tfpICIAl DIRECTORY STATIC dovprnor. .iir«r... Lorenzo Crounso _T. J. Majors .J.C. Allen _J. 8. Hartley George H. Hastings ..¥. - . .. rlngeue Moore :NTS iTm'oDi^Lesv^t^Hujnltennt .i Alma: E. P. Holmes, ■MMaDahm Kearney; M. .I.Hull. a’lffiSSr-««. iSlinTto* w.». SlcKebrhan. Bed Ice JUDICIARY.^ u judge Post and T. L. Norval EF.NTH DiaxmCT ■ .. J.J. King of O'Neill .A. L. Bartow of Chadron .A. L. Warrick. of O'Neill [ land offices. O'NBILI,* .B. ..A, S. Gillespie , L. Towle. NKI.rOH. , .. ...H. W. Dudley l"Hl1'..'.'..'....Mrs. H. W. Dudley C. W. Koblnson ,.W.B. Lambert COUNTY. .Wm Bowen ■^iiiitrictoSurt.. ..John gkirvlng Barret t Scott ...John S.Weekes ...C.E. Butler .J. O. Harnlsli ...H. C. McEvony E. Meirtman Dr. H. A. Skelton ,...W. W. Page H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. township Ploasantvlew Delolt Cleveland Verdigris I imian ihn Sand Creek ltock Falls, Conley Falrvlew Dustin Hrcen Valley ilin Shields Francis i Emmet . Sheridan Stuart iSwan r Scott I hake ■o l’addook iO'Neill t Chambers Atkinson..- - .1II Saratoga nk Steel Creek, Etvlng i Wlllowdale [Wyoming [McClure I Iowa [Grattan ADDRESS Ray Ewing Hrodie Page Inman Atkinson Turner Chambers Amelia Dustin Atkinson O’Neill Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Swan Scottvllle Bliss olackbird O’Neill Chambers Atkinson Saratoga Star Ewing ...lnneola Amelia'| Little Page O’Neill CllT OF O’NEILL. or. M. P. Long: Justices, E.1 H. anil B. Welton; Constables, John id Perkins Brooks. K1CNCILHEN—FIRST WARD, years.—Ben DeYarman. For one li'i Stannard. SECOND WARD. years—Fred Gatz. For one year— THIRD WARD. ycars-Barrett Scott. For one year lard. CITY OFFICERS. ). F. Biglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; . David Adams; City Engineer, Vatins; Police Judge. N. Martin; Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Ion; Welghmaster, Ed. M'.Brlde; imissloner. O. E. Davidson. RATTAN TOWNSHIP. or, John Winn: Trearurer. John erk. D. II. Cronin; Assessor, Mose Justices, M. Castello and Chas. Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will lioad overteer dist. 2tt, Allen Brown John Enright. IIS' RELIEF C0MNI8SI0N. meeting first Monday in Febru h year, and at suoh other times as necessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page, Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; k, Atkinson. HICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, es every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school sly iollowing services. ODIST CHURCH. Services Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, lm ollowed by Sunday school. Preach evening atSo’clock. Prayer meeting y evening at 8 o’clock. Epworth votional meeting Sunday evening F. Ellis, Pastor. YTEBIAN CHTJBCH Services Sunday morning at 11 o’clook. hool at 10 a. m. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, Pastor. •■■'OST-NO. 86. The Gen. John i Pu8t’?.°* Apartment of Ne a. H., will meet the first and third .tening of each month in Masonic _ 8. J. 8miih, Com. VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. *!*. ®''ery " ednesday evening in attend' ’l8ttingbrothers oordlaUy m. See. A. H. Gorbett, N. G. Jemlev, B. S. D. L. Darr, P. S. 11 • Thompson, Treas. y. Sec, j. c. Harnish, H, P ren7dmfLM?.T LODGE, u. d. i ivii™v.e7 Monday at 8 o'clock p. nrited°WB "aU‘ V1*iting brethern ASS; K. of R. and'lS?' °aADY’C’C’ f'»M^5I1'MENT N<>- 30.1. r second and fourth jot a nth *1 Odd Fellows’ Hall. .Jif;_A. H. Corbet, C. P. feNO. 41, DAUGHTERS ea/h™"’.111®®18 every 1st and 3d ath month in Odd Fellows’ Si, s™tt. Secretary™ BUT“B*N-G me moon. A. L. Towle, W. M. J^'s, See. ' •wum.1* Jt°0' M- W. OF A. ^S-^Tue8vVn -— *• »■ J. Hayes, V. o. -*h,Mec- P. W. Meals, M. A, IRCB1 k Arriv«lofMail» '•^iSKyS.9:35aiB very day e*ee°?Tfi LtNE ‘ J ?.pt Sunday at 9:25 p , n’NEii.r ..... 