The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 23, 1893, Image 8

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| Tkslr VMM m a road rad Their Dm la
Cartels DImwm.
Six lug* egg-* will weigh about a
' pound. At a flesh producer one pound
of «gga is equal to one pound of beef.
About one-third of the weight of an
egg is solid nutriment, which is more
than can be said of meat There are
L,' no bones and tough pieces that have to
be laid aside. Practically the egg is an
imal food and yet there la none of the
■ disagreeable work of the butcher nec
it; essary to obtain it Eggs at average
prices are’ among the oheapest and
most nutritious articles of diet. Like
milk, an egg is complete food in itself,
; containing everything necessary for
the development of a perfect animal.
It is also easily digested, if not dam
*ged in cooking, indeed, there is no
more concentrated and nourishing food
than egga
The albumen, oil and saline matter
are, as in milk, in the right propor
tion for sustaining animal life. The
, valuable or important salts are con
talned in the yolk, and hence this
portion of the egg is most useful in
aome forms of disease. A weekly per
son, in whom nerve force is deficient
and the blood impoverished, may take
the yolk of egg with advantages The
iron and the phosphorle compounds
are in a condition to be easily assim
lated, and although homeopathic in
quantity, nevertheless exert a marked
influence on the system. The yolks of
eggs, containing as they do, less albu
• men, are not so Injuriously affected by
heat os the whites, and a hard-boiled
- yoke may bo usually eaten by invalid*
without inconvenience.,
■*sklaf tks laflsrtaatloa Rat b«i
, •—«»»• la Bight Alosg.
"Coaid I fat •little Information
: from yoAf"' asked a farmer-like-look
inf man at this Northwestern station
In Chioago.
"Yea,.sir,” replied the offloer.
“Well, I want to know how theae
confidence men work?"
“In various ways Sometimes they
borro# money and fir* n worthless
cheok on a baak/’-j
do, ahf" firasped the man,with
.. a snddsn start • „ ■
"Yea; or perhaps they borrow money
and turn over a cheok for a trunk.
1 When you go to look for the trank it
f is not to be found**”»
"By Oeorgel" muttered the .
"Then again they sell you a bofus
K bond, or borrow money on it." ,
"Bakes allyel".
' "And they sometimes hire their Vic
tims to boss a mill or faotory some
where, and then borrow money to pay
a freight bill.” *
“Four different ways!” shouted the
man, as he jumped dear of the floor.
“Yea" *
“Ahd111 behanfed If I haven’t been
taken in on every one of ’em in a ride
of a hundred tnllei. Say, come down
and show me the river—the deepest
•pot in the river—the place where I
can drop In and won’t never come to
the surface again with my dough-filled
•he latest Form of Literary Hysterias
Touched Upon.
fei little bird stood on the roof of
the cowshed and scratched Its neck,
Afar down the alley a lone ragman
drove his chariot slowly along and
chanted his plaintive lay. The wind
moaned through the chimney pots, the
* red sun looked dimly down through
the smoke, and the little bird stood on
the roof of the cowshed and scratched
: Its neck.
The little bird stood on the roof of
the cowshed and scratched Its neck.
Sadly the stray policeman in the gray
distance swiped a banana from the
oart of a passing Italian and peeled it
with a grimy hand. He was thinking,
thinking. And the dead loaves still
Choked the tin spout above the rain
water barrel In the back yard.
The little bird stood on the roof of
. the cowshed and scratched its neck.
t Adown the gutters in the lone y street
ran murky puddles on their long, long
i t) journey toward the distant sea. Borne
> on the wings of the sluggish breeze
■ came a far-off murmur of vagrant dogs
in fierce contention, nnd life was a
hollow mockery to the homeless cat.
The little bird stood ou the roof of
the cowshed and scaatched its neck.
And it softly Bald:
"I scratch because it iiiM.w "
w-—___ '* 3
Didn’t Carr/ a Witch.
1 Ex-Prcs’dcnt Hayes did not carry a
watch, the reason fpr which peculiarly
•; illustrates one of the traits . f his.
rX, character. upp>ars ja j,ig
1 younger days the watch he then car*
ried was the cause.of sending two men
j to the penitential?. It was st d ja
' from his pocket; the thief cap*
' tured, tried, convicted and amt to the
; penitentiary for a term of years. Mr.
