PATE legislature. nf’EEDlNOS IN THE NEBRAS KA SENATE AND HOUSE. Belnff Acted ®P°“ .* . K***-A R"olu' rropoelo* st*»» for OBd.1. »d Kx-Stoto OBclaU rho Omoho Chmrtor Bill-Recovery a U.r Money I-o.t by the Failure of the , ...if. Kntlonml Book I. ttaoertu-Mto »br«sk* refUtaturfc k sat* —la the senatei on ^h® 13th, q. i i flex assembling, the general ap n bill was taken up. Senator ?,'r* offered an amendment to the ap lt,i(.n for the state penitentiary, "■'.'‘.‘ths* institution 310,550 for sew ... r-f-ral repairs, furniture. The ''''l'meet came in the form of an s-atement, hut objection being ' , accepted an amendment giving " .' vt -ntion 810,000 in a lump for , repairs. Adopted. Senator . ,,i„ i i offered an amendment strik , tie appropriations for main r, (V, trie bell system, telephones, tubes, delivering convicts on orders, stationery and printing, , i i-fiotographing convicts. The ap .iv.ntiir. was small, all the items «,U*flie* amounting to $830. The ,'.r,; was not agreed to. The soldiers’ 11.. [<,rs’ home at Grand Island came *, •slight increase, amounting to j, -l( Tiie institute for the feeble :mi,, i- Beatrice was not forgotten :V peieral distribution. The item ■V,:. -utenance and employes’ wages r„.sed from 31.1,000 to 3G5.000. Other j„A' Vre swelled to the amount of jin Ml. —ill lilt? liumc luin ic , - wert received from the standing ,.1X tte« on the following bills: No. 335, to amend the con dfateci -tatutes with the recommend : hat it he passed as amended: mV, No. 55, to assist the state Ivan’ and the state historical society, n commended as a substitute for roll No. 150: house roll No. 533, i ,u: t cd the insurance laws, was placed i n, ral file: house roll No. 387, to iii,< pohi'iesof life and endowment in rar.ut nonforfeitable, was recom need to pass; house roll 497, provid !.,■ tar a. holiday to be known as liiT.t.whnce day,” was indefinitely i,!p.'iied: house roll 504, to amend the ; inspection laws, was indefinitely n,tin,lied. The veto of the governor f htmse roll 73 was sustained by 43 to !. Tide was ‘ an act to amend section .'.,f chapter iii of the consolidated of Nebraska by providing for n anti.tiocal judge in the Twelfth ju iriat district.” House roll No. 404, to i it de for the investigation andexam uiti'.i. into the accounts, proceedings, iiti.-i.its expenditures and all busi i-,-' c mnteted with state institution, as :■-sported for passage. House roll I". 4<-v, b. bill for an act granting a mntv of $100 to each officer and mem r:1 h ,enlisted and served in the First ini second regiments of Nebraska vol at 'rs, and who has been honorably if-iu.rged therefrom, and in case of at: of such persons, to their widows "I phans, and providing for the pay ir ; t the same out of the state treas rv. and prohibiting the payment or ex tii '. of attorneys’ fees for the prose* ii'i. r, rt such claims, and providing a unisi.mentfor tlie violation of this act, ;a> indefinitely postponed. House roll 4 !, tu amend the act to incorpor cities, of the first class and to pro "i" lor the construction of viaducts, i' recommended for passage. st.NATE.—Iu the senate on the 14th mv -oh No. 33. the house committee iM'i.uit rate hill, was read the sec i ! time and referred to the committee 1 ra. i mads: senate file No. 194, amend t:,v irrigation laws was read the 1 :‘i unit- and passed; senate file No. ■ read the third time and passed. ’'I'"' away with insurance on the ■tit• ■ apitol building. Senate file No. • l ead the third time and passed. s ,,:i rases the limit of time in which ' a : i action may be commenced from Un yrnrs. Senate file No. 330, ), hi witv. to prohibit prize fighting, ' t- a so passed. Senate file No. 45, 'll..’',jig registers of deeds to keep a ' • if mortgaged indebtedness, was ! l ; i t third time and placed on its 7".’