . i nitely delay the opening of the lands to settlement. If, on the other hand, the council accepts the change the settlers who are now hoping to secure a home - in the new country will have an oppor tunity to gratify their desire. While the officials of the interior department are making active preparations to open the strip, yet they say that if any unu sual demy occurs in the opening of the lands to settlement the responsibility will not rest with the department. Srmlpod MSB la Nektuks'i Exhibit. Omaha, Neb., March 33.—A queer feature was added to Nebraska’s World's Fair exhibit yesterday in tha person of A. W. Efdwards, an Elk Creek farmer, who is said to be the only man completely scalped who has liyed to tell of it. He was the only survivor of a large wagon train mass acred near Fort Laramie in 1M3 by Indians. He was shot full of arrows and scalped. In this condition he was found by the soldiers and will tell the story of his experience at the fair. Troubled by Hls Coeecleace. Lebanon, Ind., March 35.—A stranger arrived in this city last even ing and sought out Prosecutor Dutch, to whom he said that while passing through this county in 18M he had >, \ broken into a store at Jamestown and f stolen some clothing. He desired to atone for the crime by pleading guilty and paying a fine. He was informed that the statute of limitations hatred proaeoution and that he could go free.