■ 'r " ■ s- v. i !■ 4 ;Vr:S-y/. w -T'* ? BWSW® ’? '"-V' -*1 * ^ v - I - . 4 >■! ■?»> V,' '.. • ' J . »•- ‘ # 1 «*■> * - f*£ j ,*i 1 / ? ‘ "C* < - P -:' 1 /■ f * f ,4 V" 4SS -«»s'i* * vf,'s'ft '<*'■*, '^r-uyii? h L *+*o. RUSHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. •UBBpRIPTION, BI.B ANNUM. T glume xiii CLYDE KINO AND D. H. CRONlfc, MANAGER* O'NEILL, HOtT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 30,1893. ’-• ;• -f ' ' : i _.; ' ? c,; • : ■ ■ ■' • :v NUMBER 38. Local News of O’Neill a. Caught by the "Kids.” HER INTERESTING NOTES 0f General Interest Published While News Is Still News. ii IViry was in tbs city Friday. Whiling was in the city Monday. , Warrick returned to Chadron lav evening._ Taylor, of Plainview, was in lily Tuesday._ A. Goble, of Norfolk, was in the ast Friday.__ irris Bowen returned from Lincoln day evening._ iriin Slaughter went down the road jay morning._ imor Havens, of Atkinson is work „r J. 0. Smoot. bn Licey, an attorney of Norfolk, business in this city Saturday. ere wni be service at the Presby n church next Sunday at 11 o’clock. ,f. VVeekes went up to Bassett ulsy on business, returning Mon ■ Schillineer went up to Hot Springs iil'av night to attend the funeral of ,te. ______ •r v. Iilain, of Ewing, is in the city ting in the revival that is being here. __ mi Tierney’s dray wagon is an ment to the streets since he has bail rely repainted. rtics desiring to buy, sell or lease . will find it to their advantage to mi J. 11. Meredith. S8tf use Campbell has been quite, sick past week but at the present date mewbnt better. I). Long returned Sunday even [rmn Lincoln and Omaha where he been on business. Li Laune, of Milford, Neb., was in i last week on land business and e this office a pleasant call. "try Ilostetter left Sunday morning Grand Island, this state, where he ids to make his future home. hen in need of any abstracts, war y deeds or other conveyances, call L H. Meredith. 88tf n't fail to hear "The Walled City” Tuesday evening at the court-house, dssion 35 cents; children 15 cents. ■Haim Laviollette left Tuesday ting for Ironwood, Mich., where he ‘tovisit relatives for a couple of ank Hopkins and sister Annie left day morning for Wavtie, where go to take a course in the normal iol there. !T- J- J. Walters, an evangelist from u'is. is conducting revival meetings “e M- E- church this week, and is K greeted by large audiences. "'so Kinkaid and J. J. King rned from Ohadron Saturday morn ut went to Rushville Sunday ““g to hoid court there. snied, at the office of the county ;luon Wednesday, March 29, 1898, “ger and Miss Annie Bergstion, 1 0 Atkinson, Squire Benedict "ding. Un Wednesday evening, a soring overcoat. There was a Uer ® n muftier in inside pocket. "f!be Orally rewarded. In Pat Hue office. lie eJKate Lorge nic Imiir aanders* three estimable il,i8 ,8 <)f. Randolph, are visiting •M^ieKearn8Week' gUe8lS °f 1Iur>iy lias recovered from his.ill '^flicient f red fr0mll,8 i11 ;tw j *" ret’Irn to his homi 'via the sa He left 8aturday .Wit?M ort Line- Dr- G»m«« h h ” 88 fat as Sioux City. 1 to i)ratnatic Company ex t>..B ncxT I'll ,b® P’ay "Innt®fair ii lav even/, lhursday evening, and oi lava “,S.,fttIUm,0lpb- Thisjs <1 Plav Uau,tolPl>. This is ffouiised » 6 *'Cople of those town sed » rare treat. tonT,!!/? b° favored with a grei lire ()„ ..T. dellver his magnificet kind Pr JnheR WaI1'd City,” or “Lil kri^aU- TwSt°ry0f Ctl“ 1 of the III!,, • Ir- Walter was cba| rs»„dw! 78lale »riao'' for fot amusinS sidp8Cr'fbe the intere*till hear him Pri8°" 1,fe‘ 1 ■ % '■ t v . : O. Van Scheeta of Inman was Mrs. 0. W. Woodward, Rev. O. T. Moore and F. Ellis. Rev. 0. H. Church-. Ill of Stuart, Robert Blackburn of At kinson, and S. N. Lowrie of O’Neill, *5 were present and greatly assisted in the work. The repdrts, discussions add suggestions wero awe-inspiring and encouraging and showed that the work was being well and systematically done. . - The following resolutions war* adopted: ’ 11 I. That greater effort shall be made the coming year In all evangelistic fines. 