7:00 a lon,iay. Wed ? SiHfyEA ,°'.NEIUL and Sat. at..4:30 p Jonday. WedDoni°i?JfARA Uesday a°d Pri. at. 7’0fl » °“-"ed and PridINSVlL“ as aa as as aa | • Saperrlaon’ Pwowdfagi, ■— -CONTINUED VOOM Ult WUI, table, and the eyes and nayee being de manded resulted as follows: Ayes; Craw ford, Clevish, Dayton, Dutton, Donohoe, Oilson, Jill sou, Kennedy, Maeumber, Mc Carthy, Phillips, Trclllnger, 12. »Nays; Alfs, Brodie, Byran, Bradley, Calkins, Doud, Haigh, Hayes, Jones, Kelly, Long, Miller, Roll, Wjlson, Waring, Winn, 16, lost: The question reverting on McCarthy’s amendment to the original motion the ayes and nayes being demanded, resulted as follows: Ayes; Alfs, Brodie, Bryan, Bradley, Crawford, Dayton, Donohoe, Hayes; Jillson, Kelley, Kennedy, Maoum ber, McCarthy, Roll, White, Waring, Winn, 17. Mayes; Clevish, Calkins, Dut ton, Doud, Oilson, Haigh, Jones, Long, Miller, Phillips, Trullinger, Wilson, 12, carried. The qnestion reverting on Long’s origi nal motion as amended the ayes apd nays being demanded resulted as fol lows: Ayes; Alfs, Brodie, Bryan, Brad ley, Crawford, Clevish, Calkins, Doud, Donohoe, Oilson, Haiglu. Hayes, Jillson, Jones, Kelly. Kennedy, McCarthy, Ma cumber, Phillips, Roll, Trullinger, White, Wilson, Waring, 24. Mays: Dayton, Dutton, Long, Miller, Wynn, 6, carried. Report of committee on printing and supplies, February 16, 1893. Committee met January 21, 1898 to open bids on the printing of the doings of the board for the ensuing year, 1898, found Tan Fbon tikb’s to be the lowest bid, which was two oents per square. Contract drawn and signed by Fbontieb Pbintino Compant agree to print four columns per week from the adjournment of each meeting until the proceedings are all printed. R. Macumbbb 'j J. Cbawfobd C Committee. 8. D. Dutton ) Moved that the oounty olerk furnish four columns of the proceedings of the board of supervisors to Tna Fbontieb Publishing Co. the first to be furnished by Tuesday after adjournment of meet ing of said board. 8. D. Dutton. The above motion was seoonded and carried. Moved and seconded that the printing committee eolioit bids from the county papers for printing bridge notices, road notices and all other notioes for the en suing year, and contract let to the lowest bidder, the same as other printing. Carried. Moved and seconded that in the matter of the petition of Jerry O’Connell et al., praying that the overseer of highways of district No. 18, be instructed not to de stroy or cut down anv trees growing upon said road, number, 79, planted thereon and owned by Charles O’Connor, until said O’Connor shall have reasonable time in which to petition the board of supervisors for the ohanging of said road according to law in such oases provided. Carried. To the Board of Supervisors, Holt county, Nebraska: * ’ Your committee on settlement with the county officers submits the following re port of the settlement with the sheriff fpr the year ending January 4,1893. A recapitulation of sheriff’s f se book shows: Amount of fees received..;.$4,aoc 40 Sheriff’s salary.$2,000 00 Deputy’s. 700 00 Clerk hire. 800 00 Expense for jail and other cases 779 35 Total.$4432.07 Leaving a deficiency of.$22 so The committee find the following to be a list of the credits claimed by the sheriff and recomend the allowance and rejection as follows: 1892. Amt. Amt. Claimed. Allowed. ■fan. 20, paid for postage.