The Frontier. PURUSltRD EVERY THURSDAY DY THS FRONTIER PR1NTINO COMPANY Isn't It About time to talk city politics? Dodos county it tired of the supcr tltora. So it Uolt county. • Tammany itiii leads tbe procession but it not in the cabinet. Can the tiger atand it?_ _ Thr Nebraska legislature bat elected a senator and drawn a salary. Wbat else baa it done? The Oakdale Beacon Light is waging relentless warefare against the sheriff of Antelope county, It is reported that the Capitol National bank will pay at least 73 per cent on all claims, and from that to 00 per cent. Ciiarmr Firi.ds Is making tbe Tilden Citizen a success. It is one of the neat est exchanges that comes to our table. Secretary Morton has received os many complimentary notices of bis ability and fitness for the cabinet as any of the president’s appointees. Ordering out the militia In Kansas tb quell the legislative disturbance there a, week ago will cost the slate $13,000. Economy is independent doctrine. —-——■ Halkiuoiit is the name of a prom inent populist in Kansas. If he was mixed In tbe late legislative difficulty there be should have hia name changed at once. The bill providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people has passed the national house of representatives, and will, no doubt become a law. Am electrical bicycle has been intro duced in England and we presume they will be in America the coming season. They will be quite handy for poiiticiane to tour the country with. Adlai has one good quality, which is by no means over plentiful among publio men—ho know«( how to keep quiet when it isn’t his turn at the speak ing-tube. --! Deputy Sheriff Mberiman has re signed and John McBride has been ap- i pointed to fill the vacancy. The Frontier believes Mr. MoEvony has made a wise selection. i - I Tnn supreme court of Kansas has j decided that the republican house of j representatives is the legal house. This will throw Senator Martin out of a job. Truly man lives but to mourn. 6. . --__ In refusing to issue bonds for the ben- 1 eflt of Wall street the administration has 1 the people regardless of politics behind 1 it. This will be equally true of the 1 coming administration, if it follows the 1 " f good example. ‘i;: '-►.»».. Ton republican party, through their < •'-> national executive, give up control of , a the United States next Saturday at noon ( '• until the 4th of March, 1897, when: they , will again come into power, as the dem- , v ocratic lease will expire. I The probabilities are that Senator * Martin of Kansas will not be allowed to take his seat in the United States senate, as the supreme court decided 1 that the body which elected him was * not the legal legislature of Kansas. 1 V __ t>, ___ i The governor of Wyoming has named < A. 0. Beckwith as senator. The ap pointment does not please the democrats i of the state who claim that Beckwith is ’ the man who prevented the legislature 1 from selecting a senator. But as he has secured the plum he can afford to let > - them do the kicking. ; As predicted by The Frontier last week, N. D. Jackson of Nellgh has been appointed judge to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Judge Allen to the senate. In the selection of Judge Jackson Governor Crounse is to be con gratulated, as he is one of the ablest attorneys in that diitrict. Ai. • * —- » «•» < ■■■ _ UHCLE Jkrky Rusk is entitled to an SJ honorary degree in the science of political economy (or having said: r “While I believe in proper economy in the administration of every department of the government, I do not believe in carrying economy far enough to impair I efficiency.” Volumes might be filled ' without saying more. F Govsbnok McKinley is bankrupt. "5, He went security for a friend to the ;y "• amount of 1100,000, and now he has to , pay that amount. The property of *\ the governor and his wife amounts to about 970,000 which has been turned over for the benefit of the creditors. The governor announces his intention of retiring from public life and devot •/'. in* himself to his profession. I Tnn people gladly note the era of Y good feeling between the outgoing and the incoming administration. Cleve land will ride in President Harrison's . carriage.., and will. at the close of the inaugural services, sit down | ; to a banquet tendered by ex-Preeident v Harrison in the banqueting-room at the , white house. In the mean time the old secretaries have been instructing the ^ new comers in all the Intricacies of their Tub house refuted to indefinitely postpone the eager bounty bill by e vole of 54 to 83. Hon. John E. Bhbbvin, e prominent democrat and citizen of Fremont, died in Iowa Monday. Tub mail steamer New York now sails ttie ocean with the stars and stripes floating at her masthead. This Is as it should be. Who will be the next mayor of O'Neill? It Is high time that those aspiring for the honor should announce themselves. Thb