official directory STATIC. ’ Lorenro Crounse i Governor. .J.O. Allen ,,r sin**-'. .J. 8. Hartley i-tirer...George H. Hastings lieiierat. Eugene Moore lie Instnicuvui ,evTS STATE UNIVERSITY. IKNT^ • •» . Leavitt Burnham, i"r'iH«« Aima; E. P. Holme., 'x' Mallaleu. Kearney, M.J.Hull. CCh^F.^Mfmd^raonf’°f Omaha! V HryarLlnooU.^O. irnuen i«ow: Win. McKelfthan. Red J UDICIA Ii Y^ mtie| MaxweH tico.jorige Post and T. L. Norval I-Vv-th JUDICIAL DISTRICT. EF.NTH J ’ Klnkald. of O'Neill .. J.J. King of O'Neill .A. L. Bartow of Chadron .A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill land offices. O’NEILL. NKI.U1II. ..B. 8. Gillespie _A. L. Towle. C. W. Robinson ..W.B. Lambert ;lie District Court .. ichoels COUNTY. .Wm Bowen .John Sklrvlng ,U. P. DoLanee .Barrdtt Scott ...John 8.Weekes ‘.C. E. Butler '.j. 0. Harnlsh .H. V. McEvony _E. Meirltnun ....II. W. Dudley ’.'..Mrs. H. W. Dudley .. Dr. II. A. Skelton .W. W. Page . H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. township nv r. ii I .lollll I'm IV I K 1) Join) n T K ) etcr Geo 9 IT It v 51II Frank rr 1) K II E M lin j plonsantvlow iltclolt ICIevcland Verdigris Inman Sand Creek Hock Falls i Uonlcy Fulrvlew jllustln |Green Valley Shields Frauds Emmet Sheridan Stuart Swan Seott Lake l’addock O'Neill Chambers Atkinson .Saratoga iStcel Creek 'Ewing Willowdale Wyoming McClure Iowa Grattan_ Itay Ewing H radio Page Inman Atkinson Turner Cli ambers Amelia Dustin Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Swan Scottville Bliss uluokblrd O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Star Ewing ...hineola Amelia. | Little Page O’Neill Cl 1Y OF O’NEILL. Isor, M. 1>. Long; Justices, E. H. \ siiui R. Welton; Constables, Jolm iirni Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMKN—FIRST WARD. ro years.—Ben DeYarman. For one iviil Stannard. SECOND WAKD. o years-Fred Gatz. For one year— n. THIRD WARD. d years—Barrett Scott. For one year Ward. CITY OFFICERS. 10. F. Blglin; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; ir, David Adams; City Engineer, Adams; Police Judge. N. Martin; if Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Rrlon; Welghmaster, Ed. M .Bride; Dinmissioner. O. E. Davidson. UR A TTAN TO WN8HIP. \ riser, John Winn; Trearurer. John ! Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose i li; Justices, M. Castello and Chas. j 1; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will j i; ltoad overseer dist. 28, Allen Brown , 4, Jolm Enright. ! 'ER$ RELIEF C0MNI8SI0N. ! Ir meeting first Monday in Febru fceh year, and at such other times as kl necessary. Bobt. Gallagher, Page, n; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; Ri k, Atkinson. IT KICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, [ices every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock, v. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school itely following services. ilODIST CHURCH. Services y Sunday morning at 11 o'elook, 1m I followed by Sunday school. Preach le evening atso'clock. Prayer meeting [my evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth levotlonal meeting Sunday evening [clock. F. Ellis. Pastor. IllYTEUIAN CHUBCH Servicei vy Sunday morning at 11 o'elook. Bohool at 10 a. m. Ukv. N. S. Lowbik, Pastor. ,11-I’OST, NO. 8«. The Gen. John ull Post, No. 86, Department of Ne A. it., will meet the first and third ' veiling of each month in Masonic *■ S. J. Smith, Com. IOI1N VALLEY LODGE, I. O. t I, ,‘P9, event Wednesday evening i to attend ‘ *l8itln® brothers cordial III ‘.tz, Seo. A. H. Gokbett, N. G. • mR s- D. L. Dark, P. *-■ u. Thompson, Trees. . chapter, r. a. m iMasoniohnaUthlrdThUr8d83r °f ea°h l0l,1‘s' See. ' J. C. Haiinish, H. P f 1\ Sa™£?in ev?r? Monday at 8 o'clock p; ,invfted WS “““■ VlslUn* brethera invited. , ., .„ E. M. Grady, C. C. K. of K. and|8. NO- 80.1. of each*.? eY?r,y Second and fourth «WT 5 nth ln. °dd Fellows- Hall. ' s- A. H. Corbet, C. P. L • s. Sec. A. I.. TOWLE, W. M. uiar lore clerk, K. J. llayes, V. C. -helmet lodge, u. d. Oil fivprv MAnrldTT nt U n'Alr.nb M ItEHEK Fi?0* 41> DAUGHTERS f wSu,AHvmeets every 1st and 3d tach °ionth in Odd Fellows’ llall, ^"TT.SeerettarIv!