(FACIAL directory ■''TA16 j,0 CrounSC . .T. J. Mujoi* ' - \llr~ livornor. -tut* .. . .J. C. Allen ...j. 8. Hartley r .. .. o% uiumvj ... II. Hustings • • .W«ne Moore 11r • •• Vii ',rJ 'ii'ontK Humphrey ....A. K. Uoudy Instruction. .. N TS Burnham, - m.’“ Malluleu. Kenrmj. °maha: Wm. McKclrh«u Bod .Samuel MaxweU JIXICIARY. ..j ini ice i’ost and Ti L. Norval s^wasss«..!» M. V Kinkald, of O, Neill .!. J. King of t> Neill .\ i. Bartow of Chadron .a! h- Warrick, of O Weill !,.\XD offices. 0’NKII‘I" B. S. Gillespie _A. L. Towle. sEi.ioii. c w j>obinson .W.B. Lambert COUNTY. WmBowe„ r iistrict Court peLnnce .Barret t Scott. _John S.Weekes . C. E. Butler . . j. C. Harnlaii .. C. McEvony . ..R. Me,rlniau .....II. W. Dudley ...Mrs. H. W. Dudley . Hr. H. A. Skelton ...W.W.Pase . E. Murphy STii’ERVISOKS. TOWNSHIP pleasant view t- Beloit Cleveland Verdigris Inman n!m Sand Creek , Rock Falls Conley ; Falrvlew j Dustin Green Valley o!ii) Shields Francis Knimet Sheridan Stuart Swan r .Scott , Lake to 'Paddock iVNeill 11 ! Chambers i Atkinson «11; Saratoga ,nk 'Steel Creek i Ewing 1» Willowdole Wyoming McClure [ Iowa Grattan Ray Ewing Brodiu Page Inman Atkinson Turner Chambers Amelia Dustin Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Stuart swan Seottvlllo Bliss blackbird O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Star Ewing ...lnneola Amelia | Little Pave O’Neill 'll T OF O'NEILL. r, H. 11. Long; Justices, B.H. ntl R. Welton; Constables, John i Perkins Brooks. 1CNC1LMEN—FIRST WARD. years.—Ben DeYarman. For one u Stannard. SECOND WARD. ears—Fred Gatz. For one year— THIRD WARD. ears-Barrett Scott. For one year ird. CITY OFFICERS. F.Biglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; David Adams; City Kn&neer, dams; Police Judge. N. Martin; Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, on; Weighmaster, Ed. M .Bride: mUsioner, O. E. Davidson. ATT AN TOWNSHIP. tr, John Winn; Treattirer. John rk. D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose Justices, M. Castello and Ghas. Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will load overseer dist. £6, Allen Brown John Enright. W RELIEF C0MNI8SI0N. meeting first Monday in Febru year, and at such other times as icceBsary. Robt. Gallagher, Page, "ffl. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; , Atkinson. KICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. < every Sabbath at 10:30 o'clook. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath sohool y following services. ►BIST CHURCH. Services unday morning at 11 o’clock, im ■illowed by 8unday school. Preach veniu^ atso’clock. Prayer meeting •[evening at 8 o’clock. Epworth 'otional meeting Sunday evening l*k- F. Ellis, Pastor. CHURCII Services Sunday morning at 11 o’olock. ‘ool at 10 a. in. Rev. N. 8. Lowrib, Pastor. l’OST,N°. 80. The Gen. Jol P^Jp. 86, Department of N »;Vwlllmeet the and thii vening of each month in Mason 8. J. Smith, Com. valley LODGE, I. O. ( fl',8-s- D. L. Dakb, P. Thompson, Treas. vsafa&Jt ot™ “as. Sec. J. C. Harsish, H. P •HELMET LODGE, U. I ?n every Mondav »r u , Monday atS^'elook ,vitM? 8 &al1’ vdiUng brethi ^K.oflt. andlSM-GRADYlC-C ' meet» SvLv lt> A »0. 80.1. each mnSThr.y B«cond and fourth or s n rlt^ In Odd Fellows' Hall. ’ A. 11. Corbet^ C. P. EBEKtlfS-i1’ UAUGHTEB8 V* v'uu r snows' nail. Secretary™ Butuir* N- «• jl^&Wo^eJJP&SS" ^'■•Kec. 0. W. Meals, M. A, the full „??PonsThur •'« Cottle ?