Hayes recovered his watch and a sec*
: end time it was stolen. The thief
turned out to be a'poor man with a
large family, and attcrr'hjj had been
. sent to the penitentiary Mr. flayes
■ a name to the conclusion that he would
' get rid of the cause of so much trouble
to ; his. fellow-men. Since theft hie *
never owned a watch.
Blafcast cold Mins la tfca World.
Late reports from the gold mine of
Mount Morgan, in Queensland. A us.
Jr. trails, the richest in the wor.d. show
■ that the prospecting wnich has been
carried on makes it evident that gold
bullion to the value of scores of mil*
lions of dollars will be taken from this
deposit before it is'exhausted. Transi
t tions in value are rarely comrasted
;W more strongly than in this astonishing
v: gold find. Ten years ago the entire
hill which goes by the nsme of Mount
V Morgan was sold for S3,300. Since that
%* 'time it has paid in dividends to the
stockholders in the company that
owns the mine more than $15,000,000,
with the prospect of almost unlimited
<:.ta Ran * Faaajr-la-tha-Slot BuIimw,
Bat Cannot Coant.
Tho tricks of the marvelous per*
forming elephants exhibited in London
:i few years ago seem fairly eclipsed
bv tlie feats of the elephants at the
Hello Vue Gardens, Manchester, of
which, by way of an exatpple of the
intelligence of brutes, Mr. George
I'rcmantle has sent an account. When
:i penny is given to one of these
animals it puts the coin into the slot
<>f the box,where, as it fails, it releases
a biscuit, which the elephant takes
with evident satisfaction.
Some of tho visitors occasionally
give the animals a half penny, and as
experience has taught them that this
coin is of no value for the purpose of
obtaining biscuits, it is generally
thrown contemptuously back to the
giver. A more marvelous fact, how*
ever, is to come.
One day a visitor gave the “baby”
elephant a number of half pennies in
succession, each of which was thrown
at him again as soon as received. The
vhltor then gave tho animal two half ,
pennies at the same time.
The animal’s demeanor Immediately
change ]. For more than five minutes
he held the two coins in his trunk,rub
bing them together, now rocking from
side to side, and presently seeming to
be pondering deeply while perfectly
still. ’ At last he dropped the two half
pence in tho box to-ether, with the re
sult that their combined weight gave
him the desired biscuit, at which he
gamboled about in a manner which ex
hibited extravagant delight. As yet it
appears that the baby elephant has
not yet learned to hold one half-penny
in reserve until he gets another. “In
other words,” says Mr. fVeemantle,
“he has not yet learned to count”
Why a hM Wu Oblllrt *• Mut the
£.4 ,, i. . . : £ w» ’ .
There were quadrille* ' danced by
women only to a mixed ohorus, with
out Instrumental accompaniment. A
young sang entrancingly a ron
deau, which must have begged for it*
pitiful rhymes; a young girl recited an
ode wherein the rhyme rang like bells
of gold.
“You vttr&td. bqaiftifully then,** laid
to a poe^ •woman inwhites Ik, whoso
chestnut colored hair was streaked
with golden locks, “and doubtless
write beautifully now, but I have not
seen a new poem by you for a long,
long time.”;
“1 have Ceased to write poems for
lack of money,” he replied, simply.
“Ohl” she exclaimed with unfeigned
surprise. “1 supposed that poetry and
money had nothing in common.’’
“They haven’t,” he said. “When I
wrote poems 1 lived with 9400 a year.
I was wealthier than Astor, and would
buy books bound by the Samblanex
Keekesser, but since I became famous
—I beg your pardon lor the expression
—I became a poor man. I had to fur
nish a bachelor apartment, to buy sil
verware and the rest, and in order that
I may keep these things I am com
pelled to write articles for guide books,
encyelopedias, dictionaries, and novels
published in newspapers that, for
tunately, no New Yorker ever reads.
I am bound by contracts signed and
sealed for ten years. Then I will have
forgotten the art of the rhymster. In
brief, I oea'ed to be a poet the day that
I became celebrated as a poet.”