$ 5 00 $5 00 Jan. 21, Mrs. Hathaway washing jail. 3 75 3 75 Jan. 20, paid for postaee. 3 60 3 fto Jan. 31, W. F. Keeley, Jailor 31 days @ $1.50 per day. 40 6C 40 00 Jan. 31, T. J. Hurley, assistant Jailor 31 days @ $1.50 per day 40 50 40 so Feb. 1, board for C. Red field 31 days@50cts. per day. 15 50 Amount allowed as per voucher li 08 Mar. 4, paid board C. Redtteld 31 days@5octs. per day. 15 so 11 08 Mar. 4. paid board for Curren VS days® 75 cts. per day. 1 25 75 Mar. 4, paid board for Gallagh er day @ 73cts. per day.... 50 20 Mar 4, paid W. K. Keeley, Jailor 32 davs @ $1.50 per day. 48 no 48 00 Mar. 4, paid T. F. Hurly, assist ant Jailor 32 days ® $1.00 per day.48 00 48 00 Mar, 6, paid postage. 5 no s 00 Mar. 7, T. J. ilurly, special dep uty 2 days & $1.50 per dav.... 3 00 Mar. 7, F. J. Tooliill, special deputy and auctioneer. 10 00 March V O. W. Jones, special deputy 2 days @ $1.50 per day 3 00 $255 00 $220 42 Amt. Amt. 1802 Claimed. Allowed. Mar. 11, F. D. Mullen, special deputy l day.$ 1 Go Mar. ll, Henry DeYarman, spe cial deputy 4» days, $1.50 per day. 6 00 Mar. 15, Charles Hill, board 3>j days. 2 25 1 50 Mar. 15, Patsy J-anden, board days. 2 25 1 GO Mar, 15, W. F. Keeley, jailor! days, Sl.60 per day. 6 oo o no Mar. 15, T. J. Hurley, assistant Jailor 4 days, $1.50 per day_ 6 00 0 05 Mar. 10, Henry DeYarman spe cial deputy l day. 1 no Mar. 23, Frank Phillips, special deputy 2 days @ 1 50 . 2 75 April 6 Henry DeYarman, spe cial deputy.. 3 oo April 14. C. C. Davies, assistant jailor 2 days® $1 so per dav.. 3 00 3 05 April 14. Joel McKvony, assist ant Jailor for 2 days @ $1.50 per day. 3 oo 3 00 April 30, .1. H. Tuller, board 18 days dpGo cts. per day . #00 9 00 Board for M. Murphy, insane, 15 days @50 cts, per day. 7 50 7 no a so Board lor Flares, Insane.« day* ©Tacts.per day..... 4M Paid W. F. Keeley lor Jailor M days © 11.40 per day. 24 00 24 Ml *82 25 Amt. I**1 Claimed. April 30, T. ,1. Hurly. assistant Jailor to days, temper day... 24 oo May 3>, j. li. Fuller, board at days © so cts. per so May 30. M. Murpby board 4 days © BQ cts, per day. 2 00 May 30. Albert Lewis board 4 days © 7S cts. per day. 3 oo May 30, F. Williams board l day © 70 ets. per day. 7S May so, paldW. F. Keeley (or Jailor 3| days © per day.. 46 SO May 30, T. J. Hurley (or asslst jallor 31 days © per day., 40 so June 1, W, F, Keeley (or wash ing ti.'Jail. 8 20 June 9, He..ry DeYarman. spe cial* deputy, Klkhorn Valley Bank vs Willey Cattle and Trust Company.».. 4 no June 15, H. A. Hosteler, special deputy 1 day, Boot vs Fond et al, and Buffalo Stove Co. vs , Poudetal. 1 50 June 30, board J. H. Fuller • * days ©so cts. per day. 4 so June 30. W. F. Keeley. Jailor 9 days @ $1.50 per day.13 so J une 30, T. J. Hurley, assistant , Jailor o days © per day... 13 SO Aug. 39, paid (or psstage. s 00 00 Amt. Allowed. 24 00 ’*■ IS so 2 00 1 so no 40 no 40|p 8 20 4 no 13 50 13 SO B 00 3 00 1 no >3 00 10 00 188 95 181 20 Amt. Amt. i8#2 Claimed. Allowed. Oct. 0-7, paid Minnie Daniels for taking care of Mrs. Tmkoff Insane... 3 00 Board for Mrs. Imhoff, insane 2days.. iso Oct. 7, O. L. Barney, special deputy 2 days, Imhoff Insane case. 3 00 Dec. is, paid (or postage stamps 10 00 Ed Hershlser special deputy 1 day. 1 so Dec. 21, paid Helnerlkson board of Carl Bannlckson 1 day. 75 Dec. 26, Paid (or tracing paper.. no Dec. 31, Frank Bltney for dep uty sheriff 31 days ti.SO.40 SO Dec. 31, E. M. Merrlman, deputy sheriff salary ..700 00 1893 Jan. 1, Nellie A. McEvony, clerk for sheriff..000 00 Jan. 1, Etta A. Davis, assistant clerk for sheriff.2S0 00 1892. Dec. 9, Joel McEvony, one day and night guarding B. Free man, insane. 