! received a constitutional 'i ”',y and was declared passed. The •uv, went into committeof the whole ! ! Senator Mattes in the chair for i^ideration of the general appro ! t.i: When the miseellaneoui titi, s were read the committee addec “• targe sums. The experimentu .... bt Culbertson and Ogalla): ”‘T”n $15,000. The expense o: e,:'':' the state school lands wai by an appropriation of $10. "h‘ r large items were increased 1 • grand total of appropriation: “lianeons items was swelled t.i .. '• against .$309,900 as the bil t ,,1'?"'b°use- The Institutioi ", Jaaf at Omaha was not forgot ■ t'tuf"' building was voted at t ’ • ".000, while $7,000 was appro ; • ; ' for repairs on the old. The ap raiv.pV'iVtn l-’ wages wa: Vk.'jj ”!lui hvmg expenses increase! u^' and lights $1,000 and fa '•"tiur'.-Vffe *1,000, tbe report of tin a "«i , ’ iils adopted in the face of i 1of opposition. "I .‘K —I ^ - --* —-* W M. I-** bUV X,"','' :Tif' °nis Were passed: House roll V ■ ■' Oakley, to provide for the t- tii. * -'"PPort, maintenance, pro l*Ptei,tion of minors, by a jtm-tift,'. n*0?' lor or pro* jin f ^vamP or bottom lands Ian a.-’ , , Nebraska, and to repeal 'iia r ^,. Itpir.|t iWrefrrd Hi* damages, if any, Jo «M rr ' a Vote of 00 to 1. h-1 to assd-V • u*oney to employ coun *■». V, ‘ln Prosecuting certain stat< v,i.,rt for the security am • rehntt* __i__ i . vuucners, or eertm •niNt.i, w mcorporated companies. To nr,, Ylri" ,, lons; Arms and individuals. - mat all persons shall be cn e sam^ j.Uriia._• , t>,J— ““ Persons snail be en a‘l iv-thcr,. #S:i‘u® civil rights, to punisl Hsion< r Ule violation of its pro kr.,j,v, u t, Pfal sections 317 and 818 Knvt. ,, *? “* "yetions a 17 ana SIS •'oHdated rat t 1 V1‘*’ c*vil rights, con *',l«‘retof/iiiU ■ ?* -'Veljraska Of 1891 a,'ts and Dartae^ist,n!f ,an, Webb will be shown to be fully sue-; talned. . This question of dealing with the re lations growing out of the presence of missionaries in Turkey has always been a vexing and perplexing one to the of ficials of the State department. " 4s The missionaries have a right to dom icile in the (^ttoman empire, but it is, evident they are unwelcome guests. Theii^ relations with the Armenians, who CTe more or less engaged ifi politi cal movements against the existing au thority, do not tend to commend them to the good graces of the Turks. 'V T re moot Temple, Boston, Burned. ^ Boston, Mass., March 20.—fire broke out about 7 o’clock yesterday morning In Tremont temple, on Tremont street, opposite the Tremont house, and before noon the entire structure was gutted, entailing a loss roughly estimated at 9375,000. Fireman Patrick Dunn of en gine 26 had a leg broken, and another man, name unknown, is reported to have been seriously injured. The fire in the temple was discovered by one of the guests on the fourth floor of the Parker house, adjoining. He had first been aroused by smoke and on going to his window was startled by seeing flames darting from the window fronting him. He thought it was the hotel, and smash ing the glass on one of the signal boxes on his floor, sent in the first alarm. The hotel guests proceeded to remove themselves and their effects, and no mishaps are reported. The temple was a fiery furnace twenty minutes after the first alarm. Flames poured from all the upper win dows, threatening the Burnham build ing. placing the Parker house and the Park hotel in danger in the rear and alarming the firemen lest it should get down among the rookeries on Provi dence court. 4? NEWS NOTES. Railroad managers at Chicago have decided to recognize the transconti nental association. Baltimore suffered a half a million; dollar fire by the burning of Matthias. Ingram 4 Co's, building, manufacture: ers of tin japanned ware.