Beseusrs Respond to Signals, Bat Find
no One to Save.
A singular story of the sea is told by
Captain Collier, of the British steam
ship Bock Light, now lying at Phila
delphia. While in mid-ocean signals of
distress were seen flying from a bark
evidently la a sinking condition. The
Bock Light bore down to rescue the
crew of the sinking craft.
The flags which told the story, ac
cording to the international code of
signals, wore flying from the mizzen
mast, and preparations wero made for
all hands to join in the rescue, but, to
the astonishment of all, no one was
seen on board. Whistles wero blown
and halloos shouted from all, but the
skipper never came from below.
There was no sign of life on the fore
castle, while in the galley everything
was in perfeot order. Even the pots
and pans were as bright as silver. A
black cat skipped about the decks, bnt
soon disappeared below when she
heard the steamer’s shrill whistle*
A short detour of the vessel proved
her to bo the Norwegian bark Supreme,
lumber-laden from , a Southern port,
out the fate of the crew remains to be
>mmb| or ua word “Klthar.”
The legal meaning of the word
“either*’ bus been gravely argued. iq
an Englisa eourt of record. A certain
testator had left property, the die*
position of whieh was affected by the
"death of either” of two persons. One
lawyer insisted that "either” meant
both, and in support of his Views ho'
quoted Biehardson, Webster, Chaucer,
Dryden, Southey, the story of the
crucifixion and a passage from
Revelations. The judge sug
gested that there was a song in “The
Beggar’s Opera” whieh took another
view, “How happy I could be with
either were t’other dear charmer
•way.” In pronouncing judgment the
court ruled that “either” meantime of
the two, and did not mean both. Ha
said that it might have that meaning
occasionally in poetry, but never in an
English court of record.
What Kid doves Arc Made Ot
Kid gloves are not all made of kid;
in fact, few of them are. The cheap
ones are not kid, and neither ore the
deareet ones. Ladles’ gloves that oost
under 91.30 or 93 a pair are all made o(
lamb akin. It Is likely that gloves
paid for at a higher price than that
will be ot kid, but the very best and
moat expensive kid gloves are made of
the akin* of young colts.
‘ Cholerine In Pennsylvania,
ttwiikley, Penu.: We had an epi
demic of cholerine, an our physicians
called it, in this place lately and I made
a great bit with Chamberlain’* Colic,
Cholera and Diarrbma Remedy. I sold
four dozen bottles of it in one week,
and have since sold nearly a gross.
Tblsremedy did the work and was a big
advertisement for me. Several persons
who bad been troubled with diarrhoea
for two or three weeks were cured by a
few doses of this medicine.
P. P. Knapp, Ph. O.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P.
C. Corrigan, druggist.
State lank of fl’Ieill
At O’Neill, In tbe state of Nebraska, at the
close of business Mar 8,18B8:
I/oans and discounts.296,423 66
Overdrafts secured and unsecured. .. 661 72
Due from national banks. fi.518 58
Real estate furniture and fixtures.. 10.881 IS
Current expenses and taxes paid.... 1,848 48
Checks ana other cash Items,. 10 84
Hills of other banks. 2,600 00
Fractional paper currency, nlckles
and cents. 28 55
Specie.—. 86170
Legal tender notes. 1,000 00
Total. 110,208 88
Capital stock paid In.t 80,000 00
Surplus fund. 6,600 00
Undivided profits. 2,658 30
Individual deposits subject
to check.t 8990 57
Demandoertlflcatesofdeposlt0,790 73
Time certificates of deposit. .6362KL22 81,050 62
119,206 88
aiuie or neoraska. county or Holt, sc
Ii John McHugh, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
abpve statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Joiin McHuoh, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
I3th day of March, 18%. H. M.,
Notary Public.
PJolt Gouijty Baijk,
At O'Neill, in the slate of Nebraska, at the
close of business March 8,1803.
