, pleasing to the taste and lie to the stomach, prompt in tion and trulv beneficial ia its i, prepared only from the most iy and agreeable substances, any excellent qualities com it to all and have made It o«t popular remedy known. > of Figs is for sale in 60o 1 bottles by all leading drug Any reliable druggist who jot have it on hand will pro it promptly for any one who to try it Do not accept ubstitute. fornh fib syrup cot 3AH FMUOUOO, OAU irsu. ir. atm rose s.a jXB enjoys the method and results when , of Figs is taken; it is pleasant freshing to the taste, and acts r yet promptly on the Kidneys and Bowels, cleanses the eye factually, dispels colds, head and fevers and cures habitant * nation. Syrup of Figs is the tmedy of its kind ever pro .. '—ide* ugust Slower 99 { am ready to testify under oath it had not been for August I should have died before Eight years ago I was taken and suffered as no one but peptic can. I employed three ir best doctors and received nefit. They told me that I had kidney, and liver trouble, ything I ate distressed me so had to throw it up. August er cured me. There is no med equal to it.” Lorenzo F.’ per, Appleton, Maine. ® THING LIKE SWIFTS SPECIFIC is totally unlike any ther blood medicine. It cures diseases of he blood and skin by removing the poison, heblood and skin by removing the poison, the same time supplies pood olood to the tarts. Don’t be imposed on by subati lieh are said to bo just as j-J '■* J* No medicine |U ormedasmany |R_ ful cures, or relieved so much suffering. d, it is blood was badly poisoned last year, which whole system out of order—diseased and mt source of suffering, no appetite and yment of life. Two bottles of | t ’no right out. There is no I ernedy for blood diseases. ■ “John Gavin, Dayton, Ohio.” s.ss. ue on blood and aldn diMaaes mailed fn< SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, On. OUP REMEDY R -■ *>• «uixj UUJI ■ Tnat parkaby mail, lO ce»fa, Box, Si *• Eklpk.n Proprietary Co , .Tafuaica, N. f nly nu-dieme known that will cure Mm u« ( roup, rn a private practice of twen! H never ITilleil to cures *»uy kind c n. it ml A,. V aa r. _ __ i Price Wstehec, Guilt, Rufflct, Hiram, Sewluu Markin**, UrgtM,BlcytlM, Fnrm Tonic, Stfrm, etc, Utt FREE. CHICAGO SCALE CO., ChirufW, IU, V A Soldier’s Story. ‘tiven up to Die” by the Doctors. ThanKs Cod for 8agwa and Pfaya for its Success. Leavenworth, Kak., Aug. 16. tom it my duty to tender this my •imonial as an offer of gratitude for Hn„*i?lslied! tiBht “d “y ,rlend* "* rhe physician who knew of my case :e i7f01 my cure “id that a medi f, , 8 's espable of making such a »’ * n° °n,y endor8e* but cheer!uUy ^amends to anyone. t:„ i9 tcstim°nial comes under the w , 8Dy 80ldier wh° to suffering, take the word of an old com ee anrt * bottle ol Indian Sagwa at e success"^?04 prosper y°° with ‘Prs^ ofi 8 remedy 18 the gnte' Jambs Warriner. fh! ,fP°0 IMD,A»* SAGWA. d Blood° MPa,™ble Liver> Stomach, ,U1„ q. -iedicine. One Dollar per 4 t'^n “I09 f°r Five ®°llars* C> U uggists and Dealers ONLY. “Non* bettor." Mr. Thomas Buckler writing from the Iron Works. Elm St., Troy, S. Y., says: "Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup is one of the finest cough syrups for coldn None better. I always use It. British Justice. * The severity of British justice was well illustrated at Northampton re cently, where a trial for murder was in progress. The jury having been per mitted to take a lunch in their room, one of their number took this oppor tunity to step out and post a letter. The judge, hearing of this, promptly gave the offending juror a strong lec ture and fined him $350. He dismissed the jury and a new one was impaneled. The greatest of liniments! Mrs. E. M Dew* ilbiss, Triadelphia, Md., writes. “I use Sal