The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 23, 1893, Image 8

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    Betting Else Lika It.
Wben the publisher* decided to issue
the Journal twice a week at the time
price of (be old weekllce, $1 per year,
they etrack Just what the public wanted
—something between tbe old-fashioned
weekly and the high-priced dal)?. Tbe
■access of Semi-Weekly Journal has
been immediate and continued. It ha*
' distanced every one of its once-a-week
rivals. It doesn’t take long to convince
people that a good live paper every
Tuesday and Prlday is better than onlv
one a week, especially wben you appeal
to their pocket books, and give it to
them at the same price. Reader! will
" testify that it Is almost as good as a
daily, It* msrkets twice a week are
worth tbe money. Four complete nov
els each year by “Tbe Duchess.” Miss
Braddon and other well known authors,
alone are worth the dollar. Its legisla
tive news Is Its strong point just now.
It Is wide-awake, spend* money for
news, and Is always in the lead. You
can see Its superiority over tbe old-fash
toned weekly. Every-me who sub
scribes now get* a Seaside library free.
This offer won’t hold good always. One
of our big offers is the Semi-Weekly
Journal and Weekly New York Tribune,
both one year for $1.25. Regular price
of Tribune $1. Our great premium.
History of the United States, Stanley
Book, or Life Spurgeon, prepaid, and
\ The Journal 11.40. Either book is
worth tl.50. Y’our choice of these books
and tbe Tribune and Journal a year for
' \ only 91.05 What a combination of
reading matter! If you send us your
own and another new name, we will
send you either of the above book* free.
Subscribe now and get 104 papers a year,
which is less than one cent per copy.
Nebraska State Journal,
' Lincoln, Neb.
Hr. Hawaii*’ Tatar* Fiona.
While Mr. Howell* will not, dnrlng
18D8, confine bl* literary work to any
single periodical, It may be authorita
tively announced that he baa entered
Into a contract with the Ludiea’ Home
Journal whereby hi* moat important
work will, for aome time to come, drat
- aee print in the pace* of that maga
zine. Hi* new novel, “The Coast of
Bohemia,” begins in tbe Cbtlstmas issue
of the Journal, and immediately wpon
Its close Mr. Howells will begin in the
magaeine a series of editorial autobi
ographical papers, in which be will
trace the influences which led him to a
literary life, bis course of reading and
■' his favorite authors and books, the
articles will practically tell the story of
the famous novelist’s life, and promises
to possets in a rare degree that attract
- ive Interest which always attaches Itself
to the life of a successful man when
. told b/ himself. Howells had his early
.. struggles; hit early resources were few,
and these he will trace among other
things in these articles, describing, too,
how be mastered four different lan
guages to acquaint himself with the 1
literature of tbe countries most attract
ive to him.
t'1, How to lavs Sector Bills.
From Chicago Dally Calumet: Many 1
” a doctor’s bill has been saved by the use !
of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The \
name is a household word in many 1
parts of tbe country. Chamberlain’s i
medicines have an extensive sale in the ]
world’s fair city ahd many people teitify :
to the merits of their different remedies.
For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
,: , WANTED—Local and traveling dep
■ ntlea (or the Eclectic Assembly. Face
o( certificate* from 1500 to $8,000; lim
ited aueaament; no double headers,
splendid commission to organisers;
Write at once.
8tate Deputy. M. L. Adam,
| ; $-m Lock Box 77. O’Neill, Neb.
A Cure (or Croup.
K your children are subject to croup,
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cough remedy at hand. It is a prompt
| and certain cure. It given as soon as
the croupy cough appears it will prevent
;$ the attack. For aale by P. C. Corrigan,
'The Omaha Weekly Bee for the bal
ance of the year. with a large colored
' lithograph of President Harrison, will
be sent to any ad rest in this country fo.‘
3fi cents. This elegant picture is the
■ president published and would cost at
least one dollar in any art store. Don’t
miss the chance, but send in your order
at once. The Bek Publishing Co.
* Omaha, Neb.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
mark of the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Chester County Guarantee Trust and bate
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Ellas J.