Loans and discounts.I 127,380 02
Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 2,251 10
Bui from national banks..... ) 11,585 8(1
Beal estate, furniture and fixtures ■ <11,400 00
Current espeuaes and taxes paid...**.,’(103 99
Checks and other cosh Items. 170 55
Hills of other banks. 8,246 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents.... 52 92
2,788 70
105,044 14
Capital stock paid in.I 40,000 00
Surplus fund...:. 4,<»>n no
Undivided profits. 704 70
Individual deposits sub. to check.. 48.834 93
Demand certificates of deposit. 66.404 45
BUIS payable. 6,000 00
Total.. ... 105,944 14
State of Nebraska, Holt county, u.
I, David Adams, president of the above
named bank, do solewly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief. David Adams.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
20thday of March, 1893. E. W. Adams,
Notary Public.
•* % iv,4>,
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To Bocheater Loan and Banking Company
non-resident defendants: You will take
notloe that on the 10th day of March, 10SB,
Emellue Mathews and William I). Mathews
plaintiffs herein filed there petition In the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against you and the fdllowlng other defend
ants. to-wlt: The State Bank of O’Neill, a
corporation, John H, MoHugh, and G W.
Wattles, the object and prayer being to can
cel and set aside a certain mortgage executed
by the plaintiffs to the lioohester Loan and
BanklngCompany, defendants herein, upon
the following described real estate situated
In Mathews' addition to the city of O’Neill
Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots one,
two. three and four and lots fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen and eighteen all In block one In
said addition In said county and state. Said
mortgage purporting to have been given to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
note for MJU> due May 1,1098; said mortgage
being dates February 10,18BS, and duly re
corded In the once of the county clerk ol
Holt county. Nebraska, on the liith day of
February, 1*00 In Book ST, Page 305. Plain
tiffs ask that said mortgage and the note
secured thereby may be oanoelled and sur
rendered up and the mortgage released ol
record for the reason _ that the same was
made and dellverud by the plaintiffs to the
defendants the Rochester Loan and Banking
Company and G. W. Wattles without or foi
any consideration, and with the agreement
that the same should be released and can
celled upon the request of these plaintiffs,
which the defendants have failed to dc
although requested so to do. Plaintiffs fur
ther pray In said petition that all of said do
fendants herein may be decreed to have nc
Interest In the real. estate covered by said
mortgage and that said mortgage be decreed
‘ ’ ‘ ■ TsUf '
to be a cloud upon plaintiffs Utle to said real
estate and that the defendants be enjoined
from selling or transferring said note and
mortgage and from claiming or asserting an)
interest In the property covered thereby b«
the reason Of the making ot said note and
mortgage and fee other equitable relief’
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of May, HW.
Dated this 30th day of March, lswi.
„ B.B.blCKSON.
W-4 . Attorney for Plaintiffs,
i- ttbaati
1\the dHU,lpt %|u»t?qf-Jlolt county, jte
Loau ani Guarantee Company of Connect
leut. Plaintiff.
Beading Asher, Jane Asher, J. S. Lawrenc
and L. T. Hurd, oomposlug the inn of Law
renee and Burd, John H.Bversole, defend
The above named defendants will taki
notice that on the 10th day of March. IKK!
the Loau and Guarantee Company of Coo
nectlcut, plaintiff herein, filed Its petlt|ou li
the dlstrlot court ot Holt county, Nebraska
against the aald defendants, the object an<
prayer of whloh are to foreclose a certnli
mortgage exeouted by defendants Keadin
Asher and Jane Asher to the plaintiff up
the northwest quarter of section mimbe
twenty-ffve (35) township number _
seven (37) range number eleven (11) west of_
sixth principal meridian, containing ICO acre
according to government survey, to secur
the payment of a certain prommlasory noti
dated September 0,1085, for the sumof tci)0.ll
due and payable on the first day of Septembe
1*01. That there la now due upon said not
and mortgage the sum of 0705.00 for whio
sum with interest from this date, plalatli
prays for a decree that defendants be n
qulred to pay the same, or that said premise
may be stud to satisfy the amount found du<
You are required to answer said petition o
or before the first dav ot May, 1806,
_Dated March 30,1808.
Tbs Lota AX o Qu ARAUTH Oompaxy or OOI
aacTHOT, Plalnt’ff.
