B ENJOY® method and results whs „f Fie* i* taken; it is pleasant reslmig to tbs taste,wdicH ret promptly on the Kidneys, ad Bowel*, cleanse* the ije rctually, dispel* cold*, head ed fever* *nd cure* habitual »tiffn. Svrup of Fig* i* tha aedr of it* kind ever pro pleasing to th* taste and ao e to the *toioach, proatpt ia ,oo tnd truly benelcial *a it* prepared onlr from the moat r *nd agreeable substances, bt excellent qualities co» t to all aud have aaada ft it popular remedy known, up of Fig* i* for sale in 60s bottle* by all leading drug* Any reliable druggist who it have it on hand will pro prewptly for any one who w try it Do net'accept bstitute. Wit FIB SYRUP COL MS fUAMUSOO. CAL. [. osar saan stn ugust lower” re been troubled with dyspep t after a fair trial of August , am freed from the vexatious -J. B. Young, Daughters Harrodsburg, Ky. I had he one year steady. One bottle ust Flower cured me. It was :ly worth one hundred dollars -J. W. Smith, P.M.aad Gen. int, Townsend, Out. I have myself for constipation and sia and it cured me, It is the ler I ever handled—-C. Hugh, ist, Mechanicsburg, Pa. • ! jjeP^ I TAW A ^PLEASANT r«5<* n>r it act* gently on the lUmadLllm ^*ey«, ua la a pleasant laxative. TMe from herbs and J» prepared for on r«9tea It Is called nbaraatitfAtt ■E’SMEDICIHE uviiU sell it at fife, and $1 a anmmmm , *•* "5nd yoor address for a free OKATOR H. WOQDWaUP. I.MROT. X. X fjsYour Bloodr * breaking out ou my log knee, and was cured sound and well *o and a half bottles of I "cod “eiliclaes had failed_ wygood. Will c. Beaty, YorkviUe. S. C. Icueuf & ' bildhcwd withnn r.r - ml*r' “n<1 'hr*« buttlesof I lre* *uepermaaetiv. ■ WALLACE MANN*. Mannvillc, 1. T °0k0IS*irT Skin “•*«»* n.ailo-1 OW1KT SppTIFlO CO . A f1» ’ es Constipation Thempsea’s Eye Water. dwith U^aTOUE, ILU wed From Suffering; Cntitide ti a Lady Card by uickajMo Indian Sagwa. jASVILLE> Oct. aa. •w^JSuhJ t*.exJ>re“ m7 mti "Mle« ha^e don« f“PO® 'nd,*n V a» .nV • aone for me. to Btav nnD^ w tti Neuralfia, and Pt l W'ntU£.eVcirv, ni«ht tor weeks, kn Oh* and tle Klokapoo klter annH,! le9!than ten Rtinued fi. 0 j 1 w“ relieved. » Indian «,and aUo UBed *lek Nmil Enflri^8^® Bt tbe »«y oj mvf!!?1 *.>Cur®d. ^dieafordis nds ^ave used your 1110 doereJ,?1 tro“ Wes, an/ftnd (|fe e?ervhJif„ a*v advertised, ■'d use theni o' who snlferinE f!'ters ia ™b’ kWe ««- all brothers t:c,na aa iQ 1 ^ answer any ^Wednneafo^the help °* 'CKapoo^/u’’ Eva d*Cakp. „SID!^N SACWA. d-n Rtrneii.es. Sold t> Dealers, DELAWARE'S CURIOUS CAPITOL j A Tiny LeffUlntnre amt Correayoad. lady Dlaalantlre State Hour. rhe Delaware legislature, which has Just re-elected United States Senator Gray, la one of the smallest legislative bodies on earth, and all Its belongings are on a llDlputlan scale. The nine senators ait In a small room nearly filled with desks, and having space on old-fashioned settees for a score or two of spectators. The twenty-one rep resentatives occupy a similar and long er room, provided with an amusing lit tle gallery for spectators. The public and the legislators are close together, and anything uttered in ordinary con versational tone can be heard all over even the larger chamber. / * loud speaker in one house may be heard in the other. This curious little body works like any other legislature. The nine senators are uivided up into many committees, and the name of each fig ures a great many times on committee lists. Only two of the senators arc Republicans. These two, with United States Senator Higgins, remain as re minders of a savage contest in the Democratic party of Delaware. The statehouse looks like a small i public school building. In describing it the New York Sun says it is of brick, two stories and a half high and sur mounted by a cupolg. It looks out on the village green. Hard by is the coun ty jail, with its whipping-post and pil lory in full view from the windows of the statehouse. No official