Hershlser, Cal A. Oiler, Mrs. Cal. A. Oiler,
his wife, toe Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
ment Company and Charles K. Collins, re
ceiver of the Nebraska Mortgage and Invest
. ment Company are defendants. I will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
In hand at tho front door of the court-house
In said county, on the 2Tth day of March,
USB. at 0 o'clock a. m., the following de
scribed lands and tenements to satisfy the
Judgment and ooats In said action, to-wit:
Northwest quarter sectlou twenty [SOI.
township twenty-sevon <17), range twelve (12),
. In Holt oourty. Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this *0th day of February. IMS. '
33d II. C. McBVONY. Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of aele Issued by the
clerk of the dlrtrlot court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Mary B. Parker. Elisabeth B. Parker and
Edgar J. Parker, administrators of the estate
of Samuel J. Parker, deceased, plaintiffs and
Edwin E. Ooree. t). L. Babcock and Mrs.
, C. L. Babcock his wife are defendants. 1 will
sell at pnblle auction to the highest bidder
Cor cash In hand, at the front door of the
court-house In said county, on the 17th day
of March, 1M. at V o'clock A. M., the following
described lands and tenements to satisfy
lodgment and costs In said notion, to-wit:
West half of nortbefst quarter and east
half of nortwest quarter of seotion twenty
three (El), township twenty-seven (17), range
eleven (11), In Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated at O'NelU, Holt county, Nebraska,
*W» J°tb day of Petonary, 1MB.
H. CTmcIVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by tbn
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
< hrster Counly Guarantee Trust end Safe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Barnabas
Weltou, Augusta A. Welton, 0. B. Toncray,
Emma II Toncray and Ed K. Gallagher are
dorendants, I will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash In hand at the
front door of the court-house In said county,
on theiflth day of March, IMM, at » o'clock A.
the following described hinds and tene
ments, to satlsty the Judgment and costs In
said action, to-wlt:
East half of northeast quarter and east
half of southeast quarter of section four It):
the north half of northeast quarter and
soutnwest quarter of northeast quarter of
section nine tO); and northwest quarter of
northwest quarter of section ten (HD. all In
township thirty-two I TO, range thirteen (13),
In Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 30th day of February, IMKt. ...
33-5 II. V. MrEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Penuock Hart Is plaintiff and C. W. Hagen
sick. Anna llegenslck, C. H. Ton
cray, Emma U. Toncray, Nel
son Toncray, Ed K. Gallagher ana John J.
Mots (forty are defendants. I will sell at
■ while auction to the highest bidder for cash
In hsnd at the front door of the court-house
In said county, on the 37th day of March,
Ison, at 0 o’clock A. M„ the following described
lauds and tenements, to satisfy the Judg
ment and costs In said action, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of section twenty-live
[ill, township thirty-one (3D. range twelve
[12], In Holt county. Nebraska.
Dated at O’Neill. Ilolt county, Nebraska,
this noth day of February, 1H«1.
33-6 H.O.McEVONY. Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of Dale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Cheater County Uuarantee Trust and Bafe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and John K.
Dressier, Mrs. John K. N. McKee,
Mrs. II. N. McKee, W. D. Mathews, the Ne
braska Mortgage and Investment Company,
and Charles K. Collins, receiver of the Ne
braska Mortgage and Investment Company
are defcndente. I will Bell ut public auction
to the highest bidder for cash In band, at the
front door of the court house In said county,
on the 37 day of March, 1&K1, ut nine o’clock,
A. M„ the following described land and ten
ements. to satisfy the Judgment and costs in
suld action, to-wlt: The south half of north
east quarter and south half of northwest
quarter of section thirteen (13). township
thirty-two (33), range eleven (11), In Holt
county, Nobiaska.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 30 day of February, 1903.
33-5 H. C. McEVONY, Sheriff
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Letltla M. Butler Is plaintiff and Bennett 8.
Gillespie, Nellie A. Gillespie, Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company. Charles
K. Collins, receiver of Nebraska Mortgage
and Investment Company, Charles C. Millard
mid Mrs. Charles C. Millard his wife are dC'
Icndants. 1 will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder lor cash In hand, at the front
loor of the court-house In said county, on
the 37th day of March. 1903. at W o'clock A. M.,
the following described lands and tenements
to antlsfy the judgment and costs In said
action, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of seotlon thirty-two (33),
township twenty-nine (38), range nine (8),
In Iloltoounty. Nebraska.
Dated ut O'Neill. Holt county, Nebraska,
this 30th day of February, isou.