“BCTL,!R'N-G o^Sl^y^e-KoST ^h,Kec. G. W. Meals, M. A, °ST0FPice DIRCETORY , k Arriv»l Of Mail, s"nday'lnchmedMat”*.*AB5;15, ... - UtOM Thu __ ' “J'^>"'yMinc"uKd^SaTt... " eir day except Tsr'T 1 „pt Sunday at g.oj - “ T:00i Monday* \vbaSD 0,KLa*A. Tltt...LAN„»,n15ttt:at-4:ao o’sei,, “,1u »«. at.. 1:80 Mondajnwl2D„N‘OBRARA. Tuesday- ThSjlnd Pri- ftt- •. .7:00 OW’ !L •and Sttt Mon CUMMlNRVrT.T.w vpIT, ur»a »at. at.. .4 Ni°"'..WcdNMdl.v}rt,!8VII'U‘ "" W«d. and%d“.ya Supervisors* Proceedings. CONTINUED 7BOM LAST WEBB. COUNTY HOAD. To lux due at last settlement lo lilt, collected To excess iu tax list SIN 78 2 on 90 351 98 Bjr tax collected By lot. By error 5 75 2 03 « 09 13 01 Bul realty delinquent Bal personally delinquent 30 40 300 54 330 04 1887 COUNTY BRIDGE. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess 997 57 5 15 I 11 703 83 By tax collected By lut collected By error 11 47 • 5 15 13 33 20 95 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty ' 00 80 913 08 073 88 COUNTY FUNDING BOND. To tax due at Inst settlement 278 97 To lnt collected 2 10 To excess 44 281 51 By tax collected By lut collected By error 4 58 2 10 5 31 11 09 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 24 31 243 21 209 52 COUNTY .JUDGMENT. To tax due at last settlement 174 40 lnt collected l 28 • By excess 27 175 95 By tax collected By lnt collected By error 2 88 1 28 3 33 Bat delinquent realty Bat delinquent personalty 15 20 153 20 108 « I .A noil FUND. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected • 2338 00 1 2S 2339 29 By tux collected Bv lnt collected By deficiency 3 no 1 29 0 00 10 29 Bal delinquent tax 2349 00 DISTRICT SCHOOL TAX. 1887 To tax due at last settlement 2402 40 To lnt coliectod Excess In tax list 10 80 2 20 2421 40 By tax collected By lnt collected By error in tax list 30 94 10 80 45 52 99 20 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 219 22 2102 98 2322 20 SCHOOL BOND. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected 703 32 7 74 711 00 By tax collected By lnt collected By deflclency By errors 18 05 7 7* 1 84 21 01 49 24 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty lot 35 557 47 001 82 CKNTKR PRECINCT BOND. To tax due at last settlement 143 20 To lnt collected 2 00 145 80 By tax collected By lnt collected By deficiency By errors 6 to 2 GO 42 0 78 15 90 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 24 73 105 17 129 90 VILLAOR. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected 382 71 8 04 391 35 By tax collected By lnt collected By deficiency By errors 19 93 8 04 2 00 13 02 44 19 Bal delinquent realty By dellnuqent personalty 90 73 250 43 347 10 1887 VILLAGE SIDEWALK. To tax due at last settlement 102 97 To lut collected' 7 22 110 19 By tax collected By lnt collected 16 80 7 22 21 02 Bal delinquent realty ADVRRTISINO. To tax due at last settlement 51 co To lot collected oo oo By tax collected 2 co 80 17 51 GO 2 60 Bal delinquent 49 oo 1883 CONSOLIDATED STATE. To tax due at last settlement 1192 64 To lnt collected To excess in tax list 18 43 10 96 1228 03 By tax collected By lnt collected Bv errors In tax list 59 25 18 43 5 02 83 30 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 102 53 082 20 1144 73 To taxes due at last settlement 150C 77 To int collected 23 56 To excess 21 06 1551 99 By tax collected By lnt collected By errors 75 20 , 23 DO 7 10 105 96 Bal delinquent rt alty Bal delinquent personalty 205 45 1240 68 1446 13 To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess 009 60 10 54 9 05 089 85 By tax collected By int collected By errors 33 54 10 54 3 15 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty COUNTT FUNDING BOND. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected By excess By tax collected By int collected By error Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty COUNTV JUDGMENT. To tax due at last settlement 167 41 To int collected To excess By tax collected By int collected By orror Bal delinquent really Bal delinquent personalty ■.Alton FUND. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected 47 23 01 20 551 30 642 02 217 63 3 41 3 14 224 18 10 92 3 41 1 00 15 33 20 60 179 19 208 85 2 50 2 43 172 34 8 |0 2 50 80 11 70 22 SO 137 84 16) 64 2268 00 3 79 2271 79 By tax collected By Int collected By deficiency By errors In tax Ust 12 oo 3 79 9 oo 3 00 37 79 Bal delinquent 2244 OO ISM DISTRICT SCHOOL. To tax duo at last sctttlement 2*30 75 To Int collected 34 40 To excess ST 55 SMS TO lly tax eollectod Hy lut collected Hy error In assessment loo 31 34 40 15 73 100 44 Hal delinquent realty llal delinquent iwrsoualty 3VI 34 2303 92 2722 20 SCHOOL ROND. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected To excess 072 34 12 22 7 17 001 73 lly tax collected lly Int collected By errors In assessment 39 12 12 22 4 87 60 21 Ral delinquent realty Hal delinquent personalty 120 53 600 90 633 82 CBNTKR PHRCIXCT BOND. To tax due at last settlement To Int eollected Kxcess In tax list 51 M 3 57 ' t as 56 75 By tax collected By Int collected By errors In assessment 11 52 3 75 30 15 45 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty VILLAQR. To tax dne at last settlement To lot collected To excess In tax list 22 81 18 40 lly tax collected By Int collected Hy errors in assessment Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent persoualty TOWNSHIP. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected To excess In tax list By tax collected By int collected By errors In assessment and loot ings 4 74 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty ADVKBTI8INO, To tax due at latt settlement To Int collected lly tax collected 41 30 314 98 11 02 1 28 325 38 36 23 11 02 3 17 49 42 85 05 192 81 277 80 880 00 15 53 12 14 908 47 49 95 15 53 70 22 142 63 CD3 72 838 25 114 10 114 10 0 00 0 80 Ral delinquent 107 80 CONDOLIDATKD STATE. To tax due at last settlement 818 84 To int collected 81 83 To excess In tax list in 91 850 58 Iiy tax collected 98 27 l)y int collected 81 83 By errors In assessment and loot ings 14 74 134 84 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 159 58 462 28 721 74 COUNTY GENERAL. To tax due at last settlement 1199 72 To Int collected To excess 31 00 23 23 1264 60 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 143 81 31 06 21 64 197 17 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 380 03 077 40 1057 43 COUNTY BO AD. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected To excess 260 GO 7 00 5 11 278 71 Bv tax collected By Int colected By errors 31 06 7 00 4 80 43 76 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 84 39 150 56 234 an BRIDGE. To tax due at last settlement To int collected , To excess 633 21 13 16 10 26 656 63 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 63 92 13 16 0 00 86 68 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 108 77 301 18 409 85 COUNTY FUNDING BOND. To tax due at last settlement loo 63 To Int collected To excess 4 30 3 11 174 10 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 19 07 4 36 300 27 33 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 58 77 M 00 146 77 COUNTY JUDGMENT. To tax due at last settlement 33 32 To int collected go To excess « 02 34 84 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 3 99 90 00 5 49 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 10 54 18 81 29 35 LABOR. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess in tax list 1437 00 9 85 24 00 1470 85 By tax collected By lnt collected By error In assessment 45 oo 9 85 12 00 Bal delinquent DISTRICT SCHOOL. 