vation Oil for sore throat, rheumatism etc., and find it is one of the best liments out.” Bound to Keep t> A man went to hire a horse of a liv cry stable proprietor, who was very particular about his stock, and always extorted a promise from his customers not to drive fast as a condition of let ting. “You can have the horse,” he said, “if you agree not to drive him fast.” “Well,” said the man, “I want him to go to a funeral, and 1 am bound to keep up with the procession if it kills the horse.” Why continue the use of remedies that enly relieve, when Ely’s Cream Balm, pleas ant of application and a sure cure for Catarrh and Cold in head, can be had. I had a severe attack of catarrh and be came so deaf I could not hear common conver . ration. 1 suffered terribly from roaring In my head. I procured a bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm, and In three weeks could hear as well as ever, and now 1 can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, catanh, take Ely’s Cream Balm and be cured. It is worth 11,000 to any man, woman or child suffering from catarrh—A. E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. Apply Balm into each nostril. It la Qdiekly Absorbed. Gives Relief at onoe. Price hi cents at Druggists or by mail. U.T BROTHERS, 66 Warren Bt, New Turk. Moorish Architecture. An American engineer, recently re turned from a visit to Spain, is con vinced that the durability of Moorish architecture is over-estimated in popu lar opinion. That which he examined he found extremely defective from the engineer’s point of view, and he be lieves that where one ancient Moorish structure remains, scores must have perished. The tenuous horse shoe arch and the prevalence of pillars seemingly too delicate to do the work imposed •upon them he ascribes to the fondness of the Moors for creating in structures the impression of instability, a trick, the result, perhaps, of something deeply imbedded in the Moorish intellect. A Forward step. The university ol Edinburgh ha. token a rather remarkable step for a conservative institution. It has decided to grant diplomas in five specialties, viz: ophthalmology, mental disease, laryngology with aural and nasal surg ery, medical jurisprudence, midwifery and gynecology. These, as we under stand, will be conferred on regular medical graduates who have taken the five years’ course and who subse quently take a year’s course in the spe cial study for which they wish to qual ify- _ How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Wxldino, Kissis & Mabvih, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Frlce 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Orations to Suit. It is the custom in France for pane gyrics to be pronounced at the graves of notable persons, and even obscure men have their praises sung in the cem etery. This has resulted in the appear ance of a professional panegyrist, al ways to be- found in a wine shop hard by the cemetery. He is known as “Monsieur du Cemetiere.” He has on hand an assortment of orations to suit customei's. All he needs are a few hints about the life and career of the defunct, and he evolves the rest from his imagination. The mourners never fail to be convinced that in the deceased the world lost one of its greatest men or women. Innt’i Medicine Moves the Bowels Each Day. In order to be healthy this is neces sary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney and> liver troubles and regulates the stom ach and bowels._^_ One of the best of housekeepers is the wo man who hates dirt. The less we have the more it costs to be : proud. _ As between the two C’s we prefer cholera to crinoline. We can all learn better by example than | we can by precept. i IjOW Kates to north Galrcitoa. | Special low rate excursion to North Gal veston, Texas every Saturday evening. | For particulars and tickets apply to F. F. | Williams, First National Bank Building, ; Omaha. _ A lie is always an enemy, no matter how | well-meaning It may look. If the Baby W Cattle* Teeth, | Be rare and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mai. | WiXBLOTr'e SooTBiiG 8tbdp for Children Teething. Cornells and Hoarieaess.