residence is provided for the governor and he lives wherever his home happens to be when he Is elected, coming to Dover only when business requires his pres ence. He has on office in the little statehouse, as have the secretary of state, the state auditor and the state treasurer. The'state library,, which is crowded into the same building, con tains a Latin Bible dated . Upon this book the state officers have been sworn since Delaware set up house keeping for herself, and perhaps longer. The legislature has'little or no patron age. It appoints two or three clerks, doorkeepers, messengers and pages, and elects the state treasurer and the state auditor, the former with a salary of $1,400 a year, the latter with a salary of $1,000 a year. The governor ap points most of the state and county ofib cex?, the judges for life. A SHOT AT HAWK'S NEST. It Rarely Mluct Maklat a Ckaatt la Patitlcal History. Atlanta letter to New York Times: Rutherford B. Hayes was at one time the target of a Georgia Confederate. It was only by a scratch that his life was saved and that the Ohio colonel afterward became president Tho scene was on the Gouley river, in West Virginia. The Georgian who took aim was Gen. Floyd Phillips of Marlette, and the time was in'' 1861. For several days Gen. Floyd bad been skirmishing with Gen. Cox's Ohio troops at the “Hawk’s Nest,” a qlctur esque cliff rising over 1,000 feet from the river road. One fine morning Gen. (then colonel) William Phillips heard a bugle blast near the “Hawk's Nest,” across the river, and an Ohio colonel at the head of his regiment rode out into the river a good distance, as the rocks shelved gradually. Col. Phillips selected a long-range rifle from one of his men and, 'raising his weapon, took deliberate aim at the Union officer. The distance was great, but Phillips was a fine shot, and at the crack of the rifle a plume from the Ohio’s colonel’s hat fluttered out into the water, and the officer dashed up the bank out of range. In 1878 Gen. Phillips was in Washington and saw the president. He said something about “Hawk’s Nest" and his aim at. an Ohio colonel. President Hayes brighten**! up and inquired into details. Then, the president said that he was the Ohio colonel whose hat was grazed by Philllips’ bullet. That evening Gen. Phillips took tea at the private table of the Hayes family., A Child’s Vr*rslo!t. • The idea presented lo a child's mind by a word which he thinks he under stands, though its meaning has never leen explained to him, is often quite foreign to anything which the diction ary has to offer. “Tiie wind bloweth where it listeth,'' read the Sunday school teacher to her class of little girls. “Do any of you know what listeth means?” The children, with one exception, shook their heads. Tho exception was an eight-year-old. flaxen-haired girl who after a moment’s reflection raid eagerly, “I know!” “You may tell us, then,” said the teacher, encouragingly. ■> “I’m afraid,” said the little girl, In a dubious tone, that I can’t make the rert of them understand, for they havn't any grandpas. in tb> country, same, as I have. But there’s always a strip on the bottom of the front doors in the oountrj, that grandpa told me wait ‘list,’ and if you could just fuel the wind blow in under that door once,” said the child in a tone of con viction, addressing the rest of the class, “yoti*d know what that verse meant, in a mlpute!” . . . A Imtlfil Dr»a. Dudely Canesucker—I bad a beauti ful dream last night. Dreamt I bad $30,000 all my own. Tommy Vanderchump—And you woke up to find you hadn't a dollar. D. C.—Yes; but 1 was mighty lucky not to dream of having a million. I don’t think I could ever have got over so heavy a less as that. To* Portieolar. Steele—1 hear you have broken off with Dolly Yarden? Penn—Yes. She made me spend too much money on my clothes.' “How so?” “She was so fastidious that she | wotildn't sit mi the same pair of trous- j ers twice.”