MM H. C. MoEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of. sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of Holt
wunty, Nebraska, on a decree of foreclos
ure wherein Chester County Guarantee
rrust and Bafe Deposit Company Is plaintiff
tnd John Hollck, J. E. Mallery and Mrs. J. E.
llallery. bis wife, are defendants. I will sell
it publto auction to the highest bidder for
sash In hand, at the front door of the oourt
louse In said county, on the 37 day of March.
I*W. at nine o’clock A. m. the following des
irlbed landsand tenements,to satlsfythejudg
uent and costa in said action, to-wlt: South
vest quarter of section live (5) township
;wenty-soven (37) range eleven (11) in Holt
tounty, Nebraska.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
his 30 day of February, 18ua.
33-6 H.C. McEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale. Issued by
he clerk of the dlstrlot court of
Holt county. Neb., on a decree of foreclos
ure wherein Chester County Guarantee Trust
ind Safe Deposit Company Is plaintiff and
lohn Qutnoy Adams. Angelina L. Adams, H.
!■ Hansen, and Mrs, H. C. Hansen his wife
ire defendents. I will sell nt public anotlon
a tlie highest bidder for cash In band, at the
rout door of the oourt bouse In said county,
in the 37 day of March, )8U3, at nine o'clock,
i. M. tbe following described land an d tene satisfy the Judgment and cost In said
lotion to-wlt: East half of southwest quar
ter and west half of southeast quarter of
lection three (3) township thirty-two(33),
•ange thirteen, in Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O' Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
his 30 day of February, 1883.
33-8 Sheriff of saldoounty.
The commlnloncra appointed to locate a
road commencing at the north end of Main
itreet In the town of Inman, section 10, fown
thlp 28 north, range 10 west. Thence running
north, Va. lldfiOm B. 1710 the !4 section
line on section 10. Also commencing at the
renter of said section 10. Thence running
we*tVa.tldfi0m on the 14 section line 38.09Chs.
to the right of way of theF. E. und M. V. R.
K. Thence In a N. W. course along the north
side of said right of way 7.00 Chs. to the sec*
tlou line between sections 10 and 24. Also
commencing at the sectlou line between sec
tions 13 and £4 on the north side of said right
of way of the F. E. and M. V. U. R., and run
ning thence north 47d west, along the north
side of said right of way, one mile and 33.00
£*>»• across the BW 14 of section 13, BE >4 and
NE!* and NW 14 of section 14 to the section
line between sections 11 and 14 of said Tp.
there to terminate has reported In favor of
the establishment thereof. And all ob
jections thereto or claims for damages must
be Bled In the county clerks office on or be
fore noon of the Bret day of May, A. D., 1893,
or said road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
Dated February IX1801. 83 -1
188A1.1 O.B. Butler, County Clerk.
J. V. Harnlah, Deputy.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me flora the clerk of the district court of
Holtoounty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on the 18th day of November, lsc.
In favor of J. H. Keith, trustee, et at as plain
tiff and against Cary B. Wade. George W. E
Dorsey, and Emma E. Dorsey as defendants,
for the sum of seven hundred fifty-three
dollars and thirty-four cents.and costs taxed
at 130.96. tnd accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wit: *
The northwest quarter of section twenty-one
(21) township twenty -eight (28) range thirteen
(13) west of the 3th P. u. in Holt county. Neb..
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on the 13th
day of March. A. I)., Iran, In front of the
court house In O’Neill, that being tbe build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour oflOo'oloek a. m. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by tbe undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 7th day of
February, 1893. H. C. McEVONY,
84 -Sheriff of Bald County.
By virtue of an order ofi sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosu rewhereln
Orient Insurance Company Is plaintiff-and
Catherine McDonough, John M. McDonough,
Augustine McDonough, Jerome A. McDon
ough-Annie McDonough, James Walter Mc
Donough, Theodore Wheeler and Willard A.
Wheeler are defendants. I will seU at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the
front door of the court-house In said county
on the ixth day of March, 1893. at 10 o'clook
A. a., the following described lands and
tenement*, to satisfy the Judgment end
costs in said notion:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
six, township thirty, north range twelve,
west. In Holt county, Nehraska. •
Dated 9th day of February, 1893.
8-4 H. O. Mcfcvogr, Sheriff.
Munum t CocnTKiQHT, A ttys, for pttff.