By L. T. Burd, Attorney. 37-4
By virtue of irh order of sole Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure -wherein
Chester County Guarantee Trust and Safe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and liarnabas
Melton. Augusta A. Wei ton. C. II. Toneray,
Emma K. Toneray and Ed F. Gallagher are
defendants, I will sell at public auction to
the hlirbest bidder for cash In band at llie
front door of the court-house In suld county,
on the SItb day of March, 1803, at 0 o'clock a.
si.. the following described lands and tene
ments, to rutlsfy the judgment and costs In
suld action, to-wlt:
East half of northeast quarter and east
half of southeast quarter of section four <4);
the north half of nortueaat quarter and
soutnwest quarter of northeast quarter of
section nine (9); and northwest quarter of
northwest quarter of section ten (10). all lu
township thirty-two (It!), range thirteen (13),
in Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt connty, Nebraska,
this 20tb day of February, 1003.
33-5 H. C. MoE VON Y, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
iivuiaaKn, uu a uccnw ui iui
Fennock Hart Is plaintiff and C. W. Ilagen
sick. Anna Hagenslck, C. H. Ton
cray. Emma K. Toneray, Nel
son Toneray, Ed F. Gallagher and John J.
McCafferty are defendants, I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
In band at the front door of the court-house
In said county, on the 37th day, of March,
18)3, at l) o’clock a. m„ the following described
lands and tenements, to satisfy the judg
ment and costa In said action, to-wit:
Northeast quarter of section twenty-dye
[25], township thirty-one (31). range twelve
[12], lu Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 20th day of February, 1803.
33-5 H.C.McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Chester County Uuaratitce Trust and Safe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and John K.
Dressier. Mrs. John K. N. McKee,
Mrs. H. N. McKee, W. D. Mutliews. the Ne
braska Mortgage and Investment Company,
and Charles K. Collins, receiver of the Ne
braska Mortgage and Investment Company
are defendants. I will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash In band, at the
front door of the court house In said county,
on the 27 day of March, 1898, at nine o'clock,
a. M., the following described land and ten
ements. to satisfy the judgment and costs in
said action, to-wlt: The south half of north
east quarter and south half of northwest
quarter of section thirteen (111), township
thirty-two (32), range eleven (11), in Holt
county, Nebraska.
Dated at O’Neill. Holt oounty, Nebraska,
this 20 day of February, 1803.
33*5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff
. Laud- Omen at O’Neiix, Neb.
February 27. 1893.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before
register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on April
13,1898, viz:
DAVID 8TANNARD, T. C. No. tMfi for the
SE(4 section 33, township SO, range 10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John Horrlsky, Henry Rostetter, Martin
Hurley and F. R. Stannard all of O'Neill
Nebraska. 34-0 W. D. Mathews, Register.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
ulerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt counts.
Nebraska,|on a decree of foreclosure wherern
Chester County Guarantee Trust and Safe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Loring B.
Shepurd and Harriet L. Shepard are defend
ants, I will sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash In hand at the front door
of the court house In said county, on the 27th
day of Maroh, 1893, at 9 o'clock A. M., the fol
lowing described lands and tenements, to
satisfy the judgment and coBts In said action
West half of northeast quarter; southeast
quarter of northwest auarter: east half of
southwest quarter; west half of southeast
quarter and southeast quarter of southeast
quarter all In section two (2) township thirty
two (32) range twelve (12) In Holt oounty.
N ebrsska.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska,
thls20th day of February, 1893.
33-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
U. S. Land Office, O’Nkili., Neb.,
March 3. 1893.
Complaint having been entered at this
oflloe by Joseph M. Hunter against the heirs
and legal representatives of Charles Alex
Kadlsh, deceasedffor failure to comply with
law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 3313,
dated Octobers, 1882, upon the NE14 section
29, township 30, range 9 west. In Holt oounty,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that said
Charles Alex Kadlsh and his heirs, executors
administrators have failed to break or cause
to be broken or plowed ten aores of land on
said tract since the date of entry, also failed
to cultivate or cause to be cultivated the
trees growing on said tract during the fourth
sixth, seventh and eight years since the date
of said entry and that there Is not now grow
ing on said tract more than fovr acres of
trees and that satd lallure exist at the
present time. The said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 10th
day of April 1898, at 9 o'clook A. it., to res
pond and furnish tlstlmony concerning said
alleged failure.
