BYTHE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. ■UMORIPTION. ■I.SO PER ANNUM. UME XIII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 23, 1893 NUMBER 37. ,1 News of O'Neill as Caught by the “Ki-is.” B interesting NOTES Qeneral Interest Published While Hews Is Still News. ry of Bennett, Neb., is in the week. lolileu had business in Stuart evening. molly, of Omaha, this city. is visiting Scett went down to Omaha morning. Rouse, of Blackbird, was a caller Tuesday. ing is on the turf again this mks to the skill of Dr. Qilligan. alt by 100 pounds or ton. O’Neill Grocery Co. ,en left last week for Lincoln goes to enter the Nebraska if- __ impson has sold his standard lion, Thrift, to parties m Still id], Humphrey, ao Omaha real tier, had business in this city »y- __ leYarman last week sold bis onian stallion, Coramont, to ■ties. will be Easter services at the urcb at 11 a. m. ■ All are cor med. tellie Westfall, of Strawberry ., is visiting friends and rela nd near O’Neill. tigKs went down to Omaba 'the iv week. Tom Campbell acted aster in bis absence. Snyder returned last Saturday from Omaba and other eastern liere be had been on business. takes, O’Neill’s rustling real taler, is now comfortably lo an office over the Holt County is Birmingham was in Omaha ■ attending tbe State Lumber aevtlng. He returned Friday etna Lamoureux, who has been y tbe past week the guest of anebe Dale, returned to her Boynd obliging. One who would not keep a person standing' out In the cold; dreary world, a prey to pneumonia and mad dogs, just because it hap pened toabe 9 minutes before the legal timo to throw open the front doors. Give them a man who would smile -and look pleasant when they ask for their mail and not say there Is nothing for them when there is, and one who will write out a postal note or a money order any time during business hours and not tell them to “come around to morrow." In short, give them a man capable of realizing that he Is the ser vant and not the master of the people. "At fight they called him Wllliej At twelvo they called him Will i At sixteen he wax nilly; At twenty just plain Bill., Uls mother 'Wlllled' him always, Her strong love to evlnoe: His father willed him nothing. And he's been billed ever since." Dame rumor has brought to the ears of this department a story of a young : married man in O'Neill who last week let his amorous instincts get the better of his horse sense and lead him into trouble. It is the same old story. The woman Was true to her hymeneal vows, the irate husband appeared upon the scene, the young man was summarily bounced and he’s never gone back. "A publisher who 'picked up the trade’ ” says the South Sioux City Demo crat, "on making up the forms for the first time got a marriage and a grocer’s notice sand witched so as to read:’’ "John Smith and Ida Quay were united in the holy bonds of sauerkraut which will be sold by the quart or bar rel. Mr. Smith is*an esteemed codfish at 10 cents a pound, while the bride has many bams for sale at a shilling a pound. Rev. Brown officiating ’’ “Judgment day will have come and gone, And days of yore come back, When there's a sailor on the stage Whose name is not 'just Jack.'" Last week’s Frontier contained an article written in perfect biblical style and exceptionally bright and well-timed. That Thb Frontier should produce , an item of exceptional brilliancy is no surprise, but the style, think of it; where did they find it? That’s the question that is agitating the' mind of this truth ful abserver.—Stuart Ledger. m vi 111 i/vuipnujviii to a a rcuco lion on the morel character of the en gineer of thie department, to say noth ing of the pain it gives his pride to have it even intimated that he is a Btranger to the etymology and phrase ology of holy writ and other ancient lore. But we forgive him. Perhaps there wae some grounds for surprise at seeing an article in this department; that indicated any knowledge of mat ters spiritual or divine, or even good; but it happened in this way: The above mentioned engineer was sick. It seemed as though all the pains which torture animate things had congregated in bis system to resolve that the ani mal kingdom was on the verge of moral, financial and material ruin. He even grew delirious and in those waking dreams the devil and bis angels gathered around his lonely couch and beat the tom-tom and filed their pitchforks and discussed the probabilities of his being too green to burn nicely. The unright ueous acts of his younger days came trooping through his feverish fancy in batalions, many of them with jags on, and respectfully saluted his satanic highness, who greeted them warmly and smiled sardonically as the little imps tugged at the bed-clothes and plucked our eyes out, and laughed a maudlin chuckle as they said, “hie 'ow Mg old man?" But in time his faoulHwl