—The ir | ritation which induces coughing immedia j tely relieved by use of “Brown's Bronchial : Troaches.” Sold only in boxes. Two kinds of keys hung on the same ring i -night-key and whiskey. I Are Von Going ; East or south during the winter, if so Thk ; Wabash desires to call yonr attention as j the tourist route to Florida and all the win ter resorts of the south. Round-trip tickets will be placed on sale ! about Nov. 1st., good returning until June i 1st. *98. i THE (JUICEES’J ROUTE SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST 15 hours to St. Louis. OjiT.T 27 38;.; 53 68 Hot Springs. New Orleans. ' Atlanta. 1 Jacksonville. 1 Tampa. With'corresponding fast time to all points east and south. The only line running Re clining Chair Cars to St. Louis. Decatur, Danville, Lafayette, Logansport. Ft. Wayne. Toledo and Detroit. Pullman Buffett Sleep ing Cars on all trains. For tickets or fur ther information in regard to routes call at the Wabash Office. 1503 Farnam St., or write O. N. Clattom. Northwestern Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. The devil never got any rest while Job was alive. • A Spanish Courtship. It in well known that in Spain the Methods of courtship are often times singular. Uqpemliy the lover signifies his choice by coining for three succes sive evenings with a guitar and singing a serenade under the fair one's window; and if he is regarded by the young wo man's parents as an eligible candidate, he is invited into the house. In Audalusia. a Spanish province, a still more singular custom has lately been observed. When a young man there aspires to the hand of a young lady, he calls for three successive days at her parents' house, at the same hour. The third day lie always brings a cane, and goes away, leaving it behind, ap parently forgetting it. If his suit is regarded with favor, the young girl keeps the eane, and givei it back to him when he calls the next day. 1 This makes him her affianced hus band. But if, on the contrary, the young man's suit is not pleasing to the family, his cane is thrown out of the window into the street. This is regarded as a delieate way of telling him that he need not call again, and the young man who has lingered near meanwhile, reads his own fate in the indignity put upon his walking-stick—Saturday Evening-Post. To Prevent Guna Rusting. The best way to preserve a gun from rusting is to have a ring of ?inc soldered around the barrel, or, if it is not con venient to do this, to have a long strip of zinc soldered out of sight underneath the barrel. The galvanic action which is excited between tbe zinc and the iron effectually prevents the oxidation of either metal, and as long as the zinc re mains in contact with the iron not a particle of rust will appear on either the inside ob the outside of the barrel. Tough Wood Blade of Paper. Paper tough as wood is said to be made by mixing chloride of zinc with the pulp in the course of manufacture. It has been found that the greater the degree of the concentration of the zinc solution the greater will be the tough ness of the paper. I t can be used for making gas pipes, boxes, combs, for rooting and even, it is added, for mak ing boats. Tfc* Fountain Head ef Strength When we recollect that the etomach la th« firantt laboratory In which food la tranafnrmeC nto the accretions which Inrnlah a rigor to thi ay»um alter enlerlnit ami enriching toe blood that it is. In abort, the lountiiln head ol strength, It is essential to keop this important Mopplyiag Diichinc 1n order, und to restore 11 t'» activity when It becomes inactive. Thin Hostetler s Stomach Hitters does most effeo tually, seasonably, regulating and reinforoini digestion, promoting due action of the live* and bowels. Strength Ami quietude of tht nerves depend In great measure upon thorough aigeHtion. Ihnre Is no nervine tonic morr hlirnlv aafaamatl hi, the MwJIaal O.