3 00 Dec. 25, Elliot Thompson for guaidlng Carl Bannlchson, In sane, one day and night. 4 00 Geo. W. Trigg, guarding Carl Bannlchson, insane, one day and night.... 4 00 TOO 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 1027 75 728 60 Amt. Amt 1093 » Claimed. Allowed, Jan. l, to amount brought for ward. 2153 95 1291 12 Frank Bltney, services as dep uty sheriff. 84 34 Receipts.... 130 84 . 48 50 Bal....84 3t i Ed Hershlser, Bonnlchson In sane case. 3 oo 3 oo ,G, L. Barney, Imhoff insane case 0 00 e oo Totals.*2247 29 *1210 12 The committee recommend the sheriff received credits as shown by the follow ing recapitulation for year ending Jan uary 1, 1893: Amount of fees received . *4306 48 Sheriff’s salary.*2000 oo ’ Depty’s salary. 700 00 Expenses forjail and other cases 510 12 3210 12 Excess fees due county. *1096 34 Committee recommend $885.65 be de ducted from totals as fees not collected at time of settlement. W. W. Bithia, W. B. Haiqh, E. Kuna, • H. K. Daxtom, - ' W. T. Haxbs, L. A. JlLLSON. Upon motion the following petition was granted: / Whibias, It appears from the records that the taxes in lot 14, block 6, of the town of Atkinson, was paid ^wice for the years 1888 and 1889, and Whbmas, The same had been sold for taxes of 1886 to the American Investment Company and that they paid the sub sequent taxes for 1888 and 1889 and the same were paid by J. H. Ferry of Atkin son for said years. Now we hereby recommend and author ize the oounty treasurer to redeem the taxes on above property for $12.86, amount paid by American Investment Company on May 17, 1889, with interest up to this date, same being paid as sub sequent taxes. Also that the treasurer redeem the taxes paid as subsequent taxes in the sum of $10.89, together with the interest to this date, as the taxes for both of the years aforesaid were paid by J. H. Perry of Atkinson as will appear from the tax receipts No. 481 and No. 493 for 1888, and No. 818 add 1601 for 1889. Petition for a pile bridge 126 feet long and 2 feet above high water mark to be built on the east side of the bridge cross ing the Elkhorn river on the section line between seotions 80 and 81, township SO, range 14, was upon motion granted. Also a petition for a 20-foot bridge across Eagle creek where said creek erossestroad No. 78 on the NEj^ of the NWJ4 of section 26, township 82, range 12 west, was upon motion granted. Becapitulation of delinquent tax, show ing amount for which treasurer should be charged January 4,1898: ' CONSOLIDATED STATU. IMS 1*88 1887 1838 1880 1880 1891 189! 18789 56 25187 31 1660 82 5 75 735 15 1368 77 1141 73 721 74 756 79 * county ornrral. 1885 . 1888 1887 • 1888' . 1888 1880 1801 1888 COUNTY NOAM. , 1885 1888 1887 1818 COUNTY BBIDOB. 1885 1888 : 1887 1888 1888 ' \ - . 1880 i. 1881 188* COUNTY BONO. 1885 , 1880 1887 1888 : |l : 1888 1800 1891 ■ 1889 ■ LABOR. 1880 1887 .1888 1880 1800 1801 ' 189* DISTRICT SCHOOL. 1«85 • 1880 1887 , 1888 1881 188* SCHOOL BOND. 1885 1888 ■ 1887 1888 ' ’ 1888 , '' 1880 1801 CENTER BOND. 1885 1880 1887 1888 1880 *1890 1881 ' . .. r . 1882 fVv \ 870 70 1516 ST 1840 » 1057 43 1314 45 . *381 40 88035 U 55140 03 1 5* 193 45 338 04 *34 85 700 87 3 04 380 80 675 88 OttO* 408 95 588 03 i 081 00 5800 10 019* 08 90 185 45 *80 50 308 85 140 77 178 58 385 70 8048 05 4*00 90 1050 00 *349 00 3344 00 1404 00 1479 00 33*0 00 0319 00 18074 00 5 84 1218 79 2322 80 3722 36 1449 00 2004 53 3880 02 44308 34 58031 00 2 71 *72 40 0C1 82 635 52 651 31 761 40 1255 38 10340 31 14003 85 43 58 50 120 80 41 30 128 04 181 00 281 30 1018 47 2138 08 TILLAGE. 