_ (■ '
To the southwest quarter of the northeast j
quarterand the nortbeastquarterofthe north
west quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter and the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter of section fourteen
1141. In township twenty-Bve (25), of ranite
thirteen 113); and the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
and the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section thirty-three 18*]. township
ihirtjr-two [*fl. range Ilf teen |15|; and the
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the southwest
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarterof section twenty-live [25],
In township thirty-two |«l,of range fourteen
II4|; and toe northeast quarter of the north
east quarter and the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of section tlilrty-four [34], township twenty
seven 1271, range nine (9); and the northeast
quurter of the northeast quarter of section
ten (101. township thirty-two [32j, range ten
[10]; and the southeast quarter of the south
etist quarter and the southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
of section seventeen [17], township thirty-one
[31], range twelve [12]; and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section thirty-one [31], township thirty
tree 133.) range twelve 112]. all west of the 8th
p. m. In Holt county, Nebraska, and the un
know owners of said lands.
You are hereby notified that on the 15th
day of August. A. D.. 1892, plaintiff,The
Furmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Bled In
the office of the clerk of the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska. Its petition against
you and eacn of you as defendants, the
object and prayer of which, as therein set
forth, are to foreclose certain tax liens, and
to that end said petition alleges;
That on the 14th day of December, A. D.,
1887. at a regular private tax sale held within
and for the county of Holt, In the state of
Nebraska, plaintiff purchased for the taxes
then due, delinquent and unpaid thereon,
the following described real estate, situated
In said oounty, and paid the treasurer of said
county therefor respectively; the amount
set opposite each tract respectively, to-wlt:
sw<4 of neli, section 14, township 25, range
^nejyif nwKi section 14, township 25, range
18? t#Sa* nw)4, taction M, township S, range
nei of swX, section 14, township 25, range
13. 016.33.
»oUofiie!4, section 38, township 38, range
15» flif.Uo.
uTlIISs* ne!4, section 33, township 88, range
lsflli ta n6^' 8ec4,on ®» township 31 range
uflifoB? ne54, section 33, township a, range
1^“*^ of »wJ4, section 25, township a, range
njjSioit swM; section 85, township 38, range
14. llll.JW,
14*1 li 2» *W^’ 8604,0,1 281 township 32. range
l^swi^of swX, section 25, township 38, range
iliatsubsequent thereto and on the 31st
day of December, A. D„ 1838, at a regular
private tar sale held within and for said
county of Holt and state of Nebraska, plaint
iff purchased for the taxes then due. delln
... vuo insca tuou UU«, UVUU*
quent and unpaid thereon other lands as
described below, situated In Holt county,
Molkaaal/a ..A _ a....__ M n
ik for 8S3 Sk^’ 8604,011 **• township 87, range
• fo^ts/a#6**’8664,011 **» township 87. range
. 8eii,c!ine!< *«otlon 31, township 87, range 9,
for 123.38.
foMBise n6i<’ ■ectton township 87. range #,
KMor 83.006!*’8604,011 10> township 32. range
12*fortmli*, 8604,0,1 W’ township 31, range
swliofMiii,section 17, township31.range
lz, for lltt.Qi,
12nfor 318 si54,8604,0,1 17, township 81, range
,/e54 of swi, section 17, township 81, range
iZi If1'
., for 118.81.
“*54 of ne54, section 31, township 33, range
18. for 87.35.
la'for*^85^',eC*,OB **’ township33, range
.That subsequently thereto and at divers
times plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes,
costs and attorney's fees on each of said
tracts of land, as by statute in such cases
““de and provided; and tnat there is now
duo it for purchase money, subsequent taxes,
cmta and attorney's fees for which they ask
a Hen and decree and order of sale as fol
lows, to-wit:
^swt of net, seotlon 14, township 85, range 18,
jjJi'e* Of nw4, section 14, township 25, range 13,
»i>4 of nw4, section 14, township 23. raqge 13,
^nejjof sw4, section 14, township 25, range 18,
^104 of ne4, section 33, township 88, range U,
^nwtof ne4,section33, township32. range 15.
of ne4,seotlon33. township33, range 15,
188 00 °l n6*’8604,011 township 32. range 15,
ise oo 0f ,w4’ 860410,1 township 32, range M,
NV 00 0t *W4> 860,10,1 *• township 32, range U,
sw4. section 85, township 33, range 14,
j^sw4 of sw4, section 25, township 38, range 14,
38B 0O.Ot ne4, 8604,0,1 township 27, range !,
^nwt of ne4, section 34, township 27, range «,
^se4of ne4,section84,township 87, range!,
^swt'of ne4,section84,township 27, range!,
^net of net, section 10, township 38, range 10,
ggjo^of set, seotlon 17, township 31, range U.