34-5 W. D. Mathews, Register.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of Holt
oounty, Nebraska, on a decree of foreclos
ure wherein Chester County Guarantee
Trust and Safe Deposit Company Is plaintiff
and John Sollck, J. E. Mallery and Mrs. J. E.
Mallery. his wife, are defendants. I will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for
oash In hand, at the front door of t be court
house in said county, on the 27 day of March.
1893. at nine o’clock A. x. the following des
cribed landsand satisfy the] udg
ment and costs fn said action, to-wlt: South
west quarter of section five (5) township
twenty-seven (27) range eleven (11) iu Holt
oounty, Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill. Holt county, Nebraska,
this 20 day of February, 1893.
33-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
The commissioners appointed to locato a
toad commencing at the north end of Main
street In the town of Inman, section 19, town
ship 28 north, range 10 west. Thence running
north, Va. lldSOm B. 1770 the !4 section
line on section 10. Also commencing at the
center of said section 19. Thence running
westVa.lldEOm on the 14 section line 33.00Chs.
to the right of way of the F. E. and M. V. R.
R. Thence In a N. W. course along the north
side of said right of way 7.00 Chs. to the sec
tion line between sections 19 and 24. Also
commencing at the scotlon line between sec
tions 13 and 24 on the north side of said right
of way of the F. B. and M. V. K. It., and run
ning thence north 47d west, along the uorth
side of said right of way, one mile and 30.00
Chs. across the 8W >4 of section 13. BE 14 and
NE14 and NW 14 of seotion 14 to the section
line between sections 11 and 14 of said Xp.
there to terminate has reported in favor of
the establishment thereof. Ana all ob
jections thereto or claims for damages must
be filed in the county clerks office on or be
fore noon of the first day of May, A. D., 1893,
or said road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
Dated February 13,1893.
18 - ai.1 0. E. Butler, County Clerk.
J. C. Hurnlsh, Deputy.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure where
in Chester County Guarantee Trust and
Safe Depostt Company is plaintiff and Sam
uel W. Halstead. O. II. Toncray, Emma R.
Toncray and Ed F. Gallagher are defendants,
1 will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash In band at the front door of
the oourt-bouse In said county, on the 27th
day of March. 1893. at 9 o'clock A. si., the fol
lowing described lands and tenements, to
satisfy the Judgment and costs In said
action, to-wlt:
Southeast quarter of section thirty-foul
(34), township twenty-seven (27), range ten (10).
in Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 29th day of February, 1893.
t H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue ot an order of rale, directed to me
from the clerk ot the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore tiie district court of Holt county. Ne
braska. on the 14th day of January, 1*911. in
favor of the State Bank of O’Neill ns plain-1
tilt and against E. FI. Bounell and l'iuma
licnncll as defendants for the sum of two
hundred twenty-nine dollars and sixty-six
cents and costs taxed and accruing
costs 1 have levied upon the following prem
ises taken ns the property of said defendants
to satisfy said order of sale to-wlt:
South half of northeast quarter and south
half ot northwest quarter section twenty
seven (27) township twenty-seven (27) range
twelve (12) west of the (tth p. M. In Holt
county. Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash.ln hand,on the 3rd
of April, A. I). 1898. In front of the court
house In O'Neill, that being the building
wherein tho last term of district oonrt was
held, at the hour ot 11 o’clock A. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
.. this 23rd day of
February, 1893. H. C. McEVONY,
34-6 Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the elerk of the district court of
Holt vonnty, Nebraka. on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska on the 28th day of December, 1*91.