1885 2 94 1880 . 171 30 1887 317 1# 1888 277 80 1889 280 32 1800 000 03 ' 1891 12(0 00 1892 4259 48 7195 38 Xhtifund Includes (he water works bonds. VILLAGE 8IDKWALS. 1885 1887 1889 1891 1802 ADVERTISING. 1885 1880 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 COTNTE JUDGMENT. 1887 1888 • 1889 1890 TOWNSHIP. . 1888 - 1889 1890 1K91 1892 SPEC. SCHOOL. 1989 1892 JUDGMENT BIST. 44. 1891 j SOLDIERS’ RELIEF, 1890 1891 1892 O’NEILL B. R, BOND. 1890 1891 1892 8 33 80 17. 54 00 250 93 99 14 498 06 2 00 25 20 49 00 107 20 133 50 130 70 165 80 814 00 108 40 100 04 29 35 147 14 505 59 838 25 ' 651 77 020 45 1108 21 12224 37 15343 05 4 50 148 65 153 30 70 64 78 64 44 24 70 73 884 12 1005 00 217 00 768 80 2279 78 3285 64 GRATTAN R. B. BOND. 1891 180* 342 88 713 DO 3647 32 4704 10 The settlement committee then made the folllowing report on treMoror: 1885 CONSOblDATKD BTATR TAX. To taxei due at lait settlement 13 18 Accumulated interest collected Excess In tax list 4 71 07 Cr. by prin. collected Inst. Bal della realty COUNTS GKNRRAL. To taxes due at last settlement To Interest To excess In tax list Cr. by tax collected •• Inst. “ Bal. delinquent realty COUNTY BO AD. To taxes due at last settlement “ Int. 353 1 26 Cr. by tax collected " Int. •• “ deficiency In tax list Bal. delinquent realty 2 oo 1 20 01 COUNTY B BIDOB. To tax due at last settlement “ Int. By tax collected •* Int. “ deficiency Bal. delinquent realty By tax collected •• Int.. • .! 17 06 7 50 4 71 12 21 6 TO 15 82 6 67 08 ’21 67 9 00 6 67 14 67 6 90 4 79 3 27 1 52 7 06 262 4 00 2 52 02 9 58 6 54 .304 1885 COUNTY PUNDINO BOND. To taxes due at last settlement 2 so IUt. 78 1.2 98 1 25 78 266 «fl, deltnqusut DISTRICT SCHOOL To taxes due at lest settlement 13 to “ Int. Excess In tax list »A *14 OB IS SB By tax collected “ Int •• BOO A 14 IS 14 Bul. dellmiiient realty AM SCHOOL BOKO. To taxes due at last settlement •• Int. " Excess A TO 1 as 01 T 00 By amt. tax collected “ Iut. “ 3 00 I to 4 AS Bat delinquent realty Bal deltuqueut really V1LLAOR. To taxes due at last settlement •• int By amt. tax collected •• Int. •• Bal. delinquent realty isos To taxes due at last settlement By bal. delinquent realty ADVHHTISINO To tpies due at last settlement By tax collected Bal. delinquent 2 80 20 By bal. dellqnuent personal “ “ realty COCXTT ROAD To taxes due at last settlement aoa oo To Int. oollected l oo 2 U CKNTXK PRBCIXCT BOND. To taxes due at last settlement 48 By deActency In tax list 02 45 00 43 0 01 2 08 400 2 00 0 02 0 08 2 M 8 83 8 33 8 33 2 80 20 1880 coxsou DArnu static, To taxes due at last settlement TOT 03 " Int. i a go By tax Oolleoted 12 so “ Int. •• o 30 “ Deficiency In tax list 8 83 By errors In assessment and toot* log* 10 TO TTS 89 38 T4 0T9 08 00 40 T3B 10 COUNTY OKNXRAU To taxes due at last settlement son u " Accumulated Interest , . t 03 By tax collected ioTS “ I»t. " • t 03 “ Oeflcleney In tax list 10 44 “ Errors In assessment and foot *“«* 12 TO Bal. delinquent realty oo 80 " •• personalty - 8ot 83 010 TT 40 00 8T0 T2 80S 00 By tax collected 3 so By Int. “ 1 oo By defldence in tat list 2 ao By errors In assessment and foot ings 2 83 10 24 *K»i. uuuuquciK, realty 14 fi3 “ . " personalty ITS 82 m48 BRIDGE FUND. To tax due at last settlement 404 00 To lnt. collected 3 33 437 33 By tax collected . By lnt. onllected 3 33 By deficiency In tax list 4 73 By errors tn assessment and foot *"K® ' B 09 30 46 By delinquent realty 1 33 23 By delinquent personalty 3S7 04 333 so COUNTY FUNDING BOND. To taxes due at last settlement 202 00 To