—,a_takB r;*': .■ l . mimi iiiurr hivhlv esteemed bv the medical (rnfernity than the Hitler*. Physicians alao struutfiy uoin mend It for chllla und fever, rheumattam, kid ney and bladder troublo, alok handm he, and want of appetite and sleep. Take a wineglass, (ul three llmea a day. If you haven't much you can double It bj being thankful. _ "Ifanion’s Magic t urn Halve. ’ Wnrranted to cure, or looney refunded. Aik your druggist furit. Price l»oent*. No worn • n ever gains anything by marry rying a man whom ahe cannot lore. Baker’s Norwegian Cod Llnr Oil Quickly raltavea throat and lung d.aaaasaandtn. parta vigor and new life, bold by dryggtate. The man who is too poor to take a news paper, alwaya has a dog. yhe Cbm Wh Dropped. , lien Butler formerly owned a large mastiff who became famous for contln i ued depredations on various butcher j carts as they passed through toe streets 1 of ]x>well on their morning rounds. The dog was so ferocious that none dared to , attack it; so, for a time hr was quite j master of the situation. Finally, one victim decided to approach the general I on the subject; so, one morning, accost I ing him on the street, he said: "Oenernl Butler, if a man’s dog steals meat from my butcher-cart, what would you do?” ‘•Why,” said the lawyer, "I should make him pay for it." “Very well," con tinued the butcher, “your dog has stoeln two dollars and a half worth of meat from my cart and 1 want you to pay for it." “Certainly," said General Butler, "but I shall have to charge you five dol lars for professional advice," It is said the case was not pressed.—Argonaut. There are men who starve their children to help the brewer fatten his horses. ' The more your enemy hates yon the har 1 der you con nit him with kindness and love. IrT! COSTS MORE to make Royal Bak X ing Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspon dingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The difference in cost of Royal over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leav ening strength, nor make good the inferior work of t|je cheaper powders, nor>emqve the impuri ties which such powders leave in the food. Where the best food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. SAVED HIS LIFE. CURE AND PROOF. ASHMORE. ILL. I, Joshua Ricketts, Superintendent of Colea County Poorhouse, do h«yeby certify to the correct ness of the following statement of ABRAM BEAVER, as I do believe the remedy used on him was the means of saving his life, he having been given up both by his friends and the attending physician. JOSHUA RICKETTS, Superintendent. * [Certificate of Abram Beaver.] This is to certify that I have just experienced a most remarkable cure from a severe and lengthened attack of Rheumatism of a most' acute character, from which I suffered for several years, incapacitating me for performing any .manual labor. Had little or no hopes of my recovery, even to partial health and the use of my limbs. Having been treated by many of the Well-known efficacies generally applied in such cases, the doctor in charge determined to try m. the efficacy of ST. JACOBS OIL, % which, af er a few applications, gave me partial relief. After the use of five bottles, 1 was able to leave my bed, and I am now around and