—Clothier aud Furnisher. Sadden Chance of Tuna. A furniture van stood in front of a Sixth avenue store. A little boy stood by the horse and gave it souie bread to eat. '1 he driver looked on with a broad grin. “Theat's right." lie said to the young benefactor, •'always be kind to'dumb animals, l.ook how the horse enjoys it. Hut docs your mother always give you big chunks like that'.'" “No.' replied t he youngster, “i didn't get that one from my mother.” "Where did you get it then?” "It was lying in the van.” Here-the driver flew into a temper and hawied out "Why that was my breakfast, you miserable rascal, you—'’ The poor lad doomed thus curly in life to a practical experience of the sud den vicissitudes of popular favor, flew weeping from the scene.—Recorder. . Hold for a Hong, There was nn auction sale of a young woman's wardrobe the other day in New \ork. The young woman was the daughter of a millionaire who died about six weeks a go. the auctioneer said, and she was disposing of her wardrobe because she had to go into mourning. Thirty women and as many men at tended t he sale. The bidding was live ly, but the prices brought were nothing in comparison to the alleged cost. An elaborately trimmed evening costume of royal purple velvet, with gold em broidery, made b% Felix of Paris, which originally cost, so the auctioneer said. $.'>.000, was knocked down for #75. A Nile green silk evening dress, by Felix, brought #17. A fur-trimmed jacket made by Robinson was sold for #05. The other articles were sold at prices ranging from #1 to #15. The entire proceeds were not more than #500. A number one rough cure. Mr. June* H. Barnet. 2-18 Cedar St.. Buffalo, N. Y., write* thus: "I am using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in my lamily and deem it a number one medicine tor coughs and colds, and my house shall never be without it.” The Newspaper of the Future. Mr. Edison thinks that evnntually all newspapers will be set up by a combi nation of the phonograph and the type setting machine. Editors, he says, will read oil! into phonographs all the copy brought in, editing it as they go along. The compositor will put the cylinder with his “take" on another phonograph and listening to the dictation of the machine, will translate it directly to the keys of the mechaniccl type-setter. It is by all odds the best Unimedt. Mr. Oias Metzger, 215 Geyer Ave.. St. Louis, Mo., Is of the same opinion. Ho says: “Sal vation Oil is the best we have ever used in our fa m U v. It is the best remedy on earth. ” Not Sound. A New Yorker forwarded'to one of his friends in the West a set of Colonel Ingersoll's works. Then he sent a tel gram informing him what he had done, an# expressing the hope that the boobs would arrive safe and sound. A few days afterward he received a telegram from his friend—who was an orthodox Presbyterian—whieli ran this way: ■‘Books arrived safe, but not sound.” No Trees of first quality can ever be sent by mail. Mayhap you know it. By freight, prepaid if preferred, we ship safely 4. 5 or t> ft trees: 2-year Roses of rare excellence—everything! Yon actu ally pay less than for the puny stuff. 1.000 acres Nurseries. 20,000 acres Or chards. Exact information abcut trees and'fruits. .Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo. (’an a Fish be Frosen? Somebody told Dr. W. T. Herring of Georgia that it was impossible to freeze a fish to death, but he was not fully convinced and decided to test the mat ter. _ He tried, puting two young carp in a jar and allowing it to freeze at most solid, except about'a tablespoon ful about the little fish. The fish did not seem to mind it much, and as soon as the ice tha wed out they swam around as lively as ever. Baker’s Emulsion, The prat reined* i«t thrust slid limes, debility etc., palatable a. honey Sold by drusglsts. A boy's idea of having fun is to be allowed to make all the noise he can. Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowels Koch Bay. In order to Ue healthy this Is neces sary. Cures constipation, headache, kldncv ana liver troubles and regulates the stom ach and bowels. There is seldom any trouble about getting sympathy Irom those who cannot help. Conghlag Leads le i'onsauip tiwM. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle tree. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00.______ Billiards were invented in France by De vigne about 1451. East or south during the winter, If so Tan Wabash desires to call your attention as the tourist route to Florida and all the win ter resorts of the south. Round-trip tickets will be placed on sale about Nov. 1st., good returning until June 1st. m THE QUICKEST ROUTE SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST. 15 hours' to 8t. Louis. 108 “ “ Tampa. With corresponding fast time to all points east and south. The only line running Re clining Chair Care to St. Louis, Decatur, Danville. Lafayette, Logansport, Ft. Wavne, Toledo and Detroit. Pullman Buffett Sleep ing Cars on all trains. For ticket# or fur ther information in regard to routes call at the Wabash Office, 1503 Faraarn St., or write U. N. Huttos, Northwestern Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. 37 •• 88).; “ “ Atlanta. 53 “ “ Jacksonville. CMLDHEN who are puny, pale, weak, or scrofulous, ought to taka Doctor Ptooe'i Upldan Medical > Discovery. That build*, l up both their flesh and' I their strength. For this, ] and for purifying the blood, there’s nothing in all modicine that can equal the “ Discovery.” In recovering from “Grippe,” or in con valescence from pneu monia, fevers, or other WMBiuv; U1BWW3*. II UK1 »ui ei v in vigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetising, restorative tonic. It sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings hack health and strength. For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or impure blood. Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Scrof ulous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases—even Con sumption i or Iamg-serofnia 1 in it* earlier stages—tbs “ Discovery" is the only jrnarci.i teed remedy. If it. doesn't liencflt or cure, in every cars, you have your money back. INSURE »n the Farmer* Hnd Merchant* Immiran. ** i ..mi* nv I .me .In Capital and c%e« • 0«. l. 'il l paid tc .Nebcubka p* >»:•» iUs. System of FMIIImllat. »0»pt«a bv people In precarious health who wisely fortify their system* spalnst rtis **** with thm acceptable smt effectual barrier apalnsl It* Inroads- Hosteller's Stomach Bit .l*rernutlonary measures, when the health ip but I’lphtly Inipalied la. as physicians weu know, worth any amount of medication i'terw.ro A premonitory malarial chill, a Jt of liidttrCKiloti. Inirrusln* Irrexularltv of Ihu 5?TLel*u.,.w’‘vninf,r!",u,,"‘l"!,»;»*«- inactivity Of the kidneys, slight at Ural, bilious sallow near accompanied with furred toreuc these are appeals to the acme „f self-or..lection which no person of common Judgment will dis regard Hotelier* Stomach Btttera ure aervee those who take It from malaria. <1va pepsia. chronic constipation, rhcnniatisin. kid ney unit bladder trouble ami liver complaint. Nervcns Invalids, persons troubled with the inIIrmhten ioridcnt to advanced years, ladles In dellcale health and convalescents derive In finite benettt from the Bitters. !-•« Rales lo .'Xortls Ualveston. Special low rate excursion to Galveston, Texas every Saturday evening. For par ticulars and tickets apply to F. F. Wil liams. First Xational Bank Building, Omaha. -The sultan of I-ahorne has (10,000,000 in jewels: ; ^ • . . *110-Sieppwl tree by BP. atlMCa uut SIXVK MlfeTOUR* N« fit art#r flint dRT's uw. Mar euraa. Trailer aad B.flOtrial bottl# tr*« f« Fit Hrntl 10 Dr Kiln*,Ml ArvfcBt..ftiliarf«l|khta, ra. Uncle Sam pays (00,000,(100 a year in sal aries. For Coughs and Throat troubles use BrounV llroaclilul Troche*.