lnt. Collected I 33 £33 33 By tax collected By lnt. collected By deficiency By errors 3 33 1 60 2 30 2 83 10 21 14 63 178 82 198 43 1656 00 0000 00 1636 00 0 00 6 0*) 1630.00 Bal. delinquent realty “ “ personalty LABOR. To tax dne at last settlement To lnt. collected By deficiency tn tax list BaL delinquent 1889 ' DISTRICT SCHOOL. TO tax due at last settlement 1307 40 To lnt. collected 7 33 1374 47 By tax collected By lnt. collected By deficiency In tax list By errors Bal delinquent realty Bal. delinquent personalty 14 30 7 00 is 16 I 22 SB 66 . 70 16 1178 63 1248 79 SCHOOL BOND. To tax due at I apt settlement' 292 42 To Interest accumulated S 40 207 82 By tax collected By lnt. colllected By deficiency In tax list By errors 10 83 4 6 40 B 61 3 S3 2B 42 Bal. delinquent real estate 46 07 Bat. delinquent personalty 236 33 272 40 63 30 4 71 CENTER PRECINCT BOND. ro tax due at last settlement 61 76 ro Int. collected 1 54 By tax collected 3 0g By Int. collected . 1 M By deficiency In tax list os By bal delinquent realty 734 By bal. delinquent personalty oi 25 sg so VIl.LAQK. ro tax due at last settlement 183 ss ro Int. collected 6 as igg 94 By tax collected * 1010 By Int. collected g os By deficiency 2 16 By error 24 17*M Bal delinquent realty 31 64 Bal delinquent personalty 130 45 171 ae 1886 ADVERTISING. ro tax due at last settlement 27 00 2700 By tax collected 180 1 gg Bal. delinquent 2520 1887 CONSOLIDATED STATE, ro taxes due at last settlement 1416 87 ro Int. collected • sg By excess In tax list 213 1428 gg By tax collected 2330 By Int. collected tag ro error In assessment 36 S3 60 81 Bal delinquent realty 123 so Bal delinquent personalty 1246 27 1368 77 COUNTT GENERAL^ ro tax due at last settlement loon 5s ro Int. ro excess In tax list By tax collected By Int. collected By errors Bal delinquent realty Bal delinquent personalty 11 01 263 1683 00 26 80 11 01 30 01 06 82 136 80 1370 47 1616 27 [continued next week.] *■** . A EICON D* Aa Appariueu Appears la m ■sersmMMI MUh About tour year* Ago a stranger ar* rived in Sacramento, hired the (tore underneath the Clunie building and fitted it up aa a cigar and tobaeoa at* tablishment. Re not only paid tor the work, but alao advanced hla rent, and when he auddenly and mysterious ly disappeared the fact oocaaioned oon aiderable goaaip and the belief that he had been foully dealt with. Mrs. Green, who kept a dress-making ahop in the aame building, deolared that about midnight on the night of the man's disappearance she heard a struggle on the poreh in the rear of her apartments. She alao heard a sound aa of a blow and then a thump ing noise, aa if a body waa being dragged down the stairway and into the cellar. The story spread, and the officers searched the cellar tor tho ' body, but in vain. The affair had been nearly forgotten, until an incident recalled the matter. O. F. Washburn of the American cash store, waa having his premises at Eighth and K streets remodeled, so that he oould utilise the cellar, aud one morning about 7 o'clock John Cas sidy, a young man in Waahburn’s em ploy, was sent into the basement to tear down the partition. A moment later he rushed up the stairway, white as a sheet and screaming with terror. When able to speak he deolared that while he was groping his way in the dim light afforded through the side walk gratings there sprang up before him the ghastly form of a man. The apparition remained for a second, so Cassidy deolares, and then disappeared. A curious circumstance is that Cas sidy was not aware of the disappear ance above alluded to, as he is a recent ‘ arrival