^swtof set,seotlon 17, township 31, range )2,
^et'of swt, section 17. township 31, range It,
j(sU of set, section 17, township 81, range 18,
^net'of ne4,section 31.township38. range 12,
^set of net, section 31, township 83. range IS,
““L688/^? ;n,wer said petition
on or before the 18th day of MarchTA. D_
lMB, the allegations of said petition wUl be
taken as true and the amount set opposite
each tract respectively will he decreed by
•aid court to bo a lint lien upon each tract
respectively and each tract will be ordered
Sold to satisfy said respective liens, interest
and ooats including attorney's fees.
Dated at O’Neill, Neik. February 1.1388.
Farmers' Lous Tausr Comfaxt. pit'ff.
By X. J. IwnuT Ann R. H BismicT.
aw Its Attorneys.
Laid Omen at O’Nbiix, Nuuiu,
„ . . February 8, ism,
Notloe la hereby given that the following
named aettler haa tiled notice of hla inten
tion to make Anal proof In aupport of hla
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O'NellL Neb
on March 8,1803, viz:
for the NH SE1* and 8*14 8*}*, sec. 14, and
N*MNEI4, aeclia, twp. JB, N. B li W.
Ho namea the following wltneaaea to prove
hla contlnuoua realdenoo upon and cultiva
tion of aald land, viz:
Moses Gaughenbaugh, George Gaughen
baugh, Morton E. Hint, James Gaughen
baugh, all of Emmett, Nek , *
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aettler has Bled notice of hla Inten
tion to make Anal proof In aupport of his
claim and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb.,
ou March fit* !8ttL viz:
for the EH N*K, sec. 9, twp.», N. B. 13 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
fals contlnuoua realdenoe upon and oultiva
Ion of said land, viz
J B. Marine, 8. H. Biwood, T. B. Marine,
Emery Herlok, all of O'Neill, Neb.
Notice Is hereby given that the following!
named settler haa filed notice of hla- Inten
tion of making final proof In support of hla
claim, and that said proof wlU be made be
fore register and receiver at O'NelU, Neb.,
on March 3B, INS. viz:
for the SH, 8WH.1» and NW NWK. sec. 13
N m n, 13 W • ^
He names the following witness to prove
. continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of aakl land. Viz:
Moses Gaughenbaugh, Morton < B. Hint,
fck aS^rMeb^ °“»h—
aid B. 8. GILLESPIE, Register.
; £ksr.». !.. . -*-■ . !■* ■ iltei
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court, of Holt
county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore toe district court of Holt County, Ne
braska. on the 20th day of December, 1392, In
fayor of It. H. Tan Pet. executor, as plaint
iff and stalest Robert H. Shrewsbury. Ida
Shrewsbury. L. W, Tulleys. trustee, and Ann
Tollers his wife, Anglo American Mortgage
and Trust Company, and Albert C. Burnham,
Lysanders W. Tulleys and James N. Brown,
late co-partners under the Arm name and
style of Bumam. Tulleys k Co., as defendants
for the sum of one thousand and thirty-three
dollars and thirty cents and costs taxed at
I— and accruing costs I hare lerted upon
the following premises taken as the property
of said defendants to satisfy said order of
sale, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section nine [9],
township twenty-live [31, north range eleven
1111. west of the Sth p. m. in Holt county,
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder foy cash. In hand, on the 8th
day of March, A. D., IMS, In front of the
court house In O’Neill, that being tbe build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’cloch, A. M.. of
said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by tbe undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill this 31st day of January,
1898. • . H. C. McKVONY,
30-5 Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the olerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before tbe district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on the 23d day of Septem
ber, loos. In favor of the Unlon Trust Company
as plaintiff and against Gusta El wood,
Stephen H. El wood, P. C. Corrigan, Ed F.
Gallagher, Check H, Tone ray. Emma R.