— "They stop an attack of my asthma rough very promptly.”—C. Faleh, Miamiville, O. Smallpox is not any more contagious thou a good example. DUQUETTE & CO’S POMONA COUGH Tablets. "Absolutely the best made.” Two ounce package for 5 cents, at your Drug gists or Confectioners. Ask for them and STOP THAT COUGH. Crinolines will tell which way the wind blows. “Hanson's Magic Corn Halve." Warranted I,. i-Bif. ••• mousy roftntdod. Ask your liunltiforlt. I’nct 06 rent.. The clock trust is the latest, its object be ing to put a stop to tick in the business. If the Baby Is Call la* Teeth. Ss sure end use that vie sad well-tried renedjr, Mae Wisnav't Sootbiso Svam far Children Teethlag. Washing a pig will not take from him the love of mud. We eat too much and take too Uttle out door exercise. This is the fault of our mod ern civilisation. It is claimed that Garfield Tea. a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome these abuses. There is more power in gentleness then there i« in dynamite. ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . J . mm-CrMLA.TXSM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, .'15TETTRAX,GHA. _ , a copy of the "Official Portfolio of the World') Colombian Exposition, descriptive of Buildings anc Grounds, beautifully illustrated, In water color effects, wil be sent to any address upon receipt of «Oe. in postal! SS3E.& JJ?* CHAffiLBffi A. VOaC'.CR CO., COTXNTST, Sl S_ FRANK J. CHENEY MAKES OATH THAT HE IS THE SENIOR PARTNER OP THE FIRM 07 7. J. CHENEY So CO., DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF TOIiBDO, COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, AND THAT SAID FIRM WILD PAY THE SUM OF One Hl'NPREP DOLLARS FOR BACH AND EVERY rtamn OF CATARRH THAT CANNOT BE CURED BY THE USB OF HALL'S CATARRH CURE. SWORN TO BEFORE MB, AND SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRES ENCE, THIS OTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1688. JVotary futile. HalVa Catarrh Cun is taken internally, and acta directly upon (ha Blood and mucous surfaces. E- ®-* TO-. Druggists, Bone Cere, teLesft7'' H*u* Cefsth Curacures every om that .*• ^ JOHNSON, Medina, K. T„ says: ''Ball's Catarrh Care cured me,” CpuDUCT°B K 0 LOOMIS, Detroit, Mich., says: ■The effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is woruterrul.’’ Write him about It. BE\. H. P. CARSON, Scotland, Dak., sue 1 J c snipshH «*- w v. - ij Jr0rrt £“iuleg*r" ” | cu"d ~ * *TeV* b*d HALL’S CATARRH CURE is sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. Pnoe TO Oexrbs a. Bottle. The only Ccmnlac MALL’S CATABBM CVMB to Mannlhilsiid fey . F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. BEWARE OK IMITATIONS. Testimonials sent free on application. RUPTURE PERMAMEMTLY63RED*f10 PAY. Wa rafar yaa la I.tOD yatlaata. Plaaaetal lafamwe: NATIONAL BANK OK COMMERCE, Omaha. Wrlitca aaaraataa to akaaluialy cora all klaia'of ■llkan* iko 1. ..If. » ___ lanatirat* aar mat bad. Wrtttea raaraatca to ak*_|___ RUPTURE of both aura, wtlhaot tha aaa of kalfa or Bvrlaaa. ao aaatiar of Tiourlon*aiaadlat. kXk niNktlw.N VHBK. Saad for Ureular. Addraaa THE O. E. MILLER COMPANY, W-3Q0 Saw lark Lira »al!4»a». MIM4, NB SALZERS THREE RARE HARDY FRUIT NOVELTIES 50: EGMAreUffALOWRH „ . r * »«« NSW FRUITS, BOo. •"** ■r*rm* fruits cm lmtrsdooed created rush • mmHorn is } ^vr BuCalo Berry. Juacbcrry and Ttm Cranberry. Front he tine the inaTes hstfn to unfold they am » notiree of constant beauty. Shrubs planted this seawfA Lloom and Lxuur tAs nost year. Hardy as oak. ’ . . . v OADCR TO-DAY. One pleat of oach of the thr^e rare iVait »or«ltita will be nailed ?n'‘ gcoUactfci.s lOoftileettwpsforyi. THK OREAT BUFFALO SCARY. *_Thl* S^r***?,h* lmu* noeeltyoftbo ooa taIL. I?to ,Virib I"" 10 VO 15 feet UA, covering itaelf I o eexly eprlng with tweitiTul flowm yhlch u« wocnM br inti anu. of Imclona fruit. It to hardy, m IhiuU* fdl aa apicturo, while tha fruit I* incomparable. It will grow »uy and everywhere and rorau a naud addition to our lawn and nr Ion ibniba Each, 30c.; 10 for $1.45, poatpaid. (a) JUNCSERRY. A ahrub of wondroua beauty; ..