will be able to go to work. ABRAM BEAVER. THE& «/ u a uiuvn a Mi* Tablets. “Absolutely the best made.” Two ounce package for 5 cents, at your Drug gists or Confectioners. Ask for them and STOP THAT COUGH._ The clay found in adulterated coffee might be called “coffee grounds.” Everybody uses Silicon Wall Plus* ter. Why not you ! Write for illustrated catalogue to the. Omaha Silicon Wall Plas ter Co., M5 First National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. The phrenologist goes ahead without wait ing to be sura he is right. We eat too much and take too little out door exercise. This is the fault of our mod ern civilisation. It is claimed that Garfleld Tea, a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome these abuses._ We often pay the most for what we need the least. ■InVRur—'“ atopimi f ree by on. sum SUIT iMTOtttIL No fit After tint day's use. Mar* ▼elous cures. Treatise and 92 00 trial bottle tree to Fit Send to Dr. Kline, 981 Arch fit.. Philadelphia, tm. It is hard for the shepherd to fatten the sheep that prefer to live on husks. Lcuds lo I'onsump* Coughing lion. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle tree. large bottles 50 cents and *1.00. Tbe devil will never be chained while the lightning rod man is loose. U tsinJdlr. Jmgk. £*:• Ttrut. Gun, IzAuut, Wkcaplw Cn(h. SneoUtli uA iitia, a c-nata me IbrCwnaptinb Sntitafw. uA i nn raiiif h ti Tuoti Rt|N. In itnn Tnianiis tinllm eftettfMf ttkbg tkt tntlM*. E«U b^Acalcfti when. hu|*lsttln SO etati uA I rtOVfEflv. f*SH BRM^ ThU Trade Mark is on the beat WATERPROOF COAT >n the World I 1'ree- A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. u*‘;Thompson’s Eye Water. 'himm w..'Em trowdi® My doctor say ■ It acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. This drink Is made from herbs, and la prepared for use as easily as tea. It la called LAKE’S MEDICINE All druggist, *,11 It at file, and SI a package. It you cannot gat It, aond your addrana for a fraa umple. I.aar'a Family Medicine moved tec savrels card day. Addrera I1 OKATOhH. WOODWARD. LaEOT, It. H Cnree Consumption, Concha, Croup, Bom Jkr,*t WJ W all Dranuts on a Cuaraatat, For a Lamt SuU, Back or Chart Shiloh’s Porous Fleeter will give gnat satisfaction.—aj cents. nCACW *1"’H‘A0 noises cured Htili S ill V 'sill.lv t.f I- tJiHtlllcilia. Whl*|l« iMira I'll, ■r Ban SRfpl wllrll nil tPHIFlHvSf»ll. inlfi B B'wnji.N. Y. Writu fur book of pnmfej INSURE in the Farmers snd Merchants Insurance •Comp >uy of Lincoln. Capital snd Surplus over |3#0.. 000. 1,553 losses paid to Netar&ska people since 1166. ‘To sell our MS Feed lAf AITED FARMERS Urtsden at home and VI to canvass small territory. Bigpay for winter's ■ W work. I* UTCHFlkLB a MIS, WeMerCky, MEMO YOUR OWN HARNESS I WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVET8. No tools required. Only r hsrnmer needed to drive and clinch them easily end quickly lesvlnf the clinch absolutely smooth. Requiring no hole to be made in the leather nor burr fbr the Rivets. They are STHONO. TOUGH and DURABLE. Million! now in use. All lengths, uniform or assorted, pnt up in boxes. Ask yoer steislrr for them, or send 40c. in stamps fbr a box of 100; assorted sizes. MAMOFACTUDED ST JUDSON L. THOMSON MFC. CO., W.llh.m, Haas. BLOOD POISOIll A SPECIALTY. If sny one doubts tha. ws oad cure the must ob stinate case in 20 to 00 days, let him write for paiticulars and investi gate our rellabJIty. Our financial backing is •r,00,000. When mercury, iodide potasflum, sarsaptrllla or Hot Springs fall, wo guarantee a cure—and our Ma'ilc CyphUene is the only thing that will cure permanently. Positive proof sent waled, free. Cook KM*r>T Co., Chicago, 111. * WHOLE FAMILY. A PICTURE ON EVERY PACE. Handrail* of Valuable Prise*. Seaatl. ful Premium,. Amusing Coates... 