Toncray, George W. E. D„rsey Emma
E. Dorsey and Nelson Toncray as
defendants, for the sum of five
hundred thirteen dollars and thirty-fire
cents and costs taxvd at 136.23. and accruing
costs I have levied upon the following prem
ises taken as the property of said defendants
to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter and northwest quarter of the north
east quarter of section twenty-two (22), town
ship twenty-eight (28), north range thirteen
(13), west of tbe 6th p. m. In Holt county,
Nebraska. And will offer tho same
for sale to the highest bidder for cash,
In hand, on the 13th day of March, A. D„
1383, in front of the court house In O’Neill,
that being tbe building wherein ■ the last
term of district court was held, at the hour
of 9 o’clock A. k. of said day, when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
at O’Neill. Neb., this loth day of
December, 1302.
Sheriff of Said County,
Michael Hand and Mary Hand, non-resl
Jent defendants, will take notice that on the
nth day of November, 1802, William Hoffman,
Henry Jayne and A. B. Brown, plaintiffs
herein, filed their petition in the district
=ourt of Holt county. Nebraska, against
said defendants et al., the object and prayer
3t which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by Mlehael and Mary Hand to a.
M. Maoksnile upon the northeast quarter of
section .eleven, in towndhlp twenty-seven,
north range twelve, west, in Holt county,
Nebraska, given to secure the payment of a
certain first mortgage bond dated October
11.1886 for the sum of BOO and due and pay
able October 1,18P1; that there Is now due
upon said notes and mortgage the sum of
MOO, for which sum with ten per cent, inter
est from October 1. 1801, plaintiffs pray for a
lecree that defendants ne required to pay
the same with 1125 taxes paid by plaintiffs to
protect their security in said land, or that
mid premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount foqnd due.
You are required to answer said petition
>n or before the 20th day of March, 1800.
31-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
:lerk of the dlstrlc t court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Priscilla Nickerson Is plaintiff and Nelson S.
Russell, Elvira Bussell. Daniel O'Donnell,
iarah O’Donnell. Fremont Elkhorn and
Missouri Valley Railroad Company, Catholic
Bishop of the Diocese of Omaha, Nebraska,
Holt County Bank, B. C. Coon A Co., George
Dearlnger, Dora Dearinger. Clinton Hamilton
J. M. Cleveland, 11. C. Fisher, Kilpatrick
Koch Dry Goods Co., John Hynes, Schneider
ind Loomis, J. T. Robinson Notion Co., C. C.
Pond, Mrs. Pond, wife of C. C. Pond, Michael
Ford, Mrs. Ford, wife of Michael Ford, Peter
Ityan, Mrs. Ryan, wife of Peter Ryan, W. H.
Iirobst. John Carr, John Daugherty, J. O.
Sandberg, Greta Sandberg, wife of J. O.
Sandberg, W. E. Moore, and A. M. Hopkins,
sre defendants, I will sell at public auction
to the highest l idder, for cash, at the front
ioor of the court house In said county, on the
13th day af March. 1883, at 10 o’clock, A. it.,
the following described lands and tenements
to satisfy said judgment and costs in said
action: The southwest quarter of section
eleven, township twenty-seven, range ten, in
Holt county. Nebraska, saving and excepting
therefrom several tracts of land described us
rollows: first, a strip of land 200 feet In width
accross the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter of said section which strip of
land Is known as the rightof way of the de
fendant, Fremont Elkhorn rnd Missouri Val
ley Railroad Company and lies 100 feet in
width on each side of the center line of the
railroad track of said defendant; also ex
cepting a strip of land 180 feet in width
accross said southwest quarter of said section
eleven immediately south of and abutting
upon said right of way of said defendant
Fremont Elkhorn and Rlssourl Valley Rail
road Company as above mentioned; also ex
cepting a portion of said southwest quarter
of said section eleven described as follows;
commencing at a point 370 feet west and forty
feet north of the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of said southwest quarter
or section eleven, running thence west 280
feet, thence north 280 feet, thence east 250
feet, thence south 280 feet to point of begin
Dated 0th day of February ,1883.
81-6 H. O. McEvoht, Sheriff.
Munger A Cnurtrlght, Attorney’s for Pltf.
To James and Vary C. MoWborton, L. W.