1404 00 To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess lu tax list 1011 37 33 40 29 80 1077 03 By tax collected By lnt collected By errors In footlnge 105 44 30 40 23 71 228 55 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 430 43 1018 03 1419 08 SCHOOL BOND, To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess 780 28 28 58 22 74 837 00 By tax collected By lnt collected By errors Iq assessment 130 05 28 5g 24 0« 183 28 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty BIT M 330 37 051 31 t’EXTRR pBECIXCT BOND TAX To taxes due at last settlement lot 75 To lnt collected 7 20 To excess i io no 11 By tax collected By lnt collected , By errors 32 80 7 20 1 67 41 57 Bal delinquent realty By delinquent personalty 103 08 28 51 128 54 1889 VILLAGE. To tax due at last settlement To lnt collected To excess 343 87 <2 20 1 60 357 67 By tax collected By int collected By errors in assessment so TO »» 3 30 T) 2ft Bel delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 221 S3 M M TOWNSHIP. To tax tine st last settlement To Int eollected To excess In By tax collected By lot collected By errors Bal delinquent realty . Bal delinquent personalty HPXCIAL SCHOOU To tax dde at last settlement To Int collected By tax collected By Int collected ADVSRT1BINO. To tax due at last settlement To lut By tax collected Bal delinquent To Int collected To excess 2M32 027 48 10 80 12 44 two i T7 44 16 80 io n 104 00 211 28 840 48 051 77 3 70 00 4 00 3 TO 00 100 20 100 20 10 TO 18 TO 183 00 VIU.AOR SIDKWALK. To tax due at last settlement m on 04 oo 1800 CONBOI.IItATKD STATK. To tax due at last settlement 1I4T on By tax collected By Int collected By errors Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 304 06 41 44 14 T8 400 28 264 10 402 CO T07 78 COUNTY QBNKHAI* To tax due at last settlement 2088 87 To int collected 72 2n To excess 31 08 2112 70 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 080 00 72 28 20 40 788 25 Bal delinquent personalty *02 83 1324 45 COUNTY HBIIX1K. To tax due at last settlement *92 83 To Int collected To excess In tax list 32 00 13 97 93*80 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 300 43 32 00 U 74 350 17 Bal delinquent realty Bui delinquent personalty 205 3* 383 25 COUNTY FUNDING BOND. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected To excess 207 84 0 08 4 09 281 02 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 91 92 9 09 3 43 100 f4 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 01 04 114 94 175 58 f 1890 COUNTY JUDGMENT To tax due at last settlement *23 21 To Int collected To cxcobs In tax list 8 08 3 44 234 73 By tax collected By int collected By errors 70 00 8 08 2 91 87 I Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty fil 38 95 70 147 14 SOLDIERS’ RRURF. To tax due at last settlement 00 90 To Int collected 2 40 To excess 111 7047 By tax collected 22 98 By Int collected 2 49 By errors iu assessment and foot ings 85 20 23 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 15 42 28 82 44 24 LABOR TAX. To tax due at last settlement To Int collected To excess 1944 48 02 3 00 1995 92 By tax collected By int collected By errors 405 00 48 02 3 00 516 02 Bal delinquent 1479 00 DISTRICT SCHOOL. To tax due at last settlement 2933 55 To Int collected To excess 99 43 59 28 3092 25 By tax collected By Int collected By errors 948 92 99 43 ' 39 37 1087 12 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 053 80 1350 07 2004 I SCHOOL BOND. To tax due at last settlement 1128 no To Int collected 39 91 To excess In tax list 17 80 IMS: By tax collected By Int collected By errors 380 09 39 91 4 31 424 91 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 353 08 407 72 701 40 CENTER PRECINCT BONO. To tax duo at last settlement 293 03 To int collected 12 33 To excess 5 92 310 By tax collected By Int collected 117 «• IS 33 129 82 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent reality 109 90 04 12 18100 VILLAGE FUND. To tax due at last settlement 874 07 To Int collected 31 50 TO excess 34 43 mo 00 By tax collected By int collected 299 47 31 GO 330 97 Bal delinquent realty Bal dellnquant personalty 397 04 213 09 009 03 TOWNSHIP TAX. To tax due at Inst settle. ment To int oolleoted To exeesa 908 27 86 66 10 10 1009 02 By tax oolleoted By int oolleoted By error 839 72 86 66 18 20 8$8 47 Bal delinquent realty 194 27 Bal delinquent personalty 426 18 620 46 1890 O’NEILL B. B. BOND. To tax dne at last settle ment 864 12 To int collected 16 48 To exeese 9 00 889 60 By tax oolleoted By int collected 166 12 16 48 172 62 Bal delinquent realty 147 46 Bal delinquent ptnoaill; 08 M 817 00 OBATTAX I. a. BOND. To tax doe at laat settle meut 556 17 To int collected 28 02 To excess . 