re turned and he opened his parched lips and asked that a bible might be brought unto him, and when it was placed in his hands he immediately commenced to read and read for three days and refused to eat or drink and could not be comfort ed and at the end of three days he arose and wrote the article in question; a sort of an inspiration as it were, and the engineer was transformed into a wiser, albeit a sadder Kid, who trusts this ex planation will be satisfactory to the doubting brother. j Dlatrlot Court. Several Important caaea have been tried In the dlatrlot court the peat week, Judge Kinkald preaided laat week. One ot the moat important caaea waa the •tale of Nebraska n. John 0. Hayea, ax-treaaurer of Grattan townahlp, for embezzlement. The eaae occupied two days, and owing to the bungling manner In which It waa handled by the county attorney, the Jury, after being out about 10 minuter, returned a verdict of uot guilty. Murphy abould raaign hla poal tlon aa he la no more qualified for county attorney than a child. The following caaea were Mao die* poaed of: E. W. Adamava. G. T. Baated'o, ear* diet for the plaintiff for $979.80. B. T. Montague va. John Hoyt et al., dismissed by plaintiff. Hiram M. Van Every va, Obarollette M. Van Every, decree of divorce granted. Hanna Gibbona va. H. 0. McEvony, continued by requeat of defendant. F. 0. Kulnsh va. Henry Ttenken, civil action, verdlot for the plaintiff for $8,605.07, State of Nebraska vs. J. D. Llkeu, i ex-treasurer of Rock county, for em bezzlement, occupied three dayi of this, week with Judge Bartow presiding, The case was left to the. Jury last night at 10:80, and after four hours dellhera* tlon the/ bropght In a verdict of not guilty.. There was considerable interest In the case and able counsel for bothy sides. Llkene had been In Jail about eighteen months awaiting trial. The verdict gives general satisfaction here as public sentiment was with the defend* ant. . . .-A;. The two casee of Holt county ys. A, 3. Meals for embeaalement were brought up thla morning and were dismissed by the county attorney. They might as well be dismissed for what good he - could do in prosecuting them. The court excused the Jury at noon and they will not return unless called for. Words of Praise. The following letter was received some time ago by Postmaster Meredith* of South Sioux city, according to the Democrat of that place. The South Soo Meredith Is a brother of Joe Meredith of this place: Wasbixgtox, February 15,1808., « I desire officially to recognise the important service you have rendered ae postmaster under the administration of President Harrison. Whatever hae been accomplished In the advancement of the service has only been possible through the fidelity and seal of tkom associated with the postmaster general,;' In making this acknowledgment of.* your valuable assistance I beg that Ipi? the future, whether In or out of officer you will continue your Interest In the postal service and study to promote In every possible way its extension and . improvement. Your friend, J. W. Waxamakxb, Postmaster General. Three Farms Far Isle. 1. The Walstrom farm, 100 acres, be*, log the northwest quarter section >, townshsp 20, range 10. 2. The DeGuntber farm, 100 sens, west half northwest half and northeast; half northwest half and northwest half northeast half section 22, township 88, range 18 west. 8, The Simonson farm, 100 acres, northwest quarter section 10, township 8, range 11 west. These three farms are In Holt county, well located and are good investments. The deeds are now in the hands of the mortgagee who now desires to offer either one or all of the farms at prices and terms that will suit any responsible purchaser. For full information apply to Fbabk L. Fuboisox, , Chadroa, Neb. A HANDSOME • • OFFER! Thk Frontier hu perfected arrange* menu by which we offer free to onr readera a year’s subscription to Woman kind, the popular illustrated monthly Journal published at Springfield, Ohio. We will give a year’s subscription to Womankind to each of our readers pay ing a year’s subscription to Tan Fror tier in advance, and to all new sub scribers paying in advanoe. -Woman kind will find a joyous welcome in every home. It is bright, sparkling and inter esting. Its household hinu and sug gestions are invaluable, and it also contains a large amount of news about women in general, lu fashion depart ment is complete and profusely illus trated, it has a bright and entertaining cor( s of contributors, an i the paper is edited with care and ability. Its child ren’s department makes Womankind a favorite with the young, and in fact it contains much which will interest every member of every household In iu sixteen large, handsomely Illustrated pages. Do not delay iu accepting this offer. It will Cost You Nothing to get a full year’s subscription ttt Womankind.