Tulleya, trustee, Burnham, Tulleys & Co.,
Clement L. Boone and wife, name unkown,
non-resident defendants, will take notice;
that on the-day of February. 18M8, James
H. Brown, successor In trust, plaintiff, tiled
his petition in the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, against you. the
object and prayer of which is to forolose a
trust deed executed and delivered by James
and Mary C. MoWhorton and William and
Elisa Jane McWhorton L. W. Tulleys. trus
tee. and to plaintiff, upon the following
premises, towit: South half southeast quar
ter,, and southeast quarter section six, and
northeast quarter section seven township
thirty-one, range nine, west sixth P. M., to
secure the payment of a note for 82800, dated
October 1,1887. due five years from date, with
ten Interest cupons theretoattached for 887.90
each, the same being made by James and
William MoWhorton In favor of Clarence
Ki Hesse, and assigned to plaintiff. Said
petition Is also tiled to forcloee said premises
for the non-payment by the defendants of
the taxes assessed against said premises for
the years ending 1888.1889,18W0 and 1801. The
same haring been paid by the plaintiff In the
sum of I172uff. That there Is now due and
unpaid the sum of 18900 on note, the sum of
8949 on cupons and the sum of 8172.87 on taxes.
Therefore plaintiffs pray that a decree may
be Issued requiring said defendants to pay
isald amounts, making a total of
the aforesaid _ .
8188737. with interest, or that said premises
be sold to pay the same. You are required
to answer on or before the third day of
April. 1893. Dated February 8,1803.
ByW.C. Bbown, Jambs N. Brows,
Attorney. 33-4 Successor In trust.
v ‘ BHERBirirS SALE.
Bv virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt coonty, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braak, on the- 38th day of June, 1801, In
favor of H. a. Ballou A Company, as plaintiff
and against Hiram R. Henry and Mary 8.
Henry as defendants for the sum of one hun
dred twenty-one dollars aud oosts taxed at
8BA98 and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises taken aa the property
of said defendants to satisfy said
sale, to-wit
Hie south'
i order of
at quarter of section nine |9],
township thirty IllOl, range ton [10]. west of
the8th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska.
And 'will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash lu hand on the 6th
day of March, A. D., 1886. In front of the
court bouse In O’Neill that being the build
ing wherein the last term of District court
was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of
said day. when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'NelU, Neb., this Blst day of
January, *
Sheriff of said county.
.'.-Vi i t, eL‘. :
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, oo a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the 30th day of September 1808. In
favor of Miltou 11. Yale as plaintiff and
against Ellas Scow, Annie Scott. JohnE.
Shore, Mrs. John B. Shore, as defendants, for
the sum of eight hundred ninety-two dollars
and costs taxed at ISO. 18 and accruing costs,
I have levied upon the following premises
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section thirteen
(13) township twenty-seven (27) range twelve
(12) west of the 6tb p. x„ in Holt county. Neb ,
and wilt offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in band, on the 18th
day of March, 1803, in front of
the court house in O'Neill, that
being the building wherein the last term
ol district court was held, at the hour of 1
o’clock p. m. of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this fist day of
December, 1882. H. 0. McEVONY,
31-fix Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, on the 28th day of September 1Mb, in
favor of B. Lombard, }r., Janies L. Lombard
H. W. L. Russell, trustee, as plaintiff, and
against Jacob L. Dye, Gertie Dye, Holt
County Bank, Jesse Banks, Clara Banks
and George W. E. Dorsey, as defendants, for
the sum of six hundred ten dollars and
seventy-eight cents and costs taxed at 140.OH
and accruing costs I have levied npon the
following premises taken as the property of
said defendants to satisfy said order of tale,
The south half of the northwest quarter,
the northwest quarter of northwest quarter
and west half of northeast quarter of tue
northwest quarter of section eleven 111],
township twenty-nine [28], range ten Liu]
west of the 6th p. m. in Holt oounty, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 18th
day of March, 1888, in front of
the court house in O’Neill that
being the building wherein the last term
of district court was held, at the hourof 2
o’clock p. m. of said dar. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 28th day of
December. 1892. H. C. McEVONY.
31-Sx Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
From the clerk of the district coart of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the district court of llolt county, Ne
braska, on the 30th day of September, 1802,
in favor of E. Benedict Oakley et al us
plaintiff and against Alexander Mills, Matll
la Mills. Leonard Seitz and Mrs. Leonard
Seitz as defendants for the‘oi m of ten hun
dred forty-three dollars ami costs taxed at
120.03 and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following premises laken as the property
jt said defendants to sdtlsfy said order of
isle, to-wit;
The north half of the southwest quarter
and lot No. four (4) of section three (a); also
northeast quarter of southeast quarter
if section four (4), all in
lownshlp thirty-two (32). range eleven (11)
west of the 6th p. m. lu Holt county, Ne
Ana will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in band, on the
13th day of March, A, !>., 1898, In front
nf the court house In O’Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term of district
court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock P.