8. That the bible should not be ex-': • eluded from our public schools, and that moral training should be a promin ent feature in the public school system of our state. 1 '• 8. That we stand fof kn equal stand-, ard of purity for men and women which" shall protect the manhood Of Our gone as well • as the womanhood of' our daughters. , > t. • 4. We consider the training of the children ai one of the most efficient > agencies in advancing temperance senti ments, and will put forth every effort to Increase the attendance of our Loyal Legion and the signing of the triple' pledge cards. 5. That we urge more agitation on the subject of tobaeco, and that we will use every means to enforce the law against the sale of tobacco to our boys. - 6. We are unalterably opposed to any, and every system of municipal finance whereby children are eduoated from revenuo derived from saloon license. 7. That as women are cltizene, and as equal, legal and politieal protection la due every citizen, and as this can only ' be secured by the ballot, we hope fog the enfranchisement of women. 8. That foreigners ought to under stand something of our laws and lan guage before they are given the right of citizenship. 0. That tbe proper observance of the Sabbath should be rigidly enforced. > *; 10. That we tender our sincere thanks to our beloved district president who has worked so faithfully for us during tbe past year, and who, amid great dif ficulties, has planned for this conven tion which has been so beneficial to us. II. That we thank tbe trustees for the use of their church, the citizens who have welcomed us to their homes, the local committee for their untiring efforte in our behalf and the pastors who have : given us such efficient aid. 12, That to our own vice-president, ’ Mrs. C. M. Woodward, who has so thrown her heart into our work that the nation called and elaimed her, we ex tend the warmest thanks for her pres ence and aid on questions that have puzzled us, and for all the new thoughts and inspiring words she has so lovingly given us. 13. That we express to our dear state president, Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock, our loving appreciation of her inspiring presence and timely words of advice and encouragement, and that she will always receive from the whight ribbon ■ band of tbe 16th district the warmest welcome our hearts can give. " Mrs. Jknrib Mastick. Mrs. May Skydrr. Mrs. J. W. Fisk. ' ' « For Sale. Tbe celebrated stallion, Cal 'Rattler, three-quarter Norman and ope-qnarter’ Clyde. For further particulars apply to Bernard McGraevy, Elkhora Valley Bank, O’Neill, Neb. 88 8 Attention, Farmers! The Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railway company will make half tariff rate on seed wheat shipped from any point on their line la Nebraska to O'Neill. The wheat must be for seed ing purposes only, and charges must be prepaid. W. J. Donna, Agent. Three farms For 1*1*. 1. The Walstrom farm, 100 acres, be ing the northwest quarter section 8, townshsp 26. range 10. g • .j 2. The DeOunther farm, 100 aerie, west half northwest half and northeast half northwest half and northwest half northeast half section 22, township 82, range 18 west. 8. The Simonson farm, 100 acres, northwest quarter section 10, township 3, range 11 west. These three farms are in Holt count;, well located and are good investments. The deeds are now in the hands of the mortgagee who now desires to offer either one or all of the farms at prices and terms that will suit any responsible purchaser. For full Information apply to Frank L. Forgbsom, Chadron, Neb. ' WANTED—Local and traveling dep uties for the Eclectic Assembly. Face of certificates from $500 to $8,000; lim ited assessment; no double headers, splendid commission to organisers; Write at once. ^ State Deputy. M. L. Adam, Lock Box 77. O’Neill. Neb. * ' '■ ' V i . , 3 * • . 'V *• • 1 A 8-m