*< rr.ro itaalf with a great Borneo of pure white, iniioioualy fragrant bloaaoaa. Throe are followed by largo, dark colored borriea, eacalleat foe da. aaueo, etc. Each, 45c.; 10 for $1.45. (3) TACK CRANBERRY. Everybody la fond of eraoberrlea, and wo hare a ahrub that will flourlah and bear pro. dlgiocaly 1 norery aectioo of America. Kach,Mc. Tha abova 3 rara Novelties, postpaid, rah Me.; _ wHh catalogue, 68c. Our mamaaoth catalogua la mailed upon receipt of 3c. for postage. JOHN A. SALZEB SEED CO., La Crosse, Wis. KLY’8 CREAM BALM wht-n applied Into the Boatrll*. will be ab • orbe«l. effectually oloan-lnjr the bend of catarrtiul elru*. caontug health y xeeretiona. U allay* inflammation, protcctxtho mombrme from additional cold*. (tomplno)y h«j|* the •ores ivud realeroe Mini of Uaioand amell. TRY THE CURE. A particle la applied Into each nostril and li agree able. Price M cent* al Druggixu or bp mall. ELY BROTHER*, M Warren Btreet, New York rfOVIKfifr fISH BBH*® Thla Tn« Malt la Mttefeaat WATERPROOF COAT EES?*? In tho World! A. .1. Tnv^o Wr«nr>N. MASS. p horse now< The Aleaaadr*. Improved Oream Saw arau>r;oapa'lty 1,100 to 4,000 pounds per hour :»wi rer will run it. Also new modal |4|j| ers « Iks fat WOtafaS Also osw model MAM ti« ungiMwinn ot of machinery ud supplies fat Band f WAfdJM for the sale of which A01# mi In arery .section. ManuTatfuiers of everything In line o butter and cheese ft Davis A Rankin Hit Went Lake Street, t 950-m ^ ^ nak na Ia * and chase* factories. Sand for onttl< Davis A Rankin Rida, and Mfa. (jo.. Went Lake Street, Chicago, 111. 'BOOK! K^urymaasadwe* i of marrlaavablu nee. X »ik ur to MBd by moll—by oxprmM only k VtRfIvtorwl letter or P.ft imior. PI*fcO» 1ALTY PUBJ.IBH1NO CO..Room “ —ftrl'’** •t.OOa Hr rlvtorod lettororP.f _ l«,Timex Rlrl* .abluogo. WHY YOU WANT — AND — MAOS BY J.I.CASET. M.CO. OIRI Booouoo they hav« no Equal. ;CATALOOUt MM. _ MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS V WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. Ho tool) reqnlml. Oil? o huatr dmM to drlT* and clinch ibm anally aad luickly; leaving the clinch nbMlately eaeoth. Rraalrtat bo hole to be Bade la the leather Bor burr tor the Klretn. They are STRONO. TOUflN and OUROOLI. All lea ft' leafthr, unifora er Million. now la use. auorted, put up In bom . Aik year dealer Car them, or Mod 40a. In etoiapa for a bon of 100; ueorted line*, ■iimonin nr JUDSON L. THOMSON MHO. CO.. WBlitoOBi, Mean. * anew ICLIAI LIABLE I nVC n»NT INVESTED IN A POSTAL ktf WL vCW 1 CAW ANOMAILED TO “ THEM. ME WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT Tl n.vy aujtocn.r5™*liar,_ ctnciA'1 wasHiuaTOu m.j. Am. — -» — m~mA NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wholesale and Retail BICYCLES. KEI.1ABUC DBAMiaS A If* Aiiir.%T» WANTED IVK1I WHIMS. "Bead stamp (or catalog, All style* sod priras. fa SMOKE YOUR MEAT WITH EffMCTif SMltf .Cmcu Sn.ttatmatkBM.H\\iwK Fiao'a Remedy for Catarrh la Mm Beat, Eaafeet to Vue, and Cbeapeat. CATA R R H Bold by Drugfclftta oraent by awL We. E. T. Hazelilne, Warren, Pa. allaaiki •Mk. Hmm irMlMit (b y** ' tldi|p Ms Marvin - „ ... Tfc—aaM* rwU. hmd «c la >tm «■ w-*■• MMTOKK. M. n_ ll3i nHt. ll McVIckei-. ThMtcr, (!hlraua, It Patents! Pensions ■end tor Inrentor'u Guide or How to Obtain « hUM. *»d for D%r>t of KMMM aad KbCHTt VAXmiCTVVASUU. - WAMUMOTO*, 9. a. EABkUmBP *a rww Llttto Ptl’a for CooetlnotlnnHIrb Ho_ MfeatDrbpapote.MoHaadoa.Horala.v9rj teal AH Price iS? .rSft At* <0.. €***,•,**. 11000.°i daiarkraak Sc Co, Pood ooetol for airnutiri lo , as Jobe m.o New Verb. RPlC>^!.^«iW ■VaBOWO ini wW»>»nafeOoM. iMWff A \ wte*« *n rwwdo___ S ■'••y.X.T, Wrilfe furWak u' ^| W N U Omaha. 12 189