from the East and had not, he asserts, been informed of the mystery. His description of the ghost tallies 1 with the missing man's appearance. ‘ HIS SISTERS AND MOTHER. Visions Hun Bhi Vmj Omm With This Bar MM* Mm. When I was a boy of' six yean. I woke up with a start one morning, and standing at the foot of my bed was one of my slsten, who at the time was mar* rled and lived in New York. I spoke to her, but she did not answer. I got up at once and started to And her, aa I thought she would have some candy for me. I found my mother in the kitchen, whom I told of seeing my sis* ter. My mother told me I had bean dreaming, but the next day we re* celved word that she was dead, and had died about the same hour I had seen her. While I lived in Troy, N. Y., at the Troy house, in 1857, I was vlaited by another sister. She came into the house, as I thought, to see me. Mr. Corning, then book-keeper, called me. I turned to answer him, and again started to meet my sister, but she waa not there. That evening I received a dispatch that she was dead. Mr. Cora* ing still lives in Troy, and I think can remember me as a bell boy at that time. After leaving Troy I waa employed by a Mr. Beverly Boblnaon of Staten Island. One night as I was on my way to Stapleton on a message, I met my mother. It being close to a light, 1 recognized her at once. I spoke, bat she made no answer. The next day she passed away. I would like some one to try to ex* plain why I can see these people, they being miles from me. OAVE MARIA A LESSON. Bn Master Tsaehas Her Mew to Be* .< member Small Things. Evidently there is no servant girls’ protective union in London, or, if there is, the young woman mentioned below did not belong to it. Think of such a thing happening to one of our own servant girlsl A German merchant in London has a servant who at first was very forget ful. This fault was especially! annoy* ngf at meal times, when something ce* ~ sentlal was sure to be lacking from the table. One day the family were seated at the table, and the bell was rang as usual. The girl hurried to the dining* room. “Maria,” said Herr B—, “juat run and fetch the big step-ladder down from the attic and bring it here. ” Maria, who had* been disturbed at her dinner, gave a grunt of dissatisfac tion, but ran up the three flighta of stairs to fetch down the ladder. In about fire minutes she returned to the room, panting with her exertion. . “Now,” said Herr B—, “pat it np at that end of the room and climb to the top.” flMaria did as she waa told, and when the was at top Herr B—quietly ob served: “Maria, yon have now got a better view than we have; jnst look round and tell naif you can see any aalt on the table. My wife and I could not Bndit” This settled the business. Maria has never forgotten the lesson. grand In Diamonds. An expert says that the “painting” of diamonds is a trick known to all dealers. To give yellowish Cape dia monds the appearance of white Brasil ian or Indian diamonds, a man has only to dip them in aniline blue. The > operation is so simple that not a few women practise it. They buy cheap diamonds and touch them up in an ani line bath just before wearing them. The appearance of the doctored dia monds deceives even the expects at the first glance. The layer of color wears off quiekly, however, and the fraud la then evident. The difference between Cane diamonds and the Brasilian or Indian diamonds, which is the basis of ths fraud, consists in the greater beauty and clearness of the latter, as . : well as in their greater durability. ^? VeJ'.ow diamonds tweak easily. ;-Cv.‘S