In favor of Oscar E. Vermilye as plaintiff
and against .Mathew Coffee, J. H. Allinr,
Aqulla H. Picketing. Hannah N. 8. Pickering,
J. Q. Clark and C. II. Tonera.v as defendants
for the sum of six hundred thirty-two dollars
and four cents and costs taxed at *29.03 and
accruing coses I have levied upon the fol
lowing premises taken as the property of
said defendants to satisfy said order of sale
The southwest quarter of section (34) town
ship twenty-eight (28) range thirteen (13) west
of tue Otli p. M. In Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the
3rd day of April, 1893, In front of the
court house In O'Neill, Neb., that belug the
building wherein the lust term of district
court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m.
of said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Bated at O’Neill, Neb., this 23rd day of
February, 1883. H. C. McEVONY,
34-6 Sheriff of said county,
given by the undersigned
Bated at O'Neill, Neb
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
mo from tbe clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before tbe district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on tbe -Mil day of January, 1803, in
favor of Henry Herbage as plaintiff and
against Heinrich Anderser. Veter Madison
and-Madison, bis wife, as defendants,
for the sum of four hundred elgbty-five
dollars and seventy-one cents and costs taxed
at $27.18 and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale to-wit:
Tbe north half of southeast quarter and
southwest quarter of southeast quarter and
northeast quarter of southwest quarter
section thirty-two (32)township twenty-eight
(28) range thirteen (13) west of the Oth p. x. In
Holt county, Nebraska;
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 3rd
day of April, A. D., 181)3, in front of the
court house In O'Neill, that being the place
wherein the last term of district oourt was
held, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m., of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
’ Dated at Q’Nelll, Nob,, this 28th day of
February, 1893. H. C. McEVONY.'
34-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the dlrtriot oourt of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Mary 11. Parker, Elizabeth B. Parker and
Edgar J. Parker, administrators of the estate
of Samuel J. Parker, deceased, are plaintiffs
and Edwin E. Goree. C. L. Babcock and Mrs.
C. L. Babcook his wife are defendants, 1 will .
sell at public auction to the highest bidder 1
for cash In band, at the front door of the |
court-house in said county, on the 27th day
of March. 1833, at 9 o’clock A. M., the follow
ing described lands and tenements to satisfy
judgmontand costs in said action, towit:
'Vest' half of northeast quarter and cast
half of northwest quarter of section twenty
three (23), township twenty-seven (27). range
eleven (11) in Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Neoraska,
this 20th day of February, 181)3.
33-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a deoree of foreclosure wherein
Chester County Guarantee Trust and Sato
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Elias J.
Hershlser, Cal A. Oiler, Mrs. Cal. A. Oiler,
his wife, the Nebraska Mortgage and invest
ment Company and Charles K. Collins, re
ceiver of the Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
ment Company are defendants, I will sell at
public auotlon to the highest bidder for cash
In hand at the front door of the Court-house
In said oounty, on the 27tli day of March,
1893, at f) o’clock A. x., the following de
scribed lands and tenements to satisfy the
ludgment and costs in said action, to-wit:
Northwest quarter section twenty [20),
township twenty-seven (27), range twelve (12),
in Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated at O Nell), Holt county, Nebraska,
this 20th day of February, 1893.
33-5 H. O. McEVONY, Sheriff.
John O, and Marlon L. McWilliams, L. W.
Tulleys, trustee, Burnham Tulleys and Co.,
Joseph Wilson, Edwin S. Morton, and the
Scottish American Mortgage and TruBt Co.,
limited, non-resident defendants, will take
notice that James N. Brown, suocessor In
trust, on the 20th day of February, 1893. filed
ills petition in the district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, against them, the object
and prayer of whlcp is to foreclose a trust
doed, executed and delivered, bytbosald
John C. and Marlon L. McWilliams to plain
tiff upon the southwest quarter section one,
township twenty-nine, range nlno, west six
f. M. to secure the payment of a prommlssory
note for $050.00 dated May 1, 1880, due five
years from date, at seven per cent Interest
per annum, with ten interest coupons thereto
attached. Also to foreclose a second mqrt
gage executed and delivered to Burnham
i uliyys & Co., on said premises, to secure the
payment of ten prommlssory notes, dated
May 1, 1880. The same being assigned to
pluintlff; ulso to forelose, on said premises,
two certain tax certificates, the amounts of
same having been by plaintiff. That there Is
now due and payable to plaintiff on said
trust deed and coupons the sura of $731.35, on
said second mortgage notes the sum of $11.95,
ou said tax certificates. Therefore plaintiff
prays that a decree may Issue requiring said
defendants to pay the said sums, or that
said premises be sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to file your answer on or
before the I7th day of April, 1893.