<»n. A. L.Towlb. W. M. 4l| Arriv»l of Malls ^toSSSW1* KABsT:,,r t'Acicir .8:351 Cry Uav ...S„H0KT Mne. ept Sunday at 9:25 r o'vb.. _ ‘ 7-nrii Friday, w^n p*M)Ock. lts%, Thws nandrf?a.5r at--’r;« '•SWU, A\n » d 8 t- at--<:30 Friday WS® Niobraka leM»ri Thun8 ands'at—7:00 SCi‘-LAKn™;8 dSat-at- <:00 ,Ci'^i JOB WORK : ‘^ortj^guotbaA®^^ In the family are more often the resell of disorderedaigvttionihin most people know. BEECHAM’S mi I wiU!u»tttacti»a |»| ■ ■ » family, by curing ■ ■ kick Headache* Weak Stomach*Impaired DiteUltn, Disordered Liver, Constipation and all Billons and Nervous Disorders art slap from these causes. Covered with a Tasteless A Bolshie Coating. Of all drujrrlsts. Price 1ft cents a bor. New York Depot, 865 Canal lit. eooeoetmttemtemseesc^ rtr r‘ a ■ !~n 0 •P 0 (fl Purchase Tloketa and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING EABT. Passenger east, - ; 9:85 a. x. Freight east. - - ~ 10:45 a. x. GOING WX8T. Freight west, - • 1:45 p. x Passenger west, • 5:15 p. x Freight, - - - 6:44 r.x The Elkhom Line Is now running Becllnlng Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jroe to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on Wu J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. FRED C. GATZ. # —DXALBB nr— FresI), Dried and Salt Meats. Su*rar-cured Bam, Breakfast Baoon, Btdea, Spice roll baoon, all kinds of sausaces • O’NEILL. NEB A SALOON Where the beet WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always be Had -JLHL.GLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. EMIL SNIGGS PRACTICAL HORSESHOER And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Cor* riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skillful style possible. First-class plow and machine work that cfm be relied upon. No new experience used in any branoh of work. All my men'are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM wwruraw ‘ Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows and cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranteed to beat the best. o’skitt, neb. Do You FEEL SICK? _ Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. take ripans tabules take ripans tabules take ripans tabules teaarBraaa“i,T; ripans tabules Ripant Tabu let Regulate the S/item and Preterve the Health, EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. RIPANS TABULES tajee the plant qf A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST and tfunild be hrptfor ml in every family,.. THE RIPANS~CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET. - • NEW YORE. I SIOUX CITY • • • . WEEKLY JOURNAL THE BRIGHTEST THE NEWSIEST THE BEST Full Telegraphic Associated Press Reports 12 LARGE PAGES 84 COLUMNS Contains the Cream of tbo Mswf v- vdij SERIAL STORIES SCIENTIFIC MISQELLANY _ ILLUSTRATED ' FASHIONS, ETC Reliable Market Reports from the Leading Trade Centers of the World Valuable and practical Farm Department, conducted by an experienced Iowa Farm Editor. Special Norwegain, Scandinavian and DanUh News. IT GIVES ALL THE NEWS f $1 per year 50 cents for six months Sample copies free YOU WANT IT BUY IT _TRY IT Address, PERKINS BROS. CO., Sioux City, Io. \ PUBLISHERS OP The Sioux City Weekly Journal- . . . . $i per year The Sioux City Sunday Journal . . . a ♦» The Sioux City Daily Journal .... 8 “ The Sioux City Daily Evening Times ... 5 «« JONES & ATCU7CHEOA PROPRIETORS OF I - CENTRAL - _J___ Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES BP NEW TEAMS. Everything Ftrpt-Ctapp. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House FRED ALM, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Custom work and repairing—Doc. Shore’s old office. O’NEILL ^ NEB. Hotel Evans. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. Enlarged, Reiumished -AMD REMITTED. Only Firs! Class Hotel in City. W. T. EVANS, Prop,