Montana legislature is still trying to elect a senator. The chances are now that Mantle, the republican candi date, will he elected. T. J. Smith of Ainsworth, wants to be deputy oil inspector, and truly Thb Frontier knows of no reason why be should not receive the appointment. -M»-t There is a bill now before the legis lature making dogs personal property. If this bill passes there will be lots of personal property no one will claim. Secretary-elect Oresiiam is con ferring with the present secretary of state—getting pointers. He has difficult duties ahead and he is wise In seeking counsel with a man that knows bow tor advise. The Kansas populist house has abided by the decision of the supreme court, and they are now working In the legis lature under the republican house, which the court declared was the legal bouse. A memorial mass meeting was held In Chicago Tuesday evening In honor of the memory of James G. Blaine. The Bulogy was delivered by John M. Thurs ton and it is spoken of as an able ad dress. *- i Thb senate has recommended the re peat of the state depository law, for itate and county treasurers. It would je a wise proceeding as the funds of 30th state and county could then be protected. The benefit accruing to O’Neill from :he extension of tbs Short Line to Due ling, Neb., Is problematical, while the mpetus it will give to the 180 miles of sountry traversed in reaching that point ian hardly be over estimated. John W. Mackey, the great mlllion dre, was shot the fore part of the week >y an old man named Rippy, who, after Iring the shot, turned the weapon on limself, inflicting, it is thought, a dan gerous wound. Mackey will recover. Kansas' governor gave one order in he late bloodless unpleasantness in his tate that should entitle him to a "re rard of merit” card. He ordered he militia home and had the atisfaction of seeing the order obeyed. Cleveland has lived up to his one erm theory in making up his cabinet, nd it la reported that he will not ap lotnt any person to office who held ifflce under him four years ago. If this i true,our friend A. B. Cbarde’s chances or being receiver of the land office in his city are not very bright. Last Saturday the house of repre eatat’ves appointed a committee of hree to investigate the insane asylum it Lincoln. The appointment of the iommittee was caused by a letter writ en by one of the inmates saying that it vas a “prision pen for the Incarceration >f women whose libertine husbands vish to deprive them of their liberty.” rhe outcome of the investigation will 3e watched with interest. Some of the Mexican high officials are making vigorous tirades against the United States, and urging that this country and its people be excluded from sll privileges in Mexico. The people of Mexico would still be conveying their wool to market in primitive ox-carts if the people of the United States had not Infused life into the country by invest ing capital there. But ignorance and ■UBpicion may in time cease to be a characteristic of the Mexican. Cleveland's cabinet is as follows Secretary of State, Walter Q. Gresham, Indiana; Secretary of the Treasury,John G. Carlise, Kentucky; Secretary of the Interior, Michael Hoke Smith, Georgia; Secretary of War, Daniel S. Lamont, New York; Secretary of the Navy, Hil ary A. Herbert, Alabama; Attorney General, Richard Onley, Massachusetts; Postmaster General. Wilson 8. Bissell, New York; Secretary of Agriculture, J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska. “The sympathy of the whole country.” aays the Denver Republican, “goes out to Governor McKinley, of Ohio, who has been involved in the financial ruin of a man whose paper he endorsed and in whom he had full confidence. It is not so much because of his loss, for many men have suffered in the same way. as because of what the circum* stances reveal concerning Governor Mc Clnley’s character. He has never made politics a matter of gain. On the con trary, he has devoted himself simply to the discharge of hit duties without using bis influence or his public station to secure fortunate investments or to make money for himself in any other way.” ! O’NEiLLBUSINESS DIRECTORY J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DIALER IN OIQARI, ITO. J)B. J. P. GILLIOAN^ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day and night call* promptly attended to. Office orer Blglln’* furniture Rtore. _O'NEILL, NEB. J^R. C. D. B. KISAMAN, PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, O’NMILL,- ■ NEB. PH. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe in the Judge Roberta building, north of Barnett A Free*' lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. ^ W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practioe In all the oourts. Special at tention given to foreclosure* and collection*. I* also COUNTY ATTORNEY, J)R B. T. TRUEBLOOD, PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON. Disease* of the Eye and Ear and flttlnfl glasses a specialty. Office hours S to 12 a. m. and 2 toft p. m, Omci ova* “THE EMPORIDM." J^ULLEN BROS., CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material! furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. BOYD, v' s BUILDERS/ E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED. I A. H. CORBETT § I WELL ATTHND TO YOUR 1 i DENTISTRY § | IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPR. I I •PHOTOGRAPHY® 1 I 07 ALL KINDS § | Froaptlr ud Sita&ctorilT EnevUd. { I Offloo and valary on Fourth itreet 1 1 oaat of Holt County Bank. | lininamiitiiniHtiiiiiiininiiiiiiiKii'iiiiitHiiiiuBHitiiiinHiimiiial Deyarman Brothers, FBOHRiqTORS OF THI Checker Lirery,Feed&Sale Stable O’NEILL NEB. Vineat turnouts in the oitr. Good, care ful driven when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Oomzrercial Trade a Specialty Hare chargee of MoCafferty’s Hearse. All orders will receive careful and prompt atten; R.R. DICKSOi'l&CO.. SUOPMSOBS TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Title Abstracters/Conveyancers, TAXBB PAID FOBJMON-BESIDKNTS. FARM LUIDt • * AKP TOWN LOTS FOB BALI OB IXOHANGB. ; Farm Loans Negotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. ■ * O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN WINES** LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on ua. | Martin's Old Stand, O'Neill, Neb. JONES & M'C U7 CHE OA PROPS 1CTOR8 Of | - CENTRAL - Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES S3 tar NEW TEAMS. Everything Firgt-CJapg. Bar^f pposlte Campbell's Implement House FRED ALM, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Custom work and repairing—Doc. Shore’s old office. O’NEILL, ^ NEB. H 0f 0 z 0 10 furohiM Tlckata and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.G.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART! OOIKO UN. Passenger east, - 9:85 a. x. Freight east. - • 10:45 a. x. ooiho wist. Freight west, • ■ 1:45 p. x Passenger west, •. 5:15 p. x Freight, • > - 6:44 p. x The Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining Ohalr Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any Information call on W- J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB, EMILSNIGGS. General Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB*: Wagon and Carriage Repair ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe* ing a Specialty. Hand-Madr Shoes Made to ant Order We atop Interfering and succeasaully treat quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and euro Corns, where our directions are strictly followed. Carry a Line of Carriage, Wagon and* in stock. Work done on short notice. XI-P3X FRED C. GATZ. —MULSH IH—, Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats. Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Sides, Spice roll baoon, all kinds of sausages _O'NEILL, NEB A SALOON ' Where the beet WINES, LIQUORS ‘and cigars Can Always be Had -iLrSLGLOBE, PAT GIBBONS, Prop. *. ■ -v-w***- ■ NO. 3424: First National Ban! Paid-up capital, $5o,ooo v , o% Surplus, $2o,oooo ne^r| Authorized capital, Sloo,ooo THAD J. BERMINGHAM. PrTI J. P. MANN. Vice-pres ■ ED F. GALLAGHER. Cashed FRED H. SWINGLEY. Asa?.c!L Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most V J Terms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing In^^l Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange. DIRECTORS: M. CAVANAUGH T. F. BIRMINGHAM j B , ED F. GALLAGHER THAD J. BIRMINGHAM1 T. W. THOMAS, President. G. W. WATTLES v JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. , K THE - STAfE^ BAN) OF* O’NEILL. Authorized Capital, $100,000. Paid up Capital, $30.1 DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE HOLT III COUNTY III BANI O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. A '#£g| DAVID ADAMS, President. j). L. DARR, Cai Wm. Adams, Asst. Cashier. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACT! Agents for the Canard, North German Lloyd, .American and Red Star!i_ American Steamships. Buy and sell drafts drawn on principal citiesafl Europe and America. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Collections Made and Remited on the Day of Pay iuent. i Pioneer hardware dealei GARLAND STOVE8 AND RANCES I CABBY THE LABGE8T STOCK OF Hardware, Tinware. Copper &. Granitewar IN NOBTH.NEBBASKA. AND MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ELI BARBED WIRI IN IMPLEMENTS l?CARRY The famous JOHN DEERE Plows, Culti vators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru City Cultivators. LISTERS and DRILLS. Call aDd see me before you make your purchases as 1* save you some money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’Neill Neb. THE. ■ • • IQ’NEILL ROLLER! * * Tmills. TIAVE BEGUN operate 1 1 and request your patron age. All the machinery is ne* and the latest and best impr°v' ed process adopted. : : : :