11 08 S90 88 By tax collected Bv int collected 224 82 38 68 847 84 Bal delinquent realty 329 08 Bal delinquent personalty 118 85 849 88 ADvaansnra. To tax due at last settle ment To int collected 107 70 000 00 By tax collected Bal delinquent 07 197 70 07 00 180 70 1891 OONSOLIDATSD STATS TAX. To tnx due at Inst settle ment 10080 83 To int collected 874 18 To excess 74 08 19479 04 By tax collected 10807 81 By int collected 874 18 By orrors in assessment' and footings 854 60 By realty tax Turtle Or 140 28 By person tax Turtle Or 82 05 17818 88 Bal delinquent realty 022 02 Or delinquent personaltylOSS 80 1000 82 OOUNTS OXNXBAL. To tax doe at last settle ment 27408 97 To int collected 584 63 To excess 107 87 28051 47 By tax oolleoted 24280 T8 By int oolleoted 580 63 By error 610 81 To tax tranaferred toBoyd county (Turtle) 820 28 25659 98 Bal delinquent realty 805 64 Bal delinquent pereon 1495 85 . 9891 49 OOtWXT BBIDOE. To tax due at laet Rattle* ment 6080 87 To int eollected 119 77 To exoeea 28 88 6288 52 By tax oolleoted By int oolleoted By error 6897 70 119 77 118 401 By tax tranaferred to Bofyd connty (Turtle) 71 15 6702 02 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent pereon 199 08 882 42 581 50 COUNTY FUND I MO BOND. To tax due at laet aettle meut 8044 92 To int oolleoted 59 85 To exoeea 11 96 8116 78 By tax oolleoted 2698 85 By int oolleoted 69 85 By errora 66 70 To tax tranaferred to Boyd county (Turtle) 85 58 Bal delinquent realty 99 55 Bal delinquent pereon 166 20 2860 98 265 75 boldiebb' belief. To tax due at laet settle ment 913 43 To int oolleoted 17 07 To exoeea 8 68 985 02 By tax oolleoted 809 66 By int oolleoted , 17 97 By errors 17 00 By Boyd Go trane. Turtle 10 67 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent person 1891 868 38 29 87 49 86 79 78 LABOB FUND. To tax due ot laet settle ment 5994 00 To int oolleoted 82 68 6076 58 By tax oolleoted 8618 00 By int oolleoted 82 58 By errors in assessment 12 00 Deficiency 21 00 By transfer to Boyd oounty (Turtle) 114 00 8847 68 Bal delinquent 2229 00 DI8TKICT SCHOOL. To tax doe at last settle ment 44887 39 To int collected 899 20 To exooss 169 47 4696(1 06 By tax collected 40867 68 By int collected 899 20 By error 267 23 By Boyd Co trans (Turtle) 662 08 42076 04 Bal delinquent realty 1817 46 Bal delinquent person 2662 66 8880 02 school noun. To tax dne at last settle ment To int col To excess 10667 00 206 74 69 69 10988 88 By tax col By int col By error By Boyd 9267 78 206 74 70 18 (Turtle Cr.) Co. trans. 133 80 9677 96 Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent person 688 S3 672 05 1266 88 OBHTBB rBBCIMOT BOHD. To tax due at last settle ment 1661 47 To int col 81 oo To excess 27 43 1709 90 By tnx ool By int col By errors Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent person 1896 46 81 OO 2 16 1428 61 184 86 96 44 281 29 [cOHTIMOBB KBXT WBBB.] OP two ANCESTORS* A Woman lafcorltod the Instincts of the Coward and tho Haro. Among tho women in and about Boa* ton who know who her great grand* fathers are la one whose ancestors played prominent bat widely different parts in the battle of Concord. One was appointed to lead the yeo men, the other was one of the yeomen to bo led. When theory of battle sounded the leader, the man to whom the troope looked for direction, deserted them. At the last moment -his fear overcame him and ha fled. The other anoestor, seeing that the troops were without a commander, rushed from out the ranks and shout* ing: "For God’s sake, flret" mode him self the leader the men needed. From the time this woman was a little girl in short dresses she had re peatedly heard this story and had been proud of the brave man, and oht so ashamed of the coward. As she grew into Womanhood she found in her na* ture parts of both ancestors. "Let me tell you how I often feel," she would say. "For instance, when X go to a party I am happy in anticipa tion until I get to the drawing-room door and catch a glimpse of the guests within and the hostess standing stiff and prim to receive me. "There comes over me a terrible fear and the runaway ancestor in me says, ‘Take to your heels, Annie, you can never face these people.’ I’m on the point of obeying this impulse when ‘For God’s sake, flrel’ takes full pos session of me. With a bound I attack my hostess and the battle’s won.” BATTLES POUQHT ON SUNDAY. Hlstorlosl Basssomonte of Waterloo, Roll Ron and Chioka manga. Many of the moat famous battles of history have been fought on Sunday, To go no further back than the begin ning of the present century, the Globe Democrat cites the battle of Eylau, won February 8, 1807, by Napoleon over the Russians and Prussians, and the battle of Frledland, June 14,1807, won by Napoleon over the same allies, were both fought on Sunday, On Sunday, May 81, 1800, Napoleon waa defeated at Essllng; on Sunday, May 8. 1813, won the viotory of Lutsen, and on Sunday, June 17, 1818, was over thrown at Waterloo. Wellington, be sides Waterloo, won several of his greatest victories on Sunday, being victorious at Vimereira, in Portugal, August 21, 1808; at Fuentea de Onoro, May 5, 1811; at Orthes, February 27, 1814; at Tarbes, March 20,1814, and at Toulouse, April 10, 1814, all these bat tles being fought on Sunday. During the civil war in this country the first battle at Bull Run, July 21, 1801, was fought on Sunday, and the battle of Chlckamauga, September 10 and 20, 1803, ended on Sunday. Vicksburg was surrendered on Saturday, July 4, 1803, and formally oocupied on Sunday, the following day, and on the same day Dee began his retreat from Gettys burg. Petersburg- fell on Sunday, April 2, 1805, and on the following Sum day Lee surrendered. JIM-JAM VALLEY. A BeautlfU Vlsloa of Paradis# fl^stag the Mountains of California. “In the Jim-Jam valley, in California, there are many wonderful and reason able mirages,” said John E. Owens of New York. “It is named Jim-Jam valley because of the curious and strange sights seen there. The valley is about forty miles long and thirty miles wide. Not a soul lives within its territory. Mountains capped with snow all the year surround the valley. In it the eyeseeslakes, green trees, bubbling springs, and even lilies growing in the marshes. Contrast these with the rugged mountains that surround you, and the picture is one of indescribable loveliness and beauty. You Imagine that no paradise, ethereal or heavenly, could surpass it. In the distance there are beautiful lakes with lovers paddling softly over the calm waters; fantastic craft and beautiful water nymphs show themselves. Weird and somber figures gleam at you from all directions, and dimly outlined forms of all colors, shapes and sizes may be seen. “Occasionally there is a storm in the valley. Forked lightning leaps from the mountain tops and in its light you see strange animals, different from any you have ever heard about before. “These mirages strike the observer with awe, and few men who see once care to repeat the visit” FnmMbi Honk*?*. The author of “The History of Bra* ell” tells of a species of money called “preachers.” Every morning and even* in? these monkeys assemble in the woods. One takes a higher position than the rest and ihakes a signal with his forepaw. At this signal the others sit around him and listen. When they are all seated he begins to utter a .se ries of sounds. When he stops these cries he makes another signal with his paw, and the others cry out until he makes a third signal, upon which they become silent again. This author, Mr. Maregrove, asserts that he was a wit ness to these preachings, but no other traveler has confirmed the statement. A detachment of soldiers was told oil to take charge of young Tom, now Father Shenfaan, while crossing the pontoon bridge across the Potomac when the armies of the country were coming to Washington to take part in the great review there in 1885. He was then about eight years old. One of the men asked him if he ex pected to grow up as smart a man as his father, the general, and he prompt ly answered “No.” “Why?” was the next question. “Well,” he replied with the readiness, “there are plenty other men who have grown up, and why ain’t they as smart as my father. • " ; "*S