78 Cent* a Year. •**>eud | o Cents for a 3 mouth.’trial. IIIMEU. PUMJSHII8 CL 180 Siam Sr, turn rn» ruin simik EDCE' KVf K PRINTED. “ VTCC A SEEDS* ... .. #liyvX^ »frMi 111. pnr«, bm*. 1,000.000 « Efeantiral Illu*tr»Ud CftUiafn* u u mmnf&T.iUii.rMa I Plao's Remedy for Catarrh la the Beat, Eaaleat to Uae, end Cheapest. CATA R R H ■ Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. 60c. E. T. Hazeitlne, ’Warren, Pa. H Garfield Tea s nniJa!?* Headache,Keatoraa CoaplexlonJavM IK BUta. Sample free. Oasfucld Tea Co., SIS yTiftth St, N.Y. Cures Constipation fttfnFrora Itto«6 )be "fins W pOMS* tichif pkysfcUn). NoiUrvfng.^^^N. jT/\ *■ Tfcoswndi niMil. H#rd Sc l* itimpd \ jy | J ill I>ept. is. From I610S6 lbe • ■Meta. Him la** tlchif physician). Nostarvlng.^y^ Tbosmndi eurmi. R*rd fc la lUmm A HNVIDEK. M. It* Mm.il !>©»,.. ... McVlcker** Thenter, Chlrugo, 111. 1 -'■rwioip uu., sin, amoor, IU.UMi Patents! Pensions Rend fur InTentor’a Outdoor How to Obtain a Patent. J«n«,«.‘..rxrt OMAHA BUSINESS HOUSES. WALLPAPER WholentaJs. Uood Paper aj< cfs rer roll. Gold Pur I or I’apnr cis. and up. Write forsam* pies, Frso HRXRT LEHMAN, Omaha. Neh. A cent's Sample Books, over MS different styles, tl.OJ. Fa RAIL I. a oo., Maple (egar sad Syrnpa, MI|«l PnKrvn, Jwa Sppl* Batiar, Its. Pro pa Om.ka Masalao'le* Oe..Oasa aad Deaerated Tinware Fix tar ee. Billiard Tables, Bar OIsss* ware. Beer Pump*, eta. GATK rSTTf ‘ K CO.. 11!» Karnsin. SALOON BULLTAKD TABLE W BOIaKSAIjE 1IARNER8 and SADDUCK? HA HD WARE. C. D. WOODWORTH A OO., Uif Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. WAGONS, CARRIAGES W.T. SKAMAN oauns'e L*rp •Ct Variety. mnuALb muon, EMERSON PIANOS, KIMBALL OllUANH, AT ruTOIT l'MOCa. A. HOSPE, Jr., OMAHA, - VMH. Stale ApeoL Imtisnuta •old oa pay manta. Anau wanted. CatalogueProa. • SOUTH OMilA HOUSES. WOOD fRd&RMI nan, Walter e.wuod. ugn. so. Omaha. Neb.. *>,. emgo, 11U Market rapoi U fomUhei upon aoplb-attoa. OrttBR ('•MblHnlloM Muir of Trait lit* Nr«4 H*r*w April 6tb and fith ai the UtiM »«•** Mmr4mMT— Market, South ho alia, Neb., will be the rreauwt tale of the kind aver held in the weit. Some of the bout blooded acock ever offered will be *old to the higbeac bidder with* out reserve. Send for catalogue EiiHiimiauiiiaa BYIM BROS A CO., Live Mint < anmim«A Uwcharr*. Luton utock Yard*. >oath rtmeiie ea<4 t hlease, c urmpoudvme aau your u-.dc* np«k r»‘iwrtnfir**-«rfiiniTiTn»‘-- < « r— - - /waSeStKahbH^^HB „ . . • ftfPB RIW rRUITVf 900, « fmlU ever introduced emtod inch a *• station m our Buffalo Berrj, Jnaebciry and Trte Cranberry. From the Urae the leave* negio to unfold they are a touroe of constant beauty. Shrub* planted tbu *ea*oa bloom and War th* n«it year. Hardy a* oak. <1> THE GREAT BUFFALO BERRY, *.. ^ ^ 9 9 ■ * • • “ ■ ■ ^ »w n n t . . J»tru*y lb*greatest noveltyof th#am tury. ThU shrub grows 10 to 15 ftwt high, corering itself in early spring with beautiful ewirta, luelf la «5-ly ,'priog^rith flowers which are succeeded by great quan ftitiee of luscious firulU It is haniy, as tvauti lAiMi, n is aaruT, as r**auti* picture, while the fruit is incooipirsbic. It will grow any and ererywhero and forms a erand addition to our lawn and garden shnrbsu ,A“ ‘ ,B “5, postpaid. Each, 80a; 10 for 11.25,,._r_ . . <2) JUNEBERRY. A shrub of wondrous hearty; corom itself with a great mass of pure white, deliciously fragrant blossoms. These srfl followed by large, dark otdored berries, excellent for pies, sauce, etc. Each, 25c ; 10 for *1.23. (3) TREE CRANBERstV. Everybody is fond of cranberries, tad we have a shrub that will flourish ani bear pro digiously in every section of Aroeri* a. Each,85c. The above 3 rare N overt It s, pottp^J, an 1> 50c.; with catalogue, 58c. mmJOHN A- SALZEB SEED CO., La Croaaa. Wis.‘