\sHtO BY TMK FRONTIER MINTING CO. LUME XIII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 2, 1893. NUMBER 34. •uBMRiPTioN, ai.so run annum. J— Vtttaur-vi i • it,, ***•—-* -%a>fci OLVOK KINO AND O. H. CRONIN. MANAQKR* L NEWS ITEMIZED . | *1 News of O’Neill u C»u«ht J by the “Kids." b interesting notes t,m) of Intsrest Published While Hews Is Still News. Gallagher is in Spencer this ' Cruise was down from Atkin iduy- __ iiiglin went down to Sieux City ling- _ Greeley, of Greeley, is in the week. _ r goods at 25 per cent, discount nporium. 8S"2 fund went over, to Spencer on this morning. ey Brown, of Springview, is in attending court. (banner gold his farm near rage t for a valuable consideration. miss the removal sale at the m. 10 and 23 per cent, dis 33-2 Weekes left Sunday morning ia. He will be absent a couple ■ ■ --- Hazelet went up to Stuart lay evening, returning this Ear!, of Emmet, visited in this Saturday and Sunday, the guest Bowen mporium will be moved Maroh : Gibbons building two dpors postoftice. 88-2 i!, E. Mills, and daughter Lottie, jg, visited last Saturday with J. King in this city. val sale at the Emporium from v 35 to March 12. 10 and 25 j. discount offered. 38 2 f McEvony has appointed Jim |an special deputy to collect Int personal taxes. iiiiporium will offer inducements |ebiuary 25 to March 12 never Ousted in Uolt county. 33-2 It Saturday Judge Bowen issued to wed to James W' Stopforth F Olie Root, both of Sand Creek. I line of feed such as bran, chop I aborts at O'Neill Grocery Co. lullen wears a far-away look iys, all on account of one of his '* getting married—to another f Jamison, of Boyd county, was eity Wednesday evening and le train Thursday morning for Sty !■ Hostetter, one of the leading t® of Sioux City, is in the city lg court and made this office a l call. John Reynolds, said to Hving mesmerist, will b< O’Neill March 6, 7, 8 Ion 25 and 50 cents. |tc in receipt of a fins English Breakfast and fy » pound they will pie O Nkill Groce: Gallagher hag accepted Chicago Clothing 1 ‘a?i“g resigned and g f ‘n the south country. ‘‘orae^dUh and sau 0 touch up your ap leather. O’Neili, Gro< Wright - ■■•sui, of th “Stout Hutchinson, •ty this week. We ai ^Mr. Wright thisn * codfish andTTuil 1 Ded fi8>t at bottom nr: O’Neill Grc ?. in Possession of i .l0 Cheve Ha* NeiH chicory fa< ar these columm w®0/ &nd Henry * been visiting P«t two months, * for Bmte, Mon w reside. seeder 8rr°W8’ cul‘ivators, W,8Dd in ^‘arry *el,J‘nery,g0 toBiK»i“' B,. * gest 8tock in the cil s,»resnrctogui, loT^^rdaym hat ’,1“ aD8Wer to a te m*ny day8 ftnd lh8t 8hl • ‘The latest fad among the girls In a number of neighboring towns is to count the number of men who tip their hits to them. The one hundreth young man who tips his hat to a girl,according to rule, will be a tair counterpart of the man she is to marry. Mr. and Mrs. Firebaugh, of Osmond, were visiting friends in this city yester day. During the two-and-a-half years that J. W. was agent of the Pacific Short Line here no man made more friends than he did and they are always pleased to see him in the city. , J. D. Liken, county treasurer of Rock county, who has been under arrest for embezzling 17500, was brought down yesterday by Sheriff Harris and placed in jail at this place. His trial will come off this term of court, the case having ! been transferred to this county. The M. E. church, of this city, is making arrangements for some first-class lectures in the near future. Prof Hunt has consented to deliver the first one, later on Dr. Trueblood .and others will follow. When arrangements are com pleted due announcements will be made. Arthur Hammond has resigned the position he has occupied with R. R. Dickson & Co. and we understand he has accepted a position with the Golden Investment Co. Tom Campbell has accepted the position formerly held by Arthur and entered upon the discharge Of his duties Monday morning. When in need of furniture of any description be sure and call at Biglin's furniture depot. They have just re ceived a car load of fine furniture and are selling it at prices that will astonish you. Parlor sets, bedroom sets, rocking chairs, and in fact any and all kinds of furniture. Give them a call. 34-5 A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., says last Wednesday in the criminal court Harvey Weakley, on trial fnr murder, fell dead in the witness stand. When asked if he killed bis victim ■Veakley said he hoped God would strike him'dead if he had. Hardly bad be done so when be fell dead to the floor. _ Married, Thursday morning March 3. 1803, in the office of the county judge, Mr. Wesley J. Jillison to M