Dated February 17, 1893.
_ _ Successor In trust.
By W. C. Brown, Attorney,
By virtue of an order of sale, issued by
the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Neb., on a decree of foreclos
ure wherein Chester County Guarantee Trust
and Safe Deposit Company is plaintiff and
John Quincy Adams. Angelin© L. Adams, II.
O. Hansen, and Mrs, H. C. Hansen his wife
are detendents. 1 will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at the
front door of the court bouse in said county,
ou the 27 day of March, 18M3, at nine o’clock.
A. m. the following described land and tene
ments, to satisfy the judgment and cost in said
action to-wIt: East half of southwest quar
ter and west half o' southeast quarter of
section three (3) township thirty-two (32),
range thirteen* il3J in Holt county, Nebraska.
Gated at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 20 day of February, 181*3.
St-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Letitia M. Butler is plaintiff and Bennett 8.
Gillespie, Nellie A. Gillespie, Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company, Charles
K. Collins, receiver of Nebraska Mortgage
and Investment Company. Charles <3. Mlilard
and Mrs. Charles C. Millard his wife are de
fendants. I will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder ior cash in hand, at ‘the front
door of the court-house in said county, on
the 27th day of March. 18U3. at V o’clock a m
the following described lands and tenement*
to satisfy the judgment and costs in said
action, to-wit:
Northeast quarter or section thirty-two fd3),
tw.ent*'Plne ran8® nine (W,
lo Holt county. Nebraska.
Uolt county, Nebraska,
this 90th day ot February. 1WH.
®-6 II. 0. MoBVONY, Sheriff.
nn idtwTlb"
company or Nh!
Af the ymt —
AaHlta "*78*94,!#,
For UfuwulTuM. ?*>};*
The Assets ore Invested u|
^S&riuS n“'‘B “a #0‘"
5say!??a?aB—' .
***;,»“* »■* T~t <£«. li
i“3!«TffR* P»ftm<p,V >*
Insurance and a!!T|
lanraiee imim) m n. 1
UWtd “ • . , ||
linnia la Fares . *Jl?s
Aasmitle* U Fores - '“5
lacrosse la Aaaaltles . .
Iaersass la Bseelpts ■ . .«
Iaersass la Sarplaa . K
Iaersass la Assets . . aa’S;
Iaersass la Iassraaes i««H
sad Beaewed . .
Increase la Iassraaes la Forte
Non—Is smriasM Via U> isMaJh,
BmtM umuisI is Isnabtr, lnuTKS
uuuum is font as stars KiM isolate iktZ.
ntaslaw lintt sift tat s SMI «
olosisg tM Dawabar aments
I have carefully examined the fore™, J
Bent and find the tame to be comet ’
aiumS^* <®vtdead ’*■ h> >
* Robert a. qrannks,
~ - f\-x - *
Walter R^Gn-twrrE «
Frederic CfcoMwku. * 't
Smoky McCuntock lld. e.i.a.
Gesog 1
W.F. ALLEN, General,
brasfca, North and South
Wyoming, Utah. OMAHA, i
Good, active, responsible
wanted: Apply to W. E. A.
General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Cook quickest
and best.
They are a
lighten labor
and improve
the flavor
of thefood
Don’t let
dealer sell
another >i
kind. 1
for a
J.J. Me®AFF1RT Y, Agsn tj<
Malestlc Mfg. Co..8tJ
Sight is priceless and its f
ion is a matter for the most
ration of ever person of ordinary
ense. Remember that a le,'s® ,5
ine centimeter (the one hundreat ^
in inch) produces as ninny prism
t possesses lenticular dioptres of
)on’t wear poorly made sliyc't,„ Lms
an’ get reliables ones at the
ludor’s Adamantine lenses are ^;i
hecleracs* crystal obtainable, D ■
he nerve power, easy and reuaen » ,
he accomodation, they »f® ‘1 „
lest adapted for optical P“H»£Lt,
ecommended by all the most em
nodical fraternity, including
i 1>U. BRAINTEA, 7„ttttcas, m
ex-govenor of Zacatecas.»
"t^go'venor of AJuas CslW«
Prices Reasons^
Bust of MoCitfferto's.