M. of said day, when and where due attend
tlon will be given by the uqdersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 21st day of
December, 1882. • H.C. MeEVONY,
31-5x , Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska,|on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Chester County Guarantee Trust and Safe
Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Lorlng B.
ihepard and Harriett L. Shepard are defend
tnts, I will sell at public auctlod to the high
est bidder for cash in hand at the front door
ef the court house In said county, on the 27th
lay of March, 1893, at 9 o’clock A. M.. the fol
lowing described lands and tenements, to
satisfy the judgment and costs in said action
West half of northeast quarter; southeast
luarter of northwest auarter; east half of
southwest quarter; west half of southeast
luarter and southeast quarter of southeast
luarter all in section two f2) township thirty
two (8B) range twelve (12) in Holt oeunty,
N ebriska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
tlils20th day of February, 1898.
83-5 H. O. MeEVONY, Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
olerk of the district court of Holt county.
Nebraska, on a decree of foreclosure where
in Chester County Guarantee Trust and
Safe Deposit Company Is plaintiff and Sam
uel W. Halstead. C. H. Tonoray, Emma R.
Toncray and Ed F. Gallagher are defendants,
1 will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand at the front door of
the court-house in said county, on the 27th
day of March. 1893. at 9 o’clock A. m.. the fol
lowing described lands and tenements, to
satisfy the judgment and costs In said
action, to-wit:
Southeast quarter of section thirty-four
(31). township twenty-seven (27), range ten (10).
In Holt county, Nebraska.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 20th day of February, 1893.
83-5 H.C. MeEVONY, Sheriff.
WUUam A. te Poel. Ellen to Pool and A. J.
*tald“?t6 ?1U take notice that on
d.5L£L fi32S»5Ti.»». Martha o“
i.tiu u«y ui rcuruary, ___
Veeder, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska.
uiavi iv« t-uui . ui tiuit, uuuinr. x^eoraska
against said defendont*. the object and
prayer ofVhlch are to foreclose a certain
iimrtiruffa nvoAntarl ♦ V.^ A, . .....
•—■»— — -- \ luioviuse a certain
mortgage executed by the defendants. Wil
liam A. te Poel and Ellen te Poel. to the
plaintiff, upon the southwest quarter* of
section nineteen (19) and the south half of
the southwest quarter and south half of
southeast quarter of section twenty-nine (29)
i!?iri2?n l'?1,..wVst °* the sixth 16] principal
c.°unty, Nobraaki.,Sven to
fecure the payment of elevenuTlpnimlSS
notes, cated August 15, 1887; ine Til for g2>
due January 1,1888; nine [9] for 156, each du£
respectively on the 1st days of July ami Jan
That the-ie (s now due upon said notes and
mortgage, and for taxes paid by the plaint I if
till rate °0ff * »
February l, I8(w, for “which* Kun!'Unla|f^t«r
KiSSt'ESaEr* tl,at defendant8Pbe ^
Hated February 14.18OT.
n ,, MarthaO.VEKDBH.Plaintiff.
By B. II. Dickson, Looms a Aubot.
Her Attorneys,
Land Ornci at 0’Neh.l, Neb
„ .. , , January 23, 1KU
naNm«ttt §!«««
CHAHLBS MEDIC, II. E. 11044 for wv.,,
SWk section 11. township 28.
*Mipr *■ *• OnAwn, Register.
iy v. . -e.i-fc/V .v .v. • ’ ;•. v 1 •
' ' *
w« •»,£!£
JSasasg j-J
{t PWMM lenticular” toJKSJ
Don t wear poorly made
®eu wet reliables ones at tuj
Tudw a Adamantine lenaea
thecleraest crystal oblaUaaVfe1!
the nenre power, easy and“iK
the accomodation, they are 22
best adapted for optfcal
recommended by allthemffi2
medical fraternity. Including *
eg-govenor of Zacate
ex-gorenorof Ajuasc
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In this gounty to attend to ocrh
t ■ make collections.
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